Determinants of Demand

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Determinants of Demand

The main demand determinants of individual demand that are:-

1. Price of the Product

2. Income of the Consumer
3. Taste and Preferences
4. Price of related Good and Service
5. Advertisement, Promotion and Sales
6. Consumer Expectation

Determinants of Market Demand

1. Price of the Product
2. Growth of Population
3. Weather Condition
4. Tax Rate
5. Availability of Credit
6. Pattern Of Saving
7. Circulation Of Money

Demand Function
The demand function is an algebraic function of the relationship between
demand of the commodity and its various determinants that affect his quantity.

qD = f (price, income, prices of related goods, tastes, expectations)

Law of Demand
The law of demand states that other factors being constant, price and quantity
demand of any good and service are inversely related to each other. When
the price of a product increases, the demand for the same product will fall.
Assumptions of Law of Demands
1. No change in habits, customs and income of consumers.
2. Taste of the buyer should not change.
3. Price of other goods should remain constant.
4. No new substitute for the commodity available.
5. Price rise in future should not be expected.

Himanshu Singh

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