Evaluation de Ritis Ratio in Liver Associated Disease

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Evaluation of De Ritis ratio in liver-associated diseases

Article  in  International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health · January 2016

DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.24122015322


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Research Article

Evaluation of De Ritis ratio in liver-associated diseases

Kumari Shipra Parmar1, Ganesh Kumar Singh2, Govind Prasad Gupta3, Tanuja Pathak4, Sandeep Nayak5
Department of Biochemistry, M. B. Kedia Dental College, Tribhuvan University, Birgunj, Nepal.

Department of Microbiology, Nobel Medical College, Kathmandu University, Biratnagar, Nepal.


Department of Microbiology, M. B. Kedia Dental College, Tribhuvan University, Birgunj, Nepal.
Department of Pharmacology, M. B. Kedia Dental College, Tribhuvan University, Birgunj, Nepal.
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, M. B. Kedia Dental College, Tribhuvan University, Birgunj, Nepal.
Correspondence to: Kumari Shipra Parmar, E-mail: [email protected]

Received December 24, 2015. Accepted January 4, 2016


Background: Liver diseases are one of the common disorders encountered in clinical practice. Investigations in liver-
associated diseases are used to detect type of hepatic abnormality, to measure its severity, to define its structural effect
on the liver, to find out etiology of disorder, to assess prognosis, and to evaluate therapy. One should aim at a diagnosis
with simple and possibly noninvasive means, avoiding extensive examinations. De Ritis ratio (the ratio of serum aspartate
aminotransferase to serum alanine aminotransferase) has been proposed a valuable diagnostic marker to screen liver
Objective: To assess the significance of De Ritis ratio as a diagnostic marker in population of hepatic disorder.
Materials and Method: This is a retrospective study performed on records of 102 patients with liver diseases who were
treated at the out-patient clinic or admitted to Nobel Medical College, Biratnagar, Nepal, between June 15, 2015 and July
15, 2015. De Ritis ratio of all the patients were calculated from documented biochemical tests of AST and ALT. De Ritis
ratio and demographic profile of all the patients were analyzed by independent t -test and one-way ANOVA using software
SPSS 20 version.
Results: De Ritis ratio was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in viral hepatitis (0.8006 ± 0.14811) than the control group
(1.0934 ± 0.13508) and markedly increased (p = 0.000) in alcoholic liver disorder. Similarly, It is significantly increased
(p < 0.05) in nonalcoholic fatty liver disorder (1.2204 ± 0.17954), whereas insignificantly increased (p = 0.408) in cholestasis
(1.1378 ± 0.18045).
Conclusion: De Ritis ratio can be used as a prognostic marker of liver disorder and can be considered as a noninvasive,
cost–effective means of screening liver diseases.
KEY WORDS: De Ritis ratio, alcoholic liver disorder, viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic, fatty liver disorder, cholestasis

Introduction multifold functions such as metabolism of carbohydrates, pro-

teins and lipids; synthesis and excretion of bile; synthesis of
The liver is the largest organ in the body weighing about several plasma proteins such as albumin, fibrinogen, and pro-
1,400–1,600 g in males and 1,200–1,400 g in females performing thrombin; storage of vitamins (A, D, and B12) and iron; and
detoxification of xenobiotic. Hepatic injury is therefore associ-
ated with distortion of all these functions.[1,2]
Access this article online Liver diseases are classified into two categories—hepato-
Website: http://www.ijmsph.com Quick Response Code: cellular and cholestatic. In hepatocellular diseases, features
of liver injury, inflammation, and necrosis predominate while
DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.24122015322
in cholestatic diseases, features of inhibition of bile flow
predominate.[2] Evaluation of patients with liver disease should
be directed at establishing the etiologic diagnosis, estimating
the disease severity (grading) and establishing the disease
stage. Several biochemical tests are useful in the evaluation

International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Online 2016. © 2016 Kumari Shipra Parmar. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.

International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 09 (Online First) 1
Parmar et al.: De Ritis in screening hepatic disorder

and management of patients with hepatic diseases. In view and chronic active hepatitis have De Ritis ratio greater than 1.[6]
of multiplicity and complexity of the liver functions, a battery De Ritis ratio >2 is suggestive while >3 is highly suggestive of
of liver function tests (LFTs) are employed for accurate diag- ALD.[2] A ratio >4 may suggest Wilson disease.[7]
nosis, which include the aminotransferases, alkaline phos- There are many modalities available for imaging the liver,
phatase, bilirubin, albumin, and prothrombin time.[2] for example, USG, CT, and MRI. Liver biopsy is the most accu-
Assessment of liver cell injury is done by the estimation rate means of assessing severity and stage of liver damage.[2]
of serum aspartate transaminase or AST (formerly glutamic For accurate diagnosis of liver disorder, these techniques are
oxaloacetic transaminase or SGOT) and serum alanine more sensitive and specific.[1] But these are expensive and
transaminase or ALT (formerly glutamic pyruvic transaminase also liver biopsy is an invasive procedure with various com-
or SGPT). AST is found in the liver, cardiac muscle, skeletal plications.[8] De Ritis ratio is a noninvasive, cost–effective test
muscle, kidney, brain, pancreas, lungs, leukocytes, and to diagnose and differentiate liver disorder without causing
erythrocytes while ALT is found primarily in the liver. These any complications to the patient. But there are contradictory
enzymes are normally released into plasma at a constant reports on the usefulness of De Ritis ratio in differentiating
rate due to programmed cell death of hepatocytes but its various types of liver diseases.
permeability is increased when there is damage to liver cell The aim of this study is to estimate De Ritis ratio in patients
membrane.[2] Thus, ALT is more specific to hepatic necrosis with viral hepatitis, ALD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disorder
in comparison to AST. ALT is present only in liver cytoplasm (NAFLD), and cholestasis.
while AST is found in both hepatocyte cytoplasm (cAST) and
mitochondria (mAST) with approximately 80% of total AST
activity in human liver contributed by mAST.[3] Materials and Methods
The hepatic proportion of AST/ALT is 2.5:1. But half-life
(t1/2) of AST and ALT is 18 and 36 h, respectively; thus, AST is This is a retrospective study. This study was performed on
removed from blood twice as faster compared to ALT resulting records of 102 patients with liver diseases who were treated
nearly equal levels of AST and ALT in serum in healthy at the out-patient clinic or admitted to Nobel Medical College,
person. Furthermore, in healthy person, circulating AST in Biratnagar, Nepal, between June 15, 2015 and July 15, 2015.
blood consists mainly of cAST.[3] Any type of liver cell injury Data were collected from patient medical records and the
causes increased permeability of AST and ALT and can cause computerized departmental database. Out of 102 patients,
modest increase in the level of these enzymes. Levels upto 20 were diagnosed with viral hepatitis, 20 with ALD, 20 with
300 U/L are nonspecific, whereas levels >1000 U/L occur NAFLD, and 10 with cholestasis. Thirty-two patients were
in disorders associated with extensive hepatocellular injury considered as control whose lab tests and imaging modalities
such as viral hepatitis, ischemic liver injury, and toxin- or were normal. Subjects with HIV, muscle disorder, renal disorder,
drug-induced liver injury.[2] These conditions are characterized drug abuse, or drug affecting the liver disease were excluded
by extensive loss of hepatic parenchyma.[4] In alcoholic liver from the study. Demographic profile of all the patients were
disorder (ALD), the level of AST is rarely >300 U/L and ALT also recorded and analyzed.
is slightly increased or normal. These enzymes are not greatly
elevated in cholestatic diseases except during the acute Statistical Analysis
phase of biliary obstruction.[2] De Ritis ratio of all the patients was calculated. Values and
The ratio of serum activities of AST and ALT was described means of AST, ALT, and De Ritis ratio for control, ALD, viral
by Fernando De Ritis in 1957 and since then it is known as De hepatitis, NAFLD, and cholestasis were calculated separately
Ritis ratio. De Ritis described AST/ALT as useful indicator of and analyzed using SPSS for windows version 20. Com-
hepatitis and his work was confirmed and further investigated parison of means of variables among different groups was
by Wroblewski.[3] This ratio was originally used to distinguish performed with ANOVA. Comparison of means of De Ritis ratio
aminotransferase elevations of the inflammation type (De Ritis between control and individual cases was performed with
ratio <0.7) from the necrosis type (De Ritis ratio >0.7).[5]
independent t test. The p value <0.05 was considered statis-
Although there is considerable overlapping of values within
tically significant.
a given diagnosis, several studies have shown that this ratio
is useful in differential diagnosis and classification of hepatic
disorders. The ratio is particularly useful to differentiate intra- Results
hepatic >1.5 and extrahepatic <1.4 lesions. This ratio is most
useful when standard AST and ALT assays are used as Out of 102 subjects, 39 were male and 63 were female of
recommended by the International Federation of Clinical the age group 3–85 years. In control group 23 were females
Chemistry (IFCC), which is 1.15 normally.[6] For normal indi- with mean age 33 and 9 were males with mean age 62. In
vidual, De Ritis ratio vary from 0.7 to 1.4. In most of the acute ALD group, 12 were females with mean age 37 and 8 were
hepatocellular diseases such as acute viral hepatitis and males with mean age 43. In viral hepatitis group, 12 were
infectious mononucleosis, the De Ritis ratio is ≤1.[7] Chronic females with mean age 26 and 8 were males with mean age 43.
disorders such as alcoholic liver disease, postnecrotic cirrhosis, In NAFLD group, 10 were females with mean age 37 and 10

2 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 09 (Online First)
Parmar et al.: De Ritis in screening hepatic disorder

Table 1: Male and female patients

Control ALD Viral hepatitis NAFLD Cholestasis
Count Count Count Count Count
Female 23 12 12 10 6
Male 9 8 8 10 4

Table 2: Age and sex distribution in case and control

Control ALD Viral hepatitis NAFLD Cholestasis
Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max
Age F 33 14 70 37 19 72 26 4 48 37 10 70 28 18 44
Sex M 62 39 84 43 19 56 43 15 78 52 3 85 29 10 60

Table 3: Mean serum levels of AST, ALT, De Ritis ratio in cases and control
Disorder AST (Mean ± Std. Dev.) ALT (Mean ± Std. Dev.) De Ritis ratio (Mean ± Std. Dev.)
Control 28.9688 ± 7.12327 27.3125 ± 9.09249 1.0934 ± .13508
ALD 158.3000 ± 71.28084 78.8500 ± 39.71381 2.1253 ± .84766
Viral hepatitis 74.6500 ± 49.14883 94.4000 ± 59.87214 .8006 ± .14811
NAFLD 105.0500 ± 174.87243 96.1500 ± 174.55998 1.2204 ± .17954
Cholestasis 34.4000 ± 12.13992 31.2000 ± 13.02817 1.1378 ± .18045
P value 0.000 0.011 0.000

were males with mean age 52. In cholestatic group, 6 were Discussion
females with mean age 28 and 4 were males with mean age
29 (Figure 1, Tables 1 and 2). Aminotransferases are sensitive indicators of hepatocyte
Mean aspartate transaminase levels were markedly incre­ injury. The pattern of the aminotransferase elevation, that is,
ased in ALD (158.3000 ± 71.28084), viral hepatitis (74.6500 ± De Ritis ratio can be helpful diagnostically.[3] Viral hepatitis is
49.14883), NAFLD (105.0500 ± 174.87243), and only mildly a leading cause of virus-associated morbidity and mortality,
increased in cholestasis patients (34.4000 ± 12.13992) as affecting millions of people worldwide. In acute viral hepatitis,
compared to control (28.9688 ± 7.12327) (Figure 3). ALT is greater than AST. The peak level of aminotransferases
Mean alanine aminotransferase levels were also markedly has been found to be 400–4,000 U/L or more. De Ritis was
elevated in ALD (78.8500 ± 39.71381), viral hepatitis (94.4000 ± the first to describe that ALT is usually higher than AST with
59.87214), NALD (96.1500 ± 174.55998), and only slightly the AST/ALT ratio usually well below 1.0 and typically in the
elevated in cholestasis patients (31.2000 ± 13.02817) as range of 0.5–0.7.[3] Reason behind this has been postulated
compared to control (27.3125 ± 9.09249) [Figure 4]. that AST includes mAST isozymes and more time is needed
Mean De Ritis ratio is markedly raised in ALD but decre­ for these isozymes to pass through a second set of mem-
ased in viral hepatitis while slightly increased in patients with branes to reach plasma in comparison to ALT, which is found
NAFLD and cholestasis. The level was found to be 2.1253 ± in cytoplasm only.[6] When the inflammatory process of acute
0.84766, 0.8006 ± 0.14811, 1.2204 ± 0.17954, and 1.1378 ± viral hepatitis especially B and C merges into chronic hepatitis,
0.18045 as compared to control 1.0934 ± 0.13508 [Figure 5]. aminotransferase level falls below 100 U/L and De Ritis ratio
The means of AST, ALT, and De Ritis ratio of control and changes to ≥1.[4] Diagnosis of viral hepatitis is based on
cases were compared simultaneously with one-way ANOVA serological tests and polymerase chain reaction, which is
and the difference was found significant (p = 0.000, 0.011, and expensive and also not available in rural areas of Nepal. Thus,
0.000 for AST, ALT, and DE Ritis ratio, respectively) [Table 3]. multifold elevation of transaminases and a low De Ritis ratio
Mean of De Ritis ratio was compared between control and provides an important clue to the etiology of acute hepatitis.
each case separately by independent t test. The mean of De The De Ritis ratio for patients of viral hepatitis in our study was
Ritis ratio of control and ALD, viral hepatitis and NAFLD was 0.8006 ± 0.14811, which is consistent with the results of De
found to be significantly different (p = 0.000, 0.000, and 0.005, Ritis et al. (1965) and Hasan et al. (2013).[9,10]
respectively) while the comparison of mean of De Ritis ratio High alcohol consumption is one of the most common
of control and cholestasis was not significantly different causes of liver disorder. The prevalence of alcohol consump-
(p = 0.408). tion among Nepalese adults was 67% in 2006.[11] In alcoholic

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Parmar et al.: De Ritis in screening hepatic disorder

Figure 4: Mean of De Ritis in case and control.

Figure 1: Correlation of age and sex with case and control.

Figure 2: Mean AST level in case and control.

Figure 5: ROC curve.

Figure 3: Mean ALT level in case and control. Figure 6: Average AST, ALT, and De Ritis ratio in cases and control.

4 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 09 (Online First)
Parmar et al.: De Ritis in screening hepatic disorder

hepatitis, AST levels are typically higher than ALT with De Ri- aminotransferases are not highly increased in this disorder.[2]
tis ratio greater than 2.[12] The predominance of AST over ALT De Ritis ratio of ≥1.5 suggests intrahepatic cholestasis while
in alcohol-related disorder was first reported by Harinasuta values ≤1.5 suggest an extrahepatic process.[6] Our study
in 1967.[3] The aminotransferase levels are only moderately have shown slight increment of De Ritis ratio (p = 0.408) in
elevated in ALD, and ALT levels may even be normal.[4] Reasons comparison to control, which is consistent with the investiga-
for this are multifold. Chronic alcoholics are often deficient in tions by De Ritis et al. (1965).[9]
pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (vitamin B6), which is a necessary
coenzyme for both ALT and ALT synthesis. Deficiency of
Vitamin B6 decreases ALT synthesis to a greater extent than
AST synthesis.[13] In addition, alcohol itself induces the synthesis
The pattern of elevation of aminotransferases, that is,
and release of mAST, thereby increasing the De Ritis ratio.[4]
De Ritis ratio is lesser than 1 in viral hepatitis, <1 to 1.5 in
Next, mAST is found in perivenular area in the liver around
NAFLD and cholestasis, and >2 in ALD. Hence, the level of
the central vein. In ALD, since more perivenular hepatocytes
aminotransferases along with De Ritis ratio can be a useful
are damaged, mAST is elevated and hence De Ritis ratio gets
biochemical test to screen the population of liver disorder,
elevated. This is supported by the finding that normally most which is noninvasive and cost–effective method in less affluent,
of AST activity in serum is the cytosolic isoenzyme; however, undeveloped region where people cannot afford battery of liver
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6 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 09 (Online First)

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