Restorative Management of The Worn Dentition Pt1

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Restorative Management of the Worn

Dentition: 1.Aetiology and Diagnosis

Abstract: In this, the first of a four-part series on the restorative management of the Toothwear has been defined as loss of
worn dentition, the aetiological factors, diagnosis of toothwear and preventive measures
tooth substance resulting from abrasion,
are summarized. Later papers will deal with the management of localized anterior and
attrition and erosion9 (Table 1) acting
posterior toothwear, the use of ‘Dahl type’ appliances as an effective means for the
restorations and the various treatment options for the management of the dentition singly or concurrently.10 When wear is
showing generalized wear. The series will discuss the relative merits of the treatment due to more than one predominant
strategies, clinical techniques and dental materials for the restoration of health, aetiological factor, special terms have
function and aesthetics for the dentition. been suggested to highlight the
multiplicity of causes. For example:
Dent Update 2002; 29: 162–168

Clinical Relevance: Management of patients with toothwear requires thorough  ‘abrosion’ describes enamel
understanding of the causes and their prevention. This paper reviews the aetiological removed with a toothbrush after
factors and assists the readers in reaching a diagnosis. enamel has been softened by acid
(abrasion and erosion);
 ‘demastication’ refers to enamel
worn away by attrition (mastication)
after erosion (demineralization).11

I t has been argued that the prolonged

retention of cusps in the human
dentition is a relatively recent
attention of the dental profession in the
last few decades. A large dental health
survey of middle-aged adults showed
The combination of a hard toothbrush, an
evolutionary aberration due to the low that increasing toothwear was observed abrasive toothpaste and an intensive
abrasiveness of modern diets, and that with age for cervical, occlusal and horizontal brushing technique is believed
human teeth should be worn down to incisal surfaces.2 Epidemiological to cause well-defined, V-shaped notches
achieve maximum masticatory efficiency, studies of young adults reported that in the cervical regions of one or more
as occurs in the dentitions of many prevalence of toothwear was in the facial tooth surfaces, where the dentine
herbivorous mammals.1 Although some range 6–45%.3–5 Several investigations
degree of toothwear is accepted as a have also provided useful information
normal part of the ageing process, on the prevalence of toothwear in Abrasion Wear process involving
foreign objects sliding or
problems associated with toothwear children in relation to dental erosion.6–8 rubbing against the tooth
have increasingly been attracting the Although comparisons of these surfaces.
epidemiological studies are not feasible
Abfraction Non-carious cervical lesions
because of the different criteria used, caused by tensile stress
Frederick C.S. Chu, BDS(Hons), MSc, FRACDS, toothwear caused by different generated from occlusal
MRDRCS,Assistant Professor, Hak K.Yip, BDS, aetiological factors is prevalent in loading, and microfracture
of cervical enamel rods.
MEd, MMedSci, PhD, FRACDS, FADM,Assistant different age groups and populations.
Professor, Philip R.H.Newsome, BChD(Hons), This four-part series of papers aims to Attrition Wear process of the tooth
MBA, PhD, FDSRCS, MRDRCS,Associate substance by tooth-to-
summarize current knowledge of the
Professor, Tak W. Chow, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRACDS, tooth contact.
FDSRCS, DRDRCS,Associate Professor,The aetiology and diagnosis of toothwear,
University of Hong Kong, and Roger J. Smales, and to present logical steps for the Erosion Loss of dental hard tissues
MDS(Hons), DDSci, FDSRCS, FADM,Visiting management of different degrees of by non-bacteriogenic acid
Research Fellow, Dental School,Adelaide etching.
localized and generalized toothwear
affecting the adult dentition. Table 1. Definitions.9,11,13,28

162 Dental Update – May 2002


 lesions can be found on only one control of dental caries and periodontal
tooth in one segment; disease, it is likely that retention of
 lesions found in subgingival natural teeth into older age will lead to a
regions; higher prevalence of worn dentition as a
 the presence of such lesions in result of attrition.18
animals. Parafunctional habits such as bruxism
and clenching were also believed to be
An SEM study reported that the tip of important factors in causing
such lesions can be rounded or sharp, accelerated attrition. However, short-
Figure 1. Non-carious cervical lesions on buccal and the mesial and distal angles were term studies showed that toothwear
surfaces of 1/2. connected by one or more internal was not significantly different between
grooves. The rounded-tip lesion is bruxists and non-bruxists.19,20 The
and cementum are less wear-resistant thought to have an erosion component.16 difference between clinical impressions
than coronal enamel (Figure 1). Location and research reports may be because
of the abrasion (three-body wear) the effects of bruxism are slow and
lesions depends on tooth alignment Attrition short-term studies were not sensitive
and/or which hand is holding the Attrition resulting from tooth-to-tooth enough to detect the small changes.
toothbrush – more lesions occur on the contact (two-body wear) produces well Other factors predisposing to
left side with right-handed persons, and defined wear facets on the functional attrition include developmental dental
vice versa. Other habits causing surfaces of teeth in one jaw which match defects,21 coarse diet, natural teeth
abrasion include the misuse of dental corresponding lesions on teeth in the opposing coarse porcelain (Figure 3),
floss and toothpick, and pipe-smoking. other jaw (Figure 2). While ‘cupping’ of pseudo-Class III incisal relationship
Thread biting, and holding hair-grips the incisal edges (a shallow concavity of (Figure 4) and lack of posterior support
between the teeth can lead to abrasion the incisal edge surrounded by enamel) (Figure 5).
defects of incisal tooth edges in could also be due to acid attack on
seamstresses and hairdressers, dentine, it was postulated that this
respectively. appearance could be a result of three- Erosion
body wear or abrasion (as in the presence Erosion of tooth substance may be
of food) because dentine has lower wear caused by intrinsic or extrinsic acids,
Abfraction and erosion resistance than enamel.17 and modified by changes of salivary
Abrasion alone cannot satisfactorily With improved life expectancy and flow and constituents.
explain how every cervical non-carious
lesion occurs. The concept of ‘stress-
induced cervical lesions’ was introduced
a b
to explain how wedge-shaped Class V
lesions can be created by repeated
compression and flexure of the teeth
under occlusal loading. Dentine is more
elastic than enamel,12 and enamel rods
can be fractured in such situations. In
older adults, enamel crazing and
microfractures are more common. This
may explain why such lesions are more Figure 2. (a) Attrition of 321/ and 321/of a bruxist. (b) Right lateral view.
prevalent in older age groups. The term
abfraction was used to describe this
‘stress corrosion’ mechanism (Table 1). a b
However, the physiochemical effects of
an acidic environment may also be
The ‘stress corrosion’ theory has been
supported by a number of observations:

 in vitro evidence of tensile stresses

created in the cervical region under
occlusal loading;14 Figure 3. (a) Natural teeth opposing porcelain crown /1. (b) Attrition of 21/1 by porcelain crown
 a high incidence in bruxists;15 on /1.

Dental Update – May 2002 163


mouth, and the buffering effects of

a b
saliva and plaque are still not clearly

Flow of Saliva
Reduced salivary flow following surgical
excision of one or more major salivary
glands, Sjögren’s syndrome, drug intake
(e.g. antidepressants, sedatives,
Figure 4. (a, b) Attrition of incisal edges of 1/1 and pseudo-Class III incisal malocclusion. tranquillizers), or radiotherapy in the
head and neck region predisposes not
only to rapid caries development but
also to dental erosion. In addition to its
a b diluting and flushing effects, changes in
flow rate of saliva may also affect its
buffering capacity, and concentrations
of secreted ions available for

Patterns of Toothwear in Erosion

Eroded tooth surfaces have less well
defined extensions than attrition
Figure 5. (a, b) Attrition of 1/ because of lack of posterior support.
lesions. The enamel has a matted
surface, and dentine may be exposed
with continuous erosion. The
a b distribution and severity of erosive
lesions depend on how acidic
substances were consumed or held in
the mouth. Palatal erosion of upper
anterior teeth has been attributed to
intrinsic and extrinsic acids, which may
be held by the tongue against the teeth
(Figure 6). The acid may contact
immediately with the palatal surfaces
Figure 6. (a) Erosion of palatal surfaces of 321/123 in a patient with bulimia nervosa. (b)
when it is regurgitated forcibly.
Erosion of cervical region of 21/12 of the same patient.
Generalized but less severe toothwear
may be seen with extrinsic acids, with
labial/buccal and incisal/occlusal
Acid erosion consumption of acidic beverages by surfaces being more commonly
Gastric juice, an intrinsic acid containing children and adolescents during the affected. Erosion can lead to old
a high concentration of hydrochloric past decade or so has had a significant amalgam restorations becoming
acid, is normally confined to the effect on the incidence of dental erosion ‘outstanding’ (Figure 7). Severe
stomach by the gastro-oesophageal among young people: acidic beverages erosion may also increase the
sphincter, although medical problems have been reported as major aetiological
such as alcoholism-induced gastritis, factors in 40% of young adult patients
pregnancy sickness and hiatus hernia, with anterior toothwear.22 Soft drinks
and eating disorders such as anorexia may contain phosphoric and organic
nervosa or bulimia nervosa, may lead to acids, and fruit juices contain citric and
gastro-oesophageal reflux disorders and maleic acids.
voluntary regurgitation. An in vitro study reported that
Extrinsic acids are found in the diet concentration, type of dietary acids, and
(wine, soft drinks, preserved foods, the exposure time can greatly influence
medications, etc.) or the environment the erosion of enamel and dentine.23
(e.g. vaporized sulphuric acids from However, relationships between erosion
batteries, poorly buffered chlorine in and the pH values of foods and drinks,24 Figure 7. Outstanding amalgam on occlusal
swimming pools). The increased the holding time of the foodstuffs in the surface of 6/ because of erosion.

164 Dental Update – May 2002


C/O: Dental sensitivity Y/N translucency of anterior teeth, before

Tooth fracture Y/N thin enamel and dentine fracture.
Poor masticatory function Y/N Erosion as an aetiological factor of
Poor aesthetic of front teeth Y/N
Others: toothwear should not be overlooked:
history taking and clinical investigations
HPC: Duration: Years Months Days should attempt to reveal the possible
MH: Intrinsic acid presence of acid(s).
Eating disorders Y/N
Gastritis: e.g. alcoholism Y/N
Medication: e.g. chewing vitamin C tablet (ascorbic acid), DIAGNOSIS
taking dilute HCl for hypochlorohydria Y/N
Pregnancy: related gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder Y/N Before any intervention or restorative
Idiopathic gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder Y/N treatment, the nature and duration of a
Reduced salivary flow
Dehydration Y/N patient’s chief complaints and
Surgical excision of salivary glands Y/N expectations must be ascertained.
Radiotherapy in head and neck region Y/N Diagnosis of the causes of toothwear
Drug-induced xerostomia Y/N
Autoimmune disease, e.g. Sjögren’s syndrome Y/N may not be easy, partially because the
patient may not recognize the signs or
DH: Construction of porcelain restorations Y/N symptoms themselves, or might not
FSH: Bruxism/clenching Y/N want to volunteer sensitive information
Extrinsic acid (such as an eating disorder).
Soft/sports drink consumption Y/N Apart from using a routine medical
Wine Y/N
Vinegar preserved food Y/N questionnaire, emphasis may be placed on
Occupation: medical conditions predisposing to
O/E: erosion because of gastro-oesophageal
E/O: TMJ pain Y/N
OVD satisfactory Y/N reflux and reduction of salivary flow
RVD satisfactory Y/N (Figure 8). Close collaboration with
Amount of freeway space: mm medical colleagues is indicated for the
I/O: Soft-tissue pathology Y/N investigation and management of
Periodontal charting Y/N underlying medical problems. For example:
Dentine sensitivity Y/N
Endodontic treatment need Y/N
If yes, which tooth:  the gastroenterologist can place a
24-hour pH meter in the
Coronal tissue loss (with dentine exposure = TWI 3/4): oesophagus to investigate the
Cervical lesions (teeth: ) Y/N
Localized anterior (teeth: ) Y/N frequency and severity of reflux
Localized posterior (teeth: ) Y/N before medical and/or surgical
Generalized (teeth: ) Y/N treatment;
Occlusal relationship
Anterior crossbite (teeth: ) Y/N  a psychiatrist can counsel patients
Defective contacts and mandibular deviation Y/N with eating disorders for correction
Interocclusal clearance between worn teeth in ICP Y/N of their misconceptions about self-
Difference between ICP and RCP Y/N
Vertical Large/Small image;
Horizontal Large/Small  a physician may replace drugs
Functional need because of multiple missing posterior predisposing to xerostomia with
Teeth (according to SDA):
Aesthetics appropriate alternatives.
Short clinical crown Y/N
Uneven fracture incisal edges Y/N Evaluation of the family and social
Satisfactory existing relation between incisal edges Y/N
and lower lip line history can reveal if the patient is under
unusual stress, which may be related to
Ix 1. Study models were taken Y/N bruxism, changes in diet, and
2. Photos were taken Y/N
3. Salivary test regurgitation. A diet sheet is useful for
Resting salivary flow: ml/min recording the quantity and frequency of
Stimulated salivary flow: ml/min intake of citrus fruits and carbonated
Buffering capacity:
4. Radiographs were taken drinks.
Bitewings (left/right) Clinical examination of the dentition
Periapical (teeth: ) has two primary objectives:

Figure 8. Examination form for assessing patients with toothwear. 1. To document and record the

166 Dental Update – May 2002


In addition to the relief of pulpal pain,

a b
the management of dentine sensitivity
and the smoothing of sharp teeth, a
number of preparatory procedures
should be carried out to facilitate the
restorative management of the worn
dentition: for example, sensitive cervical
cavities should be restored using resin
composite, glass ionomer cements or
Figure 9. (a) Relationship between lower lip line and incisal edges of worn anterior teeth.
Elongation of the worn anterior teeth is feasible. (b) Relationship between lower lip line and incisal Efforts should be made to eliminate or
edges of worn anterior teeth. Elongation of the worn teeth would lead to an excessively long control the aetiological factors. To
clinical crown. prevent further cervical abrasion, a
correct toothbrushing technique with
suitable dentrifices has to be introduced
location, appearance and degree of difference exists between RCP and as early as possible. Object-biting habits
toothwear. intercuspal position (ICP), the available (once recognized) must cease. Patients
2. To evaluate the progress of space between the anterior teeth may be with erosion caused by dietary acids
toothwear over time. useful for anterior restoration. In such should be instructed to reduce the
cases, a new ICP must be provided by quantity and frequency of such
Toothwear does not preclude primary occlusal adjustments. Stone casts allow consumption, and to avoid abrasive
dental diseases such as periodontitis easier assessment of toothwear, while toothbrushing immediately afterwards.
and caries. Therefore, full examination intra-oral photographs are helpful for Patients with eating disorders should be
should be carried out. The modified identification of areas of dentine/pulp referred to a medical practitioner for
toothwear index (TWI)2,25 had been exposure. Direct clinical observation of advice and treatment. The use of soft
proposed as a tool for quantifying the the patient at rest and during speech, vinyl mouthguards filled with
degree of damage to different tooth and the use of photographs for analysis magnesium hydroxide could be
surfaces, and possible identification of of the smile line in relation to the level of considered for use by bulimic patients
aetiological factors. However, its clinical incisal edges, are essential. If before deliberate vomiting. Such
application is limited as the naked eye dentoalveolar compensation has mouthguards can be loaded with neutral
can detect only wear of more than 100 occurred, further lengthening of the fluoride gel (e.g. Karigel-N, Young
microns,26 and it is impossible to identify anterior teeth by restoration alone might Dental, Missouri, USA) to promote
minute changes over time without more not be acceptable, and clinical crown remineralization of tooth tissues and
sophisticated research methods unless lengthening may be required (Figure 9). reduce tooth sensitivity.
toothwear is very rapid. Periapical and bitewing radiographs are To protect teeth from further attrition,
Clinical examination can be important for assessment of thickness of an occlusal splint made in hard acrylic
supplemented with high-density stone remaining enamel and dentine, as well as resin can be prescribed if most of the
study casts, intra-oral photographs, existing crown/root ratios, location of teeth are retained. The maxillary splint
radiographs, and salivary tests. The furcations and presence of periapical should have full occlusal coverage,
stone casts can be mounted in retruded pathoses. Records of resting and multiple occlusal contacts on closure,
contact position (RCP) on a semi- stimulated salivary flow rates and and correct anterior guidance (Figure
adjustable articulator for occlusal and salivary buffering capacity are relatively 11). For patients with attrition of anterior
space analyses. If a ‘horizontal’ inexpensive investigations for patients teeth and multiple missing anterior teeth,
suspected of suffering from reduced removable partial dentures are
salivary flow (Figure 10).


Before any definitive restorative
treatment is undertaken, plaque-induced
dental diseases such as caries and
periodontal disease should be
controlled. The long-term success of
Figure 10. Commercial product for testing rehabilitation is dependent on good oral
salivary buffering capacity. hygiene and regular maintenance. Figure 11. Hard acrylic maxillary occlusal splint.

Dental Update – May 2002 167


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implications and even considerations have been better placed at the end of
BOOK REVIEW for female patients. The editors rightly each chapter.
highlight the need for precise Despite the prominent disclaimer
Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Use in strategies and guidelines governing about the differences in suggestions
Dental Practice, 2nd ed. M.G. Newman the use of antibiotics, however, I was between chapters – I feel this text has
and A.J. van Winklehoff, eds. unable to detect either of these in the lost an opportunity for consensus
Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd., text. between such a distinguished group
New Malden, 2001 (304pp., £27.00 There are 21 contributors to the text of contributors with some clear and
p/b). ISBN 0-86715-397-0. and this has probably contributed to concise guidelines for practitioners.
some confused messages and The book has a distinct North
Superbugs and antibiotic resistance inconsistencies, for example, the use of American feel to it which may or may
are rarely out of the headlines these tetracyclines in the prophylaxis of not appeal to the reader. As a result,
days and the dental profession, in line bacterial endocarditis. The layout of the many of the drugs, for example,
with other prescribers, have a duty to text with key facts, clinical insights and ciprofloxacin and dosages are either
prescribe antibiotics judiciously. A important principles lost their impact on not in the Dental Practitioners
text on antibiotics and antibiotic use in reading each chapter. Some important Formulary or do not comply with
dental practice should therefore be a messages, although eloquently written, current UK practice guidelines, for
welcome addition to the practitioners seemed to get lost in the text, for example ‘loading doses of penicillin
bookshelf. This second edition, edited example, ‘Antibiotics should be used VK of 1000mg’. In view of these
by Newman and Winklehoff, is very selectively in the treatment of issues, I would find this text difficult
certainly comprehensive. There are periodontal disease. Narrow indications to recommend to UK dental
chapters on new and evolving clinical should replace the indiscriminate practitioners.
issues such as oral malodour, repeated use advocated by some Andrew Smith
paediatrics, implant dentistry, legal manufacturers.’ These key facts would University of Glasgow Dental School

168 Dental Update – May 2002

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