ABC Technologies - Coursework Case Study

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ABC Technologies started as a printing company and has since diversified into 3D graphics printing and software development. They acquired A&B Technologies, a CRM software developer, and have seen business boom since but face several information security challenges.

ABC Printing was founded in 2011 by Paul Evans and Sally McCarty. In 2016, they acquired the bankrupt A&B Technologies and renamed the combined company to ABC Technologies to reflect their expanded activities in software. The merger created a company with over 500 employees across printing, 3D graphics, and software divisions.

Following the acquisition, Sabina Senat was hired as CEO to oversee restructuring which included establishing a formal board of directors. Paul Evans now manages the Leeds office focused on sales while Sally McCarty remains in Bradford overseeing other operations.

ISO 27000 Framework



CASE STUDY ABC Technologies

This case study has been developed by PECB

(PECB Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved)
Company History

ABC Technologies is the new name of ABC Printing. Paul Evans (President) and
Sally McCarty (Executive Vice-President) created ABC Printing in 2011 at the end
of their university studies. The Yorkshire company saw rapid expansion. It had 253
employees in 2016 when Paul and Sally decided to diversify their activities by
venturing out into 3D graphics printing. This activity, then emerging with the
development of information technologies, was supported by both senior executives
who saw in it the means to strike a balance between their traditional activities and
what they considered the future of the printing industry.

These longtime friends are enthusiasts of new technologies. They have always
known that the information technology sector had a great growth potential.
Conscious of the importance of information and technologies, Paul and Sally
seized an opportunity offered them in 2016: A&B Technologies, a company that
developed and commercialised Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
software, and that was located about a hundred meters from their premises, went
bankrupt. Since their printing and computer graphics activities generated cash
surpluses, they decided to buy out A&B Technologies. ABC Printing was then
renamed to ABC Technologies to display an image more in line with its new field
of activity. The merging of ABC Printing and A&B Technologies produced a
company with 567 employees distributed as follows: 556 employees in the printing
and 3D graphics divisions, and 11 employees in the CRM division.

The software developed by A&B Technologies facilitates the acquisition of
information, including customer data entry (name, contact information, availability,
recreation). It allows a company to store, control and modify information, plan
tasks, annotate notifications as well as several other functions. Three products are
distributed: ABC Supreme (£3,995), ABC Pro (£495) and ABC (£295).

ABC Technologies’ head office is located in Bradford. This location combines the
printing, 3D graphics printing and software development activities.

Following the growth of the company, another office was opened in Leeds in 2012.

Paul Evans decided to take charge of the Leeds office, where sales and services
are managed. Since these involve a strong need for managing customer relations,
he was the best candidate for the job thanks to his communication and negotiation
skills. Administration team was also located in Leeds.

Sally McCarty stayed in Bradford to manage software development, printing, 3D

printing graphics, and IT services because of her technical competencies.

To finance the growth of the company, ABC Technologies concluded an

investment agreement of over 2 million dollars with a capital investment fund. With
this agreement, investors insisted that ABC restructure the company governance
by having a formal Board of Directors and hiring an experienced CEO. Sabina
Senat was hired as CEO to manage all the firm’s activities. Known for her
outspokenness and her direct actions, Mrs. Senat was involved in the restructuring
of several start-ups.

Since the take-over of A&B Technologies, business is booming. The software

activity has made important sales thanks to various distribution channels which
include direct sales, indirect sales (partnerships), as well as recent web sales.
Unfortunately, the growth of the software activity has produced serious
management, organization and operation problems. These problems include the
loss of important information, the loss of several contracts, and more important
still, the loss in confidence of some customers. In addition, the number of new
competitors and similar products on the market has rapidly increased, and has

started to slow the growth of the company’s software activity.

In light of these developments and to regain the confidence of their customers,

Sabina Senat, Paul Evans and Sally McCarty decided to implement the ISO/IEC
27001 standard and to get certified.

ABC Technologies Facilities

Head Office (Bradford)

All the employees have desktop computers connected through a network and
operating with Windows 10 operating system. The network is connected to a
central file server. This server is used to store all relevant information, such as
orders sent by email in PDF format from the Leeds office, production records,
personnel data, and the information on the design of products.

Sales Office (Leeds)

The Leeds office has the same configuration as the head office. The personnel
use desktop computers that operate with Windows 10. The network is also
connected to a central server, which is used to store customer data, customer
orders, financial and accounting records, and contracts of partnerships. The sales
team is concentrated in this sales office under the supervision of Owen Roger.
And, all orders are transferred by email to Paul Evans who is in contact with Sally
McCarty for deliveries.

IT Network


The head office system and IT network are managed by William Clay, IT Manager,
Peter Ly, Network Supervisor, and Fred Jones, Helpdesk Supervisor. Billy Davis,
the Helpdesk Technician at Sales Office, manages the network and the helpdesk,
and writes and sends monthly reports to Fred Jones, as do Helpdesk Technicians
at Head Office.

Recent Facts and Events

After the arrival of the new CEO, Mrs. Senat, the following employees were fired:

• Peter Campbell, previous CEO

• Ian Kovalev, Accounting VP
• Katie Harper, Marketing Assistant

Additionally, the following events took place:

• The Bradford office alarm system does not work and the company that
installed it went bankrupt two months ago
• Julia Robinson, the website designer, was sick for one month
• Eric Lewis was informed by a customer that Steven Baker and Ian Kovalev
were hired by their competitor, BearClan
• Personal information on customers is kept in a database with no security
measures in place to protect it
• Although a formal description of the employees’ roles and responsibilities
exists but, several employees perform additional tasks and do not adhere
to the document
• ABC Technologies has bought a list of 500,000 emails of potential
customers from a company located in the Bahamas to launch an Internet
advertising campaign
• A corporate website of ABC Technologies was built by a website
development company that also took responsibilities of relevant updates.

Organization Chart
Sabina Senat

Software activity team (CRM) 3D Graphics

IT team Printing team Administration team

President Vice-President HR Manager Financial

Paul Evans Sally McCarty 3D Printing Jack Johns Manager
(Leeds) (Bradford) Graphics Manager Maria Garcia
Manager Tony Roch
James George
Receptionist Secretary/ Assistant Payroll
Lea Johnson Receptionist IT Supervisor Supervisor Internal Security and
Andrea William Clay Jennifer Audit Environment
Assistant Gordon Supervisor
Sales Stevenson Supervisor
Supervisor Emily Andrew
Chris Roger O’Connor Hakinen
Manager Legal Advisor
Sales Persons Software and
Supervisor Management
Maria Alves Development Supervisor
Peter Ly Controller
Mathieu Martin Sam Gold for Customer
and Supplier Dennis
and Kim Luong Williams Security
Analyst Network Accounts
Debby Martinez Technicians 3D Printing Team Thomas Smith
Customer Richard Graphics
Service Feringa Team
Supervisor Jackson
Supervisor Customer
Eric Lewis Information Patrick Account
Security O’Grady Assistant
Alan Brown
Agents Alexander Fox
Alison Parker,
Lucas Morris & Quality Control Supplier
IT Support
Robert Buttler Analyst Account
Fred Jones
Paul Lee Assistant
Marketing Patricia Ducan
John Rodick Support
Programmer Technicians
Mick Harris Francis Smith
Web Designer
Reese Taylor
Julia Robinson
Malcom Porter
Billy Davis
Implementation of the ISMS

To prove ABC Technologies’ competence in information security and gain greater

confidence from its customers, you have been employed as a consultant by Sally
McCarty to implement the ISO/IEC 27001 prerequisites to obtain certification.

The implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 is done by creating an ISMS. You must

firstly formally define and clarify the scope of the ISMS, however, with this in mind,
it has already been decided that only ABC Technologies’ software activity would
be included in the ISMS. During a meeting with Sabina Senat and the persons in
charge of the software activity, it was estimated that the information to protect was:

• the product development plan (design, development costs, source code,

• the marketing plans (the company’s development strategy),
• the human resources data,
• the customer database,
• the financial and accounting data,
• all contracts (partnerships, employees, contractors).

The information assets considered to be the most important are the product
source code, and the company financial and accounting data.


To account for the external threats, the managers have extended the ISMS scope
by incorporating SoftProd, a database which contains information on ABC’s
products, and the companies in charge of maintenance on both sites.

You must take into account that each employee can connect to the network from
anywhere, through an Internet connection, using their own login and password
thanks to a VPN.

Following the clarification of the ISMS scope, you should create:

1. Formative and Final Scope

2. Formative and Final Risk Assessment following OCTAVE Allegro. Please
focus on one critical asset in Worksheet 8 and three areas of concern
in Worksheets 10.
3. Statement of Applicability
4. Document Development:
a. Background Terms
b. Master List of Documents
c. Remote Access Policy and three policies of your choice to show
you understand the steps needed to implement your complete ISMS

Additionally, please write Introduction (as a general introduction to a document)

The key to this assessment is the reflective narrative related to academic literature
around the development of your ISMS. You can structure this such that you reflect
on each stage or that you have a reflective piece that encompasses all you have

You must make assumptions about some components of the ISMS if this
information is not available in the case study, but you need it for the effective
implementation of the ISMS.


Looking at the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, you must decide the appropriate order to
carry out the tasks. However, you must make sure you clarify ABCs attitude to risk
and therefore establish the risk treatment plan (transfer, avoidance, acceptance,
or reduction). The ISMS policy has been developed and is below for clarification
of the objectives.

ISMS Policy


- The object of this policy is to define the policy of the Information Security
Management System for ABC Technologies.


- Information Security Management System (ISMS): Part of the total

management system, based on a business risk approach, allowing to establish,
implement, operate, control, review, maintain and improve information security.
- Information Security is the protection of information from a set of threats to
ensure business continuity, reduce business risks to a minimum, and maximize
the return on investment and business opportunities.

Scope and Application

- The current policy applies to all Users. The use of Information Assets by a User
constitutes in itself an implied acceptance of the policy.
- It is up to the Support Department Manager, in cooperation with ABC
Technologies Management, to ensure the respect of this policy and to take the
necessary measures to apply it.



- Clarify the organization’s security strategy.

- Ensure that the appropriate information and critical actions are protected from
- Ensure that, in case of system error or any other threat, all the appropriate
information and critical assets maintain a satisfactory level of confidentiality,
integrity and availability, as determined by management.
- Ensure that, in case of error, disaster or any other problem that can threaten
ABC Technologies, ABC’s commercial operations continue to operate with a
minimum degree of obstruction.
- Create a security culture involving employees.


- The policy must be approved by management.

- All the critical information of ABC Technologies, which includes: the data stored
on computers, the information transmitted over the networks, printed or written
on paper, sent by fax, stored on cassettes or diskettes, or transmitted verbally
in conversations or over the telephone must be protected from any threat
whether it be internal or external, deliberate or accidental.
- Any authorization for access to information given to a person must be defined
and approved by the person’s supervisor.
- Vital information and services must be available to authorized users when and

where they need them with the lowest level of interruption possible.
- Information integrity must be maintained, and its exactness and completeness
must be ensured to protect it against changes and unauthorized accesses.
- Information confidentiality must be ensured. The date of human or electronic
communications must be protected to ensure that valuable or sensitive
information is protected against unauthorized disclosures or inevitable
interruptions. The organization must conform to all the IT sector regulatory and

legal specifications to avoid any fines or financial costs caused by
nonconformity to the law.
- A management framework of business continuity must be provided using a
business continuity plan to counter business activity interruptions and to protect
the critical business processes in case of disaster. The business continuity plan
must be maintained, tested and reviewed to be efficient in case of an event that
can cause damages to ABC Technologies.
- ABC Technologies must train its employees on information security by putting
in place a continuous awareness program on the importance of information
security and the participation to the necessary trainings.
- Real or suspected security breaches must be evaluated and reported to the
competent authorities.
- Adequate access control must be put in place and the information must be
protected against unauthorized accesses.
- To support the ISMS, all policies, procedures and guidelines must be available
in print or electronic version to all authorized persons by means of an internal
network system (intranet).
- All supervisors are responsible for implementing the ISMS in their Department.
- All personnel have the responsibility to adhere to the ISMS policy.
- In case of an information security problem, the situation must be handled using
ABC’s risk management framework.

Title: ISMS Policy No: MTR-POL

Revision Date: January 2019
ABC Number of pages: 3
Issued by Alan Brown Division: ABC Technologies Approved by: Paul Evans

Additional Notes

1. Software developed by ABC Technologies is held in a Software-as-a-Service

(SaaS) environment provided by ABCloud. Although the organization has
signed ABCloud’s standard terms and conditions, it is unclear what security
requirements ABCloud must fulfil. It is understood that ABCloud have data
centres in the UK, USA and India and some personal data may therefore be
held on ABCloud servers in these countries
2. Although policies have been developed, it is not clear when or if they have
been reviewed and what the process is
3. Sally McCarty’s laptop was stolen from a train station last week
4. It has become clear that Jennifer Gordon’s contract for employment was not
signed. It isn’t clear if she was even aware that she had to sign it. If she was
to leave, ABC Technologies would be in difficulty as nobody knows how to
do her job and she wouldn’t have to give a period of notice
5. ABC Technologies have had a recent office move and printed copies of
source code were left on the floor for the cleaners to move
6. The asset register is very basic, and it is not clear if this is up to date
7. Contingency plans for when people are off sick or leave need developing
8. An access control policy was never developed
9. Physical access control is outsourced as the premises are managed by the
leasing company
10. A clear desk policy is in operation, but staff members are still leaving
paperwork out over the evening and at weekends
11. Staff members also work from home and need remote access at times. Some
work needs to be done around removing equipment and what is and is not
12. A clear policy and suitable environment are needed for development and
testing of software

13. It isn’t clear if backups have ever been tested
14. The company has efficient and effective logging and monitoring activities. All
are kept up to date, reviewed appropriately and stored securely
15. Installation of software and the integrity of operational systems are
maintained effectively
16. Network segregation needs clarification
17. The company needs to spend some time developing useful transfer policies
and procedures. Staff don’t know what it is acceptable and what is not
18. As the company wants to focus on software development, the company
needs to ensure that information security is applied to the complete
development lifecycle. This needs to be embedded in all aspects (from initial
planning to testing)
19. Supplier relationships and contracts are key; clarification with suppliers and
their part in ensuring security of information is essential. Contracts are in
place, but these don’t include all the necessary activities. In particular service
delivery needs to become better controlled
20. Only the important incidents related to the network are documented and
discussed during the IT team’s weekly meeting
21. The last review of security controls took place 18 months ago
22. The organization assumes it complies with all legislation, but there isn’t a
definitive list of applicable legislation
23. The review of compliance with policy, standards and procedures is overdue.


A timeframe has never been fixed but managers appear to do this when
incidents happen.


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