Contoh Soal UTS Bhs Inggris Dasar Oktober 2021

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FORM Tgl. Terbit :
UTS - UAS No. Revisi :
Jl. Surya Kencana No. 1, Pamulang
Halaman : 1
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15415


Kurikulum : KKNI/KBK Semester : 01
Fakultas/Prodi : Ekonomi/Manajemen Hari :
Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS DASAR Tanggal :
Bobot SKS : 2 SKS Ruangan :
Dosen : Ida Nurlina, S. Pd., M.M. Kelas :
Nama Mahasiswa : ……………………………………….

Petunjuk Pengisian soal :

1. Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal
2. Jawab pertanyaan dengan tepat dan benar
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang dianggap paling mudah menurut Anda

I. Complete the sentences below using one article a, an or the

1. I had ……..amusing experience last year.
2. I have ………responsibility as ……… mother.
3. Do you wear ……… uniform ?
4. Look at ……… blackboard, please !
5. Look at ………. Old woman crying over there. Please let me know who she is.
6. Siska and …….. chef from the this restaurant have been cooking …….. plate of Sundanese
7. ……….. oil company has been seriously driven by ………. Dave brothers for six years.
8. I plan to buy ………. Electronic device in ……….electronic shop but I don’t know what I
should by.

II. fill in the blanks with the most appropriate personal pronoun.

1. Let ……… do my job. And I will let you do …….

2. I park ……… car at the back of the building. Where do you park …… ?
3. I don’t understand, why Anna doesn’t invite …….. to her birthday party. Is …….. upset to
4. Ms. Sandra dropped ………. Lipstick in the lift. But ……… didn’t realize the lipstick I gave her
is actually ………
5. Do you know ……….. name ? because I already knew ……….

III. Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions !

1. The moon ……….. around the earth. (go)

2. What ……… in your store ? (she, buy)
3. Does …………. To market ? (she, go)
4. You ……… movie every Saturday night. (watch)
5. Why ……… this fruit every month ? (he, take)

IV. Choose the best !

1. There was a picture of flowers …….. her T-shirt.

a. In c. at
b. On d. under

2. Can I sit ……… you at the movie theatre ?

a. around c. inside
b. beside d. above

3. Your glasses are right ……… you.

a. in front of c. below
b. above d. around

4. There’s helicopter hovering ……… our house.

a. Above c. under
b. On d. at

5. Where’s Julie ? She’s ……….. School.

a. at c. in
b. on d. to

V. Chance the following active sentence into passive voice !

1. She is reading a fashion magazine in the lobby.

2. Mrs. Lena runs the shop every weekend.
3. They had bought an apartment near the beach.
4. A teacher has explained the lesson to much.
5. Has a child learnt how to make a paper plane ?

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