Midterm Activity in UTS

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La Salette of Roxas College Inc.

Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela

S.Y 2021-2022



 My favorite childhood toy was Toy Gun that has a realistic features, I enjoy playing it in a paper
shooting range with my father because in this moment, I could experience having a fun bond with
my Father.

 My favorite childhood game was Super Mario and I always play it in my MP5 or Nintendo DS.
Although I only reached some of its levels, I’m still enjoying it as it talks about Mario’s fun
adventure of saving Princess Peach.

 The best movie I ever saw as a kid was 101 Dalmatians because I loved puppies and the
Dalmatian are so cute to watch.

 I don't do it much, but I enjoy swimming, it may be on the sea, lake, or pool. Being under the
water make me feel at peace and calm. As I swim, I always can’t help but imagine that I was a
mermaid underwater.

 If I could lighten up a little, I'd let myself enjoy life and be happy without pressuring myself into
things that I know will make me feel stressed out. I would also like to relax together with nature
where I lay on the grass under the tree with the windy weather, I would probably fall asleep at
that moment as the environment was so calm and peaceful. It was also away from polluted and
noisy city.

 If it were not too late, I’d like to stand up for myself and for what I’m happy for. I wanted to
prove that whatever my decision is, I will always stand and fight for it no matter what others say
especially my mother who’s opposed of it and my happiness. I expect that soon she’ll realize that
she would have supported me for what I wanted in life.

 If I were not so afraid, I’d love to let myself follow my passion instead of following what others
say that I should take. I let my fear overcome myself and I didn’t trust my abilities to follow the
passion I want.

 If I had not gone to Accounting, I'd have gone to Civil Engineering or Architecture because I
wanted to nurture the knowledge I already know in this field which is thanks to my father who is
an Engineer when he was still alive. I’ve learned so much to him and I always go with him in his
project where I admire his designs and make me think that soon I will also have that kind of
project and build my own house.

 My parents think I should study hard and graduate from college for me have a better and stable
job and help them to have a better life.

 If I had had a perfect childhood, I'd have grown up to be a sociable and outgoing person who is
not shy to speak and be surrounded by many people.

 To get over of the death of my father is the most difficult thing for me to do because it was just so
unexpected thing to think. I already anticipate that people die one day yet my father’s death was
just so painful for me. But that does not mean I can’t be strong and ready to overcome it. It’s been
6 years and now I’ve become strong and independent together with my mother. I still don’t forget
my father and he will always remain into my heart and memories.

 The most memorable moment of my life was whenever the three of us of my mother and father
travel together to have Family Bonding. It always makes me happy as I’m with them doing stuff
together, even if my father is busy in his house projects he still makes time for us.

 My favorite cheer-me-up music is Good Time by Owl City with Carly Rae Jepsen. The beat of
this songs always uplift my mood and this song is just about having fun and having a positive
attitude about life.
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

 My favorite way to dress is like Korean Inspired Fashion like wearing an oversized shirt together
with cycling short and a pair of rubber shoes. I always prefer wearing a comfortable dress yet
leaving a cool and stylish vibe.

 What frightens me most about life is having no one especially losing those important people to
me and being alone. This will surely put a hole into my heart and make me feel depress.

If I were confident and accomplished my goals, I would believe in myself.


• Five Hobbies that sound fun to me

1. Playing instrument like guitar, ukulele, or piano. I love to incorporate it with singing which will
make it more fun and enjoying.
2. Photography as I love taking pictures of random stuff and especially taking picture of myself to
update my Instagram.
3. Painting as I can develop my creativity.
4. Cooking as I love eating.
5. Playing Video Games

• Five Classes that sound fun to me

1. Music
2. Photography
3. Learning Foreign Language
4. Graphic Design
5. Art

• Five fun things that I have never done, but would like to try

1. Sky diving
2. Camping
3. Scuba Diving
4. Road Trips
5. Stargazing

• Five skills that would be fun to have

1. Master Photoshop
2. Master Photography Skill
3. Learn Basic Self-Defense
4. Gain the Skill of Humor
5. Skill that can read people

• Five qualities that I think a fun person would have

1. Sense of Humor
2. Easy To Be Around
3. They Project Confidence
4. Treating everyone with Respect


1. 20 creative things I enjoy doing at any point throughout my life.

1. Visiting Disney Land during our last day in Japan as we will travel back in the Philippines.
2. Make a Jewelry made out of beads. I usually made a lot of it when I was still in elementary. I do
rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. I also made it as my Christmas present for my classmate.
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

3. Learn Calligraphy. When calligraphy became a trend back when I was in High School, I also tried
learning it to make my outputs and projects creative and aesthetic.
4. Sleep under the stars. I was still a kid back then and there’s a power interruption. My parents
decided to take out our sleeping bed outside and we fell asleep under the sky that is full of
twinkling star to gaze at.
5. Horseback riding at Baguio during our Field Trip in Elementary.
6. Riding a Zip line and Cart Cable together with my cousins during our Family Reunion at Ilagan
7. Travelling with my Family where our last trip was back when I was still in Elementary.
8. Visit a Safari in Subic Bay during our Field Trip back when I was Grade 6.
9. Practice my Photography and Editing skills when I was still in High School.
10. Trying out A new recipes I watched in YouTube during Home Quarantine.
11. Doing a Digital Art when I was a Grade 12 student.
12. Have A "Me" Time whenever I finished my school works and to get rid of my stress.
13. Experiment with New Makeup or Hairstyles during Home Quarantine
14. Doing Dish Gardening during Grade 11 days
15. Streaming a Free Concert of BTS during Home Quarantine
16. Giving myself a Manicure or a Pedicure every two or three weeks
17. Learn a New Language during Home Quarantine.
18. Having an outdoor picnic last July.
19. Learn a New Skill and Life hacks on YouTube whenever I think and saw one on my feed.
20. Organize the rest of my room whenever I saw unorganized stuff and have a free time.

2. From this list, pick 2 that you would like to do again. Recall your previous experience of these
activities and explain why you would like to do them.

1. Have A “Me” Time whenever I finished my school works and to get rid of my stress. Just like
last week, after the examination I go for a walk outside and treat myself a nice meal at the
Jollibee. I like doing this to relax for a bit, and get back to the everyday life with a clearer mind.
2. Having an outdoor picnic in a vast green plain of grass and trees, together with a windy weather.
My last outdoor picnic experience was last July as I have a free time. I like doing this because
being outside is good for my physical and mental well-being. Also, it the perfect way to get out
and enjoy the outdoors without going too far or spending a lot of money.

3. List of things that you can do to move towards doing these creative activities again.

1. All I need is to manage my time whenever I do my school works, when I finished it on time then
I can spend the rest of my time for “ME” Time. I can go for a walk, Treat myself with delicious
foods that I crave, play a video games, or do some self-care routine like beauty rest or skin care.
2. First, I need to set a date and time for the Outdoor Picnic. Then finding a perfect spot in the
shade. Bring a tablecloth or picnic blanket. Of course don’t forget the food and always bring a
trash bag for easy clean up.


1. 5 careers that leap into my mind

 Civil Engineer
 Architect
 Nurse
 Pharmacist
 Graphic Designer

2. Look over the five lives. Pick 1 that you can learn more about.

I pick Architecture due to its closeness to my heart of designing. Architecture major studies the
history and theory of design while getting practical experience in creating layouts for buildings. This will
nurture my creativity, precision and skills in math which is essential for this field. Architects are
meticulous artists and I’ll surely gain knowledge in geometry and physics to create designs that are
La Salette of Roxas College Inc.
Magsaysay St. Vira (Pob), Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022

accurate, safe and functional. Also I can enjoy working with others, as a career in architecture involves
collaborating with clients, engineers and other architects.

3. Steps that you would have to take in order to pursue such a life.

 Earn a bachelor's degree

 Participate in an internship program
 Become licensed
 Apply for an architect position
 Earn professional certifications
 Consider a master's degree

Skills needed to be a successful architect:

 Math and engineering skills

 Leadership skills
 Communication skills

4. Emily H. Bratcher (2020, June 3) https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/architecture-


Indeed Editorial Team (2021, October 6) https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-


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