Reflection and Insight of Sigmund Freud & Erik Erikson Theory

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Cliff D. Tejada BSED-T.L.

E Q1

Making Human Being

Every theory is very important to our society as well as to our future because it
provide concepts and meaningful observation.

The theory and beliefs of the theorist namely Sigmund Freud who wrote the
“Psychosexual Theory” and Erik Erikson who also wrote the “Psychosocial Theory”,
we understand that the theory it is being categorized into stages. Those stages of
development are the First Year of Life, age 1-3 years, age 3-6 years, age 7-11
years, age 12-18 years and stage of adulthood. ”. . First is the “ First Year of Life”
Freud theory state about “Oral Stage” which believe that oral stimulations is the primary
means of development at this stage, while Erikson’s theory state about “Trust vs.
Mistrust Stage” which believe that the child’s develop their sense of trust at this stage of
development. Second “Age 1-3 Years” Freud theory state “Anal Stage Development
Stage” believe that sense of independence is being learn at this stage and also Erik’s
theory state” Anatomy vs. Shame and Doubt Stage” which also believe that
independence is being learn at this time. Third, “Age 3-6 Years” Freud theory state
“Phallic Stage” believes that child identifies the same sex-parents and develop self-
esteem, “Initiative vs. Guilt Stage” which Erikson believe that the child begins to exhort
power and control over their environment. Fourth, “Age 7-11 Year” Freud called this as
“Latency stage” and believed that at this stage was important for developing social skills
and self-confidence, for Erikison he called it “Industry vs. Inferiority” which means that
children begin to demonstrate their ability to succeed. Sixth “Age 12-18” Freud called
this as “Genital Stage” he believed at this stage a person seek balance between their
biological instinct and sense of morality, for Erikison he called it “ Identity v. Role
Confusion” he believed that development is being shift to social bonding in order to
establish meaning in once life in a sort of individuality. Lastly is “Adulthood Age” where
Freud believes that Genital stage continuing while Erikson continue his theory which are
the Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generality vs. Stagnation and Integrity vs. Despair. Those
three theory that are being continued by Erikson are believed that a person seeks to
establish intimate relationship and become a predictive member of the society ultimately
there is a reflection upon the goal they have accomplish in their lifetime.
There are some point in our stages of growth that really affect’s our life, both
Freud’s and Erikson’s theory has a point, for Freud psychosexual theory can affect our
growth because sometimes what we eat or what happen to our body can create an
impact of the development of a human being. For Erikson psychosocial theory, the
development of a person is being determined by the impact of social experience of a
person. He was interested in how social interaction and relationship played a role of
development of a human being. They also have similarities, both theories recognize the
importance of unconscious development and also they separate the development into
stages. But they also have differences between their theories; they have their own view
of what makes the development of a person.

The both theory has a great impact for my understanding and also the
understanding of the other people. As a human being we really experience this kind of
development, we can appreciate and look back our early childhood memories and relate
on it. Now I understand why there are some point in my development that I am asking or
wondering why I like that or why am experience this kind of feeling. As a future educator
we can apply this theory in our class, by this we can determine and understand why the
person is acting like that or why he/she experiencing that kind of situation. By this
means we can adjust on the student and address what are their needs and how we are
going to teach. This can be also applied in our daily life basis because this theory help
us to understand the people around us and can help no to be judgmental. Also with our
future family we can properly guide our future children to make them better in their

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