Booking System For Tricycle Operators and Drivers' Association (TODA) of Buting Pasig City

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Booking System for Tricycle Operators and

Drivers' Association (TODA) of Buting Pasig City


A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of The College of Computer Studies
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Manuel, Shane Danielle
Tadeo, Micheal Jude
Baltar, Nelenia

October, 2021

Use this section to offer “credit where credit is due.” There is no limitation on the
number of pages you may use for acknowledgments. Text spacing, font, and
font size must be the same as used in the main body of your thesis.
Table of Contents


... .
Title Page i
... .
Approval Sheet i
... .
Acknowledgments i
... .
Table of Contents v
... .
List of Tables i
... .
List of Figures i
Abstract ... .
Chapter I. The Problem and Its Background
Introduction . 1
Background of the Study . 3
Objectives of the Study . 5

Significance of the Study 5

... .
Scope and Delimitation 6
... .
Conceptual Framework 7
... .
Operational Definition of Terms 8
...................................................... 1
Chapter II. Review of Related
... . 0
Literatures and Studies

Chapter III. Methodology

... .
General Method Used 1
Procedure ... .

Chapter IV. Results and Discussions

The Developed System . 5
......................................................... 1
Verification and Test Result .

Chapter V. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings . 7
Conclusions . 8
......................................................... 1
Recommendations . 9
References 2

Appendix A. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix B. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix C. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix D. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix E. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix F. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix G. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix H. .........................................................
. 2
Appendix I. .........................................................
. 3
Appendix J. .........................................................
. 3
Appendix K. .........................................................
. 3
Appendix L. .........................................................
. 3
Researchers’ Profile 34
List of Tables

Table I
. ...
Tabulation of Data 80
Table II
. ...
Another Tabulation of Data 81
Table IIII
Another Tabulation of Data with ........................................
A Longer Title . ...
Table IV ........................................
. ...
More Tabulation of Data 83
More and More Tabulation of ........................................
Data . ...
Table V 84
Table VI Another Tabulation of Data with ........................................
A Much Longer Title . ... 85
List of Figures


........................................ 9
Fig. 1 Illustration of something ..... 0

Another illustration of ........................................

something ..... 9
Fig. 2 1
Fig. 3
Another illustration of ........................................
something with a longer title ..... 9

..... 9
Fig. 4 More illustration of something 3
More and more illustration of ........................................
something ..... 9
Fig. 5 4
Fig. 6 Another illustration of
something with a much longer ........................................ 9
title ..... 5

The purpose of the present study was to…general objective here.

State the background and general information about your design project.

State the procedure on how it was conducted.

State the summary of findings.

State the conclusions.

State the recommendations.


A. Introduction

The researchers goal is to create a mobile application that will allow the user to

book a tricycle to a designated destination. The app is similar to the mobile app “Grab”

but it is designed for members of Tricycle Operators and Drivers' Association (TODA).

The app will allow users to hire tricycle drivers to take them to their destination

immediately or they can book for one or more to pick them up at a later date. The user

can pay the driver immediately using the app or they can pay the driver when they

reach their destination.

Currently, due to Covid-19 we must avoid going to crowded places but when

you're going to work and need to line up for a tricycle, jeep, taxi, etc. then this can’t be

avoided. By using our mobile app you will never need to wait in line and getting

transportation to your destination will only take a few minutes.

B. Background of the Study

Currently all the available mobile applications that lets it’s users hire drivers to

take them to their destinations are only for either cars or motorcycle drivers. The mobile

app that the researchers will create is designed to allow the users to hire tricycle drivers.

Currently all tricycle drivers follow a specific route, and hiring them to take you
somewhere that is not part of their route is both difficult and a costly endeavor. Tricycle

drivers that use our app will be notified where the pickup location and destination of the

client are. Upon reaching the destination the customer can choose to pay the driver

using the app or with cash. Whenever the driver has finished with one client, they are

soon notified of the location of their next client which helps them save up on gas

because they will not need to go around looking for their next client

Existing mobile apps such as “Grab” let’s their users set the pick up location and

the destination then calculates how much it will cost. They search for the nearest driver

and tells the user how long it will take for the driver to arrive.

C. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this project is to develop a mobile application that allows its

users to book a tricycle in buting Pasig city. In line with this, the project aims to achieve

the following specific objectives:

 To develop a system that allows the user to create an account that identifies if

they are a driver or commuter.

 To construct a system that can locate the nearest driver to the user and estimate

how long it will take for them to pick the user up.

 To identify how much the user needs to pay to reach their destination.
D. Significance of the Study

Below is a list of significant contributions of the study.

 In economic context, the study will let the user know how much they need to pay

to get to their destination and to help tricycle drivers get more customers.

 In environmental context, the study will reduce the number of tricycle that go

around looking for customers.

 In societal context, the study will provide commuters an easer time getting to

their destinations without having to wait in long lines during rush hours.

E. Scope and Limitation

The study covers people that use tricycles to reach their destination.

Furthermore, the study aims to help increase the profit of tricycle drivers and to allow

them to contact previous customers if they leave behind anything. Its purpose is in the

hope of reducing the number of tricycle drivers that waste their time looking for clients,

and to make it so the commuters have an easier time in getting to their destinations.

The study will be conducted on 2021-2022 at Pasig City Philippines.

Due to design constraints, this study does not cover tricycle drivers that are not

located in Buting Pasig City and tricycle drivers that have not yet registered with the


F. Conceptual Framework or Theoretical Framework

In order to successfully achieve the desired outcome of this study, certain

procedures, requirements and ideas were carefully discussed to conceptualize the

project’s design and development. After a long deliberation and brainstorming, one

thought was agreed upon in which resulted into one concept.

Fig. 1 Conceptual framework of the study

Fig. 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. It covers the three major

parts, namely: input, process, and output phases. The figure will show how the mobile

application will work, starting with the user inputting the required data. The app will store

and process all of the given data, and then it will show the output to the user.

The input phase includes user registration, login, destination/pick up location,

and tricycle booking.

The process phase covers recording user Information, searching for user

information, calculate fare, locating nearest driver, recording reservation data.

The output phase provides user account creation/login, showing fare, driver is

driver is sent to user immediately or on scheduled date.

G. Operational Definition of Terms


Tricycle Operators and Drivers' Association.

• Fare

How much a person need to pay for transportation.

• Account

Information used to identify the users of the application.


Topic for discussion #1

When you are searching for an Uber ride, and you see a car with the uber icon

nearby you but even though it's temptingly close, that doesn't mean you'll be matched

with that car. Uber uses "batch matching" to connect riders with drivers. That means

Uber doesn't just find the closest ride to you; instead, the ride-hailing company takes

into account the most optimized ride for everyone around you.

If you have ever used an app similar to Uber then you should be familiar with the

1-2 minute waiting period during which Uber's matching algorithm is optimizing across

the whole, not just the individual ride request. That's how they determine the best
matching for the whole group of people — Pool or not — requesting rides at that same

time, or the "batch" of riders requesting rides.

Uber drivers give 17 million trips per day across the world. That's a lot of people

to manage transportation for. So even if there's a car technically only two minutes away,

you may get matched with a ride four minutes away. But someone else gets only a five-

minute wait instead of a nine-minute wait, because of your two-minute sacrifice. You

don't see it, but it all evens out, and if you ride Uber enough, your waiting time averages


Lekach, S. (2021, June 11). Here’s why you don’t get paired with that Uber car you see
on the map. Mashable.

Topic for discussion #2

Uber is The world's largest ride-sharing company, Uber Technologies, was

founded in 2009 and quickly grew to become the world's most valuable startup. Uber’s

story started in Paris in 2008. Two friends, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp were

attending LeWeb, an annual tech conference. The idea for Uber was born during the

conference when the pair was unable to get a cab. Uber was established on a single

idea: "What if you could request a ride from your phone?". Initially, the idea was for a

timeshare limo service that could be ordered via an app. After the conference, the

entrepreneurs went their separate ways. However, when Camp returned to San

Francisco, he continued to be fixated on the idea and bought the domain name
Fig. 4 services of Uber

The figure show the three different services that uber offers its customers. The

first on is for the users to sign up as a driver to earn money, the next service is eat

which allows its users to order food to be delivered to them, and finally where the user

can set up a pick up location and destination they want to go to. Those that choose to

become drivers would be able to earn easy money and they would only have to pay a

small part of their earnings to uber. Uber eats allows their user to order food from the

many different restaurant’s that are affiliated with uber. Ride is how uber started, it

allows the users to have cars pick them up and take them to their destination using only

their phones.
Blystone, D. (2021, September 22). The story of uber. Investopedia. Retrieved October
9, 2021, from


H. General Method Used

This Study will use the waterfall model. The Waterfall model is a sequential

development process that flows like a waterfall through all phases of a project

(Requirements analysis and definition, System and software design, Implementation

and unit testing, Integration and system testing, Operation and maintenance), with each

phase being completed before proceeding to the next one.

Fig. 4 Design Project Model

The figure above show the the process of the waterfall modle. The process is

separated into five different phases which are:

Requirements analysis and definition

The Waterfall methodology depends on the assumption that all project

requirements can be gathered and understood up front. The project manager does their

best to get a detailed understanding of the project sponsor’s requirements. Written

requirements, usually contained in a single document, describe each stage of the

project, including the costs, assumptions, risks, dependencies, success metrics, and

timelines for completion.

System and software design

Software developers design a technical solution to the problems set out by the

product requirements, including scenarios, layouts, and data models. First, a higher-

level or logical design is created that describes the purpose and scope of the project,

the general traffic flow of each component, and the integration points. Once this is

complete, it is transformed into a physical design using specific hardware and software


Implementation and unit testing

Once the design is complete, technical implementation starts. This might be the

shortest phase of the Waterfall process because painstaking research and design have

already been completed. In this phase, programmers code applications based on

project requirements and specifications, with some testing and implementation taking
place as well. If significant changes are required during this stage, this may mean going

back to the design phase.

Integration and system testing

In this phase, the programmers integrate everything they have created. With

everything coming together they will need to begin testing the application to ensure

there are no programming errors and that all requirements have been completed. The

testing team will turn to the design documents, personas, and user case scenarios

supplied by the product manager to create their test cases.

Operation and maintenance

Once the software has been deployed in the market or released to customers,

the maintenance phase begins. As defects are found and change requests come in

from users, a team will be assigned to take care of updates and release new versions of

the software.

I. Procedure

1) Requirements Specification

Application Requirements Remarks

User Accounts The programmers need implement a way for the user to
create a account. The account needs to be stored inside
of a database so that it can be retrieve later on if needed.
The users must also be identifide if they are Drivers or
Locate Driver The application must be capable of locating a driver that
can reach the user in the least amount of time.
Estimated Driver Arrival The application must calculate and show the user the
estimated time for the driver to arrive. The application
must only take 1-2 minutes to locate the driver and
estimated time of arrival should be less than 5 minutes.
Cost The application must be able to calculate the estimated
the user needs to pay cost per kilometer.

2) Design

a. Establish how you would identify design requirements.

The system design will be based on the requirements provided by the

researchers. The application must look presentable, easy to understand, and can be run

on most mobile phones. The application must take up less than 100 MB of memory

b. Discuss how you choose your solution that really meets your design requirements.

c. Discuss how you provide the general framework of your design or the overall system

configuration (what kind of schematics and diagraming tools, etc...).

d. Discuss the prototyping phase. How you select materials, physical structure, etc.?

3) Verification and Testing

Once the design is complete, technical implementation starts. This might be the

shortest phase of the Waterfall process because painstaking research and design have

already been completed. In this phase, programmers code applications based on

project requirements and specifications, with some testing and implementation taking

place as well. If significant changes are required during this stage, this may mean going

back to the design phase.

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