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Welcome To Eberron! (Introduction To Playing or DMing in Eberron)

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The World of Eberron

Welcome to Eberron: D&D with a twist! If it exists in D&D, it exists in Eberron, but it may not appear in the
place, or the way you expect. The best way to get to know Eberron is simply to adventure in it! But it’s really
hard to create a character with connections to Eberron if you know nothing about it! The pages here are
intended to introduce you to the important Eberron concepts and give you the basic information you need to
create a character to adventure in it.
I’ve ordered it roughly in order of importance, so if you have the attention span of a squirrel (oh hai it me),
you get the basic themes in the beginning, and some of the nitty gritty details further on. If you read nothing
else, the first page is enough to get you acquainted with the feel of the world, and scanning the artwork that I
pulled from all over and included will add to that! If you are able to read through some of the core assumptions
in part 2 and character themes in the first part of part 3, it will give you the concepts for creating characters in
Eberron. The rest is some of the fun details that you can scan and see what pops out at you. Lastly, I’ve
included an Eberron Cheat Sheet (thanks u/Amechwarrior!) that you can use while playing, and a map.

Happy reading, and even happier adventuring,

-Alyssa Visscher

Part 1: Welcome to Eberron
Part 2: Core Assumptions
Myth of the Progenitor Dragons
Magic and Dragonmarks
Part 3: Building Characters in Eberron:
The Last War and The Mourning
Noir Intrigue: Regrets and Debts
Culture and Background
Part 4: Races and Culture
Races in Eberron (including new ones)
Nations (Cultures) in Khorvaire
Part 5:Faiths and Religions
Part 6: Classes in Eberron (including the Artificer)
Appendix: Eberron Cheat Sheet and Khorvaire Map
Welcome to Eberron!
Eberron embraces swashbuckling action and The Last War
pulp adventure while adding a layer of noir
intrigue. Daring heroes battle villains in high-
stakes instances of over-the-top action, dealing
with narrow escapes and ominous mysteries that
threaten the world’s safety. But stories don’t always
end well, villains sometimes succeed, and there
isn’t a perfect answer to every problem. Magic is
common, and weaved through everyday life.
Blacksmiths use mending for minor repairs,
Continual flame lamps light the streets, and bound
elementals power lightning rails and airships. Magic
is also harnessed for power, greed, and corruption.
Eberron a world painted in shades of grey, where
both heroes and villains come in all races, classes,
shapes and sizes. It’s just as likely that the
innkeeping gnome next door is an evil assassin and
the tribal orc in the swamp is a holy druidic
guardian. A metallic dragon is just as likely as a red
one to fall under evil’s influence and a coven of
hags brings more stability to a region, instead of
chaos. Not even religion is black and white: the
gods don’t manifest physically, and wielding divine
magic to keep evil at bay requires faith in the
The Last War ravaged the continent of Two years have passed, the peace is
Khorvaire, turned allies into enemies and destroyed tenuous, and the continent is more divided than
an entire nation. It began when the once-unified before the war. Although many celebrated the end
kingdom of Galifar split into The Five Nations, of the war, there was no winner and control of the

eventually spawning a bitter struggle for continental continent is still unsettled. People optimistically
control. It was a century marked by shifting refer to it as “The Last War”, but distrust between
alliances, and periods of cold-war stalemates and nations continues to rise and most believe that it’s
intense battles and death. The grueling conflict left only a matter of time until conflict begins again.
deep scars on the land and the people, but was Meanwhile, refugees from the defunct Cyre are
nothing compared to The Mourning. The nation of without a home, and the war’s end has left the
Cyre was suddenly hit by a holocaust of grey fog Warforged (sentient metal humanoids created for
and twisted magic. The mist spread quickly until it war) without a purpose. While others struggle to
stopped exactly at the edge of the Cryan border. survive, the Dragonmarked dynasties emerged
More than a million died in that single Day of from the war even stronger, more powerful than
Mourning. No one knows what caused the any nation. Through it all, the forces of good
mourning, or how to stop it from happening again; struggle to contain the forces of evil that threaten to
Fear brought the nations to the negotiating table break its chains.
and a treaty was finally signed.
In short, Eberron is a world that is in desperate need of heroes
Eberron Core Assumptions
The Myth of the Progenitor Dragons dragonshards around the planet. Eberron became
Every child knows the story of the Progenitor the world: the source of all natural life. Khyber is
Dragons: Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber. In the the Underdark: the source of all the aberrations
dawn of time, the three created the 13 planes of and fiends.
existence, each embodying a specific concept. The dragons also left The Draconic
Their final work was the Material Plane. But cruel Prophecy: an incredibly complex trail of subtle
Khyber sought dominion over it, suddenly turning patterns and signs hidden in the world. To those
on Siberys and tearing him to pieces. Eberron who can read them, they form a map of possible
wrestled with Khyber but could not defeat her, so futures that can be used to shape the course of
she coiled herself around her and transformed history. It’s so complex that even few elves have
herself into a world that would forever contain the the lifespan to unravel more than a tiny impression,
evil. Kyber, contained, struggles against her bonds, and most Draconic Prophecy scholars are
yearns to destroy the world above. Siberys is the creatures like ancient dragons or immortal fiends.
source of magic: He became a ring of golden
Magic specific races. Long ago, the families that carry the
Eberron’s industries all have magic at their marks joined together to form the dragonmarked
cores. Artisans (called magewrights) learn to cast houses and powerful monopolies. (For example,
cantrips as rituals; and artificers are inventors who the Half-Elves with the Mark of Storm formed
specialize in infusing everyday items with magic. House Lyranda, creating airships to be piloted with
Dragonshards are crystals that harness and that mark.) There are also aberrant dragonmarks
amplify magic and come in three variations. that give less predictable powers, and appear on
Eberron is more often called a “high magic” members of any race. It takes time for a character
setting, but it’s actually more about about to learn to control its powers, causing a general
“widespread magic”. Its common to know low- wary view of aberrant marks.
level spells (up to about third level) and even learn Alignment
to cast cantrips as rituals, making this magic more Eberron is a world of shades of grey, both in
widespread than other settings. But high level religion and alignment. The Sovereign Host could
magic is rare, tending to be even be considered the “good” pantheon, and it’s evil
less common than in other mirror is the Dark Six, but serving the the Sovereign
settings. Host doesn’t guarantee a good alignment. Similarly,
Dragonmarks are Eberron- no races are automatically evil. You might meet full-
specific, magical sigils that are blood orc, sworn to guard the fiends in the Demon
passed down through family lines Wastes, or a dinosaur-riding wild halfling with
and enhance a particular kind of questionable morals, a good vampire trying to
magic. There are 12 predictable protect innocents, or an evil Tairnadal elf who loves
dragonmarks, each manifesting unbidden in war.
Creating an Eberron Character
The Last War and The Mourning
Everyone has been affected by the
Last War in some way. Members of the
shorter-lived races haven’t known anything
other than the Last War, and even those
who are longer-lived have been fighting
most (if not all) of their adult life. How as
the 100 years of war shaped your
character, your personality and your
default assumptions?
Did you fight in the war? Which
nation did you serve and what role did you
fill? If more than one of the characters
fought in the war, did you serve together or
fight on opposing sides?
If you didn’t fight in the war, how
and why did you remain on the
sidelines? Did you do something to avoid
conscription, or was there a reason you
were passed over?
What did you lose during the war?
Did members of their family die or was
your village destroyed? Are you from Cyre,
having lost your home and belongings to
the mists?
What impact did the Mourning have
on you? Are you afraid that the Mourning
could consume all of Khorvaire, or do you
just not think about it? Did the shocking
tragedy of the Mourning cause you to
question your faith, or did it reinforce it? Do
you see it only as a tragedy, or do you
hope that its awesome power could
somehow be harnessed?
Noir Intrigue: Debts and Regrets Race and Culture
Eberron draws inspiration from noir fiction,
where stories don’t always end well and heros are
remarkable people, but they aren’t perfect. If you
want to play more of this grittier aspect, you
can add a debt or regret to your character. A
debt gives you a problem that needs to be solved
right away. Why do you need 200 gold pieces? Is
the gold for you, or someone you love? Did you
make a powerful enemy? Being blackmailed?
Bounty on your head? Trying to reclaim a magic
item you had to sell? Lose your life savings
gambling? Whatever the reason, a debt is a
character flaw that doubles as a powerful
adventuring motive!
A regret can be an element of your past that
plays a current, ongoing role in your story. What
one moment would
your character love to
go back and redo?
Did you make a tragic
mistake? Did you hurt
or betray someone who
now seeks revenge?
Were you forced to
abandon someone you
loved? Did you engage
in covert ops or
scientific experiments
for your nation, doing
necessary but unforgivable things?
In Eberron, your culture overrides your race. What
You may be a rock gnome, but if you grew up in the did you
farms of Aundair, you may have more in common do during
the war,
with humans than the gnomes of Zilargo. Making a
and what
good living tilling the land may be more important to have you
you than typical gnomish intrigue. You might have been
picked up some elvish from some rangers, instead doing in
of speaking gnomish. Who were you raised with, the last
and how did that impact your culture? Is your two years
character is typical for their race? Do you speak since it
your racial language, or a different one? Did
What kind of
you grow up feeling at home, or unwelcomed? skill set

Background: Who do you know? has that given you? Have you been doing one thing
for years, or jumping from one to the next? What
Every story has a beginning; what was yours? did you always find easy or interesting, and what
When you consider your race, culture and how the did you struggle to be even mediocre at? Who did
Last War has affected you, it can all intersect in you get to know who might have noticed you:
both your choice of background, and what comes rivals or even enemies, or does someone owe
out of it. Your background is about more than you a favor? What organizations might you be
proficiencies, and is a great place to add some connected to? Maybe you have connections in a
intrigue and connections to the world. university, with a religious order, newspaper or
even in a specific dragonmarked house. Perhaps
someone in a military force owes you a favour, or
you’ve caught the eye of someone in an espionage
or crime syndicate.
Races and Peoples of Eberron
New Races Familiar Races, with an Unfamiliar Twist
The Kalashtar are As a human, you are the majority race in the
humanoids that are bound Five Nations. A diverse race, you could be anything
to spirits from the plane from a wizard in Aundair, to a barbarian from the
of dreams. Imbued with Carrion Tribes in the Demon Wastes.
wisdom and telepathic An elf, you’re
talent, there is an driven by tradition,
unmistakable alien quality to respect for the past,
you. You don’t and the desire to
communicate with your perfect the
spirit directly, but techniques of your
experience them in your ancestors. As a
instincts, inspirations and as Tairnadal (wood)
memories in your dreams. elf, you perfect the
Changelings are art of war, maybe
clever shapechangers using a double
who can disguise bladed scimitar.
themselves as other You may be
people. Able to shift your Aereni, one of the
form with a thought, you few high elves who
likely use it as a form of left isolationist
artistic and emotional expression. You have Aerenal. Or you might be an elf in the city, more
created specific personas (masks) and wear them distant from your ancestral traditions.
in the same way others wear outfits: each mask Half-elves have many communities across the
expresses different aspects of your identity. nations. You have your own unique culture that
Sometimes called the weretouched, places emphasis on shared community, and you
Shifters can manifest bestial traits for short call yourselves “Khoravar”, Children of Khorvaire.
periods of time. You A halfling from one of the Five Nations, you
don’t fully transform into are quick and charming.
another being; instead You might work in the inns
you draw on your distant and taprooms of the
lycanthrope ancestry to hospitality industry, or you
connect with the beast might be involved with the
within you to enhance hafling crime syndicate
your innate animalistic The Boromar Clan. You
features. Tending to might be a nomadic wild
prefer nature or rural halfling, travelling the
areas, you walk on edge Talenta Plains to tame and
between the wilds and ride dinosaurs!
civilization. The average gnome has a love of knowledge
Warforged are that borders on obsession. You love words and wit
artificial lifeforms built to fight in the Last War. almost as much as intrigue and schemes.
Manufactured out of metals as well as organic A Dwarf from the Mror Holds, you’ve been
materials, you are completely sentient. Created as working to reclaim ancient cities from monsters in
a tool of battle and reluctantly freed after the war the realm below. Your clans may use the symbiotic
you now seek a place and purpose beyond war. weapons you’ve discovered, or may ban them.
Monstrous Races Goblinoids ruled Khorvaire long ago. You are
Orcs tribes are an ancient people who have a Goblin, hobgoblin or bugbear from one of four
spent centuries fighting aberrations and fiends, and goblinoid cultures: A city goblin from the Five
guarding the wards that seal them from this world. Nations, you happily have a place in any of the
The first to wield druidic magic, you are from a long major cities with the humanoids that live there. In
line of fierce and noble people, and you share their
primal emotions, passion, and deep faith. The
tribes of Ghaash’kala are found in the demon
wastes, Jhorash’tar are found in Mror holds, while
other Orcs make the Shadow Marshes their home.
Half-Orcs can be found anywhere that orcs
and humans meet, with the largest group living in
the shadow marshes. Visually, you may look more
like either ancestry, and may have had either as
your dominant culture.

the Ghaal’dar tribes, ruled by Hobgoblins, you were

raised in a culture that emphasizes strength and
were likely a mercenary in the war. As a Marguul,
you’re a bugbear who believes in victory by any
means necessary. All goblinoids work together for
martial excellence in the Dhakaan, where bard
spiritual leaders recount past glories and battles.
Lizardfolk are an ancient tribal race and
mostly live in the jungles of Q’barra. Content with
their way of life, as a race, they haven’t immigrated
or spread across the continent. You might be one
of the few curious ones. Dragonborn also mostly
live in Q’barra, having retreated there after the age
of the fiends. A warrior by nature, you guard
against corruption from the fiends your race ran
Aasimar aren’t a race, but rather a unique
individual touched by a celestial power. You tend to
get strange looks, as most people have never met
an aasimar. Similarly, Tieflings are rare, usually
born to a tribe in the Demon Wastes, where you’re
considered blessed.
Gnolls, ogres, trolls, harpies, minotaurs,
medusas, lycanthropes, kobold, kenku, tabaxi,
sahuagin, gargoyles and other monstrous races
all exist in Eberron. You’re probably from Droaam,
and lived with monstrous races, but you may have
been raised among the humans in another nation.
Nations of Khorvaire
The Five Nations Karnath: Known for military tradition, they
The Five Nations made up the Kingdom of embraced The Blood of Vol during the war and
Galifar before the Last War. They are dominated by created lots of undead soldiers. You’re used to
Humans, who make up half of their population. Half seeing intelligent undead as guards, etc, and you
elves are about 15%, dwarves 10%, and elves and may approve of this practice, or feel it’s a disgrace
gnomes each 7%. to the strong and honourable tradition Karnath used
to have.
Thrane: The birthplace of The Silver Flame
faith, Thrane has been a theocracy for the last 70
years. It’s likely that faith is an important part of
your life, and you were raised around a strong
believe in the importance of fighting evil. Duty,
courage, valor, and sacrifice are important to you.
Cyre: Previously the seat of the rulers of the
kingdom, the nation was destroyed in the mourning
and exists only in Cyrian memories. Cyre’s princess
was rightful heir of the throne, and you take pride in
the fact that Cyre alone was right in the war. Yet
you lost more than anyone else, and are now a
refugee without a home.

Aundair: Highly magical, Aundair houses the

finest magic academy and even the plentiful
farming villages know magic in their daily life. You
may be from a farming village, or studied at the
floating towers of Arcanix, but either way you’re
sure you’re the smartest person in the room, and
are likely the most flamboyant.
Breland: Highly innovative, Breland is known
for industry and espionage. It’s the home of Sharn,
the famous city of towers. It’s close to Droaam, so
you’ve seen more of the monstrous races. You’re
pragmatic, cynical, slightly shady, and don’t see the
need to follow traditions. Other Nations
Darguun: Goblinoids nation, and their
ancestral lands. At one point it was part of Cyre, it
is now a young, independent nation again. Duty
and honor are important here; your place in battle,
and your virtuous deeds.
Demon Wastes: Fiends, separated from the
continent by canyons known as the Labyrinth,
guarded by tribes of orcs. The Carrion tribes,
barbarian humans, live here too. Twisted by its
evil, they worship Archfiends and battle the orcs.
Either way, you’re accustomed to the violence that
comes in the harsh wastelands.
Droaam: A new nation, led by 3 hags and From a city or a farm, Valenar was born in war, and
home to the monstrous races. You grew up so war dominates your culture. Farmer, half elf
among all kinds of people: everyone is welcome in administrator, or mercenary, you are fearless and
Droaam. Proud and ambitious, you have a different stubborn.
view on life than most and a desire to prove the Q'barra: When the Last War began, a fleet of
monstrous nation to those who don’t see settlers came to Q’barra in search of a new home
what you do. far from the war. Finding wild jungles, deposits of
Eldeen Reaches: Fertile farmlands, mainly dragonshards, they also met ancient civilizations of
shifters and druids, the reaches have ties to Fey. Lizardfolk and Dragonborn. You might be one of
Farmers here used to be part of Aundair, but were the original Q’barrans, or a settler from one of few
unprotected in the war. Farming or nomadic, living settlements.
in harmony with nature is important. Fiercely Talenta Plains: These open plains are where
independent, you respect druidic guidance, but no the wild halflings live their nomadic lifestyles, and
one gives orders to a Reacher. dinosaurs roam. Described as an ocean of
grasslands, there’s not a lot of cities and towns and
there are a lot of dinosaurs.

Lhazaar Principalities: Coastline and Islands

with sailors and pirates, that attracts
Changelings. A loose collection of cities and
areas, you value independence and tend to have
little concern for law or order.
Mror Holds: Ancient dwarven ruins uncovered
in the last century. Dwarven clans came together to
declare sovereignty, and you’ve been working to Zilargo: A nation of gnomes, it’s the home of
reclaim the old cities and mines, and fight the both the largest library and the most popular
aberrations rising from the depths below. newspaper in the continent. Visitors are concerned
Shadow Marches: Isolated swamp, with about the web of intrigue, blackmail, and the secret
twisted fiends and strange creatures, and a hint of police force, but you understand and trust the
madness. A collection of tribal Orcs, Half-Orcs and system, and are perfectly content with it.
humans, your traditions have been shaped by the
Gatekeepers who fight fiends and aberrations.
Valenar: During the Last War, Elves came to
this Cyrian land and invoked an ancient claim to it.
Faith and Religion
Religion plays an important role in Eberron. but their temples appear in Droaam, along with wild
Shared beliefs unite communities and provide hope revels driven by the Fury.
in difficult times. Religion is especially important for
a paladin, cleric, or druid, yet any character can Church of the Silver Flame
have faith in a higher power. Most people
The Silver Flame is force of light that holds
acknowledge the pantheon of the Sovereign Host,
fiends at bay. Those who seek to defend the
and it’s shadow, the Dark Six. The Sovereign Host
innocent from evil can draw on the power of the
is the dominant religion, except for Thrane, which
Flame. Centuries ago, an ancient demon broke free
favors the Church of the Silver Flame. Other
of its chains, unleashing terrible suffering. Thrane
religions connect specific cultures or communities.
would have been destroyed if not for Tira Miron.
Tira, a paladin, was called by the Silver Flame and
battled the mighty fiend. She gave her life,
combining her spirit with the light of the Silver
Flame to bind the demon once more. A pillar of fire
marks the point of Tira’s sacrifice, and is a
manifestation of the Silver Flame, not the source of
its power.

The Sovereign Host

The embodiment of all that is good in the
world, the Sovereign Host is wondrously diverse.
There is no central authority enforcing a singular
creed; Variations of the faith thrive, and temples are
only loosely aligned. Followers of the Sovereign
Host are referred to Vassals, and may feel a
special connection with one of the Sovereigns, yet
still show reverence to each. Formal prayers
usually include songs, but may differ based on the
Sovereign and the Vassal. In a small community, a
skilled smith might double as the priest because
people believe he’s close to Onatar, the Sovereign
of Fire and Forge.
The church’s templars stand ready to protect
The Dark Six the innocent from supernatural threats, battling
The Dark Six are the shadows of the undead, fiends, and aberrations. In contrast to the
Sovereign Host. These dark gods shape the world Sovereign Host, the church maintains a defined
and are present at all times, speaking to those structure and creed. Archbishops monitor regions;
willing to hear them. Where the Sovereigns govern cardinals lead the church; and the ultimate authority
positive forces, the Dark Six are the source of is the Keeper of the Flame. Tira Miron- the Voice of
fears. The Dark Six and the Sovereign Host are the Flame- helps others to find the light and guides
opposite sides of the same coin: fi you believe in the Keeper of the Flame.
one, you acknowledge the other. The only question Blood of Vol
is whether you fear the Six or revere them. the Dark The Blood of Vol is a grim faith, founded by
Six aren’t revered openly elsewhere in Khorvaire, Erandis d’Vol, an elf from Aerenal. It believes that
the universe is uncaring, and that if the Sovereigns
exist, they are cruel. Death is oblivion, a curse, Since the rise of Valenar, half-elves and even
designed to kill you before you can unlock the some humans have sought to be inducted into the
divinity within you. Since death is the end, and the faith. But so far the Keepers of the Past have
secrets of divinity have yet to be unlocked, it’s declared that only elves can be revenants. Beyond
perfectly logical to reanimate dead body’s to serve
the living. Many are happy to serve in this way; at
least they can do some good when death comes.
Many think that the Blood of Vol’s followers
embrace death and want to become undead, but
this is not the case. Rather, the Blood of Vol
teaches that death as the ultimate evil, and divinity
is tied to blood and soul. They study blood, trying to
learn its secrets. The undead cannot harness the
power of blood, and are martyrs who sacrificed
their chance at divinity to serve the living.
The Blood of Vol was the national religion of
Karrnath. Though fallen from favor, the faith is still
practiced openly in that nation. It’s also common in
the Lhazaar Principalities

Cults of the Dragon Below

A blanket term for the many cults that serve
Khyber, Cults of the Dragon Below are based on
power or the blood connection to the ancestor, an elf
madness. A cult communes with their ancestor during trance, and
that seeks power half-elves can’t enter this state. The Keepers say it
chooses to serve can’t be done, but perhaps you’ll be the one to
a dark force prove them wrong.
because of the
gifts they receive The Undying Court
from it. Warlocks The elves of Aerenal refuse to let their greatest
draw power from souls be lost to the oblivion of death, and so the
demon overlords, wisest are preserved after death, and become
and daelkyr members of the Undying Court. Very different from
cultists serve mind undead that prey on the living, the Undying Court is
flayers and about preserving the past, in order to build on it and
beholders. perfect it. As a Aereni cleric or paladin, you have a
concrete relationship with the court, and are guided
Spirits of the by their wisdom and power.
As a Tairnadal elf of Valenar, you were raised The Path of the Light
on the legends of your people, on tales of The Path of Light is taught to the kalashtar by
champions who battled mighty dragons and armies the spirits of their bloodlines. It teaches that this
of giants. When you came of age, the Keepers of age is dominated “the great darkness that dreams”,
the Past read the signs to determine which of these but can be changed with light. Change starts within,
ancestors chose you to be their vessel. Since that and followers use meditation and athletic discipline
day, it has been your duty to emulate your patron to focus both the mind and the body. Each small
ancestor; in this way, they walk the world again, action of courage and compassion moves the light
through you. of change into the world, and is a small step to
banishing the hatred and darkness.
Classes In Eberron
Artificer hold to ancient traditions and refuse to give up your
ancestral spaces. Wild halflings also embrace
In the world of Eberron, arcane magic has
strength and fury. You may be from a shifter tribe,
been harnessed as a form of science and deployed
or live among the rangers and druids of the Eldeen
throughout society; as an Artificer, you are a master
Reaches. You might also be non-tribal, a soldier
of using this magic in everyday objects. A supreme
with your rage born in war, or from one of the
inventors, you channel arcane power, crafting
monstrous races of Droaam.
magical objects and infusing mundane items with
magic. Constantly in search of new lore, new
discoveries, and fresh ideas, as an Artificer, you Bard
master many kinds of tools, and love to be The Five Nations doesn’t have concrete Bard
innovative, using those common tools for Colleges; the closest is the Five Demesnes, of
uncommon purposes. Specializing in alchemy, House Phiarlan (Elves with the Mark of Shadow)
artillery, or battlesmithing, Artificers alike played are the closest. The Demesne of Memory teaches
key roles throughout the Last War the written word, while the Demesne of Music
delves deep into the arts of sound. The Demesne
of Motion deals with the arts of moving the body,
training bards in the College of Swords. The
Demesne of Shadow teaches the art of illusion,
training mostly the field of colleges of Glamour and
Whispers. Lastly, the Demesne of Shape focuses
on the physical creative arts, and developed a new
study, the College of Mourning
The secretive I.W. Society is another home for
a bard. A loose alliance of artists, storytellers, and
sometimes vigilantes, ‘Socialites’ aim to counter
despair through celebration and story.
Bards found among the Greensinger Druids of the
Eldeen Reaches, are prominent in the Valenar
elves most tribal societies. They are the spiritual
leaders of the goblinoid Dhakaani.
Here are some of the notable tribal cultures
that thrive throughout Khorvaire: The Carrion As a cleric in Eberron, you might represent any
Tribes of the Demon Wastes are mostly human, of the common faiths and religions, a racial faith, or
and make pacts with fiends that fueling your rage. one of the off-shoot sects. Your faith in the unseen
Ghaash’kala Orc tribes loosely follow the Light of gods is a defining aspect of your character, as is
the Silver Flame religion, channeling it to fight the choice of your alignment. Most gods have
fiends. As a Jhorash’tar in the Mror holds, you several domains that make sense; some
suggestions can be found in the back of the underlie reality; The Ways of the Astral Self and the
Player’s Handbook. Four Elements are common. The Order of the
Mystic Fist is a secretive order of sorcerers who
Druid blend the powers of their arcane bloodlines with the
The first to wield druidic magic were the Orcs, Way of the Four Elements.
and druids of the Gatekeepers continue that Unordered monks are also common. Soldiers
tradition, sworn to battle the fiends and aberrations in the war, including the Warforged, learned to pull
that inhabit especially the Demon Wastes and the on their inner strength to survive. Similarly, the
Shadow Marches. The Greensingers believe that
tribes of shifters don’t have orders, but easily
the magic of fey is integral to the natural world, and
are common in the Eldeen Reaches. The Wardens connect to ki as shift and they draw on their bestial
of the wood seek to protect the innocent creatures aspects.The Valenar elves pass monastic and
of the woods and civilization from each other. martial tradition down through the patron ancestors,
Children of Winter believe in the natural order, like the wielding of the double-bladed scimitar.
and see death, disease and decay as part of it.
Ashbound believe that nature and civilization are
at war, and they are the defenders and warriors of
the natural world. Druids are also found in the
Lizardfolk and Dragonborn of Q’Barra and among
wild halflings, Shifters and Changelings

The Five nations have various unique fighting
traditions. Aundiar, prefers grace to brute force, and
The Knights Arcane trains many to fight with magic.
Karrnath favours battlemasters, as well as the use
of the undead bone knights. Thrane take pride in
their archery, while Breland’s The King’s Citadel
has a place for all: arcanists, Champions, as well
as Cavaliers. Valenar elves devote their long lives
to martial excellence, wielding magic alongside
their blades.

The Order of the Broken Blade revere Dol
Dorn, the Sovereign of the common warrior and
tend to the Way of the Kensai. In contrast, the
monks of the Flayed Hand commune with the
Mockers, are master torturers and teach the ways
of the Shadow and Atonement. Shadow Dancers,
from The Demesne of Motion teach the ways of
the Drunken Monk, and the Shadow. The Church of
the Silver Flame leads monks of the Silver Forge
to channel the power of the flame by tempering
body and mind, and the ways of Kensai and Sun
Soul are common. Tashalatora is a kalashtar
martial art, practiced both as a form of meditation
and self-defense, and teaches Ways of Empathy
and the Open Hand. In Zilargo, the gnomish
monks of the Fulcrum meditate on the balance of
the planes, and the delicate array of forces that
Paladin Paladins might make oaths to the entirety of
The Sovereign Host, or to a specific host. Dol
Paladin’s in Eberron are champion empowered
Dorrah, Aureon, Boldrei, Arawai and Balinor are
by faith; their oath is a symbol of that faith and a
generally the hosts that call Paladins. Some
source of guidance in dark times and encountering
become paladins of The Dark Six, believing that
eberron’s rarely simple problems. A paladin’s oath
they represent virtues to be embraced rather than
evolves as their faith does, and may move from one
evil forces to be avoided. Paladins are also found
deity to another without breaking the oath.
in other faiths, with specific oaths reflecting their
The Church of the Silver Flame has many
beliefs. Paladins of The Blood of Vol believe that
Paladins, and the Oath of Devotion is the most
their duty is to fight against death, and steel their
common, especially for those who protect the
will. The Kalashtar seek to spread the light and
innocent from supernatural thread. The Oath of
emphasize themes of redemption. Both elf races
Redemption is a also a common path, for a paladin
focus on ancestors and the wisdom of the ancients,
focused on inspiring the lost.
but the Aereni paladins of the undying court tend to

focus on destroying evil undead, while the Valenor

seek to emulate the vow of their patron ancestor.
Rangers, with their martial prowess, played a
large role in The Last War. Rangers of The Eldeen
Reaches have a history of protecting the area, and
were the ones that stepped in when villages and
farms were left unprotected during the war.
Rangers belong to the same organizations outlined
under druids, but favour Wardens of the wood and
the The Greensingers. Those who belong to the
Church of the Silver Flame continue to deal with all
types of supernatural threats: The Arcanum focus

on cursed artifacts while Kloijner’s Edge is an elite

unit of monster slayers.
Rangers are also common outside of the Five
Nations: The wild halfling beast master excel at
taming the dinosaurs of the planes, Orc Horizon
Walkers patrol the ancient Gatekeeper seals, and
Shifter Hunters naturally channel their predatory

Rogues in Khorvaire generally have ties to one
of the prominent criminal organizations. The halfling
Boromar Clan is an extremely powerful crime
syndicate. Located mostly in Breland it has
connections with halflings all over, including also
the wild halflings of the plains. The Aurum is an warlock, especially in Eberron. Some warlocks
exclusive society for the rich and powerful to might have gained power through sheer luck, just
pursue their own goals of domination. Members of happening to be in the right place at the right time,
the small organization of House Tarkanan all have when the moons and planes aligned over a
aberrant dragonmarks, and sell their mercenary particular manifest zone, allowing a deal to be
and assassination services. The Dassk smuggles struck with an extraplanar being. While other
and trafficks illicit substances from Droaam, selling warlocks may have earned their pact through
them at a premium in cities in the Five Nations. The research and effort, learning long-forgotten rituals
Lhazaar Principalities has loosely allied pirates, to conjure and negotiate with the patron. A warlock
though each follows its own goals and plans. could be a member of a bloodline with ancestral
Beyond these official groups, the continent is a ties to a fiend, or they might have claimed an
state of cold-war, and each nation has its own artifact in a forgotten
espionage, and you could secretly be employed by Ruin.
them. Of course, the Zilargo gnomes are sure that
none of it compares to their Trust organization. Wizard
Arcane magic is an important part of daily life
Sorcerer in the Five Nations, but it’s especially important in
In a world imbued with magic like Eberron, Aundair. The Arcane Congress of Aundair is the
finest institute of magic in the Five Nation. A
Sorcerers are quite common. Eberron has 13
massive institution with campuses across the
planes, and they often interact in unexpected ways. nation, the most renowned are the floating towers
Aberrant Mind Sorcerers seem to channel the of Arcanix. The center both for cutting edge
Plane of Madness, while those with Shadow Magic research and for teaching the most advanced
might draw their power from the endless night. students, particularly noted for abjuration,
Other sorcerers receive power in another way. conjureration, and especially, divineration, it’s also
Divine Soul Sorcerers often had the essence of a a military citadel, and a testament to the arcane
might of Aundair as a whole.
celestial bound to them in some way, similar to the
The Karrnath based Atur Academy
origin of the Kalashtar origins. This immortal spirit
specializes in studies shunned by other institutions
might be a couatl of the Silver Flame, or something
and is a stronghold of the Blood of Vol. While its
older and deeper- even of a progenitor dragon.
coverage of other schools of magic is average, it
Draconic sorcerers might be dragonmarked, but
has no equal when it comes to the study of
not all of them are. Wild Magic Sorcerers seem to
necromancy, and it’s vaults are said to contain
more common after The Mourning
tomes and scrolls forbidden elsewhere.
The gnomes of Zilargo place great value on
Warlock illusion, divination, and enchantment magic, and it’s
There’s no such Library of Korranberg is especially noteworthy.
thing as a typical
It’s rumored that the Trust of Zilargo maintains a
number of hidden arcane think-tanks within the
Morgrave University in Breland is a good
option for general magical education, research and
private training. Morgrave’s facilities are no match
for Arcanix, but the University still produces an
impressive number of wizards and artificers.
Outside of the Five Nations, arcane magic
remains important and others civilizations may train
arcanists in different ways. In Aereni culture, for
example, arcane magic is so deeply ingrained that
everyone can cast at least one spell, and spells that
might be very rare in the Five Nations are much
less uncommon in Aerenal.

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