Smart Wheel Chair: Sarmad Hameed, Muhammad Hamza Shoukat, Abdur Rafay Khan and Khwaja Mobeen Haroon

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Received: 10 May, 2021

Research Article Accepted: 20 May, 2021
Published: 22 May, 2021

Smart wheel chair *Corresponding author: Sarmad Hameed, Department

of Mechatronics Engineering, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST),
Sarmad Hameed*, Muhammad Hamza Shoukat, Abdur University in Karachi, Pakistan,
Rafay Khan and Khwaja Mobeen Haroon Keywords: Wheel chair; Mobile application; Hand
gesture; Voice commands
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and
Technology (SZABIST), University in Karachi, Pakistan

While degrading mobility, one of the major concerns affecting the independent ability of elderly / disabled people to live. Mobility assistive technologies are now being
built to uplift people’s living conditions. However, improvements are required to existing mobility assistive devices. This paper explores designing and building a smart
wheel chair with several control interfaces. A version of the smart wheelchair device was built based on a currently accessible traditional wheelchair on the market, with
the introduction of similar electrical and mechanical developments. To improve user involvement, the system includes speech and gesture-control interfaces as addition
to the Mobile Application for controlling the Wheel Chair. Particulars are presented regarding the mechanical design, the smart wheelchair’s electrical and control system.
Experiments were carried out to verify the functionality of the smart wheelchair that was developed. Furthermore addition, a user study evaluated the user preferences
between the different controlling interfaces, and the results are presented.

Introduction the user to tilt the phone and according to this the wheelchair
will operate for example if user tilt 30 degree to the right then
The main objective of this paper is to control a wheel wheelchair will turn right and for the forward motion the
using hand gesture by the means of smartphones, for this phone will be tilt from the front side. For obstacle avoidance
purpose android application is created. An efficient system will IR sensor is used if an emergency occurs the Wheelchair will
provide a user with good outcome so for that android platform stop[3].
is chosen because it provides open tools for this operation.
Motor drivers are controlled via Arduino controller. In this In this research paper the authors discuss about modifying
configuration Arduino app is connected via android application a regular non-motorized wheelchair for patients with weak
using master-slave. HC-005 Bluetooth module is used which is upper body. The patient is also not capable of understanding
slave and smartphone which is master[1]. the complex instruction of a powered wheelchair and therefore
the solution suggested in this paper is voice control application.
In this paper the testing is done for the wheel chair The wheelchair has DC motors controlled by a microcontroller-
movement using built in voice, for this a user voice is recorded based control system via the motor driver circuit. The control
for the movements forward, backward, left, right and stop. circuit is connected to an android phone with the application for
There are two main aspects which include voice system the task. The user speaks into the phone and the commanded is
accuracy and other is wheel chair velocity. The voice is recorded conveyed to the microcontroller circuit over a Wi-Fi network.
in a quite environment so that noise can be reduced and then Ultrasonic sensors are used in the wheelchair to avoid obstacles
user voice is recorded. If the user words are match with the [4].
frequency of the words which are stored in the system then it
will according to it[2]. The research paper is about upgrading a powered wheelchair
to serve larger number of disabled persons. This is achieved by
Automated Smart Wheelchair is designed and fabricated for combining DC motor, motor drivers and microcontroller system.
disabled persons which is operated with android application. The android based control circuit controls the direction of the
This app can be download and can be used as a controller for wheel chair. Bluetooth communication is used to communicate
the wheelchair. Smartphone built gyroscope feature will help with the control circuit using an existing android phone. The

Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

android application used in this project is downloaded into the for mapping and location tracking. Accordingly, they typically
phone of the user which reduces the cost of the wheelchair. The favoured service in well-defined settings. To ensure navigation
four directions of motion are forward, reverse, right and left. safety and robustness, researchers suggested having the
The communication between the phone and the control circuit wheelchair ride along a reference marker structured in a lattice
is wireless [5]. shape as in Hiroo Wakaumi’s and Tsuneo Tsukagoshi ‘s patent
number US5002145 A [11].
The wheel chair can be communicated via joy stick in which
the user will control the wheel chair using built in parameters Synthesized landmark maps for total localization of an
for forward, backward, left and right command. Also, the speed outdoor smart wheelchair device are used in [12] to render the
of the wheel can also be adjusted through this joystick. The wheelchair accessible in urban area. First move was to create
purpose of this feature is to allow the user to exert less effort a three-dimensional map for the project. A vehicle with high
and more safety [6]. precision inertial / GPS systems in combination with Light
Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) systems acquires data for the
A new complex feature which is known as Head controlled route. The resulting map data are then synthesized priority
wheel chair uses V frame and SPDT switch. SPDT switch or to define stable, distinctive features in localization for use as
single pole double throw switch and 4 SPDT type relays of 12 landmarks. The machine was able to hold outdoor predictions
V and 10 Amps are used for directions left, right, forward and of precise, global pose across approximately 1 km of roads [9].
reverse. These switches are attached with the V-frame and will
help the user to move in the desired position [7]. In autonomous and semi-autonomous wheelchair systems
more sophisticated solutions and sensors may be available. For
A smart wheelchair, as described earlier in this article, instance, a panoramic camera with 360-degree field of view
may be identified as a mobile robot with seats or as a uniquely and sonar sensors are added to monitor a target individual in
modified powered wheelchair fitted with a control system and [13]. The goal person shall be identified from a computer by the
variant sensors. But smart navigation approaches are important wheelchair owner. The controls, the processing resources and
smart chair features. In 2010 Christina Tsalicoglou and Xavier the software required to incorporate control patterns and user
Perrin performed a study on mobility aids for people with interfaces (touch screen, voice commands) have been built as
disabilities [8]. Many initiatives are researching how a smart additional components and incorporated with the wheelchair.
wheelchair can be of full assistance to its operator according Another illustration is an unconsciously shifting activity
to this report. Methods of navigation are classified into three between indoor and outdoor environments (for illustration
groups according to help rate. The three key types are: mutual speed or hazard threshold limits) [11].
control, semi-autonomous control and entirely decentralized
power. The benefit of autonomous and semi-autonomous A number of sensors may be regarded as guidance
systems is that just once in a while the consumer has to send instruments with add-ons. Obstacle avoidance devices utilize
a order and can relax until the order is provided, as the control sonars, infrared (IR) or LIDAR sensors to analyze the natural
is automatic. Shared ownership allows the user more freedom, environment [13–15]. Sonar and IR sensors are widely used
since the user may manage the flow and schedule the road. The since they are lightweight, cheap and well known. With laser
smart chair only offers rescue or mitigating measures such as range finders (LRFs), which have 180°, 2D scanning within
stopping accidents, removing barriers and following partitions the obstacle layer, the precision of 30 obstacle detection is
[9]. improved. An example of using LRF in smart wheelchairs is
It’s clear from the names “semi-autonomous control” and
“autonomous control” that machine assistance is increasing. Recognition trends and computer vision algorithms make
Therefore, wheelchairs are more interested in route planning, cameras one of the main add-ons [16]. For instance on T.
in addition to prevention of accidents, avoiding obstacles and Utilizing stereoscopic cameras by H.Nguyen et al. Left and
approaching walls. Semi-autonomous systems wait for user right photos are taken from wheelchair fixed cameras The
optimum variance is measured using a correlation formula
commands that provide a local target for the short term. The
named the Number of Absolute Disparities (SAD). The map is
wheelchair then starts moving until the navigation system
built from this difference to be used to provide this device with
alerts an external flag that the order has been completed. Semi-
an efficient obstacle avoidance technique [15].
autonomous devices could be useful in cases such as people
with visual impairments. They aid them with the versatility
Autonomous wheel chair is also the most useful technology.
benefit of freedom, as in the “Support Star” system [10]. The
In this technology three main features which includes modeling,
“Support Star” role may be triggered when the consumer calibration and epipolar geometry of cameras is used. Using
encounters an unexpected situation. It enables a remote user SAD (sum of absolute differences) stereo disparity map is build
to use augmented reality technology to offer valuable steering and according to this map the robot will detect the obstacles
guidance or to explicitly transmit orders to the wheelchair [8]. and performance will be made. Using geometric projection
approach this disparity map will be generated onto the 3D map.
The consumer specifies the final intended destination in
A 2-D map will be generated for real time processing [17].
autonomous system and the wheelchair mechanism assumes
direct care of travel from the current position to the target The add-on unit solution offers versatility in sensor,
destination. Therefore, autonomous systems require techniques controller, and input system settings, depending on

Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

the requirements of each particular customer. It makes required to move flawlessly with 80kg patient. The motors are
adjustment of the procedure due to the shifts in the world or synced such that they both rotate at equal rpm to move the
the improvement in the condition of the patient. Particularly wheelchair in a straight line. To move the wheelchair to the
for children it is satisfied because their bodies are continually right or left their respective motor rotates the wheel and the
growing[18]. direction is easily and safely changed by the user. The motors
are powered by a single DC LINO 12-volt 26Ah rechargeable
Any essential add-ons can involve the tracking systems battery. The battery also provides necessary power to the
for patients. For example, the authors describe a framework electronics of the project. A single Arduino mega is the brain
for the control of cardio-respiratory and physical life. The of the smart wheel chair. It connects the Bluetooth, the motor
paper discusses utilizing frequency modulated continuous drive circuits, the MPU sensor and the buck boost circuits. The
wave (FMCW) and Doppler radar sensors mounted in a hand- shaft of the motor is connected to the wheels via a strong chain
held wheelchair to assess the wheelchair user’s heart and sprocket mechanism. This mechanism was selected for its
respiratory functions and physical exercise. Information is durability and ease of maintenance Figure 1.
then transmitted to an Android tablet computer to be processed
using Bluetooth communication protocol [19]. Principle of operation

Alert systems are major add-ons, too. For example, a The implementation of the smart wheel chair was broken
device named “BotBeep” is used for rearward protection in into two halves, hardware and software. The hardware consists
wheelchairs. The rear of a wheelchair is sometimes in the blind of the wheelchair itself and DC motors and battery. The
spot of a wheelchair user. Thus, the BotBeep mechanism alerts software part is composed of programing and PCB designing.
the patient of shifts in elevation behind the wheelchair that The programming was done in Arduino IDE while circuit
lead to gaps, steep slopes and staircases. Therefore, Bot Beep designing and testing was performed using Fritzing open
decreases the chance of slipping and rolling over. Using picture source program.
processing method, Smartphone is used as a computational
system [20]. The hardware is designed in such a way that the wheel chair
easily moves on a plane surface. The two DC motors provide
Research in smart wheelchairs in the field of robotics and necessary torque required to move flawlessly with 80kg
artificial intelligence can be seen as prominent. The smart patient. The motors are synced such that they both rotate at
wheelchairs sold are not readily identified, however. The hunt equal rpm to move the wheelchair in a straight line. To move
for the word “wheelchair” on e-commerce websites provides the wheelchair to the right or left their respective motor rotates
a vast range of manual wheelchairs, only a few mechanical the wheel and the direction is easily and safely changed by the
wheelchairs with standard joysticks and a few smart user. The motors are powered by a single DC LINO 12-volt
wheelchairs. One of the foreign e-commerce portals [21]. 26Ah rechargeable battery. The battery also provides necessary
power to the electronics of the project. A single Arduino mega
It’s worth noting that not all the 10 smart wheelchairs is the brain of the smart wheel chair. It connects the Bluetooth,
identified in the previous review apply to this paper’s concept the motor drive circuits, the MPU sensor and the buck boost
of smart wheelchair. Most of them are smart in design, or circuits. The shaft of the motor is connected to the wheels
because of fast folding, stair ascending, standing feature via a strong chain sprocket mechanism. This mechanism was
and other related facilities the producers name them smart. selected for its durability and ease of maintenance.
We find that only Smile Smart Technology Ltd sells actual,
smart wheelchairs in the UK. This is because the technology’s a. Gear box
robustness and reliability is not yet assured in several
researches to 100 percent. In the other side, while effective Gearbox is used to bear more wight with less effort. The
autonomous wheelchair technology is available, the decision gearbox of 24:1 is used because of the max torque required to
to use it or not depends on the nature of the injury, the general move 130 Kg weight of person in an ideal condition is 60.6 Nm
morale and attitude of the person towards his or her condition from the calculations. The gearbox will enhance the motor
and the technology price [22]. In other terms, the most critical torque which is 3.5 Nm to 84 Nm (3.5 x 24). Gearbox was
considerations in the commercialization of smart technology
are expense, ease of use and personalization.

The device architecture consists of an Arduino Uno
microcontroller which serves as the Wheel Chair bot ‘s brain,
motor driver circuitry which is responsible for controlling
the 24-volt DC motors attached to the wheels, and a remote
controller which controls the bot ‘s motion. The microcontroller
communicates through transmitter and receiver. The hardware
is designed in such a way that the wheel chair easily moves on
a plane surface. The two DC motors provide necessary torque
Figure 1: Assembly picture of Smart Wheel Chair.

Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

inserted after all the calculations are made so that the value of
motor transmitted torque should be in the range Figure 2.

b. Motor

Motor which we have selected for the wheel chair is 24 V DC

Geared. The operating current for the motor is 3 Amperes while
maximum current is about 20 Amperes. The 3600 RPM motor
has a rated power of 50 Watts. Motors a are directly coupled
with the gear box of 24:1 and is further coupled with a smaller Figure 4: Chain Sprocket.
sprocket Figure 3.

c. Chain sprocket

Chain sprocket mechanism is used to reduce the Rear Wheel

torque. The sprocket has a gear ratio of 3:1 which will reduce the
rear wheel torque by a factor of 3. Two chains and 4 sprockets
are used for the driving mechanism. Smaller sprocket has 11
number of teethes and larger sprocket have 32 number of teeth.
Our concern is with the smaller sprocket so motor gearbox is
coupled with the smaller sprocket Figure 4.

d. Battery

A 12 V battery is used to drive the motor directly and an

Arduino controller with the help of buck regulator. Motor
can be operated on 12V such that rpm would be reduced to its Figure 5: LINO Battery 12 V- 26Ah.

halved value. 26 Ah battery would provide 26 amperes max to

flow for an hour such that for the motor which is operating
e. Motor with gear box
at maximum condition 20 ampere would take 20 amperes of
current for an hour Figure 5. A gearbox, better known as a gear reducer or velocity
reducer, is a series of gears that may be attached to a motor
to significantly decrease speed and/or improve torque. Torque
is strictly proportional to the displacement of a motor (length
of square times diameter). That means that the same amount
of output torque could be provided by a very large motor and a
relatively small gearbox Figure 6.

f. Gear box connecting plate

Gearbox is used for the purpose of enhancing tire
performance in robotic vehicles. That goal is reached when
the gearbox and the tires are matched together correctly. Four
gearbox connecting plates, each for each tire, of extruded star
shape at the center are used to obtain this factor, which are
attached to the tires to fit them with the gearbox. This improves
tire performance as well as driving mechanism Figure 7.

g. Sonar sensor
Figure 2: Gear Box 24:1.

Sonar sensor is used for obstacle avoidance, this sensor will

help in detection of any object. If the object appear it will stop
the wheel chair Figure 8.

h. MPU sensor 5060

MPU sensors are basically Inertia Measurement unit sensors
that are usually use for self-balancing. It communicates with
Arduino and helps us get the desired position of the object
Figure 9.

i. System flow

Figure 3: Motor 24Volts. System flowchart’s shows the software and hardware part

Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

in order to deliver a complete final product of a Smart Wheel

chair system. This flow chart provides a basic conceptual view
that how mobile is synchronized with the Bluetooth and how
Arduino Mega is interfacing with the Motors and boost circuit.
Motors are interfacing via motor drivers with the Arduino
controller Figure 10.

j. Analysis

The working mechanism of the wheelchair is both simple

and effective. Firstly, using a control device, signal is sent to the
Bluetooth module connected to the Arduino mega board. This
Figure 9: MPU sensor 5060.
interprets the signal to switch on/off the motor drive circuits.
Each motor has its own dedicated drive circuit. The current
from the motor drive goes into the motor which in turn rotates
the wheel it is connected to via chain sprocket mechanism.

Figure 6: Motor coupled with gear box.

Figure 10: Process flow of the overall system.

This same process is also applicable when using MPU as

the control device. The signals are directly provided to the
Arduino board without the need of Bluetooth module. The MPU
detects hand movement of the patient. Each specific gesture
corresponds to a specific movement of the wheelchair Figure

Figure 7: Connecting Plate.

Torque required for the motor

fR = Frictional Force

FMax = Maximum Force

N = Normal Contact Force

a = acceleration

u = coefficient of friction

m = Mass of the person

Figure 8: Sonar Sensor. g = gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)


Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

External Weight = Weight of battery + weight of electronic

box + weight of chair + weight of motors

External Weight = 7.2+ 0.7 + 21.5+3

External Weight = 32.4 kg

For weight = 85 Kg
Figure 12: Chain Sprocket.

Total Weight = Weight of person + External weight

Total Weight = 85 + 32.4 Torque = 423.2 x 0.3

Total Weight =117.4 kg Torque = 126.9 Nm.

Since there are two motors attached so weight exerted by Gear Ratio= Driven Sprocket teeth/drive sprocket teeth (6)
each motor will be the halve value of the total weight since
Gear Ratio= 32/22= 2.9
there are two main reaction forces on Rear Wheel. The caster
wheel will have very low impact on the wheel chair since they Torque of Motor= Torque of Rear wheel/Gear ratio (7)
are for supporting the wheel chair so the reaction forces of
those caster wheel are not making into consideration Figure 12. Torque = 126.9Nm./2.9

So, Weight exerted by motor 1 = 117.4/2 New Torque =43.7 Nm.

Weight exerted by motor 1 =58.7 kg Results

Now Maximum force exrted by the wheel chair will be The results have been carried out for weight 70 Kg to 130
calculated Kg. Total weight is equal to the sum of external weight which
includes batteries, motors and electronic equipment. Then this
FMax-fR = m x a (1) weight is halved so that whole weight which was acting on
the wheel chair is distributed on the rear wheels and from the
Now, for the ideal condition normal wheel chair accelerates
Newton 2nd law equation. Rear Wheel torque is then calculated
at 4.0 m/s2 and coefficient of friction (u) for rough surface is
which is equal to the product of maximum force and the
0.3. By these values Maximum force is calculated.
distance from the axis of rotation which is 0.3 meters Table 1.
N= m x g (2)
The key aspect of wheelchair system is finding its speed.
fR = u. N (3) Whilst the Speech operated wheelchair moves in a straight
line, for velocity is noted in the distance and time. The wheel
fR = 0.3 x 58.7 x 9.8 chair velocity needs to be tested on two conditions. In unloaded
condition the speed is measured first. The wheelchair was
FMax = fR + m x a (4)
designed to travel in a straight line, and a speed of 0.8 m / s
is observed. Second, the wheelchair was allowed to carry the
FMax = 172.5 + (58.7 x 4.27)
load with 15 kg loads, and the velocity was found to be 0.76 m/
FMax = 423.2 N s. A person weighing 78 kg finally sat in the wheelchair. This
required the voice operated wheelchair to travel in a straight
Wheel Diameter = 0.6m line. The wheel chair velocity with this charge is 0.72 m/ s. The
voice recognition system will first be tested with one user in a
Torque = FMax×Diameter/2 (5)
quiet room. All words are well recognized. First, we will look at
someone else’s machine that has not been trained on it. In this
case, almost 5 percent errors occurred, for example words such
as “true” are known as “write.” This was because they heard
a different pronunciation before. However, the acquirer had
enough examples after the user spoke the word several times
and correctly determined which words the user was speaking
Table 2.

From the above calculations both the motors are now

synchronized as the motor 1 and motor 2 both has the value of
1980 RPM. Buck regulator is used to provide 18 V for motor 1 and
20 V for motor 2 to make them synchronize, whereas battery
has the output voltage of 24. The motor RPM was checked with
the help of solid works software by which we achieved a torque
Figure 11: Free Body Diagram (Wheel Chair).

Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

value of approximate 43 Nm which is almost same with the as “true” are known as “write.” This was because they heard
ideal calculation Figure 13. a different pronunciation before. However, the acquirer had
enough examples after the user spoke the word several times
Conclusion and correctly determined which words the user was speaking.

The key aspect of wheelchair system is finding its speed. Manufacturers and researchers face many challenges that
Whilst the Speech operated wheelchair moves in a straight need to be resolved in order to render smart wheelchair a market
line, for velocity is noted in the distance and time. The wheel success and be commonly used. Cost versus accuracy is one
chair velocity needs to be tested on two conditions. In unloaded common principal issue. Advanced sensors can help overcome
condition the speed is measured first. The wheelchair was this problem. There are no smart wheelchairs accessible
designed to travel in a straight line, and a speed of 0.8 m / s that can often be used for certain types of disabilities. Smart
is observed. Second, the wheelchair was allowed to carry the wheelchairs should also be able to monitor and respond to the
load with 15 kg loads, and the velocity was found to be 0.76 m/ patient’s condition. Currently, smart wheelchairs can be easily
s. A person weighing 78 kg finally sat in the wheelchair. This used in indoor environments but require a safety check for an
required the voice operated wheelchair to travel in a straight outdoor environment.
line. The wheel chair velocity with this charge is 0.72 m/ s. The
voice recognition system will first be tested with one user in a A motorized wheelchair with smartphone device function,
quiet room. All words are well recognized. First, we will look at hand movement, or speech recognition was successfully
someone else’s machine that has not been trained on it. In this developed and introduced. Overall loss included Rs.60000 PKR
case, almost 5 percent errors occurred, for example words such with whccceelchair prices. The speech recognition program has
performed with most of the commands (over 95 per cent). It
was not only understood by the machine that a phrase was not
Table 1: Torque Calculations. adequately vocalized. However, in this case the Smartphone
Rear Wheel Torque Device may also be used as a backup evidence. Users have stated
Weight of Person (kg) Motor Torque (Nm)
(Nm) that they were pleased with the overall plan. Further research
102.4 110.8 38.2 is required to help classify the tiny artifacts.
112.4 121.7 41.9
117.4 127.1 43.8cc
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Copyright: © 2021 Hameed S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Citation: Hameed S, Shoukat MH, Khan AR, Haroon KM (2021) Smart wheel chair. Ann Robot Automation 5(1): 011-018. DOI:

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