Faculty Declaration Form (For AY 2021 - 22) : Remarks and Signature of Assessor

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NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.

Faculty Declaration Form (For AY 2021 – 22)

Name of the College: ____________________________________________________________

Assessment date _ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _ Remarks and Signature of Assessor

Accepted Yes / No
Assessor’s name
Note: It isthe responsibility of the Dean to ensure that the submitted Declaration form is ONLY of a Faculty memberwhois working as a full-time
employee has notappeared for assessment in anyother college for any discipline and in any capacity during the stated academic year.

1. Name of Faculty: _______________________________________

Attach a recent
2. Age & Date of birth: _____ (Years) ____ /____ /________
passport size color
3. Photo ID submitted: PAN Card/Aadhar Card/Voter ID/Passport copy photograph with
signature and seal
Number: ___________________________________________ of the Principal /
Issuing Authority: ___________________________________________ Dean across it
(i) Declaration forms without a valid government issued Photo ID will NOT be accepted.
(ii) It is mandatory to produce Original certificates at the time of verification.
(iii) Only certificates/documents/certified translations in the English language will be accepted.

4. Present Designation: _____________________________________________________

a. Appointment order: Certified copy of order at this institute attached: Yes / No
b. Department: _____________________________________________________
c. College/Institute: _____________________________________________________
d. City / District: _____________________________________________________
e. Appointment: (i) Regular/Contractual/Ad-hoc basis
(ii) Full time /Part time
(iii) With Private practice / Without Private practice
f. Date of appearance in last MCI/NMC assessment:
i. UG / PG / Any other: _________________________________________
ii. Name of College: _________________________________________
iii. Whether appeared and accepted at the same College: Yes / No
iv. Whether appeared and accepted for the same designation: Yes / No
v. Whether retired from Government Medical College: Yes /No
vi. If yes, designation at the time of retirement: _______________________

______________ _______________
Signature of the Faculty Signature & Seal of Dean

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1

5. Complete Residential Address of the employee:

a. Present: _________________________________________________________________
b. Permanent: _________________________________________________________________
6. Copy of Proof of Residence submitted and original verified: Yes / No
(Only copies of Passport/Aadhar card/Voter ID/Passport/Electricity bill/Landline Phone bill will be considered)
7. Contact details:
a. Office telephone with STD code: ___________________________________
b. Residence telephone with STD code: ___________________________________
c. Mobile Phone Number: ___________________________________
d. Email address: ___________________________________
8. Date of joining the present institution: ____ / ____ / ________
9. Joining report verified / attached Yes / No
10. Have you attended the ‘Basic Course Workshop’ for training in MET: Yes / No.
If Yes, give details (strike out whichever is not applicable):
a. at MCI/NMC Regional MET Centre: Yes /No.
b. at your college under Regional Centre observership: Yes / No
i. Name of Observer: ____________________________________________________
11. Educational Qualifications:

Name of College & Registration number Name of State

Degree Year
University with date of registration Medical council




a. MD/MS subject: ___________________________________

b. DM/MCh subject: ___________________________________
c. PhD subject: ___________________________________

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1

Note: For PG & Post PG qualifications, particulars of Registration of Additional Qualificationcertificates

are to be furnished for them to be accepted. Strike out whichever section is not applicable.
12. Copies of educational qualifications:
a. Copies of MBBS & PG Degree certificates verified and attached: Yes / No
b. Copies of MBBS & PG Degree Registration verified and attached: Yes / No

13. Details of Teaching experience till date:

Designation* Department Institution From To Total

Junior Resident _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)
Senior Resident _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)

Tutor _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)

Asst. Professor _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)

Assoc. Professor _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)

Professor _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _/_ _/_ _ ___(y)___(m)

* Write NA (Not Applicable) for the designations not held

To be filled in by personnel from Indian Defense Services ONLY:

Designation Institution* From To Total

_ _/_ _/_ _ _/_ _/_
Graded Specialist _ _

_ _/_ _/_ _ _/_ _/_

Classified Specialist _ _

_ _/_ _/_ _ _/_ _/_

Advisor _ _

* Note: Documents in support of each posting to be furnished for verification

14. Have you been considered in UG/PG, MCI/NMC inspection at any other medical college in
a teaching or administrative capacity during last 3 years. If yes, please give details:

Designation Subject College Dates

15. Details of employmentbefore joining the present institution:

a. Name of College/Institution: _______________________________________________
b. Designation:_______________________ Date on which relieved: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
c. Reason for being relieved: Tendered resignation / Retired / Transferred / Terminated

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1

d. Relieving order issued by previous institution verified and attached: Yes / No

16. PAN Card Number:

17. Aadhar card Number:
18. I have drawn total emoluments from this college in the current financial year as under:

Month Amount Received TDS

1. April 2020

2. May 2020

3. June 2020

4. July 2020

5. August 2020

6. September 2020

7. October 2020

8. November 2020

9. December 2020

10. January 2021

11. February 2021

12. March 2021

[Copy of PAN card & Form 16 (downloaded from TRACES) for FY 2019-20 (Assessment Year 2020-21)to be

19. Number of Research articles in Indexed Journals:

a. International Journals: ____
b. National Journals: ____
c. State / Institutional Journals: _ _ _ _
20. Details of other publications:
a. Number of Books published:
b. Number of Chapters in books:

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1


1. I, Dr. _____________________ am working in the capacity of ______________________

in the Department of _________________________ at
_____________________________ Medical College and do hereby give an undertaking
that I am employed as a full time teaching faculty, working from _ _:_ _ A.M. to _ _:_ _
P.M. daily at this Institute.
2. I have not made myself available to any other Medical College/Institution in any
discipline, in the capacity of a teaching faculty, administrator or advisor in the current
academic year for the purpose of NMC/MCI assessments.
3. I do hereby solemnly declare that (tick the applicable clause):
a. I state that I am not doing any Private Practice or working in any other hospital
during college hours.
b. I practice at __________________________ Nursing Home / Clinic / Hospital
in the city of __________________ in ___________ State and my hours of
private practice are from _ _:_ _ AM/PM to _ _:_ _ AM/PM.
4. I am not working in any other medical/dental collegein or outside the State in any capacity:
Regular/Contractual/Ad-hoc or Full time/Part time/Honorary.
5. I declare that I have provided all details with regard to my work and teaching experience
and no information has been concealed by me.
6. Ido solemnly declare that all the details/information furnished by me in this declaration
form is absolutely true and correct, and all the documents/certificates that weremade
available by me for verification or have been submitted by me along with this declaration
form are authentic. In the event of any information furnished or statement made in this
declaration subsequently turning out to be false/incorrect or any document/s or certificate/s
is/are found to be out of order, or it comes to light that there has been suppression of any
material information, I understand and accept that it shall be considered as gross
misconduct thereby rendering me liable to disciplinary and/or legal proceedings. It might
also lead to suspension/cancellation of my Registration with the State Medical Council
and/or removal of my name from the Indian Medical Register.

Place: ____________________
(Signature of the Faculty)

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1


1. This endorsement is the certification that the undersigned has satisfied herself/himself
about the correctness, authenticity and veracity of the content of this declaration form in its
entirety and endorsed the above declaration as true and correct. I have personally verified
all the certificates/documents submitted by the teaching faculty with the original
certificates and documents that were submitted by her/him to the Institute and
confirmed the same with the concerned Institute and have found them to be correct
and authentic.

2. I also confirm that Dr. __________________________ is not indulging in private practice

of any kind or carrying out any other professional or other commercial activity during
college working hours, from __:__ AM to __:__ PM, since she/he has joined the Institute.

3. In the event of this declaration turning out to be false or incorrect or any part of this
declaration subsequently turning out to be false or incorrect or it comes to light that there
has been suppression of any material information, it is understood and accepted that the
undersigned shall also be equally responsible besides the declarant herself/himself, for the
misdeclaration or misstatement.

Place: ____________________ ______________________
Signature (Head of Dept.) Signature (Head of Institute)
with official seal with official seal

NMC- Faculty Declaration Form (2021-22)V.1.1


Sl Documents Submitted
1. Recent Passport size photo of Employee, Signed by Dean/Principal of college Yes / No
2. Photo ID proof (Govt. Authority issued): Passport/PAN Card/Voter ID/Aadhar Card Yes / No
3. Certified copy of Appointment order of the present Institute. Yes / No
4. Proof of Residence: Passport/Voter Card/Electricity/Landline phone bill/ Aadhar Card Yes / No
5. Joining report at the present institute. Yes / No
6. Copies of MBBS, PG, PhD degrees (as applicable). Yes / No
7. Copies of MBBS, PG, PhD degree Registration Certificates (as applicable). Yes / No
8. Copy of experience certificates of all teaching appointments before joining present post. Yes / No
9. Relieving order from the previous institution/posting. Yes / No
10. Copy of PAN Card Yes / No
11. Form 16A (downloaded from TRACES) for FY 2019-20 (Assessment Year 2020-21) Yes / No
12. Letter head (in case of teachers who are practicing) Yes / No
13. Copy of letter from affiliating University recognizing as UG teacher Yes / No
14 Copy of letter from affiliating University recognizing as PG teacher (for PG assessment) Yes / No
15 Copy of Aadhar Card Yes / No

_________________ _________________
Signature of Faculty Signature of the HoD.
Date: Date:

________________________ _______________________
Signature of Head of Institute Signed & Verified (Assessor)
Date: Date:

I) This Declaration Form will not be accepted and the Faculty member will not be considered as a
Teaching Faculty in case any of the documents listed above are not enclosed/attached with the
Declaration Form.

II) The Faculty member will not be considered as a Teaching Faculty if the original Appointment letter,
Relieving order, Experience certificates, Government Photo ID,Degrees, Registration Certificates,
PAN Card, Aadhar Card, State Medical Council ID (if issued) are not produced for verification at the
time of assessment.

III) Faculty members must submit the revised Declaration form in this format only, Submissions in the
old format will be rejected and Faculty members will not be considered as Teaching Faculty.

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