4-5. Science and Math 6-Q1-Week 8

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SCIENCE 6- Q1-WEEK 8 QUARTER 1: MODULES 4: Dividing Simple
Separating Mixtures through Evaporation Fractions and Mixed Fractions
LESSON 3: Dividing Simple Fractions and Mixed Fractions
One of the main ingredients in cooking food is salt. Salt serves as
important element in our planet because of its many uses. We often see the What’s New
crystal white color that adds savor to our everyday meal. The salt is also used as Study this problem.
component of other products sold in the market. But, have you ever wonder how
salt is made? In this module we are going to learn about evaporation process Liza plans to make pillowcases. She bought 10
2 meters of cloth. She needs
and its examples. 1
meter for each pillow case. How many pillowcases can she make?
What’s New

Heat is an important component to our environment as it makes green

things live and grow abundantly, the presence of the sun’s heat serves as the What is It
main source of energy in our planet as it brings many uses to the biotic known as
livings things and abiotic or non-living things components of our
To get the answer, we can write the division equation as:
1 1
10 ÷ =N
As heat is used by animals and plants as the main source of energy it is also 2 2
useful in so many things in the process of evaporation as one of the techniques
in separating mixtures. Step 1. First, convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction by multiplying the denominator
of the mixed fraction to the whole number and add the numerator. Don’t forget to copy the
Evaporation denominator of the mixed fraction.

Evaporation is a process of separating mixtures 1 2( 10) +1

10 =
which involves heating the solution until the solvent 2 2
evaporates leaving behind the solid residue. 1 21
10 =
2 2
Heat being the main component in this process
separates the mixtures of solid from a liquid. As 1 1
So, the equation 10 ÷ =N
liquid goes in the air in a form of gas when heated, 2 2
changing liquid to gas as an example of physical 21 1
will become ÷ =N
change. 2 2
Some examples of evaporation are boiling water, Step 2. Get the reciprocal of the divisor.
drying clothes, and drying of wet roads after heavy 1 2
The reciprocal of the divisor is .
rain. 2 1
Step 3. Multiply the dividend to the reciprocal of the divisor.
21 1
In your daily activities at home think of 5 chores where evaporation The equation ÷ =N
2 2
technique is involved in accomplishing your activity. Explain your answer
21 2
using complete sentences. You can also draw or use picture in explaining your will become x =N
2 1
answer. Write them on your LONG PAD.
2. Plan
Step 4. Multiply the numerators.  What operation/s is/are needed to solve the problem?
21 2 42 Answer: Division
x =  What is the number sentence?
2 1
3 3
Step 5. Multiply the denominators. Answer: 8 ÷1 =N
4 4
21 2 3. Solve
x =
2 1 2 3 3
8 ÷1 =N
4 4
21 2 42
2 35 7 35 4 140
÷ =N x = or 5
4 4 4 7 28
Step 6. Express the answer in lowest term if possible. To simplify the answer, change
the improper fraction to mixed fraction by dividing the numerator to its denominator.
3 3
21 2 42 21 Therefore, we can cut 5 pieces of 1
- meter each from an 8 meter long bamboo
x = or or 21
2 1 2 1 pole.
Therefore, Liza can make 21 pillowcases.

4. Check

Now that you are already familiar of the steps on how to divide fractions, you can now move 3 7 5 35 3
1 x5=N x = or 8
4 4 1 4 4
on in studying problem solving involving division of fractions.

Read the problem and study the solution below. Here is another problem that will challenge you more.

3 3 The quotient of a mixed number and a simple fraction is a whole number and their sum
An 8 -meter bamboo pole is to be cut into pieces 1 meters long each. How many
4 4 1
smaller cuts of the same length can you get from it? is 2 . The numerator of the divisor is the same with the numerator of the dividend when

changed to improper fraction. What are the two fractions in their simplest form?
Consider the following steps in solving the problem:
1. Understand

 What is asked in the problem?

To solve for this, we are going to consider the following steps:
Answer: The number of smaller cuts of bamboo poles we can get from an
3 1. Understand
8 -meter bamboo pole.  What is asked in the problem?
 What facts are needed to solve the problem? Answer: The two given fractions
3  What facts are needed to solve the problem?
Answer: 8 meters length of the bamboo pole 1
4 Answer: 2
sum of the mixed and simple fraction
3 whole number quotient of the two fractions
1 meters length of each smaller cut
4 2. Plan
 Strategy to solve the problem
Answer: Guess and Check will help you solve the problem.
3. Solve 12
First, let us consider the condition “ the sum of the mixed number and simple fraction
is 2

Since the sum of the two fractions is 2
, and they are both in simplest form, we will
try to look for a mixed number and a simple fraction in simplest form that adds up to
2 .
1 2 3
Trial 1: 2 + =2
4 4 4 These two do not satisfy the first condition
1 1 3 3 3
1 3 4 since their sum is not 2 . 1 ÷ = ÷
Trial 2: 1 + =1 or 2
4 2 4 2 4
4 4 4
3 4 12 The quotient is a whole number. Thus, it
3 1 3 2 5 1 x = or 2 satisfies the last condition.
Trial 3: 1 + = 1 + = 1 or 2 2 3 6
4 2 4 4 4 4 Trial 3 and Trial 4 satisfy the first
condition since their sum is
1 3
1 3 2 3 5 1 1 Therefore, the two fractions are 1 and .
Trial 4: 1
+ = 1 + = 1 or 2
4 4 4 4 4 2 . 2 4
3 1 1 3 Can you think of other pair of fractions that satisfy the conditions given? Give it a try!
So, we will consider only Trial 3 (1 and ) and Trial 4 (1 and ) as possible
4 2 2 4
answers because only these two satisfy the condition.
4. Check
Next, consider the condition “the numerator in the divisor is the same with the
numerator in the dividend when changed to improper fraction”
1 3 3 3
1 ÷ = ÷
3 1 2 4 2 4
Let’s try our 3rd Trial (1 and )
4 2
3 4 12
2 3
= 6
or 2 the quotient is a whole number
3 1 7 1 This does not satisfy the condition because
÷ = ÷
2 4 2 the numerators are different.
1 3 2 3 5 1 1
1 + = 1 + = 1 or 2 the sum is 2
1 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4
4th Trial (1 and )
2 4 The mixed number and the simple fraction are in simplest form.

1 3 3 3 This satisfies the condition because the

1 ÷ = ÷ numerators are the same.
2 4 2 4

In this case, only Trial 4 satisfies the condition. So, we will use only our 4th trial to test
whether it also satisfies the last condition, “their quotient is a whole number.”
1 3
So we are going to divide 1 by .
2 4

What I Have Learned

A. Divide and express your answer in lowest term. Write your answers on
In dividing simple and mixed fraction; your LONG PAD. SHOW YOUR SOLUTION.
1. First, rename the mixed fraction to improper fraction by multiplying the
denominator of the fraction by the whole nmuber, and then adding the
product to the numerator. Don’t forget to copy the denominator of the
mixed fraction.
2 3(4) +2
4 =
3 3
2 14
4 =
3 3
2. Get the reciprocal of the divisor.
3. Multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
4. Multiply the numerators.
5. Multiply the denominators.
6. Express the answer to the lowest term if possible.
To simplify the answer, change the improper fraction to mixed fraction by
dividing the numerator by its denominator.

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