Adverb Form: Adjective Ending Do This Adjective Adverb

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Adverb Form

We make many adverbs by adding -ly to an adjective, for example:

 quick (adjective) > quickly (adverb)
 careful (adjective) > carefully (adverb)
 beautiful (adjective) > beautifully (adverb)

There are some basic rules about spelling for -ly adverbs. See the table

adjective ending do this adjective adverb

most adjectives add -ly quick quickly

nice nicely
sole solely
careful carefully

-able or -ible change -e to -y regrettable regrettably

horrible horribly

-y change -y to -ily happy happily

-ic change -ic to -ically economic economically

But not all words that end in -ly are adverbs. The following -ly words, for
example, are all adjectives:

 friendly, lovely, lonely, neighbourly

And some adverbs have no particular form. Look at these examples:

 well, fast, very, never, always, often, still

Kinds of Adverbs
Here you can see the basic kinds of adverbs.

Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens.
They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs.

 He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?)

 They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?)
 James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his
We normally use Adverbs of Manner with dynamic (action) verbs, not with
stative or state verbs.
 He ran fast. She came quickly. They worked happily.
 She looked beautifully. It seems strangely. They are happily.

Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer
the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modify verbs.

 Please sit here. (Where should I sit?)

 They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?)
 Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?)

Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens.
Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs.

They can answer the question "when?":

 He came yesterday. (When did he come?)

 I want it now. (When do I want it?)

Or they can answer the question "how often?" (frequency):

 They deliver the newspaper daily. (How often do they deliver the

 We sometimes watch a movie. (How often do we watch a movie?)

Adverbs of Degree
Adverbs of Degree tell us the degree or extent to which something happens.
They answer the question "how much?" or "to what degree?". Adverbs of
Degree can modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

 She entirely agrees with him. (How much does she agree with him?)

 Mary is very beautiful. (To what degree is Mary beautiful? How beautiful
is Mary?)
 He drove quite dangerously. (To what degree did he drive
dangerously? How dangerously did he drive?)

Adverb Position
Adverbs with verbs
When an adverb modifies a verb, there are usually 3 possible positions within
the sentence or clause:

1. FRONT - before subject   Now I will read a


2. MID - between subject + I often read books.

3. END - after verb/object I read books carefully  

Adverbs with adjectives/adverbs

When an adverb modifies an adjective or another adverb, it usually goes in
front of the word that it modifies, for example:

  adverb adjective  

She gave him really dirty look.


  adverb adverb  

We quite often study English.

Kind of adverb can influence position

The position of an adverb often depends on the kind of adverb (manner,
place, time, degree). The following table gives you some guidelines for
placement based on the kind of adverb.
kind of adverb mainly modifies sentence usual


manner verbs She spok gently.   END


place verbs He lived here.   END

tim definite verbs I'll do it today.   END


frequenc We often go  to Paris MID

y .

degree verbs, adj. and I nearly died. MID


It was terribly funny. before adj.

He works really fast. before adv.

Comparative Adverbs
One of the jobs of an adverb is to modify a verb action, for example:

 Joe ran fast.

If we want to compare one verb action with another, we can use

a comparative adverb, for example:

 Joe ran fast, but Mary came first because she ran faster.

We use comparative adverbs when talking about two actions (not three or
more actions). Comparison is always between TWO things.

How do we Make Comparative Adverbs?

There are three basic ways to make or "form" a comparative adverb:

1. One-syllable adverbs: add -er

If an adverb has only one syllable, we usually just add -er to make it
comparative: fast → faster. Here are some examples:

adver comparative adverb

fast faster

hard harder

high higher

late later

long longer

low lower

wide wider

Note that most one-syllable adverbs have the same form as their

equivalent adjectives. Don't let this confuse you. For example:

  positive comparative

adjective a fast car a faster car

adverb he he drives faster
drives fast
2. Two-syllable adverbs: use more
When an adverb has two or more syllables (like all -ly adverbs), we can
make it comparative by adding more in front: quickly → more quickly. Look
at these examples:

adverb comparative adverb

carefully more carefully

efficientl more efficiently


happily more happily

horribly more horribly

often more often

quickly more quickly

recently more recently

slowly more slowly

sadly more sadly

strangely more strangely

We can also use less in place of more to suggest a reduction in the action.

Look at these examples:

sentence for example

She visits often. once a week

Now she visits more often. once a day

Now she visits less often. ↓ once a month

3. Irregular Adverbs
A few adverbs have irregular form, for example:

adver comparative adverb


badly worse

early earlier
far further/farther

little less

much more

well better

Comparative Adverbs with Informal Forms

Note that a few adverbs have a formal ("correct") form with -ly and an informal
form without -ly. The same is then true of their comparative forms. Although
you may hear some native speakers using the informal form in speech, it is
best avoided in formal situations and examinations. The most common
examples are:

adverb comparative adverb

cheap/cheapl cheaper/more cheaply


loud/loudly louder/more loudly

quick/quickly quicker/more quickly

slow/slowly slower/more slowly

Note that a few adverbs have NO comparative form, for example:

again, first
daily, yesterday
here, there
now, then
never, sometimes

How do we Use Comparative Adverbs?

Now that you know how to make comparative adverbs, let's see how
to use them. Look at these examples. Notice that we may use more to
suggest an increase in the action and less to suggest a decrease in the
action. Notice also that the comparative adverb is often followed by than:

 Trains go fast but planes go faster.

 Planes go faster than trains.
 Trains don't go faster than planes.
 Trains go more slowly than planes.
 Planes go less slowly than trains.
 Joe won because he played better than Jane played.
 Joe won because he played better than Jane.
 Joe won because he played better.
 Did cities grow more quickly after the Industrial Revolution?
 He hit the ball more powerfully than his competitor.
 As we get older we remember things less easily.
 Could you talk a bit more quietly please?
 Could you talk a bit less loudly please?
 I can't hear you. Please speak louder/more loudly.
Although we use comparative adverbs when talking about two actions, in fact
one or both of the actions may be a group of actions.
 The planet Mercury revolves around the sun faster than all the other
Here, we are talking about eight planets, but we are still comparing one action
(Mercury's) to one other action (that of all the other planets).

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