PMLS (Mod 1-3)

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MODULE 1 – Introduction to the Profession of Medical electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic,

Laboratory Science hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and

other laboratory procedures and techniques either
UNIT 1 manual or automated;
(MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE: THEN AND NOW) 2. Blood banking procedures and techniques;
3. Parasitologic, mycologic and microbiologic
Republic Act. No. 5527 / Philippine Medical Technology Act procedures and techniques;
of 1969 4. Histopathologic and cytotechnology; provided that
- The practice of Medical Technology was defined here. nothing in this paragraph shall inhibit a duly
- Defines the practice of Medical Technology as an Auxiliary registered medical laboratory technician from
Branch. performing histopathology techniques and
The Practice of Medical Technology 5. Clinical research involving patients or human beings
earlier published definition: requiring the use of and/or application of medical
● FAGELSON (1961) technology knowledge and procedures;
○ Branch of medicine concerned with the 6. Preparations and standardization of reagents,
performance of laboratory determinations and standards, stains, and others, provided such
analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment reagents, standards, stains, and others are
of disease and the maintenance of health exclusively for the use of their laboratory;
● WALTERS (1966) 7. Clinical laboratory quality control;
○ The health profession concerned with 8. Collection and preservation of specimens;
performing laboratory analyses in view of
obtaining information necessary in the The Profession of Medical Technologist
diagnosis and treatment of diseases as well Is practiced in a:
as in the maintenance of good health
● HEINEMANN (1963) Clinical Laboratory Blood Bank Anatomic
○ Application of the principles of natural, Laboratory
physical, and biological sciences in laboratory
procedures to aid in the diagnosis and Clinical Chemistry *a section of clinical Histopathology
treatment of diseases laboratory or
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
- Medical Technology workers should be given fees, salary, Hematology Cytotechnology
or other compensation reward for performing the following:
1. Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of
the human body and body fluids by various
disease, follow its course, determine the
effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of death
Clinical Microscopy and advance medicine by means of research
○ Head of the Laboratory
Parasitology ● Medical Laboratory Technician
○ A laboratory technician is a person certified and
- Advent of Technological Advancements has incorporated registered with the Board of Medical Technology
as qualified to assist a medical technologist
additional areas of discipline in the practice.
and/or qualified pathologist in the practice of
- Molecular Biology Laboratories are incorporated through
medical technology
advancements. ● Phlebotomist
● Perform nucleic acid amplification tests and ○ A phlebotomist is an individual trained to draw
DNA-based assays blood either for laboratory tests or for blood
● Often used in detection of infectious disease donations.
caused by viruses, bacteria, other disease ○ In the Philippines, a medical technologist is
causing microorganisms. required to be skilled in phlebotomy. Nowadays,
The Laboratory Workers phlebotomy is a skill confined not only to medical
● Medical Technologist technologists but also to other health care
○ According to section 2 of R.A. 5527, a medical practitioners as well, provided that they were
technologist is a person who engages in the work given certification by a reputed certifying or
of medical technology under the supervision of a training body.
pathologist or a licensed physician authorized by ● Blood Bank Technologists
the Department of Health in places where there is ○ They are medical technologists who are
no pathologist. specialized in the process of testing and
○ A medical technologist should have a degree in preparation of blood and blood products for
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (now transfusion.
known as Bachelor of Science in Medical ● Cytotechnologists
Laboratory Science) or Bachelor of Science in ○ Laboratory practitioners specialized in the
Hygiene (now known as Bachelor of Science in preparation of cell slides for microscopic study
Public Health). Moreover, he/ she should have and detection of cellular abnormalities
passed the Board Examinations for Medical ● Histotechnologists
Technologists. ○ Histotechnologists are medical technologists who
● Pathologist are specialized in preparation of solid tissue
○ Section 2 of R.A. 5527 defines a pathologist as a samples for examination under the microscope
duly registered physician who is specially trained
in methods of laboratory medicine, or the gross Roles of Medical Technology in Health Care
and microscopic study and interpretation of A. Laboratory Diagnosis of Medical Conditions
tissues, secretions, and excretions of the human ● The laboratory procedures carried out by medical
body and its functions in order to diagnose technologists involve examination of bodily fluids and
samples that were collected from the patients. The the growing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics
findings from the laboratory examinations are oftentimes and the utilization of molecular-based technology for
used by clinicians to evaluate the health status of clinical applications.
patients. The laboratory findings are indispensable tools
used by physicians for either confirming or ruling out Professional Attitude of Medical Technologists
diagnosis of a suspected clinical condition. - In the Philippines, a licensed medical technologist’s professional
B. Monitoring of Treatment conduct is governed by the Medical Technology Code of Ethics.
● There are many laboratory examinations that are used
for evaluating a treatment regimen. Laboratory values Medical Technology Code of Ethics
are often used by physicians to have an educated As I enter into the practice of Medical Technology, I shall accept the
assessment on whether the treatment plan is helpful to responsibilities inherent to being a professional; I shall uphold the law
the patient or not. Moreover, values are used to gauge if and shall not engage in illegal work nor cooperate with anyone so
a treatment plan is efficient enough. Therefore, the engaged; I shall avoid associating or being identified with any
laboratory findings are important in the establishment of enterprise of questionable character;
the patient’s prognosis or the patient’s likelihood of
surviving or recovering from a clinical condition. I shall work and act in a strict spirit of fairness to employer, clients,
C. Prevention and Control of Diseases and Infection contractors, employees and in a spirit of personal helpfulness and
● As mentioned earlier, medical technologists play an fraternity toward other members of the profession;
indispensable role in the detection of clinical conditions
including infectious diseases. Detection and identification I shall use only honorable means of competition for professional
of infectious cases will significantly help in the isolation employment or services and shall refrain from unfairly injuring, directly
procedures which, in case, will prevent further spread of or indirectly, the professional reputation, projects or business of a fellow
the disease in the community. medical technologist; I shall accept employment from more than one
D. Preparation of Safe Blood and Blood Products employer only when there is no conflict of interest;
● Medical technologists, specifically blood bank
technologists, are primarily responsible for the I shall perform professional work in a manner that merits full confidence
preparation of blood and blood products that are safe for and trust carried out with absolute reliability, accuracy, fairness and
transfusion. The technologists make sure that the honesty; I shall review the professional work of other medical
products for transfusion are free from infectious diseases technologists, when requested, fairly and in confidence whether they
that can be transmitted via transfusion. Furthermore, are subordinates or employees, authors of proposals for grants or
they are also responsible for ensuring that the blood contracts, authors of technical papers or other publications or involved
product to be transfused is compatible with the patient. in litigation;
E. Biological and Medical Research
● Medical Laboratory Science or Medical Technology, as I shall advance the profession by exchanging general information and
an interdisciplinary profession, can carry collaborative experience with fellow medical technologists and other professionals
research projects to detect problems and provide and by contributing to the work of professional organizations;
solutions, particularly in the fields of health care and
public health. Examples of the impacts of the I shall restrict my praises, criticisms, views and opinions within
profession’s active role in research include discovering constructive limits and shall not use the knowledge I know for selfish
ends; I shall treat any information I acquired about individuals in the ● First national convention and election of
course of my work as strictly confidential, and may be divulged only to officers were held on September 20, 1964
authorized persons or entities or with consent of the individual when in Far Eastern University wherein
necessary; Charlemagne Tamondong became the
first president.
I shall report any infractions of these principles of professional conduct - PAMET Core Values:
to the authorities responsible of enforcement of applicable laws or ● Excellence: Adherence to high standards of
regulations, or to the Ethics Committee of the Philippine Association of practice
Medical Technologists as may be appropriate. ● Professionalism: Moral standards and
To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to conduct myself at ● Commitment: Commitment to selflessness,
all times in a manner befitting the dignity of my profession. dedication, initiativeness, creativity, and
History of Medical Technology Profession ● Unity: Linkages and support among other
professional organizations advocating the
National Bodies Relevant to the Practice of Medical Technology achievement of a common goal
- PAMET Presidents:
1. Philippine Association of Medical Technology (PAMET) Rommel F. Saceda (current PAMET President
- The only accredited professional organization for Filipino 2021-present)
Medical Technologists
- Historical Notes: 2. Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology
● Crisanto G. Almario and Public Health (PASMETH)
○ Father of PAMET - National organization of all registered schools of medical
○ Graduated from Manila College of technology in the Philippines
Pharmacy, now called the Manila - Aim: Maintain the highest standards of medical technology/
Central University public health education and to foster closer relations among
○ Licensed pharmacist who worked these schools
as a laboratory technician at the - Historical Notes:
San Lazaro Hospital where he felt ● May 13, 1970: Director Narciso Albarracin
the need to uplift the profession to appointed Dr. Serafin J Juliano (FEU) and Dr.
a more dignified level & Gustavo U. Reyes to organize an association of
standardize the laboratory practice deans/heads of schools of MT and hygiene
● Birth of PAMET: 10:00 AM on September ● June 22, 1970: First organizational meeting of
15, 1963 at the Manila Public Health PASMETH at UST
Laboratory in Sta. Cruz, Manila ● October 6, 1989: Registration with the SEC
*Note: During the same period, Mrs. Belen - Current PASMETH president: Dean Bernard Ebuen
Siasco-Jose planned to establish a similar - Accomplishments of PASMETH (Highlights):
organization but failed. ● Continuing professional education programs for
MT faculty members
● Standard curriculum for the B.S. Medical ● GP41: Collection of Diagnostic Venous Blood
Technology program Specimens
● Standard course syllabi for professional subjects ● GP48: Essential Elements of a Phlebotomy
in medical technology Training Program
● Annual PASMETH-PAMET quiz show ● QMS01: A Quality Management System Model
for Laboratory Services
3. Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students
(PHISMETS) 2. American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
- Organized in 2002 during the term of Dean Zenaida - A professional association based in Chicago, Illinois
Cajucom encompassing pathologists and laboratory professionals;
- First advisers: Prof. Marilyn Bala, Prof. Nova Aida Advocates for the recognition of pathologists and
Cajucom, Prof. Zennie B. Aceron medical laboratory personnel
- Reorganized on November 25, 2006 under the umbrella - ASCP Board of Certification
of the PASMETH ● Provides global certification for generalist and
- Primary aim: Establish camaraderie among students via specialist medical laboratory professionals
activities centered on social and cultural developments,
community outreach programs, and leadership training/ **before it doesn't require renewal until 2016
seminars **renewal every 2 years.

3. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

International Bodies Relevant to the Practice of Medical - One of the oldest physical science laboratories; Currently
Technology under the US Department of Commerce
- Promotes innovation and industrial competitiveness by
1. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) advancing measurement science, standards, and
- Formerly known as NCCLS (National Committee for technology
Clinical Laboratory Standards) - Contributions/roles in clinical laboratory testing:
- A not-for-profit membership organization with the primary ● Specifying Class A tolerances for laboratory glass
aim for fostering excellence in laboratory medicine wares such as serological pipettes, beakers,
- Develops CLINICAL LABORATORY TESTING biurets, graduated cylinders, etc.
STANDARDS & GUIDELINES based on input from and ○ All laboratory utensils should be Class A
consensus among industry, government, and health care whenever possible to maximize accuracy
professionals. and precision
- Vision: Quality Practices for better health ○ All NIST-certified Class A glass wares
- Mission: Develop clinical and laboratory practices and (such as Class A pipets) do not need to
promote their use worldwide be recalibrated by the clinical laboratory
- Common publications utilized by clinical laboratories in ● Production of standards used for calibration of
the performance of tests: laboratory instruments
● M100: Performance Standards for Antimicrobial ○ E.g. NIST Class S Weights that are used
Susceptibility Testing for calibrating analytical balances
- Member-based physician organization composed
4. Laboratory Accrediting Bodies exclusively of pathologists certified by the
a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) American Board of Pathology
● An independent, non-governmental - Offers accreditation services to help laboratories
international organization with a earn accreditation under ISO 15189 Medical
membership of 164 national standard Laboratories
bodies - Laboratory Accreditation Program: Peer-based
● Develops and provides common inspection model
standards between nations in food safety, ● Uses teams of practicing
agriculture, and healthcare professionals qualified through a
● Provides internationally-recognized CAP training which will perform
accreditation of workplaces and industries on-site inspections every two
based on standards years using CAP
● Standards applicable in the clinical ACCREDITATION CHECKLISTS
laboratory setting: ● CAP ACCREDITATION
○ ISO 9001 “Quality Management CHECKLISTS
Systems-Requirements” ○ All Common Checklist
○ ISO 15189 “Medical Laboratories- (COM): Contains a core set
Requirements for Quality and of requirements that apply
Competence” to all areas performing
■ It provides standards for laboratory tests and
technical competence that procedures
are unique to medical ○ Discipline-specific
laboratories checklist: Designed for a
■ It also provides quality specific working area in the
management system laboratory
similar to that of ISO 9001 5. American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
■ but within the context of the - Global leader in standards development, accreditation
medical laboratory setting. and implementation of quality systems IN
- Formerly JCAHO (Joint Commission on THERAPIES
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) - Has the primary vision of making transfusion medicine
and previous to that, the Joint Commission on and cellular therapies safe, available, and effective
Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) worldwide.
- Independent, not-for-profit organization that 6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
certifies health care organizations and programs - A public health institute under the US Department of
across the US Health and Human Services which has the primary aim
c. College of American Pathologists (CAP) of protecting the public from health, safety, and security
- Provides the standard guidance for biosafety and in their chosen fields of learning. The members of the
biosecurity practices in laboratories across the US (and commission shall belong to different academic specializations.
has been widely adopted by many countries)
- Provides standards that help laboratories manage the * The president of the Philippines appoints a Chairman of the
presence of biohazards Commission and 4 commissioners.
● Co-authors the manual Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical At present, the commission is composed of the following:
Laboratories (now in its 5th Edition) in ● Chairperson: J. Prospero E. De Vera III, DPA
partnership with the National Institutes of ● Commissioners: Lilian A. De Las Llagas, MScTM, Ph.D., LLB
Health Ronald L. Adamat, Ph.D.
Perfecto A. Alibin, Ed.D.
Aldrin A. Darilag, PhD, RMT, RN
MODULE 2 - Education and Licensure to the Practice of
Medical Technology In the sections 3-5 of the Philippine Medical Technology Act of
1969 (R.A. 5527)
UNIT 1 -mentions that the Council of Medical Technology Education was
given the task of recommending the minimum required curriculum for
the course of Medical Technology.
-however, the said Council is now defunct and is no longer
Commision on Higher Education (CHED)
applicable under CHED guidelines.
-the governing body for tertiary and graduate education in the
-established on May 18, 1994 by virtue of Republic Act No. 7722
-the task of setting appropriate minimum standards for the
(The Higher Education Act of 1994) authored by Senator Francisco
different programs is a responsibility of the technical panels.
-the task of prescribing the minimum required curriculum for
BSMT/BSMLS program is now a responsibility of the Technical Panel In
Section 3 of R.A. 7722
Medical Technology Education (TPMTE).
-states that the coverage of CHED shall be both public and
- composed of leading academicians and practitioners
private institutions of higher education as well as public and private
-responsible for assisting the CHED in setting standards
degree-granting programs in all post-secondary educational institutions.
among institutions offering BSMT/BSMLS programs and in monitoring
and evaluating such institutions.
The Qualification of the 5 full-time members (according to the
Higher Education Act of 1994)
Current TPMTE members:
1. Holder of earned doctorate(s).
● Chairman: Dr. Ma. Freda Z. Hapan
2. Actively engaged in higher education for at least 10 years.
● Members: Dr. Jose Jurel Nuevo
3. Must not have been candidates for elective position in the
-Dean Bernard U. Ebuen, the president of the Philippine
elections immediately preceding their appointment.
Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Hygiene
4. Academicians known for their high degree of professionalism
and integrity who have distinguished themselves as authorities
-Mr. Ronaldo E. Puno, the president of the Philippine
Association ofMedical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) - Human Anatomy and
-Ms. Marian M. Tantingco, a representative from the Board of Physiology with
MedicalTechnology/ Professional Regulation Commission - Pathophysiology
- Principles and Strategies of
*the minimum standard set by TPMTE are outlined in CHED Teaching in Med Lab
Memorandum Order no. 13, series of 2017 (CMO 13 s. 2017). - Science
- Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Health Information System for
Based on CMO 13 s. 2017, the minimum curriculum for the BSMT/ Med Lab Science
BSMLS program should include the following courses:

Professional Courses 65 Units - Principles of Medical

Classification Units Subjects Laboratory Science Practice 1
- Principles of Medical
General Education 24 units - Understanding the Self Laboratory Science Practice 2
Core Courses - Readings in Philippine History - Community and Public Health
- The Contemporary World for Med Lab Science
- Mathematics in the Modern - Human Histology
World - Molecular Biology and
- Purposive Communication Diagnostics
- Art Appreciation - Med Tech Laws and Bioethics
- Science, Technology & Society - Cytogenetics
- Ethics - Clinical Chemistry 1
- Clinical Bacteriology
- Clinical Parasitology
General Education 9 Units - GE Elective 1
- Hematology 1
Elective Courses - GE Elective 2
- Histopathologic and Cytologic
- GE Elective 3
General Education 3 Units The Life and Works of Jose - Laboratory Management
Mandated Course Rizal - Clinical Chemistry 2
- Hematology 2
Physical Education 8 Units - PE 1 - Immunology and Serology
Courses - PE 2 - Immunohematology
- PE 3 - Analysis of Urine and Body
- PE 4 Fluids
- Mycology and Virology
NSTP Courses 6 Units - NSTP 1 - Seminar 1
- NSTP 2 - Seminar 2

Core Courses 25 Units - Inorganic and Organic

Chemistry Research Courses 5 Units - Intro to Med Lab Science
- Analytical Chemistry Research
- Biochemistry for Med Lab - Research Paper Writing and
Presentation UNIT 2
Clinical Internship 28 Units - Clinical Internship 1 LABORATORY SCIENCE )
Courses - Clinical Internship 2
- Medical Technology
Assessment Program 1 The Philippine Board of Medical Technology
- Medical Technology -always work under PRC (Professional Regulation Commission).
Assessment Program 2 -appointed by the president of the philippines upon the
recommendation of PRC.
Total 173 Units -they prepare and administer the Medical Technology Board
*However, it should be noted that higher education institutions (HEIs) -Composition of the Board Examiners:
are allowed to design curricula suited to their own contexts and ● Chairman: Pathologist *Dr. Marilyn Cabl-Barza
missions provided that they can demonstrate that the same leads to the ● members: 2 Registered Medical Technologists
attainment of the required minimum set of outcomes, albeit by a *Marilyn Atienza, RMT
different route. *Marian Tantingco, RMT
-Qualification of the members of the Board of Examiners (based
CMO 13, s. 2017 also enumerates possible career opportunities of on R.A 5527):
graduates of BSMT/ BSMLS program. a. Filipino Citizen
b. Of good moral character
According to section 5 of the said memorandum order, a graduate of c. Pathologist: duly registered medical technologist
BSMT/ BSMLS can be any of the following: Members: degree holder of BSMT/Bachelor of Science in
a. Licensed Medical Technologists/MedicaI Laboratory Scientists Hygiene/Public Health
b. Diagnostic Molecular Scientists d. Has been in practice of laboratory medicine or medical
c. Research Scientists technology for at least ten years to his appointment.
d. Educators **Note: For the first three years following the approval of
e. Diagnostic Product Specialists the Act (June 21,1969), the required ten years of
f. Public Health Practitioners experience was reduced to five years.
g. Healthcare Leaders e. Not a member of the faculty of any medical technology
school for at least two
The same section also states an MT/MLS graduate may practice in any f. (2) years prior to appointment or having any pecuniary
of the following allied medical fields: interest direct or indirect in such institution:
a. Public Health/Epidemiology
b. Veterinary Laboratory Science -Term (based on R.A 5527):
c. Molecular Biology/Biology a. Chairman and the members of the board shall hold office for 3
d. Nuclear Science years after appointment or until their successors shall have been
e. Forensic Science appointed and duly qualified: provided, that the incumbent
f. Health Administration/Management members will continue to serve until the expiration of their terms.
g. Food and Industrial Microbiology b. In case of death, disability or removal of a member of the board,
his/ her successor shall serve only the balance of his/ her term.
● Hematology 20%
-Historical Notes: First Board of Examiners
● Chairman: Dr. Arturo Tolentino Jr. ● Blood Banking & Serology 20%
● Members: Mr. Felix E. Asprer and Ms. Azucena
S.J. Vizconde Minor Subject
● Instituted the first medical technology board ● Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and Other 10%
exams on September 1970 which had a passing Body Fluids)
rate of only 25%
● Histopathologic Techniques, 10%
Cytotechnology, Medical Technology Laws
and its implementing Rules, and the Code
of Ethics.


1. Is in good health and is of good moral character. C. CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS

2. Has completed a course of at least 4 years leading to the -administered twice (2) a year, usually during the months
degree of BSMT/BSMLS or Bachelor of Science in Public of March (usually during weekdays) and September. (usually during
Health conferred by a recognized school, college or weekends)
university. -there are 6 subject examination
3. Individuals who graduated from some other profession ● 100 item multiple choice questions
but have been performing medical technology for the last ● maximum of 2 hrs for each subject (the
5 years prior to the date of the examinations, if the examination should be 2 consecutive
performance began prior to June 21, 1969 were also days)
given permission to take the board examination. (NOT
APPLICABLE ANYMORE) -2 day written examination
● 1st Day: Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology & Parasitology, Clinical
Microscopy (Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids)
B. SCOPE OF EXAMINATION ● 2nd Day: Hematology, Blood Banking & Serology,
The examination questions shall cover the following subjects with their Histopathologic Techniques, Cytotechnology, Medical
respective relative weights: Technology Laws and its implementing Rules, and the Code of

Subject Relative Weight In order to pass the board examination, a candidate:
Major Subject 1. Must obtain a general average of at least 75%
2. Have no rating below 50% in any of the major subjects.
● Clinical Chemistry 20% 3. Have not failed in at least 60% of the subjects computed
according to their average weight.
● Microbiology & Parasitology 20%
*Note: passing rate per subject should be 75% and above
*Note: Case Analysis and Sample Computations regarding whether an
applicant passed the MT board examination or not are presented in
“Elaborate” section.


-should at least have a general rating of 70%

-shouldn't have below 50% in any major subjects
-shouldn't have below 60% of total relative weight

Criterion ‘b’ was NOT fulfilled since the examinee had a rating
lower than 50% in one of his major subjects. Note that he had a
rating of 49 in Blood banking/Serology.

Criterion ‘a’ was met. The examinee had a general rating of 77
which was greater than 75.
Criterion ‘b’ was met since the examinee also did not have a rating
lower than 50% in any of the major subjects.
Criterion ‘c’ was NOT met since the examinee has failed in 60% of
the subjects according to their relative weights (Microbiology &
Parasitology; Hematology; Blood Banking & Serology)
Criterion A was fulfilled since the examinee had a general rating
greater than 75.
Criterion B was fulfilled since the examinee did not have a rating
below 50% in any of the major subjects.
Criterion C was fulfilled because the examinee has not failed in at
least 60% of the subjects according to relative weights. He only
failed in Clinical Chemistry (20% relative weight), Clinical
Microscopy (10% relative weight), and Hematology (20% relative
weight). Hence the examinee only failed in 50% of the subjects -should be signed by the members of the Board and by
according to relative weights. the Commissioner of the PRC
-should display their certificate of registration in the place
where they work.


-Qualification of a Medical Laboratory Technician:
● Have at least 70% general rating
● Has finished a 2 year college course and
has at least one year of experience as a
medical laboratory technician.
**As of June 21, 1969, applicants who
have 10 years of experience as medical laboratory technicians,
regardless of their academic attainment may qualify for registration
without examination.
**PASSED ● Has passed the civil service examination
for medical technician given on March 21,
-No further examination will be given to an applicant who INTERNATIONAL LICENSURE EXAMINATIONS
has not qualified after 3 examinations, unless:
● completion of a 12-month refresher course 1. American Society for Clinical Pathology
(accredited school) - Largest and oldest pathology and laboratory medicine
● completion of 12-month post-graduate training society in the world.
(accredited laboratory) - ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) offers a formal
process for international professionals to earn ASCP
*if they acquired at least 75% they can work as Medical Technician credentials.
-Graduate of paramedical professions - Certification: International Medical Laboratory Scientist /
F. OATH TAKING - Eligibility for Examination:
-All successful examinees shall be required to take a ii. Route 1:
professional oath before the Board or before any person authorized to ● Baccalaureate degree in Medical Laboratory
administer oaths prior to entering upon the practice of medical Science, biological science, or chemistry from an
technology in the Philippines. accredited/approved educational institution
● AND successful completion of a Medical
G. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Laboratory Science training program. The training
-issued to Medical Technology Board Passer program must include blood banking
-should be 21 years of age (immunohematology), chemistry, hematology, and
iii. Route 2: - Application fee of $200 for MLS (As of August 2019); Application
● Baccalaureate degree in Medical Laboratory fees are non-refundable and may be completed by credit card or
Science from an accredited/approved educational by mail with a check or money order.
institution - Examination appointment:
● AND three years of acceptable clinical laboratory ● Pearson VUE delivers certification exams for the ASCP
experience in an accredited/approved laboratory. Board of Certifications
Experience must include blood banking ● Pearson VUE testing centers in the Philippines:
(immunohematology), chemistry, hematology, and ○ Unit 401 Don A. Gothong Centre (Sugbutel),
microbiology. Sergio Osmeña Boulevard, North Reclamation
iv. Route 3: Area, Cebu City
● Baccalaureate degree from an ○ Unit 2201, Antel Corporate 2000 Centre, 121
accredited/approved educational institution Valero Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City,
● AND successful completion of a minimum Manila
two-year Medical Laboratory Science program. ○ 27th Floor, Trident Tower, 312 Senator Gil Puyat
The training program must include blood banking Avenue, Makati City, Manila
(immunohematology), chemistry, hematology, and ● One may schedule the examination date and time at a
microbiology. Pearson Vue within the assigned three-month
v. Route 4: examination period indicated on the Admission
● Baccalaureate degree in any biological science or Notification.
chemistry from an accredited/approved - Examination Administration:
educational institution ● Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)
● AND five years of acceptable clinical laboratory ○ When a person answers a question correctly, the
experience in an accredited/approved laboratory. next test question has a slightly higher level of
Experience must include blood banking difficulty. The difficulty level of the questions
(immunohematology), chemistry, hematology, and presented to the examinee continues to increase
microbiology. until a question is answered incorrectly. Then a
vi. Route 5: slightly easier question is presented. In this way,
● Baccalaureate degree from an the test is tailored to the individual’s ability level.
accredited/approved educational institution ○ Each question in the test bank is calibrated for
● AND minimum of a two-year diploma or level of difficulty. The weight (value) given to each
equivalent in any biological science or chemistry question is determined by the level of difficulty.
from an accredited/approved educational ○ Therefore, the examinee must answer enough
institution difficult questions to achieve a score above the
● AND five years of acceptable clinical laboratory pass point in order to successfully pass the
experience in an accredited/approved laboratory. certification examination.
Experience must include blood banking ● 100 multiple choice questions scheduled to be answered
(immunohematology), chemistry, hematology, and for 2 hours and 30 minutes
microbiology. - Examination Content:
Subtests Description Exam Procedures
Laboratory Quality 5-10%
Blood Bank Blood Products, Blood Group 17-22% Operations Assessment/Troubleshooting,
Systems, Blood Group Safety, Laboratory
Immunology, Physiology and Mathematics,
Pathophysiology, Serology Manual/Automated
and Molecular Testing, Methodology and
Transfusion Practice Instrumentation, Basic
Urinalysis And Physical and Chemical 5-10% Principles, Education
Other Body Testing, Microscopic Principles
Fluid Analysis, Physiology,
Disease States
- Criteria to Pass:
Chemistry Carbohydrates, Lipids, Heme 17-22% ● Raw scores are translated to ‘scaled scores’
Derivatives, Enzymes, ● Scaled scores are mathematically derived from the raw
Proteins & Other Nitrogen‐ score
Containing Compounds,
● Scaled scores of 0-999
Acid‐Base Determinations
(Including Blood Gases), ● Scaled scores are used so that tests may be compared
Electrolytes, Endocrinology, on the same scale even though each examinee has
Vitamins and Nutrition, taken a different form of the examination
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, ● Minimum scaled score of 400 to pass the exams
Toxicology - Examination Score:
● The preliminary test results (PASS/ FAIL) will appear on
Hematology Physiology, Disease States, 17-22%
Hematology Laboratory the computer screen
Testing, Hemostasis ● An email notification to retrieve your examination scores
will be sent to you within four business days after the
examination administration
Immunology Principles of Immunology, 5-10% ● Official score report will indicate “pass” or “fail” status and
Diseases of the Immune
the scaled score on the total examination
System, Transplantation,
Infectious Disease Serology, ● If you failed, scaled scores on each subtests will also be
Serologic and Molecular indicated
Procedures, Test Results - Reapplying for Examination:
● Permitted to take the examination five times under one
Microbiology Preanalytic Procedures; 17-22% examination category and route.
Analytic Procedures for
● If after five unsuccessful attempts, you must meet the
Bacteriology; Analytic
Procedures for Mycology, current requirements for eligibility under an alternate
Mycobacteriology, route of that particular examination category.
Parasitology, and
Virology; Post‐Analytic
● If you do not meet the requirements under an alternate ● The designation ‘CM’ as a superscript is required after
route of eligibility, you will no longer be eligible to apply certification initials to indicate that you have successfully
for that particular examination category. maintained your certification
- Title after initial certification: MLS(ASCP) ● Title after successful maintenance of certification:
- Certification Expiration: MLS(ASCPi)CM
● ASCPi certifications prior to January 1, 2012 were
awarded certification with no expiration date 2. American Medical Technologists
● ASCPi certified-individuals beginning January 1, 2012: 3 - A national agency that certifies examination-based
years validity primary designations of healthcare personnel
○ To maintain validity, participation in the Credential - Certifications: Medical Technologist (MT)
Maintenance Program (CMP) is required. - Application fee of $180 for MT (As of August 2019)
○ Required CMP points for International MLS and - Pearson VUE delivers examinations for the AMT (Same
International MLT: 36 points Philippine testing centers with that of the ASCP exams)
■ Point distribution - Examination Administration:
1. 1 point in laboratory or patient safety ● Computer-based testing
(i.e. quality control, quality assurance) ● Time Limit: 3.5 hours
2. 2 points in each of the following: blood ● 200-230 multiple choice items
banking, chemistry, hematology, microbiology - Examination Content:
3. Remaining points in area(s) of lab
specialty, immunology, molecular diagnostics, management, education,
Subtests Description Exam
or other related laboratory areas of interest Percentage
● CMP points can be acquired via: for AMT
○ Formal continuing education courses,
employer-offered courses, college/ university General Laboratory quality, Laboratory 12%
coursework, employer assessment, completion of Laboratory Laws and Regulations, Laboratory
Safety, Laboratory Instrumentation,
advanced BOC certification teleconferences,
maintenance and principles of
clinical teaching, research and presentation or operation, Laborator Mathematics,
workshop, authorship of published journals and Microscopy, Phlebotomy and
books, editing a book, doctoral dissertation, Specimen Collection, Patient
master’s thesis, serving in a BOC advisory board, Identification, Waivered Testing
and role of on-site inspector/ paper reviewer for
Clinical General knowledge, 19%
laboratory accreditation
Chemistry Instrumentation, Renal
● Fees: Function tests, Hepatic Function
○ CMP Application Fee of $95 Tests, Carbohydrate metabolism,
○ For those with expired certificates who are Protein analysis, Enzymology,
seeking reinstatement, they must pay both the Endocrinology, Lipids, Water and
CMP Application Fee and the CMP electrolytes, Acid-base balance,
Cerebrospinal Fluid, Other
Reinstatement Fee of $125
Chemistry Procedures
Hematology General Knowledge, Erythrocyte 13% ○ Scores that examinees receive, are neither
procedures, Leukocyte percentages of questions, nor numbers of
procedures, Thrombocyte questions answered correctly. Rather, these
procedures, Special procedures, are points on a 0 to 100 scale
Automated instrumentation
● Minimum scaled score of 70 to pass the exams
Coagulation General knowledge, Coagulation 7% - Retesting: Candidates can take the exam up to a maximum
and procedures of four times
- Annual Renewal Fee of $90.00
Immunology General knowledge, Serological 9% - Certification Continuation Program:
and Serology tests for Syphilis, Analytic ● Requires certified members to document activities
procedures, Special procedures supporting continuing education (CE) every three
Immunohemat General knowledge, Blood typing, 10% years as well as pay an annual fee in order to keep
ology Immune response, Compatibility their status active
Testing Principles and Procedures, ● For every three years, one must pay the annual fee
Rh Immune globulin, Special Tests
and obtain 45 CE points (every 3 years)
Blood Banking General knowledge, Blood Banking 6% ● **CE points can be earned through:
and Practices ○ Professional Education, Formal Education,
Transfusion Employment Verification, Authorship of
Written Work, Instructional Presentation,
Microbiology General Knowledge; Media Quality 15% Organizational Participation & AMT Online
Control, Techniques, and Cultures; Continuing Education
Bacterial Identification; Special
Tests, Virology; Parasitology;
Mycology MODULE 3 – The Clinical Laboratory

Urinalysis and General Knowledge; Renal 9% UNIT 1

Body Fluids Function; Urinalysis Procedures;
Special Tests

To ensure that clinical laboratories provide high-quality services, the

- Criteria to Pass: Department of Health issued DOH A.O. 2007-0027.
● Raw scores are converted to “Scaled Scores”
ranging from 0 to 100 DOH ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 2021-0037
○ Used to provide a common scale for -formerly known as the DOH A.O 2007-0027
reviewing and reporting test results across -presents the revised rules and regulations governing the
examinees, and across different forms of the licensure and regulation of clinical laboratories in the Philippines.
same test
a. Clinical Laboratory
-where specimen are processed and collected to come up with a - includes all processes BEFORE actual
certain result to give to the doctor for diagnosis performance of the test.
-functions to provide consultative advisory services covering all ● Physician request for the test
aspects of laboratory inspection including the interpretation of results ● Collection of the specimen
and advice on further investigation. ● Transport of the specimen to the
-includes areas that involves collection, handling, and or laboratory
preparation of specimens ● Receiving specimens by the laboratory.
-one of the traditional workplace of a licensed medical *hemolyzed (blood; destruction)
technologist. *CBC - Lavender (EDTA)

b. Routine Testing b. Analytical phase

-basic, commonly requested tests in the laboratory - ACTUAL performance of the requested lab test.
-results are not required to be released immediately upon *if the result is too low or too high it is best to repeat the process
-shall follow the usual procedures and system in the laboratory. c. Post-analytical phase
Examples are: - processes carried out AFTER the actual
● FBS (fasting blood sugar) performance of the test.
● CBC (complete blood count) ● applicable calculation
● recording of results and releasing of
c. STAT Tests: results (should be signed by the medical
-sta'tim = immediately technologist and the pathologist)
-tests done on URGENT CASES ● interpretation of results by physicians
-usually released within 1 hr after the procedure.
**blood culture: procedure that can't be done by stat test ( take at least CLASSIFICATION OF CLINICAL LABORATORIES
2 days)
I. BY Ownership
d. Critical Values
-by Lundberg = "Life Threatening" unless something is done
promptly and for which some corrective action could be undertaken.
Government Operated and maintained, partially or wholly, by
the national government, a local government
THE CLINICAL LABORATORY unit (provincial, city, or municipality), any other
- traditional workplace where tests are done on specimens from political unit or any department, division, board
or agency
the human body to obtain information about the health status of
a patient for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
diseases. Private Owned, established, and operated by any
- General Laboratory Process (3 Phases) individual, corporation, association, or
a. Pre-analytical phase organization
II. BY Function iii. Leukocyte Number Concentration (WBC count)
iv. Leukocyte Type Number Fraction (Differential
b. Qualitative platelet determination
Clinical Pathology Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, c. Routine urinalysis
Immunohematology, Microbiology, d. Routine fecalysis
Immunology, Clinical Microscopy, e. Blood typing (for hospital based laboratory)
Endocrinology, Molecular Biology,
Cytogenetics, Toxicology, TDM and other
B. Secondary Category
similar disciplines
- Minimum technical working area of 20 square meter (as per DM
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology, Immunohistopathology, No. 148 s.2003)
Cytology, Autopsy, Forensic Pathology, - Tests offered:
Molecular Pathology a. Services offered by primary laboratory
b. Routine Chemistry
i. Blood glucose substance concentration
III. BY Institutional Character ii. Blood urea nitrogen concentration
iii. Blood uric acid substance concentration
iv. Blood creatinine concentration
v. Blood total cholesterol concentration
Institutional Based A laboratory that operates within c. Quantitative platelet determination
the premises and as part of an d. For Hospital-based laboratories:
institution, such as but not limited Cross-matching (if the donor's and patient's
to hospital, medical clinic, school, blood is viable)
medical facility for overseas
workers and seafarers, birthing
home, psychiatric facility, drug Gram staining (initial process before blood
rehabilitation center culturing)
KOH preparation (for fungal infection)
Freestanding A laboratory that does not form
part of any other institution.
C. Tertiary Category
IV. BY Services Capability - Minimum technical working area of 60 square meters (as per
1. General Clinical Laboratory DM No. 148 s.2003)
A. Primary Category - Tests offered:
- Minimum technical working area of 10 square meters (as per a. Services offered by secondary laboratory
DOH Department Memorandum No. 148 s. 2003) b. Special Chemistry
- Tests offered: c. Special Hematology, including coagulation
a. Routine Hematology (clotting) procedures
i. Hemoglobin Mass Concentration d. Immunology
ii. Erythrocyte Volume Fraction (Hematocrit) e. Microbiology-Culture and Sensitivity (C&S):
Hospital based: Aerobic and Anaerobic accurate results or if the workers are
C&S competent enough. (usually yearly)
Non-hospital based: Aerobic or anaerobic - Program where participating laboratories
C&S are given unknown samples for analysis.
The said samples are to be tested via the
D. Limited Services Capability (For Institution-based only) laboratory’s usual processing and
- Provides laboratory tests required for a particular service in examination
institutions - Quality of performance is evaluated using
● Dialysis Center closeness of results to the predetermined
● Hygiene Clinics value or to the reference value generated
by the participating laboratories through
2. Special Clinical Laboratory peer group analysis
- Laboratory that offers highly specialized laboratory services that
are usually not provided by a general clinical laboratory - The Different NRLS in the Philippines:
- Tests offered: 1. East Avenue Medical Center
● Assisted reproduction technology laboratories - environmental
● Molecular and cellular technology - occupational health
● Molecular Biology - toxicology and micronutrient assays.
● Molecular Pathology 2. Lung Center of the Philippines
● Forensic Pathology (cause of death) - Clinical Chemistry
● Anatomic Pathology (how it happened) 3. San Lazaro Hospital STD AIDS Cooperative Center
Laboratory (SLH SACCL)
- a lab designated by the DOH to provide special functions and Infections
services for specific disease areas. 4. National Kidney & Transplant Institute
- function: - Hematology, Immunohematology,
a. provision of referral service Immunopathology, Automated Urinalysis, and
● Confirmatory Testing Anatomic Pathology for Renal Diseases and
● Surveillance other unassigned organ system disease.
● Resolution of conflicting results between 5. Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
or among laboratories - Microbiology & Parasitology dengue, influenza,
enteroviruses, measles and other viral
b. provide training exanthems, polio, tuberculosis and other
c. for research mycobacteria, bacterial enteric diseases,
d. they evaluate diagnostic kits and reagents mycology, emerging diseases, malaria and other
e. implementation of EQAP (External Quality Assurance parasites
Program)/ National External Quality Assurance Scheme (NEQAS) ● Also the confirmatory testing laboratory for
- the agency that studies if a laboratory is blood donor units for the National
capable of operating that could provide Voluntary Blood Services Program
● National External Quality Assurance for
Bacteriology, Parasitology, and POINT-OF-CARE TESTING (POCT)
Mycobacteriology - Diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care rather than
● WHO-recognized National Influenza in the clinical laboratory
Center - Includes bedside testing, outpatient and home care
- If conducted in a hospital: Required to be under the
6. Phili[[ine Heart Center management and supervision of the licensed clinical laboratory
- Anatomic Pathology for Cardiovascular Disease of the respective hospital
- Persons performing POCTs are called operators and are usually
The Physician’s Office Laboratory (POL) primary patient providers (phlebotomists, nurses, physicians,
- An individual doctor’s office/ clinic wherein laboratory respiratory therapists, radiographers, ambulance personnel,
examinations are performed. medical laboratory scientists, and patients)
- Required to secure a clinical laboratory license when it - CLIA ’88 regulates the qualifications for health-care personnel
undertakes any or all of the following: authorized to perform POCT.
● Issue official laboratory results ● Clinical Laboratory Improvement
● Perform more than *monitoring examinations Amendments of 1988 (CLIA’88)
● Cater not only to the physician’s own patients ● US amendment to their Public Health Services
*monitoring examinations: tests done in series on patients as a guide for Act in which Congress revised the federal
treatment or follow-up of their condition program for certification and oversight of clinical
laboratory testing.
Satellite Testing Site ● Two subsequent amendments were made after
- any testing site performs laboratory examinations under 1988. However, the law continues to be cited as
the administrative control of a licensed laboratory, but CLIA ’88 as named in legislation.
performs outside the physical confines of that laboratory.
- Satellite lab outside the premises where the central WAIVED TESTS
laboratory is situated shall be required to secure a - Characteristics:
separate license to operate. ● Considered simple to perform and interpret
*Note: extension of the main laboratory ● The likelihood of erroneous results is negligible;
or pose no reasonable risk of harm to the patient
Mobile Clinical Laboratories if the test is performed incorrectly.
- lab testing unit that moves from testing site to another ● Require no special training or education
testing site, or has a temporary testing location. background
-ex: red cross' mobile lab to collect samples ● Require only minimum quality control
*Note: should have a BASE LAB and LICENSED as part of the base lab - Originally, only eight tests were listed as meeting these criteria in
- Only permitted to collect specimen samples 1988 but have grown to more than 80 today.
- Allowed to operate ONLY WITHIN 100 KM RADIUS from it's - Original eight waived tests (according to CLIA ‘88)
main lab ● Blood glucose
*LTO License To Operate ● Reagent strip or tablet reagent urinalysis
● Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (nonautomated)
● Fecal occult blood 2. There shall be an adequate number of registered medical
● Hemoglobin by copper sulfate (nonautomated) technologists 1 for each of the sections of the training laboratory.
● Ovulation tests 3. The training laboratory shall have adequate space to
● Spun hematocrit accommodate both staff and interns (1 sq. meter per intern).
● Urine pregnancy tests 4. The training laboratory shall have sufficient equipment and
supplies based on the volume and types of examinations and
UNIT 2 number of interns to be trained.
(ACCREDITED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY TRAINING LABORATORY) 5. The training laboratory shall provide adequate supervision in the
daily activities of the interns.
The guidelines for the Medical Technology program were outlined in a. The person responsible for the training program shall be
CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2006 (CMO 14, s. a registered medical technologist preferably a Graduate
2006). However, the transition to the K-12 educational system and Degree holder in Medical Technology/ Medical
outcomes-based education (OBE) necessitated the revision of the old Laboratory Science, Public Health, Education,
policies. Hence, CMO 14. S. 2006 is no longer applicable nowadays. Administration or other Med. Tech. related Program.
b. The program shall provide for an objective measure of
The Commission has released the CHED Memorandum Order No. 13, evaluation of the baseline knowledge, skills, and attitude.
series of 2017 (CMO 13, s. 2017) which presents the policies, c. The program shall include the following:
standards, and guidelines for the BSMT/BSMLS Program including the i. Objectives of the training
guidelines for Medical Technology Training Laboratories that will be ii. Principles, methods, and procedures to be taught
responsible for catering iii. Right work attitude and ethical values
to the BSMT/BSMLS interns. iv. Required quota of tests to be performed to
develop accuracy and precision
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY TRAINING LABORATORY v. Objective evaluation of performance in each
Accredited Medical Technology Laboratories vi. Disciplinary Guidelines
- Shall be a DOH-licensed, tertiary clinical laboratory and duly 6. The training laboratory shall be responsible for the orientation of
accredited by CHED for Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory interns 1 on policies and procedures of the laboratory.
Science Training Program 7. The training laboratory shall inform the school, through the
- Shall have adequate space to accommodate both staff and clinical coordinator, of violations and misconduct committed by
interns (1 sq. meters per intern) the interns.
- Where a medical laboratory science (MLS) intern must render
32 hours per week of The practice is that the Higher Education Institution (HEI) and the
- internship duties not exceeding a total of 1664 hours in 1 year accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory should have a
Memorandum of Agreement before the MLS students from the HEI
Responsibilities of the Medical Technology Training Laboratories can have their internship program in the training laboratory.
1. The training laboratory shall be a licensed tertiary clinical
laboratory and duly accredited by CHED for Medical MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
Technology/Medical Laboratory Science internship training
General Guidelines for the Medical Technology Internship General Rules of the Medical Technology Internship
Program Program
- The general guidelines for the Medical Technology Internship 1. The school, in coordination with CHED accredited
Program are outlined in Appendix A of CMO 13 s. 2017. training Laboratory shall provide a TRAINING
PROGRAM in line with the approved CHED updated
Description rules on Medical Technology Internship Program (MTIP)
- Level of student: 4th year level 2. The school and the training center enter into a
- Sections to which BSMLS intern will Rotate: Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
a. Clinical Chemistry - according to CMO 2017-104, Article III, MOA is an agreement
b. Hematology executed between the HEI (higher educ insti) and partner host
c. Immunohematology (Blood Banking) training institution specifying:
d. Immunology & Serology *blood samples a. responsibilities of all concerned parties
e. Microbiology *culturing b. safety of student interns
f. Clinical Microscopy *urinalysis c. training plan
g. Parasitology *fecalysis d. learning objectives (seminars)
h. Histopathology / Cytology *tissues & cells e. method of evaluation (random quizzes and/or exams)

Requirements: *slu: 6 months training (quota: number of exams to meet)

1. Only those who completed all the course requirements for the *Louisian BSMLS student interns are only assigned to accredited
first three years shall be qualified for an internship. Note that all training laboratories that have an existing MOA with SLU. No MOA, no
academic requirements, which includes all subjects listed in the affiliation.
course checklist, should be completed before one is allowed to
enrol in a clinical internship. 3. The school shall assign interns ONLY to accredited
2. Applicants shall complete a series of physical and laboratory training centers.
examinations. The laboratory examinations include urinalysis, 4. The school shall PAY the required affiliation fee to the
drug testing for methamphetamines and cannabinoids, complete training laboratory/center
blood count (CBC), HBsAg, anti-HBs, fecalysis, chest X-ray 5. As part of CHED memorandum on MT/MLS internship,
and/or Sputum Microscopy. colleges and universities shall conduct SEMINARS
3. Applicants are required to present proof of vaccination against relevant to MT education.
hepatitis B. Any applicant found positive for infectious diseases 6. Interns shall be required to render 32 hours per week of
(like hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.) shall be temporarily suspended internship duties not exceeding a total of 1664 hours in
to undergo training unless proof of adequate/complete treatment one year. (demerits = punishment for every misconduct
is submitted. in the lab)
4. Other requirements of colleges and universities prior to The interns must render the following number of hours in each
internship shall be observed. SLU students who are applying to discipline:
become BSMLS interns are also required to undergo tetanus
vaccination and pregnancy test.
Discipline Internship Duty
Clinical Chemistry 300 hours

Clinical Microscopy & Parasitology 200 hours

Microbiology 250 hours

Hematology 300 hours

Blood Banking 200 hours

Histopathologic Technique & Cytology 100 hours

Immunology & Serology 220 hours

Laboratory Management (Collection, handling, 54 hours

transport and receiving of specimen, quality
assurance, safety and waste management)

Phlebotomy 40 hours

TOTAL 1664 hours

7. Affiliation fee:
● not more than 600php per intern per month
● no other fees shall be collected unless a new
policy/guideline shall be issued by the
● FEE is applicable to both public and private
training laboratories/centers/institutions
● FEE shall be distributed by the HEI to the
accredited affiliated training lab
● Hospital: 50%
● Laboratory staff involved in the training
program: 50%

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