Ethics (Culminating Activity) Final Requirements Divorce

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Some problems can’t be fixed through talking, and splitting up is the only option.
Divorce is the legal way of terminating a flop marriage. Some couples agree to get a divorce
when they know their marriage isn’t working anymore and it is just bringing problems to their
own family. Lack of communication, financial crisis, cheating, and arranged marriage is the
common problems of couples that lead to divorce. When partners believe they have sacrificed
everything they have for their relationship, they may decide that it is time to give up their
marriage. There are only two countries that don’t legalize divorce: The Philippines and Vatican
City. Catholics maintain a significant belief in the sacrament of marriage and, therefore, it is a
lifelong commitment. Divorce is not permitted in the Vatican City or the Philippines; instead,
spouses can only annul their marriage. According to DePaulo (2019), the divorce rate has more
than doubled, from 2.6 divorces for every 1,000 married people to 5.5. By evaluating those
unhappy husbands and wives, we could see that divorce could be the solution to their problem,
which is what most people overlook; this is significant since separation can help establish a
happier household, increase self-awareness, and enhance health and wellbeing.

It's difficult enough to recognize the boundary between legality and morality in everyday
situations, but it's even more difficult when it comes to marriage and divorce.

People who end up in a failed marriage suffer greatly both physically and mentally. The
agony experienced in a relationship between two people who are not working will almost
certainly lead to unethical behavior. It is morally acceptable in the circumstance where a happy
marriage is a nightmare for a person. It is always right and good to end a relationship that causes
individuals to suffer. One cannot be forced to live a life they do not want to live; instead,
individuals should behave in accordance with their desires and what would make them happy
and free, and this is the morality of divorce that allows it to be acceptable.

We may determine if we are acting morally or immorally based on the outcomes of our
actions. An activity is always right if it will result in a larger amount of happiness for a bigger
number of people. Divorce can lead to a fresh start, allowing people to experience new levels of
self-awareness. Staying in a marriage that you know isn't working has a negative impact on
people. Staying in a loveless relationship is the same as living a life of bitterness, which is
ethically wrong. Living a life of wrath and resentment with someone is completely immoral.
Divorce is not ethically bad; what is morally wrong is living without freedom, living a lie-filled
existence, and choosing pain over happiness.

Marriage obligations exist because of promises, on the article written by McBrayer of

2017, that divorce is morally permissible if marital promises have failed to generate special
moral obligations in the first place. It is noted that making a promise does usually generate moral
duties, failed marriage is a means of unfulfilled promises of one or two people in the
relationship, and thus it shows that divorce is morally permissible because breaking a promise
which comes first is the one that is morally wrong. The marital promises are illegitimate, and
hence they create no special moral duties between the partners, and if there are no such special
moral duties, then it is morally permissible to severe the relationship through divorce.

In utilitarianism the theory of morality advocates actions that foster happiness or

pleasure, on other words an action is right if it results in the happiness of the greatest number of
people in a society or a group. This would apply to the morality of divorce. In the list proposed
by Wong (2016) based on the interviewed he had on people who experience divorce by
themselves, that divorce is a great way to happiness. Wong list benefits of divorce to a individual
such as; Marriage may give you a sense of security but divorce gives you a new lease on life. As
stated by Baron Gold “Staying in a bad marriage can provide security because at least you know
how your life will go. But getting a divorce gives you hope ― the hope to be who you want to
be, the hope to be happy and the hope to find someone else to love.”. To some people who
experienced once to have a failure marriage but chose to put an end with the help of divorce the
happiness was shown by their statement, Tammy Letherer who undergo divorce, “My divorce
helped me discover the gift of solitude when I once experienced the pain of loneliness. Now that
I’ve learned to enjoy being alone, I’m free from that awful feeling of separation that comes from
being with the wrong person.”. But more importantly id that divorce brought happiness to people
who once failed in their marriage and experienced toxic or abusive husband/wife.” Divorce
brought me happiness. Life is far too short to spend it immersed in an unhealthy relationship”
said Nicole Lavery.

On the study bases made by Andrew Dugan where he conducted a survey to rate how
many people are considered that divorce is morally acceptable. Historically, unmarried adults,
excluding widows, have been highly accepting of divorce, even if they themselves were not
divorced. From 2015 to 2017, 76% of U.S. adults who have never been married say divorce is
morally acceptable, consistent with previous time periods since 2001. Over the past seven years,
married individuals have had a significant change of attitude on this topic. In 2015-2017, for the
first time, married adults were about as likely as unmarried adults to say divorce is morally
acceptable. Also in his analysis he proven that people who are religious are not against of
divorce, More than any other major subgroup, "very religious people have been and remain the
most morally opposed to divorce. But even their views have fundamentally shifted, such that, for
the first time, a majority of this group (51%) calls divorce morally acceptable.

As stated above the arguments and evidence the most important thing to remember
regarding divorce is that it is not the end of the world. Divorce is a crisis that involves both a true
end and a real new beginning. Divorce marks the end of a chapter in one's life, but it is not the
end of one's life. There are seeds of opportunity for changing life into something fresh and
artistically excellent in the midst of the divorce tragedy. As the process progresses, it's critical to
remember this positive and accurate message. In addition, making a promise usually generates
moral obligations, and unsuccessful marriage is a result of one or two people in the partnership
not fulfilling their promises, implying that divorce is morally allowed because breaking a
promise that comes first is the one that is morally wrong. Married couple should be able to
choose whether or not divorce is necessary. Freedom has been the word most closely connected
with current social challenges in our day, when the Catholic Church is constantly challenged by
the progressive wings of parliament and civil society. Divorce is just another law that allows us
to exercise our right to be free and do as we like. We should be able to choose who we want to
raise our children with, choose the decision that bring happiness and spend the rest of our lives
with. Therefore, majority of the people are agree with the divorce.

Counter arguments :

 Having divorce as an available option anytime will make marriages as an easily

breakable bond.

 Divorce is costly because you must pay for legal fees, attorneys, and other expenses

associated with getting a divorce.

 Divorce can leave you mentally exhausted and take a heavy toll on you as a single


 Divorce is often unfair and unkind towards kids in the process resulting to trauma.

 Legalizing divorce can also give benefits to philanderers or womanizers.

Divorce is not a solution, because the problems after the divorce do not disappear. In fact,

there is a good chance that the divorce might create even bigger problems. In the expenses part

of divorce; for most people getting a divorce, the biggest expense will be the lawyer's bill. It can

be more complicated—and more expensive—when they involve issues such as child custody,

child support, alimony, and how to divide property (including real estate, businesses, and

retirement plans) and debts. Definitely not worth to try.

Divorce has been rated the number one life stressor, according to Arizona State

University. Adults can suffer a negative psychological balance, including high levels of anxiety,
unhappiness and depression. Remember that no one leaves a marriage unscathed – there are

always scars and consequences in divorce.

Children of divorce are not exempted from the effects of divorce. They are frequently

vulnerable to both physical and psychological issues. If you are going through a divorce, it is

critical to pay special attention to your child's behavior and needs. While some children may be

vocal about their emotions, the majority of them will clamp down, which can be very dangerous.

Therefore, before deciding to divorce, give it a lot of thought and consideration. Most

problems can be resolved if both parties are willing to listen to and understand each other's

needs. Divorce affects entire families, not just the two people involved.

Dr. McBrayer, J. P., (2017) The Morality of getting divorce. Philosophy Now: A
Magazine of Idea,

Dugan A. (2017) U.S. Divorce Rate Dips, but Moral Acceptability Hits New High.

Wong B. (2016) 11 Reasons Divorce is better than staying in a bad marriage. Huffpost.

Tardi C. (2021) Utilitarianism. Investopedia. Retrieved from:

Jessica Schrader, (2019, February 3), Divorce Rates Around the World: A Love Story

In four decades, divorce rates around the world have more than doubled.

Anonymous, (2013), Healthy divorce: How to make your split as smooth as possible

Separation and divorce are emotionally difficult events, but it is possible to have a healthy

Shawn Leamon, (2017, October 5), What are the Positive Effects of Divorce?



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