Giao An Tieng Anh Lop 11 Moi Thi Diem Tron Bo

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NĂM 2020 - 2021

Period 1:
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- get an overview of the English book grade 11 in general: themes, units
- know about tests: oral test, fifteen - minute tests, periodical tests, first term test
- have a sense of responsibility toward learning the subject
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CDs & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: No
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
* Game: Lucky Number 1. Lucky Number
-T divides the whole class into two groups and 2. How many girls are there in your class?
plays the game. 3. Do you know what your English
- The leader of each group chooses a number for teacher’s name is?
their own group and does the following 4. Lucky Number
requirement in each question. If the answer is 5. What do you prepare for this semester?
correct, they will get 10 marks. 6. Do you like studying English? Why or
- T leads Ss in the lesson. Why not?
7. How do you learn English well?
8. Do you speak English fluently?
I. Topics and units:
- Ask Ss to look through the book then tell class 1. The generation gap
how many units it has. 2. Relationships
- Introduce some more information about the 3. Becoming independent
topics. (Including five topics in each term) 4. Caring for those in need
- There are 8 periods in each unit. They are 5. Being part of ASEAN
Getting Started, Language, Reading, Speaking, + 2 reviews
Listening, Writing, Culture and communication
and Looking Back
II. Tests: 1- Previous lesson check.
III. Requirements for study preparation 2- Fifteen minutes tests (3)
- Each S has books (student book and work book), 3- Periodical tests (2)
CDs and notebook. 4- First term test
- Prepare for the lesson before class.
-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in
the lesson actively and creatively.
- Take part in the activities that the teacher
requires such as pair work, group work…
- Do all exercises at home, learn new words and

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the content of English 11, tests,….
5. Homework:
- prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1- Getting started
Period 2:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get to know the topic, vocabulary about the generation gap and family rules, two grammatical
points: should, ought to to give opinions and advice, and must and have to to express obligation
2. Skill
- develop listening, speaking, reading skills
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CDs & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: No
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
.Tell Ss that these differences can be in the choice
of music, clothing, values, lifestyles, ways of
shopping (directly from shopping centres or
online), or communication
Ask Ss questions about the picture: This is a photo
of a big family. Who are the people in the photo?
Is this type of family popular in your community?
Elicit answers from Ss
Activity 1: Listen and read:
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a
conversation between two friends, Sam and Ann.
Let Ss guess what Sam and Ann are talking about`
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen and
pay attention to the text to understand the content.
- Ss listen and read along silently.
Activity 2: Decide whether the sentences
- T asks Ss to read the passage again and get are true, false or not given
information to do Task 2 in pairs. 1. F
- Ask students to compare the answers with a 2. F
partner. 3. T
- Ask some students to read the answers. 4. F
- Checks and gives the correct answers: 5. T
Activity 3: Complete the definitions:
- Tell Ss this activity focuses on compound nouns. Key
• Ask them to complete the definitions, using the 1. A nuclear family 2. Childcare
3. A generation gap 4. Table manners
highlighted compound nouns in the
5. A viewpoint 6. An extended
• Ask Ss to check answers in pairs.
Activity 4: Find the compound nouns
• Check Ss’answers.
grandparents, grandma, grandpa,
grandmother, hairstyle, housework,
Ask Ss to read the conversation again to find
seven other compound nouns.
• Allow Ss to use a dictionary to look up the
meanings of the compound nouns.
Tell Ss to compare their answers in pairs / groups.
Activity 5: Find verbs
Then check answers as a class
Opinion and advice: should, ought to
Duty and obligation: must, have to
• Ask Ss to read the conversation again to find
Lack of obligation: not have to, not need to
verbs expressing duty, obligation, advice.
Tell Ss to compare their answers in pairs / groups.
Activity 6: Ask and answer
Then check answers as a class
1. I’m a part of a nuclear/extended family.
2. I learn a lot of skills from my
- ask Ss to work in pairs, practise asking and
answering the questions given using the ideas
from the conversation and Ss’ own ideas
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the topic, the vocabulary items related and
5. Homework:
- practice the conversation, asking and answering questions.
- prepare for the next lesson

Period 3:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
• use words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules
• identify and pronounce strong and weak forms of words in connected speech
• use modals to give opinions and advice: should, ought to
• use must and have to to express obligation
2. Skill
- listening, reading
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CDs & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the dialogue activity 1
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Vocabulary: Compound nouns
Activity 1:
Draw Ss' attention to the four compounds written Example:
as one word: household, hairstyles, a ' greenhouse: a place for growing
schoolchildren, footsteps. plants (compound noun)
A compound noun is a noun that is made up of a ' green ' house: a house painted
two or more words. green (free word combination)
Each compound noun acts as a single unit and can
be modified by adjectives and other nouns. Key: 1 -g 2-h 3-i 4-f
In compound nouns, the stress usually falls on the
first word. This helps us to distinguish between 5-c 6-b 7-a 8-d 9-e
compound nouns and free word combinations.
Activity 2: Complete the questions
- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and get Key 1. hairstyle / table manners
information to do Task 2 individually. 2. generation gap
- Ss elicit more chores to add to the list. 3. nuclear family
- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner. 4. junk food
- Ask some students to read the answers. 5. schoolchildren
- Feedback
II. Pronunciation:
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat. Activity 1: Listen and repeat:
• Ask Ss to pay attention to the stressed words
with the stress mark before the stressed
• Play the recording again for Ss to listen, pausing
after each sentence. Have Ss work in pairs to
find out the parts of speech of the words which
are stressed in these sentences.
Ask Ss to study the Do you know...? box for more
information about words that normally receive
stress in connected speech
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then Activity 2: Listen and check
circle the word they hear. 1. strong, weak
- T asks Ss to work individually and then check 2. weak, strong
answers as a class 3. weak, strong
- ask pairs of Ss to role-play the questions and
answers in front of the class
III. Grammar:
Tell Ss that this activity focuses on the use of
should /shouldn't, ought to/ought not to,
must/mustn't, have to/don' t have to.
• Ask Ss to underline the correct words to Activity 1: Underline the correct words
complete the sentences, and pay attention to the 1. should
meaning of the sentences in order to choose the 2. ought
right word. 3. must
• Have Ss work individually first, then ask them 4. have to
to compare their answers in pairs. 5. must not
• Check Ss' answers.
Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences
Have Ss do this exercise individually. Monitor the Key
activity and help them, if necessary. 2. You mustn't use your mobile phone in
• Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to the examination room.
take turns to read aloud the sentences, and then 3. I don' t have to type my essay.
write them on the board. 4. You should tell the truth to your
5. Young people must plan their future
career carefully.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: compound nouns, stressed and unstressed words in sentences,
modal verbs: have to, ought to.
5. Homework:
- complete the exs, do exs in workbook.
- prepare for the next lesson
Period 4:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- information about the generation gap, sources of conflicts between parents and children
2. Skill
- reading for specific information
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- write 10 compound nouns
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Give predictions
- Ask the question ‘Where do you think family
conflicts come from?’
- T asks Ss work in groups, look at the picture and
answer the question.
- T asks Ss to call out the answers to question 1
• Ask Ss to tick the conflicts (a-g) and then
compare their choices with their partner' s.
• Ask some Ss to share their opinions with the
whole class.
* Checking Activity 2: Read and check
Ask Ss to skim the text and compare their b, c, d, e, f
predictions in 1.
Check Ss' answers, and ask them to give the
clues from the reading text which helped them to
work out the answers
Activity 3: Match the words with
• Ask Ss to match the highlighted words in the definitions
text with the definitions given. Key
• Tell Ss to go back to the reading text to locate 1. afford
the highlighted words and study the context 2. impose
surrounding the words to work out their 3. brand name
meaning. Then match them with the definitions. 4. norms
• Have Ss work individually, then check their 5. conflicts
answers in pairs or groups.
• Check the answers again as a class.
Activity 4: Answer the questions
- Put Ss in groups of three; ask them to read the 1. Because they strongly believe they
questions first to make sure they understand what know what is best for their children.
information they need in order to answer the 2. They want to be more independent,
questions. It may help if Ss can understand the key create their own opinions, and make
words in the questions. their own decisions.
- Ask Ss to read the text again, and locate the part 3. They are worried because these clothes
of the text where they can get the answer to each may break rules and norms of society,
of the questions before they discuss the answers. or distract them from schoolwork.
- Check Ss’ answer by inviting a representative 4. They want their children to spend their
form each group to give the answer to one of the time in a more useful way.
questions. If the Ss’ answer is incorrect, don’t give 5. No. Some of them try to impose their
the right one at once, but try to elicit it from other choices of university or career on their
Ss. children.
Activity 5: Discuss with a partner

- have Ss work in pairs and take turns to share

their problems, and give opinions or advice
- ask some Ss to report the results of their
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: sources of conflicts.
5. Homework:
- practice the conversation, asking and answering questions.
- prepare for the next lesson

Period 5:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- conflicts between teenagers and parents
2. Skill
- speaking: talking about parent-child relationship problems and offering advice on how to solve
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4, 5
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
* Checking
- T asks Ss to do the brainstorming

cookin washing
g up

sweeping Doing the


Who do the work and the feelings

List three household chores you like and dislike
Discuss the reasons
Give comments and lead in the lesson
1. Activity 1
This activity focuses on conflicts between 1. B
teenagers and their parents. 2. C
• Ask Ss to read about three situations facing 3. A
teenagers, and then match them with the
problems a, b, or c in the box.
• Walk around and help Ss, if necessary.
• Have Ss compare their answers. Check Ss'
• Ask Ss to further discuss if they have ever
experienced these situations, and how they felt.
They may give advice or express their opinions.
2. Activity 2
.This activity focuses on the ideas and useful
language that Ss can use in 3 when they talk
about their problems with parents. Key Students' answers
• Ask Ss to read the list of things teenagers and
their parents complain about.
• Have them tick the complaints that they hear in
their families.
• Encourage Ss to add some more complaints if
they can.
• Help Ss with any new language they may need
to express their ideas.
3. Activity 3
focuses on speaking about conflicts between
teenagers and parents, and giving opinions and
advice to solve the problems.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns to tell
their partner what they or their siblings and
their parents often complain about, and then
practise giving advice on how to solve the
• Encourage Ss to use the structures listed in
Helpful expressions.
• Walk around and help Ss, if necessary.
Ask some pairs to role-play their conversation, and
give feedback
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: parent-child relationship problems and advice on how to solve
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Period 6:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- information about the roles of family members
2. Skill
- listening for details and for general ideas.
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1
Tell Ss that this activity focuses on listening for Key Students’ answers
general ideas.
• Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two
teenagers, Tom and Linda, discussing their
conflicts with their parents. Ask Ss to circle
what they think the speakers will mention in
their conversation.
2. Activity 2
Ask Ss to look at the sentences in task 2 skinny (adj)
This activity focuses on new vocabulary items. top (n)
• Tell Ss to match the words with their stare at (v)
definitions. These words will be heard in the balance (v)
• Have Ss compare their answers. Check their
• If you think your class might not be able to
understand the conversation, pre-teach
additional words.
3. Activity 3
• Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the
conversation between Tom and Linda and l. F
decide whether the statements are true (T) or 2. F
false (F). 3.T
• Have Ss make guesses first. Encourage all 4.T
possible answers and explanations. Write their 5.T
on the board so they can see if the guesses are
correct later.
• Play the recording for Ss to listen.
• Check Ss' answers.
Activity 4
• This activity focuses on listening for specific 1. C
information and inference (Question 3). 2. A
• Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the 3. B
conversation again, and do a multiple choice 4. C
exercise. 5. B

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: roles of family members.
5. Homework:
- summarise the listening text.
- prepare for the next lesson
Period 7:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- words and structures related to family rules
2. Skill
- writing about family rules
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- summarise the listening dialogue between Tom and Linda
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1
• Ask Ss to read the family rules provided. Suggested answers
• Have Ss complete the sentences and think 1. My parents don' t let me stay out late at
about the rules in their families. They may the weekend.
add more rules if they can. 2. They make me keep my room tidy.
3. They tell me to take my studies seriously.
4. They warn me not to smoke or take drugs.
5. They want me to have good table
6. I am not allowed to stay overnight at my
friends' house.
7. They forbid me to swear or spit on the
2. Activity 2
• Ask Ss to choose the three most important
rules that their parents often apply in their
family, and then give the reasons in the space
• Tell Ss to read and analyse the example so
that they know what they are expected to do.
Help Ss to express their ideas, if necessary
Ask Ss to read the text.
In pairs complete the chore chart.
Call some of them to tell class.
- Ss present in class.
3. Activity 3
Ask Ss to complete a letter about family rules. Suggested answer
• Explain that they can use the ideas provided Pham NgocThach, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
previously to write the letter. February, 10' \ 2016
• Have Ss exchange their letters for peer Dear Lauren,
checking. Walk around and help Ss, if I' m very happy to know that you' ll be staying with my
necessary. family for two months. We live in a four-bedroom flat
• Collect Ss' letters to give further feedback. on the 15lh floor. You will have your own bedroom
during your stay here.
You asked me about our family rules. There are three
important ones that we must follow.
One important rule in my family is that every member of
the family has to keep his or her room tidy. My brother
and I have to make our beds every morning, and clean
the floor and windows twice a week.
Another important rule is that my brother and I must be
home before 10 p.m. My parents are very strict and
believe that setting a curfew will help us to become
responsible, and stay safe and healthy.
The third important rule is that we mustn' t invite friends
to stay overnight. This is not only our family rule, but
also the rule for all people living in the building.
If you have any questions, please let me know. We will
try our best to make you feel comfortable during your
stay with us.
I hope you will enjoy your time in Viet Nam.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Best wishes,

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: write a letter to a teen to inform him/her about the rules in your
5. Homework:
- revise the writing.
- prepare for the next lesson
Period 8:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- information about the return of the extended families in the UK and the USA
2. Skill
- further speaking practice related to the unit topic.
- practise asking and answering the questions
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writing
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Communication: Discussion about the
family rules
• Ask Ss to work in groups to practise asking and Students' answers
answering the questions. (Suggested answers for question 2)
• Have Ss take notes of their partners' answers, Living in an extended family:
and help them to express their ideas, if Advantages: have more support
necessary. from other family members,...
Disadvantages: there are a lot of
conflicts between different

2. Culture:
Ask Ss to read the text carefully and highlight any -The number of multi-generational
words they may not know. Explain their meaning households with three or four generations
or have Ss look up the words in a dictionary. living under the same roof
• Encourage Ss to compare their guesses about -Unemployment, part-time work and low-
the reasons for the return of the extended paid jobs have become more common. The
families in the UK and the USA with the ones cost of housing has become higher. The
provided in the text. pressures of childcare and elderly care have
• Have Ss answer the questions, and compare become heavier.
their answers. -The disadvantages are the lack of space,
• Check answers as a class. independence and privacy, and the daily
-They can develop relationships with adults
other than their parents.
-Old people can become more active when
interacting with the younger generations

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: the return of the extended families in the UK and the USA.
5. Homework:
- learn the structures and vocabulary.
- prepare for the next lesson
Period 9:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Review of unit 1:
- strong and weak forms of words in connected speech.
- vocabulary items related to the topic
- the use of should/shouldn' t and ought to/oughtn' t to for giving opinions and advice.
2. Skill
- speaking
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards family rules
- enhance attitude towards the subject
II. Teaching method: Communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2 (page 15)
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Pronunciation:
1. Activity 1
Ask Ss to identify the stressed words and put a
stress mark before the stressed syllables.
• Have them listen and check answers.
• Ask several Ss to read the sentences aloud.
Praise Ss who try to stress the correct words,
and reduce the unstressed vowels.
2. Activity 2
This activity focuses on the stressed words in
short exchanges.
• Ask Ss to identify the stressed words and put a
stress mark before their stressed syllables.
• Have them compare their answers with a
partner, and then listen and check.
• Ask Ss to practise reading the exchanges in
II. Vocabulary
1. Activity 1
• Have Ss read the instructions and do this 1. nuclear family
activity individually. Then ask them to 2. generation gap
compare their answers in pairs. 3. homestay
4. Conflicts
5. curfew
2. Activity 2
• Ask Ss to make compound nouns with family. Single-parent family
• Ss can use a dictionary, if necessary. Then they Family doctor
compare their answers in pairs or groups. Family tree
Family name
Extended family
Nuclear family
Family rules
III. Grammar:
Activity 1:
• Ask Ss to complete the sentences with should, Key:
shouldn' t, ought or oughtn' t. 1- ought to
• Have Ss do the task individually first, and then 2- should not, ought to
compare their answers. 3- should not
• Check answers as a class. 4- oughtn’t to, should
Activity 2:
• Ask Ss to complete the sentences with must / 1- have to/has to
mustn' t or have to/has to and don' t have to 2- mustn' t
/doesn' t have to. 3- must
• Have Ss do the task individually first, and then 4- don' t have to
compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: review of unit 1.
5. Homework:
- complete the project.
- prepare for the next lesson
• Tell Ss that this project aims at providing additional speaking practice and helps Ss to
consolidate the language they have learnt throughout the unit.
• Ask Ss to work in groups of 6 to 8. Each group will interview 15 teenagers, aged 15-17, living
in their area, and take notes of their answers. Ss can use the suggested questions.
• Ss report their group' s findings to the whole class.
Encourage Ss to ask additional questions related to the report

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 10:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Getting to know the topic, some vocabulary related to relationships, and two grammar points:
linking verbs and cleft sentences.
2. Skill
- Listening, reading
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about the generation gap in your family
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1:
 Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess what the Suggested answers
two people' s relationship is and what they are They are grandmother and granddaughter.
talking or thinking about. The grandmother is telling her
 Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a granddaughter to focus on schoolwork,
conversation between a student and her while the girl is thinking about romantic
grandmother. relationships.
 Play the recording. Ss listen and read the
conversation silently
Activity 2:

 Ss read the statements about the conversation 1. T (‘oh, one of my

and decide whether they are true, false or not classmates’)

given. 2. F (Mai tells her grandmother they'

re just friends and Nam is not her
3. T (*... there' s no real
friendship between a boy and a
4. T (Mai' s grandmother went
to a single-sex school.)
5. NG
6. T (Mai tells her grandmother that

 Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the all her classmates are very kind,

conversation again, and find the verbs that come caring and sympathetic.)

before the words in the list. This activity helps Activity 3:

Ss to discover the use of linking verbs with 1. get involved

adjectives. 2. feel bored

3. are very kind, caring and
sounds good

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the topic, some vocabulary related to
relationships, and two grammar points: linking verbs and cleft sentences
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 11:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Vocabulary related to relationships, Linking verbs and Cleft sentences, contracted forms of
nouns/ pronouns
2. Skill
- Listening, reading, writing
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the dialogue
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Vocabulary:
Activity 1
- Ask Ss to match the words or phrases with Key
their meanings. 1. have got a date 2. break up
3. romantic relationship 4. argument
5. sympathetic 6. lend an ear
7. be in a relationship 8. be reconciled
Activity 2
- Ask Ss to pay attention to the context in 1. lend an ear, broke up
which the words or phrases in 1 can be used. 2. reconciled
When using a verb or a noun, Ss need to 3. romantic relationship
consider its suitable form (tense of verbs; 4. in a relationship, arguments
singular or plural form of nouns). 5. have got a date
6. sympathetic
II. Pronunciation
Activity 1
- contracted forms in casual speech. Ask Ss to + shouldn' t - should not
find the shortened forms of verbs and +you' re - you are
negative words (‘not’) and write their full +we' re - we are
forms in the space provided. +It' s - It is
+there' s - there is
+don' t - do not
+he' s - he is
+you' ll - you will
+Didn' t - Did not
+I' m-I am
Activity 2
- Ask Ss to listen and underline the contractions 1. will, I' ll
or the full forms in the exchanges. Explain 2. am
some of the rules for contracted forms. Check 3. He is, he' s
answers as a class. 4. we are, didn' t
a. Noun / pronoun, etc. + verbs
- The short form ' s(=is/has) can be used after
nouns, pronouns, question words, here and
there. The short forms' d (= had/would), ' ll
and ' re are usually used after pronouns, some
question words, short nouns, and there.
- Full forms are used at the end of a clause
(e.g. Yes, he is.) or when the speaker wants to
emphasise some information, hence the
primary stress on the full form (e.g. He HAS
done it, not WILL do it.).
b. Verbs + not
- There are two possible contractions for
negative expressions, e.g. She' s not... /She
isn' t...
Negative contractions can be used at the end of
a clause, e.g. No, they haven' t
Play the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and
individually III. Grammar
Linking verbs
Explain to Ss that linking verbs are used to
describe or identify the subjects of the verbs. Activity 1
An adjective or a noun can follow a linking 1. sounds 2. grow/get
verb, but the focus of the lesson is on the use 3. stay 4. getting
of linking verbs with adjectives. 5 seem 6. look
• First, have Ss choose a suitable verb for each
sentence from the word box, and then ask
them to use the correct form of the verb to
complete the sentence.
Activity 2
Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and 1. unhappy 2 warmly
identify the linking verbs. 3. suddenly 4. excited
• Explain to them that some verbs (appear, 5. angry 6. annoyed
look, taste, smell, sound, and feel) can refer to 7. awful 8. quickly
an action (= action verbs) and be followed by an
adverb. Cleft sentences with It is / was ...that...
Activity 3
1. It was her sad story that made me cry.
Explain to Ss that cleft structures are used to 2. It is you who are to blame for the damage. /
emphasise a particular part of a sentence. It' s you that is to blame for the damage.
It is... is used when the main verb is in the 3. It' s hiking in the forest that we really
present tense, and It was... is used when the enjoy.
main verb is in the past tense. 4. It' s your parents that / who you should
• Ask Ss to put the underlined part (= the focus) really speak to when you have problems.
in each sentence after It is/was... 5. It' s his dishonesty that I dislike the most.
6. It' s Jim that / who Lana is in a relationship
7. It was at the age of 20 that he became
successful as a famous writer.
8. It was in a nice coffee shop that they had
their first date.
Activity 4
Have Ss practise asking and answering the 2. No. It was a smartphone that he gave me
questions in pairs. Tell them not to emphasise for my birthday
any of the words in the questions. Encourage 3. No. It' s in Tokyo that I' m going to spend
them to stress the words in focus in the answers the holiday with my family
4. No. It' s a lawyer that I want to become
5. No. It' s his brother that / who earns 10,000
dollars a month
6. No. No. It' s my friend that / who can
speak three languages fluently
7. It' s Ha that / who is in love with Phong.
8. No. It' s at 8 a.m. (tomorrow) that we have
a meeting

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Vocabulary related to relationships, Linking verbs and Cleft
sentences, contracted forms of nouns/ pronouns
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 12:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
 Understanding a text about teenage relationship problems in an advice column and
where people could seek advice when they have problems.
2. Skill
 Reading (skimming, scanning)
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 1,2 (p21)
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to look at the people in the three pictures, Suggested answers
paying attention to their body language. Have Ss Picture a. The teacher is returning students'
work in pairs and guess what is happening to these papers. The boy is depressed because of his
people or how they are feeling. poor grades.
Picture b. Their relationship is breaking up.
Picture c. They' re having an argument
Activity 2:
-Tell Ss that they are going to read an advice Key
column in a newspaper including readers' b (Van Ha: My friend betrayed my trust.)
questions and a counsellor' s replies. c (Quang Nam: I don' t have friends
• Ask Ss to read the questions and replies quickly
and find the main ideas.
Have Ss choose the best summary of each reader'
s problem
The part of a newspaper or magazine in which a
counsellor gives advice to the readers who have
sent letters about their personal problems is
usually called an agony column. In British
English, the person who gives advice is called an
agony aunt or agony uncle.

Activity 3:
Have 5s read the five definitions in this part. Ask 1. be on good terms with someone
them to find the words or expressions in the text to 2. take the initiative
match with these definitions. 3. trust
Have Ss work in pairs and practise asking and 4. engage in (a conversation)
answering questions 5. drop out (of school)
Activity 4
- ask Ss to read the text again and find the answers 1. They are close friends.
to the questions 2. Ha told Hoa about her depression and her
- Have Ss work in pairs to exchange their answers intention to drop out of school.
- ask Ss to give answers orally 3. Because Hoa promised to keep Ha’s story
- check with the whole class secret, but then she told their teacher
about it.
4. No. She tries to explain why Hoa told the
teacher about Ha' s problem, and advises
Ha to talk to Hoa again.
5. He thinks he is short and fat, and girls
don' t find him attractive.
6. Because Nam does not have a good
relationship with the girls in his class.
7. The counsellor advises Nam to focus on
his studies, become an excellent student
and learn how to start a friendly
conversation with his classmates.
Activity 5
Have Ss discuss with a partner. Ask them some If you were Ha or Nam, would you feel
guiding questions before they start their pleased with the counsellor' s advice?
discussion If you were the counsellor, what else would
you tell them?

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: / can understand a text about teenage relationship problems in an advice
column. I know where people could seek advice when they have problems.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 13:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
 More information related to relationships, personal problems.
2. Skill
 Speaking: talking about personal problems; asking for and giving advice
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Activity 4
3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

Activity 1:
Ask Ss to read the conversation quickly to get the 1. b 2. e
main idea.Then they read it again and match the 3. d 4. a
sentences (a-f) with the gaps (1-5) in the 5. f 6. c
Activity 2:
Have Ss identify the main ideas in the She was chosen to take part in the
conversation. Ask them to answer the questions English Public Speaking Contest in Da
Nang, but her parents don' t allow her
to go there.They are worried because
she has never been away from home.
Van advises Chi to ask their teacher to
persuade Chi' s parents
Activity 3+4
Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs. What' s the problem?
Have Ss work in pairs, choose one topic and make What should I do?
a similar conversation. have an idea...
Ask them to use the expressions when talking
about problems, asking for advice and giving
Activity 5:
Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups. Have them take
turns talking about the problems that they have
had at school or at home (e.g. conflicts or
misunderstandings between them and their friends,
siblings, parents, or teachers), and what they did to
deal with the problems.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: talking about personal problems; asking for and giving advice
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 14:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
 listening to a talk show for specific information about relationships.
2. Skill
 Listening, speaking
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about the problems that you have had at school or at home (e.g. conflicts or
misunderstandings between them and their friends, siblings, parents, or teachers), and what you
did to deal with the problems.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1:

Have Ss discuss the questions in Activity 1 with a Suggested answers

partner. Ask Ss some other guiding questions: Do - Yes, because my parents are sympathetic.

you usually tell your problems or secrets to your They can give me some advice.

parents? Are they willing to lend an ear? If you - No, because my parents are very strict and

have a boyfriend or girlfriend, will you tell your unsympathetic.

parents about it?
Activity 2:
Ask Ss to listen to a talk show for specific details 1. C
and choose the best option to complete each 2. B
statement. If Ss cannot find the answer, stop the 3. C
recording after the sentence containing the 4. A
information for the answer.
Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner.
Activity 3:
Activity 3 focuses on listening for more specific 1. The talk show is about how teenagers
information. Ask Ss to read the questions before and their parents deal with problems.
listening, and underline the key words in each 2. They need to learn to form safe and
question. healthy relationships with other people
Example: (friends, parents, teachers and
Q1: main topic romantic partners).
Q2: teenagers, prepare for becoming adults Q3: 3. Parents should offer a shoulder for
what, parents do, children experience break-ups their children to cry on and listen to
Q4: parents, strongly oppose, romantic them.
relationships 4. No. Because their strong opposition
• Play the recording without pausing. Ask Ss to will make their children stop talking
listen, write down the answers, and then discuss about
their answers in pairs.
Activity 4:
Ask Ss some questions before they start the Suggested answer
discussion. A person should start a romantic
What is the purpose of a romantic relationship when he / she is at an age or
relationship? Do people start a relationship stage in life when he / she is mature
just for fun or for a possible marriage? enough, and is ready for a possible
• Tell Ss that the answers to these questions will marriage. For this reason, the ‘right’ age
help them to decide on the "right' age for a can be different from person to person.
romantic relationship.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: develop listening skill (for specific information) and get
more information about relationships.
5. Homework:
- summarize the listening text.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 15:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
 teenagers' relationship problems with parents or friends.
2. Skill
 Writing
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4
3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

- Lead in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives
Activity 1:
Explain to Ss that people now tend to write about 1. upset
recent events or any topics of interest and post 2. shocked
their stories on the Internet (through social 3. influence
networking sites or online forums). 4. different
• Ask Ss to read through the posting and complete 5. talented
it with the words in the box. 6. appearances
Activity 2:
The focus of this activity is on the different parts g 2.
of the story posted to the teen forum. Ask Ss to c 3.
read through the list (a-g) and put the parts in the f 4.
order they appear in the online posting in 1. d 5.
e 6.
a 7.
Activity 3:
.Explain to Ss that there are three topics for them
to choose from. These topics are about teenagers'
relationship problems with parents or friends.
Encourage Ss to add more details when they write
the story.
• Ask Ss to write their drafts individually, and
then exchange their writing with a partner for
feedback. Encourage Ss to make revisions, if
• Collect some of Ss’ final drafts and give
Activity 4:
This activity is optional. Have Ss do it in class if
there is enough time or let them do it at home.
Collect Ss' drafts in the next lesson for further
comments and grading

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: write about teenagers' relationship problems with parents or
5. Homework:
- revise the writing.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 16:
Part 7: Communication & Culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- understanding about online friendship: the advantages and disadvantages of having
online friends, and about the different ways of dating around the world
2. Skill
 Listening, reading, speaking
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ online posting.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Communication:
1. Activity 1:
This activity provides further listening practice. 1. Hung can have more knowledge of
Explain to Ss that when different cultures and lifestyles
people use the Internet, they have a lot of because his online friends come from
opportunities to make online different places around the world.
friends from around the world. 2. He can contact his friends whenever
• Have Ss read the questions and underline the he wants, as long as they are online.
key words before listening. 3. Because he doesn' t have to spend
• Play the recording once or twice depending on money on dinners, parties or cinema
Ss' level. tickets.
• Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their 4. The most important benefit of having
answers. Check answers as online friends is that he can end a
a class. relationship quickly.
5. Sometimes he doesn' t know for sure
who these friends really are, as they
may not use their real names.
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the 2. Activity 2:
• Ask the representatives of some groups to report
their groups' opinions to the rest of the class.

II. Culture:
Have Ss read the text about dating in some 1. Activity 1:
countries and write the information below the Example:
pictures. In Picture a: A woman is typing on
• Ask them to look at the pictures carefully to a computer. The roses indicate that
find out what the people in the pictures are she is probably on a dating site and
doing. someone has sent her a love
In Picture b: People are talking in
pairs. They want to know more about
their partners.
In Picture c: A group of young
people are probably going camping
or hiking.
a. online dating/US
Ask Ss to read the text again to decide whether b. speed dating / Singapore
the statements are true, false, or not given. c. group dating / Europe and Australia
• Have Ss compare their answers with a partner. 2. Activity 2:
1. T
2. F
3. T
Have Ss discuss the question in pairs. After their 4,5. NG
discussion, ask some pairs to report their opinions 6. F
to the class. 3. Activity 3:
Suggested answer
Group dating is very popular in Viet Nam,
especially among young people. Speed
dating is not popular as there are no
companies that provide that kind of service.
Online dating services can be found on the
Internet, but they are not very popular as
many people think online dating is not safe.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 improve listening, speaking and reading skills.
 learn about the advantages and disadvantages of having online friends, and about
the different ways of dating around the world
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 17:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar
2. Skill
 Listening, writing
3. Attitude
- being aware of teenage relationship problems
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2 (p26.)
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Help Ss to review the pronunciation rules for 1. is
contracted and full forms. Have 5s underline 2. am, will, have
the words which could be contracted in the 3. would, cannot, is
exchanges, and then work with a partner to 4. is, will not, do not
compare their answers.
Play the recording. Have Ss listen and check their
answers Vocabulary:
1. dating
• The six words and phrases in the box are the 2. lend an ear
ones most frequently used in the unit. Have Ss 3. romantic relationships
write them in the blanks, making changes to 4. meet face to face
the verb forms, if necessary. 5. broke up
6. be in a relationship
1. Activity 1:
This activity aims to help Ss to make questions 1. How did Peter feel when his girlfriend
with linking verbs. This is the first step before Ss broke up with him?
answer these questions, using adjectives after the 2. How will I look if I cut my hair
linking verbs. short?
3. How did you feel when you lost the
4. How did Martin' s voice sound in
the live show on TV last night?
5. How does your soup taste?
6. How would you feel if you had no
2. Activity 2:
Have Ss write their answers in the gaps, using the Suggested answers
given adjectives. Then ask Ss to practise in pairs. 1. He felt depressed.
One student asks questions and the other gives 2. You' ll look attractive.
answers. 3.1 felt disappointed.
1. His voice sounded awful.
2. It tastes great.
3. I' d feel lonely.
3. Activity 3:
Activity 3 focuses on cleft sentences. Draw Ss' 1) f It was me that started arguing with
attention to the verb tense of be (is/was) after It Jim.
and the focus in the first part of each sentence. 2) d It' s travelling around the world that
This will help them to choose the right answer. has helped me to learn about other
3) a It' s on Friday that Sue usually
visits her grandmother.
4) g It’s his attitude towards others that
really upsets me.
5) b It' s John that is always telling lies.
6) c It was my old friend that I got the
news from.
7) e It was in Paris that I started my first
romantic relationship.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
the contracted forms of verbs and negative words, linking verbs, cleft structures
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
1 - For this project, Ss vote for the best story for a storytelling contest organised by the school,
• First, ask Ss to think about the questions in the Student' s Book and take notes. They can do
this individually.
• Then have them discuss their notes in groups, and get some feedback from the group members.
• Next, have Ss work individually to write their stories. Ask them to think about the following
ideas when they draft their stories:
* setting (where it happened)
* characters (who was involved; what their personalities were)
* structure or planning (introduction, incidents or events, conflicts, solutions)
* moral lesson of the story (Examples: Don' t tell lies to your friends or parents; don' t run
away from problems; be ready to help people in need.)
• Finally, ask Ss to practise telling their stories in groups.
2 Each group chooses the best story which meets the two criteria (content and storyteller' s
• The best storyteller of each group tells his / her story in front of the class.
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 18:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the language and skills that they have learnt in the units 1,2
➢ practise their examining skills
➢ have positive attitude toward self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
3. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
4. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Summarize the main points tested: main points of unit 1+2
5. Homework:
- revise some key points
- prepare for unit 3- Getting started

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 19:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- getting to know the topic of becoming independent, the vocabulary related to being
independent, and the grammar points of the unit: to-infinitives after cetain nouns and
2. Skill
 Listening, reading, speaking
3. Attitude
- be raised an awareness of being independent.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: No
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- shows Ss some pictures and ask Ss to answer * Questions:
the questions 1. What words come up to your mind when
you think of an independent person?
Ss Look at the pictures and answer the 2. Does an independent person often ask for
questions. help when doing things?
3. Can she do things for herself?
T elicits answers from students, encourages
different interpretations
Lead in: These people are doing the work 1. Listen and read
without being paid for it. What do you call this -Topic: an independent person
kind of work? - Vocabulary: reliable, determined, confident,
(Expected answer): BECOMING …
INDEPENDENT - Grammar: To- V
In our lesson today, you will know about
volunteer activities

- asks Ss to guess what the conversation might

be about by reading the title “An independent
- T asks Ss some questions about the
conversation: “What are Mai and Lan talking
about?” 2. Answer the questions:
- Ss can guess the content of the conversation * Expected answers:
- play the recording. 1. Because Minh doesn’t rely on other people
- listen and read the conversation at the same for help and isn’t influenced by other’
time. people’s opinions
- ask Ss to underline vocabulary related or the 2. Because he always completes his tasks on
grammar points which appear in the dialogue. time, and never needs to be reminded about
assignments and other schoolwork.
3. He tried hard and spent the whole night an
- lets Ss read the questions first, then read the a hard Maths problem when most student in
conversation again to answer the questions the class had given up.
Ss work in pairs to practice asking and 4. He always tries to find solutions to his
answering the questions problem and seldom needs help from others.
5. Responsible, reliable, self-reliant, decisive,
- Ss report their answers determined, well-informed and confident
- check if they have any difficulty in 6. Ss’ own answers
understanding the conversation. 3. Match each word with their definitions
- refer the conversation to get clues for their 1. d
answers 2. e
- check Ss’ answers and encourage Ss to give 3. b
their opinions to answer the question 6 4. c
5. f
6. a
4. Find the sentences with To-infinitive
- ask students to look through the task then work after certain adjectives and nouns in the
individually to finish the task conversation and write down them in the
- work individually to finish the task spaces below
- ask them to work in pairs to compare and 1. It’s good to have a friend you can rely on.
check their answers 2. Evan our Maths teacher was very surprised
- call some students to give the answers then to read his answer.
give the correct answers 3. His parents must be really pleased to have
such a son.
4. But he still has time to read, …
5. It’s interesting to talk to him.
6. I really admire his ability to make decisions
- tell Ss to take a quick look at the conversation so quickly.
to find the sentences with To-infinitive after 7. You’re lucky to have a close friend like
certain adjectives and nouns, underline them him.
and then write down
- Ss work in pairs

- Check their answers and give the feedback.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: getting to know the topic of becoming independent, the
vocabulary related and the grammar point to-infinitive
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 20:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- vocabulary related to the topic, suffixes to form adjectives
- linking between a consonant and a vowel
- To-infinitives after adjectives and nouns
2. Skill
 Listening, reading, writing
3. Attitude
- be raised an awareness of being independent.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the dialogue.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and write down I: Vocabulary
adjectives to describe them * Activity 1: Complete the table with words
- Ss give the adjectives (if they can’t, T give that have the same roots as the adj. in the
some letters to help them find out Adj. easily) first column.
- T leads into the new lesson. Adjective Noun Adverb
1 reliable reliability reliably
2 confident confidence confidently
3 independent independence independently
T explains to Ss what they are supposed to do 4 self-reliant self-reliance
5 decisive decisiveness decisively
6 determined determination determinedly
7 responsible responsibility responsibly
Ss can use dictionaries to look up words to
* Activity 2: Complete the sentences with
complete the table
some of words from 1
T can point out the use of suffixes such as –
1. reliable
ity, -ce, -ness, -tion as a word formation strategy
2. confidence
Ss speak out
3. well-informed
4. responsible
T writes the corresponding word form on the
5. self-reliance
6. decisively
7. independence

II: Pronunciation (linking between a

- T asks Ss to work individually first
consonant and a vowel)
- Ss work individually
- T lets Ss work in pairs or groups to compare
Do you like it?
their answers
- Ss work in pairs or groups to compare their
- T calls some representatives to speak out their
answers and explain them if T asks - Linking between a consonant and a vowel
- T gives feedback is a very important feature of English as it
helps preserve rhythm and makes the spoken
language sound natural.
* Activity 1: Listen and repeat the
T shows the pictures and has Ss read aloud the following sentences, paying attention to the
sentence linking between the words.
- Linking can occur when a word ends in a
Ss read aloud consonant and the following word starts with
a vowel. The consonant sound is linked with
T elicits the vowel sound.
* Activity 2 : Listen and link ( )the
T introduces how to link between a consonant consonant sounds and the vowel sounds.
and a vowel Then practice reading the sentences.
T plays the recording for Ss to listen III. Grammar:
T plays the recording again with pauses for Ss * Activity 1: To-infinitives after nouns/
to repeat each sentence adjectives
Ss listen and repeat the sentences 1. Form:
Ss study The Yellow stick note S + linking V + N/ Adj. + TO- infinitive
T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading 2. Uses:
the sentences in rows We can use the to- infinitive after certain adj.
- Ss practice the sentences a few times. to give a reason for the adj.
- T invites some Ss to read the words and Eg: I’m happy to meet you again.
corrects their pronunciation * Note:
We can use the to- infinitive after with IT and
- T reminds Ss of To-infinitives after nouns/ certain adj. to make a comment or judgment.
adjectives It + linking V + Adj. + TO- infinitive
- T asks Ss to pay attention to sentences with Eg: It is interesting to talk to him.
TO- INFINITVE in GETTING STARTED (IT is the formal subject while the infinitive
phrase is the real subject of sentence.
Eg: Talking to him is interesting
- Ss write down and discuss how to TO- infitive 1. It’s good to have a friend you can rely on.
used in these sentences. (It + linking V + Adj. + TO- infinitive)
- T gives feedback. 2. Even our Maths teacher was very surprised
to read his answer. (S + linking V + Adj. +
TO- infinitive)
- Ss make some examples of their own. 3. But he still have time to read….( S +
- T gives explanations and provides help when linking V + N + TO- infinitive)
necessary. * Activity 2: To-infinitives after adjectives
1. The little boy was afraid to jump into the
2. She is proud to be the leader of the group.
3. The students were excited to hear that they
had won the competition.
4. My mother was very surprised to hear that I
would take part in the storytelling contest.
5. I’m sorry to disturb you.
* Activity 3: To-infinitives after Noun
1. It’s unreasonable to expect that everybody
will understand.
- Ss rewrite the sentences 2. It’s impossible to guess what will happen .
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to check their 3. It’s easy to learn some simple sentences in
answers English such as How are you? or Thank you.
- T gives feedback and highlights TO- infinitive 3. His decision to take part in the contest
surprised all of us.
4. It’s necessary to take a map with you when
- T lets Ss do the exercise individually traveling in a foreign country.
- Ss work by themselves 5. It’s possible for you to finish the project on
- T observes and helps them if necessary. your own.
* Note: We can use the to- infinitive after
- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences certain abstract nouns to say what action they
aloud and then write them on the board. relate to.
- Ss read and write the sentences NOUN+ TO- infinitive
Eg: Your dream to become a teacher will
- T gives comments. come true.
* Activity 4: To-infinitives after Noun
- T ask Ss to look at examples and do the 1. You are not ill so there’s no need to stay in
exercise individually bed.
- Ss work by themselves 2. My teacher has the ability to make
- T observes and helps them if necessary. complicated things easy to understand.
- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences 3. His decision to take part in the contest
aloud and then write them on the board. surprised all of us.
- Ss read and write the sentences 4. I couldn’t get permission to go to the party.
5. I didn’t know about their plan to go to Nha
- T elicits Ss’ answers about rules Trang for the summer holidays.
- Ss study the rules given in the yellow box and
give examples
- T explains the rules if necessary

- T lets Ss do the exercise individually

- Ss work by themselves
- T observes and helps them if necessary.
- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences
aloud and then write them on the board.
- Ss read and write the sentences
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
- vocabulary related to the topic, suffixes to form adjectives
- linking between a consonant and a vowel
- To-infinitives after adjectives and nouns
5. Homework:
- complete the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 21:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- time-management skills
2. Skill
 Reading: scanning, skimming
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of time-management skills
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - activity 3,4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm up Chatting

- T plays a video about time-management and ask * Activity 1:

Ss some questions to set the topic of reading? * Activity 2: Read the text and select the
- Ss give their answers statement that expresses its main idea.

- T encourages Ss to give different viewpoints

- T introduces the title of the reading text * key: D

Have Ss work with a partner

Group-work * Activity 3: Read the statements. Decide
- Ss read the text quickly and choose the statement if they are true, false or not given
they think it’s the main idea of the text 1. NG
- T goes around the class to help Ss with some 2. F (However, the ability to be an
difficult if necessary independent person does not develop
- T asks Ss compare with the others. naturally.)

- T doesn’t give feedback 3. F (…. You need a number of life skill to

- T asks Ss to read through the passage, check if stop relying on your parents and older

the statements are true, false or no given, referring siblings.)

to the text if necessary. 4. T

- T asks them to underline the key words in the 5. T
statements and relevant words/ phrases in the text
* Activity 4: Read the text again. Answer
- Ss read the text and underline the key words in
the questions.
the statements and relevant words/ phrases in the
text 1. With good time-management skills, you

- Ss work individually to do the task, then discuss don’t feel very stressed when exam

their answers with their partners dates are approaching; you can act more

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks independently and responsibly, get

them to give clues from the reading text better grades at school and have more

- T gives feedback time for family and friends.

- T asks Ss to do this exercise individually, then 2. Write the things you will have to do on a
compare with a partner planner or an app on your mobile

+ ask them to scan the text to find answers to the device, and put time limits on them.

questions. 3. So you can check them later.

+ let them highlight the keys words both in the
4. Decide what is important to you and give
questions and in the text.
it the most of your time or add it to the
+ let them take turns asking and answering in
top of your list.
pairs.- Ss do this task, then discuss their answers
5. Once routines are developed, they take
with their partners
less time to do.
- T checks Ss’ answers and give further
explanation if necessary * Activity 5: Work in groups.

- T asks Ss to look back at the text to locate the - Making plans
highlighted words - Prioritizing activities.

- Ss try to guess the meaning of each of the - Developing routines

highlighted words, based on the context

- Some representatives read aloud their answers

- T checks Ss’ answers


- T has Ss work in groups of 4 to note down the

time-management skills mentioned in the text

- Ss express giving opinions that they know

- Ss take turns speaking

- T joins some group and reminds Ss to take turns


- T asks some representatives from groups to

perform in front of the whole class.

- Feedback by listening to each other.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 Reading for general information and specific ideas about time-management skills.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 22:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those
skills are necessary
2. Skill
 Speaking
3. Attitude
- be educated to raise their awareness of becoming independent
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm –up:
- T shows Sts the pictures and asks Ss how to
manage their time?

- Ss look at the pictures and give their own

- T asks Ss if these skills are useful
- Ss comment

* Activity 1: The table below presents the

Lead in: These people are doing the work without skills teens need to develop in order to
being paid for it. In our lesson today, you will talk become independent and the reason why
about local community development. those skills are necessary.
1. d
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the table and 2. f
discuss and match the skills with the appropriate 3. e
reasons 4. a
- Ss discuss and match 5. g
- T goes around and help Ss when and where 6. b
necessary 7. c
- Ss compare their answers with the others in
groups * Activity 2: Lan and Minh are talking
- T calls on some Ss to give their answers by about what they think are the most
reading aloud these activities and the reasons why important skills they need in order to
they are important become independent. Use the words in
- T checks Ss answers the box to complete their conversation.
Then practice it in pairs
- T asks Ss to read the conversation. 1. loneliness.
- Ss read and use the words in the box to fill in the 2. decisions
blanks individually first. 3. Interpersonal communication
- T has Ss work in pairs to role-play the 4. communicate
- Ss work in pairs and role-play * Activity 3: Work in groups. Look again
at the activities in 1. Discuss and
decide on the three most urgent /
important things to do in your local
area and explain why. (page 42)
- T asks Ss to look at Activity 1 and decide on the Useful phrases:
three most urgent / important skills for them to in
order to become independent and the reason why - Our top/ first priority is …../ The most

urgent / important things to do is………

those skills are necessary.
- The second priority is …/ The second
Ss make a similar conversation as the one in 2
urgent / important things to do is………
- T asks Ss to practice using Useful phrases in
- We consider ……. To be a priority …..
- We think ……is a priority task …..
- Ss support reasons based on their own
- ……………. take/have priority over….
- T joins some pairs and help Ss when and where
- T asks some pairs to practice speaking their
dialogues in front of the class.
- Feedback by listening to each other.

- T asks some pairs to present their conversation

- Some pairs perform their decisions in front of the
whole class
- Other Ss in the class may raise questions to ask
the presenter for further explanation
- T asks the class to vote for the pair with the most
interesting ideas.
- The pair having the most votes will be awarded
by the teacher

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 Talk about the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the
reason why those skills are necessary
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 23:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Identify and correct some common mistakes.
- Assess their knowledge.
- Enhance attitude towards self-study and self-evaluation.
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
…. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Activity 4
3. New lesson:
- return the test papers with mark to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points of the lesson: Main points tested.
5. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3-Listening

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 24:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge

- listen to a radio show of three grade 11 students for specific information.

2. Skill
 Improve Listening skill
3. Attitude

- be educated to be aware of how some parents help their children to become independent.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
* Activity 1: Look at the photo and answer
T tells the requirements of the task. the questions:
- What are the people in the photo doing?
T asks the Ss to work in pairs. - Do you think the boy needs his father’s help
to learn to ride a bicycle independently?
Ss answer the questions and explain why

T introduces the title of listening: How parents * Activity 2:. Listen to an interview on Life
help you become independent Skills., the most popular radio show for
teens and parents, and match the
statements with the speakers.
1. Long: b, f
2. Tuan: a, d
3. Minh: c, e
* Activity 3: Listen again and answer the
Listen to check prediction questions
- T plays the recording and let Ss do the exercise 1. They didn’t let him to do any household
- Ss listen to the tape one more time and match chores and drove him to school until he
the statements with the speakers. finished Grade 9.
- T calls on Ss to check their answers. 2. To voice (speak out) his opinion.
3. They focus on teaching him about
- Ss give clues for their answers responsibility.
4. If he does his responsibilities well, they
Listen for detailed information give him a reward.
- T asks Ss to read the questions carefully to 5. To do chores and follow a set routine.
make sure that they understand what is asked in 6. He can make his own choices about these
each questions. items.
- T has them underline the key words if * Activity 4: Work in groups. Tell your
necessary. group members whether you were brought
- T plays the recordings once or twice. up in the same way as Long, Tuan or Minh.
- Ss listen then compare the answer with their
- T invites representative from pairs to present
the answer to each question to the class.
- T gives feedback and corrects if necessary.

- T has Ss work in groups of 4 to tell your group

members whether you were brought up in the
same way as Long, Tuan or Ming.
If Ss meet some difficulties finding ideas, T
should help them with guided pictures
- T asks some representatives from groups to
practice speaking in front of the class.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 improve listening skill and remember how parents help you become independent
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 25:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge

- useful language used in writing a letter requesting information

- know that tone is very important in writing

2. Skill
 Writing, reading
3. Attitude
- awareness of being independent
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

- T asks Ss to list some kinds of letter

Thank you


- Ss list request

Activity 1:
- T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new
* Expected answers:
1. Courses that teach the skills people need to
become independent.

- T has Ss look at the advertisement for life 2. Those who want to be independent /live on
skills course in Teenage Magazine answer the their own successfully.
questions. 3. The skills to overcome the feeling of

- Ss read the advertisement and read aloud their loneliness.

answers 4. A discount on the tuition fee.

- T elicits vocabulary using explanations and 5. Write to Ms Angela Brown


- T lets Ss repeat the new words in chorus, * Activity 2: Denise is interested in the life
individual. skills courses. Below is her letter asking for
- Check Ss’ vocabulary using the technique further information, but the parts are
Letter template jumped-up. Put them in the right order
according to the template.

- T asks Ss to read the letter and find out the 1. d 2. a 3. f

right order letter 4. b 5. e 6. c

- Ss read and discuss with their partner * Activity 3: Match each problem and

- T checks Ss’ answer and inform this is a identify its sign

sample letter 1. c, d

2. a, e

- T asks Ss to read the problems and identify 3. b, f

their signs one by one

- Ss read and find signal words by themselves

- T lets Ss compare with their groups * Activity 4: Imagine that you have one of
- Ss share and compare their answers with their the problems above. Write a letter similar
friends to the one in 2 to Ms Brown for advice on a

- T checks Ss’ answer by asking Ss to read their suitable course and get further information
answer aloud and correct wrong answers if there about:
are any - course duration
- lecturer/ trainer
- T makes sure that Ss know why they write the
- starting date
- certificate
- T explains to Ss that now they should pretend
that they have one of the problems, and need to
take a course to overcome their problem

- Ss read the sample letter again and write a

letter asking for further information about the
course they need to take.

- T asks Ss to have peer correction.

- T chooses some writings to correct them in

front of the class.

- T makes a list of Ss’ common mistakes in their

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 improve writing skills.
 Know how to write a letter enqiuring about a training course.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 26:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge

- discussion about a father’s words to his son to work out what it means to be independent
- some information about American vs Vietnamese ways of raising children.
2. Skill
 Listening, reading, speaking
3. Attitude
- remember what their parents have done to help them to become independent
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm-up * General questions:

T asks Ss some questions to set the scene Have you ever listened to your father’s words?

Ss answer If yes, what did you do?

T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new


T writes : What it means to be independent

Ss speak their minds

T helps Ss understand this saying


* Activity 1: Discuss the extract and prepare

a short talk expressing your group’s opinion
about it.

- T elicits vocabulary using explanations
- gotta: have got to

- gonna: going to
Ss read “A father tells his son” 1. What kind of person does the father want his

Group discussion son to grow up to be?

- Ss work in groups discuss 3 questions 2. What’ does the father mean by saying: you
got a dream, you gotta protect it. And you want
- T calls some groups to ask them to perform in
something, go get it? Do you agree with him?
front of the whole class
Why or why not?
- Other Ss can raise questions for the
3. What’ your dream? How do you protect it and
make sure it will come true one day?
- T gives comment

American Vietnamese
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and raise the
question “ Are there any differences between
thee ways American and Vietnamese parents
raise their children?

- Ss answer T’s question

- T elicits Ss’ knowledge about American vs

* Activity 1: Read two passages about how
Vietnamese ways of raising children.
American and Vietnamese parents raise their
children and answer the questions

- T tells Ss to read two passages about how 1. To teach their children to live independent.
American and Vietnamese parents raise their
2. To protect their children and to provide them
children and answer the questions
with a happy and wealthy childhood.
- Ss read the questions first to find out key
3. They make them do things such as washing,
words in these questions
cleaning and cooking for themselves from the
time they are very small.

- Ss read the passages on their own, find 4. No. Vietnamese parents seldom ask for their
information to answer questions children’s opinions before making family

- T asks Ss to compare with their partner 5. They show respect for them and let them
voice their opinions on family issues.

- T checks Ss’ answers 6. After they get married.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 improve listening, speaking and reading skills.
 learn about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents
raise their children and help them to become independent.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 27:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- review of unit 3
2. Skill
 Listening, reading, writing
3. Attitude
- being aware of the need to become independent
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2: talk about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents
raise their children and help them to become independent
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm-up: "Hello"
- T plays a piece of song and asks Ss to take I' ve been alone with you
notes the words that link the final consonants and Inside my mind
initial vowels. And in my dreams I' ve kissed your lips
- The winner is the person who has the most A thousand times
words in class I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
- T gives presents for the winner Hello!
Is it me you' re looking for?
- T leads into the new lesson. I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You' re all I' ve ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
' cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

I. Pronunciation
- T lets Ss practice reading sentences * Activity 1: Listen and repeat these
- Ss say the words linking the final consonants sentences
and initial vowels. 1. He’s a teacher of English in an urban
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ss say school.
these sentences correctly 2. My brother is well-informed about local
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the issues.
sentences and repeat 3. Most Americans use some forms of
- Ss listen and do the exercise, then cross check discipline for their children
with their friends
- T checks Ss’ answers * Activity 2: Read the paragraph below
and link the final consonants and initial
T asks Ss to read the paragraph below and link vowels.
the final consonants and initial vowels. Being independent is being able to take care
- Ss read and link of yourself, and not having to rely on
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ss read anyone else. That is what many young
correctly people strive for. However, the ability to live
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the independent does not develop naturally: you
sentences and check their answers need a number of life skills to stop relying
on your parents and older siblings.
- Ss do this activity individually. Then compare II. Vocabulary
their answers with a partner. Choose the words from the box to
complete the following sentences
- T calls on Ss to give answers. 1. confident
2. well-informed
- Ss go to the board and write their answers. 3. determined
4. decision
5. decisiveness
- T asks Ss to explain their answers if necessary 6. responsibly
and gives feedback 7. Reliability
8. independent
III. Grammar
- T lets Ss remember how to combine the * Activity 1: Combine the sentences, using
sentences, using To- infinitive To- infinitive
1. Denis was happy to receive a letter from
- T asks Ss to combine the sentences his mother.
2. Ann was so lucky to pass the exam.
- Ss do this exercise individually. Then compare 3. It’s impossible to learn a foreign language
their answers with a partner. in one day
4. The students are very keen to take part in
- T asks Ss to write their answers on the board the Green Day activities.
5. It’s necessary for you to develop habits
that will keep your body healthy and clean.
- T has other Ss comment 6. We are relieved to hear that Helen is
- T checks Ss’ answers on the board feeling better now.
7. It’s difficult to guess what will happen.\
T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using the 8. It’s important to learn how to cope with
nouns in brackets and To- infinitives without loneliness.
changing the meaning of the sentences 10. Dave was very surprised to receive a
birthday gift from an old friend.
- Ss do this exercise individually. Then compare * Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences using
their answers with a partner. the nouns in brackets and To- infinitives
without changing the meaning of the
- T asks Ss to write their answers on the board sentences
1. Their goal to win the first prize seems
- T has other Ss comment 2. Nobody knew about his dream to become
a doctor.
3. Her failure to obey the school rules upset
- T checks Ss’ answers on the board and gives her parents very much.
explanation if necessary 4. Tania’s ability to speak three foreign
language is amazing.
5. Tom’s attempt to persuade his parents to
allow him to join the club failed.
6. He made an effort to overcome any
difficulties by himself.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
 Review of unit 3: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Rewrite sentences, using It’s + adj./ noun + Key
1. Guessing what will happen is difficult. 1. It' s difficult for me to guess what will
2. Knowing when a rat will get loose is happen.
hard. 2. It' s hard to know when a rat will get
3. Doing this project in 24 hours is loose.
impossible. 3. It' s impossible for us to do  this
4. Taking a break twice a day is important project in 24 hours
5. Working on your own project is 4. It' s important to take a break twice a
possible. day.
6. Being here is exciting 5. It' s possible for you to work on your
7.  Getting cold in the laboratory is likely. own project.
8. Putting on your lab coat is a good 6. It' s exciting  for us to be  here.
idea.    7. It' s likely for it to get cold in the
9. Having you here is a pleasure. laboratory.
10. Working in this lab is an honor. It' s a good idea to put on your lab coat.
It' s a pleasure for us to have you here.
It' s an honor for us to work in this lab.


Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 28+29:
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:revise the language and skills they have
learnt in units 1-3.
1. Knowledge

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “The generation gap”,

“Relationships”, and “Becoming independent"
+ Pronunciation: strong and weak forms of words in connected speech; linking.
+ Grammar: Modal verbs, Linking verbs, Cleft sentences, and To infinitive.
2. Skills
 Listening, reading, speaking, writing
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards their study and life.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….

2. Previous lesson check:

- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1.
1. Form compound nouns with the words in
1. housework
the box. Then complete the sentences using
2. childcare
the correct ones.
3. viewpoint
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and
4. grandparents
then compare their answers with a partner.
5. girlfriend
Check answers as a class and write the correct
ones on the board.
Activity 2.
1. relationship
2. Complete the sentences with correct words
2. an argument
from the box.
3. reconciled
- Have Ss do this activity individually. Then ask
4. independent
a student to write his / her answers on the board.
5. self-reliant
Check the answers with the whole class.
Activity 3.
3. Listen and link the final consonants 1. Kate is a teacher of English
and initial vowels in the sentences. in an upper secondary
Then read them aloud. school.
- Play the recording and have Ss do this activity 2. Look at these pictures and answer my
individually, and then compare their answers questions in English.
with a partner. Write the sentences on the board. 3. Tom used to live in his parents'
Then ask Ss to practise reading the sentences house, but he' s moved into a new
aloud. flat with some friends
4. Can I have a cup of apple tea?
5. Don' t forget to turn off the lights

4. Complete these sentences with should/ when you leave after the party.

shouldn' t/ought to/ought not to/must/ Grammar

mustn' t/have to/has to. Activity 4.

- Elicit the form and use of the modals: should/ 1. should / ought to

shouldn' t/ought to/ought not 2. shouldn' t / ought not to

to/must/mustn' t/ have to/has to. 3. must / have to

- Ask a volunteer to do the activity on the board 4. mustn' t

while the rest of the class works on it 5. must / has to

- Check Ss' answers, and ask Ss to provide
explanations for their choice of modals if
Activity 5.
1. It was in Greece that the first Olympic
5. Rewrite the following sentences to
Games were held.
emphasise the underlined parts using It
2. It was Nam who / that won the first
is/was... that.
prize in the English speaking contest.
- Elicit the form and use of the sentence
3. It' s a chocolate cake that I am making
structure It is / was... that. . . .
for my best friend' s birthday party.
- Have Ss do this activity individually, and then
4. It was in 1759 that Scotland' s most
compare their answers with a partner.
famous poet Robert Burns was born.
- Ask a student to write his / her sentences on
5. It' s working on a computer that gives
the board. Check the answers with the whole
me headache.
Activity 6.

6. Write new sentences with a similar 1. Our school is quite easy to find.

meaning. Use the to-infinitive after the 2. The paragraph is difficult to translate.

adjective. 3. I am delighted to work for the school

- Elicit the use of the to-infinitive. library.

- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and 4. She was very surprised to see him at the

then compare their answers with a partner. party.

- Write the correct answers on the board. 5. I was sorry to hear that your grandma was

1 and 2. Read and complete the text with the words Activity 1.
from the box, then answer the questions. 1 . decisions 2. hopefully
3. unemployment 4. advantage
Ask Ss to complete Activities 1 and 2 5. straight 6. qualifications
individually and compare their answers with a 7. possibility 8. practical
partner. Then give the correct answers and any Activity 2.
explanations if necessary. 1 . Around the age of seventeen.
2. There is more unemployment.
3. Getting a job more easily.
4. There are many opportunities for
3. Work with your partner. Make a conversation Activity 3.
about your friend' s problem and give them advice. Your friend' s problem:
Use your own ideas or the suggestions below. - getting bad exam results
- Ask Ss to work with a partner to make a Your advice:
conversation about a friend' s problem. One - spend less time surfing the Internet for
student explains the problem while the other pleasure
asks questions and offers advice. Ss may use - spend more time searching information
their own ideas or the suggestions. for assignments
- Encourage Ss to swap roles and role-play the - work harder
conversation again. - ask a teacher for extra tuition
4. Listen to recording about relationship problem
between parents and teenage children. Decide
whether the following statements are true (T) or false
(F) according to the speaker. Listening
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and Activity 4.
choose their answers. 1. T
- Play the recording again pausing at 2. F
appropriate places and highlighting the clues in 3. T
the listening text, so Ss can check their answers. 4. F
Then give the correct answers, for weaker Ss. 5. T
- Play the recording several times pausing after
sentences to check Ss’ comprehension.
5. Read the advertisements and choose one of the
Sample letter:
language schools you want to attend to improve your
Dear Ms Smith,
I saw your advertisement about the
- Ask Ss to read the two advertisements and
language courses on your website. I am
choose one of the language schools they would
interested in learning English, and I am
like to attend to improve their English.
writing to enquire about the English
6. Write a letter requesting more information I
courses at your centre.
about the language courses. You can ask about
I can read and write in English, but I can' t
the starting date, course duration, teachers
speak the language very well. If necessary,
experience, fees and course certificate.
I can complete an oral test. I want to
- Ask Ss to write a letter requesting more
improve my pronunciation, and hope to be
information about the language courses. Ss may
able to practise my English with native
write their drafts first in class, swap them with a
partner for peer review, and write their final
I would also like to have more information
version at home.
about the starting date, course duration,
teachers' experience, fees and course
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Thu Trang
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 1-3.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 30:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get to know the topic: vocabulary about people with disabilities; the past simple and the
(Lexical items: disability, blind, deaf, dumb, get around, integrate, campaign, charity, donate.
2. Skills
 Listening, reading
o Scanning for specific information to answer questions
o Identifying the meaning of words depending on the context
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

T: Inform the class of the lesson objectives
Introduce the topic by asking Ss to talk about
the photos of people with disabilities. Then
elicit more ideas from Ss’ background
Encourage Ss to talk about disabled people’s
achievements. Tell them to include respect for
disabled people and donation to charities in
their discussion.
Ss: Listen and answer
Talk about disabled people’s achievements;
include respect for disabled people and donation
to charities in the discussion.
1. Activity 1:
T: Ask Ss questions about the illustration: Who do you see in the picture?
Tell Ss that that are going to listen to a What are they doing?
conversation in a school library between three What do you think they are going to do with
friends: Mai, Kevin and Maria. the gift?
Let Ss predict what these friends will be talking
Encourage and accept all types of predictions
from Ss.
Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and read the
conversation at the same time.
Ss: Answer the questions:
Predict what these friends will be talking about.
Listen and read the conversation at the same time.
2. Activity 2:
T: Asks Ss to work first individually, and then 1. T
in pairs to decide whether the statements are 2. F
True(T) or False(F), or not given(NG). ss can 3. NG
provide their answers. They may refer back to 4. T
the conversation to get the necessary 5. NG
Checks sts’s answers and give explanation.
Ss: Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions
Give explanation
Read the question and example and think of their
own answer to the question.
Work individually first, then with a partner.
Give answers
3. Activity 3:
Have sts read the question and example. Ask Ss’ answers may vary
them to think of their own answer to the
question. Sts work individually first, then with a
Elicit some answers and writes the best ones on
the board. Give feedback and discuss any points.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Get to know the topic: vocabulary about people with disabilities; the past simple and the present.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 31:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- enrich their vocabulary with words or phrases related to people with disabilities and
how to support them
- know the elision of weak vowels before /l/, /n/ and /r/
- know how to use and distinguish between the past simple and present perfect
2. Skills
 Listening, reading
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards their study.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

Warm-up: How do you perceive and treat people with

Ask and Answer disabilities? How do you about Nick
T: Ask sts work individually, read each of the 1. Activity 1:
words and think about its word class. 1. b;
Guide sts that they should read each explanation 2. e;
and decide if it defines a verb, noun or 3. d;
adjective. 4. c;
Call some sts to give out the answer 5. a
Have two sts write the answers on bb.
Check & give remarks
Ss: Work individually, read each of the words
and think about its word class.
Some sts to give out the answer
Two sts write the answers on bb.
2. Activity 2:
T: Go through the words in the box and check 1. blind
sts’ understanding. 2. cognitive
Ask sts to complete the sentences individually. 3. donation
Check the completed sentences as a class, 4. physical
making sure that all sts have the right answers. 5. hearing
T: Explain elision of vowels, especially the Elision of vowels
schwa sound/ə/. Elision is not mandatory. Weak 1. Activity 1:
vowels are sometimes elided before the sounds/l/,
/n/ and/r/ to speed up or simplify the
pronunciation of a word.
Play the recording for sts to listen and follow.
Play the recording again for sts to repeat chorally
and individually.
Help sts to distinguish between the pronunciation
without elision and the pronunciation with
Ask sts to work in pairs, taking turns to
pronounce the words twice- with and without
elision of weak vowels.
2. Activity 2:
T: Ask sts to read the instructions and explain the
Ask them to read the sentences, focusing on the
words in bold and have sts repeat.
Play the recording for sts to repeat once or twice.
Extend this task by having sts take turns reading Textbook, page 40
each of the sentences twice- with and without
elisions of weak vowels.
Ss: Read the instructions and explain the task.
Read the sentences, focusing on the words in
bold and have sts repeat.
Take turns reading each of the sentences twice-
with and without elisions of weak vowels.
T: Tell sts that the activity focuses on the past 1. Activity 1:
simple and the present perfect tense of verbs. 1. launched

Ask if they can remember any rules for the use of 2. decided

the past simple and the present perfect that they 3. invited

have learnt in the lower grades. 4. have completely changed

Have sts work in pairs to figure the answers. 5. have collected

Monitor the activity and help sts, if necessary.

Remind sts to pay attention to the adverbs of time
when they choose the correct form of the verbs.
Remind sts of the past participle forms of regular
verbs and irregular verbs.
Check answers as a class.
2. Activity 2:
T: Tell sts that the activity focuses on the correct 1. decided
form of the verbs- the past simple or the present 2. have joined
perfect. 3. have volunteered
Let sts work in pairs to give answers. Observe 4. presented
and help when and where necessary. 5. have donated
Remind sts to pay attention to the adverbs of time 6. talked
when they choose the correct form of the verbs. 7. have sent
Check sts’ answers by asking individual sts to 8. visited
take turns reading aloud each of the sentences.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
- words or phrases related to people with disabilities and how to support them
- the elision of weak vowels before /l/, /n/ and /r/
- the past simple and present perfect
Ask sts:
What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Expected answer
I can talk about people with disabilities and how to help people in need. I can use the past
simple and the present perfect to talk about past actions with time expressions. I can recognize
and pronounce words with elision of vowels.

5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 32:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get information about how to help people in need.
- know words and phrases related to attitudes to disabled people and community activities.
2. Skills
 develop reading skill: scanning, skimming
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- distinguish the past simple and the present perfect.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1:
T: Shows the symbols used to indicate access Ss: Look at the symbols and work in groups to
for people with disabilities. compare the answers. Encourage sts to
Provide sts with some information about explain and give reasons for their answers.
improving accessibility for disabled people. Keys suggested
Have sts look at the symbols and work in People with mobility impairments/
groups to compare the answers. Encourage sts disabilities.
to explain and give reasons for their answers. People with visual impairments/ disabilities.
Correct answers as a class & have sts guess the People with hearing impairments/ disabilities.
possible content of the reading text. People with speech impairments/ disabilities.

2. Activity 2:
T: Ask sts to work individually, read the words Ss: Work individually, read the words and
and phrases in the columns, then discuss and phrases in the columns, then discuss and
find the meaning of each of them(a-e). provide find the meaning of each of them(a-e).
help, if necessary. Explain the meaning further Keys suggested
and give examples. Check answers as a class. - b
- d
- e
- a
- c
3. Activity 3:
T: Tell sts that the activity focuses on reading Ss: Listen
for general ideas and have them read the Skim the text individually to choose the best
headings quickly before the texts that follows. heading for each paragraph
Explain to sts that repeated and similar Write the answers on the board.
vocabulary can form a vocabulary chain in a Keys suggested.
paragraph, and consequently help express the 1. b;
main idea of the paragraph. 2. c;
Have sts skim the text individually to choose 3.a
the best heading for each paragraph. Then sts
can check their answers with a partner.
Check answers as a class and write them on the
board. Give feedback.
4. Activity 4:
T: Tell sts that the activity focuses on reading Ss: Read the passage gain and fill in the
for specific information and that sts cannot blanks.
write more than three words in each blank. Pay attention to details like names of schools,
Ask sts to read the passage gain and fill in the classes, activities… and to the context to
blanks. Remind sts to pay attention to details identify what kind of words or phrases are
like names of schools, classes, activities… and needed.
to the context to identify what kind of words or Write their answer individually and check
phrases are needed. with their partner.
Have sts write their answer individually and Keys suggested.
check with their partner. 1. students with disabilities
Check answers as a class & provide feedback. 2. record popular books
3. participating fully in
4. ‘record-breaking’
5. this Christmas unforgettable
Activity 5:
T: Put sts in pairs and ask them to discuss the Ss: Work in pairs and discuss the questions
questions freely: freely.
Ask one or two pairs to report the discussion One or two pairs to report the discussion
results to the class. results to the class.
Give remarks Listen
How can you help children with
disabilities in your community?

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
+ Reading for general ideas and specific information about helping people disabilities.
+ Lexical items: disability, blind, deaf, dumb, get around, integrate, campaign, charity, donate.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 33:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- describe reasons for getting involved in donating to charities and supporting disabled
- Lexical items: disability, blind, deaf, dumb, get around, integrate, campaign, charity,
donate, coach, cognitive impairment.
2. Skills
 Speaking: discussing and interviewing
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

Activity 1:
T: Write Get involved! On the board and give sts Ss: Answer
time to discuss the phrase. Listen
Ask: Read the phrases.
Explain the activity aims to differentiate between Have you ever taken part in campaigns to
the notions “reason” and “activity” help people with disabilities?
Have sts read the phrases, and check answers as a Why do you volunteer to help people?
class. How can you help people in need?
Keys suggested.
1. R; 2. A; 3. R; 4. R; 5.A
Activity 2:
T: Explain the context and ask sts to read through Ss: Read through the phrases in the box.
the phrases in the box. Work in pairs to fill the gaps in the
Have sts work in pairs to fill the gaps in the interview.
interview. Listen
Check answers as a class and give feedback. Read the interview individually before they
Allow enough time for sts to read the interview practice in pairs.
individually before they practice in pairs. Role-play the conversation in front of the
Monitor the activity and select some pairs to role- class.
play the conversation in front of the class.
Keys suggested.
1. volunteer position
2. special school
3. change people’s lives
4. in the past
5. improve coordination
6. clearly and effectively
Activity 3:
T: Ask sts to read the instructions carefully, then Ss: Read the instructions carefully, then have
have them go through the information about them go through the information about
Nguyen Dinh Chieu School and Nhan Chinh Nguyen Dinh Chieu School and Nhan Chinh
School. School.
Ask sts to prepare the reason why they want to Prepare the reason why they want to
volunteer, and what they can do. Tell sts that they volunteer, and what they can do.
can use suggestions in Activity 1. Work in pairs to share their ideas and
Have sts work in pairs to share their ideas and suggestions.
suggestions. One or two pairs to role-play their
Choose one or two pairs to role-play their conversation in front of the class.
conversation in front of the class.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
- reasons for getting involved in donating to charities and supporting disabled children, what
people can do for the society and people with disabilities.
- Lexical items: disability, blind, deaf, dumb, get around, integrate, campaign, charity, donate,
coach, cognitive impairment.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 34:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ know more about the achievements of people with disabilities (a famous girl with
+ know what Ss can do to support them
2. Skills
 improve listening skill for specific information
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1:
Show pictures of Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Expected answers:
Beethoven and Thomas Edison a. Albert Einstein, learning disability
Ask: b. Ludwig Beethoven, hearing loss
Who are they? c. Thomas Edison, learning disability
What disabilities do you think they had?
2. Activity 2:
Complete the notes while listening
Listen the CD again and check their
Compare their answers before checking
answers as a class.
Keys expected
Name: Nguyen Anh
Nationality: Vietnamese
Kind of disability Glass-bone disease
Interests Singing and helping charitable
Title honoured by UNICEF Global
outstanding child with a disability.
3. Activity 3:
Recall what they heard and guess the words
Have sts read the instruction about a famous to complete the sentences.
girl with a disability and the table they have to Check their answers.
complete. Listen
Play the CD. Ask sts to complete the notes Keys expected
while listening. 1. get involved
Have sts listen the CD again and check their 2. over 30 times
answers. 3. broadcasting radio programmes
Have sts compare their answers before checking 4. friendly and supportive
answers as a class. 5. treated equally
4. Activity 4
Work in groups of three or four to discuss
the question:
What can you do to support people with
disabilities and help them succeed in life?
Ask sts to recall what they heard and guess the Present the reports
words to complete the sentences. Then play the Listen
recording again for sts to check their answers.
Play the recording twice if necessary.
Check answers as a class & provide feedback.

Ask sts to work in groups of three or four to

discuss the question:
What can you do to support people with
disabilities and help them succeed in life?
Brainstorm ideas.
Have some sts present their reports to the class.
Give remarks
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Listening for specific information about a famous girl with disability
5. Homework:
- summarize the listening text or prepare a talk about Nguyen Anh.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 35:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- propose solutions to problems facing people with disabilities.

2. Skills

- write an article about problems facing disabled people

3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about the crystal girl Phuong Anh.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1
Give sts time to read the sample writing about Read the sample writing about the
the problems that children with cognitive problems that children with cognitive
impairments are facing. impairments are facing.
Ask sts to choose the appropriate phrases (a-c) Choose the appropriate phrases (a-c) to fill
to fill in the blanks. in the blanks.
Have them compare their answers with a Compare their answers with a partner first
partner first Read out loud their answers
Ask sts to read out loud their answers to check Keys expected
as a class. 1.c; 2.b; 3.a
Lead to the writing lesson
2. Activity 2:
Ask sts to work in groups of 4, and give each Work in groups of 4, and give each group
group a large size sheet of paper a large size sheet of paper
Have sts read the text in their book and study Discuss in groups and complete the
the outline. outline on the sheet of paper.
Ask sts to discuss in groups and complete the Leaders of some groups to present their
outline on the sheet of paper. outlines to the rest of the class.
Encourage sts to move around to look at the Keys expected
outlines of other groups. Introduction
Ask leaders of some groups to present their Children with cognitive impairments often
outlines to the rest of the class. face discrimination in life
Main body
Solution 1
People should learn more about children
with cognitive impairments
Solution 2
There should be more contacts between
people with cognitive impairments and
non-disabled people.
Better understanding and better
cooperation between the two groups of
people will change attitudes and reduce
3. Activity 3:
Have sts work in groups of three or four to Work in groups of three or four to choose
choose one problem and discuss what solutions one problem and discuss what solutions
they will recommend. they will recommend.
Encourage sts to make complete sentences, Work independently and write their
using the suggestions in the table. Ask sts to articles.
read their group’s sentences.
Provide help by correcting mistakes in
grammar or word choice.
Ask sts to work independently and write their
Ask some individuals to read their articles. Some individuals to read their articles.
Have the rest of class give comments, and Listen to comments & correction
correct errors.
Give remarks & correction
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:

writing an article about problems facing disabled people

5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 36:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- listen to an introduction to a charitable organization and discussing a campaign to

support it.

- know the International Day of Persons with disabilities.

2. Skills
 Writing, speaking, Listening, reading
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- Have you ever done volunteer work?
- What do you know about a charitable
organization? I. COMMUNICATION
1. Activity 1:
Focus sts’ attention on the instructions and the Keys expected
table. 1. 1988
Have sts guess what they are going to listen 2. non- governmental
Have them work in pairs to guess the information 3. clean water and good hygiene
and think about how to express such information 4. have better lives
(e.g how to say the date and year, or how to 5. Life is beautiful
classify organizations as governmental, non-
governmental, profit, non-profit…)
Ask sts to complete the table while listening.
Have them listen again to check the answers.
Let sts compare their answers with a partner, then
check answers as a class and write them on the
2. Activity 2:
Have sts read the instructions and suggested - groupwork
words/ phrases carefully.
Ask sts to work in groups of 4 to brain storm
ideas and prepare a proposal for a new campaign
to support disabled people.
Ask some groups to present their campaigns.
Praise sts for original and interesting ideas, and
good presentation skills.
Give comments and mark
Focus sts’ attention on the logos and allow 1. Activity 1:
enough time for sts to discuss how often they 2. Activity 2:
think the International Day of people with International Day of Persons with
disabilities is celebrated and what its purpose is. Disabilities
Invite individual sts to present their ideas. 3. Activity 3:
Expected answers:
1. The United Nations
2. This special day aims at raising awareness
of disability issues and calls for support for
Have sts read the text quickly to check their the rights and well-being of disabled people.
guesses. 3. They are facing challenges, discrimination,
poverty and limited access to education,
Ask sts to read the text again and answer the employment and health care.
questions individually. 4. Now I know more about international
Allow time for sts to read and underline the key organizations and celebrations for people
words in the questions. with disabilities; I can express my opinion
Ask them to read the text and underline relevant about how to help disabled people overcome
information difficulties; I can suggest themes and action
Offer help when necessary plans to celebrate the International Day of
Check answers as a class. Persons with Disabilities

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:

information about a charitable organization and the International Day of Persons with
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 37:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- review all the grammar points, pronunciation and vocabulary.

2. Skills
 Listening, peaking, reading, writing
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities to integrate in the
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Activity 1: Underline the syllables with
Review what elision of vowels is and when this elision of weak vowels in the words in
happens. bold.
Play the recording and let sts listen and underline 1. dictionary
the syllables with elision of weak vowels in the 2. Police
words in bold. 3. library
4. deafening
5. history
2. Activity 2:
Key expected:
Play the recording 1.
Ask sts to identify the sentences containing 4. 
words read with elision of weak vowels. 6. 
T gives the feedback.
Explain the activity aims to review the key 1. impairments
vocabulary in the unit, and have sts do it 2. non-disabled
individually. 3. integration
Remind sts to put the words into the correct form 4. disrespectful
according to its position in the sentences. 5. involved
Check answers as a class by asking individual sts 6. Donations
to read their sentences. C. GRAMMAR
Provide the correct answers. 1. Activity 1:
1. came 2. have agreed, have signed
Have sts work in pairs to work out the answers. 3. has come 4. have started
Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. 5. had
Check sts’ answers by asking individuals to take 2. Activity 2:
turns reading aloud their answers. 1. …has never volunteered…
2. invented
Have sts to tell the teacher again about the 3. has recorded- visited
difference between usages of the past simple and 4. has supported
the present perfect 5. Have you ever worked…- organized- have
Have sts do this activity orally first also coached…
Check answers as a class.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Main points of unit 4.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks, do extra-exercise.
- prepare for the next lesson
Sentence transformation
1. Lucy hasn’t worn that dress since Barbara’s wedding
The last time ___________________________________________________________________
2. My sister has studied French for 2 years
My sister began_________________________________________________________________
3. I have never seen such a mess in my life
It’s ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Robert and Catherine have been married for 4 years
It’s ___________________________________________________________________________
5. When did Catherine and Henry get engaged?
How long______________________________________________________________________
6. I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog
It’s ___________________________________________________________________________
7. Mary rang hours and hours ago
8. Tom is ill. He became ill three days ago
Tom __________________________________________________________________________
9. It’s 2 years since she left university
She ___________________________________________________________________________
1. The last time Lucy wore that dress was on Barbara’s wedding.
2. My sister began studying French 2 years ago.
3. It’s the first time I have seen such a mess.
4. It’s 4 years since Robert and Catherine were married
5. How long have they got engaged?
6. It’s the dirtiest-looking dog that I have ever seen.
7. It’s hours and hours since Mary rang.
8. Tom has been for 3 days.
9. She has left university for 2 years.

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 38:
  
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the language and skills that they have learnt in the units 3,4
➢ practise their examining skills
➢ have positive attitude toward self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
3. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
4. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Summarize the main points tested: main points of unit 3,4
5. Homework:
- revise some key points
- prepare for unit 5- Getting started

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 39:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get to know the topic, some vocabulary related to ASEAN –its aims, member states and
activities, the use of gerunds, and state verbs in continuous forms.

- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.

2. Skills
 develop Listening, reading skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
T shows Ss some pictures and asks Ss to answer * Questions:
the questions 1. What does it symbolise? / (what is this
T elicits answers from students, encourages them symbol?)
if they know more about ASEAN. Then T adds
some more information about ASEAN, for
example: Viet Nam became a member of
ASEAN in 1995. They are
* Lead in: In our lesson today, you will know sth
about ASEAN: its aims, member states and
2. What does “ASEAN” stand for ?
3. How many members are there in ASEAN?
* Expected answers:
+It is the symbol of ASEAN
+ “ASEAN” stands for “ Association of
Southeast Asian Nations”
+ There are 10 members in ASEAN
Sts take notes
* Vocabulary:
Charter [' t∫ɑ:t∂] (n) : hiến chương
External Interference [eks' t∂:nl] [,int∂'
- Elicit vocabulary using explanations and fi∂r∂ns] :
examples. sự can thiê ̣p bên ngoài
- Let sts repeat the new words in chorus, then
individually. 1. Activity 1. Listen and read:
- Check Ss’vocabulary using the technique Rub Ss listen and read at the same time.
out and Remember.
2. Activity 2: What is the conversation
- Tell Ss they are going to listen to a about? Choose the best answer.
conversation between a girl and her father Key: Preparation for a competition on
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read Asean and the ASEAN Charter
3. Activity 3: Match the words with its
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the question Ss use the word in context in the
conversation when choosing the correct
definition for each word
Key :
- Ask Ss to work individually to match each word 1e 2a 3c 4b 5d
with its definition
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs to practise reading 4. Activity 4: Answer the questions
the words aloud 1. Because her classmates know a lot more
- Encourage Ss to use the word in context in the about ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter , and
conversation when choosing the correct are more confident than her.
definition for each word 2. As of 2010, it consists of 10 member
states , but may be bigger because other
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the text again countries because other countries have
and take turns to answer the questions applied to join the bloc.
- Encourage Ss to refer back to the conversation 3. ASEAN focuses on improving member
if necessary. states’ economies, and maintaining regional
- Check Ss’ answers in the class peace and stability
4. It offers the Singapore Scholarship and the
ASEAN Scholarships to students from other
ASEAN countries.
5. He wants her to tell him the main
principles of the ASEAN Charter
6. He’ll continue quizzing her tonight after
5. Activity 5: Work in groups and talk
about ASEAN and the ASEAN charter.

- Divide Ss in class into groups of 3.

-Without books, ask Ss if they still remember
what they know about ASEAN.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
+ getting to know the topic, some vocabulary related to ASEAN –its aims, member states
and activities, the use of gerunds, and state verbs in continuous forms.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 40:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- use lexical items related to vocabulary with words or phrases related to the topic of ASEAN

- say statements and yes/no questions with appropriate intonation.

- understand and use Gerunds after some words, verbs and prepositions, and phrases;

- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.
2. Skills
 develop Listening, reading, writing, speaking skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm-up: Ss look at the pictures and guess the words
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and guess the relating to each picture
words relating to each picture, (T can give some
missing letters if necessary)
Answer : Picture 1: V- - - - - - - - -__ Volunteers
Picture 2: S- - - - - - - - -- __ Solidarity
Picture 3 : C- - - - - - - - - - __ Cooperation
Lead in: Now you are going to study some words
relating to the topic ASEAN

I. Vocabulary
1. Activity 1: Complete the sentences,
using the words in the box
solidarity, cooperation, dominate,
constitution, principle, scholarship
- ask Ss to work individually, read the words, *Key: 1. constitution, 2. scholarship, 3.
and then match them with the definitions solidarity, 4.
principle, 5. cooperation, 6. dominate
2. Activity 2: Use the words in 1 to
complete the sentences:
1. constitution, 2. principles,
_ Have Ss work first individually, then with a 3. cooperation, 4. dominate,
partner 5. principles, 6. scholarship
_ Monitor the activity and offer support, if
necessary II. Pronunciation
_ Check answers in front of the class 1. Activity 1: Listen and repeat :
Note: Intonation is the rise and fall of a
speaker’s voice, and is important in
_ Play the recording and let Ss listen. Play it communication.
again for Ss to repeat each sentence chorally. Speakers usually use falling intonation
_ Ask Ss to focus on falling intonation in at the end of the statements. Falling
statements and rising intonation on yes/no intonation communicates certainty and
questions finality.
Speakers often use rising intonation at
the end of yes / no questions. Rising
intonation can signal uncertainty and doubt.
2. Activity 2: Listen and repeat with the
correct intonation. Then practise saying
_ Play the recording. Ask Ss to repeat each the sentences with a partner
sentence without any pauses. To show falling Ss repeat each sentence without any pauses.
intonations, their voice should go down at the
end of a statement. To show rising intonation,
their voice should go up at the end of a yes/no
_ Ss work in pairs to take turns reading the
sentences. Then some Ss read them out loud in III. Grammar
front of the class, and have other Ss make A. Gerunds:
comments on their intonation. Task 1: Choose the correct Gerund (the-
ing form) in the box to fill each gap:
- Give the meaning of some words in the task Ss follow the instruction and complete the
(using picture) : sentences.
Then have Ss compare their answers playing becoming sharing building
Check answers in front of the class volunteering promoting
New words:
*New words :
+ Sepak Takraw : Malaysia’s national sport
+ AYVP : ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme

Sepak Takraw- Malaysia’s national sport

*Key: 1. Volunteering, 2. promoting, 3.
Sharing, 4. building, 5. playing, 6. becoming
2. Activity 2: Complete the sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
Some pairs read their completed sentences.
*Key: 1. to take, 2. travelling, 3. to go, 4. to
apply, 5. preparing, 6. participating
B. State verbs:
_ Ask Ss to work in pairs to take turns giving the
State verbs describe a state or condition
which is unchanging and lasts for some
_ Ask some pairs to read their completed
time. State verbs are not normally used in
sentences to check answers and give feedback
continuous tenses
3. Activity 3: Choose the correct answers
in brackets to complete the sentences
*Key: 1. regret, 2. consists, 3. didn’t
_ Have Ss discuss their answers with a partner realise, 4. Do you know, 5. likes, 6. is seeing
first, and then circle the correct answers 4. Activity 4: Use the simple or
_ Monitor the activity, and offer help if necessary continuous form of the verbs in brackets
_ Check Ss’s answers by asking some of them to to complete the sentences
read out their answers *Key: 1. was, 2. was tasting, 3. hope, 4.
are…smelling, 5. are having, 6. are being
Suggested answers: I can say statements
with falling intonation and yes/no questions
_ Ask Ss to work first individually, then with a with rising intonation. I understand and can
partner use Gerunds after some verbs , verbs and
_ Check answers prepositions, phrases and state verbs in
_ Have Ss to read the explanation in the “Do you continuous forms
know…?” box and check if they understand them
_ Give further explanation if necessary
3. production: (8’)
Ask Ss: What have you learn today?
What can you do now?

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
+ words or phrases related to the topic of ASEAN
+ Gerunds after some words, verbs and prepositions, and phrases
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 41:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more specific information about ASEAN
2. Skills
 develop reading skill: scanning
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Write 10 words related to the topic and make 2 sentences
- Make 5 sentences including state verbs in both simple and continuous tenses.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm-up: National flags
Ask Ss to work in pairs to name the countries
basing on their national flags . The first pair to
give the correct answers is the winner

* Key: 1. Brunei Darussalam, 2. Cambodia,

3. Indonesia, 4. Laos, 5. Singapore, 6.
Malaysia , 7. Myanmar, 8. The Philippines,
9. Singapore, 10. Viet Nam
+ bloc [blɔk] : (chính trị) khối
(Eg: left-wing parties bloc: khối các đảng
- Elicit vocabulary using explanations and
phái tả)
+ motto [' mɔtouz] (n) : khẩu hiê ̣u; phương
- Let pupils repeat the new words in chorus, then
+ integrate : hoà nhập, hội nhập
- Check Ss’vocabulary using the technique Rub
1. Activity 1: The following text has five
out and Remember.
paragraphs. read it first and then match
the headings (1-5) with the paragraphs
- Inform the Ss that the activity is for skimming
only (reading quickly for general ideas). Ss work individually, and then compare
Set a time limit for the class. their answers with a partner.
Have Ss work individually, and then compare 1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
their answers with a partner.
Ask Ss to read their answers out loud to make 2. Activity 2: Find the words or
sure they have watched them correctly. expressions in the text that have the
following meanings. Write them in the
- Give Ss enough time to work first individually, correct spaces
then have some Ss read their answers out loud to Key: 1. the ASEAN Charter, 2. non-
check as a class. interference
3. motto, 4. respect
3. Activity 3: Read the text again and
answer the questions:
1. They were Indonesia, Malaysia, the
- Ask Ss to scan (look only for specific facts or Philippines, Singapore and Thailand
details without reading everything) the text to 2. Brunei became the 6th member in 1984,
find the answers to the questions VietNam became the 7th member in 1995.
Have them highlight the key words in the Laos and Myanmar joined the bloc in 1997
questions first, and then try to answer the same and Cambodia joined 2 years later.
words in the text. 3. It has a land area of 4.46 million km2 and
Then, Ss can take turns asking and answering the a population of about 600 million people .
questions in pairs. (ASEAN would rank as the 8th largest
Check answers in front of the class. economy in the world if it were a single
4. Post-reading : (10’) country.
Arrange Ss into groups and set a time limit. 4. They are Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,
Walk around to monitor the class and offer help Singapore, the Philippines and Viet Nam.
if necessary. 5. It is “ One vision, One identity, One
Allow enough time for one or two groups to Community”
demonstrate the activity in front of the class. 6. They are respect for the member state’s
independence and non-interference in their
internal affairs.
7. It organises different projects and
activities, including educational awards, and
various cultural and sport activities.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
specific information about ASEAN
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 42:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- talk about ASEAN member states.

- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.

2. Skills
 develop speking, Listening, writing skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4,5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge

Watch some pictures and guess What

countries they symbolise

Key: * Picture 1 : Singapore

* Picture 2 : Malaysia

* Picture 3 : Viet Nam

* Picture 4 : Cambodia

Lead in: We are going to talk about ASEAN

member states.

Activity 1: Match each country with its

capital city and listen to check your

*Key: 1.d, 2.h, 3. j, 4.i, 5.a, 6. g, 7.c, 8b, 9e,

Write ASEAN member states on the board
Give Ss enough time to do matching individually.

Play the recording for them to check their

Activity 2: Listen to a brief introduction
Ask Ss to focus on the pronunciation of the
to an ASEAN member state and complete
countries and their capitals
the text with the correct numbers

*Key: 1. thirty-seven million

Ask Ss to read through the text about Indonesia
2. Twenty-four thousand
before they listen to the recording. Focus their
3. sixty-three (237,424,363)
intention on how to say long numbers
Activity 3: Work in pairs. Student A uses
Play the recording more than once if necessary.
the table below and student B uses the
table on page 63. Ask each other questions
Focus Ss’ attention on their construction to fill the gaps in your table
Tell Ss that is an information gap activity. *Key:

In information gap activities, each S has Student A: 1. 6,477,211; 2. 329,847; 3.

information that his / her partner doesn’t have. English; 4. 513,115; 5. 701.1, 6. Mandarin
The objective is for Ss to ask questions to find Student B: 1. 236,800; 2. 27,565, 821; 3.
out the missing information. 300,000; 4. Peso; 5. 66,720,153; 6. 5,076,

Activity 4: Work in groups. Use the

information in Task 1,2,3 and in Reading
to talk about one ASEAN country. Report
to the class.
Ss work in groups. Use the information in Task
1, 2, 3 and in Reading to talk about one ASEAN
country. Student A: Lao is a country in Southeast
Asia. It has an area of 236, 800 square
Ss report to the class.

Student B: Its population is 6,477,211.

Vientiane is the capital city.

Student C: The currency unit in Laos is the

Lao Kip and its official language is Lao

Student D: And the country joined ASEAN

in 1997
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop speaking skill by talking about ASEAN member states
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 43:
  
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Identify and correct some common mistakes.
- Assess their knowledge.
- Enhance attitude towards self-study and self-evaluation.
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
…. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Activity 4
3. New lesson:
- return the test papers with mark to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points of the lesson: Main points tested.
5. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3-Listening

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 44:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get some information about the ASEAN School Games through listening to a sports
instructor’s talk.
2. Skills
 develop Listening skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:

Talk about one ASEAN country, mentioning area, population, currency unit, official language…
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Ask Ss to look at the people and guess where Ss look at the people and guess where they
they are from. are from.

Activity 1: Match the words (1-6) with the

words and phrases (a-f) to form compounds
or meaningful phrases. Compare with the
Ask Ss to work individually to do task 1 * Key :
Then Ss compare the answers with their partners. 1f 2e
Write ASEAN School Games on the board and 3a 4b
asks Ss to work in pairs to make guesses about 5c 6d
the content of the listening text.
Lead-in: You are going to listen to a sports Activity 2: Listen to a sports instructor’s talk.
instructor talking about the ASEAN School What is he talking about? Tick the correct box
Games. Ss read through the four choices
* Key:
Ask Ss to read through the requirement and the c. Five ASEAN School Games
Play the recording non-stop for them to get the Activity 3: Listen again and decide if the
gist of the talk. statements are true (T) or False (F)
Have Ss work in pairs before checking the *Key:
answers in front of the class. 1F 2T 3T
4F 5F
Check Ss’ comprehension of sentences 1-5
before playing the recording Activity 4: Listen again and complete the
Have Ss work in pairs first following ASG medal table
Then check their answers in front of a class *. Key :
1. Viet Nam (18)
Ask Ss to read the instruction and the table 2. Malaysia (45)
Check their comprehension. 3. Singapore (26),
Play the recording once or twice again for Ss to 4. Indonesia (33),
fill the gaps 5. Viet Nam (50)
Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their
Invite representatives from some pairs to report
their answers to the class. Activity 5
Give feedback and correct any wrong answers if - work in groups

Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four.

Ss note down their group members’ ideas and get
ready to prepare a brief talk.
Have some Ss present their talk to the class.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
listening for gist and specific information in a sports instructor’s talk about the ASEAN
School Games.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 45:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- write a short brochure introducing an ASEAN member state.
- identify the meaning of words depending on the context
- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.
2. Skills
 develop writing skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: - board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - sommarize the listening text.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Show some beautiful spots in Viet Nam
Ask Ss to call the names of the beautiful spots
* Lead in : Besides beautiful sights like Halong
Bay, Sapa, Da Lat…,you are going to know some
more about Viet Nam basing on a short

* Key: 1 Halong Bay, 2. Da lat , 3. Ha noi ,

4. Sa pa, 5. Mui ne, 6. Hoi an
Activity 1: Read the following information
about Viet Nam. Fill the gaps with the
correct words or phrases in the box
1. land area,
_ Ask Ss if they know about Viet Nam: How big
2. income,
is Viet Nam? How many people live in the
3. Vovinam,
country? What does VN export? What is typical
4. family values,
of the Vietnamese country? What are some
5. Heritage Sites
tourists attractions in VN?
Get Ss some time to do the gap-filling.
Activity 2: Read the extract from a short
Have Ss compare their answers with a partner
brochure introducing Viet Nam. Match the
subheadings (1-5) with the paragraphs (a-e)
Then ask some pairs to read different paragraphs
* Key: a.4, b.5, c.2, d.3, e.1
out loud to check the answers. Notes : Vovina ( Việt Võ Đạo : Martial Arts
of Viet Nam) is a Vietnamese ,artial art.
Ask Ss to read through the extract from a short
brochure introducing Viet Nam
Ask Ss to focus their attention on how the points
in Task 1 have been developed into sentences and
paragraphs, and the informative language used in
a brochure. Activity 3: Brochures are often used to
Have Ss do the matching first individually, and inform people and include information text
then compare their answers with a partner. and the brochure above. Work with a partner
Check Ss’ answers as a class. and find examples of each feature.
Give explanations if necessary. Sample answers:
a. The extract in task 2 consists of 5
Set a time limit for Ss to read the instructions, the paragraphs
brochure and find the examples of each point. b. Examples of impersonal language and
present tense : covers a land area, is about, is
Ha Noi, speak Vietnamese…
c. There are 5 paragraphs and each one
focuses on a different topic and has a
heading summarising the topic
d. Important information is highlighted: land
area, population, agricultural exporter….
Activity 4: Write a short brochure (160-
180words) introducing an ASEAN
country. Use the information about
Indonesia below or a different ASEAN
country of your choice.
Ask Ss to read the sample brochure in 2 and the
information text features in 3 again.
Have Ss go through the points about Indonesia in
Give the meaning of new words if necessary.
Have Ss write a short text using the information given
When Ss finish their drafts, ask them to exchange
the drafts with a partner for peer review.
Walk round to help Ss if necessary.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:

+ write a short brochure introducing an ASEAN member state.

5. Homework:
- revise the writing.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 46:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge

- talk about Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN Scholarships.

- read and speak about Lamvong- a traditional Lao dance.

2. Skills
 develop speaking, reading skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Do you want to have a scholarship to study in
Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN
Activity 1: Read the school notice about the
Explain to Ss that they need to read the Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN
information about 2 kinds of Singapore – Scholarships.
sponsored scholarships. Use the words or phrases to fill the gaps.
Ask them to distinguish between the Singapore Check with a partner
Scholarships Have Ss work first individually, and * Key: 1c, 2e, 3b, 4f, 5d, 6a
then check their answers in front of the class. (for 12th graders to study at Singapore
Universities) and the ASEAN Scholarships
(for 10th and 11th graders to study at
Singapore Schools)

Activity 2: Create a list of FAQs (Frequently

Tell Ss to read the instructions carefully. Ask a Asked Questions) about the Singapore
pair of Ss to model the example. Scholarships and the ASEAN Scholarships
Have Ss work in pairs. If they have access to the in Task 1. Work with a partner
Internet, they can also use additional information to think of as many questions as you can.
to formulate further questions. Then ask each other the questions
Have some pairs ask and answer their Qs in front
of the class.
Ask the rest of the class to comment how useful
or detailed the answer to each question is.
Activity 1 :
Ask Ss to watch a video clip about Lamvong Lao
Ask Ss to look at the picture of Lamvong
Ask Ss: Do you know anything about this dance?

Lamvong- a traditional Lao dance

* Suggested answers: They are dancing
Lamvong. This is a traditional Lao folk
Activity 2: Read the text about Lamvong
and decide whether the following statements
Ask Ss to work first individually, then in pairs to
are True (T) or False (F), or not given (NG).
decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F),
Tick the correct boxes.
or not given (NG)
* Key : 1.F, 2T, 3F, 4NG, 5F, 6T
Encourage Ss to provide reasons for their
Check Ss’ answers as a class and give
Activity 3: Talk with a partner about one of
explanations if necessary.
the popular folk dances of Viet Nam or any
other ASEAN country. Use the following
Show the music or video clip of trongcom (a
Vietnamese traditional dance) and Rasa Sayang
(a Malay folk song popular )
Have Ss work in groups of 4 or 5 and talk about
trongcom (a Vietnamese traditional dance)
one popular folk dance.
Suggested answers: I’ve learned about
Invite representatives of different groups to show
Singapore –sponsored scholarships and
their dance to the class.
Lamvong- a traditional Lao folk dance. Now
I can speak about the Singapore scholarship
What have you learn today?
and the ASEAN Scholarships. I can also
What can you do now?
speak about some folk dances.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:

- talk about Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN Scholarships.
- read and speak about Lamvong- a traditional Lao dance.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 47:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- review the falling and rising intonations, words and phrases related to ASEAN, Gerund and
state verbs in continuous forms.
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about Lamvong- a traditional Lao dance.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Pronunciation: Listen and practise saying

Play the recording and ask Ss to listen. the following sentences. Mark the
intonation: rising or falling
Remind them to use falling statements and rising *Key : Falling intonation: 1,3,5
intonation on yes/ no questions. Rising intonation: 2,4
Play the recording again for Ss to repeat. II. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences
with the words (a-f)

Inform Ss that the words in the box are among * Key: 1e, 2d, 3b, 4f, 5c, 6a
the most frequently used in the unit.

Ss decide which words best complete the


Ask Ss to make their own sentences with each of

III. Grammar:
the words.
Activity 1 : Choose the correct form in
brackets to complete each sentence:
Give Ss time to read the sentences. Set a time
* Key : 1. to win, 2 entering, 3. catching, 4.
to take, visiting
and get Ss to do the activity individually

Ask some Ss to read their answers. Write the

correct ones on the board if necessary.
Activity 2 : Complete the sentences with the
verbs in the box. Use the correct forms

* Key : 1. swimming, 2. dancing, 3. finding,

Set a time limit and tell Ss to do the activity
4. speaking, 5. completing
Activity 3 : Choose the correct verb form to
Invite five Ss to write their answers on the board.

each of the sentences

Have Ss work in pairs by taking turns reading
* Key : 1. feel, 2. is having, 3. am looking, 4.
each sentence and proving the right verb forms.
is smelling, 5. is feeling
Then check their answers as a class.
Activity 4 : Use the simple or progressive
form of the verbs in brackets to complete the
Ask five Ss to write their answers on the board * Key : 1. recognise, 2. know, 3. is thinking,
while having the rest of the class do this activity 4. Do…remember, 5. are…feeling
in pairs. Give feedback on Ss’ answers and
correct any mistakes.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language and skills they have learnt in unit 5.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. It is easy (see) __________ sometimes at night it is difficult _____________(avoid)
2. I caught him (climb)_____________over my wall. I asked him (explain)__________ but
he refused (say) ___________ anything, so in the end I had (let)_________ him (go).
3. He saw the lorry (begin)__________(roll)____________forwards but he was too far away
(do)___________anything (stop)____________it.
4. There was no way of (get)__________out of the building except by (climb) __________down
a rope and Ann was too terrified (do)____this.
5. We heard the engine (roar)___________as the plane began (move) ___________ and
we saw the people on the ground (wave) __ goodbye.
6. It' s no good (write)_________to him; he never answers letters. The only thing
(do)_________________________is (go)___________and (see)___________him.
7. Ask him (come)___________in. Don' t keep him (stand)__________at the door.
8. We watched the children (jump)__________from a window and (fall)__________into a
blanket held by the people below.
9. It is very unpleasant (wake)__________up and (hear)___________the rain
(beat)_________on the windows.
1. to see/ to avoid 2. climb / to explain / to say/ let / go
3. begin/ rolling / to do / to stop______4. getting / climbing/ to do
5. roar/ to move/ wave_______________6.. writing/ to do / to go / see
7. to come / standing_______________8. jump / fall
9. to wake / hear/ beating

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 48+49:
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:revise the language and skills they have
learnt in units 4,5.
1. Knowledge

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “Caring for those in need”, and
“Being part of ASEAN"

+ Pronunciation: Elision of weak vowels before |n|, |l|, |r|; Falling and rising

+ Grammar: The Past Simple, The Present Perfect, Gerunds and State verbs in the
continuous forms.
2. Skills
 Listening, reading, speaking, writing
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards their study and life.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….

2. Previous lesson check:

- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Vocabulary:
Task 1: Complete the sentences using the
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then correct forms of the words in brackets
compare their answers with a partner. Do this activity individually, and then
- Check answers as a class and write the correct compare their answers with a partner.
sentences on the board. 1. disabilities 2. visual 3. donation
4. disrespectful 5. hearing
Task 2: Complete the following sentences
with suitable words from the box
T asks Ss to complete the following sentences Ss do this task individually, then Ss can
with suitable words from the box write their answers on the board and then
check the answers with the whole class.
1. Association
2. member
3. stability
4. Charter
5. bloc
II. Pronunciation:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, then Task 3: Listen to the sentences spoken with
compare their answers with a partner. falling intonation and read them aloud.
- Play the recording again and check answers as a Practise reading the sentences aloud using
class. - Then have Ss practise reading the sentences appropriate intonation.
aloud using appropriate intonation. III. Grammar:
Task 4: Put the verb into the correct form,
the present perfect, the simple past, or the
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually. past progressive.
- Elicit the form and use of the present perfect tense A student writes the answers on the board
and the past simple tense. while the rest of the class works on it
- Ask a student to do the activity on the board while individually.
the rest of the class works on it individually. 1. has lived
- Check Ss' answers, or ask them to explain their 2. got
choice of tenses. If necessary, refer Ss to the Do 3. developed
you know.., ? box on page 40. 4. have reached
5. has been
Task 5: Complete these sentences using the
- Elicit the form and use of gerunds and infinitives.
correct forms of the verbs in the box.
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then
Do this activity individually, and then
compare their answers with a partner.
compare their answers with a partner.
- Ask a student to write his / her sentences on the
1. watching
boord. Then check the answers with the whole
2. to go
3. having
4. to post
5. hearing
Task 6. Choose the correct form of the verb
in brackets.
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually and then
Write the correct sentences on the board,
compare their answers with a partner.
and give explanations for their choice of
verb forms if necessary.
- Have Ss write the correct sentences on the
1. think
board, and give explanations for their choice of
2. are you thinking
verb forms if necessary.
3. is tasting - tastes
4. are seeing
5. see

I. Reading
Have Ss do Activities 1 and 2 individually, and Ss do Activities 1 and 2 individually, and
then compare their answers with a partner. Check then compare their answers with a
answers as a class and provide any explanations partner.
if necessary. Task 1. Read the text and match the words
in A with their definitions in B.
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. Devices that help disabled people perform an
2. They can communicate quickly by sending
and receiving messages.
3. They can have documents read out loud
electronically on their computer.
4. Children with visual impairment and their
parents can read together /share reading.
5. It can improve the quality of life for
Ask Ss to work in pairs, and read about the three people.
universities in Singapore and discuss any II. Speaking
unfamiliar words or phrases. Ss work in pairs, and read about the three
- Have Ss stay in the same pair or work with a universities in Singapore and discuss any
different partner to answer the two questions. unfamiliar words or phrases.
- Encourage Ss to discuss their choices with their Tasks 3 and 4. Work in pairs. Read the
partners. Have Ss present their answers to the information, answer the questions by discussing
class. with a partner.
1. Which university do you want to go to?
2. Why do you want to study there?

- Play the conversation between Mr Long and his III. Listening.

daughter Mai discussing the different cultures in the Task 5. Listen to the conversation between Mr
ASEAN countries. Long and his daughter Mai. Decide whether
- Ask Ss to listen and do the activity individually. the following statements are true (T) or false
- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and check (F).
their answers. For weaker Ss, play the audio several Ss to listen and do the activity individually
times pausing after sentences and checking Ss' then check their answers with partners.
comprehension. 1. T
- Check answers as a class, and give any 2. F
explanations if necessary. 3. T
4. F
5. T
IV. Writing.
- Ask Ss to use the facts given (or find Task 6. Write an introduction to Thailand
additional information if necessary) to write using the facts below. Add more information
an introduction to Thailand. Ss may write if necessary.
their drafts first in class, and swap with a Ss can use the example to start their
partner for peer review. introductions. They can also refer to page
- Ask Ss to make any revisions based on their 54 for the features of information text and
partner' s comments and complete their final the sample writing.
versions at home. Example:
Thailand has a total area of 513,120 square
kilometres. Its capital is Bangkok. It has a
population of 67,149,778 (2014 estimate). The
official language used in Thailand is Thai.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 4,5.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 50+51:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Revise the language and skills that Ss learnt in the first term
- practise doing exercises related
- enhance attitude towards self-study
II. METHOD: Integrated, mainly grammar-translation
III. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, handouts
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ 11_ …. / ….
1. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson
2. New lesson:
1. Vocabulary:
 Words and phrases related to the topics:
‾ The generation gap and family rules
‾ Relationships
‾ Being independent
‾ People with disabilities and how to support them
‾ ASEAN: member states, aims, activities
 Suffixes to form adjectives
2. Phonetics
‾ Strong and weak forms of words in connected speech
‾ Contracted forms of nouns/ pronouns
‾ Linking between a consonant and a vowel
‾ Elision of weak vowels before /l/, /n/ and /r/
‾ Rising and falling intonation.
3. Grammar:
‾ Modals to give opinions and advice: should, ought to
‾ must and have to to express obligation
‾ Linking verbs be, seem, verbs of perception
‾ Cleft sentences
‾ To-infinitives after adjectives and nouns
‾ The past simple and present perfect
‾ Gerunds after some words, verbs and prepositions, and phrases;
‾ State verbs in continuous forms

Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable word/ phrase to complete the sentences
1. Mary __________ her boyfriend last week. She couldn' t stand his complaining anymore.
A. broke up B. reconcilled with C. broke out D. quarrelled at
2. I' m in a _______ at the moment. A. date B. relationship C. romance D. argument
3. Love is very different from _______. A. leadership B. spaceship C. friendship
4. She spent all morning doing _______.
A. housework B. homework C. household chores D. A and C
are correct.
5. Parents should try to see things from a teenager’s _________.
A. difference B. conflict C. viewpoint D. choice
6. We were finally ______ after he apologized.
A.caring B. romantic C. reconcilled D. involved
7. He can’t come because he is taking his _______ on a date.
A. grandmother B. girlfriend C. schoolgirl D. boyfriend
1. Teaching secondary school students to be independent and _____ is important for their
personal development.
A. reliable B. self-reliant C. well-informed D. indecisive
2. I have lived with my ______ since I was born because my mother died shortly after giving
A. grandparents B. mother- in- law C. teacher D. matchmaker
10.He broke the glass vase during a(n) ____ with his cousin.
A. argument B. relationship C.decision D. motivation
11. Volunteers lend a hand to the ________ by helping those who have been affected by Agent
A. community B. commune C. surroundings D. habitat
12. Teachers and councilor work with ______ students to find out specific need.
A. disable B. disabled C. disability D. disabilities
13. There is hope the disabled boy will soon be able to ______ into an inclusive school and attend
regular education classes with a mixed group of children.
A. combine B. include C. integrate D. accept
14. The people who can' t hear are the ____.
A. dumb B. deaf C. blind D. mentally retarded
15. A________ is a series of actions intended to achieve a goal.
A. campaign B. impairment C. donation D. condition
16. I used to ___________ children who wanted to do a sport.
A. volunteer B. change C. coach D. improve
17. No one can’t stop him from reaching his dream. He is really a ______ person.
A. decisive B. responsible C. reliable D. determined
18. Teenagers ought to live________. It is impossible to rely on their parents all times.
A. indenpendent B. independently C. dependently D. independence
19. He always completes his tasks on time, and never needs _________ about assignments and
other schoolwork.
A. to remind B. to be remind C. to be reminded D. to be reminding
20. While most of students gave up, he ______ the whole night on a hard Maths problem and
solved it in the end.
A. spent B. took C. had D. made
21. A wheelchair is needed for the person with _________impairments.
A. visual B. hearing C. speech D. mobility
22. Our teacher ______ in this school for 30 years.
A. has taught B. has teached C. taught D. had taught
23. – Can you play table tennis? -_______________.
A. No, it’s too hard for me B. Yes, I could
C. No, thanks D. You must be kidding
24. “Can I try your new camera?” “____________.”
A. I’m sorry I can’t. Let’s go now. B. Sure. I’d love to.
C. Sure. But please be careful with it. D. I’m sorry. I’m home late.
25. Effective ___________ skills help you break each project down into the achievable tasks.
A. time-keeping B. time-consuming C. time-management D. time-line
26. What are you going to do this weekend? - ___________
A. I don’t like going out. B. We intend to visit my grandparents.
C. I’m very tired. D. It’s a good idea.
27. _________ is a condition in which a part of a person’s body or mind does not work well
because of physical or mental damage
A. Campaign B. Impairment C. Integration D. Condition
28. Many experts believe that noise is the cause of approximately half of all cases of _____ loss.
A. visual B. hearing C. cognitive D. speaking
29. Self-awareness which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special _______ is
very important to disabled children.
A. talents B. efficiency C. attractive D. events
30. A _______ is a word or group of words often used in campaigns to attract people’s attention.
A. donation B. slogan C. record D. monitor
31. Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary_____.
A. ingredients B. substances C. elements D.factors
32. Teens should have the ability to __________ loneliness.
A. deal B. cope with C. set up D. look after
33. At the same time, ASEAN focuses .................................. regional peace and stability, and
providing opportunities for its member states to discuss differences peacefully
A. to protecting B. into protecting C. on protecting D. for protecting
34. a group of countries or parties with similar political interests.
A. Association B. Motto C. Bloc D. Constitution
35. In developing countries, there are many children ........................................ cognitive
A. with B. in C. of D. about
36. Viet Nam always desires to work with its partners on the basic of the ______________ of
respect for independence, equality and equal benefit.
A. solutions B. principle C. trust D. stability
37. International programmes should aim to enhance cooperation for peace, ______________ and
A. solutions B. principle C. trust D. stability
38. in the past years, high ______________growth has enabled VN to increase people’s living
A. relations B. economic C. maintenance D. community
39. VN is considered a reliable partner to all nations and a responsible member of the
international ______________.
A. relations B. economic C. maintenance D. community
40. that ASEAN Summit tried to find appropriate ______________to further problems of
building the ASEAN Community.
A. solutions B. principle C. trust D. stability
Exercise 2: A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. decisive B. determined C. integrate D. involve
2. A. donate B. improve C. local D. slogan
3. A. blind B. reliant C. strive D. skill
4. A. cognitive B. campaign C. confident D. celebrate
5. A. charity B. capable C. amazing D. motivate
6. A. thanks B. other C. through D. everything
7. A. carpet B. communicate C. contact D. facial
8. A. course B. four C. your D. colour
9. A. experience B. remember C. weekend D. centre
B. Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. advantage B. practical C. hopeful
D. market
2. A. unemployment B. possibility C.
qualification D. university
3. A. opportunity B. decision C. tuition
D. certificate
4. A. impairment B. dictionary C. voluntary D.
5. A. hardship B. background C.
attitude D. respectful
6. A. integration B. disabilities C. discrimination D.
7. A. responsible B. disrespectful C. energetic D.
8. A. prioritise B. reliable C. community D.
9. A. emergency B. ability C. participate D.
10. A. interpersonal B. overprotective C. unforgettable D.
11. A. management B. loneliness C. impairment D.
12. A. impairment B. dictionary C. voluntary D. television
13. A. cognitive B. alphabet C. museum D. difficulty
14. A. hardship B. background C. attitude
D. respectful
15. A. integration B. disabilitiesC.
discrimination D. international
16. A. convention B. Singapore C. motto
D. influence
17. A. reliance B. independent C. generation D. understand

18. A. viewpoint B. impose C. greenhouse D. conflict

Exercise 3: Choose one underlined part that needs correcting.
1. We can help people in need by making a donate to a charity.
2. The last time I have gone to HN was in May.
3. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star. 
                          A                          B           C          D
4. The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain.
5. I saw him to leave the house early this morning.
6. I’d like telling you something about myself.
7. It was many students some of who were playing in the schoolyard
8. The government really must to do something about unemployemnt.
9. She was surprised seeing him at the party.
10. Her failure to obeying the school rules upset her parents very much.
11.We don’t have to drive fast ; there is a speed limit here.
12. I haven’t met him since a long time.
13. My brother won a scholarship since 1998, which was amazing.
14. He doesn’t rely up other people for help.
15. The mission of the charity is improve the quality of the lives of people with mental
Exercise 4: Make the meaningful sentences, using the given words below.
1. It/ lovely/ see/ you/ again. à…………………………………………………….
2. This / first /time /I /have/ such /delicious meal
3. He /respected / be/well-informed/ what / going / world.
4. Hoa’s class/ want/make/ ‘record-breaking’ /Yule Log cake.
Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentences using suggested words.
1.The village is located in a mountainous area.
It …………………………………………………………………………………
2. Tom used this gun to kill Jack.
It …………………………………………………………………………………
3. In 1862, Eiffel married Marie Gaudelet.
It …………………………………………………………………………………
4. Tom tried hard to persuade his parents to allow him to join the club, but he failed.
Tom’s attempt……………………………………………………………………
5.I am not allowed to go out with my friends in the evening.
I …………………………………………………………………………………
6. He tried hard to overcome any difficulties by himself.
He made an………………………………………………………………………
7.The club has been successful for three years.
->The club started …………………………………………………………..
8.The team last won a home game in September.
->The team hasn' t …………………………………………………………...
9.Peter hasn' t scored a goal for 2 months.
->Peter last scored …………………………………………………………..
10. The last time I saw him was in 2003.
--> I have not ..........................……………………..……………………….
11 I started learning English 6 years ago.
--> I have ..................................……………………………………..............
12 It last rained 6 months ago.
--> It has not ................……………………………………...........................
Key to ex.4
1. It is lovely to see you again.
2. This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal
3. He is respected for being well-informed about what is going in the world.
4. Hoa’s class wants to make a ‘record-breaking’ Yule Log cake.

3. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points of the lesson: language and skills learnt in the 1st term.
4. Homework:
- complete the tasks
- review some main points to prepare for th 1st term test.

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 52: First term test

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the knowledge that they have learnt in the first term
➢ practice their examining skill
➢ have positive attitude towards self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
1. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
2. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
3. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Main points of the 1st term
4. Homework:
- revise some key points

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:


By the end of the lesson, teacher will be able to help Ss:
➢ identify and correct some common mistakes
➢ assess their knowledge
➢ enhance attitude towards self-study and self-assessment
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
1. Previous lesson check: - no
2. New lesson:
- return the test papers with marks to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- give comments on Ss’ answers
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
2. Consolidation:
Summarize the main points tested
3. Homework:
- revise all and redo the test

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 54:

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- get an overview of the English book grade 11-volume 2 in general: themes, units
- know about tests: oral test, fifteen - minute tests, periodical tests, second term test
- have a sense of responsibility toward learning the subject
II. Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CDs & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: No
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Topics and units:
- Ask Ss to look through the book then tell class I. Topics
how many units it has. 1. Global warming
- Introduce some more information about the 2. Further education
topics. (Including five topics in each term) 3. Our World Heritages Sites
- There are 8 periods in each unit. They are 4. Cities of the future
Getting Started, Language, Reading, Speaking, 5. Healthy lifestyle and longevity
Listening, Writing, Culture and communication + 2 reviews
and Looking Back
II. Tests: II. Tests:
1- Oral test: Previous lesson check.
2- Fifteen minutes tests (3)
3- Periodical tests (2)
4- Second term test
III. Requirements for study preparation
- Each S has 2books (student book and workbook),
CDs and notebook.
- Prepare for the lesson before class.
-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in
the lesson actively and creatively.
- Take part in the activities that the teacher
requires such as pair work, group work…
- Do all exercises at home, learn new words and
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the content of English 11, tests,….
5. Homework:
- prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1- Getting started
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 55:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get to know the topic of the unit, some language items in Unit 6
o Vocabulary: words and phrases related to global warming
o Pronunciation: intonation in yes-no questions and echo-questions
o Grammar: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Listen and read
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the Expected answers:
question The people are Ms Hoa and her students.
- Who do you see in the picture? Ms Hoa is checking how they are preparing
- Where do you think they are? for a team presentation on global warming
- What are they doing? and is suggesting some ideas.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a
conversation between Mai, Ms Hoa and Minh. carbon print-foot
- Play the recording infectious disease
- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the heat-related illnesses
- Explain new words if necessary
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
of new word Activity 2: Read the conversation again
and answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the 1. Global warming
task 2. Three parts: the causes, the effects, the
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a solutions
partner. 3. Greenhouse gas emissions from factories
- Check their answer, ask them to give and vehicles; use of chemical fertilizers, and
evidences for the answer deforestation.
3. Greenhouse gas emission, use of chemical
fertilizers, deforestation
4. Climate changes, infectious and heat-
related diseases, impact on water supplies,
threat to food production and upset ecological
5. They should change their daily habits
6. Causes: burning of fossil fuels, using of
non-environment friendly products
Effects: natural disasters such as floods,
droughts, tsunami, acid rain
Activity 3: Read the conversation again
match the words and definition
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again, work 1. C 2. G 3. D 4. B
in pairs, do the task 5. A 6. E 7. H 8. F
Activity 4: Find the sentences with the
structure having Vpp
- Ask Ss to do the task. Having planned
Having contributed
Having treated
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Getting to know the topic and main language items.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 56:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
o Vocabulary: words and phrases related to global warming
o Pronunciation: intonation in yes-no questions and echo-questions
o Grammar: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2,3.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the
right form of the words/phrases
- Ask Ss to work individually first and then in 1. carbon footprint
pairs to do the task. 2. infectious diseases
- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the 3. emissions
results with their partner 4. ecological balance
5. heat-related illnesses
6. climate change
2. Pronunciation
- Play the recording and let Ss listen Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention
- Play it again with pauses for them to repeat to the intonation
each word
- Do as appointed
- Pay attention to the intonation
Activity 2: Listen and mark the symbol of
rising intonation
- Ask Ss to read the word in rows paying
attention to the intonation.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the
answer with their partner
- Play the recording and let Ss listen and read
- Ask Ss to listen to the sentences and practice
reading them correctly
- Invite some Ss to read these sentences in
front of the class and correct mistakes, if there
are any. 2. Grammar:
a. Perfect participles in clauses of time and
Activity 1: Underline the perfect participles
- Ask Ss to read the blue box and review the in the sentences
use and structure of the perfect participles. 1. Having planned
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the After we have planned the content …
answer with their partner 2. Having treated
Because/Since humans have treated the ….
The perfect participle is used to express a
Activity 2: Match the two parts to make complete

-Let Ss finish the task and compare their 1. e 5. g

answers with their partner' s 2. c 6. h
3. a 7. f
4. b 8. d
b. Perfect gerunds
Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences, using the
passive voice
1.The students in group 11G were praised for
- Ask Ss to work individually first, then in
having planted the most trees in the
groups and check their answers.
schoolyard in the Tree Planting Competition
2. The police suspected Mike of having cut
down the oldest tree in the park
3. He denied having dumped lots of rubbish
onto the beach
4. Thank you for having saved the lives of
hundreds of wild animals
5. They regretted having hunted and killed
many wild animals
6. The factory was heavily fined for having
dumped tons of toxic waste into the river
7. Denis was rewarded for having taken an
active part in the Green Summer activities
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
o Vocabulary: words and phrases related to global warming
o Pronunciation: intonation in yes-no questions and echo-questions
o Grammar: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 57:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get some information about the causes and effects of global warming
2. Skills
 Reading: skimming and scanning
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2,3 (9).
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1 Work with a partner and guess
what problems are described in the
- Discuss with a partner pictures
- Let Ss work in pairs, do the task Suggested answers: - pollution
- forest destruction
Activity 2: Read the text and select the
statement that expresses main idea
- Let Ss read the three heading a, b, c d first The best title of the text is "Global warming is
and make sure they understand all of them mainly caused by humans and has negative
- Ask Ss to read through the text once without impacts on people’s lives"
stopping at the words that they don' t know the
- Ask them to work in pairs to decide on the
best title for the text that gives the general idea
of the whole text
- Help them eliminate the choice that is only
one aspect of the text
Activity 3: Match the words with their
1. G 2. F 3. D 4. E
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the
5. B 6. A 7. C
answer with their partner
Activity 4: Answer the questions
1.We are responsible
- Put Ss in groups of 3, ask them to read the
2. It releases a large amount of carbon dioxide
questions first to make sure they understand
into the atmosphere
them by asking them to underline key words
3. Deforestation disrupts the process of
- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts
absorbing and capturing C02 from the
of the text where they can get the answers
4. They could lose their home
5. They can reduce crop harvest globally
6. Because human beings cannot exist without
species diversity on earth
Activity 5: Work in groups, discuss the
- Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss
the questions freely
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Reading for main idea and specific information about causes and effects of global warming.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 58:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more about solutions to global warming
2. Skills
 develop speaking skill: expressing opinions, agreements or disagreements about
solutions to global warming
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Work in pairs, in your opinion,
which of the following activities in the table
below can help to reduce global warming?
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do exercise *Key: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
- Encourage Ss to explain their choice
- Ask Ss to work by themselves, do the task
then share their answer with their partner
Activity 2: The table below presents the
reasons why the activities in 1 can help
reduce global warming. Match them with the
- Put Ss in pairs, ask them to ask and do the 1. e
task 2. b
- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts 4. c
of the text where they can get the answers. 5. a
6. d
Activity 3: Lan, Mai and Minh are talking
about the activities presented in 1. Work in
groups of three. Complete the conversation
using the phrases in the box and then practice
1. energy use
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do the task. 2. electronic devices
- Do as appointed 3. planting trees
- Let Ss work in pairs and do the task 4. carbon dioxide
5. reusing and recycling
Activity 4: What do you think about these
solutions to global warming? Work in groups
- Ask Ss to do the task, using the activities and of three. Use the idea in 1 and 2 to have a
reasons in activity 1,2 and the model similar conversation
conversation in activity 3.
- invite one or 2 groups to role-play their
discussions in front of the class
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
expressing opinions, agreements or disagreements about solutions to global warming
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 59:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get more inforamtion about the causes and effects of global warming through listening
to a talk by a professor.
2. Skills
 develop Listening skill for specific information
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1:
a. Match the words with the pictures and
answer the question
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task Suggested answers:
1. c (drought)
2. d (flood)
3. a (famine)
4. e (water shortage)
5. b (forest fire)
b. What is the common cause of all the
disasters depicted in the pictures above?
- climate change
- global warming
- human being’s interference with the
Activity 2: Prof Linn is talking to a class of
grade 11 students about global warming.
Listen to the talk and choose the best answers
- Have Ss listen to the CD twice 1. D
- Elicit answers from Ss and ask them to give 2. B
clues to their answers 3. B
- Let Ss listen again and pause at certain places 4. C
if necessary to help Ss hear the information 5. A
they need. Activity 3: Listen to the talk again and
answer the questions
- Let Ss work in pairs to answer the questions. 1. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
- Play the tape twice 2. The thick layer of the greenhouse gases
- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then traps more heat from the sun leading to the
compare the answer with their partner increase of the temperature on the earth
- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct 3. Heat waves, floods, droughts and storm
ones. surges.
4. Famine, water shortages, extreme weather
conditions and a 20-30% loss of animal and
plant species.
5. When you have a lot of information about
the topic, you’ll be more willing to change
your lifestyle and you’ll be able to inform
others and inspire change.
Activity 4: Work in groups. Discuss if the
weather patterns in VN have changed over the
last ten years . Provide some examples. Then
- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task then report the results to the class
compare the answer with their partner
- Do as appointed
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Listening for specific information about causes and effects of global warming
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 60:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- revise all they know about causes, effects of global warming and possible solutions to it.
2. Skills
 develop writing skill: essay writing
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about causes and effects of global warming.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Task 1: Which are the causes and which
are the effects of global warming?
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task Complete the diagram with the idea below.
- Set a time limit for this activity and assist Ss Causes: 2, 4, 7
if necessary Effects: 1, 3 6, 8
5 9
Task 2: Work in pairs, discuss and
complete the outline using the ideas from 1.
Brainstorm some possible solutions
1. Introduction (introduce topic and the main
- Ask Ss to do the task, then compare the result contents)
with their partner. - one of the biggest issues facing humans
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions and nowadays
questions - caused mainly by humans
- Get Ss to work individually to find the - most catastrophic effects on humans
answer - humans have to take actions to reduce the
- Ask them to practice in pairs risks
- Call on a few Ss to report the answers - the essay will discuss the causes and effects,
and possible solutions
2. What global warming is and its cause
- the rise in the average temperature of the
earth due to the increase of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere
- causes
Carbon dioxide emission
Deforestation for farming land
Increasing use of chemical fertilizers on
3. Effects of global warming
- heat related diseases and death, and spread
of infectious diseases
- melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea
- extreme weather patterns such as severe
storm, heat waves, floods and droughts
- widespread extinction of species
4. Some possible solutions
- reduce energy use
- planting trees or plants
- Using green methods of transportations
5. Conclusion:
(Summarize the main points and state your
Task 3: Write your essay using the helpful
expressions in the box
- Ask Ss to do the task To begin with:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions. The deforestation for farmland, wood and
- Point out to Ss how to write an essay. paper contributes to higher temperatures
- T goes around and gives help, collects which lead to the melting of polar ice caps
common mistakes for later correction. and rising of sea levels…..
- Collect 5 stories to mark in class so that all Ss
feel the need to do the task.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
- Get students' answers and comments.
- Get some outputs to highlight and comment
and correct the possible mistakes of students.
- Give feedback on these papers

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Writing an essay about causes and effects of global warming and possible solutions to it.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 61:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- understand more about global warming problem
- get some information about Young voices for the planets
- be acknowledged with some communication samples and cultural items
2. Skills
 further skill development: communication skills, reading skills, skills of working in
pairs and groups
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writings.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’activities Knowledge
I. Communication:
Green teen club is a youth organization
whose purpose is to protect the
This activity aims at developing Ss’ environment. Prepare a talk about one
presentation skills on the topic of global main cause of global warming and present
warming. in the club meeting.
Tell Ss that they have to present a talk to an Group: Good morning everybody,
environmental club about one of the causes of Chi: Today we are very happy to be here and
global warming and its effects and then give you our presentation. We are going to
suggest some solutions. talk about one main cause of global warming.
Ask Ss to read the causes and choose the one There are three main parts in our speech
they thinj is the most important and want to today. Lan will start with the main cause of
talk about. global warming. Then, Nam continues with
Have Ss to study the outline in groups or pairs some effects of global warming. And Trang
before they start preparing for their talk. will finishes with some solutions to the
Invite one or two ss to present their talk to the problem.
class. So now Trang, could you tell us about the
Give comments main reason for global warming
Trang: Well, I think that the emission of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the
main cause of this problem. As you know,
carbon dioxide can retain the heat from the
sun, so the more carbon dioxide there is in the
atmosphere, the hotter our earth.
Chi: Thank you Trang. And what are the
effects of this problem. Nam, do you know?
Thei aim of the section is to provide Ss with II. Culture:
information about how young people can help Young voices for the planets
to reduce global warming. Activity 1: Read the paragraph about how
Ask if Ss know anything about Young Voices youth can contribute to reducing the risk of
for the Planet or what the name tells them. global warming and answer the questions
Have Ss brainstorm ideas. Suggested answers:
Write some words on the board and ask Ss to 1. It is a series of short films that tell real
guess the meaning, or to save time, provide stories about the different ways young people
equivalent words or explanation in have contributed to reducing the carbon
Vietnamese. footprint of their homes, schools,
Awareness: knowing that something is communities and countries.
important 2. Because he has learned about how trees can
Be around: be present help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
Clean-up: the process of making a place clean in the atmosphere
and tidy 3. To raise money for the clean-up of the BP
Lawmaker: someone who makes laws oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
- for activity 1: ask ss to read the text quickly 4. One student stood covered in plastic bags
and answer the questions. Check as a class. in front of city lawmakers and asked them to
- For Act 2, put Ss into groups to discuss the ban plastic bags
questions. Then invite one or two groups to Activity 2: What do young Vietnamese
present their answers to the class. people do to reduce the carbon footprint

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
+ Get knowledge of Young voices for the planets and talk about the topic.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 62:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise the language and skills that
they’ve learnt in unit 6:
1. Knowledge
o Vocabulary: words and phrases related to global warming
o Pronunciation: intonation in yes-no questions and echo-questions
o Grammar: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the need to solve the global warming problem.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Listen and repeat the questions
paying attention to the rising intonation
- Ask Ss to listen to the rising intonation
- Ask Ss read the exchanges and do the task
- Ask Ss to check their answer with other
- Elicit answers from the whole class
- Let Ss listen again and pause to help them to
notice the elision. Activity 2: Listen and mark the rising

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and do the 1. B

task. 3. B
- Play the CD once and ask S to check their 5. B
- Let them listen again if necessary
- Ask Ss to check their answer with other
- Elicit answers from the whole class

Activity 1: Complete these sentences using
- Let Ss do this vocabulary exercise in pairs or the words given in the box
groups of 4 1. energy use
- Ask Ss to work on their own first. 2. extinction
- Then ask Ss to compare answers with a 3. emissions
partner to see if they have the same answer 4. carbon footprint
- After that, elicit answers from the whole class 5. absorb
and correct the wrong ones 6. deforestation
7. diversity
8. catastrophic
Activity 1: Rewrite the sentences using
perfect participles
1. Having learnt about the benefits …, the
This activity aims to help ss to review the use students …
of perfec participles in sentences 2. Having refused Nam’s offer of a lift in his
- Ask Ss to work individually and then car, Mai had to …
exchange with others 3. Having read some documents about Green
- Check as a class Earth
4. Having used too much chemical fertilizer
on their farm, the farmers …
5. Having replaced all the light bulbs …, she
6. Having become too dependent on the use of
Activity 2: Combine the sentences using
the perfect gerund
1. Tony was strongly criticized for having
This activity aims to help ss to review the use dumped …
of perfec gerunds in sentences 2. Sam regretted not having worked hard
- Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task. enough …
3. People admire Tony for having rescued the

4. I remember having seen him before
5. The politician denied having lied to the
6. Thanh admitted having forgotten …
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: revise the language and skills they have learnt in unit 6.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
1.Work in groups. Discuss which of the following activities your group can do to help
reduce the carbon footprint
- Ask Ss to do the task
2. Give your group’s activities and campaign name and think about its purposes.
- Let the groups do the task in their free time.
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 63:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get to know the topic of “Further Education”
+ Vocabulary: words and phrases related to further education: vocational, academic,
undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate, major, gap year, CV.
+ Pronunciation: intonation in wh- questions
+ Grammar: the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills (scanning, guessing/identifying
meaning in context)
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- distinguish perfect participles and perfect gerunds.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Ask ss questions about the illustration:
Who are the people in the picture?
What are they doing?
What do you think they plan to do after
leaving secondary school?
Activity 1: Listen and read
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a
conversation between Phong, Kevin and Maria
- Play the recording
- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the
- Explain new words if necessary
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
new word Activity 2: Work in pairs. Complete each
sentence with no more than three words.
- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the 1. Academic or vocational
task 2. undergraduate and post graduate
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a 3. a bachelor’s degree
partner. 4. vocational courses/ a vocational course
- Check their answer, ask them to give 5. apply for scholarships
evidences for the answer Activity 3: Work in groups of three. Read
the conversation again and answer the
1. They can pursue further education
- Ask Ss to work forst individually, and then in 2. They can help students develop analytical
groups of three to role-play the conversation skills, critical thinking and knowledge for
and work out the answers. higher education at a university or college
3. Because they want to take some time
before deciding on their career and major
4. Taking a gap year can allow students to do
voluntary work or internships, and travel.
This practical experience will make their CVs
look good
Activity 4: Work in pairs. Discuss your
plans after leaving secondary school
- Ask Ss to work in pairs: read and discuss the - I’d like to work in a business environment,
example first. Then give them a few minutes to so I will choose business administration as my
think about their own plans and share them major. After graduating from secondary
with their partners school, I will take some Business English
- elicit some answers from Ss in front of the courses and I will also work on my
class. Have the rest of the class ask further presentation skills.
questions and discuss any points.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Getting to know the topic, vocabulary about further education, and the present perfect and the
present perfect continuous.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 64:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ enrich their vocabulary with words and phrases related to further education: vocational,
academic, undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate, major, gap year, CV.
+ Pronunciation: read wh- questions in correct intonation
+ Grammar: distinguish the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills (scanning, guessing/identifying
meaning in context)
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - Activity 3,4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete the following
simplified diagram of Viet Nam’s
education system with the appropriate
words form the box.
- Ask Ss to work individually first and then in 1. Kindergarten
pairs to do the task. 2. Primary education
- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the 3. Lower secondary education
results with their partner 4. Upper secondary education
5. College
6. University
Activity 2: Complete the following
simplified diagram of Viet Nam’s
education system with the appropriate
words form the box.
- Ask Ss to work individually first and then in 1. Academic
pairs to do the task. 2. major
- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the 3. vocational
results with their partner 4. postgraduate
5. analytical
2. Pronunciation
Intonation on wh- questions
- Play the recording and let Ss listen Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention
- Play it again with pauses for them to repeat to the intonation
each word
- Do as appointed
- Pay attention to the intonation
Activity 2: Listen and repeat with correct
- Ask Ss to read the word in rows paying intonation. The practice saying the
attention to the intonation. sentences with a partner.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the
answer with their partner
- Play the recording and let Ss listen and read
- Ask Ss to listen to the sentences and practice
reading them correctly
- Invite some Ss to read these sentences in
front of the class and correct mistakes, if there
are any.
2. Grammar:
The present perfect and the present perfect
Activity 1: Read the conversation in
GETTING STARTED again. Find the time
- Ask Ss to read the blue box and review the expressions used with the verb forms
use and structure of the perfect participles. below.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the 1. for several days
answer with their partner 2. lately
3. since grade 9
4. before
Activity 2: Put the verb in each sentence in
present perfect continuous
-Let Ss finish the task and compare their 1. have been surfing
answers with their partner' s 2. has been living
3. has been looking
4. have been studying
5. has been teaching
Activity 3: Choose the correct form of the
verbs in brackets to complete the sentences
- Ask Ss to work individually first, then in 1. have read
groups and check their answers. 2. have been reading
3. Have you applied
4. have been waiting
5. has been giving
6. have never understood
4. Consolidation: - Summarize the main points:
+ vocabulary related to further education.
+ Pronunciation: intonation on wh- questions
+ Grammar: the present perfect vs. the present perfect continuous
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 65:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- gain some information about higher education opportunities
2. Skills
 develop reading skills (skimming, scanning)
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
- be motivated to win a place at a university
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- vocabulary related to the topic.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Look at the table of the British
state-run education system. Can you make
a similar table for the education system of
Viet Nam.
- Discuss with a partner Suggested answers:
- Let Ss work in pairs, do the task Vietnamese state-run education
School Age
Kindergarten 3-5
Primary school 6-10
Lower secondary school 11-14
Lower secondary school 15-17

Activity 2: Quickly read the text. Choose

- Let Ss read the three heading a, b, c d first
the best answer for it.
and make sure they understand all of them
* Key: b
- Ask Ss to read through the text once without
stopping at the words that they don' t know the
- Ask them to work in pairs to decide on the
best title for the text that gives the general idea
of the whole text
- Help them eliminate the choice that is only
one aspect of the text

Activity 3: Match the words with their

- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the
Keys: 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b
answer with their partner
Activity 4: Read the text again. Decide if
the following statements are true, false or
- Put Ss in groups of 3, ask them to read the not given.
questions first to make sure they understand Keys: 1. NG 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
them by asking them to underline key words
- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts
of the text where they can get the answers
Activity 5: Work in pairs. Discuss how
you can prepare for higher education in the
- Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to UK.
brainstorm ideas about how to prepare for
higher education in the UK.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
develop reading skills and know more about higher education opportunities.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 66:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know how to express preferences for different further education pathways
2. Skills
 develop reading, speaking skills
 develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids& CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- “How do you prepare for your higher education?”
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Match the phrases with the
description to make sentences.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do exercise *Key: 1.c 2. e 3. a 4.b 5.d
- Encourage Ss to explain their choice
- Ask Ss to work by themselves, do the task
then share their answer with their partner
Activity 2: Choose the correct phrases (a-f)
to complete the conversation
- Put Ss in pairs, ask them to ask and do the * Key:
task 1. b
- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts 2. e
of the text where they can get the answers. 3. a
4. f
5. d
6. c
Activity 3: Read the conservation again
and answer the questions
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do the task. 1. Because higher education will help students
- Do as appointed to gain knowledge and critical thinking skills
- Let Ss work in pairs and do the task and a bachelor’s degree will help them to find
a job more easily.
2. Because students need some skills for
getting a job before they can decide if they
want to pursue an undergraduate course or
3. They are campus-based, part time, full-
time, and online.
4. “Cloud” learning allows students to work
and study simultaneously.
5. They provide students with more flexible
programmes and schedules.
Activity 4: Work in groups of four.
Practice the conversation
- Ask Ss to do the task
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop speaking skill by expressing preferences for different further education pathways
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 67:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get some specific information about studying abroad.
2. Skills
 develop Listening skill for specific information
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
International students in Viet Nam
Task 1: Look at the pictures of these
students. Where do you think they are?
What are they doing?
Suggested answers:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task They are in Viet Nam. They are learning
Vietnamese cultures. They are getting to
know their Vietnamese fellow students.
Task 2: Listen to an international student
studying in Viet Nam. He is talking about
his experience of pursuing higher
education abroad. Take notes about each
point below.
- Have Ss listen to the CD for the first time and 1. Undergraduate
try to note down the information that helps 2. Vietnamese history and economic
them to check their answers development
- Ask Ss to share with their friends to see if 3. Very friendly and helpful
they have the same answers or not 4. Very organized, knowledgeable and
- Let Ss listen to the CD for the second time thorough, always available for emergencies.
and try to note down information they didn’t 5. Lives with host family, has his own room,
understand for the first time comfortable and clean, has internet.
- Elicit answers from Ss and ask them to give 6. Eats breakfast and dinner with host family,
clues to their answers and lunch with Vietnamese fellow students;
- Let Ss listen again and pause at certain places food-healthy and delicious; has his favourite
if necessary to help Ss hear the information dishes
they need.
Task 3: Listen again and decide if the
- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the task. following sentences are true, false or not
- Play the tape twice given. Tick the correct boxes.
- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then
compare the answer with their partner 1. F 2. T 3. NG 4. F 5. T
- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct

- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the Task 4: Work in pairs. Discuss how you
answer with their partner should prepare for studying abroad.
- Do as appointed

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
specific information about studying abroad.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 68:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know to write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities
- Build up vocabulary supported for writing
2. Skills
- develop writing skill
- develop ability to think in a logical way to form a well-structured text
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Studying in the United Kingdom
Task 1: Read Mai’s email to her friend
asking for information about higher
education in the UK. Fill in the gaps, using
the phrases in the box.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task 1. I am writing to ask you for
- Set a time limit for this activity and assist Ss 2. I want to consult you about
if necessary 3. I am worried most
4. I have to take
5. I am eligible to
6. I should send
Task 2: Read the email in 1 again and
complete the following outline.
- Ask Ss to do the task, then compare the result 1. Dear Kevin
with their partner. 2. I am writing to ask for some information
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions and and advice on higher education in your
questions country.
- Get Ss to work individually to find the 3. What are the university entry requirements
answer for international students in the UK?
- Ask them to practice in pairs 4. What types of accommodation are available
- Call on a few Ss to report the answers for international students?
5. I wish you and your family the best. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
6. Regards.
Task 3: Choose two of the following points
- Ask Ss to do the task about studying abroad. Write an email of
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions. 160-180 words to a friend from another
- Point out to Ss how to write an essay. country asking for information and advice.
- T goes around and gives help, collects Use the outline in 2.
common mistakes for later correction.
- Collect 5 emails to mark in class so that all Ss
feel the need to do the task.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
- Get students' answers and comments.
- Get some outputs to highlight and comment
and correct the possible mistakes of students.
- Give feedback on these papers
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
writing an email asking for information about higher education opportunities
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson


Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 69:
Part 7: Communication and Culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- get knowledge about higher education in Viet Nam and in Singapore
- know some communication samples and cultural items
2. Skills
 develop communication skills and cultural understanding
- develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Communication:
Higher education in Viet Nam
Task 1: Work in groups of three. Label the
diagram of Viet Nam’s education system
- Go through the words in the box and check after primary school, using the words in
Ss’ understanding. Explain to Ss that diagram the box.
is more detailed than the one in Vocabulary Key: 1.a 2.d 3.c 4. b 5.e
especially for the higher education section.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of three and
complete the diagram.
- Check the complete diagram as a class,
making sure that all Ss have the right answers. Task 2: Listen to an overview on Viet
Nam’s higher education. Decide if the
following sentences are true or false. Tick
the correct boxes.
- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Keys:
- Play the tape twice 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. G
- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then
compare the answer with their partner
- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct 2. Culture:
ones. Further education in Singapore
Activity 1: Look at the Singapore’s
education journey. Work with a partner.
- Focus Ss’ attention on the diagram and allow Briefly describe the stages following
enough time for the, to describe the stages secondary education
following secondary education in Singapore’s
education system..
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task.
- Invite individual Ss to present their
descriptions in front of the class.
Activity 2: Read the text and answer the
- Ask Ss to read the text in pairs to do the task questions
- Ask Ss to do as appointed Singapore’s secondary and further
1. To help students to discover their talents
and develop a passion for learning.
2. They have to pass standardized
3. It builds up students’ strengths and
develops their talents in both academic and
non-academic areas.
4. They can select pre-university education or
technical education.
5. There are four local universities with
degree programmes for higher education.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
knowledge about higher education in Viet Nam and in Singapore
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 70:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- revise what they have learned in unit 7
+ Vocabulary: words and phrases related to further education.
+ Pronunciation: intonation in wh- questions
+ Grammar: the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Skills
- develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about further education in Singapore.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Listen and repeat the questions
- Ask Ss to listen to the intonation paying attention to the intonation
- Ask Ss read the exchanges and do the task
- Ask Ss to check their answer with other
- Elicit answers from the whole class
- Let Ss listen again and pause to help them to Activity 2: Listen and mark the rising or
notice the intonation. falling intonation for each question.

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and do the

- Play the CD once and ask S to check their
- Let them listen again if necessary
- Ask Ss to check their answer with other
classmates Vocabulary:
- Elicit answers from the whole class Activity 1: Complete these sentences using
the correct form of the words in bracket.
1. academic
- Let Ss do this vocabulary exercise in pairs or 2.broaden
groups of 4 3.graduation
- Ask Ss to work on their own first. 4.analytical
- Then ask Ss to compare answers with a 5.intership
partner to see if they have the same answer 6. respectively
- After that, elicit answers from the whole class Grammar:
and correct the wrong ones Activity 1: Complete these sentences with
the verbs in the box. Use the present
perfect or present perfect continuous.
- Ask Ss to work individually and then 1. Have taken
exchange with others 2. have………..been waiting
3. have…….attended
4. have been writing
5. has been travelling
Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences, using the
present perfect or present perfect
- Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task. continuous.
1. The graduate students have been arriving
since four o’clock.
2. The graduate students have all arrived at
the lecture hall.
3. She has been doing her research project
since last month.
4. They have visited this college three times
5. I have been learning to play the piano over
the last eight months/ for eight months.
6. I have been discussing my research
proposal with my professor since the
beginning of my course.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language and skills they have learnt in unit 7.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
- complete the project

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 71:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the language and skills that they have learnt in the units 6,7
➢ practise their examining skills
➢ have positive attitude toward self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
3. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
4. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Summarize the main points tested: main points of unit 6+7
5. Homework:
- revise some key points
- prepare for unit 8- Getting started

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 72:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get to know the topic of “World Heritage Sites”
+ Vocabulary: words and pharases related to the topic of World Heritage Sites.
+ Pronunciation: choice questions
+ Grammar: participles and to infinitives to replace relative clauses
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- Shows Ss two photos and ask them to
recognise these monuments.

- Has a talk with Ss about the two monuments.

- Informs the class of the lesson objectives and
lead to the lesson.

- Asks Ss to read the heading and guess what Activity 1: Listen and read.
the two speakers will be talking about.
- Play the recording twice.
- Has Ss listen and read the conversation
- Then asks Ss if their predictions were correct.
- Has Ss summarise the conversation.
- Calls some Ss share their summaries.
Activity 2: Read the conversation again.
- Guides and reminds Ss of some tips to do this Are the following sentsnces are true (T) or
kind of task. false (F). Expalin your choice.
- Asks sts to work individually to do activity 2 Key:
in 3’. 1. F (He wants to go sightseeing.)
- Goes around the class to help if necessary. 2. T
- Then asks Ss to compare their answers in 3. F (Most of the citedel was demolished in
pairs. the early 20th century.)
- Call sts to present answers. 4. T
- Corrects and gives feedback. 5. T

Activity 3: Match the words in the

- Explains the task to Ss and asks students to conversations with the appropriate
look through the task, read the conversation definitions.
again and find the phrases in the left-hand 1. b
column and underline them. (Encourage Ss to 2. d
guess the meanings of the phrases and then 3. e
match them with their definitions in the right- 4. f
hand column.) 5. a
- Asks sts to work in pairs in 4’. 6. c
- Goes around for help.
- Calls on Ss to give their answers.
- Gives feedback and correct answers. Activity 4: Find the sentences in the
conversation which have the same meaning
as the following sentences.
- Explain the task to Ss. 1. It is a cultural complex comprising royal
- Asks Ss to work individually in 3’. palaces and monuments.
- Goes around for help. 2. Most of the citadel, first built during the Ly
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the Dynasty in the 11th century and then expanded
board. by subsequent dynasties, was demolished in
- Gives feedback and correct answers. the early 20th century.
3. The only structure to remain intact is the
Flag Tower of Ha Noi.
- Asks Ss if they have visited the Central Activity 5: Ask and answer the following
Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long questions.
or would like to visit the site. Ss’ answers.
- Has Ss ask and answer the question in pairs.
- Invites Ss who have visited the site to tell the
class about their trip there.
- Asks Ss who have not been there to tell the
class why they would (or not) like to visit the
- Gives comments and correction.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the topic
5. Homework:
+ Learn the new words by heart, read and translate the conversation, do the tasks again.
+ Prepare the next lesson (Language).

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 73:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ Vocabulary: enrich their vocabulary with words and pharases related to the topic of
World Heritage Sites in Vietnam.
+ Pronunciation: recognise and use appropriate intonation on choice questions
+ Grammar: revise the use of participles and to infinitives to replace relative clauses
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the conversation.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the right
- Explains to Ss what they are supposed to do. form of the words from the box.
- Has Ss go through the words given in the box 1. heritage
and discuss with a partner their meanings. 2. dynasties
- Asks Ss complete the sentences individually 3. excavations
in 3’. 4. intact
- Then asks Ss to compare their answers in 5. relics
pairs. 6. complex
- Calls some Ss to give answers.
- Checks and gives correct answers.
Activity 2: Use the correct form of the
word in brackets to complete each
- Explains to Ss what they are supposed to do. sentence.
- Asks Ss to study the sentences given and Key:
work out the part of speech that needs to be 1. archaeological
filled in. 2. natural
- Reminds Ss that they should discuss the 3. Cultural
contextual clues that can help figure out the 4. attraction
answers. 5. preservation
-Has Ss do the task individually in 2’, then
compare answers in pairs.
-Checks the answer with the whole class.

Choice questions
- Asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box to Activity 1: Listen to these exchanges and
learn some general rules of intonation patterns pay attention to the intonation pattern of
for choice questions. the questions.
- Has Ss listen and notice the intonation
patterns of the questions.
- Has them listen and repeat the exchanges
with appropriate intonation.

Activity 2: Listen to 1 again and practise

- Plays the recording and asks Ss to read along saying these exchanges.
with the recording, immitating the intonation
- Has Ss practise the exhanges in pairs.
- Asks some pairs to role-play the exchanges in
front of the class, using appropriate intonation
- Gives comments on Ss’ performance.
Participle and to-infinitive clauses
- Writes two sentences having the same E.g: 1. It is a cultural complex which
meaning on the board. comprises royal palaces and monuments.
- Asks Ss to give comments on the form of the 2. It is a cultural complex comprising royal
two sentences. palaces and monuments.

- Asks Ss to read the Do you know…? box on

page 28 make some more examples.
Exercise 1: Underline the correct word or
phrase in each sentence.
- Lets Ss work individually in 2’. 1. islets
- Then asks Ss to compare their ansers in pairs 2. breathtaking
in 2’. 3. cuisine
- Calls some Ss to give answers. 4. magnificent
- Checks and gives feedback. 5. abundant
Exercise 2: Rewite the sentences replacing
the relative clauses with participle or to-
infinitive clauses.
- Introduces Exercise 2 to students and explain 1. Some of the relics found at the
how to do it. archaeological site of the Central Sector of the
- Does an example as a modal and asks Ss to Imperial Citadel of Thang Long belong to the
explain what changes have been made to the Ly Dynasty.
reduced clause. 2. The Japanese Bridge built on the early
Example: 1600s became a tourist attaction in Hoi An.
We walked on the bridge which connects the 3. Tourists should avoid purchasing unusual
two parts of the heritage site. relics illegallyremoved from protected
=> We walked on the bridge connecting the heritage sites..
two parts of the heritage site. 4. He was the last emperor to rule both parts
- Ask students to do Exercise 2 individually in of the empire.
3’ and then compare their answers with a 5. We visited an ancient house overlooking
partner’s in another 2’. the Thu Bon River in Hoi An.
- Calls some Ss to write anwsers on the board. 6. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is
- Correct mistakes. the 8th World Heritage Site in Viet Nam to be
recognised by UNESCO.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Vocabulary, intonation and grammar
5. Homework:
- make 5 sentences, using participles and to-infinitive clauses.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 74:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more about Ha Long Bay – a World Heritage Site of Vietnam and the reasons
why people are attracted to it.
2. Skills
 develop reading skills: skimming and scanning
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites and proud of the beauty of our
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2 (33).
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- Show students a video clip about Ha Long
Bay and asks them some questions: Expected answers:
1. Where is it? 1. It is Ha Long Bay.
2. What do you know about Ha Long Bay? 2. Ss answers
3. What is it famous for? 3. It is famous for beautiful landscapes and
- Leads to the lesson and writes the title on the speciality.
Activity 1: You are going to read a text
about Ha Long Bay. Tick () the reasons
why people visit Ha Long Bay. Add other
possible reasons if you can.
- Have Ss do the task individually, and then Key: Students’ answers
compare their choices in pairs. * New words:
- Asks some Ss to give their answers, + attract (v)
encouraging all possible reasons. + attraction (n)
-Pre-teaches some new words and phrases. + scenery (n)
+ intinerary (n)
+ cruise (n)
+ authentic local food (np)
Activity 2: Read the text quickly. What is it
- Explains to Ss the task. about?
- Tells Ss that they are required to read the text
quickly to get the main idea of the text by
choosingA, B, or D. Key: C
- Asks Ss to read the text quickly individually
in 4’.
- Calls some Ss to present their choices.
- Checks the answers as a class.
Activity 3: Find the words in the text that
- Explains to Ss the task. have the following meanings. Write the
- Asks Ss to highlight the following words in words in the space provided.
the text: islets, breathtaking, cuisine, Key:
magnificent, and abundant. 1. islets
- Asks Ss to work in pairs look at the 2. breathtaking
highlighted words and discuss the contextual 3. cuisine
clues that can help them understand the words. 4. magnificent
- Have Ss do the task individually in 3’, and 5. abundant
then compare their answers with a partner’s.
- Calls some Ss to write their answers.
- Corrects the Ss’ answers.
Activity 4: Read the text carefully. Answer
the following questions.
- Checks if Ss can answer the comprehension 1. In 1994.
Qs without reading the text again. If Ss cannot, 2. They can visit different caves and
T gets them to read the Qs carefully and experience the local culture and life on the
underline the key words to do task. water.
- Gets sts to read te text and check theirs 3. It’s famous for its fresh seafood, such as
answers and explain their choices in 5’. crabs, prawns and sea clams.
- T calls some Ss to read theirs answers and 4. Yes. Because Ha Long Bay offers lots of
explain their choices. things at a reasonable price.
- T comments and gives feedbacks. 5. These people can enjoy the comfort and
elegance of five-star hotels and luxury cruise
6. Some may wake up to a beautiful sunrise
among the rocks, islets and caves; others may
enjoy the cave dinners or the breathtakking
view from a mountain top overlooking the
Activity 5: Work in goups. Discuss the
- Puts Ss in groups of three or four to discuss Would you like to spend your holiday in Ha
the question and give reasons for their answers. Long Bay? Why/Why not?
- Asks sts to work in 4’.
- Calls some Ss to share their ideas. Teachers Activity 5: Discuss the questions.
encourage other Ss to ask follow-up questions. Would you like to spend your holiday in Ha
- Comments and corrects Ss’ mistakes. Long Bay? Why/Why not?
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: Read and understand a text about Ha Long Bay.
5. Homework: - practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 75:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get more background information about different attractions in Hue
- choose one place that they want to visit and explain the reasons.
2. Skills
 develop speaking, reading skills: making suggestions and talking about cultural sites.
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about Ha Long Bay.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Warm-up: Networks
- Asks sts to write as many places
In Hue that they know as possible.

- Calls some sts to write on Places in Hue

the board.
- Gives comments.

- Pre-teaches some new words. * New words/phrases:

- Reads the words and asks Ss to repeat. + Hue Imperial Citadel:
- Calls some Ss to read the words again. + Royal Tomb:
- Corrects mistakes, if necessary. + mosaic (adj):
+ prestigous (adj):
+ monument (n):
Activity 1: Read the information about
some attractions in Hue. Choose one place
in Hue you would like to visit. Tell your
partner about it.
- Explain to Ss the task’s requirement. Students’ answers
- Ask Ss to read the information about some Example: I’d like to suggest visiting Quoc
attractions in Hue individually, and have them Hoc High School. It is one of the oldest high
choose one place that they want to recommend. schools in Viet Nam and is famous for its
- Ask them to work in 3’. beautiful ancient buildings. It is also a
- Ask Ss some comprehension questions to prestigious high school and President Ho Chi
check if they understand the texts. Minh and many scholars studied there.
- ask Ss to work in pairs in 3’, telling each Walking around the school an give you the
other about the place they recommend visiting feeling of old-time Viet Nam.
in Hue.
-Walk around and help them.

Activity 2: Imagine that you have one day

- Explain to Ss the task requirement to make to explore Hue.Which attractions would
sure that they know what they are supposed to you visit? Discuss and decide on two places
do. you all want to visit. Use the phrases below.
- Ask Ss to study the useful phrases and the
example given.
- Ask Ss to discuss in groups of three in 5’. Students’ answers
- Walk around and help them.
- Invite several groups to role-play their
discussions in front of the class.
- Encourage the other students to give
comments and ask follow-up questions.
- Give feedback on Ss’ role-play.
Activity 3: Choose a cultural or natural site
you think your class would like to explore.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of four in 5’.
What can you see and do there? Present
- Ask each group to choose a secretary to note
your group’s ideas to the class.
down ideas of the group’s members.
Students’ answers
- Go around to observe and help Ss if
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
+ background information about different attractions in Hue
+ making suggestions and talking about cultural sites.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 76:

By the end of the lesson, teacher will be able to help Ss:
➢ identify and correct some common mistakes
➢ assess their knowledge
➢ enhance attitude towards self-study and self-assessment
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - no
3. New lesson:
- return the test papers with marks to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- give comments on Ss’ answers
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
4. Consolidation:
Summarize the main points tested
5. Homework:
- revise all and redo the test

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 77:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more about the topic of “World Heritage Sites” with some information about
Phong Nha- Ke Bang National Park.
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: You are going to listen to a
radio programme about Phong Nha-Ke
- Shows Ss a picture of Phong Nha-Ke Bang Bang National Park, one of the world
and asks them if they know what place is it. heritage sites in Viet Nam. What do you
- Asks Ss to tell the whole class what they know about this place? Use the words and
know about this World Heritage Site. phrases in the box to describe it.
- Encourages Ss who don’t know anything
about the site to make some predictions, using Students’ answers
the words and phrases in the box.
- Gives feedback.
=> Leads in the lesson.

Activity 2: Match the words with the

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures and match the correct pictures.
words with the pictures individually in 2’. 1. c
- Have Ss compare answers in pairs. 2. e
- Checks answers as a class. 3. a
- Reads the words and asks Ss to repeat. 4. b
- Calls some Ss to stand up to read the words. 5. f
- Corrects their pronunciation mistakes, if there 6. d
are any.
Activity 3: Listen to a nature radio

- Asks Ss to look at the three options and make programme and choose the correct answer.

their own predictions for the reason why

Phong Nha-Ke Bang was recognised as a
World Heritage Site. Key: C
- Plays the tape twice.

- Asks Ss to do individually then compare the

answer with a partner.
- Plays the tape again, has students listen and
check the answers.
- Calls some Ss to give the answers.
- Checks and gives feedback.

Task 3: Listen again and complete the

- Asks Ss to read the sentences and predict the sentences with no more than three words.
part of speech and the type of information
needed in each gap. 1. 500 km south
- Plays the tape with sufficient number of 2. geological museum
times. 3. mountains
- Asks Ss to do Task 2 then compare the 4. rivers and streams
answer with a partner in 2’. 5. in the world
- Asks some students to give the answers. 6. mountain climbing
- Checks and gives feedback.
Activity 5: Work in groups. Discuss the
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 in 5’. following questions.
- After 5’, T asks some students to present their
discussion in front of the class. Students’ answers
- Gives comments and corrections.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Practice listening for general and specific information about Phong Nha- Ke Bang national
5. Homework:
- + write a paragraph about Phong Nha-Ke Bang.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 78:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain some knowledge of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex and understand why it
was recognized as a World Heritage Site.
2. Skills
 develop writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- talk about Phong Nha- Ke Bang National Park.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- Asks Ss to play the game lucky number. (Ss
are set into two groups to answer the question:
“What heritage site is it?”. A clue will be - Play the game in groups.
offered in each number. The heritage sites are
Ha Long Bay, Phong Nha – Ke Bang, the
Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Hue Imperial
Citadel, Trang An Scenic Landscape
Complex.) Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
- Leads in: In today’s lesson, you’re going to
write an essay about Trang An Scenic
Landscape Complex.

- Has Sts do the task in pairs in 3’.

- If Ss have not been to the site, Task 1: Ask and answer the questions.
T encourages them to predict what
visitors can do and see there. - Predict what visitors can do and see there.
- Calls some Ss share their ideas.
- Gives feedback.

Task 2: Complete an outline of an essay

- Asks Sts to read the outline and work out explaining the reasons why Trang An
where on the outline each of the points should Scenic Landscape Complex was recognised
be added. as a World Heritage Site.
• Cultural value (in any order)
- Has Ss discuss in pairs in 3’. (c, d)
- Calls some Ss to give answers. • Natural beauty (a) (b is also
- Gives feedback and correct the answers. accepted here)
• Geological value (b)
• Preservation of heritage (e)

Task 3: Use the information and the

completed outline in 2 to write your essay
about Trang An Scenic Landscape
* Sample essay:
- T asks Ss to write their drafts individually in Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex,
13’, and then exchange their writing with a recognised as a World Heritage Site, is
partner for peer feedback. famous for its cultural value, natural beauty,
- T goes around to offer help. geological value, and preservation of heritage.
- Selects some writings in random and read The most outstanding feature of this site is its
aloud. cultural value. Archaeologists have
- T together with Ss finds out discovered signs of human activity dating
the mistakes and corrects them. back almost 30,000 years. With such a long-
lasting history, Trang An Scenic Landscape
- T gives feedback on Ss’ work. Complex is home to many temples, pagodas,
places of worship.
The natural beauty of the place with its
geological value is another outstanding
feature. Trang An-Tam Coc-Bich Dong not
only has a natural scenic landscape but also is
an ecological site. Moreover, the area is
famous for its magnificent landscape of
limestone mountain tops surrounded by
valleys and steep rocks.
As a place of cultural and natural value, Trang
An’s heritage is well-preserved and protected.
Visitors are amazed to discover that the site is
home to more than 800 species of flora and
Having met the UNESCO criteria for
outstanding universal value to humanity,
Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was
added to the World Heritage Site List in 2004
as a mixed natural and cultural property.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Writing an essay about Trang Anh Scenic Landscape Complex- a World Heritage Site in
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 79:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more about Taj Mahah, a World Herirage Site in India
- discuss where to go on a field trip
2. Skills
 further their skills: reasoning and persuasion skills, groupwork skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Communication:
A field trip to a heritage site
Activity 1: Work in groups. Your group
needs to decide on a heritage site on your
- Activate Ss’ knowledge about the five World next field trip
Heritage Sites mentioned earlier in this unit.
- Ask Ss to study the three World Heritage
Sites in Vietnam. Provide additional Hoi An:
information about these sites, if necessary. My Son Sanctuary
- Ask Ss to study the example to get an idea Citadel of Ho Dynasty
about the language they can use and what they
are supposed to discuss.
- Let Ss form groups of three and start their
discussion. Have one of them take notes Activity 2: Present your group’s decision
on the heritage site to visit to the class. Try
to convince your classmates that this would
- Ask Ss to consolidate their notes from be the best place to see
Activity 1
- Set a time limit for the groups to prepare their
presentations. Walk around to help Ss to
organise their ideas.
- Invite several groups to present their plans for
a field trip. Encourage the other students to ask
follow-up questions
- Have the class vote for the most interesting 2. Culture:
plan. Taj Mahal, a World Heritage Site
Activity 1: Look at the photo of Taj Mahal,
a world heritage site. Answer the questions
Key: Students’ answers
- Ask Ss to look at the photo of Taj Mahal and *Suggested answer:
answer the questions 1. It’s in India
- Encourage them to share any information or 2. I can see a significant architecture, the
facts they know about this site. Even if Ss tomb of the King and the Queen
haven’t heard about it, encourage them to Activity 2: Read the text. Match the
make some predictions. highlighted words in the text with the
definitions below.
1. dome
- Ask Ss to look at the highlighted words and 2. masterpiece
the context in which they are used. 3. mausoleum
- Encourage Ss to work out the meaning of 4. mosque
each new word from the contextual clues in the
text. Have them find similar words in the
Activity 3: Answer the questions.
- Asks Ss to read the text individually to get an 1. It was built by order of the Mughal
overall idea about its content. emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his
- Checks Ss’ understanding of key vocabulary favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahah, who diedin
items such as marble, memory, gateway, lotus, childbirth.
design,technique,balance and harmonious. 2. It took 21 years, from 1632 to 1653.
- Asks Ss to read the questions and underline 3. Taj Mahah features a magnificent marble
the key words. dome on the top of the tomb, decorated with a
- Asks Ss to do task 3 individually in 4’. lotus design. It represents the graetest
- Lets Ss compare their answers with their architectural and artistic achievement of
partner’s. Muslim art. Its unique beauty comes from the
- Calls some Ss to give their answers. balance and harmonious blending of various
- Checks Ss’answers.
Activity 4: Discussion: If you had the
- Asks Ss to express their opinions about the opportunity to travel, would you visit Taj
site in groups in 4’. Mahah? Give reasons for your decision.
- Asks some questions Ss to elicit Ss’ opinions:
1. What do you like about its architecture? Key: Students’ answers
2. Do you find its history intersting? …
- Asks individual Ss to present their opinions
to the class.
- Involves Ss in giving comments and
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop their communication skills and have some cultural understanding of Taj Mahal
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 80:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- revise the language that Ss learn in unit 8
+ Vocabulary: words and pharases related to the topic of World Heritage Sites.
+ Pronunciation: intonation for choice questions
+ Grammar: participles and to infinitives to replace relative clauses
2. Skills
 develop Listening, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be aware of the importance of world Heritage Sites.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3+4.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
- Ask Ss to listen to the exchanges and mark Activity 1: Listen to the following short
the intonation patterns on the questions using a exchanges. Mark rising or falling
downward upward arrow on each choice. intonations on the choice questions in these
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs or exchanges
- Check Ss’ answer as a class
Activity 2: Listen again and check your
- Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen answer
and read along
- Ask Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to ask
and answer the questions
- Walk around, comment on the pairs’
performance and praise Ss who try to use the
appropriate intonation. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Underline the correct word in
- Ask Ss to underline the correct words in each each sentence
sentence 1. scenery
- Let them compare their answers in pairs or 2. heritage
groups 3. architecture
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 4. dynasty
explanation, if necessary. 5. ancient

- Remind ss of the tips to do this kind of task Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the
quickly. correct form of the words in the box.
- Ask ss to work individually in 2’. 1. geological
- Asks them to compare their answers with a 2. Exploring
partner’s. 3. archaeological
- Calls on some ss to give answers. 4. excavation
- Gives feedback. 5. preservation
Activity 1: Combine the sentences using
- Ask Ss to work individually, and then the correct form of the verbs in the box
compare their answers in pairs or groups 1. ringing 2. invited
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 3. living 4. to offer
explanations, if necessary. 5. called 6. to be recognized
Activity 2: Combine the two sentences
into one, using either an ing or ed
- Let Ss work individually, and then compare participle.
their answers in pairs or groups. 1. The taxi taking us to Hoi An Ancient Town
- Ask individual Ss to write their sentences on broke down
the board. 2. At the end of the street there’s a path
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. leading to the Perfume River
3. The citadel gate damaged in the storm has
now been repaired
4. The excavation relics stolen from the
museum haven’t been found yet
5. Many of the foreign guests invited to the
opening of the heritage museum were able to

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language that Ss learn in unit 8
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 81+82:
REVIEW 3 (Units 6-7-8)
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:revise the language and skills they have
learnt in units 6-8.
1. Knowledge

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “Global warming”, “Further

education”, and “Our world Heritage Sites"

+ Pronunciation: intonation on yes-no questions/ echo questions/ wh- questions/

choice questions.
+ Grammar: perfect gerunds and perfect participles, the present perfect and
present perfect continuous, participle and to-infinitive clauses.
2. Skills
 Listening, reading, speaking, writing
3. Attitude
- have responsible attitude towards their study and life.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….

2. Previous lesson check:

- during the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1.
1. Use the correct form of the words in the
1. carbon footprint
box to complete the sentences.
2. excavation
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and
3. intact
then compare their answers with a partner.
4. academic
Check answers as a class and write the correct
5. undergraduate
ones on the board.

Activity 2.
2. Complete the sentences with correct form
1. further
of the words from the box.
2. lower
- Have Ss do this activity individually. Then ask
3. heat-related
a student to write his / her answers on the board.
4. Scenic
Check the answers with the whole class.
5. cultural
Activity 3.
3. Listen and mark the intonation
patterns of the questions. Then
practice reading the sentences.
- Play the recording and have Ss do this activity
individually, and then compare their answers
with a partner. Write the sentences on the board.
Then ask Ss to practise reading the sentences

Activity 4.
4. Rewrite and/ or combine the sentences. Begin 1. Having lived near a chemical plant for
each one as shown. many years, some villagers have now
- ask Ss to follow the instructions and complete developed cancer.
the sentences individually. 2. Having attended a conference on nature
- have Ss compare their answers. conservation, Quang became more
- Check Ss' answers, and ask Ss to provide
explanations for their answers if necessary. involved in environmental activities.
3. Mai regretted having dumped/ dumping
rubbish in the country park near her
4. The manager denied having allowed/
allowing harmful gases to emit into the
air from the factory.
5. They suspected Tom of having used/
using explosives to kill fish in the lake.
Activity 5.
5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in
1. has been studying.
the box. Use the present perfect or the
2. have…taken
present perfect continuous.
3. have been learning
- Elicit the form and use of the present perfect
4. has been living
and present perfect continuous
5. has finished
- Have Ss do this activity individually, and then
compare their answers with a partner.
- Ask a student to write his / her sentences on Activity 6.

the board. Check the answers with the whole 1. The London Tower Bridge, measuring

class. 244 metres long, is a World Heritage Site.

2. ……excavated from the ancient tombs.
3. ……. In the world to be declared a
6. Finish the incomplete sentences, using
World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
either a participle or to-infinitive clause.
4. …….., located in Thanh Hoa Province,
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and
was added……
then compare their answers with a partner.
5. …….., lying along the Perfume River in
- Write the correct answers on the board.
Hue City, …….
- check Ss’ answers as a class.

1 and 2. Read the text about the risk of sea-level rise Activity 1&2.
and then answer the questions. 1. Because more than 20 cities are directly
affected. Rising sea levels can endanger
Ask Ss to complete Activities 1 and 2 water supply in these cities and threaten the
individually and compare their answers with a life of millions of people.
partner. Then give the correct answers and any 2. it is described as one of Asia’s most
explanations if necessary. fertile rice-growing regions and home to
approximately 20 million people.
3. More than 80 percent of the Mekong
Delta could be flooded. Rice production
may drop by about 2.6 million tonnes per
4. Natural ecosystems and economic
activities such as fisheries and tourism can
be disrupted.
5. They can lead to erosion of river banks
3. Work with your partner. Choose a heritage site and beaches, and loss of land.
and talk about what you can do and see there. Use Speaking
the information in unit 8, if necessary. Activity 3.
- Have Ss work in pairs, ask them to read the
information in the table and the example first,
then choose a site and decide on the things they
both want to do and see there.
- encourage Ss to take notes or script their
conversations. Have them practice their
conversations until they are fluent and
- invite some pairs to role-play their
conversation in front of the class.
4. Listen to recording about Trang An Scenic Listening
landscape Complex. Decide whether the following
statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the
speaker. Activity 4.
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and
choose their answers. 1. T
- Play the recording again pausing at 2. F
appropriate places and highlighting the clues in 3. T
the listening text, so Ss can check their answers. 4. F
Then give the correct answers, for weaker Ss. 5. T
- Play the recording several times pausing after
sentences to check Ss’ comprehension.
5. Read and complete David’s letter, using the words
in the box.
- Give Ss enough time to read the letter and fill
Activity 5
in the gaps.
1. higher education
2. admitted to
3. scholarship
4. extra-curricular activities
6. Write a similar letter to the latter in activity 5.
5. your culture
- Ask Ss to write a letter to a friend in another
Activity 6
country, asking for information about higher
Suggested answer:
education opportunities. Use the letter in act 5 as
Hi Tim,
a model.
You asked me about my future plans. Of
- Ss may write their drafts first in class, swap
course, I’d like to go to university, and I’m
them with a partner for peer review, and write
wondering if I can pursue higher education
their final version at home.
in your country, the USA.
I’m good at English, maths, science and
geography. Now I’m working hard to get
high scores in the test of English as a foreign
language. Would high scores on this test
help me obtain a good scholarship? Can
international students like me apply for
financial aid in US colleges? Would I qualify
for on-campus or off-campus jobs?
I’m involved in many social and extra-
curricular activities too. I’m very active and
like organizing defferent events for my class
and school.
Which universities do you think I should
apply to? I have always dreamed of studying
at a US college and graduating with highest
honours. Can my dream come true?
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 6,7,8.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Fill in each blank with the correct word. If both words can be used, choose the one that
sounds more natural in each situation: 

1. This palace was the summer _________ (residence/residents) of the Emperor Franz Joseph. 
2. On you right you' ll see a beautiful example of 17th century Neo-gothic architecture. Presently
it  _________(houses/homes) the Museum of Justice, but it used to be a prison. 
3. The walking tour _________ (departs/goes) from the tourist information office every hour
until 7:00 PM. 
4. All of the major sights are _________ (marked/marketed) on the map. 
5. There is a _________ (list/details) of hotels in the back of the brochure. 
6. Go straight for about 500 meters, and then _________ (turn/make) right on Main Street. 
7. You won' t be able to catch a taxi here. You have to go to a taxi _________ (stand/place). 
8. A lot of these buildings are really _________ (run/cut)-down. ( = old and falling apart) 
9. It' s a two-_________(hour/hours) tour. ( = the tour lasts for two hours) 
10. The city has many beautiful tree-_________(lined/planted) avenues. 
1. TOKYO is an _________ (ultra/very)-modern metropolis. 
12. WARSAW' s old town was _________ (restored/raised) after World War II (WWII). 
13. One of PRAGUE' s most beautiful landmarks, the Hradcany, _________ (sits/located) atop a
hill overlooking the city. 
14. LONDON has a very good _________ (people/public) transportation system. 
15. MEXICO CITY has a _________ (vibrant/vibration) ( =thriving) arts scene. 
16. The main sights of LOS ANGELES are _________ (scattered/concentrated) across the city.
You' ll need a car to see them all. 
17. BANGKOK' s climate is tropical, so you won' t need to bring your
_________ (winter/cold) clothes. 
18. BUENOS AIRES has a very European _________ (feel/idea) to it, despite being in South
19. Despite having lots of  _________(ancient/archaic) architecture, ROME is one of Europe' s
most fashionable cities.
20. BORA BORA is not for travelers on a _________ budget/budge). ( = travelers looking to
save money)

Homework: Complete the gaps with a word from the box: for in from for with to
1. In Victorian times, Britain was famous _______________ producing things.
2. Nowadays, the canals are used ___________ leisure and many of them have cafés, restaurants
and art galleries.
3. The National Railway Museum is devoted _______________ British trains.
4. The streets of York are crowded _______________ tourists.
5. Britain’s culture and history are different _______________ anywhere else in the world.
6. The guides in the museum are dressed _______________ Victorian costumes.

EXERCISE: Use reduced relative clauses in place of the relative clauses

1. The child is lonely, he would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.
à The child is lonely, he would be happier if he had someone to play with.
2. I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open it with.
àI’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything to open it with.
3. I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden that he could play in.
àI don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden for him to play in.
4. The floor is dirty but I haven’t got a brush that I can sweep it with.
àThe floor is dirty but I haven’t got a brush to sweep it with.
5. My files are all over the place. I wish I had a box that I could keep them in.
àMy files are all over the place. I wish I had a box to keep them in.

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 83:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get to know the topic of unit 9
+ Vocabulary: words and pharases related to cities of the future.
+ Pronunciation: intonation in questions tags
+ Grammar: question tags and the conditional sentence type 0
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Phong, Chi and Ha are
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a discussing their class assignment. Listen
conversation between Phong, Chi and Ha. and Read
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what
the two speakers will be talking about
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read
the conversation silently. Then ask Ss if their
predictions were correct. Have Ss summarise
the conversation.
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
new word
Activity 2: Answer the questions
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. It’s about life in the city in the year 2050
answer the questions. 2. Both think life will be better; Phong
- Let Ss compare their answers in pairs or believes modern technology will be the
groups. reason, while Chi thinks there will be no
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. pollution
3. They choose to talk about the environment
4. Solar energy is mentioned. This energy can
be used for transport, lighting, cooking,
heating water and helping plants grow
5. Yes. Thanks to the development of science
and technology, our life will be better and
more liveable in the year 2050.
Activity 3: Find the question tags in the
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. It’s a group presentation, isn’t it?
find the question tags. 2. You mean it will be environmentally
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. friendly, won’t it?
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 3. We will have only ten minutes, won’t we?
4. Phong presented them so well, didn’t he?
5. Phong, you will do the talking, won’t you?
Activity 4: Read the conversation again
and complete the conditional sentences.
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences. 1. … the air will become cleaner and our
- Have them write the sentences in the space health will be better (1)
provided 2. People can develop health problems and
- Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to explain the become ill … (1)
differences between the sentence structures. 3. … we’ll be able to generate our own
electricity (1)
4. … their impact on the environment is less
5. Let me know … (0)
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Getting to know the topic
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 84:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge: know some new language items:
+ Vocabulary: words and phrases related to cities of the future.
+ Pronunciation: intonation in questions tags
+ Grammar: question tags and the conditional sentence type 0
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the conversation.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Write the words or phrases
given in the box next to their meaning
- Have Ss go through the words given in the 1. inhabitants 2. infrastructure
box and discuss with a partner their meanings. 3. renewable 4. urban
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the 5. liveable 6. sustainable
word from the box. Have Ss complete the 7. overcrowded 8. quality of life
sentences individually, then compare their
answers in pairs or groups. Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the
right forms of the words in the phrases in 1
- Ask Ss to read the uncompleted sentences 1. urban 2. liveable
and pay attention to the contextual clues such 3. infrastructure
as words surrounding the gap and the part of 4. overcrowded
speech needed. 5. inhabitants
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, 6. renewable
then compare answers in pairs or groups. 7. quality of life
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 8. sustainable
B. Pronunciation
Intonation: Question tags
Activity 1: Listen and decide whether the
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation question tags in B’s responses have a
pattern of the questions rising or falling intonation
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges 1. falling
with appropriate intonation. 2. rising
- Ask them to study the Do you know…? box 3. rising
to learn some general rules of intonation 4. falling
patterns for question tags. 5. rising
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the exchanges
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along in 1
with the recording, imitating the intonation
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs,
taking turns to ask and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in
front of the class, using appropriate intonation
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges
with good pronunciation and appropriate
III. Grammar: Question tags
- Have S work individually first
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you
know..? box to get more information about the Activity 1: Mach the question tags with the
classes. Ask Ss questions to check if they statements to make complete sentences
understand the general rules related to the form 1. c 2. h 3. f 4. d
and usage of this grammar point. 5. g 6. a 7. b 8. e
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the
correct question tags
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully, 1. is there 2. can’t you 3. has it
underline the subjects and verbs in these 4. will/would/could/won’t you
sentences, and write the correct question tags 5. shall we
in the blanks. 6. aren’t they 7. haven’t they
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. 8. has she
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. Conditional sentences type 0
Activity 3: Match the if clauses with the
- Ask Ss to read through the conditional result clauses
sentences used in the conversation again. 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a
- T explains to Ss the basic different between 5. h 6. b 7. d 8. g
type 0 and type 1.
- Ask Ss to do the task. Activity 4: Combine the sentences or
rewrite them to make conditional
- Ask Ss to combine the sentences to make sentences.
conditional sentences. 1. If the baby is crying, he may be hungry (1)
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. 2. If you travel on a budget flight, you have to
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. pay for your drinks and food (0)
3. If the weather is fine, I walk to work
instead of driving (0)
4. If people start using more solar energy,
there will be less pollution (1)
5. If they have no homework, they usually
play soccer (0)
6. If you travel by train, It takes five hours to
get to Nha Trang (0)
7. If the government reduces the use of fossil
fuels, our city will become a more liveable
place (1)
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points: vocabulary, pronunciation & grammar
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 85:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- enrich vocabulary with words and phrases related to the topic of preserving the
2. Skills
 develop reading skills: scanning, skimming
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Make 5 conditional sentences.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Use a dictionary to find the
meaning of the words in the box. Then
complete the sentences with their correct
- Ask Ss to look at the picture. Ask some form
questions as warm-up: 1. a warning
+ What do the colours indicate? 2. detect
+ What energy sources will be used in the 3. a sensor
future? 4. promote
+ Why is our planet placed in a hand of a 5. an insoluble
person? 6. dwellers
- Have them do the task individually, and then
compare their choice in pairs or groups
- Elicit answers from Ss, encouraging all
possible reasons. Have Ss explain their choices
- Pre-teach some of the unfamiliar vocabulary
items in the text, but not the highlighted ones
because Ss will be required to work out their
meaning from the context the words are used
Activity 2: Read the text about
Superstar City and choose the best title for
- Ask Ss to go through the three headings. Ask it
Ss to read the text quickly to choose the
heading that best summarises the main idea. The best title of the reading passage is C – A
- Set a time limit for this activity since safe and green city
skimming is a speed-reading technique with
the purpose of getting a general overview of
the content
- Have Ss work individually, and then compare
their answers in pairs or small groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class.

Activity 3: Read the text carefully,

answer the following questions
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and
1. Barbara is an engineer and Mark is a city
underline key words which can help them to
locate the specific information in the text.
2. It can depict and locate probable disasters
- Let them read the text individually to find the
by using the sensor installed in every home
information, them compare their answers in
and public place
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain
3. Its main function is to deal with urban
exactly which information from the text helped
environmental problems to make Superstar
them to answer the questions
City greener, cleaner and more sustainable
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 4. An example is the people’s use of
renewable fuels for cooking , lighting and
5. Because they have more time for study ,
entertainment and relaxation; they can enjoy
the highest quality of life
Activity 4: Complete the following
summary about Superstar City using the
words in the text
- Ask Ss to read through the summery about 1. safe
Siperstar City and decide which part of speech 2. detecting
may fit in each gap. 3. threats
- Invite several pairs to summarise the 4. energy
discussions and present their decisions to the 5. carry out
rest of the class. Encourage other Ss to ask 6. deal with
follow-up questions. 7. paradise
Activity 5: Do you think that our cities
will all be like Superstar City in the year
- T helps Ss know how to do the task. 2060?
- Let SS work in groups to do this task at
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop reading skill and get more knowledge of the topic
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 86:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more vocabulary related to the predictions about cities of the future
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking skills (making a conversation based on the sample)
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Choose the sentences to
complete the conversation between two
- Ask Ss to read the conversation quickly to get Londoners
an overall impression of the text. Suggested answers:
-Ask Ss comprehension questions to make sure 1. c
they understand the text 2. d
- Explain any further unfamiliar vocabulary, if 3. a
necessary 4. b
- Have Ss match the sentences with the gap.
Activity 2: Answer the questions
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. London is stressful and overcrowded city
underline key words which can help them to with lots of traffic jams and pollution
locate the specific information in the text. 2. They are making plans to improve the
- Let them read the text individually to find the transport system and to make London a green
information, them compare their answers in city
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain 3. Yes, it will be cleaner and more sustainable
exactly which information from the text helped
them to answer the questions
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Activity 3: Practice the conversation with a
- Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs. partner
- Set a time limit for the pair’s preparation and
- Invite some pairs to role-play in front of the
- Encourage Ss to give feedback on things such
as interesting content, original ideas, fluency of
speech and good presentation skills.
Activity 4: Choose one of the cities below.
Use the ideas provided or your own to
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ss should choose make a similar conversation
one city and make a similar conversation. Example: Tokyo’s trains are overcrowded
- Encourage Ss to use question tags to check during rush hours, aren’t they?
information or ask for agreement.
Activity 5: Work with a partner. Make
predictions about a future city
- Suggest some ideas for Ss’ discussion
including current facts such as the
environment, people’s quality of life and
infrastructure; future plans and predictions
about the city.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
- Vocabulary related to our cities in the future
- Speaking skills: making a conversation based on the sample
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 87:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know more vocabulary and information related to cities of the future
2. Skills
 develop Listening skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A better or worse place to live in?
Activity 1: Discuss with a partner
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the *Suggested answers:
questions with a partner. - All these problems currently exist in big
- Encourage Ss who don’t know anything cities in VN like Hanoi and HCM City.
about the site to make some predictions using - It’s likely that many of them will be solved
the words and phrases in the box. in the next twenty years, as local authorities
are taking measures to deal with them step by
Activity 2: Listen to a talk on predictions
- Ask Ss to look at the words and phrases that about our future cities. Underline the
can be heard in the talk. words or phrases that you hear
- Have Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. a b d e h
- Explain the meaning of any unfamiliar words,
if necessary.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Activity 3: Listen again. Decide which of
- Ask Ss to look at the three options and make the following predictions will come true (T)
their own predictions for the answers. and which will not (NT)
- Have Ss listen to the recording and choose 1. T
one of the three options given 2. NT
- Have them compare their answers in pairs or 3. NT
groups 4. T
- Check Ss’ answers as a class 5. T
- Let them listen again and pause the recording 6. T
after the sentences mentioning the word 7. NT
Activity 4: Listen again. Complete the
summaries of the two viewpoints
- Ask Ss to read the through the summaries of
the two viewpoints in the talk and try to 1. healthy; effective; overcrowded; heavier
complete the sentences.. 2. medicine; renewable; fossil fuel
- Give Ss sufficient time to listen to the
recording so they can extract the information
needed and hear the words they have to write
- Have Ss compare answers in pairs or groups
- Check Ss’ answers as a class
Activity 5: Which viewpoint do you agree
with, the optimistic or pessimistic?
- Have Ss work in groups and discuss the
- Ask Ss some warm-up questions before they + Do you think our cities will be better or
start the discussion: worse than they are now?
- Ask some groups to report their plans to the + What factors do you need to consider?
class. + Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
- Consider these points: Environmental
problems, people’s use of energy sources,
achievements in technology and medicine, etc.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
develop listening skill and know some predictions about our future cities.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 88:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know some predictions about life in a city in the future.
2. Skills
 develop writing skills: expressing views and writing an email to a friend.
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 5.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Different predictions
Activity 1: Hung and his friend Tanaka
are exchanging emails about the future of
their cities. Read the email and answer the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups to answer 1. To answer Hung’s question about Tokyo in
the questions. the future
- Draw Ss’ attention to the two different 2. Because the government will use advanced
viewpoints on life in Tokyo 40 years from now technology to deal with the transport problem
on. and make people’s life easier and more
3. Tokyo is threatened by nuclear and
radiation accidents and natural disasters
4. Tanaka wants to know Hung’s viewpoint
on VN’s capital city in the future
Activity 2: Put the sections of the email in
- Ask them to read through the list (a-g) and the correct order
put the parts in the order they appear in the 1. g 2. a
email. 3. c 4. b
- Have Ss discuss in pairs or groups, and put 5. f 6. d
the points under the right subheadings 7. e
- Check Ss’ answer as a class
Activity 3: Use the information below
about New York City to write an email of
about 160-180 words to a friend
- Set time limit for them to write the first draft
of their essays.
- Have Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or
groups for peer review. Encourage them to
comment on the content and structure, on
clarity of expression, grammar and spelling.
Add any additional feedback, if necessary
- Have Ss revise their drafts based on their
partners’ comments and your feedback.
- Collect Ss’ essay for checking or marking.
Activity 4: Write your predictions about a
future city in Vietnam in an email of 160
- Set time limit for them to write the first draft words to a friend
of their essays.
- Have Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or
groups for peer review. Encourage them to
comment on the content and structure, on
clarity of expression, grammar and spelling.
Add any additional feedback, if necessary
- Have Ss revise their drafts based on their
partners’ comments and your feedback. (This
can be done at home)
- Collect Ss’ essay for checking or marking.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
expressing views and writing an email to a friend about life in a city in the future.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 89:
Part 7: Communication & culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know some more communication samples
- enrich cultural knowledge
2. Skills
 develop discussion skills
 develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Communication:
Activity 1: Use the information about the
cities mentioned in this unit and complete
the diagram about the ideal city of the
- Ask Ss to refer to the information about the future
cities mentioned in the unit, select the relevant 1. Public transport (eco-buses, smart
details for their ideal city of the future. underground transport networks)
- Ask Ss to study the example to get an idea 2. Renewable sources of energy: wind and
about the language they can use and what they sun power
are supposed to discuss. 3. - Waste is treated and turned into energy
Let Ss form groups of three and start their or fertilizers
discussion. Have one of them take notes - Wastewater is treated and turned into
- Walk around to offer help, if necessary and drinking water.
encourage all members to participate in the
group activity.
Activity 2: Discuss the questions in groups
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. What will the ideal city of the future look
underline key words which can help them to like?
locate the specific information in the text. means of transport, environmental conditions,
- Let them read the text individually to find the energy sources, treatment of waste, climate …
information, them compare their answers in 2. How do you think an ideal city should be
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain treated: by upgrading an existing one or by
exactly which information from the text helped building a completely new one from scratch?
them to answer the questions
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. II. Culture:
Activity 1: Read the text about Songdo, a
smart city, and complete the table below
- Ask Ss to read the text and complete the *Suggested answers:
table. 1. 60km southwest of Seoul, South Korea
- Encourage them to share any information or 2. 53.3 square km
facts they know about this city. Even if Ss 3. 2005
haven’t heard about it, encourage them to 4. more than 65,000 people
make some predictions.
Activity 2: Decide whether the following
statements are T, F, or NG
- Ask Ss to read the text again to decide 1. F
whether the statements are true, false or not 2.T
given. 3. NG
- Encourage Ss to work out the meaning of 4. F
each new word from the contextual clues in the 5. T
text. 6. T
- Explain any unfamiliar words or expressions, 7. NG
if necessary.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop discussion skills and enrich cultural knowledge.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 90:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- review pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for their study to better their future.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 3.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
I. Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Decide whether the question
tags in B’s responses have a rising or
falling intonation
- Ask Ss to listen to the exchanges and mark 1. falling
the intonation patterns on the questions using a 2. rising
downward upward arrow on each choice. 3. falling
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs or 4. rising
- Check Ss’ answer as a class
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the sentences
in 1
- Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen
and read along
- Ask Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to ask
and answer the questions
- Walk around, comment on the pairs’
performance and praise Ss who try to use the
appropriate intonation. II. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the words or phrases in the
- Ask Ss to write the word in each sentence 1. city dwellers
- Let them compare their answers in pairs or 2. infrastructure
groups 3. overcrowded
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 4. advanced technology
explanation, if necessary. 5. detect
6. urban planners
III. Grammar:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with
the correct question tags
- Ask Ss to work individually, and then 1. shall we 2. don’t they
compare their answers in pairs or groups 3. aren’t there 4. will you
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 5. haven’t you 6. do they
explanations, if necessary. 7. should they 8. isn’t it
Activity 2: Answer the questions, using
conditional sentences
- Let Ss work individually, and then compare 1. Flowers died if they are not watered
their answers in pairs or groups. 2. I expect my teacher to correct my mistake if
- Ask individual Ss to write their sentences on I make one.
the board. 3. People need to leave tall buildings quickly
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. if there is an earthquake
4. I get green if I mix blue and yellow
5. I dial 114 if there is a fire
6. If I don’t have to go to school in the
morning, I usually get up at 8
7. I usually ask my best friend for help if I’m
in trouble
8. I usually go to the park if I want to enjoy
some fresh air.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Review pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson: periodical test 4
- Work in groups of four to six. Discuss and decide on your ideal city of the future
- Introduce your poster to the class. Present the features of your city and explain what make
it the most liveable city in the world
- Ask Ss to do the task
- Let the groups do the task in their free time.

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 91:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the language and skills that they have learnt in the units 8,9
➢ practise their examining skills
➢ have positive attitude toward self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
3. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
4. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Summarize the main points tested: main points of unit 8,9
5. Homework:
- revise some key points
- prepare for unit 10- Getting started

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 92:
Part 1: Getting started
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get to know the topic of unit 10
+ Vocabulary: words and pharases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity.
+ Pronunciation: fall-rise intonation on statements and questions
+ Grammar: conditional sentences and to-infinitives/gerunds in reported speech
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Kim is asking Mark about a TV
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a health show she missed. Listen and read
conversation between Kim and Max.
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what
the two speakers will be talking about
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read
the conversation silently. Then ask Ss if their
predictions were correct. Have Ss summarise
the conversation.
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
of new words Activity 2: Read the conversation again.
Find the verbs that go with the following
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. relieve
find the verbs 2. weaken
- Let Ss compare their answers in pairs or 3. practice
groups. 4. increase
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 5. do
6. practice
7. take
Activity 3: Complete the following notes
on Dr. Quan’s four principles to stay
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. relieving stress
complete the sentences 2. we practice meditation
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. 3. eating healthy food
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 4. developing heart diseases
5. exercising regularly
6. sports; yoga and t’ai chi
7. natural remedies; take prescription
Activity 4: Work in pairs. Answer the
following questions
1. The first principle is relieving stress. The
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and second one is to consuming healthy food. The
answer the questions. third one is exercising regularly
- Have them write the questions carefully. 2. Yes. I agree with these principles
- Check Ss’ answers. Activity 5: Find all the examples of
reported speech in the conversation.
1. Dr. Quan said if you practiced …
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 2. Yesterday, I read an article on the
find the sentences. internet which claimed …
- Have them write the sentences in the space 3. He said read meat is high in fat …
provided 4. Dr Quan advised viewers to …
- Check Ss’ answers. 5. He suggested playing sports …

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Getting to know the topic
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 93:
Part 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- gain more language items
+ Vocabulary: words and pharases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity.
+ Pronunciation: fall-rise intonation on statements and questions expressing invitations,
suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise.
+ Grammar: conditional sentences and to-infinitives/gerunds in reported speech
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- act out the dialogue between Kim and Max.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the
right forms of the following words and
- Have Ss go through the words given in the phrases
box and discuss with a partner their meanings. 1. cholesterol 2. nutrition
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the 3. natural remedies 4. immune system
word from the box. Have Ss complete the 5. ageing process 6. meditation
sentences individually, then compare their 7. life expectancy 8. boost
answers in pairs or groups.
Activity 2: Use a dictionary to check the
meaning of the following adjectives formed
- Explain to Ss that free is used to form with -free or anti-
compound adjectives, which are usually 2. lifestyle that does not cause stress
hyphenated. On the other hand, anti- is used as 3. foods that do not contain cholesterol
a prefix to form adjectives or nouns, which can 4. foods that are believed to prevent the
be spelled with or without a hyphen. appearance from getting older
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, 5. diet that prevents the formation of acne
then compare answers in pairs or groups. 6. medicine that lowers cholesterol levels or
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. prevents high cholesterol
2. Pronunciation
Intonation: Invitations, suggestions, polite
requests, uncertainty and surprise
Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation to the fall-rise intonation
pattern of the questions 1. invitation/ suggestion
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges 2. surprise
with appropriate intonation. 3. uncertainty
- Ask them to study the Do you know…? box 4. polite request
to learn some general rules of intonation 5. hesitation
patterns for question tags.
Activity 2: Listen and mark the fall-rise
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along intonation
with the recording, imitating the intonation
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs,
taking turns to ask and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in
front of the class, using appropriate intonation
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges
with good pronunciation and appropriate
intonation. 2. Grammar:
Conditionals in reported speech
Activity 1: Read the statement in direct
- Have S work individually first speech. Decide if it is necessary to change
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you the verb tenses in reported speech after
know..? box to get more information about the reporting verbs in the past tense. Write C
classes. Ask Ss questions to check if they or U in the space provided
understand the general rules related to the form 1. C/U 2. C/U
and usage of this grammar point. 3. U 4. U
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs 5. U 6. U
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 7. U 8. C/U
Activity 2: Report each statement in 1
- Ask Ss to report the statements in 1, using the 1. I told him that if I drank coffee before
reporting verbs in the prompts. bedtime, I couldn’t sleep C
- Have them compare their answers. I told him that If I drink coffee before
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. bedtime, I can’t sleep. U
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 2. Dr. Quan said that we’d boost our immune
system if we had a healthy lifestyle. C
Dr. Quan said that we will boost our immune
system if we have a healthy lifestyle. U
3. John’s wife told him that it would be nice if
he could spend more time with the children. U
4. Peter explained to us that if Ann called him
back, he’d arrange an appointment for her. U
5. The travel agent explained to us that if we
travel to a foreign country, we need a valid
passport. U
6. My grandmother keeps telling us that if we
catch a cold, we should try natural remedies
before taking any medicine. U
7. John told me that if he were rich, he’d
donate money to charity. U
8. Mary’s father said that Mary/she would
recover quickly if she followed the doctor’s
advice. C
Mary’s father said that Mary/she will recover
quickly if she follows the doctor’s advice. U
Reported speech with to-infinitives and
Activity 3: Write the sentences in reported
speech, using the reporting verbs in
1. Jack’s father advised him not to eat fast
- Explain that to-infinitives or gerunds can be food every day.
used to report actions. 2. Ann asked Kim to do the dishes for her
- have Ss read the Do you know..? box and 3. The doctor told me to do a 30-minute
focus on the verb forms in reported speech work-out every day
after the three groups of reporting verbs. 4. Mai invited Peter to go out for a coffee
- Ask Ss to do the task. 5. Phong apologized for breaking my glasses
6. Hoa reminded Lan to buy some groceries
on the way home
7. Carol suggested enrolling on a yoga course
8. John and Max admitted forgetting to
submit the assignments the day before.
Activity 4: Change the sentences in
reported speech into direct speech
2. “Kim, don’t forget to turn off the lights
- Ask Ss to change the sentences in reported before leaving the house”
speech into direct speech. 3. “You shouldn’t exercise too hard because
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. it’s not good for your heart”
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 4. “Let’s have a picnic next weekend”
5. “Don’t play near the construction site”
6. “Would you like to spend your summer
holidays on my grandparents’ farm?”
7. “I’m sorry. I’ve made lots of mistakes in
the report”
8. “Yes, I took my father’s car without
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Vocabulary items related to the topic, fall-rise intonation, reported speech with conditionals
and gerunds/to-infinitives.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 94:
Part 3: Reading
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know about factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy
2. Skills
 develop reading skills: the ability to follow the logical structure of a text and reading for
specific information
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 4 (62).
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: The machine described in the
picture above help doctors to diagnose and
treat diseases. Discuss with a partner.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture. Ask some MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners
questions as warm-up: and X-ray machines take medical images of
+ Have you ever seen them? patients’ internal body parts. MRI images
+ What are they used for? provide a 3D representation of organs, which
- Have them do the task individually, and then X-rays usually cannot.
compare their choice in pairs or groups
- Elicit answers from Ss, encouraging all
possible reasons. Have Ss explain their choices
- Pre-teach some of the unfamiliar vocabulary
items in the text, but not the highlighted ones
because Ss will be required to work out their
meaning from the context the words are used
Activity 2: Read an article about the main
- Ask Ss to go through the four sentences. Ask factors for the increased life expectancy.
Ss to read the text quickly to choose the Four sentences have been removed from
missing that best suits the passge. the article. Choose a sentence (a-d) to
- Set a time limit for this activity since complete each gap (1-4)
skimming is a speed-reading technique with 1. c
the purpose of getting a general overview of 2. b
the content 3. d
- Have Ss work individually, and then compare 4. a
their answers in pairs or small groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class.
Activity 3: Find the words or expressions in
the text which have the following meanings
- Have Ss read through the definitions and the 1. be attributed to
text carefully, looking for the correct words or 2. obesity
phrases that match with the definition. 3. antibiotics
- Let them read the text individually to find the 4. vaccine
information, them compare their answers in 5. dietary
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain
exactly which information from the text helped
them to answer the questions
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. Activity 4: Read the text again and answer
the questions
1. The three factors are healthier lifestyles,
- Ask Ss to read the full text, include the better nutrition and advances in medical
gapped sentences, again and answer the science and technology
questions individually. 2. Smoking, alcohol intake and fast food
- Invite several pairs to summarise the consumption can increase the risk of hear
discussions and present their decisions to the diseases.
rest of the class. Encourage other Ss to ask 3. Doing regular physical activity and
follow-up questions. spending more time outdoors can improve the
ability of the human body to function well
4. Because they want to relieve stress
5. Because the food we eat can affect
longevity and dietary changes can boost our
immune system
6. They are the discovery of antibiotics and
vaccines, and the development of medical
Activity 5: Which of the factors mentioned
in the article do you think is the most
important? Discuss with a partner
Healthy lifestyles (physical exercise, low
- T helps Ss know how to do the task. levels of stress and anxiety)
- Let SS work in groups to do this task at Better nutrition (nutritious diets and dietary
home. changes)
Advances in medical science and technology
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop the ability to follow the logical structure of a text and reading for specific
information about how to increase life expectancy.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:

Period 95:
Part 4: Speaking
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know how to take care of the skin and vision
2. Skills
 develop presentation skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for healthcare increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- summarise the reading text
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Take care of your body
Activity 1: Below is a set of note cards for a
talk about skincare. Use the words and
- Ask Ss to look at the set of note cards for a phrases in the box to complete them
talk on skincare. Suggested answers:
- Explain to Ss that note cards can be a very B1: wear protective clothing - avoid sunburn
helpful tool for preparing, rehearsing and wear sunscreen with a sun protection
delivering speeches or talks. The note cards factor (SPF) of at least 15
should contain the most important information B2: eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables
as bullet points, which can be used as prompts – provide vitamins and nutrients
in case the speaker gets nervous or forgets drink a lot of water – prevent water loss
what to say. B3: wash your face twice a day with warm
- Explain any further unfamiliar vocabulary, if water and mild soap – remove dirt
necessary Don’t squeeze pimples – can lead to
- Have Ss make their own note cards and swelling, redness and infection
present their answers to the class.
Activity 2: Work in pairs. Use the note
cards to talk about skincare, paying
attention to the following
- Ask Ss to pay some attention when they
* glance at the note; don’t read them
* use linking words and expressions for
hesitation devices to some more natural and
* to make your tips sound more reliable, use
reported speech to quote their sources
* maintain eye contact with your partner
* use appropriate gestures and facial
expressions to support your ideas.
Activity 3: Prepare another set of note
cards for a talk about how to take care of
- Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs. your vision. Use the information below and
- Set a time limit for the pair’s preparation and your own ideas
practice Taking care of your vision
- Invite some pairs to role-play in front of the - Use some kinds of eye drop to ease your
class. eye’s tiredness
- Encourage Ss to give feedback on things such - Practice to look at things in distance to
as interesting content, original ideas, fluency of develop your eyesight
speech and good presentation skills.
Activity 4: Work in groups of four or five.
Take turns to present your talk to your
- Let Ss work in groups to do the task. Make group members
sure each group chooses a different activity.
- Ask groups to summerise and briefly report
their discussions to the class.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop presentation skill by giving a talk on body care.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation

Date of signing:

Period 96:

By the end of the lesson, teacher will be able to help Ss:
➢ identify and correct some common mistakes
➢ assess their knowledge
➢ enhance attitude towards self-study and self-assessment
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - no
3. New lesson:
- return the test papers with marks to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- give comments on Ss’ answers
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
4. Consolidation:
Summarize the main points tested
5. Homework:
- revise all and redo the test
Period 97:
Part 5: Listening
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know some vocabulary related to exercise precautions
- know precautions when doing four types of physical activity
2. Skills
 develop Listening skills: listening for specific information
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Exercise precautions
Task 1: Discuss with a partner
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the *Suggested answers:
questions with a partner. a. fitness walking
- Encourage Ss who don’t know anything b. aerobic exercise
about the site to make some predictions using c. yoga
the words and phrases in the box. d. swimming
Task 2: Look at the picture. Listen to John
Keith, a fitness instructor, talking about
four types of physical activity. Number the
- Ask Ss to look at the words and phrases that pictures as you listen.
can be heard in the talk. a. 4
- Have Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. b. 1
- Explain the meaning of any unfamiliar words, c. 3
if necessary. d. 2
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Task 3: Listen again. Which safety rules
are mentioned for each type of physical
- Ask Ss to look at the three options and make activity? Tick the correct boxes.
their own predictions for the answers.
- Have Ss listen to the recording and choose Aerobic exercise: 1,2
one of the three options given Yoga: 3,5
- Have them compare their answers in pairs or Swimming: 1,3,4
groups Fitness walking: 2,6,7
- Check Ss’ answers as a class
- Let them listen again and pause the recording
after the sentences mentioning the word
geological Task 4: Work in four groups. Each group
chooses a different activity from 3. Discuss
the following
- Let Ss work in groups to do the task. Make
sure each group chooses a different activity.
- Ask groups to summerise and briefly report
their discussions to the class.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Listening for specific information in a talk on precautions when doing four types of physical
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation: 12/4/2017
Date of signing: 17/4/2017

Period 98:
Part 6: Writing
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- know some vocabulary related to the topic of changes in lifestyle
2. Skills
 develop writing skill: writing a story about how people have changed their lifestyle to
overcome a problem.
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- summarise the listening text.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Lifestyle changes
Task 1: Read a story posted on Medline, a
website about fitness. Complete the story,
using the correct forms of the words in the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups to do the box
task. 1. appetite 2. overweight
- Ask Ss to read a story posted on a fitness 3. weight 4. fainted
website and complete the gaps with the correct 5. dieting 6. supported
form of the words in the box.
Task 2: Read the story again and answer
the questions
- Ask them to read through the questions to 1. Because as a child he used to eat a lot of
make sure that they understand the questions. fast food.
- Have Ss discuss in pairs or groups, and 2. After he received hundreds of rejections
answer the questions. and couldn’t get a job.
- Check Ss’ answer as a class 3. Fasting was his first kind of diet. He was
unsuccessful and was taken to hospital
4. For over a year, he had to follow a special
diet and joined a fitness class for overweight
5. Overweight people are not lazy and can
work effectively like other people, so they
should not be treated unfairly. However, their
health can be affected, so they should follow
doctors’ advice to lose weight.
- Set time limit for them to write the first draft Task 3: Use the information below to write
of their essays. a similar story.
- Have Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or
groups for peer review. Encourage them to
comment on the content and structure, on
clarity of expression, grammar and spelling.
Add any additional feedback, if necessary
- Have Ss revise their drafts based on their
partners’ comments and your feedback.
- Collect Ss’ essay for checking or marking.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
writing a story about how people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a problem
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation: 12/4/2017
Date of signing: 17/4/2017

Period 99:
Part 7: Communication and culture
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- be acknowledged with some communication samples and cultural items
2. Skills
 develop further communication skills, develop the skill of working in groups
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
1. Communication:
Task 1: Listen to Phong’s talk about
meditation. Complete the notes below.
- Focus Ss on the notes of his talk and guess 1. five
what kind of information to write in each gap. 2.a Location: at a quiet place
- Play the recording once or twice for Ss to b Time: at night or early morning
complete the notes. c Duration: 15 minutes a day
d. Techniques: Listen to the silence around
you and breathe slowly and deeply
3. Benefits of meditation
a. Relieving stress
Reason: … you let your mind relax
b. Staying healthy and living longer.
Reason: … may weaken your immune system
Task 2: Discuss the question with a partner
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. To relieve stress and feel relaxed, we
underline key words which can help them to should
locate the specific information in the text. - go swimming
- Let them read the text individually to find the - read a book
information, them compare their answers in - listen to soft music
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain - spend your weekend in the countryside
exactly which information from the text helped 2. I think listening to soft music may work
them to answer the questions best because it can ease your stress, lull you
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. to sleep and refresh your mind
2. Culture:
Activity 1: Decide whether the following
statements are T, F or NG
- Ask Ss to read the text again to decide *Suggested answers:
whether the statements are true, false or not 1. F 2. NG
given. 3. T 4. F
- Encourage Ss to work out the meaning of 5. T 6. NG
each new word from the contextual clues in the 7. NG
- Explain any unfamiliar words or expressions,
if necessary.
Activity 2: Discuss with a partner
- Ask Ss to read the text and complete the task. 1. Education, dietary changes, exercise and
- Encourage them to share any information or the spirit of cooperation
facts they know about this city. Even if Ss 2. There should be close cooperation between
haven’t heard about it, encourage them to local government, health association and
make some predictions. residents. The first step should be for a local
health association to start a campaign for
promoting a healthy lifestyle and nutrition,
winning the support of the local residents and
local government
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Develop further communication skills and have more cultural understanding
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation: 12/4/2017
Date of signing: 17/4/2017

Period 100:
Part 8: Looking back
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- revise what they have learned in unit 10
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- be responsible for increasing life expectancy.
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- activity 2.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
Activity 1: Listen and mark (fall-rise
intonation) in the following conversation
- Ask Ss to listen to the exchanges and mark
the intonation patterns on the questions using a
downward upward arrow on each choice.
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs or
- Check Ss’ answer as a class
Activity 2: Listen again. Then practice the
conversation with a partner. Try to use the
- Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen appropriate fall-rise intonation
and read along
- Ask Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to ask
and answer the questions
- Walk around, comment on the pairs’
performance and praise Ss who try to use the
appropriate intonation.
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the words or phrases in the
- Ask Ss to write the word in each sentence 1. boost 2. life expectancy
- Let them compare their answers in pairs or 3. immune system 4. remedies
groups 5. nutritious 6. dietary
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 7. are attributed to 8. prescription
explanation, if necessary. Grammar:
Activity 1: Report each statement. Make
all necessary changes.
- Ask Ss to work individually, and then 1. The teacher told Tuan and Phong not to
compare their answers in pairs or groups talk in class
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and give further 2. The doctor said to Mr White that if he
explanations, if necessary. eats/ate lots of fatty food, he will/would
increase his chances of developing heart
3. Nam’s yoga instructor asked him to close
his eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and not
to think about his problems
4. The patient admitted not following his
doctor’s advice
5. Ha’s friend suggested playing some games
to relax because they had studied for three
6. Van’s manager said that he/she would get
a promotion if he/she could finish the project
before the deadline.
Activity 2: Read the conversation. Imagine
that Nga talks to a friend the next day,
telling him/her what her father had said.
- Let Ss work individually, and then compare 1. My father said that if I want to be stress-
their answers in pairs or groups. free, I need to balance study and leisure
- Ask individual Ss to write their sentences on 2. He told (advised) me to draw up a revision
the board. timetable with time for other activities
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 3. He said that if I worked too hard, I
wouldn’t feel hungry
4. He told/asked/advised me not to study
continuously for long hours, but to take a
five-minute break every hour.
5. Then he advised/told/asked me to do some
workout or take a walk in the park before
6. Finally, he said that if I need more help, I
can just ask him.

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Revise the main points of unit 10.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson
Date of preparation: 12/4/2017
Date of signing: 17/4/2017

Period 101+102:
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- revise the language and skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 9 and10.
2. Skills
 develop Listening, speaking, writing, reading skills
3. Attitude
- enhance attitude toward the subject
II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- No.
3. New lesson:
T’s and Ss’Activities Knowledge
A. Vocabulary:
Task 1: Use the correct form of the words
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and in the box to complete the sentences
then compare their answers with a partner’s. 1. infrastructure
- Write the correct answers on the board. Ask 2. sustainable
students to raise hands if their answers match. 3. renewable
4. overcrowded
5. inhabitants
Task 2: Complete the following sentences
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually. with suitable words in brackets
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the 1. meditation
board. Read each one and ask the class if they 2. cholesterol – free
agree or not, then confirm the correct one. 3. anti – acne
4. ageing
5. expectancy
2. Pronunciation
Task 3: Listen to the sentences. Mark their
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and intonation pattern
then compare their answers with a partner’s. 1. A falling B. falling
- Show the correct answers on the board. 2. A falling B. rising
3. A rising B. rising
4. A rising B. rising
2. Grammar
Task 4: Complete each question, using the
- Elicit the form. correct question tag
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the they
board while other Ss do this activity 2.haven’t they
individually. 3.will you
- Check answers as a class. 4.didn’t we
5.are they
Task 5: Rewrite these sentences, beginning
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and as shown
then compare their answers with a partner’s. 1. Dr Quan said (that) I / we may / might feel
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the much better if I / we start / started practising
board. meditation.
- Check answers as a class. 2. Lan said (that) if I want / wanted to try
natural remedies, I can / could find useful
information on the Internet.
3. Huong told me (that) if she drinks strong
tea, she usually starts feeling dizzy.
4. If you use solar water heaters in your home,
you reduce your carbon footprint.
5. If you use the high-speed motorway, it takes
three hours and a half to travel from Ha Noi to Lao
Task 6: Change the sentences in reported
- Elicit the rules. Ask Ss to do this activity speech into direct speech
individually, and then compare their answers 1. ‘Van, you should take a yoga class to
with a partner’s. relieve stress,’ said the doctor.
- Write the correct answers on the board. 2. ‘Why don' t you use the new high-speed
motorway?’ the travel agent suggested.
3. ‘Let' s use the new high-speed motorway,’
the travel agent suggested.
4. ‘Kevin, remember to go to your fitness
class,’ said his brother. /‘Kevin, don' t forget
to go to your fitness class,’ said his brother.
5. ‘I' ll call you once a week while you are
studying in Singapore,’ said my sister.
6. ‘Don' t work out more than thirty minutes
a day,’ our fitness instructor said.
I. Reading
- Ask Ss to do activity 1 individually, and Activity 1: Read the text about eco-city
check their answers with a partner’s. Give planning
correct answers and explanations if necessary.
- Ask Ss to read the title and make guesses
about the content of the text, first in pairs, then
in class. Activity 2: Read the text again and answer
the questions
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. It was created in 1987
underline key words which can help them to 2. There is no pollution as all the vehicles run
locate the specific information in the text. on local renewable energy
- Let them read the text individually to find the 3. They coexist with nature by dividing the
information, them compare their answers in city into two circles or rings
pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to explain 4. The first ring is the city centre containing
exactly which information from the text helped the residential areas. The second ring includes
them to answer the questions vast park space and lots of greenery, which
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. filters and refreshes the air people breathe
5. Urban planners need to read the book
because it can offer them creative ideas and
solutions to environmental problems that can
be applied to any city
II. Speaking
Work in pairs. Choose two ideas (or use
your own ideas) and make a conversation
about sustainable living
- Work with a partner. Read the following Suggested answers: Sustainable living:
information - sort rubbish for recycling, use waste to
- Ask Ss to share their opinions with their generate electricity, heat … to meet daily
partners. need
- Answer these questions. Discuss with a - design walkable streets: walk first, then
partner. cycle, then use public transport
- protect natural habitat, support local
- promote simple lifestyle, cook with locally
grown organic ingredients
III. Listening
Listen to the recording about the negative
effects of over-exercising. Decide whether
the following statements are T or F
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and 1. F
choose their answers. 2. T
- Play the recording again for Ss to check their 3.T
answers. Then give the correct answers. 4.T
- Alternatively, play one or more times for Ss 5.F
to choose the correct answers. IV. Writing
Think of any advice you can give to over-
exercises. Write a short text about the
reasons for over-exercising. Use the
suggestions in the box or your own
information and ideas.

Sample writing:
Some people over-exercise for a number of reasons. Teenagers may worry too much about their
physical appearance and want to build the perfect body. Some of them may feel peer pressure to lose
weight or get lean, toned legs. Male teenagers may experience pressure to look fit, muscular and toned like
celebrities in films, magazine ads or sports. Many boys feel that their arm or leg muscles are too small and
try to work out several times a week to increase muscle mass.
Girls’ over-exercising can result from self-dissatisfaction and fear of being overweight. They may
compare themselves with fashion models considered to be physically perfect. They may worry about their
waistlines not being thin enough or their bellies being too fat.
If you think your friend is over-exercising, try to talk to them, and explain that their bodies need to rest
as well. Ask them to focus on other aspects of life such as study and hobbies.
4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points:
Language and skills of unit 9+10.
5. Homework:
- practice the tasks.
- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:
Period 103:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Revise the language and skills that Ss learnt in the second term
- practise doing exercises related
- enhance attitude towards self-study
II. METHOD: Integrated, mainly grammar-translation
III. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, handouts
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ 11_ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- during the new lesson
3. New lesson:
1. Vocabulary:
 Words and phrases related to the topics:
- Global warming
- Further education
- The World Heritage Sites in Vietnam
- City life in the future
2. Phonetics
‾ Intonation on Yes-No questions, echo questions, wh- questions, choice questions and
question tags.
3. Grammar:
‾ Perfect gerunds and perfect participles
‾ The present perfect and the present perfect continuous
‾ Participle and to-infinitive clauses
‾ Question tags
‾ Conditional sentences type 0
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the following sentences in the correct verb form.
1) Cambridge University (set) _______________ the standard for the A-level subjects for
more than 80 years.
2) Vietnam’s higher education system (grow) _______________ quickly over the last 15
3) The tertiary enrolment (increase) _______________ rapidly over the last 20 years.
4) Since 1995, higher education cooperation (be) _______________ a cornerstone of the US-
Vietnam relationship.
5) The Fulbright Economics Teaching Programme (FETP) (offer) _______________ the
one-year postgraduate programme in applied economics and public policy since 1994.
6) David who (enter) _______________ employment since leaving school will go to
university soon.
7) Maria (take) _______________ two A-levels and one AS-level in English, Maths, and
Physics so far.
8) They (use) _______________ the Internet to look for the courses which offer full
9) Our principal (teach) _______________ A-levels and IB in top academic schools in the
USA and South America for more than 20 years.
10) Fulbright University Vietnam (raise) _______________ for investment and development
for a long period of time up to now.
11) Susan (work) _______________ in Vietnam for the past 9 years.
12) If you ask ten Vietnamese students what their number 1 choice is for study abroad, at least
eight (say) _______________ the U.S.
13) Professor Bui Van Ga (succeed) _______________ in the internationalization plan at the
University of Da Nang from 2005 to 2010.
14) There (be) _______________ nearly 4 million further education students in the academic
year of 1996-97 in England.
15) More than 4,500 accredited institutions (make up) _______________ U.S. higher
education in the United States.
Exercise 2:
1) If my uncle (go) _______________ to bed late, he (be) _______________ bad-tempered
in the morning.
2) If my sister (play) _______________ her music too loudly, my mum (shout)
_______________ at her.
3) If my brother (have) _______________ lots of homework, he (eat) _______________ his
dinner in his room.
4) If my brother (not have) _______________ any homework, he (practice)
_______________ the guitar and (write) _______________ songs.
5) If I (have) _______________ a problem, my mum always (help) _______________ me.
6) If my sister (get) _______________ up late, she (not have) _______________ breakfast.
7) If there (be) _______________ football on TV, my father always (watch)
_______________ it.
8) If we (be) _______________ noisy, our teacher (give) _______________ us lots of

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences replacing relative clauses by participle or in-finitive

1. For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities who came
to the area and brought along their own cultures.
2. Cat Ba Archipelago bears the exceptional natural values with its tropical forests which
cover the limestone system and the mangrove wetlands.
3. Visitors who are carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty
in the caves.
4. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains which are
connected through a large number of underground streams and caves.
5. Phong Nha-Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical limestone region which was formed
about 400 million years ago.
6. On this area, there are many wildlife and plant species that have high economic values.
7. The wooden block at Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in Bac Giang province which represents Nom
characteristics has been selected as the international standard character for Nom texts.
8. On Cat Ba Island, there are about 80 species and sub-species which have been classified in
the Vietnam’s Red List.
9. The wooden blocks of Truc Lam Zen Buddhism present both Han and Nom texts which
were carved deliberately in different writing styles.
10. Kinh Thien Palace and Hau Lau were the only places which were used as accommodations
for Nguyen Kings during their business trips to the Bac Thanh.
11. Don’t miss the Ngu Binh Mountain, which forms a kind of protective screen around the
monuments in Hue.
12. Hoi An, which was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, has become a
very popular tourist destination in Vietnam.
13. Trang An Scenic landscape Complex is a mountainous area which is surrounded by a
buffer zone of paddy fields and villages.
14. Ha Noi Flag tower is the most famous structure that survived the French period intact.
15. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Vietnam which attracts millions of
domestic and international tourists every year.
16. Trang An is a prominent place in Southeast Asia and the world which contains abundant
archaeological evidences preserved almost well.
17. Hoi An is a little port town with its old narrow streets which are bordered with old houses,
pagodas, temples and assembly halls.
18. The eighteen-meter Japanese Bridge, which was built by the donation of Japanese
merchants, is the symbol of Hoi An.
19. Hue Imperial Citadel is the first UNESCO Heritage Site in Vietnam which attracts a lot of
tourists from all over the world.
20. Phong Nha-Ke Bang is the largest limestone region that contains several hundred caves
and grottoes.
Answer key:
Exercise 1:
1) has set
2) has grown
3) has increased
4) has been
5) has offered
6) has entered
7) has taken
8) have been using
9) has been teaching
10)has been raising
11)has been working
12)will say
15)make up
Exercise 2:
1) goes/is
2) plays/shouts
3) has/eats
4) doesn’t have/practices
5) have/helps
6) gets up/ doesn’t have
7) is/watches
8) are/gives
Exercise 3:
1. For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities coming to
the area and brought along their own cultures.
2. Cat Ba Archipelago bears the exceptional natural values with its tropical forests covering
the limestone system and the mangrove wetlands.
3. Visitors carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty in the
4. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains connected
through a large number of underground streams and caves.
5. Phong Nha-Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical limestone region to be formed about
400 million years ago.
6. On this area, there are many wildlife and plant species having high economic values.
7. The wooden block at Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in Bac Giang province representing Nom
characteristics has been selected as the international standard character for Nom texts.
8. On Cat Ba Island, there are about 80 species and sub-species classified in the Vietnam’s
Red List.
9. The wooden blocks of Truc Lam Zen Buddhism present both Han and Nom texts carved
deliberately in different writing styles.
10. Kinh Thien Palace and Hau Lau were the only places to be used as accommodations for
Nguyen Kings during their business trips to the Bac Thanh.
11. Don’t miss the Ngu Binh Mountain, forming a kind of protective screen around the
monuments in Hue.
12. Hoi An, declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, has become a very popular
tourist destination in Vietnam.
13. Trang An Scenic landscape Complex is a mountainous area surrounded by a buffer zone
of paddy fields and villages.
14. Ha Noi Flag tower is the most famous structure to survive the French period intact.
15. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Vietnam to attract millions of domestic
and international tourists every year.
16. Trang An is a prominent place in Southeast Asia and the world containing abundant
archaeological evidences preserved almost well.
17. Hoi An is a little port town with its old narrow streets bordered with old houses, pagodas,
temples and assembly halls.
18. The eighteen-meter Japanese Bridge, built by the donation of Japanese merchants, is the
symbol of Hoi An.
19. Hue Imperial Citadel is the first UNESCO Heritage Site in Vietnam to attract a lot of
tourists from all over the world.
20. Phong Nha-Ke Bang is the largest limestone region to contain several hundred caves and

4. Consolidation:
- Summarize the main points of the lesson: language and skills learnt in the 2nd term.
5. Homework:
- complete the tasks
- review some main points to prepare for th 1st term test.

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
➢ Check the knowledge that they have learnt in the first term
➢ practice their examining skill
➢ have positive attitude towards self-study and self-evaluation
II. METHOD: Observation and evaluation
III. TEACHING AIDS: photocopied test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check:
- Check Ss’ preparation for doing the test
- Remind Ss to obey the test rules
3. New lesson:
- Matrix
- Questions
- Answer
4. Consolidation:
- Give general comments on Ss’attitude during the test
- Main points of the 2nd term
5. Homework:
- revise some key points

Date of preparation:
Date of signing:


By the end of the lesson, teacher will be able to help Ss:
➢ identify and correct some common mistakes
➢ assess their knowledge
➢ enhance attitude towards self-study and self-assessment
II. METHOD: Integrated
III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers
1. Class organization:
Date Period Class Attendance Absentees/Notes
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
….. __ / __ / __ …. / ….
2. Previous lesson check: - no
3. New lesson:
- return the test papers with marks to Ss
- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.
- give comments on Ss’ answers
- Note structures, expressions and grammar
- call for Ss’ marks
4. Consolidation:
Summarize the main points tested
5. Homework:

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