Auto UploadToolV8 4 Inst

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Auto Upload Tool

Installation Guide
Version Number: V8.4
November 2013
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Auto Upload Tool, aspenONE, SLM™, SLM Commute™, SLM Config Wizard™, the aspen leaf logo and Plantelligence
and Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech
proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of
AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of
the software and the application of the results obtained.

Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO

Aspen Technology, Inc.

200 Wheeler Road
Burlington, MA 01803-5501
Phone: (1) (781) 221-6400
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1 Introduction .........................................................................................................1
Purpose ..........................................................................................................1
Related Documentation .....................................................................................2
Technical Support ............................................................................................3

2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool ............................................................................5

Purpose ..........................................................................................................5
Before Installing the Auto Upload Tool ................................................................5
Obtain Public/Private Encryption Key ........................................................5
Install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ...............................................................5
Active Logging on the SLM Server ............................................................5
Downloading the Auto Upload Tool Install kit .......................................................6
Installing............................................................................................. 10

3 Post Installation Configuration ..........................................................................13

Purpose ........................................................................................................ 13
Overview....................................................................................................... 13
Launch Configuration Tool ............................................................................... 13
Scheduling log file transmission ....................................................................... 13
Select Upload interval ........................................................................... 14
Select Upload time ............................................................................... 14
Select Week Interval ............................................................................ 14
Select Month Interval ........................................................................... 15
Specify Usage Log Upload Configuration Information ................................ 15
Mask User Names by Scrambling............................................................ 15
Usage Log File Upload Options ......................................................................... 16
Specify folders ..................................................................................... 17
Enter email address and domain ............................................................ 17
Transmitting usage log files via HTTPS.............................................................. 18
Transmitting usage log files via SFTP ................................................................ 18
Transmitting usage log files as email attachments .............................................. 20
Using Collection Server ................................................................................... 21
Client Mode ......................................................................................... 21
Server Mode of Collection Server............................................................ 24
Verifying System Service ................................................................................ 26

4 Upgrading the Auto Upload Tool.........................................................................27

Purpose ........................................................................................................ 27
To upgrade the Auto Upload Tool ..................................................................... 27

Contents i
5 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................29
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 29

ii Contents
1 Introduction

This document describes how to install and configure the Auto Upload Tool to
transmit usage log files to AspenTech.

The Auto Upload Tool, a feature offered through the Aspen Licensing Center,
lets you systematically transmit usage log files to AspenTech, either by secure
http, secure ftp transmission, or as an attachment to an email sent to the ALC
mailbox. You can select the secure method that best meets your needs.
The Auto Upload Tool can be easily scheduled to transmit usage logs to
AspenTech in intervals of either weekly or monthly. The Upload Tool can mask
user information to meet privacy regulations. Auto Upload Tool (AUT)
provides a mechanism to collect usage logs from SLM servers running behind
a firewall (such as a process control network) onto a central collection server
and eventually send them to AspenTech. This collection server approach lets
you auto upload usage log files to a Network Share, or HTTP Server, on
another server on your network. This is a useful alternative if your company
policy prohibits outgoing traffic from your SLM server or if your SLM server is
behind a firewall.

1 Introduction 1
Life Cycle of a Log File

Related Documentation
Refer to the following Knowledge Based Solutions found on AspenTech
Customer Support website:
ALC Overview
Log File Upload Changes to the Aspen Licensing Center and the SLM
Auto Upload Tool Install Kit, Tutorial, and Install Guide
What are the steps for extracting usage log files from the SLM server?
What are the infrastructure requirements to transfer logs files to
AspenTech via SFTP?

2 1 Introduction
Technical Support
AspenTech customers with a valid license and software maintenance
agreement can register to access the online AspenTech Support Center at:
This Web support site allows you to:
 Access current product documentation
 Search for tech tips, solutions and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
 Search for and download application examples
 Search for and download service packs and product updates
 Submit and track technical issues
 Send suggestions
 Report product defects
 Review lists of known deficiencies and defects
Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support e-Bulletins.
These e-Bulletins are used to alert users to important technical support
information such as:
 Technical advisories
 Product updates and releases
Customer support is also available by phone, fax, and email.

Note: The most up-to-date information on the Auto Upload Tool is available
from the AspenTech Customer Care Center at [email protected].

1 Introduction 3
4 1 Introduction
2 Installing the Auto Upload

This chapter describes how to download and install the Auto Upload Tool.

Before Installing the Auto

Upload Tool
Obtain Public/Private Encryption Key
Before installing the Auto Upload Tool, please contact
[email protected] to obtain public/private encryption key
activation access. This is required if you plan to use SFTP based log file
transmission. This key is not required if you plan to use the HTTPS option.

Install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Auto Upload Tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1; make sure it is
installed before starting to install the Auto Upload Tool.

Active Logging on the SLM Server

The Software License Manager can be configured (via administrator options)
to capture the license usage for all of the Aspen products in a log file. The
information stored includes the User ID, computer name, date, and time of
each license taken and returned. The log file can be used to display historical
information of the license usage for individual users. The log file has a
maximum file size that is set by the administrator. The file is saved when it is
full and a new file is automatically created. The license server log file is set up
using the LServOpts environment variable.

2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool 5

Before installing the Auto Upload Tool, make sure that the system
environment variable LSERVOPTS is set on the license server computer.
It should have the format:
LSERVOPTS=-l C:\slmlogs\lserv.log -z 2m -lfe 2
All switches are required.

Note: The default value of volume size in the LSERVOPTS environment

variable string above is set to 2MB. If you feel your usage logs file will exceed
that volume, refer to Chapter 4, “Installing and Configuring the License
Server,” in the Software License Manager (SLM) Installation and Reference
Guide for more information and for additional details. Any System
environment variable changes take effect only after a system restart. The
SLM Server computer needs to be restarted if you add/modify the
LSERVOPTS environment variable.

Downloading the Auto Upload

Tool Install kit
Auto Upload Tool can be installed from the V8.4 DVD 1 or DVD 2 by selecting
the option “Install and configure SLM (Software License Manager)
Software.” You can also download the latest version of Auto Upload Tool
from the AspenTech customer support web site.

6 2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool

AspenTech Installation Browser

Note: Click Install and configure SLM (Software License Manager)

It is recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running the
Setup program.

License Terms and Conditions

2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool 7

Product Selection

Notes: The installer can optionally install HTTP Server. This option lets you
collect log files from other SLM Servers (with no access to Internet or email)
sitting behind a firewall. This option requires IIS to be available on this
computer. The Upload Tool will pick up files deposited on the collection server
and transmit them to AspenTech through HTTPS, SFTP, or email option. The
HTTP option collects logs internally within your network from other servers,
and the HTTPS option transmits them back to AspenTech.

8 2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool

Specify Licensing and Security

Note: Refer to the SLM Installation Guide for further details.

Specify Windows Account Information

2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool 9

Verify Your Installation

1 Click Install Now.
The Installation Progress window appears.
2 Toward the end of the install, the installer will automatically launch the
AUT Configuration Tool. You can configure the settings now, or click
Cancel to configure it later after the install is complete. Refer to Chapter
3, “Post Installation Configuration,” on page 13 for additional details
on how to launch and configure the AUT Configuration Tool.

10 2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool

When the installation is complete, the Installation Completed screen
3 Click Finish.

2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool 11

12 2 Installing the Auto Upload Tool
3 Post Installation

This chapter describes the post-installation steps required to configure the
Auto Upload Tool to transmit usage log files to AspenTech.

You can configure the Auto Upload Tool to perform the following tasks:
 Easily transmit usage logs to AspenTech via HTTP, SFTP, or Email
 Auto-schedule usage log file transmissions either weekly or monthly
 Mask user names, machine IDs, and IP addresses with mapping file
retained on your SLM server
 Activate usage logging if not already enabled
 Create an archive directory to store transmitted usage log files on your
SLM server

Launch Configuration Tool

To launch the Auto-Upload Configuration Tool, click Start | Programs |
AspenTech | ALC | SLM ALC Configuration Tool.

Scheduling log file transmission

Use the Schedule tab of the Configuration Tool to select the transmission
interval and mask user info.

3 Post Installation Configuration 13

Select Upload interval
In the Upload Interval section of the Schedule tab, select from the
following two recommended options:
 Per week – files will be transmitted each week on the day selected in the
Week Interval section.
 Per month – files will be transmitted once a month on the date selected
in the Month Interval section.

Select Upload time

Based on your transmission interval selection, the Upload time section will
be enabled. Select a time from the drop-down box.

Select Week Interval

If you have selected weekly in the Upload Interval section, the Week
Interval section will be enabled. Select a day of the week from the drop-
down box.

14 3 Post Installation Configuration

Select Month Interval
If you have selected monthly in the Upload Interval section, the Month
Interval section will be enabled. Select a day of the month from the drop-
down box.

Note: Per Day and Immediately transmission intervals are included for
testing and/or troubleshooting.

Specify Usage Log Upload Configuration

Server Name – This is the System Name of the SLM Server. Auto Upload
Tool auto-fills this by reading the information from the license file on the
computer. AUT will not work without the server name, unless this is a pure
Collection Server.
System Description – enter a description you use to identify your system.
Auto Archive Usage Log – Make sure to select this check box to enable the
Auto Upload Tool to automatically archive the usage logs to your SLM server.

Mask User Names by Scrambling

The Auto Upload Tool allows you to mask user information to meet privacy
regulations. To accomplish this task:
1 Select the Scramble User Names check box.
2 Select one or a combination of the following for the Auto Upload Tool to
o User Name
o Machine Name
o IP Address
3 In the UserMap File dialog box, browse to a specific location where you
want the mapping file stored. This mapping file is not transmitted to
If you have multiple license servers with scrambling turned on, make sure
to specify a network location as the map file location. A shared network
location can be specified; for example, as
\\corpserver\usermaps\usermap.txt. The user account under which
“Aspen ALC Auto-upload schedule service” is running should have access
to this network share.

 The log file transmitted to AspenTech will display user1, machine1 or IP1,
IP2, IP3, instead of the actual IDs.
 The usermap file holds the actual user/machine and IP address to the
mapped name. The mapping file is never sent to AspenTech.

3 Post Installation Configuration 15

 The mapping file is self-managed by AUT, and mappings for new user IDs,
machine names, and IP addresses are automatically inserted by the tool.
AUT reuses the mapping file every time, so that mapping ids remain same
between different log files.
 The mapping file can be used with multiple servers. Each SLM server must
be set up to read/write to the file residing on a network share.

Usage Log File Upload Options

Use the General tab of the Configuration Tool to select the method by which
you want to upload usage log files:
 HTTPS – supports transmission of usage log files directly from a SLM
server or Collection Server to AspenTech server via secure HTTP. AUT
uses HTTPS by default, but you can change it to another transfer method
as appropriate.
 SFTP – supports transmission of usage log files directly from a SLM server
or Collection Server to AspenTech server via secure file transfer protocol
utilizing AES 128 bit encryption.
 EMail – auto-generates an email message and attaches the zipped usage
log file as an email attachment and auto-transmits from a SLM server or
Collection Server to AspenTech’s ALC mailbox.
 Collection Server – allows you to collect usage log files by transmitting
them to a shared collection server from multiple SLM servers within your
organization. The collection server will then be configured to transmit
usage logs from these servers to AspenTech.

16 3 Post Installation Configuration

Specify folders
 On the Folders section of the General tab, the Upload Files folder
location is a location that the upload tool uses internally to generate the
zipped up usage log files. Once the zipped log files are transmitted to
AspenTech, a copy of those zip files are kept in the location specified in
Archive folder. Default locations are auto-filled by the tool. You may
customize this location, but they can point to local drive only.

Enter email address and domain

 Admin email address – type the email address for the SLM Server
administrator. AUT uses this email address to notify you in case of a file
transfer failure. An email notification is also automatically sent to the
administrator when a log file is received at AspenTech.
Note: AUT can send a failure notification email only if the EMail tab is
configured with valid information.
 Company email domain – type your company’s email domain, for
example, This should be a valid company domain.
 Debug logging – select the check box to enable the Auto Upload Tool’s
debug logging functionality, which is used for debugging purposes if
something goes wrong. This is optional.

3 Post Installation Configuration 17

Transmitting usage log files via
Use the HTTPS tab of the Configuration Tool to configure the Auto Upload
Tool to transmit your files via secure http. Click the Test Connection button
to validate connectivity to AspenTech https server.

Transmitting usage log files via

Use the SFTP tab of the Configuration Tool to configure the Auto Upload Tool
to transmit your files via secure file transfer protocol.

Note: SFTP transmission requires your Port 22 to be open to the AspenTech

The Auto Upload Tool requires a paired private/public encryption keys
ensuring data security of the usage log files. These encryption keys can be
obtained from AspenTech [email protected]. Allow two
business days for receipt of the encryption keys file. This file has an .acc
extension. Once you have received the encryption keys, create a directory

18 3 Post Installation Configuration

named Keys under <Program Files>\AspenTech\ALC\ and copy the .acc file
to it.

1 In the Import User Account section’s Account path dialog box, browse
to the location of the encryption keys obtained from AspenTech.
User name is automatically filled in by the Auto Upload Tool by reading
the .acc file.
2 The AspenTech SFTP field is preconfigured with AspenTech’s secure FTP
server. It should point to
3 Make sure that port 22 is open and AspenTech SFTP server is accessible.
Run the following command from a DOS window to verify this:
telnet 22
If the port is accessible, you will see the following prompt in DOS window:
If the above prompt does not appear, you may need to get your port 22
open to AspenTech server. Please work with your IS team to have port 22
open to This is an outbound connection.
4 Click the Test Connection button.

Note: If the connection is successful, a Connection Succeeded message

appears. If an error message appears, see the “Troubleshooting” section on
page 29 of this manual, or refer to, Knowledge Base
Item 126943, or contact AspenTech Customer Support for additional
assistance. Even if you received a Connection Succeeded message, you still
should run the telnet command as described in Step 4 above.

3 Post Installation Configuration 19

5 If you are finished with all other configuration settings, click Apply.

Transmitting usage log files as

email attachments
Use the Email tab of the Configuration Tool to transmit log files as email
attachments. This method is a good alternative when SLM servers are behind
a firewall with no access to Internet.

1 Type your email server and port in the Your Email Server section.
2 Type the SLM server admin’s email id (for example:
[email protected])
3 Type the User Name of the SLM Server Administrator. Make sure to type
valid information here.
4 Type the password.
5 The AspenTech email account information is preconfigured. It should point
to [email protected].
6 Be sure to test the connection by clicking Test Connection.

20 3 Post Installation Configuration

 If the connection is successful, a Connection Succeeded message
appears. If an error message appears, please contact AspenTech
Customer Support for additional assistance.
 If you are using the SFTP option for transmission, information you provide
on the EMail tab is optional but useful. AUT will automatically email you if
something goes wrong with a scheduled log file transmission.
7 If you are finished with all other configuration settings, click Apply.

Using Collection Server

Use the Collection Server tab to configure the Auto Upload Tool to transmit
usage log files from one server to another on your network. Collection Server
can run in two modes: Client mode and Server mode. In the client mode, the
AUT sends files to a Collection Server, where as in the Server Mode, it accepts
log files from AUT on other SLM Servers.

Client Mode
The Client mode is activated when you select “Collection Server” option in the
General tab. In this mode, AUT transfers the log files from this server to the
server specified in the “Collection Server” tab. AUT should be installed and
configured on the Collection Server (for example: MyCollectionServer or
MyHttpServerName). AUT uses HTTPS, SFTP or Email option to send the
collected log files to AspenTech.

3 Post Installation Configuration 21

Click on the Collection Server tab, and select either the Network Share or
the HTTP Server option.

Network Share
If you have selected the Network Share option, perform the following tasks:
1 Specify the Shared folder location, and a user name password with read-
write access privilege to the shared folder on the Collection Server.
2 Click the Test Connection button to validate the information you

22 3 Post Installation Configuration

HTTP Server
Use this option to transmit files through HTTP protocol to an internal
Collection Server. This option is found to be firewall friendly in many user
environments. HTTP Server feature of the AUT must be installed on the
Collection Server (for example: MyHttpServerName) for this option to work.
1 Specify the HTTP Server name.
2 Selecting the Enter user credentials option enables the username and
password input boxes. User name/password is optional, and depends on
the authentication method specified on the HTTP Server end.
3 Click the Test Connection button to validate the input.

3 Post Installation Configuration 23

Server Mode of Collection Server
The Server Mode is automatically activated when you select either the HTTPS,
SFTP, or Email option in the General tab. In this mode, this server can also
act as a Collection Server. Any log files it received from other servers is sent
to AspenTech along with any log files from this server. AUT uses HTTPS, SFTP
or Email option to send the collected log files to AspenTech. Server Mode
supports two options: Network Share and HTTP Server.

Network Share
Select this option to share a folder on this machine, so that AUT on other SLM
Servers can deposit files into this shared folder.
Specify a local directory location and click Share. This will open up a regular
folder share dialog box. Share the folder and click permissions to grant the
required users read/write permissions to the required set of users.

24 3 Post Installation Configuration

AUT on other SLM Servers will now point to this shared folder location
through UNC convention \\MyCollectionServer\UsageUpload\ and deposit files
in this shared folder.

HTTP Server
The HTTP Server option is enabled only if HTTP Server feature has been
installed from the AUT installer. The Server Mode is automatically activated if
you select either HTTPS, SFTP or Email option on the General tab.

Note: The “HTTP Server” feature requires IIS be installed on the Collection
Server. In addition, it also requires the HTTP Activation and Non-HTTP
Activation features of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0. AUT installer will check
for these dependencies if you select HTTP Server feature.

3 Post Installation Configuration 25

1 In the Collection Server tab, select the HTTP Server option.
2 Specify a directory for the “Upload files folder”. Collection server uses this
directory to collect log files from AUT on other SLM Servers.
3 Select an authentication mechanism as appropriate. The user ID should
have read/write access privilege to the directory specified above.

Verifying System Service

A service will be started with the name “Aspen ALC Auto-Upload schedule
service.” Verify that this service is set to automatic.

26 3 Post Installation Configuration

4 Upgrading the Auto Upload

This chapter describes how to upgrade the Auto Upload Tool to transmit
usage log files to AspenTech.

To upgrade the Auto Upload

1 In the Control Panel, click Start | All Programs | AspenTech |
Uninstall AspenTech Software.
2 Uninstall ALC Auto Upload Tool from the list of Currently Installed
3 Follow the steps in Chapter 2, “Installing the Auto Upload Tool,” beginning
with the “Downloading the Auto Upload Tool Installation Kit” subsection.

4 Upgrading the Auto Upload Tool 27

28 4 Upgrading the Auto Upload Tool
5 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes troubleshooting information for the Auto Upload Tool.

What to do if I have a firewall?

If your company employs a firewall, work with your local IS team to open port
22 to AspenTech SFTP server
You can also use the Collection Server option to transfer usage log files from
SLM servers behind internal firewalls to a server with access to AspenTech
For more information, refer to, Knowledge Base Item

How do I verify SFTP connectivity to AspenTech server?

1 Make sure that “Test Connection” on the SFTP tab on the configuration
Tool is successful.
2 Open a DOS window and run the following command:
telnet 22
If the port is accessible, the following prompt appears in DOS window:
3 If the above prompt does not appear, work with your IT team to get the
port 22 open to AspenTech server.

Can the Auto Upload Tool be installed on a non-SLM

The Auto Upload Tool can now be installed on either an SLM or non-SLM

How will I know if logging is not enabled?

A warning appears if logging is not enabled.

5 Troubleshooting 29
Is Active Directory required to use the Auto Upload Tool?
Windows Server Active Directory is not required.

Are there special configuration considerations to use a

central, non-SLM server?
No special configuration is required by customer for shared collection server
that is non-SLM dependent.

What platforms does the Auto Upload Tool support?

Auto Upload Tool can be installed on all environments supported by SLM

What happens if a server fails to transmit to the shared

collection server?
1 The Auto Upload Tool install creates a “Failed Upload” folder on the ALC
2 Failed log file is deposited into folder

 No messages will be displayed by the Auto Upload Tool. We suggest the
“Failed Upload” folder be checked periodically.
 It is recommended that the EMail tab is configured correctly along with
the valid “Admin email address” on the General tab, irrespective of the
transfer method you select. This will enable the AUT to notify you in case
of a file transmission failure.

Why is Server Name input box empty?

AUT reads the server name from the license key SLM_LicenseProfile. Please
make sure that this server has a valid set of license keys. The server name
will be empty if this computer runs as a Collection Server, since a SLM Server
does not need to be running on this computer in this case.

30 5 Troubleshooting

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