Linear Data Structures Stacks and Queues Exercises
Linear Data Structures Stacks and Queues Exercises
Linear Data Structures Stacks and Queues Exercises
This document defines the exercise assignments for the "Data Structures" course @ Software University. You can
submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System -
Input Output
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1
1 1
(empty) (empty)
1 -2 -2 1
S1 = N
S2 = S1 + 1
S3 = 2*S1 + 1
S4 = S1 + 2
S5 = S2 + 1
S6 = 2*S2 + 1
S7 = S2 + 2
Using the Queue<T> class, write a program to print its first 50 members for given N. Examples:
Input Output
2 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5, 6, 11, 7, 5, 9, 6, …
-1 -1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, …
1000 1000, 1001, 2001, 1002, 1002, 2003, 1003, …
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public void Push(T element) { … }
public T Pop() { … }
public T[] ToArray() { … }
private void Grow() { … }
Follow the concepts from the CircularQueue<T> class from the exercises in class. The stack is simpler than the
circular queue, so you will need to follow the same logic, but more simplified. Some hints:
The stack capacity is this.elements.Length
Keep the stack size (number of elements) in this.Count
Push(element) just saves the element in elements[this.Count] and increases this.Count
Push(element) should invoke Grow() in case of this.Count == this.elements.Length
Pop() decreases this.Count and returns this.elements[this.Count]
Grow() allocates a new array newElements of size 2 * this.elements.Length and copies the first
this.Count elements from this.elements to newElements. Finally, assign this.elements =
ToArray() just creates and returns a sub-array of this.elements[0…this.Count-1]
Pop() should throw InvalidOperationException (or IllegalArgumentException) if the stack is
private T value;
public Node<T> NextNode { get; set; }
public Node(T value, Node<T> nextNode = null) { … }
The Push(element) operation should create a new Node<T> and put it as firstNode, followed by the old value
of the firstNode, e.g. this.firstNode = new Node<T>(element, this.firstNode).
The Pop() operation should return the firstNode and replace it with firstNode.NextNode. If the stack is
empty, it should throw InvalidOperationException.
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Problem 5. Linked Queue
Implement a queue by a "doubly-linked list" as underlying data structure:
You may modify and adjust the code from the DoublyLinkedList<T> class from the last lesson. If the queue is
empty, the Dequeue() should throw InvalidOperationException.
Problem 6. * Sequence N M
We are given numbers n and m, and the following operations:
a) n n + 1
b) n n + 2
c) n n * 2
Write a program that finds the shortest sequence of operations from the list above that starts from n and finishes
in m. If several shortest sequences exist, find the first one of them. Examples:
Input Output
3 10 3 -> 5 -> 10
5 -5 (no solution)
10 30 10 -> 11 -> 13 -> 15 -> 30
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1. create a queue of numbers
2. queue n
3. while (queue not empty)
1. queue e
2. if (e < m)
i. queue e + 1
ii. queue e + 2
iii. queue e * 2
3. if (e == m) Print-Solution; exit
The above algorithm either will find a solution, or will find that it does not exist. It cannot print the numbers
comprising the sequence n m.
To print the sequence of steps to reach m, starting from n, you will need to keep the previous item as well. Instead
using a queue of numbers, use a queue of items. Each item will keep a number and a pointer to the previous item.
The algorithms changes like this:
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