Linear Data Structures Stacks and Queues Exercises

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Exercises: Linear Data Structures – Stacks and Queues

This document defines the exercise assignments for the "Data Structures" course @ Software University. You can
submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System -

Problem 1. Reverse Numbers with a Stack

Write a program that reads N integers from the console and reverses them using a stack. Use the Stack<int>
class from .NET Framework. Just put the input numbers in the stack and pop them. Examples:

Input Output
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1
1 1
(empty) (empty)
1 -2 -2 1

Problem 2. Calculate Sequence with a Queue

We are given the following sequence of numbers:

 S1 = N
 S2 = S1 + 1
 S3 = 2*S1 + 1
 S4 = S1 + 2
 S5 = S2 + 1
 S6 = 2*S2 + 1
 S7 = S2 + 2
 …

Using the Queue<T> class, write a program to print its first 50 members for given N. Examples:

Input Output
2 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5, 6, 11, 7, 5, 9, 6, …
-1 -1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, …
1000 1000, 1001, 2001, 1002, 1002, 2003, 1003, …

Problem 3. Implement an Array-Based Stack

Implement the "stack" data structure Stack<T> that holds its elements in an array:

public class ArrayStack<T>

private T[] elements;
public int Count { get; private set; }
private const int InitialCapacity = 16;
public ArrayStack(int capacity = InitialCapacity) { … }

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public void Push(T element) { … }
public T Pop() { … }
public T[] ToArray() { … }
private void Grow() { … }

Follow the concepts from the CircularQueue<T> class from the exercises in class. The stack is simpler than the
circular queue, so you will need to follow the same logic, but more simplified. Some hints:
 The stack capacity is this.elements.Length
 Keep the stack size (number of elements) in this.Count
 Push(element) just saves the element in elements[this.Count] and increases this.Count
 Push(element) should invoke Grow() in case of this.Count == this.elements.Length
 Pop() decreases this.Count and returns this.elements[this.Count]
 Grow() allocates a new array newElements of size 2 * this.elements.Length and copies the first
this.Count elements from this.elements to newElements. Finally, assign this.elements =
 ToArray() just creates and returns a sub-array of this.elements[0…this.Count-1]
 Pop() should throw InvalidOperationException (or IllegalArgumentException) if the stack is

Problem 4. Linked Stack

Implement a stack by a "linked list" as underlying data structure:

Use the following code as start:

public class LinkedStack<T>

private Node<T> firstNode;
public int Count { get; private set; }
public void Push(T element) { … }
public T Pop() { … }
public T[] ToArray() { … }
private class Node<T>

private T value;
public Node<T> NextNode { get; set; }
public Node(T value, Node<T> nextNode = null) { … }

The Push(element) operation should create a new Node<T> and put it as firstNode, followed by the old value
of the firstNode, e.g. this.firstNode = new Node<T>(element, this.firstNode).

The Pop() operation should return the firstNode and replace it with firstNode.NextNode. If the stack is
empty, it should throw InvalidOperationException.

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Problem 5. Linked Queue
Implement a queue by a "doubly-linked list" as underlying data structure:

Use the following code as start:

public class LinkedQueue<T>

public int Count { get; private set; }
public void Enqueue(T element) { … }
public T Dequeue() { … }
public T[] ToArray() { … }

private class QueueNode<T>

public T Value { get; private set; }
public QueueNode<T> NextNode { get; set; }
public QueueNode<T> PrevNode { get; set; }

You may modify and adjust the code from the DoublyLinkedList<T> class from the last lesson. If the queue is
empty, the Dequeue() should throw InvalidOperationException.

Problem 6. * Sequence N  M
We are given numbers n and m, and the following operations:

a) n  n + 1
b) n  n + 2
c) n  n * 2

Write a program that finds the shortest sequence of operations from the list above that starts from n and finishes
in m. If several shortest sequences exist, find the first one of them. Examples:

Input Output
3 10 3 -> 5 -> 10
5 -5 (no solution)
10 30 10 -> 11 -> 13 -> 15 -> 30

Hint: use a queue and the following algorithm:

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1. create a queue of numbers
2. queue  n
3. while (queue not empty)
1. queue  e
2. if (e < m)
i. queue  e + 1
ii. queue  e + 2
iii. queue  e * 2
3. if (e == m) Print-Solution; exit

The above algorithm either will find a solution, or will find that it does not exist. It cannot print the numbers
comprising the sequence n  m.

To print the sequence of steps to reach m, starting from n, you will need to keep the previous item as well. Instead
using a queue of numbers, use a queue of items. Each item will keep a number and a pointer to the previous item.
The algorithms changes like this:

Algorithm Find-Sequence (n, m):

1. create a queue of items { value, previous item }

2. queue  { n, null }
3. while (queue not empty)
1. queue  item
2. if (item.value < m)
i. queue  { item.value + 1, item }
ii. queue  { item.value + 2, item }
iii. queue  { item.value * 2, item }
3. if (item.value == m) Print-Solution; exit

Algorithm Print-Solution (item):

1. while (item not null)

1. print item.value
2. item = item.previous

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