Determining The Effects of Microscope Simulation On Achievement, Ability, Reports, and Opinions About Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 1981-1990, 2018 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2018.060917

Determining the Effects of Microscope Simulation on

Achievement, Ability, Reports, and Opinions about
Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course
Yilmaz KARA

Faculty of Education, Bartın University, 74000, Bartın, Turkey

Copyright©2018 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract In this study, it was aimed to investigate the by constant improvements since the beginning of teaching
effects of microscope simulation software on prospective science as a lesson in schools [1]. In recent years,
science teachers’ laboratory achievements, microscope practical knowledge dimension and practice are
use, laboratory reports and views on microscope which emphasized beyond the theoretical knowledge dimension
was prepared for general biology laboratory. The case of science education with the influence of reform
study design was adopted for the research. The movements such as science-technology-society-
participants were 49 science teacher candidates. Almost environment, science for all, socio-scientific issues,
half of them assigned as comparison group while the science technology engineering mathematics [2]. Thus, all
others are assigned as implementation group. While the over the world, countries have begun to shape their
comparison group continued to have laboratory activities theoretical knowledge-based science education curricula
through traditional method, the implementation group had on domains such as scientific research and scientific
laboratory activities with the support of interactive process skills, views on science, technology, society,
microscope software. The data of the study was collected environment, and communication skills, attitudes, and
through the achievement test for biology laboratory, values [3]. In science education, laboratories are the
observation form for microscope use, assessment scale for forefront places where knowledge, skills, attitudes and
laboratory reports, and views on microscope form. The values combined in practical applications.
qualitative data was analyzed through the inductive In science teaching, laboratories have been described as
analysis processes while the quantitative data was a school in which students as well as teachers are actively
analyzed through statistical methods. As a result, the involved in the teaching process, students develop skills
microscope simulation had no effect on laboratory and abilities as well as knowledge, theoretical knowledge
achievements and laboratory reports but help to develop is put into practice, and even the most unrelated learners
ability to use microscopes. As a result, the development of learn something [4]. However, there are factors such as
educational software which can be used at the higher lack of infrastructure, time constraints, pedagogical
education levels as well as the primary and secondary inadequacies, administrative problems that limit the
education levels have high potential to bring positive effective use of laboratories in science education [5].
results. Science laboratory activities cannot be performed through
the effects of negative factors or they would be
Keywords Science Education, Laboratory Activities, transformed into learning environments in which students
Educational Technology, Teacher Education perform their laboratory practices by following the
directions from the teacher or process steps written in the
laboratory guide without any inquiry [6].
The laboratories are the special designed environments

1. Introduction to develop, produce, and test the intended materials for a

Science as a school subject enables to bring nature, specific purpose [7]. In order to accomplish the expected
natural events, and attempts to explain natural results, the laboratories should be equipped with full of
phenomena. The school science has been brought to day the required materials. The equipment in the laboratories
1982 Determining the Effects of Microscope Simulation on Achievement, Ability, Reports, and
Opinions about Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course
should be selected according to the purpose of the learned subject by solving different type of test items [19].
laboratory [8]. For example, the microscopes are The simulation programs provide modelled environments
inevitable for the biology laboratories [9]. Microscopes that is hard to enable for learning purposes since being
are known as the window to the world of microorganisms. expensive, dangerous, or requires overwhelming effort to
They provide a screen view of micro-world and enable to prepare for each time [20]. The educational game
see microorganisms, micro level substances and programs designed to learn a specific subject in a game-
investigate the complex body system at cell level. In based learning platform [21]. In addition, there are hybrid
addition, the surface of a material or molecular structure programs which are designed through gathering at least
of a component can be investigated through electron two different educational program categories into one
microscopes [10]. Furthermore, microscopes are useful program to reduce the disadvantages and benefit from the
tools to make measurements such as blood cell count with advantages [22].
additional equipment. Today, microscopes have been in In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of
use of many different professional sectors and provide or using interactive microscope simulation software in
enhance the ability for specific purposes especially in general biology laboratory course on laboratory
biological, medical, geological, and forensic science. achievements, microscope use ability, laboratory reports
Since the use and importance of the microscope in science and opinions on microscopes in general biology
and different engineering areas, the science students need laboratory of science teacher candidates. In other words, it
to be introduced with microscopes and acquire basic skills is tried to develop performance-tested software with the
to use them [11]. approval of the students, trainees and cover the activities
Educational technologies offer the opportunity to in general biology course at first. Then, the effects of
progress at user own pace, unlimited repetition, learn developed interactive microscope simulation software
through audiovisual and visually supported learning tried to be determined in terms of success, ability,
objects, learn through multimedia, and carry out understanding, and opinions of the teacher candidates.
expensive or dangerous activities in digital laboratories
through removing danger from the activity [12, 13]. In
addition to the technological infrastructure and
equipment, the appropriateness, design, preparation, and
2. Materials and Methods
implementation of educational software programs makes The research setting, development of microscope
the most important effects in fulfilling the promised simulation, and data processing procedure was explained
opportunities of educational technologies in teaching in this section.
environment [14].
Software programs are on sale to use at various courses 2.1. Research Design
at primary and secondary school levels which are claimed
to be educational and relevant with the frequently In this study, case study design with comparison group
changing teaching program of the related course [15]. was adopted to determine the effects of interactive
Despite the educational claims listed on the software microscope simulation software developed for general
package, it is not possible for most educational software biology laboratory course teaching on laboratory
to obtain information about the development processes, achievement, laboratory performances, laboratory reports
use in instructional environments to guide teachers, the and opinions of science teacher candidates compared to
required competences for student or teacher, and possible traditional laboratory activities. The case studies
effects on teaching environments [16]. In short, there is concentrate on a special case, as can be understood from
limited number of educational software developed to be its definition [23]. The case can be an event, a person, or a
used at higher education level. Second, almost the group. In order to elucidate some general theories which
effectiveness of all the educational software programs is are essential to the case studies, it is necessary to
not proved through performing in real education introduce them in detail [24, 25]. The case studies provide
environments. In last, there is limited number of opportunities to gather deep and intensive data from a
educational software program developed to improve single situation [26]. Thus, the interrelated parts of a
considering the knowledge, skills, and competencies to be limited system allow for detailed examination of the
acquired in science laboratories [17]. process through participant observation, interviews and
In educational settings, the software programs are documentation [27].
grouped in four major categories as tutorials, drill and
practice, simulations, and educational games. The tutorial 2.2. Participants
programs can be described as the programs designed to
The study was carried out within the scope of the
teach a specific content which enriched through
General Biology Laboratory I course. For this reason, the
audiovisual learning objects [18]. The drill and practice
49 teacher candidates were included the sample of the
programs allow users making practices on a previously
study who are the students of science teacher education
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 1981-1990, 2018 1983

program for bachelors’ degree and enrolled in the general create multimedia environment. Thus, ready-to-use
biology laboratory I course during the fall semester of the microscope simulation software was developed with
2015-2016 academic year. The microscope use is rare and instructions to use and laboratory activities for General
in the form of teacher centered demonstrations in science Biology Laboratory I course.
classes at primary and secondary school levels since lack Following the development of microscope simulation,
of infrastructure, heavy class size, and lack of pedagogical the opinions of experts in the field of computer education
knowledge. So, the teacher candidates have no and science education were taken during the software
microscope use experience until undergraduate level. As development process. In addition, five prospective science
the teacher education curriculum administered by the teachers were provided to use the microscope simulation
Council of Higher Education, the teacher candidates before the implementation. As a result, the developed
should complete computer I and computer II courses. The software made ready for use during the implementation in
content of the courses includes the issues as computer the comments of experts and opinions of prospective
systems, basic concepts on software and hardware in science teachers. The screenshot images of the developed
addition to computer use in education and the effects of microscope simulation are presented in Figure 1.
computers and internet on students. Thus, the computer
and technology levels of teacher candidates were
considered enough to proceed in the study. The sample
was divided into two groups by random assignment
through considering the learning activities to be done in
the laboratory, pre-test results and science laboratory
facilities. One group assigned as comparison group that
consists of 25 teacher candidates while the other group
assigned as implementation group that consists of 24 Figure 1. Sample screenshot images from the interactive microscope
simulation (a. View of the microscope, b. Microscope view).
teacher candidates. The prospective teachers in the
comparison group carried out microscope activities with
the support of worksheets and lecturer. In the 2.4. Data Collection Tools
implementation group, the teacher candidates performed
In this study, data were obtained through achievement
the microscope activities first in the virtual environment
test for biology laboratory, observation form for
through the prepared microscope simulation software
microscope use, assessment scale for laboratory reports,
support then put them into practice in the laboratory with
and views on microscope form.
the support of the worksheets and the lecturer.
2.4.1. Achievement Test for Biology Laboratory
2.3. Interactive Microscope Simulation Table 1. Prepositional Statement for Cell Division

When the biology laboratory activities were examined I. Main Functions of Cell Division
that are thought to be carried out during General Biology
1. Cell division takes role in sexual and asexual reproduction
Laboratory I, it is seen that the whole of the activities
2. Growth and repair occurs through cell division
were required the use of microscope. Since the activities
will be carried out with a microscope and due to the 3. Cell division is transferring the same or similar chromosomes to
daughter cells
budget allocated for software development, microscope
simulation was included in the software. To describe the
laboratory activities performed out by a microscope, II. Basic Procedures in Cell Division
firstly activities were carried out by an experienced expert 4. Both mitosis and meiosis include interphase
and following division stages
in the biology laboratory. The activities were recorded
5. Karyokinesis and cytokinesis follows each
through the digital camera which was taken within the other in mitosis and meiosis
scope of the project. Then, behaviors and characteristics 6. Daughter cells share the cytoplasm of
were determined to successfully fulfil a laboratory activity parent cell through cytokinesis
that will be carried out with a microscope. The described 7. Karyokinesis occurs after the replication but
laboratory activity was transferred to the computer cytokinesis does not always follow
environment with the specified characteristics for the
microscope by using the simulation preparation programs
(Adobe Flash Pro. CS5, Allok Audio Converter, Absolute The achievement of the teacher candidates in general
Sound Recorder, Ulead Video Studio, Corel Draw, Photo biology laboratory I course was determined through the
Shop, and Ulead GIF Animator). The prepared Achievement Test for Biology Laboratory. In parallel
microscope simulation was supported with written and with the general biology I course, content of the general
audio learning objects as well as other visual objects to biology laboratory I course was identified in direction of
1984 Determining the Effects of Microscope Simulation on Achievement, Ability, Reports, and
Opinions about Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course
the Higher Education Council’s Teacher Training An assessment scale for the laboratory reports was
Regulation. So, all the education faculties of our country prepared to evaluate the weekly reports prepared by the
cover the same subject headings. The qualifications were prospective teachers in the general biology laboratory I
determined for teacher candidates expected to be gained course. For microscope-based activities, participants are
in the activities to be carried out in the general biology asked to prepare a report at the end of each activity
laboratory I course. For each activity, the qualifications to including a drawing of the microscope view. The scale
accomplish that activity were identified in the form of a was developed to facilitate the evaluation of prepared
preposition statement. The proposals were evaluated reports. In the development of graded scale, firstly the
whether the preposition statements comprise the features features were determined that should be included in the
intended to be acquired in activity by three faculty successful activity report for the activities. The teacher
members who have expertise in science and biology. The candidates were asked to prepare a slide for the object of
sample prepositional statements listed in Table 1 which is the activity, to find the view of the object on the prepared
generated at the end of this process for the cell division. slide and to report the found view. The items of the scale
Later, the prepositional statements were turned into were created in this direction. Later, the opinions were
open-ended questions. The questions developed for taken on item statements for the scale by three experts on
science teacher candidates were first piloted to obtain the science education. After making the some necessary
answers expected to be given by prospective teachers. The adjustments on the scale items in line with expert
answers given by 101 science teacher candidates were opinions, the scale was used in the study to evaluate the
analyzed to use as answer options for the questions. The laboratory reports prepared for microscope-based
second pilot application was carried out following the activities. Thus, the assessment scale for laboratory
writing of the questions and the answer options for the reports was made ready for use during the main
question. The data set obtained from the second pilot implementation (Appendix 3).
application was the source for the item analysis including
2.4.4. Views on Microscope Form
the test validity and reliability analyzes. The test items
were rearranged if they determined to be hindered or not The view on microscope form was prepared to
working and removed if there is another strong item determine the opinions of the prospective teachers about
examining the same content by taking expert opinions. the activities performed in the biology laboratory. Semi-
The Cronbach alpha value was calculated as 0.81 structured interview questions are included in the form.
considering the second pilot application data. Thus, a test The questions on the form are focused on microscopes for
was developed to use in this study which includes the science education in the laboratory. The interviewees
items prepared through considering the test taker were asked to describe the laboratory and microscopes in
responses and comprising the competencies required to be addition to statements about advantages and
gained in the general biology laboratory I course disadvantages of microscope use in science education.
(Appendix 1). The draft of the views on microscope form was tested by
pilot application with three junior science teacher
2.4.2. Observation Form for Microscope Use candidates. It was seen that teacher candidates answered
The observation form for microscope use was prepared all the questions posed in the pilot practice. This suggests
to determine the extent of microscope use ability during that the questions are understandable. In addition to the
the microscope-based activities planned to be performed pilot practice, the form was reviewed by two experts in
by the teacher candidates in the general biology laboratory the field of science education and one expert in language.
I course. Within the scope of the general biology In the light of the opinions, some questions were re-
laboratory I course, the qualifications were determined examined and two of the questions related to the
that are necessary for teacher candidates to successfully microscope use was merged into one question. Thus, the
accomplish the activities requiring the microscope use. Views on Microscope Form made ready for use in this
The form was prepared as a checklist for use in the study. study. The final version of the form is presented in
First, the prepared items for the observation form were Appendix 4.
used in pilot activities organized to evaluate laboratory
activities with a microscope. The statements on the form 2.5. Procedure
were slightly corrected through considering expert
opinions and pilot activities. After finalizing the The activities to be carried out in this study were
statements, the grades were assigned to each statement to determined through considering the laboratory facilities,
reflect to the actualization levels on the form. Thus, the number of participants, the number of teaching staff,
observation form for microscope use made ready for use the preparation, implementation, and evaluation procedure
in the study (Appendix 2). of the activities. The activities carried out within the
schedule of general biology laboratory I course are
2.4.3. Assessment Scale for Laboratory Reports presented in Table 2.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 1981-1990, 2018 1985

Prior to the main implementation, the achievement test software provided by the researcher. The computer image
for biology laboratory was applied as a pre-test to of the microscope simulation was projected with the help
determine the pre-qualification levels of the prospective of a projection device and the researcher introduced the
teachers at the issues about laboratory activities. Teacher laboratory activity through the software. Then,
candidates in the sample of the study were randomly prospective teachers in the implementation group
divided into two groups. One of the groups was assigned performed the activities through microscope simulation as
as the comparison group in which the laboratory activities well as microscopes in the biology laboratory and
were conducted by the traditional method and the other presented the activity reports.
group was assigned as the implementation group in which The teacher candidates were evaluated by the
the interactive microscope simulation was in use. researcher through the observation form both in
Table 2. Prepositional Statement for Cell Division comparison and implementation group during the
Week Activity Tim performance of laboratory activities. The activity reports
e submitted by prospective teachers were recorded on a
1 Use of Microscope 90 computer with a scanner and evaluated using the
min assessment scale for laboratory reports.
2 Preparing the microscope slides 90 After the completion of the laboratory activities
included in the research, the achievement test for biology
3 Plant and animal cells 90 laboratory was applied to the teacher candidates as a post-
test. In addition, the interviews were conducted with 10
4 Cell culture for single-celled organism 90
teacher candidates from the implementation group
through the views on microscope form about the
5 Fungi cells 90
min laboratory activities they performed during the semester.
6 Secondary metabolites 90
The performed interviews were recorded with a voice
min recorder and transcribed for the analysis.
7 Nutrients 90
2.6. Data Analysis
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Plastids 90 The responses to the interview questions asked in the
min research were read, coded, and analyzed around the
10 Diffusion and osmosis 90 themes and categories that were created for the activities
min used in the biology laboratory. The generated preliminary
11 Circulation and rotation in cytoplasm 90 themes and categories were rearranged through obtained
min data and following the inductive analytical processes
12 Budding fungi cells 90 defined by Lincoln and Guba [28]. Consecutive category
min building and validation studies had been maintained until
13 Mitosis 90 they are adequately reduced and organized with the help
of experienced science education experts in assessment
14 Meiosis 90 and evaluation. The observation form to be used for
evaluating the laboratory performances of the prospective
15 Final Exam
teachers, the assessment scale to be used for evaluating
The teacher candidates were expected to use the the laboratory reports and the data obtained from the
laboratory worksheets to be prepared for the activities of achievement test for biology laboratory to be used for
the week at the laboratory. The laboratory course began evaluating the laboratory achievements were analyzed
with a brief introduction of the lecturer about laboratory through descriptive and inferential statistical methods
activities. Then, the science teacher candidates were asked
to perform the activity on their own or in groups. The
activity is deemed to be completed if the activity
performing teacher candidate prepared, submitted, and get 3. Findings
approval for the report on the results of the activity. So, The findings of the study were obtained from the
the teacher candidates need to get approval to moved to analysis of the data collected through the achievement test
the next activity. Both in implementation and comparison for biology laboratory, observation form for microscope
groups, the laboratory activities of the study were use, assessment scale for laboratory reports, and views on
completed in 90 minutes for each activity-week. microscope form.
In the implementation group unlike from the
comparison group, the introduction process about the
activities was carried out using the microscope simulation
1986 Determining the Effects of Microscope Simulation on Achievement, Ability, Reports, and
Opinions about Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course
3.1. Laboratory Achievement group was 74,480 (Table 5). There is no statistically
significant difference between the two groups when the
Before the implementation, it was researched whether averages of the laboratory reports are considered (t =
there was a meaningful difference between the groups in 0.174, p> 0.05). In conclusion, the use of microscope
terms of student achievement. As can be seen from Table simulation software has no influence on biology
3, the pre-test average of the implementation group was laboratory reports of teacher candidates with respect to
calculated as 71.83 before the implementation whereas the traditional laboratory method.
pre-test average of the comparison group was calculated
as 70.28. These results indicate that the knowledge levels Table 5. The results of assessment scale for laboratory reports
Group N X SD t P
of the groups are very close to each other and there is no
statistically significant difference between the groups (t = Implementation 24 73.792 14.185
0.174 3
0.563, p> 0.05). After the implementation, the post-test Comparison 25 74.480 13.580
average of the implementation group was 86.50 and the
post-test average of the comparison group was 86.96. 3.4. Views on Microscope in Science Laboratory
According to the analysis result, there was no statistically
significant difference between the application and The semi-structured interviews were conducted to
implementation groups (t = 0.141, p <0.05). This result reveal the views on microscope in science laboratory.
shows that the use of microscope simulation software has Teacher candidates were asked to make a science
no influence on the success of the biology laboratory from laboratory definition in their own words. The most
the traditional laboratory method for the teacher majority of the teacher candidates (90%) described the
candidates. science laboratories as the practice environment in which
the theoretical knowledge put into practice. In this way,
P1 (P is participant) expressed his opinion as:
Table 3. The results of achievement test for biology laboratory
Test Group N X SD t P “Laboratories are the places where the theoretical
knowledge put into practice. For example, we get
Implementatio 24 71.83 9.79
n Pre-test 0.563 0.576 theoretical knowledge at the classrooms and then come to
Comparison 25 70.28 9.52 laboratories to make something with that knowledge”.
More than half of the teacher candidates (60%) mentioned
Implementatio 24 86.50 11.33
n Post-test 0.141 0.889
that the laboratories are the research and innovation
Comparison 25 86.96 11.53 environment. P5 underlined the research dimension of the
laboratories with the following words: “Laboratories are
3.2. Microscope Use the home for scientists. They do experiments in there.
They try, try, try and maybe find something new”. Less
During the study, the microscope use skills of the
than half of the teacher candidates (30%) described the
teacher candidates were determined through the
laboratory as a space equipped for science teaching. P9
observation form for microscope use. At the end of the
coded teacher candidate expressed own opinions like this:
laboratory activities, the average of the implementation
"Laboratories are the places in which healthy, safe
group was 82.333 and the average of the comparison
experiments and observations can be made, reinforce
group was 73.512 (Table 4). Considering the averages of
learning, and included necessary tools and materials to
microscope use skills, there is a statistically significant
investigate new phenomena. In the science laboratory,
difference between the two groups (t = 3.491, p> 0.05).
there are tools for biology, physics, and chemistry. For
As a result, it has been understood that microscope
example, mirrors, lenses, preparations, electrical circuits,
simulation software influences microscope use skills of
and models are rare to be found in a specific laboratory,
the teacher candidates more positively than traditional
but it is necessary to have all of them together in the
biology laboratory activities.
science laboratory".
Table 4. The results of observation form for microscope use To uncover the perceptions on microscopes, the science
Group N X SD t P
teacher candidates were asked to make a description for
Implementation 24 82.333 8.734 0.00 microscope. All the participants stated that microscopes
3.491 1
Comparison 25 73.512 8.946
are the tools to monitor the microorganisms. P3 expressed
his opinion as: "In my opinion, microscopes are the
3.3. Laboratory Reports windows opening to the micro-world. They can enable us
to see bacteria, yeast, plant, and animal cells”. Some of
During the study, the laboratory reports prepared by the the participants also stated that microscopes are the tools
teacher candidates were evaluated through using the to magnify different objects. P6 explained the situation
assessment scale for laboratory reports. At the end of the with the following words: “The micro level living things
laboratory activities, the average of the implementation as well as micro level materials can be seen through
group was 73,792 and the average of the comparison microscopes. There are different types of microscopes like
Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(9): 1981-1990, 2018 1987

light microscope and electron microscope. For example, microscope slides. There was only limited number of
electron microscope can be used to see the surface of a them and we told they are expensive and hard to find”.
metal film or edge of a pin”. The two teacher candidates
were described microscopes as optical tools. The P8
explained her microscope description as: “Microscopes
4. Discussion and Implementation
are the tools to magnify little things with the optical parts
called as eye-piece and objective lenses. There are also In the study, it was tried to determine the effects of
tiny glasses to keep the specimen under the light coming microscope simulation software developed to use in
from illuminator. biology laboratory activities on the success of prospective
Teacher candidates were asked to explain the benefits teachers, microscope using skills, laboratory reports, and
of microscope use in science laboratory during the views on microscopes. In the findings obtained during the
interview. At first, all the teacher candidates adopt the research, it was found that the developed microscope
microscopes as an important tool in fulfilling the aims of simulation software had no effect on the laboratory
science education. The P7 described the situation as success of teacher candidates with respect to traditional
follows: "Biology is the science to know about living laboratory applications. When the researches considered
things. We can have some knowledge with some on computer-based science education, there can be said
experiments but if we want to know more about detail we that there are studies reporting educational software
need to use some tool. Microscopes are the tool to see the increased [29], did not change [30] and even decreases
micros in the science lab". Again, all of the prospective [31]
teachers mentioned that the microscopes are the way to the student success. It was stated that subject of the
bring microorganisms into science classrooms: "You can lesson, model of the computer aided application, type of
see the little living things through microscopes. If you the software, and characteristics of the students are
want your students to see them you should bring effective in revealing different effects of computer aided
microscope to them and show how to use it" (P2). Some education on student achievement [32, 33]. In this study,
of the prospective teachers (40%) have stated that participant achievements were assessed by considering
microscopes make science education funny and easy: traditional laboratory practices. In other words, the fact
"The subjects that are being told in science education can that there is no statistically significant difference in the
be very little to see. It makes them hard to understand and student achievement after the implementation compared
boring, but when for example I see my blood cells under to the traditional method does not mean that the use of the
the microscopes, it is fun" (P10). In last, some of the microscope simulation has failed to improve student
teacher candidates (30%) pointed out the required achievement. It proves that the use of microscope
teaching qualifications to use microscopes: "Since the simulation in the biology laboratory is successful to
microscopes are expensive tools, we need to be careful on improve student achievement as much as the traditional
one hand the students are always in secure and on the laboratory practices.
other hand let them use the microscopes to see the In the study, the ability of the participants was
microorganisms and understand the beauty of micro- evaluated in terms of microscope use. The results of the
world" (P4). study revealed that the participants who used microscope
Finally, the teacher candidates were asked to explain simulation group are developed more microscope use
any difficulties that may be experienced during the ability than the participants who are in traditional
microscope use. The half of the interviewed teacher laboratory application group. In the literature, it was seen
candidates stated that there was no difficulty in that the computer-assisted instructions in science
microscope use: "I think there is no difficulty. Once you education was effective or ineffective on ability
get how to use it, it becomes simple after all. Prepare the development [34]. Factors such as application, software,
slides, put it under the objective lenses, open the and student characteristics come to the forefront for the
microscopes lights, and adjust the magnification" (P3). ability development as well as success in computer-
Some of the teacher candidates (30%) pointed out the assisted instruction [35, 36]. In the microscope simulation,
difficulties about preparing the specimen. For example, the user had opportunity to improve microscope use
P7 explained the difficulties: "I like to view the object ability since informed in writing and in voice what should
under microscope. But sometimes it is hard take slice be done to use a microscope step by step and cannot
from the object. It should be as tiny as the light come proceeded to the next steps until taking the certain steps.
through. Many times, I thought I got thin slice, but it was The effects of the microscope simulation on the
not. Once I cut my nails with the specimen, even about to laboratory reports were determined through evaluating
cut my finger". The two of the interviewed teacher reports prepared by the participants in each week.
candidates mentioned that they afraid of disrupting or Findings obtained in the research have revealed that the
breaking. P6 stated this as: “I felt nervous while using to use of microscope simulation in the biology laboratory
see mitosis because we need to work with prepared was not effective on student reports with respect to
1988 Determining the Effects of Microscope Simulation on Achievement, Ability, Reports, and
Opinions about Microscope in General Biology Laboratory Course
traditional laboratory applications. In the biology Acknowledgements
laboratory, students are expected to find the view which is
the subject of the lesson through the microscope [37]. This research was supported by Bartin University
Then, students are asked to report the microscope view in Scientific Research Projects Commission Unit (Project
the form of drawing. In biology laboratories, student No: BAP-2015-SOS-A-001).
reports are evidence for the microscope used correctly, the
object examined as expected, and the student successfully
completed laboratory activity [38]. It is important to note Appendix
that the use of microscope simulation in the study is as
Appendix 1: Achievement Test for Biology Laboratory
effective as traditional laboratory methods in preparing a
biology laboratory report. 1. Which of the following parts is not effective
In the study, the views of the teacher candidates were at magnification of the microscope view? a
determined about the microscope. The teacher candidates Ocular b Objective c Immersion oil d Macro
defined the microscope as a window to the micro world. knob e Micro knob
They stated that it would be useful to use it in science
education. It has been underlined that teachers must have
the microscope use ability to use a microscope in science 11. Carotene gives brown-orange color to the carrots
education. Finally, it has been stated that materials such as  Lycopene gives red color to the tomatoes
microscope and ready-made slides are expensive, and  Xanthophyll gives yellow color to the lemons
their use require care in education. When the responses of
teacher candidates to interview questions are examined, it Which of the below organelles contains all the above-
is seen that they do not mention the microscope mentioned pigments?
simulations used in the research although they mentioned a Leucoplast b
important points about microscopes. This demonstrates Ribosome c
that they do not see the microscope simulation as a real Vacuole d Golgi
microscope but consider as a useful tool to learn e Chromoplast
microscope use. As a result, simulations are models that
carry the characteristics of their origin [39]. i. I. Osmosis
As a result, the study did not reveal any effect of the ii. II. Diffusion
microscope simulation software developed for the biology iii. III. Exocytosis iv. IV. Active transportation
laboratory activities on laboratory successes and reports Which of the above events about the substance
of the prospective teachers with respect to the traditional transport in the cell indicates the ongoing metabolic
laboratory applications. However, the microscope activities in the plant cell?
simulation has been found to be effective in terms of the
ability to use the microscope. Finally, it was found that a I and II
prospective science teachers have positive thoughts on the b Only IV c II and III d
use of microscopes in science education, but do not III and IV e II, III, and
comment on the use of software such as simulation in IV
laboratories. In the direction of the results obtained in this
17. Regarding the stages of mitosis division in animal
study, there can be said that the development of
cells, which of the following is wrong?
educational software which can be used at the higher
education levels as well as the primary and secondary a DNA duplicates itself to the end of the interphase
education levels have high potential to bring positive b Centrioles duplicates the initial phase
results. To activate this potential, adopting the appropriate c Homologous chromosomes are separated from
software development processes and investigating the each other in the anaphase
effects of the developed software must be considered in a d Cytoplasm begins to separate in telophase e
multidimensional way. So, more frequent use of software The nuclei are the same formed after telophase
in higher education has the potential to increase the
quality of academic education if the software developed in Appendix 2: Observation Form for Microscope Use
the direction of clearly identified objectives, the
effectiveness of the software proved in user included Before Microscope View
research, and information included to have ideal
Turning on the illuminator
Making light adjustments

Placing the prepared slide

Adjusting the objective magnification

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735, 2011.
Microscope View
[2] M. M. Thomson, B. Gregory. Elementary Teachers'
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[4] C. Gormally, P. Brickman, B. Hallar, N. Armstrong.

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[9] J. Tessier. An Inquiry-Based Biology Laboratory Improves

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