Detect OS, Services, and Vulnerabilities
Detect OS, Services, and Vulnerabilities
Detect OS, Services, and Vulnerabilities
OS security
You will compose a lab report that documents each step you take, including screenshots to illustrate the
effects of commands you type, and describing your observations. Simply attaching code without any
explanation will not receive credits
Lab guide:
Network Topology:
1. Using nmap to scan a machine (via IP address or name) to detect an OS & services
Students can use some commands:
$ sudo nmap –F <network> //replace <Network> with
$ sudo nmap –O <IP-target> //replace <IP-target> with
$ sudo nmap –A <IP-target>
$ sudo nmap –sV <IP-target>
Students use some other options of the nmap to detect the target.
Sv chọn khoảng 5 lỗ hổng có mã CVE, tìm hiểu và giải thích lỗ hổng đó, ghi trong báo cáo.