Deals of The Moment
Deals of The Moment
Deals of The Moment
August 2020
+225 46 86 82 47 / 97 04 87 86
[email protected] /
This book is for you if you have no dreams or if you think that your
dreams can never come true.
The author of this book knows about hardship and tell you that all
things are possible. He grew up in difficult conditions: poor family
abandoned by the father, very bad academic performances,
violent temper... Ben seemed to be qualified for a miserable life.
But that’s not what happened!
You can too. You can transform your life into one you’ll love, bigger
than you have ever dreamed.
Stormie shares how God saved her own marriage when she
began to pray for her husband concerning areas of his life.
Prince Garett and his dog Zeus start “No matter what” is an inspirational
each day with their traditional book that will keep your children armed
breakfast. One morning, the Prince with words of wisdom and prepare
awakes without having his usual them for life, no matter the challenges.
dream of what to eat. In this situation, With colourful illustrations, this book
a difficult choice has to be made. will reinforce the potential of your kids.
10.000 FCFA – 30 pages 10.000 FCFA – 40 pages
How do you wake a sleeping prince? Prince Garett receives a telescope for
his birthday and discovers the distant
Chief tries to awaken the sleeping
land of Egos.
Prince Garett and finds that he
remains sound asleep. After many He and Chef set out for their next
inventive yet failed attempts, Chef adventure and discover that things are
runs out of ideas, until… not always as they seem
“How the moth turned into a Prince Garett and his dog Zeus go out
butterfly” is a tale of one determined for the day in Holland and discover a
moth that sets out to change its life. world of possibilities. Their adventures
Through courage and perseverance, it lead them to life’s miracles. They meet
not only changes its life but also a few friends along the way that help
creates an evolution. them discover what’s possible.
10.000 FCFA – 33 pages 10.000 FCFA – 16 pages