Cpe 103 B Module 7,8,9 Answers

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ACTIVITY 12 – Test your comprehension level.

Answer the following:

1. Why there are learners with physical and health disabilities?

There are learners with physical health disabilities due to diverse causes includes those by
congenital abnormality impairments caused by disease, chronic illnesses, genetically, result of an
injury, poisoning, hormonal abnormalities while some other are still unknown and also there are
learners with physical health disabilities due to inaccessible environment lack of education,
support services, health and opportunities for people with impairment can cause additional

2. How are you going to manage the class if there are learners with physical disability? How
about learners with health problems?

Handling and positioning the children is one way to manage class, if there are learners with
physical disability you must responsible to assist them and to provide support in special ways.
Proper handling help make the children more comfortable and more receptive to instructions.
Although communication skills are often difficult we must use another strategy to teach them
and to contact them by applying school approach in which we should treat them goods by
concern in all the task that have given for
3. Have you heard about AD/HD? If you have not heard about it, read your notes well because
AD/HD is also considered as health deficiency. Then, say something about it. Proceed with the
ideas of how to help them learn.

Attention deficit/hyper activity disorder or known as AD/HD.According to the DSM-IV, it is

defined as a "persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more
frequently displayed and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of

Students with AD/HD are categorized according to their characteristics into three distinct
subtypes: predominantly inattentive AD/HD, predominately hyperactive-impulsive AD/HD and
combined type AD/HD.
Students with the predominately inattentive type of AD/HD will exhibit six or more of the
following characteristics:

 Does not pay attention to detail and often makes mistakes across a number of activities
 Has difficulty maintaining attention during activities
 Does not complete schoolwork or other assigned activities
 Has difficulty with organization of activities
 Avoids activities that require mental effort or concentration
 Loses materials necessary to complete assignments
 Easily distracted
 Forgetful in many activities

Students with the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of AD/HD will exhibit six or more
of the following characteristics:

 Fidgets or squirms in seat

 Gets up or leaves seat frequently during class
 Runs about or climbs when inappropriate, and is generally restless
 Difficulty in engaging in play activities quietly
 Talks excessively
 Blurts out answers
 Has difficulty waiting for their turn
 Interrupts others

Students with the combined type of AD/HD will have some features of both the inattentive type
and the hyperactive-impulsive type of AD/HD. This is the largest population of students carrying
the AD/HD label.

Impact on Learning
Students with AD/HD, no matter what subtype, can have deficits in three areas that may impact
their educational performance. These three areas are executive functioning, intellectual
functioning, and social/emotional functioning.

Students with AD/HD display deficits in a number of executive functions, including working
memory, internalization of speech, self-regulation, and reconstitution.

The average level of intellectual functioning of students with AD/HD is a matter of controversy,
but what is certain is that these students frequently have problems with academic achievement.

These emotional issues can lead to conflict with parents, teachers and peers; low self-esteem;
difficulty making social connections; and higher rates of alcohol and substance abuse.
4. In Bongao, do you observe or see some persons with physical disability (PWD)? Is there
assistance from the local government units (LGU)? If yes, cite instance/s that PWDs are assisted.
If none, why do you think there are no assistance from LGU?

Yes, I have seen many persons with disability here in Bongao. And I observed that somehow
there are some assistance given by the Bongao local Government Unit for them. And some of
these are financial assistance, livelihood assistance and free checkup. they’re also given thing
that they need like wheel chairs, canes and walkers for crippled. Hearing aids for the deaf. Eye
glasses for those who has eye problems and blind. The Bongao LGU is making everything
possible for them and doing all they can to help the life of every person with disability heavier.

ACTIVITY 13 - Identify the following speech disorders:

1. Alalia- a speech delay, known to professionals as Alalia, refers to the phenomenon when a
child is not making normal attempts to verbally communicate.

2. Communication disorder- a communication disorder means that a person has difficulty with
speech, communication, language, or some combination of those. This can manifest in word
articulation, written language, or understanding and participating in verbal and nonverbal

3. Lisping – a speech problem that causes someone to pronounce the letters “s” and “z” like “th.”

4. Stammering- Is a speech disorder that affected by disruption of repetition of words and

syllables. To avoid it speaking slowly must apply and avoid the speed up speech.

5. Expressive language disorder- stuttering, also referred to as stammering, is so common that

everyone knows what it sounds like and can easily recognize it.
Expressive language disorder

6. Apraxia – Apraxia of Speech (AOS) happens when the neural pathway between the brain and
a person’s speech function (speech muscles) is lost or obscured. The person knows what they
want to say – they can even write what they want to say on paper – however the brain is unable
to send the correct messages so that speech muscles can articulate what they want to say, even
though the speech muscles themselves work just fine.
7. Dysarthria – Dysarthria is a symptom of nerve or muscle damage. It manifests itself as slurred
speech, slowed speech, limited tongue, jaw, or lip movement, abnormal rhythm and pitch when
speaking, changes in voice quality, difficulty articulating, labored speech, and other related
8. Speech disorder – A condition which a person has problem in producing speech sound that

make the speech difficult to understand.

9. Aphasia- is a communication disorder caused by damage to the brain’s language capabilities.

Aphasia differs from apraxia of speech and dysarthria in that it solely pertains to the brain’s
speech and language center.

10. Language disorder – language disorder may cause a person to have a reduced vocabulary and
limited sentence structure. They often struggle to form complete meaningful sentences and have
trouble grasping the rules of grammar, both in written and speaking form Speech Sound Disorder
can be divided into two categories: Articulation and Phonological

ACTIVITY 14 – What is the common unspoken language utilize by teacher in delivering and
explaining the lesson to learners with speech and communication disorder? Do you think these
are effective?

Teachers are all very talented and dedicated in their passion to teach and they always end up with
a very good strategy in teaching their students. For students with speech and communication
disorder, the common strategies that they used is nonverbal communications and some of these
are signed language, body language and gesture. This is the easiest way for them to deliver the
lesson because students don’t bother to explain themselves through verbal communication. And
yes, it is effective because once both of the teachers and students know or can understand how to
do a signed language.


Discuss the following:

1. Why there are behavioral and emotional disorder?

A behavioral disorder can have a variety of causes. According to the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, the abnormal behavior that is usually associated with these disorders can
be traced back to biological, family and school-related factors.

Some biological causes may include:

 Physical illness or disability

 Malnutrition
 Brain damage
 Hereditary factors
Other factors related to an individual’s home life may contribute to behaviors associated with a
behavioral disorder:

 Divorce or other emotional upset at home

 Coercion from parents
 Unhealthy or inconsistent discipline style
 Poor attitude toward education or schooling

Emotion disorders are thought to be caused by a variety of environmental factors.

The following problem can cause emotional disorder;

 Stressful life situations, such as financial problems, a love one's death or divorce.
 Traumatic experience; a child history of abuse and neglect.
 Relationship difficulty; social isolation.

2. Explain the signs and symptoms of behavioral disorder.

Someone who has a behavioral disorder may act out or display emotional upset in different ways,
which will also vary from person to person.

Behavioral disorders may involve:

 Inattention
 Hyperactivity
 Impulsivity
 Defiant behavior
 drug use
 criminal activity

According to Boston Children’s Hospital, some of the emotional symptoms of behavioral

disorders include:

 Easily getting annoyed or nervous

 Often appearing angry
 Putting blame on others
 Refusing to follow rules or questioning authority
 Arguing and throwing temper tantrums
 Having difficulty in handling frustration

Examples of signs and symptoms of emotion disorder:

 Feeling sad or down

 Confused thinking or reduced ability to think
 Excessive fears or worries or extreme feelings of guilt.
 Extreme mood changes of high and low
 Withdrawal from friends and activities
 Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping
 Detachment from reality (delusion) paranoia or hallucination.
 Inability to cope with daily problem and stress
 Major changes in eating habits
 Excessive anger, hostility or violence
 Suicidal thinking

3. If pupil manifests the signs and symptoms of emotional disorders, what are you going to do?

As a teacher, I will create a very positive and structured environment that supports growth, foster
self-esteem and rewards desirable behavior for my pupils with emotional disorder. To steer clear
the stress in them, I will keep class rules and activities simple, give them reward if they show
positive behavior, treat them fairly and use motivational strategies to motivate them to become
positive in life.

4. Enumerate and discuss some the strategies to support positive behaviour among school

Teaching children with emotional and behavioral disorders can be extremely challenging.
Remember: fostering and rewarding positive behavior has proven to be vastly more effective
than attempting to eliminate negative behavior. Punishment and negative consequences tend to
lead to power struggles, which only make the problem behaviors worse. Here are some tips;

 Token Economy - Students earn points, or tokens, for every instance of positive behavior.
 Classroom Behavior Chart - A chart which visually plots the level of behavior of every
student in the classroom. Students who are behaving positively progress upwards on the
chart; those who are behaving negatively fall downwards
 Lottery System - Similar to the token economy, students who behave in positive ways are
given a ticket with their name on it

Positive Peer Review - Students are asked to watch their peers, and identify positive behavior.
Both the student who is behaving positively and the student who does the identifying are
rewarded. This is the exact opposite of "tattle-telling," and fosters a sense of teamwork and social
support in the classroom
5. Is parenting can affect child’s behaviour? Discuss parenting style/s do you know which would
help raise the child to have a pleasant and positive behaviour.

Definitely Yes! parenting can affect child's behavior. Whatever the child had seen in their homes
specifically whatever attitude or behavior they have observe in their parents, there is a big
tendency that they can adapt their parent’s behavior. Parenting is not always by means of words
but it also follows through actions. In order for parents to raise their child to have a pleasant and
positive behavior, they should observe their own actions and behaviors.

The parenting styles that I have noticed that would help the child to have a pleasant and positive
behavior, is to raised them according to your religion. For instances; in Islamic perspective, there
is a proper way in raising a child to have a pleasant behavior. As early as possible in early age
Let your child know about God (Allah), teach them about Islam, send them to Madrasa (Islamic
school). When your child knows and learn about their religion for instances in Islam, they would
surely grow with a pleasant and positive behavior. Considering that in religion it tackles
everything on how we should behave, how to respect elders specifically our parents. This is the
best way that I think that would help child to grow pleasantly and positively.

6. This is a reflection journal on how you have been raised by your parents.

Growing up I can say that I have a strict parent. Because not like others, I wasn’t always allowed
to do whatever I want. My parents raised me according to our religion Islam so they’re kind of
strict most of the time. When I was young I don’t understand why they act like that. why can’t I
go out with my friends, why I’m not allowed to sleep over in my friend’s house and everything. I
was so envious of my classmates before I feel like they are lucky because their parents allow
them to do everything they want. But as I’m getting older, I realized that all of the things that my
parent has done was all for the best me. I realized that I shouldn’t be envious of my friends
because I have the best parents in the world who cares for me more than anyone else. Instead, I
should be grateful that of all people they are the ones chosen by god to become my parents. We
are not rich but they find all the ways to make for a living and support me and my siblings. And
one thing that I really appreciate about them is how they’re very proud of me. And that makes
me the happiest person in the world because god gave the best parents that I’ve ever have.

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