Investment Environment and Investment Management Process-7

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Closed-end funds are publicly traded investment companies that have issued a specified number

of shares and can only issue additional shares through a new public issue. Pricing of closed-end
funds is different from the pricing of open-end funds: the market price can differ from the NAV.
Insurance Companies are in the business of assuming the risks of adverse events (such as fires,
accidents, etc.) in exchange for a flow of insurance premiums. Insurance companies are investing
the accumulated funds in securities (treasury bonds, corporate stocks and bonds), real estate.
Three types of Insurance Companies: life insurance; non-life insurance (also known as property-
casualty insurance) and reinsurance. During recent years investment life insurance became very
popular investment alternative for individual investors, because this hybrid investment product
allows to buy the life insurance policy together with possibility to invest accumulated life
insurance payments or lump sum for a long time selecting investment program relevant to
investor‘s future expectations.

Pension Funds are an asset pools that accumulates over an employee’s working years and pays
retirement benefits during the employee’s nonworking years. Pension funds are investing the
funds according to a stated set of investment objectives in securities (treasury bonds, corporate
stocks and bonds), real estate.
Hedge funds are unregulated private investment partnerships, limited to institutions and high-
net-worth individuals, which seek to exploit various market opportunities and thereby to earn
larger returns than are ordinarily available. They require a substantial initial investment from
investors and usually have some restrictions on how quickly investor can withdraw their funds.
Hedge funds take concentrated speculative positions and can be very risky. It could be noted that
originally, the term “hedge” made some sense when applied to these funds. They would by
combining different types of investments, including derivatives, try to hedge risk while seeking
higher return. But today the word “hedge’ is misapplied to these funds because they generally
take an aggressive strategies investing in stock, bond and other financial markets around the
world and their level of risk is high.

Financial markets
Financial markets are the other important component of investment environment. Financial
markets are designed to allow corporations and governments to raise new funds and to allow
investors to execute their buying and selling orders. In financial markets funds are channeled
from those with the surplus, who buy securities, to those, with shortage, who issue new securities
or sell existing securities. A financial market can be seen as a set of arrangements that allows
trading among its participants. Financial market provides three important economic functions
(Frank J. Fabozzi, 1999):
1. Financial market determines the prices of assets traded through the interactions between
buyers and sellers;
2. Financial market provides a liquidity of the financial assets;
3. Financial market reduces the cost of transactions by reducing explicit costs, such as
money spent to advertise the desire to buy or to sell a financial asset.
Financial markets could be classified on the bases of those characteristics:
• Sequence of transactions for selling and buying securities;
• Term of circulation of financial assets traded in the market;
• Economic nature of securities traded in the market;
• From the perspective of a given country.

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