Global History 9 Name: Period: DBQ: A Descript Comparison/Evaluation of The Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages 5 4 3 2 1 0

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Global History 9 Name:


DBQ: A Descript Comparison/Evaluation of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages

5 4 3 2 1 0
Develops most Attempts to Shows limited Not done.
Task Thoroughly develops all Develops all aspects aspects of the address some understanding of No theme
Attack aspects of the task by of the tasks but may task with little aspects of the the task with mentioned.
accurately addressing do so some what depth or develops task, making vague and unclear
and interpreting most of unevenly. most parts in limited use of the references to
the documents. some depth. documents. documents.

Incorporates outside Supports the theme Incorporates No relevant Presents no Not done.
Outside information. Richly with relevant facts, limited or no outside relevant outside
Information supports the topic with examples and outside information or it information.
relevant facts, examples details. information. is vague.
& details.
Addresses all aspects of Demonstrates a Demonstrates a No organizational Attempts to Not done
the task. Demonstrates a logical and clear general plan of plan with faulty complete task but or includes
Organizatio logical and clear plan of plan of organization organization with analysis. Simply exhibits major so many
n organization using an using an outline. a sparse outline. restates the weakness in unreadable
Of Content outline. Shows an ability Discussion is more Some relevant content of the organization. words that
Information to analyze, compare and descriptive than facts but documents. Few Generalizations no sense
contrast issues and analytical. discussion is facts or details. without further can be
events. more descriptive Poorly organized information. made.
than analytical. essay lacking
Writes a well-structured Demonstrates a Restates theme in Has vague or Conclusion is Not done.
essay which has an logical and clear the introduction missing inadequate. May
Written introduction and plan of and concludes introduction be missing.
Construction conclusion that are organization. with simple and/or
beyond a restatement of Includes a good restatement of conclusion.
the theme. introduction and theme.
During DBQ reading During the DBQ During the DBQ Student was only Student was aware
and review student was reading and review review the vaguely aware of of the teacher but Not
visibly fully engaged student is visibly student was not the DBQ reading, showed minimal engaged at
Engagement and focused on the engaged in content engaged, focused teacher interest and all.
content of the teacher of the teacher on presentation, presentation, attention or
presentation, instruction presentation, instruction and instruction and understanding of
& directions of the instruction & directions of the directions of the content,/directions
DBQ. directions of DBQ. DBQ. DBQ. . Highly
Listens and responds Listen and responds Partially involved Not totally aware
aloud. Is fully involved aloud to questions. in presentation. or involved in the Sits quietly and Not paying
in presentation. Asks Is generally Occasionally presentation, does not answer or attentions.
Participation and responds to involved in responds aloud to documents and ask questions Appears
questions aloud. answering/asking questions asked questions. Did aloud. lost.
Requests information questions. but does not not formulate Never asks
/clarification regarding Formulate some formulate questions or answers
DBQ items and questions questions independently. questions.
questions. independently. independently.

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