PGDmF10 - Research Methodology in Micro Finance

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Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur – 572 103

(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)
Second Semester Postgraduate Diploma in Microfinance Examinations July 2010
Research Methodology in Microfinance
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Not : 1. Answer any 4 full questions from question No. 1 to Question No. 5
2. Question No. 6 [Case study] is Compulsory

1 a) Differentiate between inductive and deductive logic in microfinance research. 3

b) In the district of Mysore, 2440 SHGs are promoted and credit linked with State Bank of
Mysore (SBM). Similarly, the MFI IDF has promoted and credit linked with 1515 SHGs.
From the year 2008, both the SBM and BASIX are started on-lending to the SHGs. The total
loan amounts lent to the SHGs in the district are given in the Table.
Amount of Credit Number of SHGs promoted Number of SHGs promoted and
(‘000 Rs.) and credit linked by SBM credit linked by IDF
00 – 10 200 100
10 – 20 500 425
20 – 30 550 310
30 – 40 450 260
40 – 50 320 185
50 – 60 220 135
60 – 70 200 100
Total 2440 1515
Calculate the average and standard deviation of credit lent by the SBM and IDF to its groups.
From the calculated mean and standard deviation draw the inference which of financial
institution is lending higher amount of credit to SHGs? 7
c) Explain various components of written research report. 10
2 a) List out any three importance of statistics in microfinance. 3
b) Write a note on descriptive and explorative research design in microfinance research. 7
c) Explain the various methods of primary data collection. 10
3 a) What do you mean by ‘pilot study’? 3
b) Explain the simple and stratified sampling methods in microfinance research. 7
c) Two managers of a MFI are asked to rank by the group of credit officers in order of potential
for eventually becoming top managers. The ranking are as follows:
Credit Officers Ranking by Manager I Ranking by Manager II
1 10 9
2 2 4
3 1 2
4 4 3
5 3 1
6 6 5
7 5 6
8 8 8
9 7 7
10 9 10
Compute the coefficient of rank correlation and comment on the result. 10
4 a) Differentiate between census and sample. 3
b) Briefly discuss various scaling techniques in microfinance research. 7
c) Explain various methods of microfinance research. 10
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5 a) What do you mean by coding? 3
b) Briefly discuss the types of microfinance research. 7
c) What do you mean by research process? Explain its steps in microfinance research. 10
NABARD’s SHGs-bank linkage has been recognized as useful tool to help the poor and as an
alternative mechanism to meet the urgent credit needs of poor through thrift SHG is a media
for the development of saving habit among the women. SHGs enhance the equality of status
of women as participants, decision makers and beneficiaries in the democratic, economic,
social and cultural spheres of life in Tamil Nadu the SHGs were started in 1989 at
Dharmapuri District. At present 1.40 lakh groups are functioning with 23.83 lakh members.
The sample employment 17 per cent higher, net income per household higher, assets 72 per
cent higher and savings per capita 200 per cent higher after the introduction of self-help
groups than before.
Empowerment is defined as the processes by which women take control and ownership of
their lives through expansion of their choices. Thus, it is the process of acquiring the ability
to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability has previously been denied. The
core elements of empowerment have been defined as agency (the ability to define one’s goals
and act upon them), awareness of gendered power structures, self-esteem and self-confidence.
Empowerment Activities
SHG is group of rural poor who have volunteered to organize themselves into a group for
eradication of poverty of the members. They agree to save regularly and convert their savings
into a Common Fund known as the Group corpus. The members of the group agree to use
this common fund and such other funds that they may receive as a group through a common
management. The group should devise a code of conduct (Group management norms) to bind
itself. This should be in the form of regular meetings (weekly or fortnightly), functioning in a
democratic manner, allowing free exchange of views, participation by the members in the
decision making process.
The group should be able to draw up an agenda for each meeting and take up discussions as
per the agenda. The members should build their corpus through regular voluntary saving
amount from all the members regularly in the group meetings. The savings so collected will
be the group corpus fund. The group corpus fund should be used to advance loans to the
members. The group should develop financial management norms covering the loan sanction
procedure, repayment schedule and interest rates. The members in the group meetings should
take all the loaning decisions through a participatory decision making process. The group
should be able to prioritize the loan applications, fix repayment schedules, fix appropriate rate
of interest for the loans advanced and closely monitor the repayment of the loan installments
from the loanee. The group should operate a group account preferably in their service area
bank branch, so as to deposit the balance amounts left with the groups after disbursing loans
to its members. The group should maintain simple basic records such as Minutes book,
Attendance register, Loan ledger, General ledger, Cashbook, Bank passbook and individual
i) List out the appropriate research problems from the above given case.
ii) Formulate suitable research objectives for the stated research problem.
iii Identify the suitable research design for your selected research problem and justify for the
) selection of research design.
iv) What sampling method is more appropriate to collect the data? Justify your answer. 4× 5

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