Romeo & Juliet: Dẫn truyện: 16 câu

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Romeo & Juliet

Dẫn truyện: 16 câu

1. In the house of the Capulets. The father and the mother talk about their daughter,
and that they should already seek their love, and then marry them, so they can
continue with their lives. In the place also was Sanson, the servant with more

2. In the patio of the house is Juliet with her nurse Ama, who are looking at the

3. On the other side of the city. A few hours after the party, the two dancers, Romeo
and Mercutio, were preparing. Then they would dance that night as entertainment
at the party of the Capulets. With them was Benvolio, Romeo's cousin, helping
them prepare.

4. Already at the party, in the house of the Capulets. Enter the dancers (Romeo and
Mercutio) and in turn the Count Paris, pushing them in a disguised manner.

5. Romeo and Mercury move away a little, to give way to the next paragraph-

6. Enter Juliet with her mother, next to her cousin Tybalt.

7. Romeo, unable to contain the jealousy to hear those words addressed to his
beloved, breaks to shout-

8. Tybalt fights with Mercutio, and finally kills him with his saber, Romeo seeing
this, says goodbye to his great friend, swears immediate revenge and takes his
sword, begins to fight with Tybalt, managing to kill him instantly. Romeo is
taken from the place. The Count Paris, Juliet and the Capulets take shelter in their
house out of danger. Juliet runs to the garden, Romeo sees her and tries to get into
the garden too, and that's where he sees her.

9. Romeo and Juliet escape from the garden and go to the house of Fray Lorenzo to
be married.

10. The Capulet and Ama find out that Julieta escaped with Romeo to Fray Lorenzo
and that they planned to marry, they call the prince of Verona Escala and they
appear in the house of Fray.

11. The Capulets leave the place along with Ama and Juliet, the prince leaves and
Romeo is on the floor, without strength next to his friend Fray Lorenzo.
12. After a few days, Juliet escapes with Ama towards the house of Fray. in which
the mother of Romeo was Mrs. Montague, once there they organize to carry out
the plan to rejoin Romeo.

13. Juliet goes to her house, takes the supposed poison and falls to the ground, the
Capulet see her and suffer for her loss, they take her to the Mausoleum, on the
other side of the pond, Fray Lorenzo gives the news to Romeo who returns to
Verona, and this quickly, seeing that the capulets are no longer in the
Mausoleum, enters the same to see his beloved, which believed dead. At the same
time, and with surprise, the Count Paris enters.

14. The Count Paris and Romeo fight to death, Romeo being the winner, he returns to
see his beloved, sees the poison bottle, takes it and runs to the exit of the
Mausoleum, drinks it and dies to the seconds. Julieta wakes up from her dream,
runs quickly to see her beloved.

15. To the place of the facts the Capuleto arrive with Ama, also comes the Mrs.
Montague together with her husband Montesco and Fray Lorenzo.

16. Juliet sticks a dagger in her chest, and dies next to Romeo, thus being united for
all eternity. Due to all these events, the two families decided to make a truce, and
reach peace, and it was like the impossible love of Romeo and Juliet that brought
together the two families separated by the years

The Capulets:

1. Juliet: 9 câu
- Juliet: Oh nurse Ama, I would like to find the love of my life, and be as beautiful as these
- Juliet (Hopeful): Mother, I want to fall in love, want to know love.
- Juliet: Oh Romeo, where you've been all this eternal time, you're the gardener I need in my
garden! But how will we be together?
- Juliet: Fray Lorenzo, we asked.
- Juliet (Terrified): You can not do that Prince!
- Juliet: Lorenzo, help me please!
- Juliet: Look for Romeo, I'll pretend to take a poison and wait for asleep to the rescue of
Romeo, then we'll escape! And you, Mrs. Montague, I swear that everything I will do, it will
be for your son, and for the love I feel for him.
- Juliet: No, my beloved! Why did you do it ?! Why did you leave without me?
- Juliet: I will not turn away from him, I'll go with him, and I'll love him to death, he and I are
free to love each other, and we'll love each other for all eternity.

2. Mrs.Capulet (mẹ của Juliet): 4 câu

- Mrs. Capulet: Capulet, I think it's time for our beloved Juliet to loose love reins.
- Mrs. Capulet: Then I will give the news to our daughter.
- Mrs. Capulet: This garden is full of roses, but you are the most beautiful my beautiful
- Mrs. Capulet: Well, at tonight's party you will fall in love, and it will be Count Paris who will
do it.

3. Mr.Capulet (bố của Juliet): 6 câu

- Capulet: I've also been thinking about that my beloved, in fact the Count Paris will be the
one who falls in love, is a good boy. And I invited him to the party tonight.
- Capulet: It's a good idea, but we should also think about the general family, and our well-
- Capulet: Here is the Young Paris, the great Count Paris!
- Capulet: Just in time! Juliet! Get out!
- Capulet: It would be better if you leave Juliet.
- Capulet: You will never understand the pain I feel for the loss of my daughter.

Bố và mẹ( thoại chung): Juliet, come right now!

4. Sanson (người hầu): 2 câu

- Sanson: With all due respect, my gentlemen, I think you should let your daughter choose
who to marry.
- Sanson: If you do that, you will be doing evil, and you will pay it with a very high price, my
lord. But
it will be what you say.

5. Ama (Bảo mẫu của Juliet): 5 câu

- Ama: You'll get it, surely the love of your life is thinking the same thing at this moment.
- Ama (Surprised): Go luck, Count Paris!
- Ama: The love that exists between Romeo and Juliet is real, do not Prince!
- Ama: Come Julieta, no matter how much pain you feel, we can not do anything else!
- Ama (Interrupts Juliet): This is a total madness Juliet, do not do it!

6. Tybalt (Anh họ của Juliet): 1 câu

- Tybalt (Going quickly to Romeo and draws his saber): You're not the one to mess with the
Count, much less who to fall in love with my cousin Juliet.

The montagues:

1) Romeo: 10 câu
- Romeo: At tonight's party we must dance without waste, my great friend Mercury!
- Romeo: I know that, but that does not prevent us from having a little fun, friend of mine.
Besides... (Hopeful view) there will be my beloved Juliet.
- Romeo: Do not take my hopes away, my friend.
- Romeo: I keep saying that you should not take my hopes away.
- Romeo (Annoyed): You're not a good man for her, you're not her true love, there's only
interest among their families!
- Romeo: My beloved Juliet, I have secretly loved you since the beginning of our days, our
families seem destined to quarrels, but you and I are destined to our eternal love!
- Romeo: We will marry my beloved, come, let's go now, my friend Fray Lorenzo will marry
us, and we will flee!
- Romeo (Anxious): Fray Lorenzo, I ask you to marry us at this time.
- Romeo (Euphoric and in pain): My beloved Juliet, how much your loss hurts!
- Romeo: You're not the one to be here, it was me who married her, you're no more than a

2) Mrs.Montague (mẹ của Romeo): 2 câu

- Mrs. Montesco (Towards Juliet): Whatever you will do, please, do it for the love that my
son feels for you, do not make him suffer more, your family are our enemies, but you two
are not to blame for it , your love is sincere!
- Mrs. Montesco: You have the right to be free to love, we already live, and you will live.

3) Montesco (bố của Romeo): 2 câu

- Montesco (Enmanuel): Better leave your daughter alone, Capulet, she loved my son, they
were not to blame for anything.
- Montesco: My son died too, and that's why I propose the truce.

4) Mercutio (Bạn của Romeo): 4 câu

- Mercutio We will dance so well that they will pay us what is due. Remember that we are
only dancers who entertain the bored!
- Mercury: Eh! Romeo! Remember that Juliet is the daughter of the Capulets, great enemies
of you, the Montagues!
- Mercury: Without hope we will remain if we do not leave soon. I only give you one piece of
advice, better not get in where you do not belong, so you will avoid big problems, and in
turn avoid great tragedies, my friend.
- Mercury (Running quickly to cover Romeo, also draws his saber). Do not even think about

5) Benvolio (Em họ của Romeo): 2 câu

- Benvolio: I think so, cousin, you should not have any illusions, our family is the enemy of
- Benvolio: I'm only advising you, it would not be a good idea to join with a Capulet, but I will
not take
away your crazy hopes.

Nhân vật phụ:

1. Bá tước Paris (hôn phu của Juliet): 4 câu

- Count Paris(Sarcastic): Thousand apologies noble dancer, I was just passing.
- Count Paris: Hello Capulet, I came as you asked, I hope I arrived on time.
- Count Paris: There is my beautiful beloved! There is the most beautiful rose in the whole
garden of Verona!
- Count Paris: Never was your beloved, it was mine! -Design the saber-

2. Fray Lorento (mục sư): 4 câu

- Fray Lorenzo: But how to do that Romeo, their families are enemies from the beginning of
all time!
- Fray Lorenzo: This is impossible, but something tells me that your love if it is possible, I do
not find what to do! You are very brave to do all this Romeo, you know the history of the
two families, and even so you want to give your life to your beloved Juliet, I have nothing
else to do, if your love is true, then I will.
- Fray Lorenzo: Tell me what you want me to do for you.
- Fray Lorenzo: I do not want to get into more problems! But I already do them, so I'll do it.

3. Hoàng tử Escala: 2 câu

- Prince Escala (Anger and authority): With the powers that have granted me, you are
banished from Verona, for all the deeds that you have committed, enough of the quarrels
between your family and the capulets! That's enough, since you killed Teobald Capuleto,
you're banished!
- Principe Escala: I already did, and if I did not, their families would be plunged into the
tragedies of so many consecutive deaths!

Cốt truyện

Dẫn truyện: In the house of the Capulets. The father and the mother talk about
their daughter, and that they should already seek their love, and then marry them,
so they can continue with their lives. In the place also was Sanson, the servant with
more confidence.

Mrs. Capulet: Capulet, I think it's time for our beloved Juliet to loose love reins.
Mr.Capulet: I've also been thinking about that my beloved, in fact the Count Paris
will be the one who falls in love, is a good boy. And I invited him to the party tonight.
Mrs. Capulet: Then I will give the news to our daughter.
Sanson: With all due respect, my gentlemen, I think you should let your daughter
choose who to marry.
Mr.Capulet: It's a good idea, but we should also think about the general family, and
our well-being.
Sanson: If you do that, you will be doing evil, and you will pay it with a very high
price, my lord. But it will be what you say.

Dẫn truyện: In the patio of the house is Julieta with her nurse Ama, who are
looking at the flowers.

Juliet: Oh nurse Ama, I would like to find the love of my life, and be as beautiful as
these roses.
Ama: You'll get it, surely the love of your life is thinking the same thing at this
moment. Enter the stage Mrs. Capulet
Mrs. Capulet: This garden is full of roses, but you are the most beautiful my
beautiful daughter.
Juliet (Hi vọng): Mother, I want to fall in love, want to know love.
Mrs. Capulet: Well, at tonight's party you will fall in love, and it will be Count Paris
who will do it.
Ama (Bất ngờ): Go luck, Count Paris!

Dẫn truyện: On the other side of the city. A few hours after the party, the two
dancers, Romeo and Mercurio, were preparing. Then they would dance that night as
entertainment at the party of the Capulets. With them was Benvolio, Romeo's
cousin, helping them prepare.

Romeo: At tonight's party we must dance without waste, my great friend Mercury!
Mercutio: We will dance so well that they will pay us what is due. Remember that
we are only dancers who entertain the bored!
Romeo: I know that, but that does not prevent us from having a little fun, friend of
mine. Besides... (Hopeful view) there will be my beloved Juliet.
Mercutio: Eh! Romeo! Remember that Juliet is the daughter of the Capulets, great
enemies of you, the Montagues!
Romeo: Do not take my hopes away, my friend.
Benvolio: I think so, cousin, you should not have any illusions, our family is the
enemy of hers.
Romeo: I keep saying that you should not take my hopes away.
Benvolio: I'm only advising you, it would not be a good idea to join with a Capulet,
but I will not take away your crazy hopes.
Mercutio: Without hope we will remain if we do not leave soon. I only give you one
piece of advice, better not get in where you do not belong, so you will avoid big
problems, and in turn avoid great tragedies, my friend.

Dẫn truyện:Already at the party, in the house of the Capulets. Enter the dancers
(Romeo and Mercury) and in turn the Count Paris, pushing them in a disguised

Bá tước Paris(Mỉa mai): Thousand apologies noble dancer, I was just passing.

Dẫn truyện:Romeo and Mercury move away a little, to give way to the next

Mr.Capulet: Here is the Young Paris, the great Count Paris!

Bá tước Paris: Hello Capulet, I came as you asked, I hope I arrived on time.
Mr.Capulet: Just in time! Juliet! Get out!

Dẫn truyện: Enter Juliet with her mother, next to her cousin Tybalt.

Bá tước Paris: There is my beautiful beloved! There is the most beautiful rose in the
whole garden of Verona!

Dẫn truyện: Romeo, unable to contain the jealousy to hear those words
addressed to his beloved,breaks to shout-

Romeo (Khó chịu): You're not a good man for her, you're not her true love, there's
only interest
among their families!
Tybalt (Đi nhanh đến chỗ Romeo và giơ kiếm): You're not the one to mess with the
Count, much less who to fall in love with my cousin Juliet.
Mercutio (Chạy nhanh đến chắn trước Romeo và cũng giơ kiếm): Do not even
think about it!

Dẫn truyện: Tybalt fights with Mercutio, and finally kills him with his saber,
Romeo seeing this, says goodbye to his great friend, swears immediate revenge and
takes his sword, begins to fight with Tybalt, managing to kill him instantly. Romeo is
taken from the place. The Count Paris, Juliet and the Capulets take shelter in their
house out of danger. Juliet runs to the garden, Romeo sees her and tries to get into
the garden too, and that's where he sees her.

Romeo: My beloved Juliet, I have secretly loved you since the beginning of our days,
our families seem destined to quarrels, but you and I are destined to our eternal
Juliet: Oh Romeo, where you've been all this eternal time, you're the gardener I
need in my garden! But how will we be together?
Romeo: We will marry my beloved, come, let's go now, my friend Fray Lorenzo will
marry us, and we will flee!

Dẫn truyện: Romeo and Juliet escape from the garden and go to the house of
Fray Lorenzo to be married.

Romeo (Lo lắng): Fray Lorenzo, I ask you to marry us at this time.
Fray Lorenzo: But how to do that Romeo, their families are enemies from the
beginning of all time!
Juliet: Fray Lorenzo, we asked.
Fray Lorenzo: This is impossible, but something tells me that your love if it is
possible, I do not find what to do! You are very brave to do all this Romeo, you know
the history of the two families, and even so you want to give your life to your
beloved Juliet, I have nothing else to do, if your love is true, then I will.

Dẫn truyện: The Capulet and Ama find out that Julieta escaped with Romeo to
Fray Lorenzo and that they planned to marry, they call the prince of Verona Escala
and they appear in the house of Fray.

Hoàng tử Escala (giận dữ và uy quyền): With the powers that have granted me,
you are banished from Verona, for all the deeds that you have committed, enough of
the quarrels between your family and the Capulets! That's enough, since you killed
Tybalt Capulet, you're banished!
Juliet (sợ hãi): You can not do that Prince!
Ama: The love that exists between Romeo and Juliet is real, do not Prince!
Hoàng tử Escala: I already did, and if I did not, their families would be plunged into
the tragedies of so many consecutive deaths!
The Capulets (đồng thanh): Juliet, come right now!
Ama: Come Juliet, no matter how much pain you feel, we can not do anything else!

Dẫn truyện: The Capulets leave the place along with Ama and Juliet, the prince
leaves and Romeo is on the floor, without strength next to his friend Fray Lorenzo.
After a few days, Juliet escapes with Ama towards the house of Fray. in which the
mother of Romeo was Mrs. Montague, once there they organize to carry out the
plan to rejoin Romeo.

Juliet: Lorenzo, help me please!

Ama (ngắt lời Juliet): This is a total madness Juliet, do not do it!
Mrs. Montesco (tiến đến chỗ Juliet): Whatever you will do, please, do it for the love
that my son feels for you, do not make him suffer more, your family are our enemies,
but you two are not to blame for it , your love is sincere!
Fray Lorenzo: Tell me what you want me to do for you.
Juliet: Look for Romeo, I'll pretend to take a poison and wait for asleep to the rescue
of Romeo, then we'll escape! And you, Mrs. Montague, I swear that everything I will
do, it will be for your son, and for the love I feel for him.
Mrs. Montesco: You have the right to be free to love, we already live, and you will
Fray Lorenzo: I do not want to get into more problems! But I already do them, so I'll
do it.

Dẫn truyện:Juliet goes to her house, takes the supposed poison and falls to the
ground, the Capulet see her and suffer for her loss, they take her to the Mausoleum,
on the other side of the pond, Fray Lorenzo gives the news to Romeo who returns to
Verona, and this quickly, seeing that the Capulets are no longer in the Mausoleum,
enters the same to see his beloved, which believed dead. At the same time, and with
surprise, the Count Paris enters.

Romeo (đau đớn): My beloved Juliet, how much your loss hurts!
Bá tước Paris: Never was your beloved, it was mine! -Design the saber-
Romeo: You're not the one to be here, it was me who married her, you're no more
than a Count!

Dẫn truyện:The Count Paris and Romeo fight to death, Romeo being the winner,
he returns to see his beloved, sees the poison bottle, takes it and runs to the exit of
the Mausoleum, drinks it and dies to the seconds. Juliet wakes up from her dream,
runs quickly to see her beloved.

To the place of the facts the Capulet arrive with Ama, also comes the Mrs.Montague
together with her husband Montesco and Fray Lorenzo.

Juliet: No, my beloved! Why did you do it ?! Why did you leave without me?.
Mr.Capulet: It would be better if you leave Juliet.
Mr.Montesco: Better leave your daughter alone, Capulet, she loved my son, they
were not to blame for anything.
Mr.Capulet: You will never understand the pain I feel for the loss of my daughter.
Mr.Montesco: My son died too, and that's why I propose the truce.
Juliet: I will not turn away from him, I'll go with him, and I'll love him to death, he
and I are free to love each other, and we'll love each other for all eternity.

Dẫn truyện: Juliet sticks a dagger in her chest, and dies next to Romeo, thus being
united for all eternity. Due to all these events, the two families decided to make a
truce, and reach peace, and it was like the impossible love of Romeo and Juliet that
brought together the two families separated by the years.

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