Petrobangla Report 2013

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Annual Report 2013


Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
Petrocentre, 3 Kawran Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
GPO Box No-849 Tel : PABX _ 9121010-16, 9121035-41 Fax : 880-2-9120224
E-mail : [email protected] Website :
Annual Report 2013

C o n t e n t s
Message of the Adviser to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, MoPEMR 5

Message of the Hon’ble State Minister, MoPEMR 6

Message of the Secretary, EMRD 7

Introduction by Chairman, Petrobangla 8-10

Board of Directors 11

Past & Present Chairmen of Petrobangla 12

The Genesis and Mandate 13

Petrobangla and the Government 14

A Brief History of Oil, Gas & Mineral Industry in Bangladesh 15-17

Activities of Petrobangla 18-25

The Petrobangla Companies 26-35

Development Programmes for FY 2012-2013 36-38

Future Programmes 39-41

Data Sheets 42-49

Petrobangla Group Accounts 50-51

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Annual Report 2013
Seminar on the occasion of National Energy Security Day on 9 August, 2013

 To provide energy for the sustainable economic growth

and maintain energy security of the country


 To enhance exploration and exploitation of natural gas

 To provide energy to all areas and all socio _ economic groups
 To diversify indigenous energy resources
 To develop coal resources as alternative source of energy
 To promote CNG and LPG to improve environment
 To contribute towards environmental conservation of the country
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Annual Report 2013



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Annual Report 2013
Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB, PhD
Adviser to the Hon’ble Prime Minister
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.


I am indeed delighted to know that Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) is
going to publish its Annual Report-2013 focusing on the activities of Petrobangla and its

Natural gas provides about two-thirds of the total consumption of commercial energy of our
country and as such, economic development of our country largely depends on sufficient supply
as well as efficient utilization of this indigenous energy resource. Recent reserve estimation,
current gas production and consumption rates and future demand projections suggest that known
recoverable reserves of gas will not be able to cater the growing energy needs of the country. We
are now on the threshold of a critical juncture and to overcome the situation, massive exploration
activities for fossil fuel reserves and diversification of energy source call for immediate action.

I am happy to note that Petrobangla has been putting its best effort in living up to this challenge,
by taking up hydro-carbon explorations and development projects. It is also accelerating
extensive coal mining to ensure availability of alternative energy source in the country. The
Government has also taken initiatives for import of LNG which will help to ease the situation in the
short term. Extensive exploration of fossil fuel reserves, massive use of renewable energy, setting
up of nuclear power plants are also high on the agenda for widening and diversification of the
energy base in the country.

I hope that Petrobangla and its companies will continue to play their vital roles keeping in view the
ongoing energy needs and be able to achieve the target in the energy sector as envisaged in
Vision-2021 of the Government.

Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, Bir Bikram

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Annual Report 2013
Nasrul Hamid, MP
State Minister
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.


I am pleased to know that Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) is going to
publish its Annual Report for the fiscal year 2013 reflecting the activities of Petrobangla.

Petrobangla is entrusted with the responsibilities of exploration, production, transmission and

distribution of natural gas, as well as development of minerals in the country. I hope that the
Annual Report 2013 would mirror its continued success in discharging those responsibilities.

The pace of economic development of a country largely depends on the proper use of its energy
and mineral resources. Our dependence on natural gas which is a non-renewable source of energy
has climbed such a height that resulted in a growing mismatch between supply and demand. To
minimize the gap, Petrobangla has undertaken a number of projects to augment gas supply.

I express my felicitations to the officials associated with the effort to bring out the Annual Report

Joy Bangla, Joy Bongobondhu

Long Live Bangladesh

(Nasrul Hamid)

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Annual Report 2013
Energy & Mineral Resources Division
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh


I am delighted to know that Annual Report 2013 of Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
(Petrobangla) portraying its activities for the financial year 2012-2013 is going to be published.

Industrialization and investment are the catalyst of rapid economic growth for a country like
Bangladesh. It is an undeniable fact that industrialization largely depends on energy infrastructure
such as the availability of mineral resources like gas and coal. Delicate combination of energy
infrastructure and investment for industrialization expedite the process of development for a
country. Bangladesh is heading to become a middle income country within 2021 and undoubtedly
Petrobangla is playing a catalytic role in achieving this goal.

Petrobangla has been devoted in exploring, developing, producing and marketing mineral
resources commonly known as natural gas since it’s inception. Petrobangla, with the help of its
sisters concerns, is paying significant and sincere effort in capitalizing the reserve of energy
resources of the country, because these ‘non-renewable’ resources are not ‘unlimited’. In doing
so, they are putting maximum effort in ensuring optimum and efficient use of these precious
resources. So, their contribution in the process of the development of the country is appreciable
and never be forgotten and undermined.

It may be noted that, success of Petrobangla in one hand contributing to a great extent towards
achieving ‘vision 2021’ and in other hand saving foreign currencies that is paid for importing
petroleum products to keep on running production viz-a-viz development of the country to reach
in the take off stage.

I firmly believe that Petrobangla and its subsidiary companies will make further progress in future
through sincerity, greater discipline, devotion, hard work and patriotism.

I wish Petrobangla every success.

(Md. Abubakar Siddique)

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Annual Report 2013


This issue of Annual Report of Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
encompasses the full spectrum of activities of the Corporation for the FY 2012-2013. It is my
privilege to present an account of Petrobangla and its 13 Companies' operating and financial
results for the year under review in this report.

Petrobangla is the major producer and supplier of fossil fuel in Bangladesh. The energy mix of
Bangladesh is changing slowly but domestic gas is still a major part of it. It accounts for about
three quarter of commercial primary energy supplies with the remainder coming from imported
fuels and coal.

Today, domestic natural gas makes a huge contribution to our living standards. Without
indigenous gas, the country would have to spend enormous amount of foreign exchange for
importing fuel oil and gas. We would also be wholly dependent on imported oil and gas for our
total commercial energy needs.

Consumption of natural gas in the year 2012-2013 was 800.57 BCF which is equivalent to 20
million metric tons of oil-4 times the annual import of crude oil and petroleum products. Gas now
substitutes oil importation equivalent to US$ 14.6 billion annually. Thus it is providing energy to
socio-economic development of the country.

Bangladesh gas sector started its journey in the 60s, but its rapid expansion and integration
started to accelerate in the early 70s spurred by the rising oil prices. Till now, 26 gas fields have
been discovered. Total recoverable proven and probable gas reserve of 26 gas fields has been
estimated at 27.07 TCF out of which estimated proven recoverable reserve (P1) is 20.70 TCF and
the recoverable probable reserve is 6.37 TCF. Up to December, 2013 as much as 11.72 TCF gas
has been produced, leaving only 15.32 TCF recoverable gas. Currently, 19 gas fields are in
production and out of 120 wells located in these gas fields, 93 are on stream. A total of 600.86
billion cubic feet (BCF) gas was produced in FY 2007-2008. It reached to 800.57 BCF in FY
2012-2013 due to various development programme undertaken by Petrobangla. Out of this
production, grid power consumed a lion share of 328.8 BCF (41%) followed by industry and
captive power which consumed 135.7 BCF (17%) & 134.1 BCF (17%) respectively, fertilizer 60
BCF (8%), domestic 89.7 BCF (11%), CNG 40.2 (5%) and commercial & tea-estate together 9.6
BCF (1%) in FY 2012-2013.

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As an industry, we are facing major challenges. In recent years, the demand for natural gas has

Annual Report 2013

seen a sharp rise outpacing supply. Consequently, the gap between supply and demand is
increasing day by day at a higher rate persistently despite marked increase in production. It may
be noted that the country’s gas requirement is mounting keeping pace with the growth in
economic activity which is growing at and above 6.00 percent per annum. Until a big discovery is
made, we have to plan all our future activities on the basis of remaining volume of proven
recoverable reserve of gas. However, to replenish the depleted resource and increase it to safe
level to meet the future demand, massive exploration & drilling activities have been launched on.
It may be noted with great concern that during the preceding 7 years until 2009, exploration
activities were almost stagnant. However, the exploration activities got a momentum as soon as
the Government under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Father of the Nation came
to power in 2009. Since then, 7 new gas structures have been delineated, 8 exploration and 29
development wells were drilled and workover of 17 wells completed. At the same time, a total of
706 km transmission pipeline have been laid under different projects which has contributed to
larger flow of gas in the system.

Currently, demand for gas has already surpassed 3000 MMCF per day whereas the peak supply
of gas is nearly 2380 MMCF per day leaving a shortfall of about 650 MMCF per day. Against this
backdrop, Petrobangla has drawn time-bound programs to boost up gas production in the
coming days and with this end in view, short-term, mid-term and long-term (up to 2016) projects
have been taken up for enhancing gas production to an additional amount of 1560 MMCFD within
the year 2015 as envisaged in the road map. Meanwhile, a volume of about 600 MMCFD of gas is
added to the national grid. Petrobangla has been putting its utmost effort to enhance the
production and supply of gas. The records of performance of Petrobangla will speak for its all-out
efforts put in to improve the scenario. Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company
Limited (BAPEX), the lone national exploration company under Petrobangla in its continual
program to drilling exploration wells in newly delineated structures, has discovered two new gas
fields named Sundolpur and Srikail.

BAPEX has started conducting complete 3D Seismic survey since 2010. The prime objectives of
a 3D seismic survey is : to properly delineate the extension of a discovered field, to increase the
success rate in any new exploration or development well and to precisely calculate the
gas-initially-in place (GIIP). It may be noted that 3D seismic program will not only help in precisely
identifying the country’s gas reserve but also reduce the risk of drilling dry wells.

The installation and operation of turbine driven compressors at Muchai, Habigonj in 2012 has
spurred the flow of gas through the North-South transmission pipeline and increased gas flow by
approximately 120 MMCFD. Two other compressor stations at Ashugonj and Elenga are under
installation process and expected to be commissioned soon.

The government has lifted ban on new gas connections to households imposed in July 2010 as
the production of gas has surpassed 2200 MMCFD. Rajshahi city which was longing for gas has
been given access to gas in households in 2013. Furthermore, Bhola-an island district has been
brought under the gas connection network in 2013.
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Annual Report 2013
At present, natural gas accounts for about 73% of commercial energy in the country. The sole dependence
on natural gas has contributed to sharp growth in its demand. In order to reduce increasing dependence
on natural gas, Petrobangla has developed the first coal mine of the country at Barapukuria. At present,
Barapukuria coal mine is producing approximately 2500-3000 metric tons daily. The coal extracted from
this mine is mainly used to fuel the only coal powered 250 MW power generation plant of the country
located in Barapukuria. Remainder of coal is used in brick fields, boiler industry, steel re-rolling mills, etc.
It is to be mentioned that Petrobangla has undertaken a project to conduct seismic survey for feasibility
study of coal deposit at Digipara coal field. The project duration is November, 2013 to December, 2014.
Furthermore, a project named "Feasibility Study for the Extraction of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) at
Jamalganj coal field has been undertaken by Petrobangla. The country's only granite mining company
"Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd." at Dinajpur has been extracting granite which is used mostly
as construction material.

The government has also planned to build a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal to facilitate import
of LNG. In this backdrop, process is on to sign an agreement to build a floating LNG terminal at
Moheskhali island in the Bay of Bengal with a capacity to handle 5 million tons of LNG per year,
re-gasification capacity of at least 500 million cubic feet per day.

Just after the delimitation of the boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in March, 2012 by ITLOS,
Petrobangla realigned the blocks considering the new boundary and announced a bidding round in
December 2012. Under this round, three PSCs for shallow sea blocks have already been signed. ONGC
Videsh, Oil India & BAPEX joint venture has signed two PSCs for blocks SS-04 and SS-09. On the other
hand, Santos, KrisEnergy and BAPEX joint venture has been contracted for block SS-11.

During FY 2012-2013, Petrobangla has contributed to national exchequer to the tune of Taka 55865.80
million and saved a considerable amount of foreign exchange by substituting import of fuel for generation
of power and vehicle in the form of CNG.

With continued investment in exploration and production, the significant economic benefits this country
reaps from natural gas will flow for a long time to come. Petrobangla is keen to continue its all out efforts
for maximizing the recovery of domestic gas and coal reserves.

I hope this issue of Annual Report will be of interest to the wide variety of readers as a reference document.

Istiaque Ahmad

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Board of Directors

Annual Report 2013

Istiaque Ahmad Md. Moinul Islam Md. Rafiqul Islam
Chairman, Petrobangla Addl. Secy. Finance Division Director (Admin), Petrobangla
Chairman of the Board Director, representing MoF Director of the Board

Mahbubun Nahar Muhammad Ziaur Rahman Md. Khalilur Rahman Khan

Director (Finance), Petrobangla Jt. Secy (Development), EMRD Jt. Chief, Planning Commission
Director of the Board Director of the Board Director, representing MoP

Engr. Md. Quamruzzaman Jameel Ahmed Aleem Engr. Md. Sanowar Hossain Chowdhury
Director (PSC) Director (Operation & Mines) Director (Planning)
Petrobangla Petrobangla Petrobangla
Director of the Board Director of the Board Director of the Board
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Annual Report 2013
Past & Present Chairmen of Petrobangla
(From inception to date)
Sl. no. Name Tenure
01. Dr. A. Y. M. Habibur Rahman 21.04.1972 - 14.06.1976

02. Dr. Nazrul Islam 19.07.1976 - 14.02.1980

03. Syed Hasan Ahmed 18.02.1980 - 05.10.1981

04. M. A. Faiz 12.10.1981 - 28.02.1983

05. Gr. Capt. Qazi Aftab Ahmed, psc 01.03.1983 - 26.05.1984

06. Shafiul Alam 26.05.1984 - 27.08.1984

07. Jalaluddin Ahmed 27.08.1984 - 10.03.1985

08. Md. Habibur Rahman 07.04.1985 - 09.10.1988

09. Jamiluddin Ahmed 10.10.1988 - 03.12.1988

10. Lt. Col (Retd.) Heshamuddin Ahmed, psc 03.12.1988 - 25.11.1989

11. Ataul Karim 27.11.1989 - 31.12.1990

12. M. A. Lutful Matin 01.01.1991 - 09.05.1992

13. S.K.M. Abdullah 09.05.1992 - 31.12.1995

14. Dr. Mujibur Rahman Khan 04.01.1996 - 25.05.1996

15. Md. Mosharraf Hossain 25.05.1996 - 31.12.1996

15.04.1997 – 22.05.2001

16. Professor Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur 05.07.2001 - 01.11.2001

17. Syed Sajedul Karim 03.12.2001 - 28.04.2003

18. S.R. Osmani 30.04.2003 - 30.10.2005

19. A.M.M. Nasiruddin 30.10.2005 - 14.12.2005

20. M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan 14.12.2005 - 09.01.2007

21. Md.Wahidunnabi Chowdhury 14.01.2007 - 14.02.2007

22. Dr. Sheikh Abdur Rashid 14.02.2007 - 24.09.2007

23. Jalal Ahmed 24.09.2007 - 19.04.2009

24. Major Md.Muqtadir Ali (Retd.) 19.04.2009 - 17.10.2009

25. Professor Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur 18.10.2009 - 18.10.2014

26. Istiaque Ahmad 23.10.2014 - Incumbent

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The Genesis

Annual Report 2013

Bangladesh Minerals, Oil and Gas Corporation (BMOGC) was established pursuant to the President’s
Order # 27 on 26th March, 1972 for dealing with the exploration and development of oil, gas and mineral
resources of the country. The minerals related activities of the Corporation was segregated and placed
under a newly formed organization named Bangladesh Mineral Exploration and Development Corporation
(BMEDC) by the President’s Order # 120 of 27th September, 1972. The reconstituted Bangladesh Oil and
Gas Corporation (BOGC) was short-named “Petrobangla” by the Ordinance # 15 of 22nd August, 1974.
Through the repeal of Ordinance # LXX of 1974, Oil and Gas Development Corporation was abolished and
all of its asset and liabilities was vested in Petrobangla. On 13th November, 1976, by promulgation of the
Ordinance # 88, the importation, refining and marketing of crude and petroleum products was seperated
and vested with the newly formed Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC).
BOGC and BMEDC were merged into a single entity under the name “Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral
Corporation (BOGMC)” by the Ordinance # 21 of 11th April, 1985. The Corporation was short named
“Petrobangla” and given power to hold the shares or interest in any company formed for the purpose of
exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mineral resources by the Act # 11 of February, 1989.

Functions and Powers of Petrobangla

Petrobangla has been assigned with the following functions by the Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral
Corporation Ordinance, 1985 :
(a) to undertake research in the field of oil, gas and minerals ;
(b) to prepare and implement Programmes for the exploration and development of oil, gas and mineral
resources ;
(c) to produce and sell oil, gas and mineral resources and
(d) to perform such other functions as the Government may, from time to time, assign to the
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Corporation shall, in particular, have
(a) to undertake research for alternative use of natural gas ;
(b) to carry out geological, geophysical and other surveys for the exploration and development of oil,
gas and mineral resources ;
(c) to carry out drilling and other prospecting operations to prove and estimate the reserves of oil, gas
and mineral resources and collect all data required for adopting the most suitable extraction and
mining method ;
(d) to set up mining industries and to continue production and sale the mined commodities;
(e) to plan, promote and develop cement industries in the country ;
(f) to take up, execute and operate any project on mining and mineral development ;
(g) to contribute towards the cost of any studies, experiments or technical research, connected with
the functions of the Corporation and under-taken or done in the interest of the Corporation by any
other person, body or agency ;
(h) to undertake, assist or encourage the collection, maintenance and publication of statistics, bulletins
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and monograph.
Annual Report 2013
Petrobangla and The Government
Petrobangla operates as public sector statutory body pursuant to Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral
Corporation Ordinance, 1985 and Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1989.
The general direction and administration of the affairs and business of the corporation vests in its Board
of Directors. It is the policy making and managing body of the Corporation, with members from Energy,
Finance and Planning Ministries. The Board in discharging its functions acts on commercial consideration
having due regard to public interest. The Corporation is under the administrative control of the Energy and
Mineral Resources Division of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. The Corporation has
also close relationship, through the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, with Ministry of
Finance and Ministry of Planning for its development programs. There is also active relationship with other
functional bodies such as Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission, National Board of Revenue,
Department of Explosives, Department of Environment for relevant purposes.
The activities of the Corporation is reviewed and examined by the Public Accounts Committee and the
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.

Accountability Chain

Government Jatiyo Sangsad

Prime Minister (Parliament)

Standing Committee

Energy & Mineral Resources Planning Commission

Ministry of Finance
Division, Ministry of PE&MR Ministry of Planning

Bangladesh Energy
Commission (BERC)

Managing Directors

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Annual Report 2013
A Brief History of Oil, Gas and Mineral Industry In Bangladesh
The beginning: up to 1947
The search for oil and gas in the area constituting Bangladesh began in the later part of the 19th century
through some isolated geological mapping. The first serious attempt to find oil and gas was undertaken in
Sitakund in 1908 by the Indian Petroleum Prospecting Company, 18 years after the first oil discovery in
Digboi, Assam. During 1923-31 Burmah Oil Company (BOC) drilled two shallow wells in Patharia. The
wells were abandoned though there was a reported show of oil. A total of 6 exploratory wells were drilled,
the deepest being 1047 meters. There was, however, no discovery and the Second World War disrupted
further activities.

The interim: 1948 to 1971

The promulgation of Pakistan Petroleum Act in 1948 generated a lot of interest in oil and gas exploration
by international oil companies. The Standard Vacuum Oil Company (STANVAC) of USA, Pakistan
Petroleum Ltd. (PPL), Burmah Oil Company affiliate and Pakistan Shell Oil Company (PSOC) negotiated
concessions during early fifties and carried out exploration till the end of the sixties. STANVAC drilled 3
wells at Hazipur, Bogra and Kuchma in the northwestern part of the country without success. PPL drilled
wells in Haripur, Patharia, Chhatak, Fenchuganj, Patiya and Lalmai and made the first gas discovery in
Haripur in 1955, followed by Chattak in 1959. PSOC was the most successful company and discovered 5
gas fields named Titas, Habiganj, Rashidpur, Kailashtila and Bakhrabad.They also drilled the first offshore
well Cox's bazar-1, which was dry.

During this time Oil and Gas Development Corporation (OGDC) was established as the national
organization in 1961 providing an institutional foundation for exploration of oil and gas in the country.
OGDC carried out geological and geophysical surveys including gravity, magnetic and seismic types and
drilled wells in Jaldi and Semutang, discovering gas in Semutang in 1970.

The way forward: 1972 to 1979

After the independence of Bangladesh, exploration activities by both national and international companies
gathered pace. Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) continued its exploration
efforts while the Bangladesh Petroleum Act was enacted in 1974 to facilitate international participation
under PSC. The offshore area of
Bangladesh was divided into 6 blocks,
which were taken up by Ashland,
ARCO, BODC (Japex), Union Oil,
Canadian Superior Oil and Ina
Naftaplin under production sharing
contracts. These companies carried
out gravity, magnetic and seismic
surveys (about 32000 km) and drilled 7
wells. Of them, only Union Oil
Company discovered an offshore gas
field Kutubdia in 1977. This phase of
PSC ended with relinquishment of the
blocks by the PSC operators in 1978.
Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurating Rashidpur
Condensate Fractionation Plant under SGFL.
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Annual Report 2013
Gathering momentum: 1980 onwards
The 1980s saw accelerated exploration activities by Petrobangla. During the time, 12 exploration wells were
drilled in Muladi, Begumganj, Singra, Beanibazar, Atgram, Feni, Fenchuganj, Sitakund, Bogra, Kamta,
Marichakandi (Meghna) and Belabo (Narshindi) and discovered 7 gas fields in Begumganj, Beanibazar, Feni,
Fenchuganj, Kamta, Marichakandi (Meghna) and Belabo (Narshindi). Among these, Fenchuganj # 2 well
remains the deepest drilled well in Bangladesh (4977m). Meanwhile, a new milestone was achieved when
Petrobangla discovered the first commercial oil pool in Sylhet # 7 on 23rd December, 1986. Since 1989, after
the formation of BAPEX as the national exploration company, the company has continued exploration
activities and drilled 4 exploratory wells discovering gas in Shahbazpur, Saldanadi, Srikail and Sundalpur.
In 1981 Shell Oil Company (Shell) was awarded the Chittagong Hill Tracts for petroleum exploration under
PSC. Shell conducted geological and seismic survey and drilled the Sitapahar well which was dry.
Subsequently Shell undertook exploration in the extreme north west of the country and drilled the first well
in the area - the Salbanhat well which was also dry. In 1988 Scimitar Exploration Limited was awarded
another PSC what is now block # 13 in Surma basin. They failed to prove the extent of the oil discovery at
Sylhet structure but discovered the Jalalabad gas field.
Formulation of National Energy Policy, 1996 and adoption of a model production sharing contract (PSC)
document together with redefining the whole of Bangladesh territory into 23 exploration blocks ushered in
a new phase of exploration and development of oil and gas in the country. In the first stage under the new
arrangement, 8 blocks were awarded to 4 companies under PSC. Exploration and development activities
in these blocks were rather limited, most of the blocks were moderately covered by seismic surveys. A
total of 11 exploration wells were drilled and 3 gas fields were discovered in these blocks. These fields are
Moulavibazar, Sangu (offshore) and Bibiyana. These 3 fields alongwith Jalalabad gas field discovered by
Scimitar Exploration Ltd. were developed under PSC and are currently in production. The first 3D seismic
survey of the country took place in Bibiyana during its appraisal. Bibiyana came under production in
March, 2007. Another PSC bidding round during the late nineties culminated in awarding 4 more blocks.
These were SHELL/CAIRN/BAPEX in blocks # 5 & 10, UNOCAL/BAPEX in block # 7 and TULLOW/
CHEVRON/TAXACO/BAPEX in block # 9. Exploration activity in these blocks were conducted. There had
been substantial activity in block # 9 only, where 5 exploration wells were drilled on the basis of seismic
survey including 3D seismic.
Offshore bidding round 2008, limited to newly formed deep water blocks, attracted some bids. However,
the ensuing maritime boundary dispute in most of the blocks created a stalemate. In this backdrop, two
blocks were negotiated with Conoco Phillips and a PSC for two blocks was signed in 2011. Conoco
Phillips has since completed the initial seismic survey in the blocks. As the next stage, Conoco is planning
an infill seismic program to finalize a possible drilling location. This is expected to commence by 2013.
After the resolution of the Maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar by virtue of the judgment awarded on
14th March, 2012 by International Tribunal For The Law Of The Sea (ITLOS), the deep water blocks on the
eastern part has been rearranged. A new bidding round offering 9 shallow sea blocks and 3 deep sea
blocks on the east side has been planned. The Bangladesh Offshore Bid Round 2012 was announced in
December 2012 and substantial initial response has been received. As of going to press, evaluated
recommendation for 3 shallow sea blocks are being awaited for government approval for notification of
award. A re-offer for bids for 6 remaining shallow sea blocks have been announced, while deep sea bid
submission dateline is on hold pending some revision of the offer terms by the government.
The initial exploration program of the on going PSC was completed before the period under review. Among
the new PSC’s block # 9 was the most active. After drilling of new wells encountering gas, a major appraisal
program including 3D seismic and drilling of 5 wells have been completed. In block # 7 and 10, further
seismic appraisal was undertaken. Chevron completed 2D seismic in block # 7 and drilled an exploration
well in Kajal structure in southern Patuakhali. Kajal # 1 exploration well turned out to be dry. Currently, a six
well development program supported by expanded and upgraded process capacity is ongoing.

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Preparation is on to drill 3 new appraisal-cum-development wells − 2 wells at Titas Gas Field (Titas # 17 &

Annual Report 2013

18) and 1 well at Bakhrabad Gas Field (Bakhrabad # 9) with its own resources under the ongoing
development program.
Even though exploration history of oil and gas in Bangladesh goes back almost a century, exploration
density has remained very low. So far only about 82 exploration wells have been drilled, which resulted in
discovery of 25 gas fields of sizes ranging from 4 TCF to 25 BCF GIIP. This indicates the extremely low
exploration density but high success rate of 1 in 3 exploration wells. Of the exploration wells, 20 are in the
offshore with 2 discoveries and the rest 62 are on shore with 23 discoveries. It is of great significance that
out of the 62 onshore wells 49 exploratory wells were drilled in the eastern margin of the country with the
discovery of 22 gas fields.

Petrobangla is also entrusted with mineral development in the country. While the exploration part of
minerals activity falls under the charter of Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB), subsequent
development of economic deposits are undertaken by Petrobangla. Mineral activities were part of the
erstwhile Bangladesh Mineral Exploration & Development Corporation (BMEDC) till its merger with
BOGMC. Petrobangla has developed two underground mines, one for coal at Barapukuria which started
commercial production in september 2005 and the other for hard rock at Maddhapara which went
commercial production in May, 2007. Certain other extraction operation, like limestone, white clay and
boulder, are controlled by the government through the Bureau of Mineral Development (BMD).

Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurating Sundalpur Gas Field discovered by BAPEX.
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Annual Report 2013
Activities of Petrobangla
The activities of the Petrobangla group encompasses the whole spectrum of oil, gas and mineral sector of
the country. The companies under Petrobangla are involved in each of the stages from the drill bit to
burner tips. Petrobangla, through its companies, conducts geological and geophysical exploration by its
own crew, drills exploration and development wells by its own rig or by hired contractors, processes the
raw gas to pipe line specification, transport the processed gas through an increasing network of
high-pressure transmission lines and distributes gas to the customers, be it a large power plant or fertilizer
factory or a single household. Value added LPG and liquid fuel such as Motor Spirit Diesel, Kerosene etc
are extracted from NGL and condensate which are by-products of gas. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is
extensively used in the vehicles substituting imported liquid petroleums. Furthermore, extraction of coal
and granite are also conducted by Petrobangla.

2D Seismic Project of BAPEX envisages to acquire 1800 lkm data having a completion date of 30th June
2017 with an approved DPP cost of Tk. 71.13 cr. So far BAPEX have acquired 476 lkm seismic data from
Madaripur, Shariatpur, Gopalganj and Khulna area out of the target. After processing the data, the
interpretation report reveals some potential leads that need to be further explored in the Madaripur and
Shariatpur region. During 2012-2013, 118 lkm seismic data have been acquired from
Shariatpur-Madaripur region which is located in Block-6A and Block-6B.
3D seismic team of BAPEX started their journey in 2010 and successfully completed acquisition,
processing and interpretation of Rashidpur, Kailashtila, Sylhet, Titas, Bakhrabad and Saldanadi Gas
Fields. From the interpretation results, 31 drilling wells have been proposed. All the wells drilled based on
the results were successful among which RP-08 of Rashidpur, KTL-04 of Kailashtila, TT-18 and TT-27 of
Titas and BKB-09 of Bakhrabad are producing gas that are being distributed through the national grid.
3D Seismic Project of BAPEX has been initiated to conduct a total of 1950 seismic exploration on
Sunetro, Shahbazpur, Sundalpur-Begumganj, Srikail, Narshingdi and Habiganj gas fields with an approved
DPP cost of Tk. 182.50 cr. fixing a completion target by November, 2017. So far 562 sq. km. data have
been acquired from the Sunetro and 1st phase of Shahbazpur gas field. During the field season
2012-2013, 77 sq km. data has been acquired from the 1st phase of Sunetro structure which is located in
Block-11 and Block-12.

Sunetra -1: The Suntra-1 exploration well was spud in on 10 August, 2012. The drilling of well to a depth
of 4683m has been completed on 08 March, 2013 using Bijoy-10 drilling rig. The well was plugged &
abandoned on 18 March, 2013 because of no discovery of gas.
Titas-17: Pursuant to a contract between BAPEX and BGFCL the well was spud in on 31/08/2012. The
drilling of well to a depth of 2872m has been completed on 17/01/2013 using IDECO H-1700 drilling rig. After
completion of well test gas is being produced from the well @ 20mmscfd and supplied to national grid line.
Titas-18: Pursuant to a contract between BAPEX and BGFCL, the drilling of directional well to a depth of
3332m has been completed on 24 May, 2013 using GARDNER DENVER E 1100 drilling rig. After completion
of well test, gas is being produced from the well @ 20mmscfd and supplied to national grid line.
Bakhrabad-9: Pursuant to a contract between BAPEX and BGFCL the drilling of vertical well to a depth of
2535m has been completed on 18 July, 2013 using IDECO H-1700 drilling rig. After completion of well test
, gas is being produced from the well @15mmscfd and supplied to national grid line.

Page 18
Fenchugonj-5: Fenchugonj # 5 directional well was spud in on 27 September, 2013 with Bijoy-10 drilling

Annual Report 2013

rig. The well has been drilled to 1361m by the end of December, 2013. The drilling of well will be completed
after performing necessary works of the well.
Titas-27: Pursuant to a contract between BAPEX and BGFCL the drilling of directional well was spud in on
20 November, 2013 with GARDNER DENVER E 1100 drilling rig. The well has been drilled to 209m by the
end of December, 2013.The drilling of well will be completed after performing necessary works of the well.
Rupgonj-1: Mobilization of IDECO H-1700 drilling rig from BKB # 9 started on 13 September, 2013 to
location of Rupgonj # 1. The drilling of well is expected to be completed after performing necessary works
of the well by first quarter of 2014.
Five Wells Drilling Program By Gazprom, Russia: BAPEX will remain engaged till 2015 for drilling of 24
wells (excluding workover wells) using its rigs and materials procurement. Under the circumstances, to
meet the increasing gas demand, it has been decided to drill 5 wells by Gazprom EP, Russia and a project
has been approved on 14 June, 2012 at a cost Tk. 1013.97 crore to be funded by GDF. The objective of
the project includes drilling, testing and completion of five wells (Shahbazpur # 3 & 4, Begumganj # 3,
Semutang # 6 and Srikail # 3). By the end of December, 2013 (Srikail # 3 and Begumganj # 3) 2 wells have
been completed and rest of 3 wells will be completed by December, 2014.

The major public sector gas production companies are: Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited
(BGFCL) and Sylhet Gas Fields Limited (SGFL). These two companies together produced 41.5% of total
gas produced during FY 2012-13. BAPEX has been assigned with production activities since 2000. It
produced 31.76 BCF gas in FY 2012-2013. Total production of three national companies stood 330.68
BCF which was 45% of total production of gas during FY 2012-2013. The remaining 438.1 BCF gas was
produced by IOC's (Santos, Chevron & Tullow) which was 55% of total production of gas during 2012-13.
To keep pace with continually increasing gas demand, gas production by one of the international company
Chevron maintained increasing trend. The other three national and two international companies (Santos,
Tullow) maintained their production almost at the same level of the previous year. However the production
from the offshore gas field Sangu dropped to zero from September 2013. Total production in the year
2012-2013 was 800.6 billion cubic feet (BCF), averaging about 2,194 MMCFD. Out of this, BGFCL
produced 274.4 BCF, SGFL 56.3 BCF, BAPEX 32 BCF, Santos 5.8 BCF, Chevron 400.5 BCF and Tullow 32
BCF. The major gas producing fields of companies under Petrobangla are: Titas Gas field 21.%, Habiganj
10%, Kailashtilla 4%, Rashidpur 2%, Fenchuganj 2% whereas major producing fields under IOC's are:
Bibiyana 36%, Jalalabad 10%, Maulavibazar 4%, Bangura 4% and Sangu 1%.
At the end of FY 2012-13, twenty gas fields were in production with 84 flowing wells. These fields are
operated by BGFCL (5), SGFL (4), BAPEX (6), Chevron (3), Santos/Cairn (1) and Tullow (1). SGFL and
BGFCL have taken up new drilling programs in Titas, Habiganj, Kailashtilla and Rashidpur gas fields.
BAPEX has developed (4) wells-one well each at Fenchuganj, Semutang, Sundalpur and Salda gas fields.
Bibiyana gas field, started production from March, 2007, is now producing more than 830 MMCF per day
from 12 wells.
During 2012-13 Chevron produced a total of 400.5 BCF gas from its 3 gas fields. It produced 83.5 BCF
gas & 653073 BBLS condensate from Jalalabad field, 31.3 BCF gas & 5771.7 BBLS condensate from
Maulavibazar field and 286 BCF gas & 1224967 BBLS condensate from Bibiyana gas field and Tullow
produced 36.6 BCF gas during this period. Santos produced about 5.8 BCF gas and 3701.37 BBLS
condensate from the Sangu field. During the period from July to December, 2013, Chevron produced
197.4 BCF, Tullow produced 17.8 BCF and Santos/Cairn produced 0.29 BCF.
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Annual Report 2013
Transportation of high pressure gas in the country is the responsibility of Gas Transmission Company Limited
(GTCL). GTCL owns and operates major gas transmission pipelines throughout the country. Gas transmission
pipelines built by other companies before creation of GTCL have been integrated with the GTCL system. A
number of gas transmission pipeline construction projects which include Monohordi-Dhanua & Elenga-East
Bank of Jamuna Bridge gas transmission pipeline. Hatikumrul-Ishwardi-Bheramara gas transmission pipeline,
Bonpara-Rajshahi gas transmission pipeline, Bheramara-Khulna gas transmission pipeline,
Bakhrabad-Shidirganj gas transmission pipeline, Ashuganj-Bakhrabad gas transmission pipeline, Gas
Transmission Pipeline from Titas location # 7 to A-B pipeline, Bibiyana-Dhanua gas transmission pipeline and
Installation of Compressor Stations at Ashuganj and Elenga by GTCL have been undertaken to enhance the
gas transmission capacity. Among them, construction of 30" diameter 51 km Monohordi-Dhanua &
Elenga-East Bank of Jamuna Bridge gas transmission pipeline, 30" diammeter 87 km
Hatikumrul-Ishwardi-Bheramara gas transmission pipeline (excluding Padma river crossing), 12" diameter 53
km Bonpara-Rajshahi gas transmission pipeline and 24" diameter 7.5 km gas transmission pipeline from Titas
location # 7 to A-B Pipeline and Srikail-AB 1.5 km Gas Transmission Pipeline have already been completed.

Gas pipeline network continued to expand both in transmission and distribution. In total about 335.19 km
pipelines which included 98.81 km transmission, 57.08km distribution pipelines, 121.24 km feeder main
and service lines, and 58.06 km others (customer financing) pipelines of various sizes and grades were
completed during the year 2012-2013. As on June 2013, the gas pipeline network encompassed about
21750.06 km comprising of about 2268.36 km transmission lines, 2478.78 km distribution lines, 15143.99
km feeder main and service lines and the rest 1858.93 km other (customer financing) lines.
As on December 2013, the pipeline network increased to about 21989.99 km, which included about
2308.68 km transmission lines, 2490.96 km distribution lines, 15310.46 km feeder main and service lines
and the rest 1879.89 km pipelines constructed under customer financing.
Among the major transmission lines, during this year, the construction of 30 inch diameter 51 km
transmission pipeline of Monohordi-Dhanua, 30 inch diameter 87 km transmission pipeline from
Hatikumrul to Bheramara for extending gas supply to the South-Southwestern regions of the country
including gas supply to the existing Bheramara 60 MW power plant and proposed 450 MW power plant to
be installed at Ishwardi/Bheramara and construction of Bonpara-Rajshahi 12 inch dia 53 km long pipeline
to supply gas to Natore, Rajshahi and adjoining areas has been commissioned.

Marketing of gas to the customers ranging from large power and fertilizer plants to small households and business
is the responsibility of five marketing companies under Petrobangla. These companies are namely Titas Gas
Transmission & Distribution Company Limited, Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited, Jalalabad Gas
Transmission & Distribution System Limited, Paschimanchal Gas Company Limited and Karnaphuli Gas Distribution
Company Limited. Each company has its own marketing franchise area covered by a fairly extensive distribution
network. Among these marketing companies, Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited, last to join in the
marketing group has started its operation from July, 2010. The commercial operation of Sundarban Gas Company
Limited created in 2009 is yet to start. The project for expansion of gas distribution network in the western and
south-western part of the country is going on in full swing and expected to be completed by December, 2013.
The total gas sales of the aforesaid five marketing companies in operation during this financial year was
about 798.1 BCF of which power sector consumed lion's share of 314.3 BCF followed by fertilizer sector
42 BCF, industrial sector 120.5 BCF, domestic sector 76 BCF and others non-bulk 245.4 BCF. Gas sector
catered to more than 2.38 million customers under various categories as on June, 2013 which rose to 2.54
million at the end of December, 2013. Most of these customers fall under domestic category.

Page 20
Condensate and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)

Annual Report 2013

As some of the gas fields of Bangladesh located in north-eastarn part contain high percentage of liquid.
Extraction of this liquid, especially value added by-products is becoming a growing activity. Apart from the
condensate Fractionation Plant installed in different gas fields, Rashidpur Condensate Fractionation Plant
with a capacity of 3750 bbl/day is producing Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene by fractioning the condensate
received from Bibiyana Gas Field. During 2012-13, a total of 91193.00 kilolitre of Condensate was produced
by SGFL, BGFCL and BAPEX and 315863.00 kilolitre by IOC’s as a by product of gas. During the same
period, SGFL extracted 29255.00 kilolitre of NGL from the gas processed at its Mole-Sieve Turbo Expander
plant at Kailashtilla. On the other hand, a total of 91564.00 kilolitre of Petrol, 83083.00 kilolitre of Diesel and
25852.00 kilolitre of Kerosene was produced by fractionating the condensate at the Fractionation Plants
located at different fields of SGFL and BGFCL. Besides, a total of 14361.00 kilolitre of Petrol was converted
in octane using octane booster at Rashidpur condensate fractionation plant under SGFL.


RPGCL, a company under Petrobangla, has been entrusted with the regulatory functions to manage, supervise
and co-ordinate the use of CNG in Bangladesh. The extensive use of CNG has been playing an important role
in reducing our dependence on imported liquid fuel for use in vehicles. The company also produced 8117
Metric ton LPG by processing the NGL in its Fractionation plant at Kailashtilla during the same period.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

At present, there is a shortage of about 500 MMCF gas per day in the country. To ease the situation, the
government has taken up necessary steps to import 500 MMCFD of LNG particularly to feed the
Chittagong area. Under this project, installation of a Floating Storage and Re-gasification Unit (FSRU) at
Moheshkhali approximately 90 kilometer south of Chittagong and construction of 115 km X 30” dia
transmission pipeline from Moheshkhali to Ring-Main (Fouzdarhat) is under process.

Petrobangla is also entrusted to develop mineral resources in the country. As the pioneer in subsurface
mining in the country, Petrobangla has developed a coal mine at Barapukuria and a granite mine at
Maddhapara of Dinajpur District from which commercial production have been going on. The country's
only granite mining company "Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd." at Dinajpur has been extracting
granite which is used mostly as construction material.

At present, natural gas accounts for about 73% of commercial energy in the country. The sole dependence
on natural gas has contributed to sharp growth in its demand. In order to reduce increasing dependence
on natural gas, Petrobangla has developed the first coal mine of the country at Barapukuria. At present,
Barapukuria coal mine is producing approximately 2500-3000 metric tons daily. The coal extracted from this
mine is mainly used to fuel the only coal powered 250 MW power generation plant of the country located in
Barapukuria. Remainder of coal is used in brick fields, boiler industry, steel re-rolling mills, etc. It is to be
mentioned that Petrobangla has undertaken a project to conduct seismic survey for feasibility studyof coal
deposit at Digipara coal field. The project duration is November, 2013 to December, 2014. Furthermore, a project
named "Feasibility Study for the Extraction of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) at Jamalganj coal field has been
undertaken by Petrobangla.
Presently, government has been putting efforts to finalize the coal policy where the strategies and rules of
coal extraction will be spelled out. It is expected the Coal Policy will help achieving targets and appropriate
steps could be taken up to developing the prospective coal sector.
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Annual Report 2013
The country's only granite mining company "Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd." at Dinajpur has
been extracting granite which is used mostly as construction material. During by FY under review, a total
of 2,81,402 metric ton of granite was produced from the mine.

In keeping with the increased production, gas sales also showed an upward trend. By the end of 2012-13
financial year, total sales was 795.8 BCF of which power sector (Grid+Non-Grid+ Captive) again consumed
the lion's share of 462.9 BCF followed by fertilizer sector 60.0 BCF, industry sector 35.7 BCF, domestic sector
89.7 BCF and others non-bulk 47.4 BCF. As on June, 2013 gas sector catered to more than 2.38 million
customers of various categories which increased to about 2.54 million at the end of December, 2013. Most
of these customers fall under domestic category; however, power sector remained the largest consumer.

Sectorwise Gas Consumption (2012-2013)

CNG 5% Domestic 11%

Commercial & Power 41%

Tea-estate 1%

Captive 17%

Fertilizer 8%
Industry 17%

For the year 2012-2013, consolidated operating profit of Petrobangla group companies stood at Taka
28996.44 million. The gross income from sales of gas, gas derived liquids, coal and hard rock stood at
Taka 253792.04 million, while gross expense, including SD/VAT, interest, depreciation, overhead, margins
etc., was Taka 224795.60 million. Pre-tax profit which included miscellaneous income totaled Taka
40141.47 million during the year. After providing for workers participation fund, income tax and dividend
paid to the government, the net profit stood at Taka 21693.75 million during the year.

During the financial year 2012-2013, Petrobangla group in total paid to the National Exchequer to the tune
of Taka 55865.80 million. This amount was made up of Taka 23861.60 million as Supplementary Duty and
VAT, Taka 14257.20 million as Income Tax, Taka 8395.80 million as dividend payment, Taka 4596.40 million
as customs duty, Taka 3350.10 million as DSL and Taka 1404.70 million as royalty.

Page 22
Annual Report 2013
Payment To National Exchequer (Bar Chart)
Taka in Million





30,000 25708.0







1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Human Resources Development

As a part of the continuing efforts to upgrade its manpower resources to meet the changing need of the
industry, Petrobangla and its companies pursue a regular skill development and diversification program.
Apart from conventional training opportunities for job specific subjects, new areas of specialization are
being inducted to cater to a new milieu of activity. In view of gradual deregulation of certain aspects of gas
industry, introduction of private venture as sole or joint collaboration, taxation regime, tariff mechanism
and over all reinvigoration of the sector, regular and frequent participations are ensured by the widest
possible selection of personnel in various training, workshops and seminars.

During the fiscal year 2012-2013, Petrobangla group arranged foreign training of different duration and
disciplines for 319 personnel, while 3 participants were sent for attending seminars, 9 for attending
workshop, 36 for inspection, 1 for scholarship, 15 for study tour and 1 for study. During the same period,
local training was imparted to 179 personnel, while 11 participated in seminars and 7 in workshop held in
the country.

Petrobangla has also undertaken a plan to automatize the management system. The head office complex
has already been brought under LAN with almost all personnel and sections connected within the network.
Petrobangla has introduced Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in the early 2008, wherein
database for the officials has been developed for smooth running and efficient management of the human
resources of the Corporation. All the companies under Petrobangla have already introduced the Human
Resources Information System (HRIS) which is helpful for efficient human resources management of the
Page 23

companies under Petrobangla as well.

Annual Report 2013
Production Sharing Contracts (PSC)
A major activity of Petrobangla is organizing, supervising and administering the Production Sharing
Contracts (PSC) with the International Oil Companies (IOC). The major block bidding and awards took
place under the 1974 offshore round, the 1993 bidding round, the 1997-2000 bidding round, offshore
bidding round 2008 and offshore bidding round 2012. The 1974 round was limited to near offshore areas,
when six of the then seven offshore blocks were contracted to Atlantic Richfield (ARCO), Ashland Oil,
Union Oil, Canadian Superior, BODC (JNOC/JAPEX JV) and Yugoslav oil company INA Naftaplin. These
companies conducted 31069 km of marine seismic surveys and drilled 7 wells and discovered Kutubdia
Gas field in 1977. This round wound up by 1978.
In the interim, Shell Oil Company (Shell) signed and explored blocks in Chittagong Hill tracts (later Block
22) and North West Bangladesh (later block 23), conducted seismic survey and drilled 2 wells at Sitapahar
& Salbanhat. Scimitar Exploration undertook a PSC for exploration of oil in Surma basin (the area later
becoming Block 13) but they could discover only gas in Jalalabad field.
The next major round took place in 1993 when 23 onshore and offshore blocks were offered. At that time,
8 blocks were awarded to four companies which were Occidental (OXY) blocks 12, 13 & 14, Cairn Energy-
Blocks 15 & 16; Okland-Rexwood-Blocks 17 & 18 and United Meridian Corporation (UMC) block 22.
Another PSC round was initiated in 1997 under which four blocks were awarded. This time,
Tullow/Chevron/Texaco/BAPEX was awarded block 9; Shell/Cairn/ BAPEX was awarded block 5 & 10 and
Unocal/BAPEX was awarded Block 7. During this round, a mandatory 10 percent carried interest was
introduced and implemented for BAPEX for all blocks.
Offshore bidding round 2008 attracted some bids, but the ensuing maritime boundary dispute in most of
the blocks created a stalemate. However, the Government succeeded to sign one PSC for two deep sea
blocks DS-10 & DS-11 with Conoco Phillips on June 16th, 2011.
Just after, the delimitation of the boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in March, 2012 by ITLOS,
Petrobangla reshaped the blocks considering the new boundary and announced a bidding round in
December 2012. Under this round, three shallow water PSCs have been signed. ONGC Videsh, Oil India
& BAPEX joint venture has signed two PSCs for blocks SS-04 and SS-09. On the other hand, Santos,
KrisEnergy and BAPEX joint venture has been contracted for block SS-11. Deep water bids received in
January 2014 are now being processed.
Since the signing of the PSC's, several changes in ownership and restructuring in the contracts have taken
place. All of the onshore PSCs have matured from the exploration phase to production phase and the
major areas of the blocks have been relinquished. As of April 2014, the PSC's are active in: production
areas of blocks 12, 13 & 14 (Bibiyana, Jalalabad & Maulavibazar Gas Fields) operated by Chevron,
exploration ring fence of block 16 (Magnama ring fence) operated by Santos; development cum
production area of block 9 (Bangora-Lalmai gas field) operated by Tullow Oil in association with Niko
resources and BAPEX. Subsequently, Tullow shares in the block have been taken over by KRISENERGY
who is now operating the Bangora field. Block 17 & 18 has been relinquished by its operator TOTAL and
its partners PTTEP and Tullow in March 2009. Similarly Chevron has relinquished Block-7 on August 2011
after the drilling of Kajal structure in southern Patuakhali, result of which was found to be not encouraging.
The production from the lone offshore gas field "Sangu" has stopped from October, 2013 as the field
reached its economic limit, the facilities have been handed over to Petrobangla as per contract.
Exploration activities in newly signed blocks SS 04 , SS 09 (ONGC VIDESH/ Oil India Ltd/ Bapex) and SS
11 (Santos/ Kris/ Bapex) are expected to start by year end 2014.
ConocoPhillips conducted 2680 line kilometer of 2D seismic survey in 2012. After interpretation of the first
data set, ConocoPhillips conducted an infill 2D seismic survey of 3070 line kilometer in 2013.
Interpretation and integration of the above two datasets are ongoing.

Page 24
The PSC contracts have proven to be a significant source of gas in the country; gas production from the

Annual Report 2013

PSC blocks has increased dramatically over the last few years.
Bibiyana gas field has become the biggest producer of the country with a current production rate of about
830 MMCFD. Chevron is currently implementing a drilling campaign at the Bibiyana field which includes
back to back drilling of twelve development wells. This drilling campaign is expected to be completed by
July 2014. On completion of the drilling of twelve wells, Bibiyana production will be gradually increased
up to 1150 MMCFD by the end of 2014. Jalalabad gas field is now producing at its full capacity which is
250 MMCFD. The Jalalabad ring fence has been increased by the Government and 3D seismic is planned
by 2014/15 while Maulavibazar gas field peaked its production at about 110 MMCFD but currently
produces about 70 MMCFD.
Bangora gas field went into production in mid 2006. Since then the production and process capacity has
been enhanced to 120 MMCFD. Currently the field is producing at the level of 110 MMCFD. Wellhead
compressor installation is now underway in order to maintain the plateau in future.
The total gas production from the PSC operation during 2013 was about 436.356 BCF together with about
1.94 million barrels of associated condensate.
Since the start of PSC operations in Bangladesh, till date a total of 27 exploration wells have been drilled
resulting in discovery of 6 gas fields. The producing gas fields under PSC have a total of 76 wells out of
which 30 are currently producing.

Process Plant at Habiganj Gas Field under BGFCL

Page 25
Annual Report 2013
Petrobangla Companies
Over the years, the activities of Petrobangla has expanded and diversified to a great extent. To manage
these activities, specialized companies are operating to perform specific objectives. Currently, there are
thirteen companies operating under Petrobangla, dealing in oil and gas exploration, production,
transmission, distribution, conversion as well as development and marketing of coal and hard rock





Page 26
Annual Report 2013
Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company Limited (BAPEX)
BAPEX emerged as an oil and gas exploration company in July, 1989 pursuant to a government
decision to expedite petroleum exploration activities in the country. Subsequently, on 29th
February, 2000, in addition to exploration, production activities was brought under the domain of
BAPEX transforming it into a exploration cum production company with a view to making it self
reliant. At present, BAPEX is engaged in exploring and drilling wells as well as producing gas
from Saldanadi, Fenchuganj, Shahbazpur, Shahjadpur-Sundalpur, Srikail and Semutang. BAPEX
discovered 4 gas fields in 7 geological structures as commercial gas discovery which are now in
During 2012-2013, BAPEX produced 892.10 MMCM gas and 3,016 kilolitres of condensate from its 6 flowing wells at 6 gas
fields. The company earned a sales revenue of Tk. 280.91 crore and a net profit before tax of Tk. 123.66 crore and made
payment to the national exchequer of Tk. 234.54 crore.
During the field season 2012-2013, a total of 53 line km survey has been completed by geological survey party at Matamuhuri
Structure located in Lama and Alikadam areas of Bandarban District. By exploring 10 streamlets of this structure, 28 rock and
4 gas samples have been collected during this survey. In the year, geological observations have been made during drilling of
Srikail-3 and Begumganj-3 by Gazprom.
In the field season 2012-2013, the Geophysical division of BAPEX engaged in 2D & 3D seismic exploration using latest
state-of-art technology. From the year 2012-13, a project titled “2D Seismic project of BAPEX” have been approved by the
Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources to conduct 1800 line-km high resolution regional seismic survey. In the field
season 2012-13, a total of 118 line-km 2D seismic data have been acquired in the area of Gopalganj, Shariatpur, Madaripur,
Khulna, Barisal & surrounding areas and after preliminary processing & interpretation, two potential seismic lead have been
delineated in Shariatpur & Bhola North area.
The 3D seismic team of Geophysical Division, BAPEX has started data acquisition program over Sunetro structure during
2012-13 seismic season and completed 77 sq km of acquisition works. Besides, data processing and interpretation have been
accomplished of previously acquired Titas and Bakhrabad structures (Appraisal of Gas Fields). The major successful outcomes
of 3D seismic survey are possibility of finding oil in Kailashtila & Sylhet and identifying deeper prospects in Titas. Depending on
the interpretation analysis, nine wells in Rashidpur, four wells in Kailashtila, three wells in Sylhet and eleven wells in Titas have
been proposed. In Kailashtila-4, the existence of new gas layer identified from 3D seismic survey has already been proved
through work-over of the well which is producing gas and condensate continuously.
In order to drill 10 wells, which includes 5 wells of BAPEX a contract between
BAPEX and Gazprom has been signed in April 2012. The objective of the
project includes drilling, testing and completion of five wells (Shahbazpur-3 &
4, Begumganj-3, Semutang-6 and Srikail-3) by February, 2014. Srikail-3 well
was drilled at 3350m. After completion of DST, 20 MMCF gas is being supplied
to the national grid daily. Drilling of Begumganj-3 was also completed on 14
September 2013 at a depth of 3565m. After completion of DST, gas is being
supplied to the national grid daily. Next to Begumganj-3 drilling of Semutang-6
is running.
During 2012-2013 finacial year, Bapex had been implementing 7 projects of
which 6 projects were financed by GOB and another one project was jointly
financed by GOB and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The total project cost
was Tk. 783.15 crore including foreign currency of Tk. 673.07 crore. The
cumulative expenditure of the projects up to june 2013 was Tk. 556.78 crore
including foreign currency portion of Tk. 456.33 crore.
Page 27

Drilling Rig 40 dbs used by BAPEX

Annual Report 2013
Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL)
Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL) derives its origin from Pakistan Shell Oil Company Limited
(PSOC) which was formed in Karachi, Pakistan on 30th May, 1956. The Company started its operation on a small
scale with Titas and Habiganj Gas Field in the late sixties. With the emergence of Bangladesh and promulgation
of Petroleum Act, 1974, the GOB bought all shares of Pakistan Shell Oil Company on 9th August, 1975. PSOC
was renamed and registered as Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited on the 12th September, 1975.
There are 6 gas fields under this company viz, Titas, Habiganj, Bakhrabad, Narsingdi, Meghna and Kamta.
Among them 5 gas fields : Titas, Habiganj, Bakhrabad, Narsingdi and Meghna are in production while
production from Kamta field is suspended now. During the financial year 2012-2013, the Company produced about 35% of the
total gas production of the country. A total of 274.37 billion cubic feet of gas was produced from 33 producing wells at an
average daily rate of 752.00 million cubic feet and 1,73,484 bbls condensate was produced during the financial year.
Production of gas for the period from July to December, 2013 is 142.741 BCF.
As per latest report, total recoverable gas reserve of 6 fields under the Company is about 12,252,000.00 million cubic feet, out
of which 6,542,947.273 million cubic feet or about 53.40 percent has been extracted till 30th June, 2013.
With a view to mitigating the ongoing gas crisis, BGFCL has kept its relentless effort to ensure uninterrupted gas supply and
implemented various development projects with own finance as well as the financial assistance of various development partners such
as ADB, JICA, GDF etc. Under the projects, 01 new well (Bakhrabad-9) has been drilled and workover of 02 existing wells (Bakhrabad-2
& 5) has been completed. At present, 3 MMcfd gas from BKB-02 and 15 MMscfd from BKB-09 is being supplied to national grid.
Successful implementation of a project for drilling of two appraisal-cum development wells at south-eastern part of Titas structure and
installation of one 75 MMcfd gas process plant, 15 MMcfd gas has been added from each of Titas well no. 17 and 18.
With an objective to determine the gas reserve,
delineate the overall geological features as well as
the structural extent of Titas and Bakhrabad gas
fields, 335 square km field level 3-D seismic survey
over Titas gas structure and 210 square km field
level 3-D seismic survey over Bakhrabad gas
structure had been conducted for the first time. In
the survey report drilling of 11 (eleven) new wells at
Titas Gas Field and drilling of 3 (three) new well at
Bakhrabad field has been proposed based on area
of structural extent of Titas and Bakhrabad fields. Of
these, 5 nos. have been undertaken to be drilled at
Titas gas field. Out of 5 wells, 4 wells in 2 new
separate locations under ADB financing project and
other one (Titas # 27) under GDF financing is in
progress at Titas 17 & 18 drilling location. After Professor Dr. Md. Hossain Monsur, Chairman, Petrobangla inaugurated gas
completing drilling of these 05 wells, 120 MMscfd production from Bakhrabad well No. 9 on August 19, 2013
gas is expected to be added to the national grid. A fast track program project co-ordinating with BGFCL & SGFL was undertaken,
where drilling of 4 (four) new appraisal-cum-development wells (Titas wells nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22) and installation of 2 nos.
process plants of 75 MMscfd capacity each are in BGFCL Part. Under the project, Gazprom EP International Investments B.V.
has already completed drilling of Titas well nos. 20 & 21. Daily 30 MMscf gas is being supplied to the national grid from the
wells (Titas-20 and 21). Drilling of Titas well no. 22 commences on 15.01.2014 and expected to be completed within February,
2014. Titas well no. 19 will commence subsequently and installation of process plants including gas gathering pipelines with
associated facilities are in progress. Approximately 50 MMcfd additional gas is expected to be supplied to the national grid upon
successful drilling of Titas well no 19 & 22.
The company earned a gross revenue of Tk. 2,578.02 crore and a pre-tax profit of Tk. 289.09 crore during the FY 2012-2013.
The company also paid Tk. 2,124.74 crore to the National Exchequer in the form of SD & VAT, DSL, Dividend and Income Tax
during the year.

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Annual Report 2013
Sylhet Gas Fields Limited (SGFL)
Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. is the second largest state owned gas producing company in the country. It was
originally owned by Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. (PPL). The company was abandoned by PPL after the
independence of Bangladesh and taken over by the Government. The company was incorporated on 8th
May, 1982 in the name of Sylhet Gas Fields Limited. The company, under its umbrella, currently
operates Sylhet (Haripur), Kailashtilla, Rashidpur and Beanibazar gas fields. A total of 14 wells (2 wells
at Sylhet, 6 wells at Kailashtilla, 4 wells at Rashidpur and 2 wells at Beanibazar) are currently on stream
which produce an average of 154.1593 MMCF gas daily. The produced gas is supplied to Titas Gas T&D
Company Ltd., Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd, and Jalalabad T&D System Ltd. franchise
areas. A considerable amount of Condensate and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) is extracted from the gas stream during of
Alongside meeting the ever-increasing energy demand of the country, Sylhet Gas Fields Limited has undertaken various
development projects. The projects, once implemented, would expand the company’s overall operational activities and at the
same time will enhance revenue earning greatly. The on going projects include: (i) Drilling of the new gas well Rashidpur-8 under
Fast Track program, (ii) Drilling of gas/oil well KTL-7 at Kailashtilla (iii) Drilling of 5 wells i. e. 3 wells in Rashidpur, one well each
at Kailashtilla and Horipur, (iv) Installation of a 3000 bbl/day Capacity Catalytic Reforming Unit (CRU) at Rashidpur, (v) Installation
of a 4000 bbl/day capacity Condensate Fractionation Plant at Rashidpur, (vi) Construction of 2 nos Storage Tank at Rashidpur
Condensate Fraction Plant area. Besides an amount 29255 kilolitres of NGL was extracted from the cryogenic section of
Kailashtilla MSTE Plant. NGL is being used the feedstock of LPG.
During the financial year 2012-2013, SGFL produced a total of 1593.34 MMCM gas and 60648.491 kilolitres of condensate
from its 14 flowing wells, which averages about 154.16 million cubic feet gas per day. Production of gas for the period from July
to December, 2013 is 764.64 MMCM.
During 2012-2013, the company has earned Tk.1,971.15 crore revenue from sales of gas and condensate and net profit before
tax stood at Tk.746.38 crore. The company paid to the national exchequer to the tune of Tk. 965.93 crore during this financial

Silicagel replacement in the Dehydration tower of Beanibazar Gas Field under SGFL
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Annual Report 2013
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL)
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) was incorporated on 14th December, 1993 with the objectives
of (i) centralized operation and maintenance of national gas grid; and (ii) expanding of national gas grid as
required, ensuring balanced supply & usage of natural gas in all regions of the country.
During the FY 2012-2013, the Company transmitted a total of 16,794.01 million cubic meters of gas
distributing 658.55, 11352.86, 1829.23, 1954.38 and 988.99 million cubic meters to Jalalabad, Titas,
Bakhrabad, Karnaphuli and Paschimancahal Gas Distribution Company franchise areas respectively. The Company transported
a total of 83.98 million liters of condensate through its 6 & 4 inches dia 193 km long North-South Condensate pipeline during
the year.
The projects under implementation by the Company are : (i)
Monohordi-Dhanua-Elenga-East Bank of Jamuna Bridge Gas
Transmission Pipeline (ii) Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission
Pipeline Project (iii) Hatikumrul-Bheramara Gas Transmission
Pipeline Project (iv) Bheramara-Khulna Gas Transmission Pipeline
Project (v) Installation of Compressor Stations at Ashuganj and
Elenga under Natural Gas Access Improvement (NGAIP) Project (vi)
Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj Gas Transmission Pipeline Project (vii) Titas
Location # 7 Construction of Gas Transmission Pipeline up to AB
Pipeline (viii) Jalalabad-Bibiana-Dhanua Pipeline Project, (ix)
Moaheshkhali-Anowara Gas Transmission Pipeline Project and (x)
Brahmaputra River Crossing work under GTCL
Ashuganj-Bakhrabad Gas Transmission Pipeline Project.
The Company earned an amount of Tk. 545.81 crore as revenue and Tk. 445.68 crore as pre-tax profit and contributed an
amount of Tk. 645.17 crore to Government Exchequer during the FY 2012-2013.

Padma River Crossing work under GTCL

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Annual Report 2013
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL)
Following a significant gas discovery at Titas Gas Field in 1962, TGTDCL was incorporated in 1964.It began
its operation in 1968 with the lone consumer Siddhirganj Power Station. But soon distribution networks
were installed and gas began flowing to first industrial and then commercial and domestic consumers.
Today the old Siddhirganj Power Station has met its demise but TGTDCL clientele has swelled to 15,65,802
customers including 3 fertilizer factories and 9 government and 25 private power stations. The company
hogs 63% of NG market share in Bangladesh.
At the beginning 90% of its shares belonged to the then Pakistan Government and Pakistan Shell Oil Company owned the rest.
Under the Nationalization Order of 1972, all the Government owned shares of the company were vested in the Government of
Bangladesh (GOB). In accordance with an agreement signed between Shell Oil Company and GOB on August 9, 1975, the
ownership of the remaining 10% shares was transferred to the GOB in exchange for a lump-sum payment of £1,00,000.
During FY 2012-2013, the company has earned a pre-tax profit of Tk.
1,226.54 and a net profit after tax of Tk. 909.64 crore. The company
made payments to the Government exchequer to the tune of Tk. 716.34
crore in FY 2012-2013, which was Tk. 574.62 crores in the prvious
During FY 2012-2013 an amount of Taka 29.36 crore has been spent
from company’s own fund for network expansion and different
development projects and pipeline modification/upgradation activities
including service connection. In 2012-2013 financial year the length of
pipeline under TGTDCL stood at 12,253.22 km including newly added Modification & Tie-in work inside DEPZ DRS
45.84 km pipeline over the year.

Inauguration of gas supply to kuliarchar municipality.

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Annual Report 2013
Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited (BGDCL)
The Company was established on 7th June, 1980 initially with the three-fold responsibilities of production, transmission and
distribution. Subsequently, Bakhrabad Gas Field was handed over to BGFCL putting an end to its production wing.
Further, the 2 main transmission pipe lines of the company, 24” 110 km Bakhrabad-Chittagong and 20” 69 km
Bakhrabad-Demra gas transmission pipe lines were handed over to GTCL leaving only the responsibility for
marketing gas in the Chittagong Division excluding Brahmanbaria district and Kashba & Bancharampur Upazillas
(outside its franchise area).
As per Government decision, the company has again been reconstituted keeping greater Comilla and greater Noakhali District under its
franchise area and adding Brahmanbaria to the operational area of the company.
Due to the gas crisis in the country, an order was issued by the Government
on 13 July 2010 to suspend gas connection of all categories. Due to such
order no extension or balancing line was constructed with the Company’s
own finance during the FY 2012-2013 except the line constructed against
“Gas Supply to Chandpur 150 MW Power Station Project” under Annual
Development Plan. Moreover, after withdrawal of Government embargo for
domestic gas connection from 8 may 2013, extended connections of 1519
burners were given to the domestic customers.
The total length of constructed pipeline stood at 3606.04 km as on 30 June
2013 and the cumulative gas connection stood at 2,07,736 nos. Which
includes 13 power, 1 fertilizer, 157 industrial, 72 captive power, 2,140 Aggreko 80mw quick rental power plant, Ashuganj visited by
commercial, 87 CNG and 2,05,266 nos. of domestic consumers. M.D and G.M (Operation) of BGDCL.
During the financial year 2012-2013, BGDCL sold 3150.66 MMCM gas to its customers of which power plants consumed 2296.08
MMCM. The company has earned Tk. 1305.19 crore as sales revenue, net profit before tax stood at Tk. 121.64 crore and paid Tk.
74.23 crore to the national exchequer. During the financial year 2012-2013, incurred 2.15% system loss of the company, compared
to 0.01% system gain in the previous year.

Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Limited (JGTDSL)

Jalalabad Gas transmission and Distribution System Limited was formed on 1st December, 1986. The
company supplies gas to the customers in its franchise area consisting of Sylhet division. The company has
constructed a total of 173.26 km transmission, distribution and service pipelines during FY 2012-2013. The
Company has also given connections to 5 captive power, 1 CNG, 10 industrial, 100 commercial and 15,104
domestic connections during this year.
By the end of June, 2013 the company had a network of 3493.34 km pipelines including 455.92 km transmission lines, 1320.43
km distribution, 1039.12 km feeder main & service line and 677.87 km others (customer financing). By the end of December, 2013,
the Company had a network of 3541.01 km of transmission, distribution and service lines. At the end of the financial year
2012-2013, JGTDSL had a customer base of 177974 including 12
power plants, one fertilizer plant, 93 tea estde, 176185 domestic and
1683 others. Which expanded to 184629 by December, 2013.
Gas sales by JGTDSL during the year 2012-2013 totaled about 1908.34
mmcm of which power plants consumed 1198.76 mmcm and others 709.58
mmcm. During this year, the company has earned Tk. 851.38 crore as sales
revenue and Tk. 128.38 crore as net profit before tax. The company has paid
Tk. 81.46 crore to the national exchequer during this year.
The company has been able to limit its system loss at zero level during
the FY 2012-2013 through the efficient management and proper
High pressure gas pipeline construction works from
maintenance of pipeline and equipments.
Luiani to Rajnagar under JGTDSL.

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Annual Report 2013
Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited (PGCL)
This is the fourth gas marketing company under Petrobangla, set-up with the objective to distribute gas in
the north-west region of the country. The Company commences its business on 23rd April, 2000. By the
end of June, 2013 the Company encompasses a network of
1317.04 km pipeline which include 373.32 km distribution and
943.72 km feeder main & service line. As on December, 2013 the
network increased to 1381.85 km pipelines.
At the end of FY 2012-2013, the Company had a customer base of 59725 numbers
which increased to 80723 by the end of December, 2013. During this year a total of
1009.504 MMCM of gas was sold by the company as against 774.432 MMCM gas
in the previous year. The Company earned Tk. 459.75 crore revenue from sales during
FY 2012-2013 and earned Tk. 35.73 crore as net profit before tax. The company has
paid Tk. 42.91 crore to the national exchequer during this year.
The company is always endeavoring its best efforts for achieving its desired goal.
Meantime the company has extended its gas network facilities most efficiently in
Sirajganj, Baghabari, Bera, Santhia, Shahjadpur, Pabna, Ishwardi, (including Ishwardi
EPZ), Bogra, Rajshahi and other important areas for carrying the benefits of gas facility
to the doorstep of general mass. Inauguration of gas connection
in Rajshahi under PGCL.

Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL)

Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL) has been formed on 8th February, 2010 bifurcating
greater Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts area under BGSL franchise pursuant to a government decision
in order to rationalize and improve the services
of the companies under Petrobangla. The
commercial activities of the company have
commenced from 1st July, 2010.

Gas sales by KGDCL during the year 2012-2013 totaled about

2255.90 MMCM. The company has earned Tk. 1620.40 crore as
sales revenue and Tk. 621.47 crore as net profit before tax. The
company has paid Tk. 247.10 crore to the national exchequer
during this year. The company attained 5.53% system gain during
the financial year 2012-2013. At the end of the financial year
2012-2013, KGDCL had a customer base of 376634.
The overview of TBS Station of Samutang Project under KGDCL.

Sundarban Gas Company Limited (SGCL)

Sundarban Gas Company Limited (SGCL) was formed on 23rd November, 2009 with the objective of supplying gas
to the South-East areas of the country especially covering ten districts of Khulna Division and six district of Barisal
Division including Bhola district. As per government decision, Petrobangla chairman inaugurated residential gas
connection in Bhola on 28-08-2013 and about 1000 customers have been connected. Recently government
permitted SGCL to supply gas in the Industry, Commercial & other customer in Bhola. SGCL has taken initiative for
laying additional pipeline construction at Bhola and give connection to industries. At present gas supplied to 34.5
Page 33

MW electricity plant of Venture Resources Ltd. The maximum gas consumption rate is 9 MMCFD.
Annual Report 2013
Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited (RPGCL)
Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited (RPGCL) started its activity as a company of Petrobangla from 1st
January, 1987. RPGCL is vested with the responsibilities of promoting CNG, building a transport infrastructure
in the country based on CNG, production and distribution of LPG, petrol and diesel obtained from NGL. RPGCL
has been playing an effective and important role in arresting air pollution, saving foreign exchange by
substituting importation of fuel and expediting the multi-use of natural gas. The Government has undertaken
various programs for arresting air pollution, saving foreign exchange and ensuring uses as well as
expanding diversified use of indigenous natural gas. RPGCL has been
working untiringly to implement the programs taken up by the
Government in the gas sector. Within the gas network of the country the
Government and private entrepreneurs have setup 587 CNG Filing
Stations and 180 Conversion Workshops till June, 2013. These
stations, distributed country wide, are supplying CNG to almost 2 lac
vehicles daily.
Approximately 100 MMCM of CNG is being used every month from
these CNG stations, which is 5% of the gas consumption of the country.
Hence the Government has been able to save worth TK. 1078 crore per
year as foreign exchange in the sector against fuel import. The
widespread use of CNG has reduced air pollution to a great extent.
In the fiscal year 2012-2013, the company has earned Tk. 246.43
crore as revenue from sales of CNG, LPG, MS and other sources. The
company earned an amount of Tk. 96.34 crores as net profit before tax
and made a payment of Tk. 101.84 crores to the national exchequer.

RPGCL’s Kailashtilla LPG Plant (Unit-2) at Golapgonj, Sylhet

Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL)

Barapukuria coal mine is the first and only coal mine in Bangladesh. In 1985 Geological Survey of Bangladesh
(GSB) discovered high quality bituminous coal spread over an area of 6.68 sq. km at a depth of 118m-509
meter in Barapukuria. China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) developed this
underground mine having a capacity of 1.0 million metric tons of coal per year.
To ensure proper implementation of the
project Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited was
established on 4th August, 1998. To maintain uninterrupted
production of coal from the mine, a Management, Production
and Maintenance Contract was signed with Consortium of
CMC-XMC on 4th June, 2005 for a period of 71 months with a
contract price of US$ 82.30 million. The company has gone into
commercial production on 10th September, 2005. The contract
has been completed on 10th August, 2011.
On expiration of the M&P contract, a Draft Contract has been
signed on 6th August, 2011 with the successful tenderer –
Consortium of Xuzhou Coal Mining Group Corporation Limited
and China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation.
Coal Delivery to the local buyers from BCMCL Stack Yard

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Annual Report 2013
Coal Stack Yard at Barapukuria Coal Mine

New M&P contract has commenced on 11th August, 2011 and will remain effective for a period of 72 months. According to the
new M&P contract a target of 5.50 million metric tons of coals production has been assumed. During the contract period, coal
production from longwall face and new roadway development activities continue simultaneously. In the FY 2012-2013, total coal
production and roadway development has been achieved 8,54,803.85 MT and 3,414.30 meter respectively.
During the fiscal year 2012-2013, the Company has earned Tk. 860.93 crore by selling coal to BPDB & other buyers and Tk.
72.97 crore from other sources. The pre-tax profit stood at Tk. 337.03 and the company paid an amount of Tk. 147.46 crore to
national exchequer in the year.

Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Limited (MGMCL)

Maddhapara Granite Mining Company
Limited (MGMCL) was formed on 4th
August, 1998 to operate the then
under-construction hard rock mine at
Maddhapara in Dinajpur district. Granite
MINING CO.LTD. mining in Bangladesh is important, as
there is hardly any other source of construction aggregate. It
is set to produce about 1.65 million metric tons of hard rock
per year.

During financial year 2012-2013, a total of 2,81,402 metric

tons of granite was produced and 3,03,818 metric tons were
Contract Singning with MGMCL and GTC
sold. The Company earned Tk. 47.21 crore out of the sale of
granite. The company earned an operating profit of Tk. 8.40 crores and made a payment of Tk. 5.08 crores to national
exchequer. However, after payment of interest expenses the company incurred a loss of Tk. 41.31 crore during the year, which
was 85.69% Lac in the previous year.

The granite produced is used mostly as construction material and will substitute import. As a diversification, MGMCL is also
studying the market potential and techno-economic feasibility of producing tiles from the colorful granite blocks, as a
Page 35

replacement of equivalent imported tiles.

Annual Report 2013
Development Programmes for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013
The Annual Development Programme of Petrobangla for the fiscal year 2012-2013 has an allocation of
Taka 15019.50 million consisting of Taka 8554.10 million as Project Aid. The program includes 22
investment projects and 02 Technical Assistance projects. In addition, there are 11 more projects
financed by the companies themselves for the fiscal year 2012-13 involving an allocation of Taka
16809.90 million, of which foreign exchange involvements Taka 785.70 million and local currency is
Taka 16024.20 million. Moreover, there are 4 projects under Gas Development Fund (GDF) in the fiscal
year 2012-13 with an allocation of Taka 11909.45 million. List of ongoing projects and estimated total
project costs, execution period, financing sources are as follows:

A. Ongoing Projects (Aided-Development) : FY 2012-13

(Taka in Crores)
Project Executing Estimated Development
Sl. Name of the project Period Agency Cost (PA) Partners
Jan'06- GTCL 304.08 (209.27) ADB
1 Muchai-Ashuganj Compressor Station Installation Project June'13
2 Construction of Monohordi-Dhanua, Elenga-East Jan'06- GTCL 834.62 (518.33) ADB
Bank of Jamuna Bridge 30" dia x 103 km Gas
Transmission Pipeline and Installation of Compressor Dec'12
Stations at Ashuganj and Elenga.
3 Appraisal of Gas Field (3-D Seismic) (Titas, Bakhrabad, Jan'06- BGFCL 78.45 (42.00) ADB
Sylhet, Kailashtila and Rashidpur) Project (Revised) :
Dec'12 SGFL 85.95 (39.00)
4 Construction of West Bank of Jamuna Bridge-Nalka, Jul'06- 628.70 (342.18)
Hatikumrul-Iswardi-Bheramara 30" dia x 98.10 km GTCL ADB
Gas Transmission Pipeline.
5 Construction of Bonpara-Rajshahi 12" dia x 53 km Jul'06- GTCL 161.52 (76.29) ADB
Gas Transmission Pipeline. Dec'12

6 Upgradation of Data Centre of BAPEX Jul'06- BAPEX 13.40 (11.13) ADB

7 Construction of Bheramara-Khulna 20" dia x 162.50 Jul'07-
GTCL 685.29 (325.94) ADB
km Gas Transmission Pipeline Dec'12
8 Gas Seepage Control and Appraisal & Development Jan'10-
Jun'14 BGFCL 1000.00 (810.00) ADB
of Titas Gas Field
9 Supply Efficiency Improvement of Titas Gas Jan'10-
TGTDCL 63.28 (42.46) ADB
Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd. Dec'13
10 Jan'10- 530.54 (280.00)
Gas Distribution Network in South-West Zone SGCL ADB
11 Construction of Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj Gas Jul'07-
Dec'12 GTCL 685.46 (429.26) WB
Transmission Pipeline
12 Exploration and Production Capacity Building of Jul'08-
Dec'12 BAPEX 322.80 (0.00) JDCF
KGDCL 104.80 (0.00)
Sub-Total ( Aided Development Projects) (3125.86)

Source : Planning & Monitoring Division, Petrobangla.

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B. Ongoing Aided TA Projects Under ADP (FY 2012-13)

Annual Report 2013

(Taka in Crores)
Project Executing Estimated Development
Sl. Name of the project Period Agency Cost (PA) Partners

13 Technical Assistance for Strengthening Planning and Oct.'07- Petrobangla 25.20 World Bank
Management Capacity of EMRD and Petrobangla Dec.'12 (23.68)

14 Technical Assistance to review the approach for Jan.'11- Petrobangla 4.22 JDCF
increasing the efficiency of gas utilization in certain June'13 (0.00)
major users.

Sub-Total ( Aided TA Projects) (23.68)
Total Aided (Development + TA Projects)
Source : Planning & Monitoring Division, Petrobangla.

C. Ongoing Projects ( GOB- Development) : FY 2012-13

(Taka in Crores)
Project Executing Estimated
Sl. Name of the project Period Agency Cost (PA)
1 Mobarakpur Oil/ Gas Exploration Well Drilling Project Jan'06- BAPEX 89.26 (0.00)
2 Kapasia oil/gas exploration well drilling (Revised) Sept'07- BAPEX 70.17 (0.00)
3 Semutang Gas Field Development Project Jul'08- BAPEX 68.69 (0.00)
4 Srikail Oil/Gas Exploration Well Drilling project (well#2) Jul'08- BAPEX 81.12 (0.00)
5 Gas Transmission Capacity Expansion Project Jan'10- GTCL 743.38 (0.00)
(Ashuganj -Bakhrabad) June'13
6 Augmentation of Gas Production under Fast Track Program Jul'10- BGFCL 1053.70 (826.20)
(Drilling of 4 wells under BGFCL & 1 well under SGFL) June'14 SGFL 170.50 (122.00)
7 2-D Seismic Survey under Fast Track Program Jan'10- BAPEX 230.28 (0.00)
8 Salda # 3, 4 & Fechuganj # 4, 5 Gas Fields Development Jan'10- BAPEX 305.64 (0.00)
Project Dec'13
9 Gas Supply to Chandpur 150 MW Thermal Power Plant Dec'10 - BGSL 83.19 (0.00)
10 Sylhet Gas Transmission Network Upgradation Project Jul'12- JGTDSL 97.28 (0.00)

Sub-Total ( GOB- Development Projects) 2993.21 (948.20)

Source : Planning & Monitoring Division, Petrobangla.
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Annual Report 2013
D. Ongoing Projects (Self Financing-Development): FY 2012-2013
(Taka in Crores)
Project Executing Estimated
Sl. Name of the project Period Agency Cost (PA)
1 Installation of 2nd MSTE Plant at Kailashtilla Gas Field Jan'04- SGFL 140.39 (124.22)
2 Re-development of Bakhrabad Gas Field (1st Stage) Jul'06- BGFCL 127.50 (71.50)
(Workover of Bakhrabad Well # 2 & 5 & Drilling of well # 9) Dec'13
3 Drilling of New Wells (Well # 17 &18) including Installation Jul'07- BGFCL 300.00 (230.00)
of Process Plant at Titas Gas Field Dec'13
4 Construction of BAPEX Bhaban Jul'06- BAPEX 56.60 (0.00)
5 Construction of 24"dia x 8 km Gas Transmission Pipeline Jan'09- GTCL 64.27 (37.24)
from Titas Gas Field Location-7 to AB Pipeline Dec'12
6 Construction of Bibiyana-Dhanua Gas Transmission Apr'11- GTCL 1650.31 (987.48)
Pipeline June'13
7 Workover of Wells in Titas Gas Seepage Areas Mar'11- BGFCL 200.00 (62.00)
8 2nd Workover of Kailashtilla Well # 4 Dec'11- SGFL 26.88 (1.72)
9 Installation of 5000 barrels/day capacity Condensate Jul'12- SGFL 612.22 (490.53)
Fractionation Plant with Catalytic Reforming Unit at Rashidpur June'15
10 Installation of 1500 barrels/day capacity Catalytic Mar'12- SGFL 152.00 (129.62)
Reforming Unit at RCFP to Convert Petrol into Octane June'15
Construction 6 (Six) Storage Tanks at RCFP Jan'12- SGFL 28.30 (0.00)
(Rashidpur Condensate Fractionation Plant) June'14

Sub-Total ( GOB- Development Projects) 3358.47 (2134.31)

Source : Planning & Monitoring Division, Petrobangla.

E. Ongoing Projects (GDF- Development) : FY 2012-2013

(Taka in Crores)
Project Executing Estimated
Sl. Name of the project Period Agency Cost (PA)
1 Procurement of 1500 HP Rig Jan'11- BAPEX 211.78 (188.01)
2 Sunetro Oil/Gas Exploration Well Drilling Project Jan'11- BAPEX 80.25 (53.96)
3 Drilling of 5 (Five) Wells of BAPEX Mar'12- BAPEX 1013.97 (823.31)
4 Procurement of Process Plant at Shahbazpur Gas Field Nov'11- BAPEX 95.34 (85.09)

Sub-Total (GDF- Development) 1401.34 (1150.37)

Total (GOB, Self Financing & GDF- Development) 7753.02 (4232.88)

Grand Total (Aided Development + TA and GOB + Self Financing + GDF) 13281.33 (7382.42)

Source : Planning & Monitoring Division, Petrobangla.

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Annual Report 2013
Future Programmes

Energy is the driving force for the development of the country. The role of energy is important for the entire
economic development such as poverty reduction and the overall development of the country. By achieving
the GDP growth rate 7% of the country, it is possible to improve the living standard of huge population
through proper utilization of the limited resources. It may be mentioned here that present energy crisis has
become acute due to the absence of proper initiatives for the last 7 years until 2009 in the energy sector.
As a result, the GDP growth of the country has been hampered in the industry and other production sectors
including power sector. To overcome the stagnant situation, the present government has been putting its
best efforts for ensuring energy supply to expedite the economic development. To achieve this goal short
term, mid term and long term plans have been taken for gas and coal extraction, development and
production. Furthermore, to ensure the energy supply necessary steps have been taken to import 500
MMCFD of LNG by 2014. Initiatives have also been taken for the development of coal fields in line with coal
policy being finalized.

In view of the above various strategies including but not limited to the following strategies have been taken
up for the indigenous natural oil, gas and mineral development under the Petrobangla umbrella :
• Adoption of time based action plan for discovering new gas fields and development of the producing
gas fields

• Make BAPEX more effective in exploring oil and gas through acquiring new rigs and its ancillaries

• Importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to compensate increasing gas demand

• Support government in Finalizing National Energy Policy and Coal policy to create opportunity for
using energy from multiple sources

• Increasing financial capacity of BAPEX by forming Gas Development Fund

• Putting efforts to ensuring proper pricing of gas to conserve energy and improve the financial
operations of the gas sector

Gas demand projection up to 2015

Figures are in MMCFD
Company Y-2011 Y-2012 Y-2013 Y-2014 Y-2015
A. Titas Gas T & D Company Ltd. 1936 2286 2493 2694 2838
B. Bakhrabad Gas D Company Ltd. & 575 602 617 633 650
Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Co. Ltd.
C. Jalalabad Gas T & D System Ltd. 181 308 301 303 305
D. Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. 102 136 197 199 202
E. BAPEX & Sundarban Gas Company Ltd. 7 68 104 160 167
Total Gas Demand 2800 3382 3712 3990 4162
Total Gas Demand at 90% Load Factor 2520 3043 3341 3591 3746
Source : Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.
Page 39
Annual Report 2013
Plan for Production Augmentation
Over the last four year gross gas production increase in the country has been 723 million cubic feet per day.
However, due to natural decline of production from some wells the net production augmentation of 553
mmcfd achieved during this period.
In order to meet rapidly growing demand for natural gas in the country programs for drilling 34 development
wells and to carry out workover in 4 wells have been undertaken. On successful completion of these projects
total production is expected to rise-up by 1048 MMCFD over period from January 2013 to June 2016. List of
augmentation activities including expected completion time and production rate is given below :

Gas Production Augmentation Program

March - June 2013
Sl No. Gas Fields & Wells Well type Completion Flow (MMCFD)
1. Titas # 17 Development March 20
2. Srikail # 2 Development March 24
3. Bangura # 2 Workover May 15
4. Salda # 1 Workover April 02
5. Titas # 20 Development May 30
6. Srikail # 3 Development May 25
Total 116
Source : Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.

Process Plant of Semutang Gas Field under BAPEX

Page 40
July - December 2013

Annual Report 2013

Sl No. Gas Fields & Wells Well type Completion Flow (MMCFD)
1. Fenchuganj # 2 Workover July 15
2. Titas # 18 Development July 30
3. Bakhrabad # 9 Development July 12
4. Titas # 21 Development August 30
5. Salda # 2 Workover June 10
6. Begumganj # 3 Development September 15
7. Titas # 19 Development November 30
8. Titas # 27 Development December 25
Total 167

January - June 2014

Sl No. Gas Fields & Wells Well type Completion Flow (MMCFD)
1. Semutang # 6 Development January 15
2. Fenchuganj # 5 Development January 30
3. Titas # 22 Development February 30
4. Fenchuganj # 4 Workover February 15
5. Shahbazpur # 3 Development April 25
6. Shahbazpur # 4 Development June 25
7. Rashidpur # 8 Development June 25
8. Salda # 4 Development June 15
9. Rupganj # 1 Exploration June 15
Total 195

July 2014 - June 2015

Sl No. Gas Fields & Wells Well type Flow (MMCFD)
1. Bibiyana (6 wells) Development 300
2. Titas # 23, 24 Development 60
3. Rashidpur # 9,10 Development 50
4. Begumganj # 1/A Development 15
5. Sundalpur # 2 Development 15
6. Semutang # 1/A Development 15
Total 455
July 2015 - June 2016
Sl No. Gas Fields & Wells Well type Flow (MMCFD)
1. Rashidpur # 11 Development 25
2. Sylhet # 9 Development 10
3. Kailastila # 8 Development 20
4. Titas # 25, 26 Development 60
Total 115
Page 41

Total Gas Augmentation during March 2013 to June 2016 = 1,048 MMCFD from 41 wells.
Natural Gas of Bangladesh
Chemical Composition, Specific Gravity and Calorific Value

Page 42
Chemical Composition of Natural Gas (Volume Percent) Gross
Water Content Specific Hydrogen
Sl no. Gas Fields Iso- High Calorific
(Lb/MMSCF Methane Ethane Propane N-Butane N2 CO2 Gravity (Btu/cft) Sulphaide
Butane Comp.
1 Sylhet 1.200 95.349 2.542 0.974 0.247 0.296 0.165 0.247 0.180 0.5896 1056.878 Nil
2 Chhatak n/a 97.900 1.800 0.200 - - - - - 0.5500 1005.710 Nil
3 Rashidpur 1.200 98.489 0.802 0.148 0.053 0.028 0.046 0.338 0.096 0.5637 1017.234 Nil
4 Kailashtilla 0.700 96.217 2.588 0.674 0.098 0.075 0.019 0.310 0.018 0.5773 1042.726 Nil
5 Titas 4.500 96.587 1.900 0.406 0.099 0.060 0.166 0.343 0.440 0.5790 1032.000 Nil
6 Habiganj 4.200 97.650 1.543 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.790 0.008 0.5648 1014.000 Nil
7 Bakhrabad 4.800 93.700 3.790 0.834 0.246 0.116 0.233 0.495 0.585 0.5989 1057.000 Nil
8 Semutang n/a 96.079 2.499 0.415 0.103 0.056 0.096 0.209 0.542 0.5818 1037.080
9 Begumganj n/a 95.460 3.190 0.640 0.170 0.040 - - 0.300 0.5800 1045.610 Nil
Annual Report 2013

10 Kutubdia n/a 95.720 2.870 0.670 - 0.310 - 0.360 0.070 0.5900 1041.660 Nil
11 Beanibazar 4.400 93.536 3.499 1.324 0.309 0.274 0.603 0.354 0.099 0.6089 1086.418 Nil
12 Feni n/a 95.710 3.290 0.650 0.150 0.050 - - 0.150 0.5800 1049.840 Nil
13 Kamta n/a 95.360 3.570 0.470 0.090 - - - 0.510 0.5700 1043.130 Nil
14 Fenchuganj n/a 97.264 1.452 0.135 0.036 0.012 0.070 0.212 0.819 0.5743 1018.390 Nil
15 Jalalabad n/a 95.986 2.509 0.433 0.300 0.066 0.375 0.254 0.075 0.5885 1056.066 n/a
16 Narsingdi 4.200 95.264 2.702 0.593 0.172 0.096 0.233 0.351 0.589 0.5893 1044.000 Nil
17 Meghna 4.400 95.185 3.050 0.667 0.169 0.096 0.209 0.390 0.234 0.5878 1050.000 Nil
18 Shahbazpur n/a 94.553 3.555 0.569 0.159 0.058 0.062 0.201 0.842 0.5913 1044.570 Nil
19 Sangu n/a 94.510 3.170 0.610 0.190 0.070 0.410 0.440 0.600 0.5900 1058.000 n/a
20 Saldanadi n/a 96.959 1.781 0.324 0.079 0.048 0.095 0.129 0.583 0.5770 1029.860 Nil
21 Bibiyana n/a 94.880 2.442 0.873 0.280 0.253 0.926 0.195 0.153 0.6107 1060.000 Nil
22 Bangura 2.110 95.482 2.564 0.661 0.146 0.146 0.194 0.309 0.664 0.5884 1049.200 Nil
23 Moulavibazar n/a 98.198 1.002 0.160 0.042 0.022 0.087 0.356 0.131 0.5673 1020.220 Nil
24 Shahjadpur Sundalpur n/a 98.349 0.908 0.070 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.558 0.106 0.5634 1013.520 Nill
25 Srikail n/a 95.928 2.452 0.527 0.135 0.078 0.134 0.130 0.616 0.5847 1041.050 Nill
Source : Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.
Annual Report 2013
Natural Gas Tariff in Bangladesh
Effective Power Ferti- Commer- Tea Cap. Cng Brick field
Industry Metered Single Double
From lizer cial estate Power feed gas (seasonal) Burner Burner
29.07.1968 1.20 1.20 2.52 6.00 - - - - 6.00 6.00 10.00
28.06.1969 1.60 1.60 2.92 6.40 - - - - 6.40 6.30 10.50
19.06.1974 3.72 3.72 7.20 12.00 - - - - 12.00 15.00 28.00
01.12.1977 5.00 5.00 9.00 13.00 - - - - 13.00 16.00 30.00
02.06.1979 6.25 6.25 16.00 17.00 - - - - 16.00 20.00 36.00
07.06.1980 7.75 7.75 18.00 19.00 - - - - 18.00 22.00 40.00
07.06.1981 9.30 9.30 27.75 28.00 - - - - 20.00 25.00 45.00
01.07.1982 10.50 10.50 31.00 31.00 - - - - 27.00 35.00 65.00
30.06.1983 11.50 11.50 36.00 36.00 - - - - 34.00 45.00 80.00
27.06.1984 13.05 13.05 36.00 45.20 - - - 51.00 34.00 45.00 80.00
30.06.1985 15.66 15.66 43.20 54.24 - - - 61.20 40.80 60.00 100.00
28.06.1986 19.09 19.09 52.14 65.39 - - - 78.30 44.88 66.00 110.00
18.06.1987 24.82 24.82 52.14 85.00 72.30 - - 78.30 56.10 80.00 130.00
01.07.1988 28.54 28.54 59.96 97.75 83.15 - - 90.05 56.10 92.00 150.00
01.07.1989 33.00 28.54 70.00 110.00 83.15 - - - 65.00 100.00 170.00
01.07.1990 37.95 32.82 80.42 126.50 95.62 - - - 74.75 115.00 195.00
01.07.1991 39.08 33.98 85.23 134.22 100.62 - - 106.19 74.75 115.00 195.00
01.05.1992 43.05 37.39 93.74 134.22 110.16 - 43.05 116.67 82.12 126.00 215.00
01.03.1994 47.57 41.34 103.07 147.53 113.26 - - 128.28 82.12 160.00 250.00
01.12.1998 54.65 47.57 118.93 169.90 130.26 86.37 - 147.25 94.86 185.00 290.00
01.09.2000 62.86 54.65 136.77 195.39 149.80 99.11 - 169.33 109.02 210.00 330.00
01.01.2002 65.98 57.48 143.57 205.30 157.16 104.21 - 177.83 114.40 275.00 350.00
01.09.2002 70.00 60.00 140.00 220.00 140.00 100.00 - 220.00 120.00 325.00 375.00
15.02.2003 - - - - - - 70.00 - - - -
01.07.2004 72.45 62.15 145.20 228.50 145.20 - - 228.50 126.10 340.00 390.00
01.09.2004 - - - - - 103.50 - - - - -
01.01.2005 73.91 63.41 148.13 233.12 148.13 105.59 - 233.00 130.00 350.00 400.00
25.04.2008 - - - - - - 282.30 - - - -
01.08.2009 79.82 72.92 165.91 268.09 165.91 118.26 - - 146.25 400.00 450.00
12.05.2009 - - - - - - 509.70 - - -
19.09.2011 - - - - - - 651.29 - - -
Source : Accounts Division, Petrobangla.
Page 43

35 MMCFD TBS at Chandpur under BGDCL to supply Gas to Chandpur 150MW power plant
Annual Report 2013
Gas Fields in Production
(As of December 2013)
Gas in MMCF, Condensate in BBL

Total Wells No of Production Production

Company Gas Field Producing Capacity
(Nos) Wells (MMCFD) Gas Condensate
1. BGFCL Titas 20 19 488 490 413.0
Bakhrabad 9 6 43 41 22.0
Habiganj 11 7 225 225 11.4
Narsingdi 2 2 30 28 57.1
Meghna 1 1 11 11 20.1
Sub-Total 43 35 797 795 523.6
2. SGFL Sylhet 3 2 11 9 69.9
Kailashtila 6 6 80 84 792.8
Rashidpur 7 4 49 47 55.3
Beanibazar 2 2 14 10 151.9
Sub-Total 18 14 154 150 1069.9
3. BAPEX Salda 3 3 20 15 3.9
Fenchuganj 3 3 40 37 26.6
Shahbazpur 2 1 30 7 0.1
Semutung 5 1 12 6 2.0
Sundalpur 1 1 10 10 0.1
Srikail 3 2 44 42 42.0
Sub-Total 17 11 156 119 74.7
Sub-Total (1+2+3) 78 60 1107 1063 1668.2
4. IOCs
SANTOS Sangu 11 1 0 0 0.00
Jalalabad 4 4 230 249 1747.0
CHEVRON Maulavibazar 8 4 60 77 11.1
Bibiyana 12 14 770 822 3493.2
TULLOW Bangora 6 4 100 111 341.0
Sub-Total 41 27 1160 1260 5592.3
Grand Total (1+2+3+4): 119 87 2267 2323 7260.5
Source : Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.

Growth Trajectory of Customer

1989-1990 330698 59937 32355 - - 422990
1990-1991 346473 68129 34968 - - 449570
1991-1992 364403 75028 37844 - - 477275
1992-1993 386226 87741 40556 - - 514523
1993-1994 414833 100402 43247 - - 558482
1994-1995 453922 112118 47285 - - 613325
1995-1996 493261 124159 51819 - - 669239
1996-1997 541767 140443 56918 - - 739128
1997-1998 588231 156294 61886 - - 806411
1998-1999 636415 175525 65966 - - 877906
1999-2000 684401 195374 70428 100 - 950203
2000-2001 769000 214000 67000 1000 - 1051000
2001-2002 833979 243887 72555 1558 - 1151979
2002-2003 907946 271526 76923 3957 - 1259798
2003-2004 979195 298060 83997 5714 - 1366412
2004-2005 1041732 325089 90506 7684 - 1465013
2005-2006 1110175 355958 98511 19254 - 1583898
2006-2007 1239900 395508 107467 28898 - 1771773
2007-2008 1350187 433887 117142 38607 - 1939823
2008-2009 1458743 466355 127053 49522 - 2101673
2009-2010 1556560 510954 137523 58405 - 2263442
2010-2011 1563290 190596 149725 59086 369703 2332400
2011-2012 1563307 206213 162615 59171 369703 2361009
2012-2013 1563331 206293 170826 59218 369703 2369371
up to Dec,13 1626427 216630 184629 80723 433063 2541472
Source : Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.

Page 44
Annual Report 2013
Major Gas Transmission Pipeline & Flow Capacity
Diameter Length Oper. Pres. Max. Flow
Company Name of The Line and Route Capacity
(Inch) (Km) (Psig) (MMCFD)
TGTDCL 01 TITAS-DHAKA 14 81.80 1000 175
02 TITAS-NARSHINGDI 16 46.31 1000 265
03 NARSHINGDI-JOYDEVPUR 14 37.51 1000 220
04 NARSHINGDI-GHORASAL 14 10.30 1000 220
05 HABIGANJ-ASHUGANJ 12 57.75 1000 85
06 MONOHARDI-NARSHINGDI 20 24.5 1000 300
07 MONOHARDI-KISHORGANJ 4 35.00 1000 6
08 ASHUGANJ V.S. # 3-ZFCL 10 4.00 1000 95
09 ELENGA-TARAKANDI 12 42.41 1000 80
10 DHONUA-MYMENSINGH 12 56.70 1000 55
11 TARAKANDI-JAMALPUR 8/6 21.00 1000 25
12 MYMENSINGH-NETROKONA 8/6 40.00 1000 60
14 ASHUGANJ-BAKHRABAD 30 59 1135 400
15 RASHIDPUR- ASHUGANJ 30 82 1135 425
17 ASHUGANJ-ELENGA 24 125 1000 270
18 BAKHRABAD-CHITTAGANG 24 175 960 350
19 BAKHRABAD-DEMRA 20 68 1000 150
20 DHANUA-AMINBAZAR 20 60 1000 200
21 ASHUGANG-MONOHARDI 30 37 1000 400
22 ELENGA-BAGHABARI 20/24/30 73 1000 200
23 NOLKA-BOGRA 20/30 60 1000 166
24 MONOHARDI-DHANUA 30 51 1135 300-750
25 BONPARA-RAJSHAHI 12 53 1000 45
BGDCL 26 COMILLA LATERAL 10 28.17 350 30
27 CHANDPUR LATERAL 8 46.28 960 35
28 MAIJDEE LATERAL 10 44.76 150 10
29 FENI GAS FIELD HOOK-UP LINE 8 5.04 960 35
30 MEGHNA-BAKHRABAD 8 27.62 1000 20
31 LAKSHMIPUR LATERL 6 26.98 150 -
32 SALDA-BAKHRABAD 10 34.80 1000 35
33 CHANDPUR 150 MEGAWATT 10 48.00 960 35
KGDCL 34 CHITTAGONG RING MAIN 24/20/16 59.48 350 451
35 KPM SPAUR 8 36.15 350 18
36 CHITTAGONG-RAUZAN 20 18.00 350 150
JGTDSL 38 HARIPUR-NGFF - 43.00 1000 62
39 KAILASHTILA-KUCHAI 8 13.00 1000 62
40 KUCHAI-CHATAK 6 39.00 1000 36
41 DEVPUR-KUMARGAON 6 11.00 1000 36
42 HABIGANJ-SHAHJI BAZAR 8 2.00 1000 53
44 SRIMONGAL-MOULOVI BAZAR 6 26.00 1000 11
Page 45

45 CHATAK-TENGRATILA 4 19.00 1000 10

46 TENGRATILA-SUNAMGANJ 4 13.00 1000 10
Annual Report 2013

Page 46
Annual Report 2013
Natural Gas Reserve In Bangladesh
Figure in BCF

Reserve Recoverable Reserve Cumulative Remaining

Estimated By Production Reserve
SL Year of
Fields GIIP Proved (1P) Proved + Proved + (Dec' 2013) w.r.t 2P
No. Discovery
Probable (2P) Probable + (Jan' 2014)
Company Year Possible (3P)
A. Producing
1. Titas 1962 RPS Energy 2009 8148.9 5384.0 6367.0 6517.0 3665.05 2701.95
2. Habiganj 1963 RPS Energy 2009 3684.0 2238.0 2633.0 3096.0 2027.65 605.35
3. Bakhrabad 1969 RPS Energy 2009 1701.0 1052.9 1231.5 1339.0 760.89 470.63
4. Kailashtilla 1962 RPS Energy 2009 3610.0 2390.0 2760.0 2760.0 568.46 2191.54
5. Rashidpur 1960 RPS Energy 2009 3650.0 1060.0 2433.0 3113.0 524.40 1908.60
6. Sylhet/Haripur 1955 RPS Energy 2009 370.0 256.5 318.9 332.0 202.15 116.75
7. Meghna 1990 RPS Energy 2009 122.1 52.5 69.9 101.0 49.35 20.55
8. Narshingdi 1990 RPS Energy 2009 369.0 218.0 276.8 299.0 150.22 126.58
9. Beani Bazar 1981 RPS Energy 2009 230.7 150.0 203.0 203.0 84.18 118.82
10. Fenchuganj 1988 RPS Energy 2009 553.0 229.0 381.0 498.0 109.85 271.15
11. Shaldanadi 1996 RPS Energy 2009 379.9 79.0 279.0 327.0 76.67 202.33
12. Shahbazpur 1995 Petrobangla 2011 677.0 322.0 390.0 488.0 8.57 381.43
13. Semutang 1969 RPS Energy 2009 653.8 151.0 317.7 375.1 6.91 310.79
14. Sundulpur Shahzadpur 2011 BAPEX 2012 62.2 - 35.1 43.5 6.22 28.88
15. Srikail 2012 BAPEX 2012 240.0 - 161.0 161.0 10.40 150.60
16. Jalalabad 1989 D&M 1999 1491.0 823.0 1184.0 1184.0 807.40 376.60
17. Moulavi Bazar 1997 Unocal 2003 1053.0 405.0 428.0 812.0 242.19 185.81
18. Bibiyana 1998 D&M 2008 8350.0 4415.0 5754.0 7084.0 1550.49 4203.51
19. Bangura 2004 Tullow 2011 1198.0 379.0 522.0 941.0 244.13 277.87
Sub-total A: 36543.6 19604.9 25744.9 29673.6 11095.2 14649.74
B. Non-Producing
20. Begumganj 1977 BAPEX 2014 100.0 - 70.0 - 0.00 70.00
21. Kutubdia 1977 HCU 2003 65.0 45.5 45.50 45.5 0.00 45.50
Sub-total B: 165.0 45.5 115.5 45.5 0.00 115.50
C. Production Suspended
22. Chattak 1959 HCU 2000 1039.0 265.0 474.0 727.0 26.46 447.54
23. Kamta 1981 Niko/Bapex 2000 71.8 50.3 50.3 50.3 21.1 29.20
24. Feni 1981 Niko/Bapex 2000 185.2 125.0 125.0 175.0 62.4 62.60
25. Sangu* 1996 Cairn/Shell 2010 899.6 544.4 577.8 638.7 487.91 89.85
Sub-total C: 2195.6 984.7 1227.1 1591.0 597.9 629.2
Grand Total 38904.2 20635.1 27087.49 31310.1 11693.05 15394.44
(A+B+C) in BCF

Grand Total 38.9 20.6 27.09 31.31 11.69 15.39

(A+B+C) in TCF
Page 47

Note: Production from Sangu Gas Field suspended from 1st October, 2013
Source : Reservoir & Data Management Division, Petrobangla.
Category-wise Annual Gas Sales
(FY 1980-81 to FY 2012-13) Gas Volume In Billion Cubic Feet (BCF)
BULK SALES Non Bulk Sales
Gas Total Total

Page 48
Year Ferti- Sub. Comme- Tea/ Brick Sub UFG
Production Power Industry Domestic Sales Production
lizer Total rcial CNG Field Total
1980-81 49.95 13.30 17.90 31.20 8.10 3.40 1.30 0.00 0.00 12.80 44.00 5.95 49.95
1981-82 64.85 18.00 26.60 44.60 9.10 4.20 1.70 0.00 0.00 15.00 59.60 5.25 64.85
1982-83 72.16 22.00 25.80 47.80 9.80 5.20 1.90 0.00 0.00 16.90 64.70 7.46 72.16
1983-84 83.29 22.90 29.40 52.30 10.40 5.80 2.10 0.00 0.00 18.30 70.60 12.69 83.29
1984-85 94.59 38.30 27.20 65.50 12.60 6.30 2.20 0.00 0.00 21.10 86.60 7.99 94.59
1985-86 106.66 39.80 33.70 73.50 16.40 6.80 2.70 0.00 0.00 25.90 99.40 7.26 106.66
1986-87 125.32 51.80 34.90 86.70 18.70 6.80 3.40 0.00 0.00 28.90 115.60 9.72 125.32
1987-88 147.50 62.10 51.00 113.10 16.70 7.60 3.60 0.00 0.00 27.90 141.00 6.50 147.50
1988-89 155.93 65.50 53.40 118.90 15.00 9.30 3.20 0.00 0.00 27.50 146.40 9.53 155.93
1989-90 167.83 75.60 55.90 131.50 14.30 10.20 3.10 0.00 0.00 27.60 159.10 8.73 167.83
1990-91 172.84 82.60 54.20 136.80 13.20 10.50 2.90 0.70 0.00 27.30 164.10 8.74 172.84
1991-92 188.48 88.10 61.60 149.70 13.40 11.60 2.90 0.70 0.20 28.80 178.50 9.98 188.48
1992-93 210.98 93.30 69.20 162.50 15.20 13.50 2.40 0.70 0.20 32.00 194.50 16.48 210.98
1993-94 223.76 97.30 74.50 171.50 20.26 15.40 2.87 0.70 1.10 40.33 212.13 11.63 223.76
Annual Report 2013

1994-95 247.38 107.40 80.50 187.90 24.24 18.86 2.88 0.60 1.10 47.68 235.58 11.80 247.38
1995-96 265.51 110.90 90.98 201.88 27.31 20.71 3.00 0.72 0.99 52.73 254.61 10.90 265.51
1996-97 260.99 110.82 77.83 188.65 28.62 22.84 4.49 0.71 0.48 57.14 245.79 15.20 260.99
1997-98 282.02 123.55 80.07 203.62 32.32 24.89 4.61 0.74 0.39 62.95 266.57 15.45 282.02
1998-99 307.48 140.82 82.71 223.53 35.79 27.02 4.71 0.71 0.35 68.58 292.11 15.37 307.48
1999-00 332.35 147.62 83.31 230.93 41.52 29.56 3.85 0.64 0.35 75.93 306.86 25.49 332.35
2000-01 372.16 175.27 88.43 263.69 47.99 31.85 4.06 0.65 0.44 85.00 348.75 23.22 372.16
2001-02 391.53 190.03 78.78 268.81 53.56 36.74 4.25 0.726 0.53 95.806 364.62 26.91 391.53
2002-03 421.15 190.54 95.89 286.43 63.75 44.80 4.56 0.744 0.527 114.38 400.81 20.34 421.15
2003-04 452.77 *231.43 92.80 324.23 46.48 49.22 4.84 2.75 0.12 103.29 427.52 25.25 452.77
2004-05 486.64 *249.42 93.97 343.39 52.28 52.60 4.84 4.49 0.00 114.21 457.60 29.04 486.64
2005-06 532.86 *273.25 89.08 362.33 63.26 56.74 5.20 17.60 0.00 142.80 505.13 27.73 532.86
2006-07 562.70 *283.28 93.46 376.74 77.41 63.13 5.64 12.73 0.00 159.01 535.75 26.95 562.70
20 07-08 600.86 *314.5 78.66 393.16 92.19 69.02 6.59 23.51 0.00 191.31 584.47 16.39 600.86
2008-09 653.57 *351.84 74.83 426.67 104.60 73.38 7.48 31.80 0.00 217.26 643.93 9.64 653.57
2009-10 703.00 *395.73 64.71 460.44 118.80 80.20 8.11 38.91 0.00 246.02 706.48 (3.48) 703.00
2010-11 708.90 *395.00 62.80 457.80 121.5 87.40 8.50 39.30 0.00 256.7 714.50 (5.60) 708.90
2011-12 743.57 *427.86 58.39 486.25 128.45 89.29 8.55 39.30 0.00 265.59 751.84 (8.27) 743.57
2012-13 800.57 *463 59.95 522.93 135.74 89.74 8.81 38.56 0.00 272.84 795.78 4.8 800.57
July-Dec,13 405.5 *239.6 30.8 270.4 68.9 48.2 4.4 19.5 0.00 140.9 411.3 (5.8) 405.5
Source: Production & Marketing Division, Petrobangla.
Annual Report 2013
Payment To National Exchequer
(FY 1998-99 to FY 2012-13) Taka in Million

SD+VAT DSL Income Tax Dividend CD/VAT Royalty Total

1998-99 9116.9 2984.9 1030.6 1500.0 168.0 - 14800.4

1999-00 8618.9 3253.3 1105.1 1150.0 131.9 - 14259.2
2000-01 11049.2 2503.8 1142.1 1058.6 93.0 - 15846.7
2001-02 10541.3 3327.3 917.2 1428.9 122.6 - 16337.3
2002-03 15576.4 3395.9 1456.8 1499.8 684.7 - 22613.6
2003-04 18235.2 3708.9 1620.4 1750.0 393.5 - 25708.0
2004-05 18481.0 3681.1 2530.6 2000.0 596.2 - 27288.9
2005-06 18526.7 3440.0 3597.8 2154.8 383.2 12.5 28115.0
2006-07 18801.5 4145.5 3665.1 2500.0 329.2 12.6 29453.9
2007-08 17900.6 3223.4 6490.5 - 350.1 60.9 28025.4
2008-09 19313.5 3533.0 7507.6 1715.3 554.7 6.3 32630.3
2009-10 20064.7 3331.2 10057.5 3281.6 2211.1 655.3 39601.3
2010-11 21625.5 3209.0 11050.9 4198.4 884.2 714.0 41682.0
2011-12 26668.1 2989.3 9378.9 3875.8 1470.6 1000.6 45383.3
2012-13 23861.6 3350.1 14257.2 8395.8 4596.4 1404.7 55865.8
Source: Accounts Division, Petrobangla.

Pipeline construct works under Bibiyana-Dhanua Gas Transmission Pipeline Project under GTCL.
Page 49
Bangladesh Oil. Gas And Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As At 30th June'2013
Figures in lac Taka

Page 50
Share capital 2 39,785.38 7,320.57 99,293.53 0.01 9,290.12 31,385.79 9,427.50 5.00 13,677.15 11.00 175.01 31,563.04 15.00 241,949.09
Capital reserves 3 106,583.47 2,556.22 30,201.26 - 16,488.01 35,505.89 181,631.55 - 175,658.88 31,470.84 - 143,518.15 723,614.27
Revenue reserves/Retained Earnings 4 68,433.98 44,241.36 328,073.14 39,166.20 7,902.02 118,002.09 198,376.96 3,059.22 26,728.31 189,853.71 (7,153.20) 50,768.98 491,523.05 1,558,975.82
TOTAL CAPITAL AND RESERVES (2 To 4) 5 214,802.83 54,118.15 457,567.93 39,166.21 17,192.14 165,875.89 243,310.35 184,695.77 40,405.46 365,523.59 24,492.65 82,332.02 635,056.20 2,524,539.19
Unsecured loans - Local sources 7 4,646.82 733.61 143.69 - 3,591.85 14,603.14 10,738.52 19,360.57 5,060.69 137,138.43 38,563.03 41,780.73 392.76 276,753.84
Unsecured loans - Foreign sources 8 - 1,844.55 13,253.13 4,073.94 15,883.90 3,764.41 - 5,482.60 181,136.60 90.66 7,118.42 - 232,648.21
TOAL LONG TERM BORROWINGS (7 To 8) 9 4,646.82 2,578.16 13,396.82 - 7,665.79 30,487.04 14,502.93 19,360.57 10,543.29 318,275.03 38,653.69 48,899.15 392.76 509,402.05
Pension Fund 11 - - 7,375.51 - - - - - - - 7,375.51
Provision for gratuity/Leave pay 12 - 543.94 2,266.94 - - 143.56 - 265.65 - - 1,041.78 4,261.87
Provident Fund 13 - - 5,662.78 - - - - - - - 5,662.78
Customer's Security deposits 14 13,346.53 16,659.28 76,606.64 1,399.13 - - - - 33.84 - - 108,045.42
Other long term Liabilities 15 16,311.40 - - 2,032.04 112,760.78 - (1,340.46) 11,734.73 - 50,458.87 - - 191,957.36
TOTAL OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES (11 To 15) 16 29,657.93 17,203.22 91,911.87 1,399.13 2,032.04 112,760.78 143.56 (1,340.46) 12,034.22 - 50,458.87 - 1,041.78 317,302.94
TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED (5+9+16) 17 249,107.58 73,899.53 562,876.62 40,565.34 26,889.97 309,123.71 257,956.84 202,715.87 62,982.97 683,798.62 113,605.21 131,231.17 636,490.74 3,351,244.17
Fixed assets at cost or valuation, less depreciation 20 45,943.65 17,663.05 109,118.44 1,788.18 20,013.54 50,020.00 12,707.57 27,521.62 17,105.09 183,182.39 110,976.72 75,719.65 3,093.76 674,853.66
Proved Properties less depletion 21 - - - - 116,296.74 36,073.97 33,397.64 - - - 185,768.35
Capital work-in-progress 22 496.66 1,971.29 1,337.46 755.89 - 37,656.45 25,757.89 30,671.55 4,888.56 380,410.06 5,488.55 5,462.66 27.73 494,924.75
TOTAL FIXED ASSTES (20 To 22) 23 46,440.31 19,634.34 110,455.90 2,544.07 20,013.54 203,973.19 74,539.43 91,590.81 21,993.65 563,592.45 116,465.27 81,182.31 3,121.49 1,355,546.76
INTANGIBLE ASSTES at cost less amortisation 24 - - - 148.50 - 13.28 161.78
Annual Report 2013

Bank deposits (FDR) 26 65,605.55 29,691.45 300,210.09 52,196.65 7,748.44 38,118.25 156,413.59 - 25,401.67 81,834.58 2,257.50 45,210.91 469,346.50 1,274,035.17
Customers Securities 27 6,870.59 12,080.35 - - - - - - - - - 18,950.94
Loans to employees 28 2,638.07 1,926.10 13,150.19 1,208.76 235.89 1,587.61 1,075.07 - 601.79 2,560.06 104.87 2,166.84 27,255.25
Other assets/Hydrocurban Dev. Fund 29 114,650.55 1,863.60 27,729.00 - - 19,754.71 287.27 39.54 4,722.08 258.16 4,403.73 184.82 173,893.46
TOTAL OTHER ASSETS (26 To 29) 30 189,764.76 45,561.50 341,089.28 53,405.41 7,984.33 59,460.57 157,775.93 39.54 30,725.54 84,652.80 2,257.50 49,719.51 471,698.15 1,494,134.81
Inventories of stores & other materials 32 3,298.63 2,174.73 18,874.03 522.48 1,836.23 3,088.66 15,712.63 48,109.69 2,782.45 3,790.14 6,770.00 16,235.89 - 123,195.56
Advances, deposits and prepayments 33 11,434.68 21,501.45 3,560.18 325.76 1,470.32 4,421.11 521.22 10,816.86 11,178.41 19,445.66 334.15 13,208.06 4,984.89 103,202.74
Trade accounts receivable (exc Group a/cs) 34 41,579.44 23,110.57 217,714.91 16,988.28 7,670.20 20,218.00 32,126.11 18,180.66 6,182.53 32.14 - - 357,199.92 741,002.75
Inter project accounts 35 - - - - - - - - - 3.22 - 3.22
Advance payment of income tax 36 - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash and bank balances 37 15,697.27 8,747.05 57,151.24 17,077.15 2,987.27 20,556.12 10,181.30 10,006.12 4,701.41 30,488.10 898.76 7,937.57 67,631.65 254,061.01
Other current assets 38 3,666.35 - 22,587.86 876.10 - 37,212.87 37,613.54 51,293.42 3,200.00 - (28.46) 13,440.87 - 169,862.55
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (32 To 38) 39 75,676.37 55,533.80 319,888.22 35,789.76 13,964.02 85,496.76 96,154.80 138,406.74 28,044.80 53,756.04 7,974.45 50,825.61 429,816.46 1,391,327.83
Gas purchases & Transmission 41 (35,564.60) (17,329.30) (112,653.51) (7,819.02) - - - - 19,830.72 - (153,535.71)
BAPEX & Hydrocarbon Dev. Fund transfers 42 (6,645.76) (4,542.92) (27,182.37) (3,268.36) - - - - - (41,639.41)
Equity share 43 - - - - - - - - 41.97 41.97
Other current account 44 (1,614.19) (871.09) 27,870.20 558.85 (49.58) 55,963.09 20,569.25 (416.17) 39.13 96.22 (647.07) (0.99) 56,751.96 158,249.60
TOTAL GROUP COMPANY ACCOUNT (41 To 44) 45 (43,824.55) (22,743.31) (111,965.68) 558.85 (11,136.96) 55,963.09 20,569.25 (416.17) 39.13 19,926.94 (647.07) (0.99) 56,793.93 (36,883.55)
Trade Creditors & accruals (exc Group a/cs) 47 7,890.47 3,229.82 86,708.86 42,188.38 1,164.30 56,977.07 59,075.59 18,640.84 5,476.80 8,741.48 80,844.54 370,938.15
Workers Profit Participation Fund 48 608.22 640.93 6,147.81 3,270.94 178.65 1,521.53 3,928.32 - 507.04 2,213.21 1,773.82 - 20,790.47
Current portion of long term loans 49 13.95 98.66 3,734.44 1,210.73 2,846.55 89.35 964.48 - 8,861.74 - 17,819.90
Interest payable 50 172.16 - - - 29.50 - - - 1,566.55 - 1,768.21
Provision for taxation 51 9,874.73 20,117.39 - 2,187.74 1,339.89 12,276.03 27,989.31 6,095.75 11,984.81 16,746.63 12,638.46 - 121,250.74
Other current liabilities 52 389.78 - - 4,085.69 41.39 22,119.22 1,203.98 - - 12,458.22 36,082.98 244,094.75 320,476.01
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (47 To 52) 53 18,949.31 24,086.80 96,591.11 51,732.75 3,934.96 95,769.90 91,082.57 26,905.05 17,968.65 38,129.61 12,458.22 50,495.26 324,939.29 853,043.48
NET CURRENT ASSETS (39+45-53) 54 12,902.51 8,703.69 111,331.44 (15,384.14) (1,107.90) 45,689.95 25,641.48 111,085.52 10,115.28 35,553.37 (5,130.84) 329.36 161,671.10 501,400.81
TOTAL NET ASSETS (23+24+30+54) 55 249,107.58 73,899.53 562,876.62 40,565.34 26,889.97 309,123.71 257,956.84 202,715.87 62,982.97 683,798.62 113,605.21 131,231.17 636,490.74 3,351,244.17

Howlader Younus & Co. A.Matin & Co.

Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
Consolidated Income Statement
For The Year Ended 30th June'2013
Figures in lac Taka
Gas sales : Inter Group 2 - - - - 218,742.97 43,055.17 8,291.10 - - - 320,748.80 590,838.04
Gas Sales : End customers 3 129,549.12 85,138.47 739,512.91 162,040.83 45,855.09 - - - 2,913.22 - - 1,165,009.64
Oil, condensate and other products 4 - - - - 32,887.60 154,060.05 1,341.38 30,261.00 - 4,721.29 86,093.49 77,372.02 386,736.83
PB'S Share of PG 5 - - - - - - - - - - 239,521.88 239,521.88
PB'S Share of PC 6 - - - - - - - - - - 72,347.39 72,347.39
Supplementary duty & Vat/ Royalty 7 - - - - (201,133.20) (59,427.38) (3,832.98) - (118.03) (3,559.88) - (268,071.47)
Transmission charges, inc line rent 8 - - - - - - - 54,580.70 - - 54,580.70
Contributions from Group Companies for exploration 9 - - - - - - 4,853.86 - - - - 4,853.86
Successful wells and Fileds transferred to Group companies 10 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Management Charge to Co's & Projects 11 - - - - - - - - - - 3,608.68 3,608.68
Other operational income 12 970.20 2,466.79 6,742.32 1,037.79 120.28 - - 8,334.94 165.30 - - 585.78 20,423.40
TOTAL REVENUE (2 To 12) 13 130,519.32 87,605.26 746,255.23 163,078.62 45,975.37 50,497.37 137,687.84 22,821.28 29,506.54 54,580.70 4,603.26 82,533.61 714,184.55 2,269,848.95
COST OF SALES 14 - - -
Gas & Condensate purchases : Inter Company 15 86,463.56 57,680.14 508,157.60 81,261.97 26,802.40 11,420.06 - - 19,250.15 - - - 791,035.88
Gas & Condensate purchase from IOC 16 - - - - - - - - - - 638,479.70 638,479.70
Contribution to BAPEX for exploration 17 2,087.84 1,342.02 4,848.69 439.12 1,015.71 - - - - - - - 9,733.38
Contribution to Gas Development Fund 18 8,770.43 4,113.86 48,052.80 8,731.71 3,128.96 - 72,797.76
Unsuccesful exploration 19 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Production cost inc depreciation/depleciation 20 - - - - 5,768.80 72,168.40 12,978.37 1,164.64 - 2,559.25 50,360.00 - 144,999.45
Transmission charges : Inter Company 21 9,766.74 1,604.23 32,421.78 6,254.00 3,164.77 - - - - - - 103,391.16 156,602.68
Transmission costs, inc depreciation 22 - 1,377.91 - - - - - - 15,902.02 - - 17,279.93
Distribution cost, inc depreciation 23 2,022.68 9,077.92 855.02 2,553.14 - - - - - - - 14,508.76
Distribution cost of condensate & other product 24 - - - - - 1,331.43 - 161.62 - - - 1,493.05
Price Deficit Fund 25 12,491.55 8,730.73 36,910.08 3,884.13 6,340.46 - - - - - - - 68,356.95
Group service charges 26 207.32 117.50 1,200.00 459.86 40.90 250.68 683.00 167.02 101.00 400.00 - - 3,627.28
Administrative cost/HCDF 27 4,475.77 4,273.47 24,547.21 3,787.46 - 8,233.05 3,831.47 1,599.51 1,461.10 - 1,615.82 2,004.55 5,140.29 60,969.70
TOTAL COST OF SALES (15 To 27) 28 126,285.89 79,239.86 665,216.08 105,673.27 43,046.33 25,672.59 78,014.30 14,744.90 22,138.51 16,302.02 4,175.07 52,364.55 747,011.15 1,979,884.52
OPERATIONAL PROFIT ( 13-28 ) 29 4,233.43 8,365.40 81,039.15 57,405.35 2,929.04 24,824.78 59,673.55 8,076.38 7,368.03 38,278.68 428.19 30,169.06 (32,826.60) 289,964.43
Other Income 30 541.65 562.32 5,871.73 490.92 56.30 112.80 12.95 601.29 64.72 688.30 100.33 7,296.71 - 16,400.02
Interest expense 32 133.35 42.73 678.72 - 455.41 564.82 3.57 361.88 517.32 2,071.20 1,018.04 1,989.41 - 7,836.45
Less interest income 33 8,130.83 3,933.54 42,554.89 7,522.50 1,221.76 6,057.76 18,883.56 4,669.16 3,225.48 9,872.67 101.02 18,094.07 124,267.24
NET INTEREST (32 -33 ) 34 (7,997.48) (3,890.81) (41,876.17) (7,522.50) (766.35) (5,492.94) (18,879.99) (4,307.28) (2,708.16) (7,801.46) 917.02 1,989.41 (18,094.07) (116,430.78)
Translation of exhange rate of loans 35 - - - - - - - - (13.17) - - (13.17)
Intangibles provided for previous year written off 36 - - - - - - - - - - - -
NET PROFIT BEFORE CONTRIBUTION (29+30-34-35-36) 37 12,772.56 12,818.53 128,787.05 65,418.77 3,751.69 30,430.52 78,566.49 12,984.95 10,140.91 46,781.61 (388.50) 35,476.36 (14,732.53) 422,808.41
Less Worker's Participation in Profits 38 608.22 640.93 6,132.72 3,270.94 178.65 1,521.53 3,928.32 618.33 507.05 2,213.21 - 1,773.82 - 21,393.72
NET PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION (37-38) 39 12,164.34 12,177.60 122,654.33 62,147.83 3,573.04 28,908.99 74,638.17 12,366.62 9,633.86 44,568.40 (388.50) 33,702.54 (14,732.53) 401,414.69
Tax On Profit 40 4,561.63 4,806.95 31,690.60 23,305.44 1,339.89 8,909.78 27,989.31 4,637.49 3,612.70 3,960.36 24.61 12,638.46 127,477.22
NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR AFTER TAXATION (39-40) 41 7,602.71 7,370.65 90,963.73 38,842.39 2,233.15 19,999.21 46,648.85 7,729.13 6,021.16 40,608.04 (413.11) 21,064.08 (14,732.53) 273,937.47
Add: Profit brought forward from previous year 42 58,263.97 37,332.64 236,884.88 22,981.36 5,698.10 99,658.13 (402.36) 22,007.14 164,267.73 (6,740.09) 32,257.24 (317,827.61) 354,381.13
Add: Profit brought forward from previous year PSC 43 - - - - - - 167,451.59 - - - 167,451.59
Add/Deduct: Prior year adjustment 44 4,667.30 1,339.49 224.52 (11,807.56) 9.98 (999.96) 3,276.52 - - (22.06) 0.01 247.64 (186.30) (3,250.42)
DISTRIBTABLE PROFIT(41 To 44) 45 70,533.98 46,042.78 328,073.13 50,016.19 7,941.23 118,657.38 217,376.96 7,326.77 28,028.30 204,853.71 (7,153.19) 53,568.97 (332,746.44) 792,519.77
Less: Dividend paid 46 2,100.00 2,700.00 - 10,850.00 150.00 2,200.00 19,000.00 900.00 1,300.00 15,000.00 - 2,800.00 - 57,000.00
Less: Provision for Deferred Tax 47 - - - - (110.79) - - - - - - (110.79)
BALANCE TRANSFER TO BALANCE SHEET (45-46) 48 68,433.98 43,342.78 328,073.13 39,166.19 7,902.02 116,457.38 198,376.96 6,426.77 26,728.30 189,853.71 (7,153.19) 50,768.97 (332,746.44) 735,630.56

Hawladar Younus & Co. A.Motin & Co.


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Annual Report 2013


Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation


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