Spirit Work

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Spirit work is the practice of working or communicating with entities through metaphysical

means, like a ouija board, pendulum, astral projection, or automatic writing. Necromancy, spirit
guides, and medium work are all considered to be spirit work.

Practice by:
● 'talking' to a plant or crystal that you already have a bond with.
● reading the energy attached to an object (psychometry)

Another way to further your practice into spirit work is by contacting your spirit guides. You can
try to contact them through any form of divination.

Cleansing, protection, and banishment are necessary skills for a beginner. Make sure you know
how to rid yourself of a negative entity before attempting to make contact.

The steps to communicating with a spirit are:

● Get prepared mentally (calm and grounded)
● Identify the spirit
○ Ask identifying or confirmation questions to determine who you're speaking to
● Questions and answers
○ Questions must be direct and clear
● Thank the spirit for their time and presence, and say goodbye
● Cleanse the space after the spirit has left

"Historically, ghosts have been known to communicate through candle flames, liquid (water in a
glass may ripple when a spirit is present), and scent."

"Spirit Vessels are physical objects used to ground and manifest spirits. They can be mundane
objects or objects created specifically to act as a vessel." The spirit is not trapped within the item,
but can use the item to enter an otherwise protected space.

Grey and White Arts spirits are the best for beginners to contact as they are not usually

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