ELG 3120 Signals and Systems: Midterm

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Université d’Ottawa University of Ottawa

Faculté de genie Faculty of Engineering

École d’ingénierie et de technologie School of Information Technology and

de l’information (ÉITI) Engineering

ELG 3120
Signals and Systems


Time allowed: 80 minutes Thursday, 25 October 2007, 10: 00 AM

Professor: Jianping Yao Page 1 of 6

Family name: ____________________________ /25

Given name: _____________________________
Student number ______________________ /6
Signature _______________________________ Q3
Close Book Exam

No calculators are permitted

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Table of Formulas
Convolutions: Summations:
∞ ∞
y (t ) = x(t ) * h(t ) = ∫ x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ 1
−∞ ∑ ak = 1− a |a | < 1
∞ k =0
y[n] = x[n]* h[n] = ∑ x[k ]h[n − k ] ∞
a n1
k = −∞ ∑ ak = 1− a
| a |< 1
k = n1
1 − a n1 +1
Continuous-time Fourier Series ∑ ak = 1− a
a ≠1
∞ k =0
x(t ) = ∑ ak e jkω0t n2
a n1 − a n2 +1
k = −∞ ∑ ak = 1− a
a≠ 1
k = n1
ak = ∫ x(t )e − jkω0t dt
1 2π
a0 = ∫ x(t )dt ω0 = e ax
∫ xe dx = (ax − 1)
T T T ax
∞ a2
x(t ) = a0 + 2∑ Ak cos(kω 0 t + θ k ) ,
k =1
jθ k
ak = Ak e k ≥1

Discrete-time Fourier Series:

x[n] =
jk ( )n
∑ ak e N

k =< N >

− jk (
∑ x[n]e
1 )n
ak = N
N n =< N >

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Question 1 /6

For an input signal x(t ) = δ (t ) + e −t u (t ) and a LTI system with an impulse response h(t ) = et u (−t ) , find the
output y (t ) .

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Question 2 /2+3

a) Find the impulse response of a discrete-time causal LTI system described by a difference equation given

y[n ] = y[n − 1] + x[n ]


Note: find a closed form solution and do not use transforms.

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b) For a causal LTI system that is described by the following differential equation

dy (t )
3 − 2 y (t ) = x (t ) , find its impulse response h (t ) .

Note: do not use transforms.

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Question 3 /7

For a system we observe that

• For an input x(t ) = e −t u (t − 1) the output is y (t ) = 5e −2t u (t − 5)

• For another input x(t ) = 2e −(t −1)u (t − 2) + 3e −(t − 4)u (t − 5) we have the output
y (t ) = 10e −2(t −1)u (t − 6) + 15e −2(t − 4)u (t − 9)

Based on the observation

a) Determine if the system is LTI or not. Justify your answer.
b) If the system is causal or not? Justify.
c) If the system is stable or not? Justify.

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Question 4 /7

a) Find the Fourier series coefficients ak of the following periodic signal with period T = 1 )
x(t ) = e −t 0 ≤ t < 1

b) Find the expression for the amplitude of the coefficients, that is, ak .

c) Plot approximately the function ak with respect to k and determine the maximum value of the harmonic
component that is located at low frequency or high frequency.

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