Inter Geo Week 1pdf

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Intermediate Geography

Teacher: Mr. Chris

Notebook/online file ok
Student book
For students:
Online classroom regulations •Read all guidelines and learning materials and perform
pre-class tasks as required by teachers.
In order for the Asian International School's online •Prepare necessary school stationeries before the classes
classes to reach maximum effectiveness, the school
urges for the cooperation of Parents and Students in
the following matters: •Attend all scheduled classes; Log in online classes at
For Parents: least 10 minutes in advance to make sure the connection
Please set up a quiet study area for students. is stable and student’s attendance is checked by teachers
Guide and assist students to read all learning before the class begin.
materials and perform pre-class tasks as required by •Students who are absent for 10 minutes/class without a
teachers. plausible reason and teacher's permission will be
For students of Primary level, please help them log in considered unauthorized absences.
the online classes at least 10 minutes before the first •Student’s microphone is automatically muted and can
only be unmuted/muted by teachers when students are
For parents who wish to join classes with students,
please kindly take a seat in a suitable area and requested to speak during class hours. Students must not
remain quiet throughout the lesson. Please do not unmute the microphone without teacher's consent.
show yourselves on the camera when it is turned on •Students are required to dress politely, sit properly and
for student’s speaking as requested by teachers. pay attention to the lessons the same as when taking
Please do not record video/audio during online normal classes.
classes. •Do not open irrelevant programs on the computer or
Actively contact teachers for further support in case perform private works during class hours.
students cannot log in the online classes or if they •Strictly comply with other school rules and regulations the
need extra lessons.
same as when taking normal classes.
We must strictly follow all Asian School regulations
We must inform our class teachers about any concerns or changes immediately as
needed in order to ensure our most successful academic performance

100% =10 pts

(A)Semester Grade 30% x 2 mid-term/final exams = 60 %.
(B)Class performance requirements 40% Focus &
Attendance Class Discipline Output

10% 20% 20% 50%

10% attendance (web cam names must match student list) Output
20% discipline 20% mini quiz (x4)
Focus & Participation 15%completed handouts
20% bi/weekly participation (web cam must be on at all times) 15% completed your turn
Did it all start with a Bang? (modern theories)
Earth’s timescale/ Our time’s scale
Thinking geographically is clearly an important step in understanding the local, regional
and global phenomena. Doing this work in school Geography allows developing
citizenship skills that one day may be used in a more active participation in society.
• The responsibilities of global citizens
include respecting others, obeying rules
and laws, and setting a good example to
others. Global citizens feel a sense of
responsibility to help when the rights of
others are violated, no matter where in the
world they live. difference. When
individuals join with others, local action can
create global change.
A global citizen is someone who is aware of
and understands the wider world – and their
place in it. They take an active role in their
community and work with others to make our
planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer. ...
Global citizenship helps young people to: Build
their own understanding of world events.

To understand how the Earth formed starting at the Big
Bang, and how life began.

To understand how life evolved from simple cells, with
more and more complex life forms appearing, including
Big questions?
• Are regions “real” or constructions made by humans to facilitate the study of geography?
• How was Earth formed, and about how long ago?
• What was the Big Bang? How and when did life begin?

• How do geography, climate, and natural resources affect the way people live and work?
• Are regions “real” or constructions made by humans to facilitate the study of geography?
• Around when did humans like us (Homo sapiens) first appear – and where?
• What is a mass extinction?
Key vocabulary * students are responsible for all
textbook vocabulary included in the student book
1.1 * 1.2
• Big Bang • mass extinction
• Sun • asteroid
• planet • Homo sapiens
• Earth • Fossil
• moon • Cells
• atmosphere • Species
• ocean • Mammals
• Evolve • Evolution
• fact /theory • algae
1.1 Big understandings
▪ the Big Bang was a violent explosion of energy that occurred about 13.8 by a. It was
the start of the universe.
▪ Earth formed around 4.5 by a, from dust and gasses swirling around a new-born star,
our sun. The dust and gases were pulled together by the force of gravity.
▪ the moon was probably formed when another planet struck the Earth early in its
▪ as the Earth cooled, its crust hardened, and water vapor condensed to form the
▪ the first living cells appeared about 3.5 billion years ago in the ocean. Those early
cells evolved over time into different living things.
▪ theories are not the same as facts. They fit the available evidence – but new evidence
could prove them wrong.
▪ a scientific theory is not a guess. It is a well-substantiated explanation of the natural
world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through
observation and experiment.
first species of humans
1.2 Big understanding
▪ over time, simple cells evolved into more complex cells, and
eventually, and eventually different types of cells joined, to form the
first soft bodied animals.
▪ around 475 mya, life spread from the ocean to land when simple
plants evolved from algae. The first animals moved onto land around
395 mya.
▪ evolution continued on land and in the ocean, but periodic mass
extinctions killed off many millions of species.
▪ the first species of humans appeared about 2mya in East Africa.
Modern humans appeared only 200 000 years ago.
▪ we learn about early plants and animals through the fossil record.
*you must submit completed your turns 1.1 +1.2 = ( word document or *legible dated
notebook photo ) (screenshot; *authorized specified other OK) due date:17/9
@ : [email protected] * (all late HW forfeits 50% total score)

• Your turn 1.1 • Your turn 1.2

Video links: 1.1 + 1.2

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