2021 German Education Perfect Subscription (2/04/2021) : Mount Waverley Secondary College

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Mount Waverley Secondary College Visvaraj THILLAINADARAJAH (THI0029) 07D

2021 German Education Perfect subscription (2/04/2021)

Dear Parent/Guardian

An event, 2021 German Education Perfect subscription, has been planned for Friday, 2 April 2021.

Dear parents/carers,
Due to an techical issue with the payment portal link listed on the booklist, we are required to establish a
new payment method. Please find attached the updated instructions from Education Perfect.

Thank you for your patience.

Ms Ayako Yasunaga
Head of Languages

Date/Time/Venue: Friday, 2 April 2021 (8:00 AM to 8:15 AM), Language Faculty

Staff member in charge: Ayako YASUNAGA

Consent: Required, due by Friday, 2 April 2021

Consent can be provided by returning the below section to NO CONSENT IS REQUIRED.

Please retain top section for your records.

Mount Waverley Secondary College

2021 German Education Perfect subscription (2/04/2021)
Consent Form for Visvaraj THILLAINADARAJAH (THI0029) 07D

I give permission for Visvaraj THILLAINADARAJAH to attend this event. Where the staff member in charge is unable to contact me, or where it is impracticable to
contact me, I authorise the staff member in charge to 1) consent to any medical or surgical attention deemed necessary by a medical practitioner, and 2) administer such
first-aid as the staff member in charge judges to be reasonably necessary. I understand that this is an official school event and that Visvaraj THILLAINADARAJAH will
adhere to the dress code, as outlined above, and behave in alignment with the school's code of conduct. I agree to meet any medical expenses and/or transport costs
incurred in the event of sickness or injury. Further, I agree to meet any transport costs should my child be sent home as a result of misbehaviour or inappropriate

Details of allergies and/or medication currently being taken:

Emergency Phone Numbers:

Parent A Parent B Guardian
Phone Number Phone Number Phone Number

Parent/guardian signature (consent/agreement): Date: / /

Due 2/04/2021 Generated at 13/02/2021 - 03:55 PM

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