SGS-2.G13 - Vinamilk Marketing Analysis

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Situation Analysis Report

Subject code MKTG1205B

Product Vinamilk 100% Organic

Group members and ID Pham Nguyen Quoc Dat ( S3878602 )

Pham Hong Nhat ( S3877476)
Dang Yen Nhi ( S3877574 )
Dang Nguyen Thuy Duong (S3877868 )
Nguyen Vu Hai Binh ( S3878194 )
Tran Thi Minh Anh ( S3877514 )


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2.1 History: CEO
2.2 Development strategy
2.3 Mission Statement
1.1. Direct
1.2. Indirect
2.1. Consumer market
2.2. Retail market
3.1. Reseller
3.2. Marketing strategy
4.1. Raw materials
4.2.International strategic partners
5.1. General public
5.2. Media public
3.1 image
3.2 channel
3.4 product
3.4 service
4.1 Map 1: Price and Milligram of calcium in fresh milk.
4.2 Map 2: Brand Awareness and Market Share
4.3 Value proposition



Vietnam Dairy Products JSC (Vinamilk) is a Vietnam-based company mainly focusing on the
food and beverage services sector, where consumers can place faith in wholesome products.

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Vinamilk has been listed in Vietnam's 50 top valuable brands by Forbes Vietnam (Vinamilk


In 1976, Vinamilk was founded. From the 1980s to 1990s, Vinamilk was honored to receive
the Third-Class Labor Medal, the Second-Class Labor Medal and the First-Class Labor Med
al. In the 2000s, Vinamilk was awarded the title "Labour Hero of the Renovation Process” an
d received the Independence Medal III. The company also inaugurated factories in many pro
vinces throughout Vietnam. Later, Vinamilk applied more innovative technology and was rew
arded with the Independence Medal II in the 2010s. According to Vinamilk (2020), the firm ex
panded operations in ASEAN and launched the first European 100% Organic Milk produced i
n Vietnam in the mid 2020s. It was positioned in the Top 200 companies with the best revenu
e of over 1 billion Asia Pacific (by Forbes Asia) during this period (Vinamilk 2020) .


The CEO of Vinamilk is Mrs. Mai Kieu Lien. She has been in charge of Vinamilk for over 25 y
ears (since 1992 until present) .From 1984 to 1992, she was the Deputy CEO – Economics
at Vinamilk. From 1976 to 1983, she took up many positions in numerous different departme
nts and subsequently became Deputy Technical Director at Thong Nhat dairy factory in 1982
( Vinamilk 2020).

Development strategy :

Sustaining the No.1 position in Vietnam market and aspiring to be in the Top 30 of World’s L
argest Dairy Companies in terms of revenue, Vinamilk has set up 3 primary targets to achiev
e : diversifying portfolio based on consumers' preferences, retaining leadership within the dai
ry industry in Vietnam and becoming the leading dairy company in the Southeast Asia (Vina
milk 2020) .

Mission Statement :

Vinamilk desires to raise health awareness and to improve physical conditions of their consu
mers. They commit to deliver the best-quality nutrition to communities with respect, love and
responsibility (Vinamilk 2020).

2.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : Vinamilk 100% Organic

2.1. Functions and features:

Vinamilk's liquid products, including Vinamilk 100% Organic, are nutrient-rich beverages. Du
e to the presence of a variety of essential nutrients including Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A, Vit
amin D, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, their products help strengthen our bones, prev
ent osteoporosis, boost the overall metabolism of our body, keep us hydrated and nourish ou
r skin (Vinamilk 2016) .
2.2. Style and design:
The package of most Vinamilk's products, including Vinamilk 100% Organic, is straightforwar
d, simple and eye-catching with a distinctive logo and a combination of three primary colours
including green, blue and white. Their appearance is not only appealing to customers but als
o increases brand recognition in the market (IBN 2017).
2.3. Market share:

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Thanks to intensive competitive campaigns and a diversified portfolio, Vinamilk's liquid milk p
roducts are more appreciated and favoured in the Vietnam market compared to its rivals suc
h as TH True Milk (CEO 360). Vinamilk has dominated this market with a nearly 40% value s
hare in 2020 (Euromonitor 2020).




Although drinking milk products made by Vietnam Dairy Products JSC (Vinamilk) hav
e achieved a dominant position in the market with a 39.8% value share in 2020, the c
ompany is still faced with challenges presented by other rivals (Euromonitor 2020).

The most formidable direct competitor of Vinamilk 100% Organic is Dutch Lady Milk
owned by FrieslandCampina Vietnam co. ltd with a 18.6% value share in 2020 (Euro
monitor 2020). Dutch Lady has been offering Asian families with high-quality and nut
ritious products since 1963 (South China Morning Post 2019). It was also one of the f
irst companies in Vietnam to reward farmers for milk with low levels of pollution to inc
entivise them to enhance breeding and milk quality (Vietnamnews 2019)

The second biggest competitor of Vinamilk 100% Organic is TH True Milk owned by
TH Food Chain JSC with a 10.9% value share in 2020 (Euromonitor 2020). TH True
Milk was founded in 2010 and had its products distributed to above 60 countries arou
nd the world. The brand has managed to gain trust from consumers as it is recognise
d as “Asia’s biggest centralised dairy farm with hi-tech applications” by the Asia Book
of Records (Vietnam Pictorial 2015).


In addition to drinking milk products, other options such as soft drink, milk tea, juice, c
offee, beer,etc are also gaining popularity among Vietnamese people.

Vietnam Soy Milk Co Ltd (Vinasoy) is one of the major indirect competitors of Vinamil
k with a value share of 7.0% in 2020 (Euromonitor 2020). Although Vinasoy only con
centrates on soy drinks with two main product lines including Vinasoy and Fami, the
company still poses a threat to the revenues of Vinamilk indirectly (VnEconomy 201

In addition to Vinasoy, Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Co Ltd also indirectly impacts

Vinamilk’s turnover with a value share of 3.5% in 2020 (Euromonitor 2020). Thanks t
o vigorous advertising campaigns, Coca Cola has astonishingly succeeded in making
customers crave for its carbonated drinks (Investopedia 2020).

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2.1.Consumer market

Vinamilk's fresh milk products are rich in nutrients, various in tastes, and also have a
reasonable price so they are completely suited to consumers’ tastes of all ages and a
ll provinces (Statista, 2019) (Appendix 1). Consumers are now more aware of their h
ealth, so they tend to spend more on organic foods (Helga 2020) . Following this tren
d, Vinamilk has introduced Organic milk, with the EU Organic standard (Vinamilk 202
0). According to Vinamilk (2014), the company targets children under 14 with middle-i
ncome parents. By understanding customers’s needs and creating real values, accor
ding to statistic from Kantar Worldpanel (2020), Vinamilk was the Vietnam’s most ch
osen FMCG dairy brand in 2019 (Appendix 2)

2.2.Retailer market

Vinamilk fresh milk is one of the most well-known dairy products in all areas of Vietn
am (Vinaresearch 2017). They could be found easily from a grocery store, convenien
ce store to supermarkets. Viamilk has over 200.000 retailers over the nation. (Appen
dix 3)


3.1. Reseller

Vinamilk has a wide distribution network all over the country (Vinamilk 2014). Major r
etail firms such as Lotte mart, Co.op mart, Big C cooperate with Vinamilk to distribute
Vinamilk fresh milk products to consumers, therefore, these products are also availab
le in many convenience stores such as Circle K or GS25. Vinamlik’s products are no
w selling in over 1.000 convenience stores and 3.000 supermarkets all over the natio
n (Appendix 3). Moreover, Vinamilk has signed a cooperation agreement with FPT R
etail to deploy a chain of Vinamilk specialized stores all over the country (FPT Corpor
ation 2016). Besides, with the noticeable growth of the E-commerce market in Vietna
m, Vinamilk has caught up with the trend and has arranged a partnership with the lar
gest E-commerce retail platform in Vietnam – Shopee (Vietnambusinesstv 2020) .

3.2. Marketing Agency

Vinamilk has always been popular for its dynamic, creative marketing strategies (Ad
market). Since 2016, Vinamilk re-cooperated with a media buying agency named OM
D Vietnam as a partner and has been outstandingly successful (DMA, N 2019). For e
xample, Vinamilk fresh milk TVC 2012 “Mat kieng, giay don” has spread the message
‘Why have to wear glasses and high heels when you already have Vinamilk ADM fres
h milk’, the advertisement is one of the most viral TVC of Vinamilk. By using familiar i
mages such as animated cows or ear-catching songs, Vinamilk fresh milk advertisem
ents greatly attract their customers, especially children ( 2016)

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To build a sustainable development system, Vinamilk does not only have high quality
raw materials sources but also has a strict and safe manufacturing process.

4.1.Raw materials

Vinamilk’s raw milk is created in 13 farms throughout Vietnam with around 150 000 c
ows producing 1000 tons of milk per day (Appendix 4). However, due to a rapid growt
h in milk demand,Vinamilk has to invest a large amount of money in establishing mor
e organic cow farms as well as importing dairy cows from abroad. According to Viet
Nam News (2020), the firm has recently bought 500 dairy cows from the US and is pl
anning to buy another 1200 cows in 2021 for a cow farm in Quang Ngai to boost the
milk production.

4.2.International strategic partners

Vinamilk collaborates with many international companies to guarantee the quality of p

roduct and operate under international ISO standards.

Packaging and processi Tetra Pak company Sweden


Nutritions and materials DSM company Netherlands

Good Bacteria Chr. Hansen compa Denmark


Nutritions and chemicals Lonza company Switzerland

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5.1.General public :

Vinamilk has launched many meaningful marketing campaigns for the community. So
me of them are “Chương trình Sữa học đường” and “Quỹ Sữa Việt Nam vươn cao” ,
intending to deliver nutritional values to children and to give scholarships to students
with deprived backgrounds (Appendix 5). From 2012 to date, Vinamilk has collaborat
ed with “Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment” in a tree-planting campaign
called “Quỹ 1 triệu cây xanh cho Việt Nam” in order to fight climate change. During th
is period, the company has planted more than 851.000 trees in 22 provinces with a to
tal value of around 11 billions VND (Phap Luat 2020).Thanks to such successful cam
paigns, Vinamilk has built a close connection with the customers and increased its br
and reputation, which can be considered as a huge advantage compared to other co
mpetitors in the liquid milk industry ( 2019 ).

5.2.Media public :

Vinamilk has successfully made use of social networking sites, including Facebook, t
o connect with its customers and to promote its products. The firm owns 2 fan pages
on Facebook which are “Vinamilk - Bí Quyết Ngon Khỏe Từ Thiên Nhiên'' for consum
ers of all ages with nearly 635.000 likes (Facebook 2020) and “Vinamilk Baby Care” f
or children only with approximately 447.000 likes (Facebook 2020), and they both rec
eived positive feedbacks. These fan pages are mainly used to introduce new events,
gifts and deliver healthcare knowledge. The interaction of Vinamilk’s fan pages with it
s customers is much higher than its competitors such as TH True Milk with 344.000 li
kes ( Facebook 2020) or Dutch Lady Vietnam 376.000 likes (Facebook 2020)

Furthermore, Vinamilk also has its own homepage where the company provides onlin
e shopping services, demonstrates information, updates social events and news abo
ut the organization(Vinamilk 2020 ).


It is reported by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam that the number of the overal
l population is about 97 million people (Appendix 6). Moreover, 37.7% of the populati
on are living in the urban areas and Vietnam is the 15th rank on the scale of the coun
try which has the highest amount of population (Worldometers 2020). In March 3, 20
20, researchers show that there has been roughly 8.1 million births in Vietnam and it i
s continuously rising (Appendix 7).This leads to the amount of children accounting for
about 23.2% of all the population (Statista Research Department 2020) (Appendix 8).
Besides, more than 45 million people got out of poverty and the rate of the middle cla
ss is rising, which currently occupies 13% of the population and it is predicted to reac
h 26% by 2026 (WorldBank 2020).

The information above has a significant impact on Vinamilk 100% organic because th
e main segmentation that this product targets is the children who live in middle-incom
e families. (Vinamilk 2014)

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During the pandemic, Vietnam has 1.321 total cases that are positive with Covid-19.
However, the number of recovered people is 1.153, which significantly dominates 35
deaths in total. (Worldometer 2020) . According to a report, Vietnam is successfully d
ealing with the pandemic and became the country adopting Covid-19 preventive mea
sures effectively (Toan, Huynh 2020). Eventually, this result has positively affected th
e Vinamilk 100% organic product.


The GDP in Vietnam reached around 261.92 billion USD in 2019 (Trading Economics
2019) (Appendix 9). Moreover, the GDP number increased roughly to 7% in 2019 an
d from 2002 to 2019, GDP per person in Vietnam rose 2.7 times, worth 2.700 USD in
2019 (Worldbank 2020). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Organization for Econo
mic Cooperation and Development (OECD) predicted that the world economy would
decrease to 4.5% in 2020. However, the economy of Vietnam shows the opposite tre
nd. In the first 9 months in 2020, GDP of Vietnam continuously increased to 2.12%
(GSO 2020) (Appendix 10). Furthermore, there is a trend that more and more Vietna
mese people are paying attention to healthy and high-value products because of the
dynamic economy and the rise in proportion of middle-income families (Euromonitor

Overall, the success in controlling the pandemic, the increase in GDP and the deman
ds for high-value products would develop the profit of Vinamilk and the sales of Vina
milk 100% organic products (Vietnamnews 2019)


Energy has always been the biggest problem ever since, therefore Vinamilk has invol
ved different methods in the milk production chain such as improving products’ value
s, increasing inexhaustible resources (Vinamilk 2020). Furthermore, the company ha
d established a particular mindset for its energy saving from the year 2012 to 2017 w
hich avoided wasting energy by at least 3% and cut down on the amount of CO2 lead
ing to greenhouse effect (Vinamilk 2020). Not only concentrate on their procedure but
Vinamilk also has other community activities such as “One million trees for Vietnam'
fund (TAINGUYEN&MOITRUONG 2020), “An used milk carton for a tree’’ campaign
( 2014). Moreover, Vinamilk makes milk cartons from paper which
are exploited from new plantations jungle and can be recycled ( 20


In the procedure of Vinamilk, UHT fresh milk making associates with innovative and a
dvanced machines ( Vinamilk has always focused on investing and
altering new technologies (Dat Viet 2016). Therefore, they commit that the milk is ma
de from natural sources which are strictly selected and supervised (Bao Dien Tu Gia
Dinh Viet Nam 2016). All the systems operate based on robots which run and pack pr
oducts automatically (

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Many cultural elements are considered to have an impact on Vinamilk. The biggest c
oncern is the milk drinking habit of the Vietnamese. A majority of Vietnam’s populatio
n do not have the habit of consuming milk (VUSTA, 2010). According to the report of
Sacombank, an average Vietnamese person drinks 15 liters of milk per year while Ch
inese and Thai consume 25 liters and 23 liters respectively. A reason behind this may
come from a perception amongst Vietnamese adults that liquid milk is only for childr
en (Sacombank, 2012). There is also a gender distinction (Tatarski,2017) and age se
gment (Q&Me), this indicates that milk is not their favorite drink. Unfortunately, the "W
estern brand oriented" trend among Vietnamese consumers, which derived from an u
ndeveloped economy, has also considerably affected domestic dairy companies like
Vinamilk (Sacombank, 2012). Meanwhile, the consumers also embrace to choose tru
sted and well-known local brands (Q&Me). Otherwise, the figure for market share of
milk in Vietnam has revealed a positive increase in the milk consumption (Capitalizin
g on Vietnam's middle - affluent class, 2020). Thanks to the rising awareness about t
he importance of health and increasing income of Vietnamese, the milk consumption
is expected to go up to 28 liters per person in 2020 (Tu Uyen, 2018).

In 2020, during the COVID-19, the demand for drinking milk still remains fairly stable
and Vinamilk still takes the lead of drinking milk products in 2020 with 40% value sha
re (Euromonitor, 2020). Those indicate that the habit of drinking milk amongst Vietna
mese adults has been driven to a much more positive side and they are likely to get u
sed to consuming milk.


Besides National Policies, the Government also plays a crucial role in Vinamilk. Bein
g the biggest shareholder, State Capital and Investment Corporation (SCIC) holds 36.
00% shares of the company (Vinamilk,2019). Since 2007, the negotiation between Vi
etnam and the World Trade Organization (WTO) has reduced tariffs on dairy products
with the plan to substitute imported dairy products with locally produced raw material
(Nguyen, 2013). This leads to the procurement price of fresh milk remaining constant
while input costs have been increasing rapidly (Nguyen, 2013). The figure ( Appendix
11) indicates that Vinamilk was also the one who benefits from the integration of WT
O with the nearly unchanged cost of sales but much higher net revenue, 22% compo
und annual growth rate (CAGR) (2005-2015) (Vinamilk,2015).

The Comprehensive and Progress Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)

may cause difficulties for domestic companies like Vinamilk when the import tariffs on
dairy products will be cut because they will have to face fierce competition with foreig
n brands (Vietnamnews, 2019).

Since 2019, The State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) have divested their sh
ares in Vinamilk (Thanh Nien, 2019). Despite still keeping a stable growth rate, it is b
elieved to operate more efficiently, not only consumers will benefit more but also the
State will be more free to do other things when they get out of Vinamilk (,

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● Vinamilk has stood strongly in the dai
● Growing numbers of competitors ar
ry industry for over 40 years and conti
e not only world's famous dairy co
nued to grow to define itself as the to
mpanies but also rising domestic
p milk brand in Vietnam. Not only fo
r Vietnamese customers, but also Vin
- The membership of Vietna
amilk is exported overseas.
m with WTO and ASEAN as
● Vinamilk is the biggest milk productio
sists other foreign brands to
n company in Viet Nam and account
penetrate into Vietnam's ma
s for 37% of the market share.
● Despite the high quality products, the
- Due to the ATIGA and Vietn
milk’s price of Vinamilk is reasonabl
e and suitable for consumers’ dem
- EAEU FTA decree to elimin
and with various kinds, for example,
ate tariffs on dairy products
100% organic milk, premium milk,etc.
including liquid milk.
● Its marketing campaign is methodi
● Challenge to expand the distribu
cal and professional with different a
tion, according to World Bank Dat
ctivities such as “Sua hoc duong”, “O
a, 70% of total population live in hig
ne million trees Viet Nam fund”.
hland regions. Hence, this is a big
● While other companies are having pr
barrier for both Vinamilk and consu
oblems, Vinamilk has an extremely
mers to deliver and get access to th
good fund structure and autonomi
e products, especially in terms of k
c financial.
eeping UHT milk in good quality.
● Vinamilk produces a natural source
● Milk is the product category consisti
of fresh milk as well as having an or
ng in price registration and price st
ganic and internationally standardi
ability, which makes Vinamilk hard
sed cow’s farm.
to control the output price.
● Pressure from environmental res
ponsibility to save energy.
● Require to keep the company upda
ted due to frequent customers' cha
nging preferences in packaging
and drinking trends.

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● Vietnamese government encourag
● The source supply of raw dairy milk
ing foreign investment helps Vin
can not fulfil the production deman
amilk attract investors.
● Vinamilk factories equipped with int
● Investing in organic farms and importi
ernational standards production lin
ng dairy cows abroad costs a large a
es do not only reduce production ti
mount of money.
me but also increase output and
● Too many retailers but not every ret
product qualities.
ailer has good facilities to maintain th
● Vinamilk constantly creates new fl
e quality of milk for a long time.
avors for their product that will help
them reach bigger consumer mar
● Vietnamese consumers are interest
ed in local brands.
● Increasing living standards leads
to concern about nutrition and healt
h among consumers.



Segment Demographic Psychographic Behavioural Geographic

Children Age: 5-14 Lifestyle: Occasion: Daily All over Vietna

Gender: Male, f Outdoor- oriented, User status:pot m
emale and other prefer hanging out ential/daily users
s with friends Usage rate: dail
Personalities Acti y
ve, curious, creativ Benefit sought:
ity provide nutrition
s that are good f
or their growth.

Young adult Age: 15-25 Lifestyle: Occasion : daily All over Vietna
Gender: male,fe busy life because User status:firs m
male and others having a lot of task t-time users, reg

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Income: no inco s to do, do a lot of ular users, poten

me or low incom activities to satisfy tial users
e their wants Usage rate: reg
Education: colle -Personalities: ular, daily
ge/university stu energetic,enthusia Loyalty: mediu
dents stic, interested in n m
ovelty Benefit sought:
good for body gr
owth, refill energ

Adult Age: 26-44 Social class: Mid Occasion: Dail All over Vietna
Gender: dle and upper clas y. m.
Male, female an s. User status: Re Density: Aver
d others. Personality trait gular. age to High.
Marital status: s: User rate: Heav
Married, not mar Desire to strike a y user.
ried. work-life balance u Loyalty: Mediu
Family size: sin sually stressful an m.
gle person or 3- d busy, energetic, Benefit sought:
4 people. sport-oriented. Good for health,
Income: Middle- Lifestyle: delicious taste, c
High income. Busy,creative, flexi onvenient.
Occupation: Va ble, outdoor-orient
ries. ed.

Middle age wom Age: 40-60 Social class: User status: Allover Vietna
en Marital Status: Middle class, uppe First time users/ m from big citie
Married. r class. Long time users. s to even small
Gender: Femal Personality trait User rate: rustic areas.
e. s:Calm, caring,lovi Heavy users. Density: Aver
Occupation: Eit ng, Loyalty: Mediu age or High.
her work or retir happy. m.
e. Lifestyle: Benefit sought:
Income: Middle either busy or uno Calcium in milk
- High income. ccupied, care abo helps maintain b
ut health. ones or a tough
skeletal structur

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The elderly Age: 65-70 Lifestyles: well-or Benefits sough Region :subur
Income: pensio ganized, health-co t: ban areas, rura
n, most live off th nscious, focusing affordable, l areas
eir children. on improving their easy to buy, Density: High
Gender: mostly physical and ment prevent osteopo
female al conditions, seek rosis,
Family Life Cyc ing for peacefulne keep body hydra
le: single, marrie ss. ted,increase resi
d with children, Personality: famil stance, reduce f
married without y-oriented, realisti atigue
children. c, sometimes aggr Usage rate: me
Social classes: essive. dium-high users
middle class, up Usage situatio
per class n:
Education: vari In free time, In g
es athering events
Occupation: mo Buyer's status:
st have retired. potential users


Vinamilk 100% organic has successfully applied the concentrated marketing strategy to ef
fectively dominate the high-income segmentation.

The main segmentation that Vinamilk targets is children from 5 to 14 (Vinamilk 2014).Vinamil
k desires to improve physical health of children and aims to nurture young talents as children
are considered the pillar of a nation’s tomorrow (Vinamilk 2016). The first reason why Vinami
lk 100% organic chose this segmentation is because children roughly account for 23.2% of t
he population (Statista 2020). Secondly, the amount of middle-class population is increasing
and they are starting to focus more on the value of the products rather than the price. This wi
ll lead to the result that Vinamilk 100% organic could have more customers. (Euromonitor 20


3.1. Image

Vinamilk succeeds in building its brand-awareness with aggressive marketing campaigns an

d advertisements mainly concentrating on Vietnamese families (HBR Business School 2019).
In a campaign called ''Vinamilk 40 năm - Vươn cao Việt Nam'' in 2016, Vinamilk targeted at
the well-being of Vietnamese children and aimed to nurture young talents with pure fresh mil
k. Vinamilk successfully conveyed the message that Vietnamese children would grow up hap
py and healthy thanks to their high-quality products (Vinamilk 2016). In an advertisement na

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med ''Sữa tươi Vinamilk Organic - Tươi ngon thuần khiết từ trang trại chuẩn Châu Âu trên c
ao nguyên Đà Lạt” in 2020 , Vinamilk introduced the image of a high-quality product meeting
European standards which promised to bring nutrition to the Vietnamese families (Vinamilk 2
020). In addition to benefiting people’s health, Vinamilk also improves its brand recognition b
y exclusively focusing on environmental problems and social responsibility. In “Quỹ 1 triệu
cây xanh cho Việt Nam" campaign launched in 2012, Vinamilk has planted nearly 1 million of
trees in Vietnam to date. This does not only raise people's awareness of environment but als
o helps fight global warming and pollution (Phap Luat 2020) .In “Vinamilk - Triệu bước đi, đẩ
y lùi Cô-vi” campaign in 2020 , Vinamilk gave away 60 000 medical masks, 6 000 hand saniti
zers and more than 86 000 cartons of milk to more than 6000 underpriviledged children thro
ughout Vietnam during the Covid-19 pandemic (Cung Va Cau 2020).

3.2. Channel

Vinamilk's liquid milk products have become popular and easy to find throughout Vietnam be
cause it uses 3 main distribution channels. The first channel is the supermarket system, from
large supermarkets such as Co.opmart, Big C to small supermarkets such as Vinmart, Famil
y mart, and B'smart. The second distribution channel is key accounts such as schools, hotels,
and restaurants. And the last distribution channel is through dealers with more than 220,000
stores in 63 provinces in Vietnam (ISAAC 2019). These channels and distributors nationwide
have brought Vinamilk’s products to every corner of Vietnam with the same quality.Due to th
e development of e-commerce, Vinamilk also sells its products through online networks such
as Shopee, Lazada, Vinamilk website.

3.3. Product

Vietnamese people nowadays are concerned about their height and personal health, especi
ally when the rate of underweight and stunting Vietnamese children is considerably high com
pared to the world (Thanhnien 2018). Fresh milk products are the best solution to supplemen
t calcium and other essential nutrients. By producing extensive product lines including Vinam
ilk less sugar and Vinamilk skim fresh milk for dieters, adding more scents and creating Vina
milk 100% Organic for high-end customers, Vinamilk has maintained its position as a leading
brand in the diversified fresh milk market (Vinamilk 2020).


4.1 Map 1: Price and Milligram of calcium in fresh milk

As can be seen from the map, in terms of price, Meadow Fresh has both the highest price (4
3,5 VND/ 4 cartons) and highest level of calcium (125 mg) while Dutch has the lowest price
(29,5 VND/ 4 cartons) compared to other milk brands. On the other hand, Vinamilk has quite
a reasonable price (31,5 VND/ 4 cartons) which is affordable to most Vietnamese consumers
nowadays. As Vinamilk is a popular and top milk brand in Vietnam, consumers can easily fin
d them in supermarkets, markets, grocery stores or any other retail shops. In contrast, Mead
ow Fresh is at the top of both attributes, but as it is considered as a premium milk, hence, th
e products’ display is still at an average frequency compared to others.

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4.2. Map 2: Brand Awareness and Market Share

Overall, Vinamilk takes the lead in both attributes consisting of high company shares and bra
nd recognition with 40% (Euromonitor, 2020) of total shares and 132.14 points of CPRs (App
endix 12) respectively. When it comes to Meadow Fresh and Love In Farm, they are conside
red as new brands penetrating into the Vietnamese market. For TH True Milk, even though it

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joined the dairy industry quite late in 2010 TH True Milk tried to keep up with the fast pace wi
th 11.56% CAGR in the 2015-2012 period (Phuong Anh, 2017).

4.3 Value proposition

According to the two positioning maps, Vinamilk’s value proposition in the dairy industry is T
he Same for Less. Even though Vinamilk has low milligram of calcium in the fresh milk, its a
ffordable price is the superior factor among other brands. On top of that, Vinamilk has define
d itself as the biggest company in Vietnam’s milk industry (Truc Dang, 2014).

All of the information abov
e has pro ven the only one
fact: Vina milk is the No.1 c
hosen br and of milk in Vie
tnam and will be more pros
perous in the future. It has
successf ully stood firm in t
he dairy i ndustry for almos
t 40 year s and has create
d more th an 20 brands wit
h diversifi ed products, whic
h delighte dly satisfy the co
nsumer’s needs. In additio
n to the sustainable development of the company, Vinamilk has also made plenty of marketin
g strategies and charity campaigns with the intention of promoting its products and increasin
g benefits for the community. With the slogan “40 năm vươn cao Việt Nam'' used since 2008,
a lot of messages and events were created to help a large number of Vietnamese children b
ecome healthier, taller and stronger. The most popular message is “Mắt sáng - Dáng cao - H
ọc bao điều lạ”, along with the campaign called “Quỹ sữa Việt Nam'' , the company gave free
milk to 40.000 poor children who lived in more than 40 underprivileged areas in Viet Nam (Br
andsVietnam 2016). Not only has Vinamilk brought advantages to Vietnamese people’s healt
h, but it has also effectively created numerous advertisements with adorable cows and childr
en playing around. The advertisements were so famous that they have helped Vinamilk domi
nate the milk market since it was introduced.

In short, Vinamilk is having a bright future in the milk industry and although the Covid-19 viru
s is temporarily disturbing people’s lives, Vinamilk still draws great attention from consumers.


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Appendix 1. Reasons why Vietnamese consumers choose Vinamilk as their favorite diary co

Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 2. Vinamilk products dominated Vietnam’s market in term of Diary and Dairy Substi
and-brand-2020 >

Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 3. Vinamilk Retailers


Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 4:“Tổng quan về hệ thống trang trại bò sữa của Vinamilk tại Việt Nam và nước ng

Appen dix 5:
“Trưởn g Ban

Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Dân vận Trung ương Trương Thị Mai trao học bổng và sữa của Quỹ sữa Vươn Cao Việt Na
m cho các em học sinh khó khăn có thành tích học tập tốt của trường Tiểu học Tiên Dược

Appendix 6: Vietnam population 2020


Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 7: Number of
births in Vi etnam fro
m 2000 to 2020
<https://w ww.statista
.com/statis tics/11010
27/vietnam -number-
of-bfbzdfb >

Appendix 8: Share of children aged between 0 and 14 years in Vietnam 200-2020


Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 9: Vietnam GDP in 2019


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Appendix 10: Vietnam GDP in the first 9 months in 2020



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Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])


Appendix 12: Vietnam's most chosen FMCG brand owners and brands 2019 ( Dairy and dair
y substitutes)


Downloaded by My Vòng ([email protected])

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