Synhronous Bab 4 Wrna Kuning

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Rika Riwayatiningsih1
University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
[email protected]

University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
[email protected]

Teaching and learning process since the pandemic time has shifted away from the
traditional face to face classroom into online distance learning, and this will be undergo in
the post pandemic. This case study aimed to investigate the effectiveness use of the
combined modes of synchronous and asynchronous in e- language learning for university
students. While both types of that learning approach have its importance in different
scenario. The research questions to be answered in the study was how the adoption of
synchronous (discussion activity platform) and asynchronous (learning content platform)
would be more effective in e- language learning. 55 university participants from the
second semester of English Department who joined the online creative writing class in
synchronous and asynchronous language learning activity received the survey
questionnaire as the sampling of the collected data. The data from the interview was also
obtained to get the learners insights regarding the course experiences.The results showed
that the applying of the combination approach in online learning has been greatly
effective in helping the learners in terms of the community interaction and material
engagement. Moreover, the learners’ response about the using blended mode of
synchronous and asynchronous for their learning is very positive. Some suggestions to
enfold the problems over the online learning are also provided.
Keywords: Synchronous learning; asynchronous learning; online creative writing

Many new problems raised by education, to learn more quickly which
educators during online distance of the technical uses are successful and
learning reshape the education which are not (Thomas & Rogers,
movement into certain types of 2020). And this becomes the fact that
creativity. This can be slow and hard the conditions of education must
challenging to provide effective encounter.
learning to encourage autonomy and The use of digital communication
sustain students motivation at the same technology and networked online
time. The positive perspective on the applications, along with features,
current forced dependency on education demands, and challenges of teachers
technology, however, could intensify and students, have changed and shaped
some changes that have already begun. the global learning environments of the
It may affect the educators to think twenty- first century (Mcloughlin &
harder about current models of Lee, 2010). Educators are struggling to

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find options to deal with this writing acquisition. Therefore, this
challenging situations. This is a study attemps to investigate how the use
situation that accosiated with of the blended modes of synchronous
accesibility, affordability, flexibility and and asynchronous tools affect the
learning pedagogy with e- learning students’ learning engagement and
(Dhawan, 2020). Indeed managing proficient in their online creative
learners at a distance using digital tools writing. Just as (Sudewi, n.d.) stated
requires that instructors develop that blended online learning modes
alternative teaching strategies from made students to be more motivate in
those used in traditional classroom. their active learning and challenge
Giving some considerations to the either in their learning experience and
improvement of students creative learning style.
writing in online learning situation drew
severe attentions to the kinds of creative 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
collaboration afforded through digital Globalization and developing
platform. Integrating the writing process knowledge set new standards for all
through the use of computer platform aspects of social life, including higher
considered will be more amusing and eduction. In the modern digital age
entertaining for students (Kaleci & educational climate, online learning has
Korkmaz, 2016). That is because become an essential instrument that
another students can improve the enables student-centered learning and
current product, and even can make educational practice, providing new
changes on it. Innovative and creative more versatile new learning methods
thinking of the students is promoted (Kumar Goyal, Malhotra Assistant
through this path. With this, students Professor, & Goyal Associate Professor,
who lack the courage to use their 2013). Various technologies are applied
writing skill effectively overcome with to the environment in order to make
this obstacle with writable method, in so learning easier and in a form of
this students overcome their lack of collaboration. The online learning
trust and grow as authors (Carolan & environment is supported with
Kyppö, 2015). As such, the students technology platform both synchronous
will get the chance to control and asynchronous.
themselves to be responsible with the 2.1. Synchronous Learning
process as they become more confident Synchronous learning is the kind of
(Beck, 2004). learning that happens in real time. This
Relating to the factors that effect means that students and the instructor
students’ performance in online creative interact in a specific virtual place,
writing, the effective use of the through a specific online medium, at a
technology platform should be taken as specific time. In other words, it’s not
the attentation to support the acquisition exactly anywhere, anyhow, anytime.
in writing ability. Relationship between Methods of synchronous online learning
the use of sequencing synchronous and include video conferencing,
asynchronous tools may influence the teleconferencing, live chatting, and live-
effectiveness learning (Ene & Upton, streaming lectures. Synchronous
2018). The effect of synchronous as learning has a number major benefits
well as asynchronous use of technology such as direct input, greater
indicates that, as a negotiation- based encouragement and the responsibility to
and dialogic process, will support the participate and be present (Redmond,

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Parkinson, Mullally, & Dolan, 2007). workers, higher morale, and creation of
Further, in carrying out teamwork for group identity. In particular, adult
courses involving community learners respond favorably to peer
interactions, synchronous online support and opportunities to connect
conferences can be quite useful and with their co-workers. Polling tools and
even advantageous for students when other synchronous features may be used
they resolve their space constraints, to create a sense of unity, or to establish
time limits, and scope (Tabak & interest within a workforce for the
Rampal, 2014). Moreover (Hyder et al., difersity of ideas.
2007) define the key advantages to Balancing learning dynamics:
using synchronous online learning Synchronous e-Learning will reduce the
include: imbalances and create a learning
Connecting dispersed learners: environment that is more equitable. The
Synchronous approaches are power dinamic of face- to- face learning
particularly useful for organizations that environment can be avoided, where
have geographically scattered learning extroverts can dominate, and where
populations. gender and other personal
Real-time interaction and characteristics can affect group
collaboration: Synchronous tools let activities. Effectively used, synchronous
the users communicate with others learning tools can resolve some of those
which allows a spontaneous and obstacles and level the field (though
flowing learning session in real time. technical literacy can create imbalances
Responses immediate questions may be among learners if it is not properly
answered, and clarification may be accounted for). Using anonymous
given directly. Synchronous tools also feedback tools (such as polls and
lend themselves well to structured surveys) can improve online
collaborative assignments. The social participants’ comfort level by reducing
dimension of synchronous tools creates the concerns that adult learners
a learning synergy. frequently have about reacting
Sense of immediacy and co-presence: inappropriately in front of peers. On the
Synchronous devices are suitable for other hand, using tools that do
late- breaking transmission and time recognize the originator (such as Text
sensitive news. Since the human Chat) can allow participants to shine
presence is so “front and center” when before their collegues and build a
using these technologies, the resulting healthy competition. More generally,
learner experience that is generated the variety of tools and communication
allays anxieties about the mechanical or choices available in synchronous e-
depersonalized essence of technology- Learning (text Chat, audio, polling, etc.)
enabled learning. provides numerous options for
Fostering a learning community: connecting with diverse learners with
Apprentices benefit from exchanging different learning styles.
thoughts and experiences with their Unique functionality: Many
peers. A major benefit of synchronous synchronous e-Learning tools include
online learning platforms is the creation features and functionality that offer
of a sense of link between learners and unparalleled opportunities for fast and
group. Long-term impacts may include effective learning. Whiteboarding and
strengthened teamwork and markup tools can permit class exercises
organizational skills, better retention of that can be easily saved and recalled.

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Application sharing allows for rapid and a tech- savvy teacher, (d) gaining
easy group work. insight into student writing, (e) recalling
2.2. Asynchronous Learning previous experiences, (f) gaining
Asynchronous learning is general knowledge of online resources for
term used to describe forms of teaching writing, (g) appreciating
education, instruction, and learning that teacher support, (h) becoming conscious
do not occur in the same place or at the of their own emotions, and (i) gaining
same time. (Swan, 2002) identified confidence to respond to students. The
three main factors that contribute best advantage of technology reveals to
significantly to the success of online better understand the cognitive, social,
courses on; a clear and consistent course and affective influences teacher
structure, an instructor who interacts responses exert on students as they
frequently and constructively with write (Kim, 2004).
students, and a valued and dinamic Furthermore, (Beck, 2004)
discussion. However that discussion proposes a five- stage model in
strategies requiring learners to take a designing online teaching as access and
perspective in an authentic scenario motivation, online socialisation,
facilitate cognitive presence, and thus information exchange, knowledge
critical thinking and higher level of construction, and development. It is up
learning (Darabi, Arrastia, Nelson, to the teacher to design a cooperative
Cornille, & Liang, 2011). Accordingly, learning environment that motivates the
(Swan, n.d.) suggeted that three factors students and facilitates their learning
are associated with the student efforts (Carolan & Kyppö, 2015). The
perceptions of satisfaction and learning online atmosphere created the ability for
in online courses- interaction with students to connect with a peer in an
course content, interaction with course authentic context where langugae has
instructors, and interaction among been obtained, the target language of
course participants. Moreover, interlocutors are more likely than in
(Garrison, n.d.) pointed out that to school when the interactive nature of
understand learning effectiveness for technology mediation benefits the
asynchronous online learning is to first interactions of foreign language
appreciate what is unique about this learning (Tolosa, East, & Villers, 2013).
medium. That is, it is how to combine Although face- to- face interaction in
and integrate the reflective and language learning is still essential,
collaborative possibilities that model the technologies have the potential to
insperable private and public worlds of enhance the process of language
the learner that will make the learning acquisition and encourage the formation
experience effective for all concerned. of electronic communities of learning.
2.3. Online Creative Writing The exertion of writing practice
To create an experience that will be into online network is also beneficial in
mutually beneficial to the online writing that it improves english proficiency,
process needs collaborativelly planned thinking ability, and communication
of the overall online writing process. skills by creating a sense of community,
(Saine & West, 2017) find that virtual enhancing confident and restoring some
writing experience are influenced by participant’s interest in writing.This
nine specific experiences. These may happen because there are some
experiences include (a) giving feedback, exposure that make the authors take the
(b) working with students, (c) becoming responsible of their writing product as

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there is a relationship between writer synchronous and asynchronous platform
and reader in that online platform for their online learning. The instrument
(Xiang, 2017). In addition (Nair, Tay, & has been developed to question among
Koh, 2013) stated that with the the e-learners about their online
advantage of platform in online writing, experiences. The questionnaire
it presents the useful insights and consisted of 20 questions which are
considerartions on the technology to correlated to e- learning classroom,
circumvent the possible challenges of tools, preferred e- facilities, attending
using online writing tools. point, lecturing, and its affiliated modes
that are synchronous and asynchronous
3. RESEARCH METHOD learning environment. Questions were
The researchers used the methods asked to the virtual students
of triangulate data concerning to the purposefully and indirectly about the
objective of the research. The adoption preference types, available methods on
of the methods used to investigate how instruments which were provided and
the synchronous modes in zoom commonly applied by students in online
platform followed by the whatsapp environment. The main purpose of the
group chatroom blended with questionnaire was to assess the e-
asyncronous modes in edmodo platform learners perception about the blended
ensued with Wattpad as the writing tool. used of syncronous and asynchronous
The data collected in this qualitative modes in their online learning. The
study was the observation along the questionnaire included in the survey
a/synchronous setting, a survey were both open and close-ended
questionnaire concerning with the blend questions to gain maximum insight
platform used and an informal interview about students’ experiences in
to gather the opinions from the students a/synchronous circumstances. The
about their experiences culvivate the informal interview collected via zoom
technology platform . room during the online writing course
Population and sampling administered.
In relation to the two virtual The synchronous and asyncronous
learners in synchronous and platform utilization
asynchronous modes, the researcher Students participated once a week
selected the second semester students in the writing course where they would
who took writing online class. 50 e- eventually attach in several activities.
learners who have adhered in several The first activity was preceded by the
activities through synchronous zoom displaying the subject matter presented
platform and WhatsApp chatroom along in edmodo platform. It offered the
with asynchronous edmodo and students to get the information and new
Wattpad platform appointed as the material easily. At this time, the
sample size for the study. The class was students tackled as the self learners to
acquiring the creative writing study in grasp over the new material. In addition,
a/synchrounously during administering this activity could bring students to be
of the distance online learning. ready and prepare with the topic. The
Data collection tools edmodo platform offers a
The researcher presented the communication, collaboration, and
instrument which is appropriate to coaching between teacher and students.
determine the students preference of the The instructor shared the course
blended use of the two modes in contents, distributed quizzes,

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assignments, and at the same time on a/ synchronous modes showed that
managed communication with students. all participants were not aware of the
The second activity followed by an term of a/ synchronous e- learning. In
oral discussion board across the zoom spite of the fact that they have
platform to engage in conversation participated their online courses using
between students and the instructor zoom and some other platform during
about the material given in edmodo their distance learning, the terms a/
previously. This helped both the synchronous were not informed
students and the instructor steadily. Nevertheles, they considered
communicating the intention and the that this kind of learning was fit with
problems over the material. The the current condition in which
information and explanation provided technology become an important role in
comprehensibly by the instructor at this the daily life. Also they found its
session. This phase was used to interesting and easy to access the
perceive and confirm about the contents content. While the question seeking
which students have obtained from the participant’s opinion whether e-
earliest paltform, edmodo. Here, the langauge learning could be better learnt
extended explanation were scribbled a/synchronously or not, the whole
interactively. participants were positive and in favor
The third phase was continued into of the language learning modes.
whatsapp group chatroom where it In relation with the technology
motivated the lower students to talk issue,students viewed that technology
more freely around the difficulty. This support and improve their productivity
medium helped to creep in the in learning towards the use of simple
interactions in collaborative learning. technology. The involvement into the
And The last phase was the usage of the classroom environment because of the
Wattpad application for students as a simplicity use of the tools. Therefore,
media to publish their writing product. they were aware with the digital
To support students proficiency in their learning tools which offered
writing skills, the instructor experiences and learning material. The
collaborated the wattpad platform to whole of students believed that by
form a community between writers and connecting teaching with technology
readers. helped them improve the personalize
learning and also increased students
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION engagement in accelerating learning.
The major focus of this study was (Stroud, 2013) asserted that if
to examine how the blended technology is to be used approriately, it
synchronous and asynchronous modes will highly engage students in their
can assist the students in online creative classwork. Effective classroom learning
writing. Based on the clasification of Through encouragement of use with
the data collection, the researcher available technology,
analysed the research questions in two 4.2. E- writing classroom in a
parts. Following is the description of the blended a/ synchronous
data compilation. modes
4.1. Perception about a/ synchronous e- This section was seeking the
learning participants’ opinion whether the
The open and close-ended writing skill could be better learnt a/
questions about the students awareness synchronously or not throughout the

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online circumstances. Considering the discussions while through the
distance learning situation, the asynchronous communications they
participants were preferred were able to take the time to prepare
subsequently with the blended modes and reflect a response for discussion
for their academic performance. The topics that were designed for any given
preferrence of the applying blended week. Looking at the results of
modes of a/ synchronous platform interview accordance with
appeared from the positive attitude from students’perception of wattpad
their learning style. The blend mode of indicated that they found that the tools
synchronous e- learning through zoom helped them in developing various
and whatsapp group platform facilitated vocabularies in composing in several
students to the interactions to genres in creative writing. On the other
communicating the problems with the point, they also presented that wattpad
work. The suplementary board gave a envirornments gives some advantages in
positive effect in the online learning in terms of time saving and quick
order students participated in new ways feedback. They mentioned the use of
(Oztok, Zingaro, Brett, & Hewitt, technology specifically wattpad, can
2013). In addition, the synchronous solve some problems such as motivation
online environment helped to develop and do the task without pressure.
deeper understanding about the content Moreover, the description
presented in asynchronous learning, and reagarding with the students interview
this would encompass deep learning on their experiences with online
(Perveen, 2016). While the distance learning resulted into some
asynchronous mode served in edmodo points (a) online assessments are
platform considered to deliver the supposed to be given entirely based on
learning materials and it also functioned subjective assessment of efforts and
to build self- learning among proficinecy. To prevent lag in academic
students.The media provided cognitive performance, teachers have to ensure
activities and it revealed with task- that students are assessed in their online
based supported with evaluation process classes similar to their face- to- face
(Riwayatiningsih, n.d.). class. (b) although the convenience of
Students shared that being part of working from home seems like a
an online blended synchronous and blissful ideas, teachers are responsible
asynchronous course gave them the for facilitating online discussion boards
opportunity to experience an eminent when promoting participation and
involvement in a flexible learning collaboration. (c) teachers can set aside
environment where they had no time to time beforehand for live question and
be an inactive participant. This can be answer by the time scheduled live
seen from students’ respons that lecture in which students who attend
through the blended format and seeing can give immediate reaction towards the
how the asynchronous activities built content.
towards the synchronous meetings, they
were able to continue participating in 5. CONCLUSION
the asynchronous activities. This While this study is a single study
preference equal with (Onlinecourses & investigating whether the application of
Yamagata-Lynch, n.d.) that through the blended modes in synchronous and
synchronous communications, students asynchonous online platform preserve
were able to engage in spontaneous the students’ engagement in their online

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creative writing, the results indicate that process, the techniques that teachers use
introducing combination discussion are also essential. These factors will
board and content materials board can affect the delivery of materials to the
have positive effects. This finding is in students.
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