Business overall
Net Value of value is 15
business is 10 million
5 million extra i s for
Brand Name
The customers
The suppliers
Its workforce
= Goodwill
5 million extra i s for
Brand Name
The customers
The suppliers
Its workforce
= Goodwill
5 million extra i s for
Brand Name
The customers
The suppliers
Its workforce
= Goodwill
“Goodwill is nothing more than the probability that the
old customers will resort to the old place. In other
words, Goodwill is the value of good name or reputation
enjoyed by the firm that enables it to earn profit over
and above normal profits.”
Goodwill is not a fictitious asset as it has
high realisable value. It is an intangible asset
as it cannot be seen or touched.
1. Good Public Relation
2. Regular Customers
3. Quality Maintenance
4. Management Skills
5. Location
6. Good Relation with
7. Employees
Purchased Goodwill
a) Purchased Goodwill: It is the goodwill that
is acquired by making a payment. For example,
when a business is purchased, the excess of
purchase consideration over its Net Assets is the
Purchased Goodwill.
5. Capitalization Method
Goodwill =
Average Profits
X Number of years of Purchase
¡ Before calculating the average profits the
following adjustments should be made in the
profits of the firm:
a) Any abnormal profits should be deducted from the net
profits of that year.
b) Any abnormal loss should be added back to the net
profits of that year.
c) Non-operating incomes e.g. income from
investments etc should be deducted from the net profits of
that year.
¡ Goodwill is calculated on the basis of
Super Profits i.e. the excess of actual
profits over the average profits.
¡ For example if the normal rate of return
in a particular type of business is 20% and
your investment in the business is
Rs10,00,000 then your normal profits
should be Rs 2,00,000 . But if you earned a
net profit of Rs 2,30,000 then Rs 2,30,000
– Rs 2,00,000 = Rs
30,000 are your super profits.
¡ For calculating
Super Profits are multiplied by the number of
year of purchase.
i. Normal profits = Capital Invested × Normal
rate of return/100
ii. Super Profits = Actual profits – Normal Profits
▪ Total Capitalization
Value=65000/10*100 = 650000
▪ Net Assets = 680000-180000 = 500000
▪ Goodwill = Total Capitalization Value - Net
= 650000 - 500000
= 150000
2. Capitalization of Super Profits
▪ we calculate the Super Profits and then calculate
the capital needed for earning such super
profits on the basis of normal rate of return
▪ Goodwill
= Super Profits X (100/ Normal Rate of Return)
2. Capitalization of Super Profits
▪ Example:
▪ Super Profit = Rs. 90,000 – Rs. 60,000 = Rs.
▪ Goodwill = Super Profit x 100/Normal Rate of
= Rs. 30,000 x 100/15 = Rs. 2, 00,000