Science Studies The Universe

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Unit 1.

Science studies the Universe

1. The scientific method

2. The magnitudes and measurement
3. Matter and its properties Dpto. Ciencias Naturales
Prof. Ángel Viñas San Narciso
1. The scientific method
a) Science is the system that uses the
knowledge that humanity has been building
to understand nature and society.
b) The scientific method: it is the procedure
that science uses to understand nature. It
uses 4 successive phases:
– Observation: of a phenomenon that occurs in
nature and information about it is collected.
– Hypothesis: with the data of the observed
phenomenon, an explanation (hypothesis) is
– Experimentation: recreation of the phenomenon
in the laboratory to check if the hypothesis is
correct or not. If it is true, it can become a law or
a theory.
– Conclusion: final report on the explanation of the
observed phenomenon that is published for the
scientific community. This is expressed through
scientific laws or a scientific theory.
• A scientific law is a statement that
mathematically describes a situation and has
been scientifically proven.
• A scientific theory is an explanation of how and
why a phenomenon occurs using different laws
and concepts.
2. The study of the Universe
a) The Universe
 The Universe is made of matter and energy.
 Matter is everything that has or causes:
• Properties: mass, volume, density, size, shape…
• Dimensions: due to its volume.
 Matter can be presented as two forms:
• Body: it is any kind of matter whose limits are
clearly defined.
• Material system: with undefined limits.
 Energy is the capacity of bodies / material systems
to cause change in the Universe; in their selves or in
their environment.
Material system Material body

Material body

Material system
Material bodies Material system

Material system
Material body

Material system
Material system Material system
b) Measuring the Universe
– Magnitudes: are properties that can be
measured. For example (e.g.): weight, length,
– Measurement: is a process that
uses numbers to describe magnitudes. This is
done to be able to compare them to each
other. We will need a measuring instrument.
– Measuring: is comparing one quantity with
another of the same magnitude that we take
as a reference. This reference quantity is called
unit. (e.g. 2 s is double the time of 1 s)
Gravitational attraction
 Fundamental magnitudes: are those that we can
determine directly and are independent of any
other magnitude (e.g. length and time.)
 Derived magnitudes: are those which are
obtained by multiplying and/or dividing one or
more fundamental magnitudes.
(e.g. velocity = length / time).
 The International System of units (S.I.): was
created by scientists to be used by all countries
to make the work easier. It establishes which unit
we use for each magnitude.

LENGTH (𝑙) Distance between two points Metre m Tape measure

TIME (𝑡) Sequence of events Second s Chronometer

Amount of matter a body has Kilogram

MASS (𝑚)
1 Kg = 1000 g Balance

Amount of charged particles Ammeter
Intensity (𝑖) Ampere A

TEMPERATURE Amount of matter and inertia a K

Kelvin K = ºC + 273 Thermometer
(𝑇) body has
Amount of Number of particles that Mole mol
substance (𝑛) constitude the substance

Luminous Power emitted

candela cd Photometer
by a light source
Metre per m/s Velocimeter
VELOCITY (𝑣) Change rate of position
Extension of a body in two Square metre m2 Tape measure

Amount of space a Cubic metre m3 Tape measure

body occupies 1𝑙= 1dm3

Change rate of velocity Metre per m/s2 Accelerometer
squared second

Capacity of a body to J
Energy (𝐸) produce changes Joules 1𝐽 = 1𝑁 ∙ 𝑚

Influence that will change N

FORCE (𝐹) the position of a body 1 N = 1Kg ∙ m/s2 Dynamometer
Relationship between the mass
DENSITY (𝑑) of a body and
the volume it occupies. per cubic kg/m3
Density = Mass/Volume metre
3. Units and measurement
a) Numbers in Physics sometimes are too large or too
small to work with them properly in SI units. This is why
we use scientific notation and multiples or submultiples
of the SI units.
b) For example, the distance Earth – Sun is
150,000,000,000 𝑚
– Scientific notation reduce the big number by using
powers of ten: 150,000,000,000.0 𝑚 = 1.5 ∙ 1011 𝑚
• 300 = 3 x 10 x 10 = 3 x 102
• 100 000 000 000 m = (1.0 x) 1011 m
• 303 000 000 000 m = 303 x 109 = 3.03 x 1011
• 0.000 000 1 = (1 x) 10-7
• 0.000 000 000 01 m = (1 x) 10-11 m
• 0. 000 001 010 = 1010 x 10-9 = 1.010 x 10-6
Homework: practise maths language
Write operations and numbers in full
• 2+55-23∙33 = 1122: two plus fifty-five minus
twenty-three, times thirty-three equals one
thousand one hundred twenty-two.
• 2 ∙ 3/3+10-5 = 7
• 2.4 ∙102 + 4 ∙10-2 = 240.04
• 5.2 / 3 ∙10-4 =17333.33
• 6 ∙ 10-2 + 3 ∙ 102 = 300.06
• 2 ∙ 3/3+10-5 = 7
Two times three divided by three plus ten minus five equals
• 2,4 ∙102 + 4 ∙10-2 = 240,04
Two point four times ten to the power two plus four times ten
to the power minus two equals two hundred and fourty point
nought four
• 5,2 / 3 ∙10-4 =17333,33
Five point two divided by three times ten to the power minus
four equals seventeen thousand three hundred thirty-three
point thirty-three
• 6 ∙ 10-2 + 3 ∙ 102 = 300,06
Six times ten to the power minus two plus three times ten to
the power two equals three hundred point nought six.
Prefix Symbol Power Conversion
– Multiples of SI do the same Giga G 109 1,000,000,000
by adding them as prefixes. Mega M 106 1,000,000
150,000,000,000 𝑚 = 1
Kilo k 103 1,000
150 ∙ 109 𝑚 = 150 G𝑚 1
Hecto h 102 100
c) Example 2: a grain of 1
pollen is 0.000001 𝑚 Deca da 101 10
– Scientific notation: Unit _ 1 1

0.000001 𝑚 = 1 ∙ 10−6 𝑚 Deci d 10−1 1

– Submultiples of SI Centi c 10−2 1
1 ∙ 10−6 𝑚 = 1 μ𝑚 Milli m 10−3 1
Micro μ 10−6 1
Reduce the size of this numbers by using powers
of ten and multiples or submultiples
• E.g.: 25,000m = 2.5 ∙ 104 = 25 ∙ 103 = 25 km
• 1,000,000 m
• 1,500,000,000 m
• 10,100,000 m
• E.g.: 0.000025 s = 2.5 ∙ 10−5 = 250 ∙ 10−3 = 250
• 0.001 s
• 0.0000015 s
• 0.101 s
Reduce the size of this numbers by using powers
of ten and multiples or submultiples
• 1,000,000 m = 1 ∙ 106 = 1 Mm
• 1,500,000,000 m = 1.5 ∙ 109 = 1.5 Gm
• 10,100,000 m = 1.01 ∙ 107 = 10.1 ∙ 106 = 10.1 Mm
• 0.001 s = 1 ∙ 10−3 = 1 ms
• 0.0000015 s = 1.5 ∙ 10−6 = 1.5 μs
• 0.101 s = 1.01 ∙ 10−1 = 1.01 ds
What numbers are these powers of ten?
• 1001 x10-3
• 553.02 x105
• 10002.305 x10-8
• 12 x10-7
• 1 x10-2
• 1.000705 x108
• 0.00101 x102
• 12051 x10-5
• 1001 x10-3 = 1001.0 x10-3 = 1.001
• 553.02 x105 = 553.02000 x105 = 55302000
• 10002.305 x10-8 = 00010002.305 x10-8 =
• 12 x10-7 = 0000012.0 x10-7 = 0.0000012
• 1 x10-2 = 0.01
• 1.000705 x108 = 100070500.0 = 100070500
• 0.00101 x102 = 000.101 = 0.101
• 12051 x10-5 = 12051.0 x10-5 = 0.12051
d) Conversion to SI units: to use the formulae in problem
solving, we can only use magnitudes in SI units. This is
why we must convert the units into SI units:
– Conversion factor: is the formula you need to convert
units to SI.
The formula consists of a fraction that express the
equivalence between the units to convert of a given
– The value of the unit to convert will be multiplied by
the conversion factor to do the conversion.
– Example 1: convert 5 kilometres into SI unit (metre)
Unit´s value to convert x Conversion factor :
1000 𝑚
1 ∙ 1 km = 1000 m; 1=
1 𝑘𝑚
1000 𝑚
1 𝑘𝑚
1000 𝑚 5 𝑘𝑚 ∙ 1000 𝑚 5000
5 𝑘𝑚 ∙ = = 𝑚 = 5000 𝑚
1 𝑘𝑚 1 𝑘𝑚 1
If the unit to convert is in the numerator, in the
conversion factor will be in the denominator (and vice
versa). Besides, we simplify the units to convert by
crossing them out.
– Example 2: convert 6 grams into SI unit (kilogram)
1 𝑘𝑔
6 g x Conversion factor : 1 kg = 1000 g; =1
1000 𝑔
1 𝑘𝑔 6 𝑔 ∙ 1 𝑘𝑔 6
6𝑔 ∙ = = 𝑘𝑔 = 0.006 𝑘𝑔 = 6 ∙ 10−3 kg
1000 𝑔 1000 𝑔 1000
– Example 3: convert 5 kilometres per hour into SI unit
(metres per second)
5 x Conversion factors :

1000 𝑚
1 km = 1000 m; = 1, and
1 𝑘𝑚
1h= 3600 s; =1
3600 𝑠

𝑘𝑚 1000 𝑚 1ℎ 5 ∙ 1000 ∙ 1 𝑚 5000 𝑚

5 ∙ ∙ = = = 1.39 𝑚/𝑠
ℎ 1 𝑘𝑚 3600 𝑠 1 ∙ 3600 𝑠 3600 𝑠
e) Rounding approximation:
– It is needed when a result appears with an excessive
number of decimal places and it is necessary to
approximate it to a number with fewer figures.
• If the next figure to which we want to round is equal to or
greater than 5: we will add one unit to the last figure
preserved. m = 1.2364 g → m = 1.24 g, since the next
figure (6) is greater than 5.
• If the first neglected figure is less than 5, we leave the
previous figure as it is: m = 1.2364 g → m = 1.236 g
4. Matter and its properties
a) Properties of matter and units of measurement
− There are two types of properties of matter:
• General properties: common to all matter. They
will change if the amount of matter changes. E.g.
mass, volume, weight, density…
• Specific properties: differentiate one kind of matter
to another. E.g. colour, shape, size…
− To express a measurement correctly we must indicate a
number followed by its unit. E.g. Length= 2 cm
b) The states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.
 Structure of matter: according to the
Kinetic Theory of Matter, all matter is
made up of tiny particles which are in
continual random motion, and the higher
the temperature, the faster they move or
Matter expands when its particles move
faster and compress when move slower,
because its particles increase or decrease
the distances between them.
 Solids:
• Particles: are tightly packed (in a regular
pattern), vibrating about a fixed position
but they don’t move from place to place.
• Properties: solids have a definite shape, a
definite volume (but they can expand = dilate if
heated) and a high density.
‒ Liquids:
• Particles: are tightly packed, but are far enough
apart to flow.
• Properties: liquids have an indefinite shape
(because they can flow and adapt to the
receptacle that holds them) and a definite
 Gases:
• Particles: are very far apart and move freely and
very fast (colliding with each other and with the
walls of their container).
• Properties: gases have an indefinite shape, an
indefinite volume and a low density. Gases can
expand, compress and diffuse into each other
when two different gases mix.


Tightly packed, in a Close together with Well separated with Has no definite
regular pattern no regular no regular volume or shape
Vibrate, but do not arrangement. arrangement. and is composed of
move from place to Vibrate, move Vibrate and move electrical charged
place about, and slide freely at high particles
past each other speeds
c) Changes of state in matter.
 Temperature: is the state of agitation of the
particles of an object.
 Changes of state:
• When matter changes state its mass doesn’t vary.
• When matter changes state, all the heat used is
used to separate and disperse its particles.
• When we heat an object, its particles move faster
and faster until the forces of attraction among
them are weak enough to produce a change of
state: from solid to liquid and gas.
• When we cold an object, its particles move slower
and slower so its attraction forces are strong
enough to produce a change of state: from gas to
liquid and solid.
• The temperatures of changes of state are a specific
property characteristic of each substance.
Change Name Energy Temperature Reverse Energy Name
of involved process involved

Solid Fusion Increase heat Fusion or Liquid Decrease heat Solidification

to or and melting point to /temperature
Liquid Melting temperature solid
Liquid Vaporization Increase heat Boiling point Gas Decrease heat Condensation
to or and to /temperature
Gas boiling temperature liquid

Solid Sublimation Increase heat Gas Decrease heat Inverse

to and to /temperature sublimation
Gas temperature solid

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