Giral CFBC Limestone Used
Giral CFBC Limestone Used
Giral CFBC Limestone Used
Journal of Combustion
Volume 2013, Article ID 438384, 12 pages
Research Article
Influence of Sorbent Characteristics on Fouling and
Deposition in Circulating Fluid Bed Boilers Firing High Sulfur
Indian Lignite
Copyright © 2013 Selvakumaran Palaniswamy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
125 MWe circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) boiler experienced severe fouling in backpass of the boiler leading to
obstruction of gas flow passage, while using high sulfur lignite with sorbent, calcium carbonate, to capture sulfur dioxide. Optical
microscopy of the hard deposits showed mainly anhydrite (CaSO4 ) and absence of intermediate phases such as calcium oxide or
presence of sulfate rims on decarbonated limestone. It is hypothesized that loose unreacted calcium oxides that settle on tubes are
subjected to recarbonation and further extended sulfation resulting in hard deposits. Foul probe tests were conducted in selected
locations of backpass for five different compositions of lignite, with varied high sulfur and ash contents supplied from the mines
along with necessary rates of sorbent limestone to control SO2 , and the deposits build-up rate was determined. The deposit build-
up was found increasing, with increase in ash content of lignite, sorbent addition, and percentage of fines in limestone. Remedial
measures and field modifications to dislodge deposits on heat transfer surfaces, to handle the deposits in ash conveying system, and
to control sorbent fines from the milling circuit are explained.
of bed particles and ash (sintering) are considered to be the the initial period of operation. These deposits increased
principal sources of agglomeration in CFB boilers employing gas-side pressure drop and in turn increased loading of
bed material and fuel ash as binary system. Choking/blocking induced draught (ID) fans, with high current, causing boiler
in fuel path is another peculiar operational problem expe- trips.
rienced worldwide in CFB boilers, firing pet-coke, low rank Consequently, CFB boiler was required to be operated
coals, and biofuels [1]. with less quantity of limestone which resulted in more sulfur
Lignite mineralogy greatly influences combustion behav- dioxide emissions. The fouling took place mostly in LTSH
ior. Agglomeration and clogging/blocking are experienced coils of backpass which is placed between reheater and econ-
due to sintering of lignite ash with limestone (sorbent) at omizer. Due to fouling in the backpass, fly ash particles
lower temperature regime in which CFB boilers operate collected in hoppers of economizer and in other zones got
(640–960∘ C). At this low temperature range, the extensive sintered during intermittent storage. Nonoperation of soot
knowledge built with respect to slagging, fouling, and cor- blowers (SB) and water ingress while starting soot blowing
rosion phenomenon occurring at higher temperatures in caused cakes formation. Dislodgement of such cakes leads
pulverized fuel combustion may not be applicable. In CFB to difficulty in ash evacuation. Deashing system pump was
boilers, ash sintering contributes to deposit formation in chocked often, due to sintered particles (lumps) formed due
cyclone, return leg, and postcyclone flue gas channel (back- to water ingress.
pass) [1]. In operating units, rapid sintering lead to heavy
agglomerate formation, which finally inhibited circulation in 3. Experiments: Laboratory and Field
dense phase areas (such as seal pot) and in the backpass.
Understanding the sintering behavior of fuel is required for 3.1. Lignite. Six samples (sample 1 to sample 6) of high
resolving such problems. sulfur lignite collected from Giral/Rajasthan/India (covering
Over the past decades, designers and operators of flu- a range of high sulfur content) are considered for the present
idized beds have been concentrating on developing the CFBC study of backpass fouling propensity of the high sulfur fuels
technology by establishing the optimum operating conditions in CFB boiler. All the fuel samples are prepared in accordance
and troubleshooting associated with refractory and so forth. with ASTM-D 2013. The as-received solid fuels are crushed
Due attention has not been paid to understand the limestone to pass a number 4 sieve (4.75 mm) and then air dried
characteristics that are important for efficient capture of SO2 . until the loss in weight is not more than 0.1% per hour.
Present work describes influence of limestone and its grain size Air dried samples are again crushed to pass a number 72
in blocking/clogging of cyclone and hard deposits in second pass mesh (212 microns). Samples of sizes less than 72 mesh are
of CFB boiler during combustion of high sulfur lignite with high used for analyses of proximate, ultimate, and calorific values.
ash content (20 to 30%) in CFB units in Giral, Rajasthan state Adequate quantity of ash of each fuel is generated using
of India. proximate analyses at 750∘ C for further analyses of chem-
ical composition, ash fusion temperature. The proximate,
2. Operational Issues ultimate, and gross calorific values of the samples were
carried out using TGA 701 proximate Analyzer (LECO),
High sulfur content lignite, available at Giral, Barmer District, Elemental analyzer Vario EL III, and PARR Isoperibol Bomb
and Rajasthan state, is used as fuel. These lignites had posed Calorimeter, respectively. The chemical composition of ashes
several operational issues during initial stage of commission- was carried out by ICP- AES, Perkin Elmer.
ing and stabilization. High sulfur in the lignite needs high
limestone feed rates to control emissions. High limestone feed 3.2. Limestone. The sorbents are characterized based on
rates caused huge quantities of backpass deposits, which led the CaCO3 content, particle size distribution of the parent
to obstruction of gas flow passage. Despite providing steam sorbent, and a relative sulfation reactivity parameter [3].
soot blowers for clearing the deposits obstruction of gas flow Calcium utilization, in general, increases as the sorbents
increased with increase in limestone feed rate. particle size decreases. As the particle size distribution of the
feed sorbent changes in a CFB due to attrition, it is taken for
2.1. Cyclone Standpipe Blockage. During commissioning, ash granted that the feed size distribution of limestone (input) is
holdup occurred in cyclone standpipe at low loads of about not as important as the resultant sorbent size distribution in
20 to 40 MW. Ash analysis of the hold-up material is carried the boiler. On the contrary, mathematical model results show
out. that sulfur capture efficiency is related to particle attri-
tion/fragmentation of sorbent inventory in addition to input
2.2. Backpass Fouling. Sulfur dioxide emitted during com- particle size distribution to the performance of circulating
bustion is absorbed in situ by adding limestone of size less fluidized bed CFB combustors [4]. The physical and chemical
than 1.0 mm. The CFB boiler experienced fouling in super- properties of a sorbent are important when evaluating for
heater/reheater (SH/RH) coils while adding required quantity use in CFB application. Sorbents although chemically similar,
of limestone (Figure 1). Heavy and rapid deposit buildup has may have different sulfation performance. Extensive litera-
been experienced on the flue gas side of the heat transfer ture studies on process of desulfurization in CFBC show that
tubes. Deposit buildup was most severe at low temperature sorbent conversion degree is dependent not only on residence
superheater (LTSH)-SH 1B tube bank. Also, growth of ash time in combustor but also on its porosity, pore structure
deposit in final stage reheater tube bank was observed during and pore size distribution [5]. The detailed analyses of Indian
Journal of Combustion 3
Additional LRSB-2
nos above SH-III coil
at front side
660 ∘ C–720 ∘ C
530 ∘ C–590 ∘ C
Existing manhole door
shifted in between LRSB
to accommodate
additional LRSB
Top of superheater 1B left-after
Additional LRSB-2
nos above SH-III coil
at front side
660 ∘ C–720 ∘ C
530 ∘ C–590 ∘ C
Existing manhole door
shifted in between LRSB
to accommodate
additional LRSB
Top of reheater first bank middle-after
Figure 1: Deposits in superheater/reheater coils before and after introduction of high pressure soot blowers and location of additional soot
blowers in backpass.
limestones-chemical composition, calcium and magnesium 3.3. Deposit Sampling Using Probes and Field Experiment
carbonate contents, that are used in CFB were performed
using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spec- 3.3.1. Deposit Probes. Field experiment using deposit probes
troscopy (ICP-AES) Perkin Elmer Optima 2000 DU and is taken up, as the wide range of characterization of the select-
using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP- ed limestones with respect to their potential difference as
MS) Perkin Elmer. Sulfation of limestones of different size desulfurisation agents in CFBC boilers yielded no definitive
fractions showed that sorbent requirement (g of sorb/g of sulfur) evidence of the fouling and deposition faced in the operating
is less for finer size fractions [6]. units.
4 Journal of Combustion
air inlet
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Schematic sketch of probe to collect fouling samples, (b) steel probe with rings [2], and (c) foul probe with deposits.
A deposit probe is a good tool for finding out the mech- 4. Results and Discussions
anisms of deposit formation. Air cooled deposit probes of
type Figure 2 was used for sampling of deposits, which are Analyses of proximate, ultimate, and gross calorific value and
equipped with detachable rings [2]. The temperature of the chemical composition of ashes for the seven lignite samples
probe can be controlled by varying flow rate of pressurized air. are listed in Table 1. Analysis of chemical composition of the
For each test, a new probe/ring is used and the weight of the hold-up material in the cyclone standpipe is furnished in
probe/ring is checked before and after exposure. Taking into Table 2. Detailed limestone analyses-chemical composition,
account exposure time, a rate of deposit buildup (g/(m2 h)) calcium and magnesium carbonate contents for the Indian
can be calculated. Deposited probes/rings are stored for limestones that are used in CFB, are furnished in Table 3.
analysis. Fouling probe test condition/measurement details are fur-
Deposits were collected from three different locations in nished and the chemical composition analysis of the probe
the backpass after SH-1B, in between RH-2 bundles, and after deposits is furnished in Table 4. Mineralogy of the probe
RH-2 (Figure 3). Chemical composition analysis of the probe deposits as determined by XRD is furnished in Table 5.
deposits is carried out. The sieve analysis of deposits shows
significant share of particles smaller than 50 𝜇m size. It was 4.1. Correlation with Conventional Ash Deposition Indices.
clear that addition of limestone significantly increased the Various conventional indices, based upon ash chemistry, have
formation of hard deposits compared to firing only lignite, been calculated as indicators of slagging and fouling propen-
that is, without any limestone. sity [7]. Values for the following indices, for the high sulfur
lignite samples 1 to 7 are given in Table 1:
3.3.2. Particle Size Distribution of Injected Lime. The sieve
Silica ratio = SiO2 /(SiO2 + Fe2 O3 + CaO + MgO)∗100
analysis of collected deposits showed that these deposits were
built up mainly by fine lime particles injected into furnace. Base/acid ratio = (Fe2 O3 + CaO + MgO + Na2 O +
Figure 4 shows distribution of the particle size for two K2 O)/ (SiO2 + Al2 O3 + TiO2 )
samples done by wet sieving. The share of particles smaller
than 50 𝜇m size indicated that fine fractions were higher than Iron index = Fe2 O3 ∗B/A
envisaged during design (0 to 5% less than 50 𝜇m). Earlier Iron/calcium ratio = Fe2 O3 /CaO
researchers have shown that the particle size distribution of
sorbent could significantly affect deposit formation rate [2]. Iron + calcium in ash = Fe2 O3 + CaO
Journal of Combustion 5
Table 1: Proximate, ultimate, chemical composition of ash, ash fusion temperatures, and ash deposition indices of high sulfur lignite.
Sample 6
Sample ID Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5
Standpipe blockage
Lignite Giral Lignite Giral Lignite Giral Lignite Giral Lignite Giral
Proximate analysis (wt % on air dried basis)
Moisture 11.8 10.0 29.6 29.1 15.0 9.6
Volatile matter 37.5 29.5 27.8 28.4 33.7 37.8
Ash 18.6 34.5 15.6 13.9 18.7 26.8
Fixed carbon 32.1 26.0 27.0 28.6 32.6 25.8
Gross calorific value Cal/g 4865 3445 3645 4059 4720 4030
Ultimate (wt % on air dried basis)
Carbon 51.6 38.5 35.3 39.5 49.1 41.0
Hydrogen 3.8 2.5 2.6 2.6 3.3 4.0
Nitrogen 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
Sulfur 6.94 5.5 4.1 4.7 6.70 4.0
Chemical composition of ash (wt %)
SiO2 25.9 39.2 41.0 36.2 25.1 34.1
Al2 O3 12.6 27.5 22.0 17.7 14.2 14.8
Fe2 O3 28.8 16.5 21.4 25.7 26.4 11.9
TiO2 1.3 2.1 2.3 2.4 1.5 1.6
CaO 8.3 4.2 3.7 5.1 6.6 3.3
MgO 3.3 2.1 2.2 2.2 3.1 1.3
Na2 O 7.2 1.4 1.7 2.8 8.3 4.1
K2 O 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2
SO3 11.0 6.2 5.7 7.2 13.7 28.7
Ash fusion temperatures ∘ C (oxidizing atmosphere)
Temperatures 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deformation T1 >1152 1267 1275 1311 >1152 1244
Softening T2 >1214 1290 1300 1321 >1214 1260
Hemisphere T3 >1230 1307 1333 1364 >1230 >1300
Fusion T4 >1250 1377 1360 1385 >1250 >1300
Ash deposition indices
Si ratio 39.06 63.22 60.02 52.31 41.01 67.4
Base/acid 1.20 0.36 0.45 0.64 1.78 0.41
Iron index 34.56 5.93 9.63 16.45 47.0 4.9
Fe/Ca 3.47 3.93 5.78 5.04 4.0 3.6
Fe + Ca 37.1 20.7 25.1 30.8 33.0 15.2
Table 2: Cyclone outlet standpipe blockage—chemical composition of fuel∗ ash and clinkers.
The interpretation of such ash deposition indices requires of concern and mineral associations, both of which are
caution, as these have been developed for a particular range equally important as the ash chemistry in determination of
or type of coal, and influence of boiler design/operating slagging and fouling. With the above limitations, it can be
conditions is not accounted. Ash chemistry indices do not seen from Table 1 that the values for most of the common
count the mineralogical mode of occurrence of the elements ash deposition indices suggest that the lignite samples would
6 Journal of Combustion
Limestone sample ID (1) SLPP (2) Ariyalur (3) NLC Barsingsar (4) Kutch (5) Giral Rajasthan
Al2 O3 % 4.26 1.72 0.74 2.78 1.98
BaO % 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
CaO % 38.6 48.4 52.1 45.0 47.3
Fe2 O3 T % 12.32 2.27 0.28 1.63 0.79
K2 O % 0.03 0.20 0.04 0.31 0.20
MgO % 0.89 0.35 0.37 1.24 0.71
MnO % 0.34 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.02
Na2 O % 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.21 0.10
P2 O5 % 0.13 0.16 0.07 0.08 0.08
SiO2 % 6.38 4.75 2.05 6.96 6.81
SrO % 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.03
TiO2 % 0.43 0.08 0.03 0.23 0.10
LOI (900∘ C) 34.4 39.4 41.4 39.4 38.6
CaCO3 g/100 g of stone 70.52 88.67 95.7 82.04 87.30
MgCO3 g/100 g of stone 1.9 0.74 0.8 2.67 1.54
Serial number Na2 O MgO Al2 O3 SiO2 SO3 K2 O CaO TiO2 MnO Fe2 O3
1 3.3 3.5 12.2 20.5 18 0.3 11.2 2.3 0.1 28.6
2 3.2 2.3 16.2 29.9 8.0 0.4 4.6 1.5 0.2 33.7
3 4.5 3.8 15.9 25.2 15.0 0.4 9.3 2.1 0.2 23.7
4 0.7 1.1 5.1 7.7 36.8 0.0 38.4 0.7 0.0 9.5
5 0.8 0.9 4.1 6.5 39.6 0.0 39.0 0.5 0.0 8.6
6 0.7 0.9 4.8 7.3 37.8 0.1 39.9 0.6 0.0 7.9
have a high propensity to form ash deposits [8, 9]. The Table 5: Ash mineralogy—XRD.
values in bold and italics indicate high propensity for ash
deposition. Agglomeration can start well below the ash fusion Lignite Giral sample 2 Table 1
temperatures in fluidized beds for lignite, and influence of Mineral matter % present
Na2 O (AFT decreases) and Al2 O3 (AFT increases) on Turkish Quartz (SiO2 ) 1.2
lignite was studied by earlier researchers [10]. Anorthite 3.0
Diopside 2.5
4.2. Sulfation of Free Lime in Backpass of Boiler. The inves- Maghemite 3.9
tigations of the deposit hardening phenomenon in the CFB Hematite 10.5
boilers have been widely discussed as the occurrence of three Anhydrite 78.4
types of deposit consolidation mechanisms [11, 12]. Two out
Hexahydrite 0.5
of the three consolidation mechanisms result in increase in
volume of free CaO rich zones in deposits. Fine sorbent Total 100.0
Journal of Combustion 7
660–720 ∘ C
610–640 ∘ C
2 nos
530–590 ∘ C
Rajasthan-Giral lime of particles are already calcined before entering the second
100 1000 pass of the boiler. During their residence on tube surfaces in
710 the convective section, these particles undergo a continuous
90 500 sulfation through an exothermic reaction (1). The sulfation
80 355 process is described by the following overall reaction [2]:
70 212
CaO + SO2 + O2 → CaSO4 + 481 kg/mol (1)
60 125 2
Passing (%)
Further if the temperature of flue gas in vicinity of the sorbent
20 32 45
40 particle is sufficiently high, then the local temperature of the
deposits is likely to exceed the sintering temperature due to
30 exothermic reaction and hence, as a result, the agglomeration
could occur.
It had been shown by earlier researchers that the agglom-
10 eration can occur between 750 and 950∘ C via the second
mechanism, the extended sulfation process [12]. The temper-
0 ature for optimum sulfur capture is about 850∘ C [13]. The issue
10 100 1000
to be understood is whether there exists an optimum temper-
ature range for extended sulfation (long term) [14]. Sulfation
Test 1 appears to be the dominant agglomeration mechanism in
Test 2 systems that use high sulfur fuel with calcium-based sorbents
Figure 4: Shares of particles smaller than 50 𝜇m in limestone sam- for low ash fuels like pet-coke [15]. The deposits are shown
ples. to be composed predominantly of CaSO4 and in some cases
almost pure CaSO4 [16, 17]. Low temperature (down to
750∘ C), agglomeration mechanism may be via carbonation
particles, settled either on the tube surface or in the caverns and then sulfation [18].
on the “rough” surface of the old deposits, (Figure 5) are Herein the fuel used is lignite having ash content ranging
exposed to SO2 -containing flue gases. These sorbent particles from 15 to 35% and the gas temperature range where the
are fine (i.e., not captured in the cyclone), and the majority deposits occurred is from 600∘ 𝐶 to 720∘ 𝐶.
8 Journal of Combustion
Sulfated lime
Unreacted lime
−CO2 + SO2 + 1/2 O2
CaO + CO2 + 1/2 O2 ⇔CaCO3 Flue gas temp based <750 ∘ C recarbonation
CaCO3 + SO2 ⇒CaSO4 + CO2 Extended sulphation >750 ∘ C causing hard deposits
In CFBC, sulfation is followed by carbonation of CaO and With no limestone addition, the flue gas was estimated
these reactions can be represented as follows [11]: to contain around 6,900 ppm SO2 (with 6.1% sulfur in fuel
and 3% O2 in flue gases). With 12 t/h limestone addition, the
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 (calcination) (2) corresponding emissions measured were 1400 ppm SO2 . The
tests were conducted at site to study reactions of lime particles
CaO + CO2 → CaCO3 (recarbonation) (3)
in flue gas to understand the formation of deposits containing
1 various calcium compounds. The boiler load was varied by
CaCO3 + SO2 + O2 → CaSO4 + CO2 increasing the lignite feed and corresponding increase in the
2 (4) limestone to control the SO𝑥 level. The very fine limestone
(extended sulfation) particles were calcined, and less than 50-micron level escaped
out of the cyclone to backpass and settled over the superheater
Carbonation mechanism dominates between temperature and reheater coils. As seen in Table 4 chemical composition
range of 650 and 790∘ C at typical CO2 partial pressures analysis indicates that adding limestone changes the whole
(15 kPa) in a CFB boiler, which is much faster than sulfation chemistry of the deposits mainly from silicon-aluminum-iron-
and is then followed by sulfation of the deposit. based deposits (samples 1 to 3) to calcium-based deposit
A third possible mechanism thought to cause agglomer- (samples 4 to 6). The calcium compounds present are mainly
ation is hydration followed by carbonation [12]. This type of CaO, CaCO3 , and CaSO4 as seen in XRD (Table 5).
fouling is not common in FBCs because they are normally
operated at temperatures well above at which Ca(OH)2 is sta- The root cause of the fouling problem is carbonation
ble under atmospheric conditions (≤450∘ C). The hydration and then sulfation reactions of the limestone particles. Loose
reaction may be represented by the following equation: limestone particles deposit sinter on surfaces and form hard
deposits, particularly in flue gas temperature range around
CaO + H2 O ←→ Ca(OH)2 (5) 500–700∘ C. As explained earlier, it can be safely concluded,
at Rajasthan-Giral, that recarbonation reaction is dominant
This must be followed by carbonation at temperatures below in range of 650–750∘ 𝐶 and the extended sulfation reaction
450∘ C via the following reaction: (dominant in range of 750–850∘ 𝐶) leads to hardened deposits.
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ←→ CaCO3 + H2 O (6) Ash formed, due to combustion of high sulfur lignite,
does not form (sticky or sintering) deposits without lime-
Traditional fouling mechanism due to presence of elements stone addition. These hard deposits were formed due to
that are associated with ash softening or melting, in particular fine calcined limestone particles (<50 𝜇m) that leave the
K, Na, and V, is not applicable for the fuels studied due to low cyclone. These particles settle on the superheater surfaces
levels of Na, K, and V present [19]. and react with CO2 between 650 and 750∘ C leading to
recarbonation and then with SO2 between 750 and 850∘ C
4.3. Detailed Analysis of Ash Forming Matter in the Giral Lig- furthering extended sulfation, forming sintered and hard
nite. Giral lignite has high ash content, 15 to 35% (Table 1), deposits (Figure 6). The hypothesis is that in CFBC, carbon-
which makes it unique, with respect to quantum of ash and ation takes place as a dominant reaction forming calcium
the rate at which it was deposited at the backpass. The prin- carbonate (at temperature range of 650 to 790∘ C) and then
cipal ash forming elements that play significant role in the extended sulfation takes place between 750∘ C and 850∘ C. The
fireside problems of the boiler, as indicated by mineralogy environment of flue gas and exothermic reactions contributes
of the lignite (determined by XRD), are aluminum silicate to the conversion of the deposits already formed as calcium
(kaolinite minerals) and iron compounds (pyrite, FeS2 ). carbonate into calcium sulfate. The particles settle as deposits
Journal of Combustion 9
32 RH2
extended sulphation
Recarbonation with
24 SH1B
18 Economiser
10 (a)
950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250
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TGA: Thermogravimetric analysis
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