Journal of Water Process Engineering: Sciencedirect
Journal of Water Process Engineering: Sciencedirect
Journal of Water Process Engineering: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The purpose of this work is to purify wastewater from industrial laundries and return them to the washing
Laundry wasterwater process. By means of the methods of electrocoagulation and electroflotation, laboratory and pilot studies on the
Electrocoagulation wastewater treatment were carried out using aluminium electrodes. The process of wastewater treatment has
Electroflotation been studied in dependence on treatment time, temperature, pH and current density. The effectiveness of the
cleaning process under different values of operating parameters of the reactor was estimated as the percentage of
color, turbidity and surfactant removal from the wastewater. As a result of laboratory studies, the optimum
values of the operating parameters of the reactor at 90% removal of contamination were the following: current
density value as 5.26 mA/cm2, pH as 5.5 and 5 min processing time. The consumption of electrical energy in this
case amounted to 1.25 kW h/ m3. The quality control of the purified water was carried out according to such
additional parameters as total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, and the content
of metal ions and phosphate and nitrate anions in the water. The study of the wastewater treatment in a pilot
plant with laboratory values of operating parameters showed the reproducibility of the purification results for
the controlled parameters of water quality and suitability of the water for reuse. The washing performed with
purified water was estimated by the whiteness index for bed linen and was not inferior to the traditional washing
with water from a source of water supply.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Dimoglo).
Received 26 December 2018; Received in revised form 28 April 2019; Accepted 11 June 2019
2214-7144/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
EC and peroxy-electrocoagulation with the help of iron electrodes can were used. The system mainly includes EC (2) and EF (4) reactors with
be found in [20–23]. a volume of 1.5 dm3 and 3.0 dm3, respectively. The aluminum
The purpose of this work is to study the effectiveness of the WWT in еlectrodes are connected with the source of direct current (DC) (1). The
one of the industrial-type laundries alone with the possibility of the electrodes part of the EF consists of graphite anode and cathode in the
purified wastewater reuse. In this connection, the influence on the form of a steel mesh with DC source (8). The dimensions of the Al
process of WWT of such working parameters as types of electrodes electrode are 150 mm × 150 mm × 2 mm. The effective area of all the
connection, applied voltage, amount of electricity, temperature and pH anodes on both sides is 350 cm2, and the distance between electrodes is
of the solution, together with the nature of the surfactant, was con- 10 mm. The EF consists of an outer cylinder reactor with a diameter of
sidered. Additionally, the energy efficiency of the surface-active sub- 15 сm.
stances removal was calculated for the EC reactor. The LWW intended for purification is supplied to the system from
storage tank (9). The LWW enters the EC reactor through the pipe (5)
2. Materials and methods from the bottom and move upward between the electrodes (2). The
wastewater in the EC reactor unit (2) is stirred at 250 rpm by a mag-
2.1. Experimental apparatus and procedure netic stirrer (6). It enters the EF chamber from above and move
downward in the opposite direction to the evolving bubbles of gaseous
Recently, methods of electrochemical WWT are being increasingly hydrogen. Thus, the formed flocks flotate and adsorb the contaminated
used in recycling water supply processes [24]. The methods are char- particles. Purified wastewater is removed from the bottom (7) of the EF,
acterized by technological simplicity and the process continuity. Ad- and the flotation contaminants are removed from the top of it (3). The
ditional chemical reagents are not introduced into the solutions but LWW collected from Eczacibasi (Professional) company was used for all
obtained directly in the electrochemical bath, that ensures the ecolo- experimental tests. Main parameters characterizing the LWW taken
gical safety of the water purification processes [25–29]. The process is during the three-months period are presented in Table 1.
similar to the treatment of water with appropriate reagents, however,
during EC, water is not enriched with sulfates or chlorides, the content
2.2. Analytical method
of which is limited by discharging treated sewage into reservoirs or in
circulating systems. Currently, there are various designs of electro-
All chemicals used for this study were obtained from Sigma Aldrich.
coagulators [8,24]. In the present study, a plate electrode reactor was
Anionic surfactants (Methylene Blue Active Substances - MBAS) and
other parameters of wastewater were measured according to Standard
As known, plate electrodes are a block of plates arranged perpen-
Methods [31,32]. Turbidity was recorded on a 2100 N IS Turbidimeter
dicularly and separated by washers in such a way that a gap exists
(Hach). Before the EC, the pH of the LWW was corrected by the addition
between adjacent plates where the flow of the solution happens in the
of HCl and NaOH, and its measurement was performed on a Thermo-
direction perpendicular to the direction the electric current flows. For
scientific pH Meter (Orion star A215). Parameters characterizing the
different pH, the electrolysis of wastewater at the anode and cathode
wastewater obtained are close by value to the data of the three-months
proceeds differently. The presence of Cl− - anions in water leads to the
monitoring of LWW. All the experiments were repeated twice, to check
release and formation of ClO- anions. Due to the release of gaseous
if the results are reproducible. The maximum experimental error was
hydrogen, flotation of solid particles including hydroxides of iron and
lower than 5%, and the average values have been reported. Each
aluminum occurs. The main limiting stage of electrocoagulation is the
measurement was repeated for three times, and the average value was
formation of metal cations. The second stage of coagulation is reduced
calculated. The MBAS, TOC and/or COD removal efficiency, Re, is
to chemical hydration of the resulting metal cations, formation of in-
calculated as:
soluble metal hydroxides, and their precipitation (crystallization), fol-
lowed by the formation of flakes, which can adsorb coarse impurities of Re (%) = [(Ci – Cj) / Ci] x 100, (1)
the wastewater.
Where Ci (mg/L) is initial MBAS, TOC or COD concentration, and Cj is
The process of coagulation in the electrocoagulators proceeds much
the corresponding final concentration.
more intensively than with chemical reagents. This can be explained by
positive influence of electrophoresis on the mutual coarsening of the
nuclei of the metal hydroxide particles and by that the water is being 3. Results and discussion
mixed by hydrogen bubbles released at the surface of cathodes. The use
of EC can reduce the metal doses required for the purification by 20–40 3.1. Optimization of the EC reactor
%, compared with the doses of chemical reagents. Although Al(OH)3
produced as the result of anodic aluminum dissolution is thought more The effect of different factors, such as current density, the amount of
active as to the coagulation of pollutants in wastewater, the aluminum electricity, and operation time, on the temperature of the wastewater
anodes passivation, together with impermeable film formed on cath- was investigated. In the laboratory scale studies, theoretical and ex-
odes, may interfere with the performance of electrocoagulation and perimental assessment of the electrodes consumption was carried out,
electroflotation [30]. and pH, colort, turbidity, suspended solids, and MBAS were analyzed.
Optimization of the LWW treatment relative to such parameters as Preliminarily the electrodes were cleaned, degreased, dried and
time, pH of the solution and current density was carried out in a sta- brought to a constant weight. Electrochemical dissolution of anodes for
tionary mode on a separate EC reactor completely identical to that each amount of electricity passed through the solution, was estimated
shown in Fig. 1. It should be emphasized that in the EC, along with the as the loss of the electrode weight. Fig. 2 shows the results of aluminum
coagulation process, flotation occurs. The data obtained in stationary yield for two different electrode connections in an electrochemical re-
mode, were applied for the continuous batch mode. The hydraulic re- actor. As independent parameter, the quantity of electricity Q (A h),
tention time of the LWW in the EC was regulated by the rate at which it which has passed through the solution, is taken. As can be seen from
entered the reactor and controlled using a flow meter. After treatment Fig. 2, with the increase in the amount of electricity, the amount of the
in the EC, water flows by gravity into the EF for additional purification formed aluminum increases as well.
of the remaining dispersed phase. The volume of the EF is twice as large At the initial stage of the solution treatment, the yield of Al3+ does
as of the EC, that doubles the flotation time. The continuous batch not depend essentially on the connection mode of the electrodes. Thus,
mode is schematically shown in Fig. 1. for Q = 1 A h, the yield of Al3+ is 0.45 g for the monopolar connection
In the EC reactor, 7 electrodes including 4 anodes and 3 cathodes and 0.37 g for bipolar connection. For Q = 5 A h, the yield was 1.73 g.
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
Fig. 1. Combined ElectroCoagulation (EC) and ElectroFlotation (EF) laboratory scale treatment system. 1-DC power apply for EC cell; 2-EC Cell; 3-Floated sladge; 4-
EF Cell; 5-Inlet LWW; 6- Magnetic bar-stirrer; 7-Purified LWW; 8- DC power apply for EF cell; 9-Feed Sludge Tank.
Table 1
Characterization of laundry wastewater (Eczacibasi company, Turkey) for
samples taken at different times and of purified LWW, compared with Water
standard for the laundry.
Parameters / January February March Purified Water
Month 2018 2018 2018 LWWa standardb
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
Fig. 3. Dependence of the yield of Al3+ on the water temperature for three
Fig. 4. The efficiency of removal of surfactants as a function of the treatment
different CDs (pH = 5.5, treatment time 10 min).
time of the solution (CD =5.26 mA/cm2, Csurf =0.1 g/L), T = 25 °C, pH = 5.5).
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
Fig. 6. The effectiveness of the surfactants removal in dependence with CD Fig. 8. Dependence of the surfactants removal in the electrochemical reactor on
(pH = 5.5, Csurf =0.1 g/L, treatment time =5 min., T = 25 °C). the pH values (CD = 5.26 mA/cm2, Csurf = 0.1 g/L), T = 25 °C, treatment
time = 5 min).
using EC (Al electrodes) for the pH range of 3–9 and processing time of
5–20 minutes, the effective CD ranges from 3 to 6 mA/cm2.
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
adsorption effect is insignificant. Fig. 10. Pilot installation for cleaning LWW. (1-EC/EF unit; 2- pump; 3- pur-
Electrical energy consumption (EEC) is the index of the effectiveness ified water tank; 4- filter; 5- collection of flotation sludge; 6- gas outlet pipe; 7-
for the EC/EF processes. This important parameter is obtained from the LWW supply line; 8- electrolyte supply line; 9- line for withdrawal of flotation
sludge; 10- line output of purified water; 11- purified water supply line for
following equation [8]:
reuse; 12- DC power apply for EC/EF reactor.).
WEEC = U(V) I(A) t(s) / Φ(m3) 3600 (s/h) 103 W/kW), (2)
Where WEEC is electrical energy (kWh/m ), U is the cell voltage (Volt), I via the line (7). The operation of the reactor begins with the supply of
is current in Ampere (A), t is electrochemical process time (sec), and Φ electrolyte through the line (8) using the pump (2). The upper part of
is the volume of the treated solution. To calculate EEC, those indices the reactor provides the output of gases (6), the withdrawal of flotation
were taken as initial parameters, at which the 90% removal of surfac- sludge into the collector (5) along the line (9), and the discharge of
tant, color and turbidity of wastewater had been achieved. Calculations purified water through the line 10 into the tank (3). After filtration (4),
show that for these three characteristics of the LWW the average value purified water is fed through the line (11) for reuse. After the foam
of W is equal to 1.25 kW h/m3. Parameter WЕЕC that is close to our destruction and the solid fraction separation, the remaining water re-
parameters of the EC reactor (CD and pH) takes the value of 3.68 kW h/ turns to the EC reactor for re-treatment and purification. Thus, ap-
m3 in [20]. The increased WЕЕC value is associated with more than three proximately 90–95 % of wastewater is returned for reuse.
times growth of time for processing the LWW. Thus, in the light of the Table 2 shows the test results for the pilot plant. As can be seen from
conducted research, it is possible to determine basic optimal conditions the table, satisfactory results are observed for the main parameters of
for the electrochemical purification of LWW. As a general criterion for the water quality assessment that allows the water reuse. They are
the parameters comparison, their 90% removal from the LWW was standard parameters used in industrial laundries (see Table 1). The
taken. For LWW taken immediately after the washing process, they will exception is low content of the MBAS. However, their presence allows
be as follows: pH is 5.5, CD is 5.26 mA/cm2, the treatment time of LWW you to save washing powder for the next wash cycle. For example, the
is 5 min. These parameters were taken as operating parameters for the percentage of turbidity removal during 7-minutes treatment for
pilot plant. pH = 5.5 is 90–95 %, color removal is 75–80 %, and the removal of
In conclusion, we present the results of the LWW purification for the MBAS is 80–85 % of the initial concentration. As to the other para-
EC/EF process (see Table 1, optimal experimental conditions). As seen meters listed in Table 1 and characterizing the quality of the purified
from the experimental results, the values of such parameters as TSS, water, they also have a high percentage. It should be noted that the
COD and TOC indicate a significant removal of pollutants from LWW. washing performed with purified water and water from a water supply
The concentrations of phosphate, nitrogen and sulfate anions in was- source (traditional washing) did not differ in quality. This suggests that
tewater are significantly reduced, as well. it is possible in principle to use treated wastewater in repeated washes
and to obtain both economic benefits and an ecologic effect. Un-
fortunately, it is not yet possible to compare the results of the electro-
3.6. Pilot-scale field tests chemical approach to the LWW cleaning and re-use with other works.
There is a study [3] in the literature, where on the basis of physico-
Based on the results of laboratory studies of LWW, a pilot EC plant chemical pre-treatment and different levels of filtration and ultra-
with a volume of 0.5 m3/h was manufactured. Twenty aluminum filtration the issue of returning water to reuse is solved. In terms of the
electrodes (the area of each was 0.12 m2) with an interelectrode dis- washing quality, the results of the second washing based on the purified
tance of 15 mm were connected in the monopolar manner. To prevent water do not differ from those for the original water. In our case, the
the passivation of the electrodes and the formation of sediment on their quality of purified water taken for reuse was checked out on bed linen.
surface, their polarity was changing every 20 min. The installation was Whiteness measurements were made using a portable device Konica
mounted in the laundry room of a hotel. The purpose of the research Minolta CR-20 color reader. When using primary water the whiteness
was to study the process of purification and reuse of LWW immediately index (W) was 100.8 and for purified water (cycles 1–5) the index was
in an industrial environment. The equipment consisted of a LWW sto- changing within 101.4 - 102.3. The results of the measurements suggest
rage tank, a reactor, a power source (power 50 V/50A), the foam col- that the LWW purified using the EC/EF method is quite suitable for
lector with sludge flotation, and a separator. reuse in the washing process.
Fig. 10 shows the scheme of the pilot unit for cleaning LWW. As it
can be seen, it consists of an EC/EF reactor (1) into which LWW is fed
A. Dimoglo, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100877
Table 2
The parameters of initial and treated LWW for five cycles of its use in the laundry hotel industry, as an example (pilot plant).
LWW/Purified LWW Parameters
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