Santiago National High School

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School ID No. 300078

Poblacion Norte, Santiago, Ilocos Sur

Grade 9 (COOKERY)
(Quarter II-Week 4-5)

Name :_____________________________________
Gr & Section: _______________________________
I.Module I: Modified True or False (page 2)
II. Module II: Learning Activity 1: Fill Me In!
III. Module II: Learning Activity 2
IV. Module II: Learning Activity 3 (5 points each)

The pandemic COVID-19 is the current issue we are facing worldwide. It has become the
largest problem we are facing right now. The first country to identify the novel coronavirus as the cause
of pandemic was China. The symptoms of this virus are respiratory symptoms which are cough,
sneezing, fatigue and myalgia. As a student participating in the home-learning program, online school
was confusing to adjust to as we had not been prepared through simulations or practices beforehand.
As with most experimental research reports we Grade 11 STEM students in Santiago National High
School are here to conduct a research. As of today, many students are now facing many hardships
through the pandemic COVID-19. All students are using their own strategies in studying to help
themselves to learn and pass their academics. Today teachers also a innovative tools that can be used to
enhance the curriculum. However, considerable concerns and problems have developed, particularly as
it related to the quality of online education. Some of students lack gadgets and internet connection. All
teachers encounter a variety of students and instructional strategies to help their students.

Nowadays many students are no longer interested to be tied to the printed test such as
books and magazines as an option to learn and read. Some of students already stopped answering their
activities on modules but also many students are working hard to finish their activities on their modules.
So we conduct a research to the Grade 11 STEM students in Santiago National High School about their
strategies in dealing with their academics with the current CIVID-19 pandemic.


The study was aimed to determine the strategies of Grade 11 Stem students in Santiago
National High School in dealing with their Academics with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Special, it
aimed to answer the following:

1. The pandemic has exacerbated well-documented opportunity gaps that put low income
students at a disadvantage relative to their better-off peers.
2. How should a students behave in school/studies during COVID-19 pandemic?
3. Effect of COVID-19 on students academic performance.


This study aims to determine the following:

a. How much effort are you putting into your studies during this COVID-19 pandemic?
b. What are your concerns/problems that you deal with while answering your modules or when
attending your online class?
c. Do you think COVID-19 concerns impact your ability to learn or study?
d. Do you think online class or modular learning is effective for you?
e. Do you easily get distracted or procrastinate when answering your activities? How do you
avoid these distractions?


The following terms were defined according to how they are being used in the study:
1. Exacerbated-when one seeks to indicate that something is becoming increasingly bitter, violent,
or unpleasant.
2. Disadvantage-an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or
3. Strategies-a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
4. Pandemic-an outbreak of a pandemic disease, prevalent over a whole country or the world.
5. Concerns-a matter that engages of person’s attention, interest or care or that affects a person’s
welfare or happiness.


This study will undertaken to find out the strategies of students in learning their lessons
even we are facing the deadly virus which is the current COVID-19 pandemic. This study will also
redound this benefit of society considering that every students has an important role in the society. This
study also focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of students in dealing with their academic and to
give motivation to those students who are losing motivation who are starting to give up. We will also
want to know the hardships of every student in answering their activities in modules while having some
responsibilities on their own homes. Many students are tempted to take shortcuts instead of dedicating
time and effort to achieve a proper education, so we wanted to figure out the students’ strategies.


The focus of this study is to determine the strategies of Grade 11 STEM students in
Santiago National High School in dealing with their academics with the current COVID-19 pandemic. It
also to identify the problems that the students encounter and to propose the possible solutions. There
are 17 students in Grade 11 STEM in Santiago National High School and we asked them as a sample in
conducting our research. This study limits it’s coverage on the STEM in Santiago National High School
only. This study consider every aspect of student’s personal information and strategies that has an
impact on their academic performance. Each of the respondents are given questionnaires that contains
five (5) questions that are related to the topic of this research to answer. This study focuses on the STEM
students in Santiago National High School, School year 2020-2021.


There is no significance difference between the researchers expectation and the results of the
study of STEM students about dealing with their academic during COVID-19 pandemic.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information
that are relevant and similar to the present study.

The pandemic COVID-19 is the current problem and issue that we are facing worldwide. It has
become the largest problem that we have encountered and facing right now. With the global COVID-19
pandemic that is putting everyone’s health and lives on the line, the Department of Education (DepED)
was faced with the dilemma of upholding it’s role in delivering quality education for every Filipino while
protecting them from the current deadly virus. Department of Education (DepED) launched the DepEd
Commons that that is supporting distance learning modalities for public school teachers. It is a practical
solution for continued learning where face-to-face learning is impossible but we should plow for a
deeper implications of this web-based learning.


DepEd Commons bridges teachers and students through online and it requires both parties
to have necessary equipments which are laptop, desktop, computer, tablet PC or a tablet and also a
stable internet connection but the question affordability comes into the scene. Even before COVID-19
crisis, most public school students are struggling with their daily allowances and with their parents also
who struggle to pay bills due to the effects of the pandemic, how can they afford necessary equipments
for this new learning initiative? The students’ mental health or burnout also comes to the scene. It
quickly became an issue after a week into the distance education. The students starts to experience
mental breakdowns, anxiety, depression, started to weep and skip meals while straining to accomplish
the activities in their modules which makes their parents worry more about their health. According to
Cara Fernandez, a psychologist and a professor who treats cases like these explains that social
interaction is crucial for children of school age who have gotten used to spontaneously sharing their
problems with their peers and to not have that kind of face-to-face social interaction and engagement
makes a difference and make their mental well-being suffer. One of the concerns of the students is that
they do not have enough time to answer all their modules within a week and they have a hard time
answering their modules because they lack knowledge about these lesson topics. The main challenges
that students have encountered are self-studying, poor internet connection, lack of sleep and time to
answer the modules due to the great numbers of activities, distractions, and lack of focus.


The great number of activities in each module is one of the main problems that emerged
in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning. The Department of Education should consider this
problem, reduce the activities, and take out the unnecessary topics so that mastery will be attained as
much as possible. Another concern of students is that they do not have enough time in answering their
activities in the module within a week. Therefore, if DepEd cannot extend the duration of accomplishing
the modules, they must lessen the activities. Students have a hard time in answering their modules
because of the unfamiliar subject or lesson for them so the teachers should re-evaluate the modules and
they must make sure that all the lessons or activities are appropriate to the needs of the learners. The
that has poor internet connection and lacks of gadgets should be given some special consideration by
home visitation as an example. Lastly, students should be given some time to take a rest and relax so
that they will be not be exhausted and not to get so much pressure.



This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and analysis
which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will include such as the Research Design,
Population and Sample, Data Gathering Instrument and Data Gathering Procedure.


As a result of understanding the aims and objective of this study and exploring previous
research similar to this topic we decided to use Quantitative Method of Data Collection would be most
suitable. Quantitative Research refers to research doing numbers and is the collection of facts and the
study of the relationship between these group of facts (Thomas,2009 and Bell, 2010).


Santiago National High School is offering strands which are STEM, TVL, and HUMSS. In
gathering the data, we decided to choose the STEM students that has 17 students in it and use them as
our respondents.


For this information we all agree that we should use the Quantitative method of data
collection. For our research entitled Strategies of Grade 11 STEM students in Santiago National High
School in dealing wit their academics with the current pandemic COVID-19.


We conduct our survey at Santiago National High School with 17 STEM students
respondents. A group of students which generalize over one several units so we used a systematic
investigation of a single individual, group, community or some other unit in which the researchers
examines in-depth data relating to several variables which is a case study data gathering. We surveyed
and used a questionnaires to gather all the response of our respondents. We also did some interview for
some additional information we want to know.


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