Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Multimodal discourse analysis considers how text uses images, films, videos, images and
sound combined with text to produce meaning. It studies print genres as well as genres such as
web pages, movies, and TV shows. It considers how multi-moderately how texts are designed
and how to use semiotic tools such as color, frame, focus, and element positioning. These help to
shape meaning in these texts. Jewitt (2009a) describe four theoretical hypotheses that form the
basis of multimodal discourse analyze. The first is that language is part of a pattern set, each
pattern has something in common Potential to contribute to meaning. Therefore, pictures, gazes
and gestures are not only supportive That is, they all contribute to meaning. The second is every
communication method Be aware of differences in meaning and regard language as the main (or
only) medium The exchange only expresses a partial view of the content exchanged. third
suppose people choose and configure from these different modes to make meaning and the
interaction between these modes and the distribution of meaning among them is part of the
production of meaning. The fourth hypothesis is that the means generated through the use of
multimodal resources are as social as language.
This study examines the multimodal discourse of several analytical modes used in online
newspaper article research. An article from the Daily Mail (15 May 2016) based on an
explanation of the various modes of analysis used in multimodality. This study aims to help
viewers pay attention to the decoding and evaluation of online newspaper images and sentences.
In addition, you will notice that the image is not random but an object that was taken on purpose.
This mode includes objects, text, colors, actions, symbols and the relationships between them.
Multimodal discourse takes into account that many scholars pay attention to the analysis of fact
words, clauses or texts, but few people consider the non-verbal analysis of photos or video clips.
They will be interpreted along with spoken language and text.
In every interaction using communication, humans don’t only use one communication
tools, but also uses multiple modes susch as gesture, images, gaze, posture, and as well as
language (Machin 2007, Jewitt 2009a). Each mode used has a purpose to express and explain
the intent of the thought to be conveyed (Kress, 1993). Communication is an interaction that is
not only related to the event of giving - receiving messages, but making meaning to the audience,
including consumers, such as in an advertisement for a product. Among the different modes that
people use simultaneously in a text to communicate their message, perhaps the most frequently
used combination of verbal and image ( Budi Hermawan, 2013). In the field of analyzing
multimodal discourse, the use of images is familiar, whether it be photos, diagrams, maps or
cartoons. For example, a poster as a whole is said to be a text, in which there is a verbal and an
image as two semiotic modes used to convey the message. The grammar in the picture is
adjusted to the point of view or perspective of each individual, which means that everyone has a
different view or opinion on one picture. because basically every individual has a different point
of view or perspective.
According to the author's view, the picture above has two characters, namely a mother
and a child. A child who said “This is the kitchen. My mom is cooking", while showing a smile
to greet her mother who is cooking in the kitchen. She wears a blue shirt, the collar is red and
then it is combined with brown culottes. while the character of the mother, is holding a spoon in
stirring the dish. The picture shows that in front of the mother there are two containers, namely a
pot and a cauldron. In addition, the picture above also shows several plates and other eating
utensils that are neatly arranged on the table next to the child.
The explanation above is an analysis of the image presented from the author's
perspective, maybe you as a reader have a different view of the image above. The grammatical
analysis in the picture above is realized through eye gaze, moving from the child to the mother.
Thus the child becomes a 'reactor' (reactor) while the mother becomes a phenomenon. The object
in this image is depicted in a small size, and using a 'medium close shot', places us as the 'viewer'
slightly above the image; when we look at the picture we are like looking down a little. This
can be interpreted that as a 'viewer' we have more power than a 'represented participant' who is in
the picture.
Machin and van Leeuwen (2007) explain the relationship between genre and
multimodality with global media discourse, where they take an advertisement sample from
Cosmopolitan magazine. The advertisement in the magazine shows the interpretation of
everyone's thoughts on a problem by giving the reader a percollusion effect in order to get the
reader to buy the products in the magazine.
Bateman (2008) explains that the framework of genre and multimodality is in the form of
content structure, genre structure, rhetorical structure, linguistic structure, layout structure and
text navigation structure.
In the explanation of Iedema (2001) regarding the multimodality relationship, films and
television genres provide an explanation in the form of a film analysis framework, namely
frames, shots, scenes, sequences, Generic stages, and work as a whole. The frames is an image
on a roll that contains the results of shots taken so as to produce images of real objects. Shot is
taking pictures using a camera with panning, tracking, and zooming techniques. Taking a scene
in a film does not only take one shot, but can consist of a combination of several shots arranged
according to the storyline. A sequence can take place in one setting or several settings. stages are
those that relate to a series of stages of a genre in a film, namely the beginning, middle and end.
The steps in conducting a multimodal discourse analysis are the same as the steps in
conducting a discourse analysis project. The thing that distinguishes NY lies in the data being
analyzed and the aspect of the meaning of the text of the data. Both verbal and written data. The
first thing to do is record data in the form of data. Then, the notes are summarized in a
predetermined way. Then it is very important to re-examine the data, if the data is in the form of
video then we focus on sound and images on the data. If the data is in the form of text, then what
must be done is to take an approach, and pay attention to what mode has been used. For
example, word formats, fonts and images. And analyze the meaning of the text, both spoken and
written texts.It is also important to choose the extract that will be the center or focus of the
analysis, in a text, there will be a lot of data to be analyzed. So we have to be selective and
choose which data to analyze. How do we choose the data, we first pay attention to the words
that stand out. Then, aggregate the data into a larger data set to view and select which data is
suitable for analysis.
Baldry and Thibaut (2005) provide detailed methods or procedures for copying and
analyzing data in a multi-modal manner. They discuss printed texts such as cartoons and
commercials, film and television genres. They use the concept of cluster to refer to grouping
items and prints or web pages and chuster analysis to understand how these text fragments are
related to other elements and are not separated from each other. (2009) emphasize the use of
ethnographic research techniques to help us better understand the value of multimodal types of
production and consumption. For example compilation of book reports, posters, essays, articles,
etc. They analyzed the students and found that much of the resulting text was multi-modal and
could not be parsed into language and non-verbal parts of visual elements. They also found that
meaningful texts were often part of the spoken text rather than separate from it.
Multimodal discourse research shows that there is no mention of the strategy developed
by these scholars, it is almost impossible to explain a photo or similar text. In addition, if the
audience reads this article, part of the reporter's goal is that only the photos presented are
considered as evidence of the hook. The most difficulty in the analysis process is to remain
rational and not to participate in beliefs or ideologies in the interpretation of photography and
text. In addition, interesting results can be obtained from photographic surveys and texts In the
general readership of newspapers