Is Resin Infiltration A Microinvasive Approach To White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures - A Systemic Review

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Is Resin Infiltration a Microinvasive Approach to White

Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?: A Systemic Review
Vidya Manoharan1​, Arun Kumar S2​, Selva B Arumugam3​, Vijay Anand4​, Santham Krishnamoorthy5​, John J Methippara6​

A b s t r ac t
Aim: The treatment of white lesions should aim at arresting the lesion progression of carious lesions and improving the esthetics by diminishing
the opacity of the developmental disturbances of a tooth. The objective of this review was to present the scientific basis, the principles of resin
infiltration and to discuss its inherent clinical applications.
Data sources: Data were identified by PubMed searches. Papers published in English between 2010 and 2015 were selected and most up-to-
date or relevant references were chosen.
Conclusion: The resin infiltration technique, while promising, needed more clinical evidence for conclusive findings. However, based on available
laboratory and clinical studies, it seems convincing that resin infiltration of enamel lesions should aim at arresting the progression of white
spot lesions. Combining this microinvasive approach with a substantial caries remineralization program may provide therapeutic benefits and
significantly reduce both long term restorative needs and costs, thus complementing the concept of minimum intervention dentistry.
Keywords: Icon, Minimum intervention dentistry, Resin infiltration, Subsurface caries lesion.
International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (2019): 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1579

Introduction 1
​Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Royal Dental
In recent years, a dramatic change has evolved in the management College, Palakkad, Kerala, India
of dental caries from the traditional restorative treatment approach 2
​Department of Public Health Dentistry, Educare Institute of Dental
to a more preventive approach, namely non-invasion or minimal Sciences, Malappuram, Kerala, India
invasion.1​Enamel carious lesions are characterized by mineral loss 3
​Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Indira Gandhi
in the body of the lesion, resulting in greater visual enamel opacity Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry, India
due to alteration of the refractive index of the affected area. 2​,​3​ 4
​Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Tagore Dental
Great attention has been devoted to the noninvasive treatment College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
of enamel carious lesions, which includes remineralization of 5
​Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sathyabama
the lesion with fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
calcium phosphate, or the use of therapeutic sealants for occlusal 6
​Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Annoor Dental
lesions. Fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium College, Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India
phosphate play a key role in the remineralization of superficial white Corresponding Author: Vidya Manoharan, Department of Pedodontics
spot lesions. However, this approach is not always successful as it and Preventive Dentistry, Royal Dental College, Palakkad, Kerala, India,
requires good compliance of the patient, with a change in harmful Phone: +91 9645090658, e-mail: [email protected]
habits, and with many of the patients abandoning the treatment How to cite this article: Manoharan V, Kumar AS, et al.​Is Resin Infiltration
before completion. Sealants have been used therapeutically a Micro invasive Approach to White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?:
on non-cavitated enamel caries as an attempt to reduce lesion A Systemic Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019;12(1):53–58.
progression. The pores within the body of enamel caries provide Source of support: Nil
diffusion pathways for acids and dissolved minerals.4​ Therefore, Conflict of interest: None
an alternative approach for superficial sealing might be based on
experiments conducted by Robinson et al.5​to arrest carious lesions
by the infiltration of these pores with resorcinol-formaldehyde
patches, white line/stripes, faint white lines, and white speckled
resins. This concept has been modified and commercially developed
lesions (Table 1).
in Germany for the management of smooth surface and proximal
non-cavitated caries lesions in which the porosities of enamel
lesion are infiltrated with a low viscosity resin, a technique known Etiology of White Marks
as “resin infiltration” creating a diffusion barrier within the lesion There is a wide array of treatments available including whitening as
without establishing any material on the enamel surface.1,​6​ ​ Thus, the first choice by Greenwall7​and bonding over the mark as the last
resin infiltration can delay the time for restoration placement. option, a technique using resin infiltration has been introduced by
White marks on anterior teeth can be unsightly and patients Munoz et al.8​The low viscosity resin infiltrant was used to occlude
often seek treatment to have these marks eradicated. White marks the pores within the hypomineralised lesion, which acts as diffusion
associated with the presence of tissue porosity can appear as white pathways for acids and dissolved minerals, thus sealing these

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Is Resin Infiltration a Microinvasive Approach to White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?: A Systemic Review

Table 1: Etiology of white marks similar to the surrounding sound enamel. As a result, this treatment
Type of white mark Etiology may be used not only to arrest enamel lesions but also to improve
1.  White patches Trauma to the primary dentition
the esthetic appearance of buccal white spots. 38,39​
2. Multiple lesions: brown and Fluorosis Resin Infiltration Technique
white Discolourations
Icon® is marketed in two different forms: proximal surface and
3. White speckled lesions: Fever during development
vestibular surface kits. The usage for both is similar except for
mottled enamel
the need for separation in the case of proximal lesion treatment.
4. Faint white lesions, some Demineralization lesions after
Since the surface layer of enamel caries lesions has a lower pore
black edges removal of orthodontic brackets
volume compared to that of the lesion body underneath, it forms
5. Enamel defects and white Ceoliac disease, molar incisor
a barrier that might hamper the infiltration of resin into the lesion
lesions in deciduous incisors hypoplasia
body. Therefore, a preparation phase is required where the surface
and molars
of the teeth is cleaned and prepared with 15% hydrochloric acid
6. White spot or enamel Preterm birth
(icon etch) for 2 minutes and stirring the gel from time to time
during application with a microbrush. 15% hydrochloric acid gel
has been demonstrated to be superior to 37% phosphoric acid gel
pathways. Thus, the caries infiltration can also be used to camouflage in removing the mineralized surface layer of natural enamel lesions
aesthetically disfiguring white spot lesions on buccal surfaces.9​ when applied for 120 seconds. 15% HCL produces a penetration
depth of 58 μm, which is more than twice that of phosphoric acid
M at e r ia l s and Methods (25 μm), enabling penetration into the deepest part of the lesion,
The PubMed database research of relevant scientific articles on the thus eliminating the decalcified areas, preventing further attacks.40​
effect of resin infiltration on caries lesion progression and esthetics. Ethanol wet bonding technique is used to desiccate the surface
The search was undertaken with the following keywords: “resin by applying 99% ethanol (Icon Dry) for 30 seconds followed by air
infiltration, dental caries”, “resin infiltration, caries lesions”, “resin drying. It is based on the assumption that it will coax hydrophobic
infiltration, esthetics,” and “Icon DMG.” The search was limited to monomers to infiltrate into demineralized wet enamel or dentine,
articles published in English between the years 2010 and 2015 (Table 2). and improve the efficacy of penetration of the hydrophobic
infiltrate (TEGDMA) to get a well-defined, resin-infiltrated layer. This
R e s u lts technique involves slowly replacing water within the demineralized
collagen matrix with ascending concentrations of ethanol, allowing
Resin Infiltration Concept the latter to penetrate the collagen matrix without causing
Resin infiltration technique is a novel technology that bridges the gap additional shrinkage of the interfibrillar spaces, thus preventing the
between prevention and restoration of carious lesions up to the first phase separation of hydrophobic resin monomers.41,42​
third of dentin (D-1) and can camouflage aesthetically disfiguring white Icon resin, composed of tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate,
lesions on the buccal surface. It is marketed under the name Icon® (DMG is applied on the lesion surface using a microbrush and allowed to
America Company, Englewood, NJ) and is described as a micro-invasive penetrate for three minutes. The excess is removed using a cotton
technology that fills, reinforces, and stabilizes demineralized enamel roll and light cured. Repeated application for another one minute
without sacrificing the healthy tooth structure.34,35​ is performed and then the resin is light cured again. The resin is
The principle of resin infiltration is to perfuse the porous enamel applied twice because of the shrinkage of the material after the
with resin by capillary action, thereby arresting lesion progression by first application, resulting in the generation of space that can be
occluding the microporosities that provide diffusion pathways for the then occluded by a second application. The excess resin is then
acids and dissolved materials. This technique aims to create a diffusion removed and the surface is polished.13,​43 ​ ​
barrier inside the lesion and not on the lesion surface.36​ Robinson The practitioner should select the cases carefully. Resin
et al. reported that about 60 ± 10% of the lesion’s pore volume had infiltration technique can treat a smaller white mark much easier
been occupied by resin.5​According to Kielbassa et al., resin infiltrates than a larger patch. Medium-to-large size patches may require two
into subsurface lesions and produces resin infiltrated parts of the treatments. If the lesion is very deep, then it is advisable to sandblast
lesion and the depth of resin infiltration was over 100 μm.37​ the white area prior to applying the hydrochloric acid as an etch to
A positive side effect of resin infiltration is that enamel lesions the tooth. The sandblasting helps to open up the enamel tubules so
lose their whitish appearance when their microporosities are filled that better penetration of the hydrochloric acid can be achieved.44​
with the resin and look similar to sound enamel. The principle of Teeth with brown discoloration may not be good candidates for
masking enamel lesions by resin infiltration is based on changes in resin infiltration, since the later will not mask the brown color and,
light scattering within the lesions. Sound enamel has a refractive in fact, it may saturate the color and make it look worse clinically.
index (RI) of 1.62. The microporosities of enamel caries lesions Microabrasion or conventional resin restorations may be better
are filled with either a watery medium (RI 1.33) or air (RI 1.0). The options for treating teeth with brown discoloration. 39​
difference in the refractive indices between the enamel crystals and
medium inside the porosities causes light scattering that results Resin Infiltration in Primary Teeth
in a whitish opaque appearance of these lesions, especially when The management of non-cavitated caries lesions using the
they are desiccated.38,39​The microporosities of infiltrated lesions resin infiltration technique in primary teeth differs from that in
are filled with resin (RI 1.46) that, in contrast to the watery medium, permanent teeth. Firstly, primary enamel is less mineralized, more
cannot evaporate. Therefore, the difference in the refractive indices porous and aprismatic when compared to permanent enamel. As
between porosities and enamel is negligible and lesions appear a result, the diffusion coefficient seems to be greater in primary

54 International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–February 2019)

Is Resin Infiltration a Microinvasive Approach to White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?: A Systemic Review

Table 2: Research studies on resin infiltration therapy

Reference Type of study Type of teeth Condition Follow-up Outcome
Ekstrand KR et al. In vivo​ Deciduous molars Hypomineralization 1 year Resin infiltration in conjunction with fluoride
201010​ varnish seems promising for controlling
proximal lesion progression on deciduous
molar teeth
Meyer-Lueckel H In vitro​ Permanent posterior Hypomineralization – A solvent-free resin mainly consisting of
et al. 201011​ teeth TEGDMA seems to be the best resin that is
capable of penetrating almost completely
into enamel parts of natural caries lesions
Belli R et al. In vitro​ Bovine incisors Hypomineralization – Infiltration therapy has wear resistance to
201112​ toothbrush abrasion
Kim S et al. In vivo​ Permanent anterior Developmental 1 week The masking effect is complete in some cases
201113​ teeth defect of enamel and but not in others
Wiegand A et al. In vitro​ Bovine incisors Sound and – The use of resin infiltration before application
201114​ demineralized of a conventional adhesive do not impair
enamel bonding to sound and demineralized enamel
Meyer-Lueckel H In vitro​ Permanent posterior Hypomineralization – 3 min application of an infiltrant seems to
et al. 201115​ teeth be sufficient to achieve an almost complete
penetration of enamel caries
Paris S et al. In vitro​ Permanent molars Hypomineralization – Resin infiltrant penetrates most parts of the
201116​ and premolars demineralized enamel but is not capable of
filling up cavities
Hammad SM In vivo​ Permanent incisors Post-orthodontic – Aesthetic improvement can be achieved with
et al. 201217​ hypomineralization resin infiltration therapy
Meyer-Lueckel H In vivo​ Permanent posterior Hypomineralization 3 years Resin infiltration is an efficacious method to
et al. 201218​ teeth hamper progression of non-cavitated proximal
lesions extending radiographically up to the
outer third of dentin
Martignon S In vivo​ Permanent posterior Hypomineralization 3 years Infiltration and sealing are significantly better
et al. 201219​ teeth than placebo treatment for controlling caries
progression on proximal lesions
Nadia Malek In vitro​ Premolars Sound teeth – Microhardness of the enamel surface treated
Taher 201220​ with Icon was approximately the same as
that of sound enamel and showed a clinically
acceptable surface roughness
Paris S et al. In vitro​ Bovine teeth Hypomineralization – Polished infiltrated lesions are more resistant
201321​ to staining
Jia L et al. 201322​ In vitro​ Bovine incisors Sound teeth – Dentin contamination with the resin infiltrant
system impair the shear bond strength of
conventional dental adhesives
Paris S et al. In vitro​ Bovine incisors Hypomineralization – Resin infiltration significantly improves
201323​ microhardness and demineralization
resistance of enamel lesions; these effects are
significantly enhanced if resin is applied twice
Araujo GS et al. In vitro​ Third molars Hypomineralization – Solvents added to monomer blends result
201324​ in decreased properties of the resin. The
addition of hydrophobic monomers and
solvents into TEGDMA blends does not
improve the penetration depth of the infiltrants
Paris S et al. In vitro​ Permanent molars Hypomineralization – Application of either ethanol or acetone,
201325​ and premolars followed by air-drying, is suitable to prepare
caries lesions for resin infiltration
Knosel et al. In vivo​ Permanent anterior Post-orthodontic 6 months Resin infiltration improves the esthetic
201326​ teeth hypomineralization appearance of demineralized teeth
Naidu et al. In vitro​ Bovine teeth Sound and – Preconditioning with infiltrant system
201327​ hypomineralized increase the shear bond strength of most
enamel orthodontic resin cements while decreasing
the risk of enamel fracture at debonding

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–February 2019) 55

Is Resin Infiltration a Microinvasive Approach to White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?: A Systemic Review

Reference Type of study Type of teeth Condition Follow-up Outcome
Tirlet G et al. In vivo​ Permanent anterior Fluorosis and 19 months Resin infiltration could be a promising
201327​ teeth traumatic minimally invasive treatment in fluorosis and
hypomineralization traumatic hypomineralization
Munoz et al. In vivo​ Permanent anterior Fluorosis and 4 months Resin infiltration can be considered a
201328​ teeth traumatic minimally invasive procedure for
hypomineralization mild-to-moderate fluorosis and hypoplasia
stains related to traumatic dental injuries
Liu Yonghong In vitro​ primary molars and Proximal lesions – Better penetration abilities of resin
et al. 201329​ permanent posterior infiltration in primary molars are shown in
teeth lesions confined to the outer half of enamel
than those in permanent posterior teeth.
Wolfgang H In vitro​ Permanent posterior Hypomineralization – Artificial lesions were completely penetrated
Arnold et al., teeth by the resin and that artificial caries-like
201430​ lesions can be used, within the limits of
the shallow artificial lesions, to perform
experimental studies on resin infiltration into
M. B. Altarabulsi In vivo​ Deciduous and Proximal lesion in 12 months Caries infiltration hampers the
et al. 201431​ permanent teeth enamel or in the progression of initial proximal lesion
outer third of dentin extending radiographically in the enamel or
the outer third of dentin
Priya In vitro​ Sound premolars Hypomineralization – The maximum depth of penetration of the
Subramaniam resin material was 6.06 ± 3.32 μm
et al. 201432​
Monica Almeida In vitro​ Bovine teeth Hypomineralization – The untreated lesion showed lower
Tostes et al. hardness values using a nanoindenter
201433​ equipment for distances near the outer
surface of enamel
Soley Arslan In vitro​ Sound permanent Hypomineralization – Resin infiltration technique showed an
et al. 201534​ incisors increase in microhardness and a decrease in
roughness of demineralized enamel surfaces,
coupled with low bacterial adhesion and thus
capable of arresting initial enamel carious

enamel. Secondly, the proximal surface layer is less mineralized and Advantages of Resin Infiltration
thinner in primary molars compared to the permanent ones and Resin infiltration has made possible an innovative way of treating
thus, the rate of progression of proximal caries in primary molars is initial carious lesions that fits perfectly with the concept of minimal
significantly higher than that in the permanent ones.44​ intervention dentistry. Infiltration of carious lesions represents a
In an in vitro​study by Paris S et al., primary teeth exhibited new approach to the treatment of non-cavitated lesions of proximal
better infiltrant penetration than permanent teeth, after 1 minute and smooth surfaces of deciduous and permanent teeth up to the
application of resin.45​On the other hand, 3–5 minutes are required first third of dentin (D-1 level). From the foregoing review, it seems
to almost completely infiltrate a natural lesion in permanent teeth clear that the resin infiltration technique bears several advantages
with a lesion extended to the inner half of enamel, whereas, one- as follows:
minute application resulted in only superficial infiltration.14​
Following 5 minute resin application, Liu et al. found no • Noninvasive treatment, preserving tooth structure;
significant differences in the overall penetration between primary • Achieved in a single visit;
and permanent molar lesions but the penetration abilities of • Mechanical stabilization of demineralized enamel;
primary molars were slightly higher than those of permanent teeth • Deeper penetration into porous demineralized areas;
in lesions confined to the outer half of enamel.29​Ekstrand et al. • Arrest/retardation of lesion progress;
conducted a split-mouth study for one year to assess the efficacy • Minimized risk of secondary caries;
of resin infiltrated lesions covered by fluoride varnish vs fluoride • No risk of postoperative sensitivity and pulpal inflammation;
varnish treatment only on the proximal lesions of deciduous molars. • Reduced risk of gingivitis and periodontitis;
Lesion progression was assessed clinically and radiographically. • Rmproved esthetic outcome when used as a “masking” resin
Proximal caries in primary molars treated by resin infiltration and on demineralized labial surfaces (white spot lesions, i.e. with
fluoride varnish progressed significantly lesser (23%) than those orthodontic patients);
treated with fluoride varnish only (61%) after one year.10​ • High patient acceptance.

56 International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–February 2019)

Is Resin Infiltration a Microinvasive Approach to White Lesions of Calcified Tooth Structures?: A Systemic Review

While this therapy can rightly be categorized as minimum by Ekstrand et al. composed of only children with moderate to high
intervention dentistry, clinical experience is limited and further risk, which may partially explain the results.10​
controlled clinical trials are required to assess its long-term results.46​

Aesthetic Outcome of Resin Infiltration Therapy C o n c lu s i o n

Cosmetics and esthetics are current trends of dental industry. As Caries resin infiltration represents a new concept in dentistry and
more and more patients are demanding for minimally invasive therefore needs to be better investigated. Based on the available
cosmetic enhancement without anesthesia and drilling, the laboratory and clinical studies, it seems convincing that the resin
technique of resin infiltration may be considered as a microinvasive infiltration of enamel lesions should reduce (or even stop) the
treatment of smooth-surface white spot lesions and also one that progress of white spot lesions. This technique is considered to be
allows for the recovery of natural tooth appearance. microinvasive and might bridge the gap between non-invasive and
The porosity created by the initial demineralization of a caries minimally invasive treatment of initial dental caries, postponing, as
process changes the refractive index of enamel, resulting in a white long as possible, the need for restoration.
coloration in the incipient lesion. The resin infiltration technique has
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58 International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–February 2019)

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