Foundations of Faith: Shepherdville College
Foundations of Faith: Shepherdville College
Ptr. Evelyn S. Contante, EdD
The words baptism and filling are opposite in meaning. Baptism is immersion into something.
Filling is putting something into the individual. From the story of Pentecost where in Acts 2:4 they were
filled with the Holy Ghost and spake in tongues, also Acts 10 :44-46. This can be explained by the fact
that Pentecost was the opening of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit when everything occurred
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. Discuss the Article of Faith No. 9: Baptism of the Holy Spirit
b. Determine the significance of Baptism of the Holy Spirit
c. Differentiate Baptism of the Holy Spirit from Infilling of the Holy Spirit
Article of Faith No. 9: The Jesus the Loving Shepherd Christian Fellowship believes:
That the baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to all believers who
earnestly wait for it for the endowment of power for life and service, for the
bestowment of the gifts and their uses in the ministry, for an intensified consecration
to God and dedication to His work, and for a more active love for Christ, for His word
and for the lost.
The only doctrinal statement on this subject is I Cor. 12:13, "For by one Spirit are we all baptized
into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made
to drink into one Spirit." The 5 prophecies of Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8. Luke 3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5,
were looking forward to Pentecost and were completely fulfilled "not many days? later. The verb
tense in I Cor. 12:13 is in the past tense. It speaks of a completed experience. It is performed by the
Holy Spirit at conversion.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit for us today is the placing of the new convert into the invisible
Body of Christ by the Spirit at conversion. Nowhere in the Epistles are we exhorted to seek the
baptism of the Holy Ghost, for it was a completed experience. We need not worry or bother about it.
We are exhorted to be "filled with the Spirit," "grieve not," "quench not" the Spirit ;" Acts 2 :1-4,
Pentecost was an experience to mark the initiation of a new dispensation. J. O. Sanders points out
four facts from I Cor. 12 :13:
Eph. 4 :5, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." Some argue that there are at least two baptisms,
water and spirit, and which is this? In the mind of God, I Cor. 12 :13, the Spirit baptism must be the true
baptism. Water baptism, a required ordinance of the Church, is an earthly sign that the I Cor 12 :13
baptism has already transpired. True Spirit baptism causes Eph. 5 :30 to come into being, "For we are
members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. " .
It is an initial work taking place at the time of salvation. "All are baptized into one body," I Cor.
12:13; I Pet. 3:20b,21: Titus 3:5. Rom. 6:3-11 is the only definition of baptism of the Spirit given in
Scripture. In the one act of living faith in Christ, believers are:
1. Born of the Spirit (the initiation into eternal life), John 3 :3-8.
2. Receiving the earnest of the Spirit (pledge of its culmination). Eph. 1 :14: II Cor.1:22; 5:5.
3. Sealed with the Spirit (insurance of its continuance), Eph. 1:13; Eph. 4:30.
4. Indwelt by the Spirit (maintenance of eternal life in the soul), Rom. 8:9.
5. Baptized into one body (a relational activity joining Christ and believers). I Cor.12:13.
1. Baptized into His death. Rom. 6 :3, "lam crucified with Christ," Gal. 2 :20.
2. Baptized into His burial. Rom. 6 :4, complete identification into His body.
3. Baptized into His resurrection. Rom. 6:5, complete entering into His new body.
4. Baptized into His resurrected life. Rom. 6:8, "live with Him," live in His body. The experience
of I Cor. 12:13 implies a complete identification with the Saviour.
Every believer in Jesus Christ needs the filling of the Holy Spirit. The filling is for Apostles,
preachers, fathers, mothers, young people and labourers. We each need it for our own benefit in order
to be the best possible Christian. Without it we cannot attain to the Lord's will for us regarding character
and service. The filling of the Spirit is an individual blessing. Men are saved and filled individually. The
filling must be individually received. I must personally do business with God. The Spirit cannot illuminate
our minds, warm our affections, purge our consciences or energize our wills until we surrender to Him
and keep surrendered.
Sometimes unwise, extravagant and fanatical things are done in the name of the filling of the
Holy Spirit. Because of this many believers shun the filling. Some say that the ability to speak in tongues
is the proof of the Spirit-filling. This is false. Tongues are a sign to the unbelievers of the reality of the
Gospel to change lives, I Cor. 14:22. The Church needs Spirit-filled members. If the filling is lacking,
the Church is plagued with disorders, dissensions, strife, backbiting, jealousy and scandal. Let every
member of the Church be Spirit-filled, the pastor, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, singers,
choir members and ordinary communicants.
Our Christian walk is twofold: (1) Godward and (2) outward to fellowmen. The world expects
every Christian to be almost perfect. To live up to the world's imaginary standard every believer
desperately needs the Spirit's filling. We cannot be effective witnesses if we are not Spirit-filled. To do
the work of the Lord in the energy of the flesh can only lead to disappointment and failure. Spirit-filled
believers, living the crucified life in relation to the world, are an effective means in the Lord's hands to
convict and convince sinners.
A. Forgiveness. Acts 2 :38, "Repent and be baptized. . . for the remission of sins, and thee shall
receive the Holy Ghost." Psa. 66:18, the Holy Spirit cannot live with sin.
B. Sonship. Gal 4:6, "Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your
C. Desire. John 7:37-39, "... IF, any man thirst..." also Isa. 44:3.
D. Faith. John 7:39, the Spirit given to those who believe; also Gal. 3:13,14.
E. Obedience. Acts 5 :32. He gives the Holy Ghost to those who obey Him.
F. Waiting. Luke 24 :49; Acts 1 :4, "Wait for the promise of the Father." Be unhurried.
G. Prayer. Luke 11:13, the Holy Spirit given to those who ask Him. Also Acts 4:31
H. Appropriate the fact, John 1:12. Ask and receive, Luke 11:9,10. Take the gift of the filling
and live and act as if the transaction were real and genuine. The secret of being filled with the Holy
Spirit is surrender, surrendering our wills, bodies, possessions and every aspect of our lives to His
B. Power to live victorious Christian life, Acts 20:22-24, Paul speaking to Ephesians.
C. Glory will certainly accrue to the Lord, John 16:14. the Spirit's basic ministry.
The infilling of the Spirit is the indispensable qualification for all holy living. The Holy Spirit
quickens the intellect, affections, conscience, will and personality. The filling is the secret of abiding,
obeying and God-honouring trust in the Word
1. Is the baptism of the Holy Ghost possible in this present generation? Why? (25%)
2. What do you think is the advantage of being baptized in the Holy Spirit? (25%)
Col. 2:10-12, by Spirit baptism we are complete in the new resurrected body. At Pentecost, the
day that the Holy Spirit came to abide, the disciples were filled, baptized and anointed with the Holy
Spirit. Pentecost was a definite historical event never to be repeated. It was the day of enthronement
of the Spirit, when He assumed all His various offices. We are baptized by the Spirit at conversion. We
need the anointing with power of Acts 1:8 for service and we need to be constantly filled with the Spirit.
We are not reservoirs but channels. We must overflow. Blessings must pour out. Conversion
first, then filling and overflowing. This is beautifully pictured in Bible pictures of the working of the Holy
Spirit. (1) An overflowing spring, John 4 :14 (2) Overflowing fountain, John 7 :37 -39 (3) An abundance
of sap in the tree, Rom. 8:11 (4) As overflowing waters, Eph. 5:18. Remember the filling is not a once-
for-all experience. It must be repeated daily.
IV. EVALUATION Answer the following: (Follow the same instruction from the SAQ part.)
1. What is the difference between the baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit? Why are they both
important to us as Christians? (50%)
2. Memorize Article of Faith No. 9.