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Nature of Teaching and Teacher Roles

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Module 1

Nature of Teaching and Teacher

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for
others” Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

In this Module

A. The Roles of a Teacher

1. As a Person
2. As a Professional
3. As a Community Leader and Social Advocate
4. As a Model of Character
5. As an Expert

B. Challenges in Teaching
1. Multicultural classrooms
2. Learner-centered teaching
3. Multi-grade classes
4. ICT Integration
5. Multiple Intelligences
6. Children with Special Needs

C. UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Education

It is widely recognized that teachers are the backbone of any educational

system. Teachers play a significant role in the lives of the learners, thereby enhancing
the quality of what happens in schools and preparing them to be active members of
society need the highest teaching level. This module will allow you to explore teachers'
different roles and the challenges they face in their respective classrooms as facilitators
of learning.

At the completion of this module, you are expected to:

 Explain what teaching is and describe the roles of the teachers in the teaching
learning process

Are you ready? Then start the lesson now!

1 The Roles of a Teacher

At the end of the lesson the students can:

1. Explain the meaning of the “teaching profession” and what it means
to be a teacher.
2. Describe the roles of a teacher in the teaching-learning process of the
3. Cite qualities that a professional teacher should possess


Teaching is a timeless profession. It is the premise of all other professions. Great

teachers plant seeds that produce competent physicians, good accountants, excellent
engineers, and other professions that eventually expected to be good citizens. The
importance of teachers as an architect of our future generations demands not only the
best, and the most competent individuals of society are allowed to qualify for this noble

In this lesson, you will explore the different roles of a teacher in the teaching
learning process.

Minute Talk

Ask the students around you about the question given below. Record the key term/s of
their answer.


Caring Considerate

Dedicati What are the

on to qualities of your Multitasker
teaching favorite teacher/s?

the learners Have organization
Let us Analyze communicator
Guide Questions:

1. What makes you think that those qualities mentioned above define a good
Answer: The positive outcomes like the performances or the achievements
of the students is what makes me think that all of those qualities define a
good teacher, because teachers have set their expectations to the students
while possessing those qualities mentioned above.

2. Assessing yourself now, do you think you already have those qualities? Why?
Answer: As I assess myself, I still don’t have all of those qualities because I
am still in a process of adjusting and learning that will makes me value the
roles of a teacher in order to possess those qualities.

3. As a future teacher, what are you going to do to acquire and possess

qualities of a good teacher?
Answer: I am going to learn the role of being a teacher and practice myself
on adjusting to different environment which is conducive and productive
learning in which I can see myself having progress on acquiring qualities of a
good teacher that will leads to be an effective and efficient one.

Abstraction: Let Us Build on!

What is teaching?
Various definitions have been given to teaching. Check below how scholars defined

Nilsen and Albertalli (2002), Schlechty (2004) defines teaching as

teaching in its broadest sense is the an art of inducing students to behave
process whereby a teacher guides a in ways that are assumed to lead to
learner or a group of learners to a learning, including an attempt to
higher level of knowledge or skills. induce students to so behave.

Desforges (1995) defines teaching Melby (1994) states that teaching is

as the management of pupils’ not merely dispensing subject or
experience, largely in classrooms lesson-having, but an art which
with the deliberate intention of involves the student in the teaching-
promoting their learning. learning process where the student is
given the chance to participate fully in
Frimpong (1990) defined teaching the process – that the teacher
as the process whereby a teacher accepts each pupil and has a
imparts knowledge, skills, attitudes favorable attitude towards individual
and values to a learner or group of differences.
learners in a way that respects the
intellectual integrity and capacity of Farrant (1980) simply defined
the learners with the aim of teaching as a process that facilitates
changing the behavior of the learning.

Thring, (2001) says pouring out knowledge is not teaching. Hearing lessons is not
teaching …… teaching is getting at the heart and mind so that the learner values
learning and to believe that learning is possible in his/her own case.

Smith (2004) sees teaching as the process of carrying out activities that experience
has shown to be effective in getting students to learn. He goes on to say that
teaching is that which results in learning – learning is the responsibility of the
teacher and that if students do not learn, it is the fault of the teacher. He capped
his statements on teaching by stating that teaching is undertaking certain ethical
tasks or activities, the intention of which is to induce learning.

Source: International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2013 Page | 37 International Journal for
Innovation Education and Research www.ijier.net Vol. 1-03, 2013
From the above definitions of teaching, it can be inferred that there are two
essential forms of institutionalized teaching: (a) formal teaching in which teacher guides
a teaching-learning cycle with limited student involvement; and (b) informal teaching in
which the teacher acts as a guide, facilitator, mentor or motivator, and participation by a
student is very high.

Roles of a Teacher
Teachers play very important and demanding tasks in the learners’
developmental process. They are more than entrusted with the task of molding the
character of the learners and making them productive members of society. They
represent role models for the learners who are still in their physical and mental
development, especially those who are in their early stages. If teachers perform their
role well, the learners will realize the importance of the positive traits and values being
imparted to him.
Let us review the different roles of the teachers.

Teacher as a Person

Possess the quality of an effective teacher.

 Come to class prepared
 Maintain positive attitudes about teaching and about students
 Hold high expectations for all students
 Show creativity in teaching the class
 Treat and grades students fairly
 Display a personal, approachable touch with students
 Cultivate a sense of belonging in the classroom
 Deal with student problems compassionately
 Have a sense of humor and did not take everything seriously
 Respect students and do not deliberately embarrass them
 forgiving and do not hold grudges
 Admit mistakes

Source: Walker, R. J. (2008). Twelve characteristics of an effective teacher: A

longitudinal, qualitative, quasi-research study of in-service and pre-service
teachers' opinions. educational HORIZONS, 61-68.

Teacher as a Professional
 Completed a baccalaureate degree in the field of teacher education
from a college/university recognized by CHED
 A Licensure Examination for Teacher (LET) passer
 Continued involvement in professional development as mandated by RA
10912, otherwise known as the CPD Act of 2016
 Complies with the professional and the ethical standards of a profession
reflected in the Code of Ethics
 Have professional competence shown by mastery of the subject matter
and understanding of the learners.

Teacher as a Community Leader and Social


 A great leader who focuses on shared decision-making, collaboration, and

community building. She/he provides opportunities for each student to
assume leadership roles.
 Actively participate in community movements for the betterment of the
 Establish learning environments that respond to the need of the community
by participating in community activities that promote learning.
 Use community networks to publicize school events and achievements
 Maintains stature and conduct that upholds the dignity of teaching

Teacher as a Model of Character

 empowers and motivates you to develop your potential to the fullest and see
the best in yourselves
 shows respect to your ideas and opinions, allowing you to freely express
your thoughts and feelings. This teacher sets an example for you to learn to
respect and listen to other people.
 set a model to use constructive criticism and advice as an opportunity to
grow as an educator
 Majid, R. A., Ali, M. M., & Alias, A. (2014) identified five important themes on
exemplary teacher’s characteristics.
o a teacher who motivates
o a teacher who has futuristic outlook
o a teacher who makes their students feel important
o a teacher who is passionate about his/her subject
o a teacher who has the agenda to shape the students’ attitude

Teacher as an Expert

According to Hattie, J (2003) expert teachers

1. Can identify essential representations of their subject(s)

 have deeper representations about teaching and learning
 adopt a problem – solving stance to their work
 can anticipate, plan, and improvise as required by the situation
 better decision – makers and can identify what decisions are important and
which are less important decisions

2. can guide learning through classroom interactions

 proficient at creating an optimal classroom climate for learning
 are more context-dependent and have high situation cognition

3. can monitor learning and provide feedback

 are more adept at monitoring student problems and assessing their level of
understanding and progress, and they provide much more relevant, useful
 are more adept at developing and testing hypotheses about learning
difficulties or instructional strategies

4. can attend to affective attributes

 have high respect for students
 are passionate about teaching and learning

5. can influence student outcomes

 engage students in learning and develop their students’ self-regulation,
involvement in mastery learning, enhanced self – efficacy, and self – esteem
as learners
 provide appropriate, challenging tasks and goals for students
 have positive influences on students’ achievement
 enhance surface and deep learning

Do this: Write a poem using the Haiku format synthesizing concept of teaching
and good qualities of a teacher. Share it with others after.

Teachers honing us,
Showing what can we achieve
Is accountable

With one profession

But possesses different
Roles, and

Pure, dedicated
And introduces us world
That values the life wholely.

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Direction: Gather images (clippings from magazines, photographs, or your

own drawings) and organize them to illustrate roles of a teacher. Paste your
illustration in the box provided below.
Teacher as a Person

Teacher as a Professional

Teacher as a Community Leader and Social Advocate

Teacher as a Model of Character

B. Today I learned that ……

Teaching profession really explained what it means to be a teacher and
teachers have so many roles in which there are many qualities that they
must have possess or the description about the teaching-learning process of
the learners. By that, teachers play a vital role to classroom, community and
to any other aspects of life.
CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done!
You may now proceed to lesson 2.

2 Challenges in Teaching
At the end of the lesson the students can:

1. Describe the various challenges of the teachers in facilitating the teaching

learning process.


Teaching is perhaps the oldest profession in the world. Knowledge and skills
have been passed before, regardless of tradition, race, and society. The only difference
today is the existence of learning institutions and is done by certain qualified personnel
in a given subject of study.

However, just like any other job, challenges, and benefits are prevalent in
teaching. In this lesson, you will learn the different challenges that the teaching force
experienced in performing their duty.

Make it Personal
Direction: Interview a teacher concerning challenges in the classroom and ways
of overcoming it. Write a summary of the interview using the matrix below: You
may add a row if necessary.

Challenges in the Classroom Ways of Overcoming it

The noise of the students while Using disciplinary techniques and have
having busy schedules. time management.

Uncooperative students of dealing Showing patience, understanding and let

with submission. them reflect towards their mistakes.

Lack of resources especially in the Think of alternatives, utilize the available

materials to be used in teaching. materials that could be a big help in
transferring knowledge to students.
Different learning styles of students. Always consider the learners first,
analyse and guide them to be able to
adjust to the differences of the students.
Diversity of students’ background. Knowing more about the students
through letting them write something
about themselves.
Rowdy classroom, especially in the Get the students’ attention through
middle of discussion giving them signals like seating

Let us Analyze
Guide Questions:

a. From the interview you have conducted, what do you think is the most pressing
concern of the teacher? Why?
Answer: Adjusting to different learning styles of the students because it is
difficult to incorporate various methods in teaching, especially in high school
level. Always thinking of pedagogies where all students can easily get used to it
even though it is a slow process it will become better until it meets the learning
outcomes because after all, it is one of the expected goals of the teacher.

b. Do you agree with the strategy used by the teacher in addressing the difficulty?
Answer: Yes, I agree. A classroom consists of diverse learners. It is one of the
challenges of the teacher that is why one of the best ways to face this challenge
is to always consider the learners first. Analysing them will guide the teacher to
deal more with the learning behaviour and styles of the learners. The teachers
will be able to adjust to the differences of the students and be able to make
generalizations in conceptualizing pedagogies that could help the students in
learning throughout the process.

c. If you are the teacher, how are you going to overcome the challenge?

Answer: If I am the teacher, I will be more open to my students and analyse

their characteristics individually because I know it will reflect to their preferred
way of learning. Also, I will gather more information relevant to the topic in
knowing the background of the students to be more knowledgeable as well as to
be aware in addressing individual’s sensitivity inside the classroom.

Abstraction: Let Us Build on!

Challenges in Teaching
The significant contributions of the teachers in the life of the learners are
undeniable. They have all the opportunities to impact the lives of the learners. However,
parallel to this opportunity are the challenges they are facing inside the classrooms.
Let us take a look at the distinctive classroom challenges that the teachers are
confronting within the classroom.

Multicultural Classrooms

1. Language Barrier
 The main difference between multicultural and ordinary classroom is a language
barrier. Coming from various countries and even city districts, children can speak
the same language, but they can never understand each other.
 Learners get into the environment where a teacher uses a language they do not
understand at all. Their task is not just to understand what a teacher says but
also to gain new information – twice harder than in a normal classroom.

2. Domination of different learning styles

 learners absorb information in a variety of ways
 A teacher should give their students all the learning styles (auditory, visual,
tactile, etc.) to better understand the information.

3. Non- verbal behavior

 Body language of another ethnic group is difficult sometimes to
 When the teacher is not conscious of the non-verbal behaviors characteristic of
the society where his learners are from, this may lead to several troubles and
difficulty of right interpretation.
 Examples of non-verbal behaviors are raised hands, eye contact, and head nods

4. Presenting one topic from different perspectives

 restricted number of school lessons does not always provide the opportunity for
the teacher to present topics different prospective independent on the nationality
or ethnic tribe

5. Diversity of extracurricular activities

 It is the teacher’s job to provide different extracurricular activities that would
accustomed learners familiar with new traditions, a way of life relationships in
this modern society

6. Teaching communication skills

 Apart from difficulties in using a foreign language, students may feel
uncomfortable or unable to express their views because of the fear not to be
 Teachers should inspire students to discuss different issues, speak up their minds
on a range of topics, and foster a friendly classroom atmosphere.

7. Constant work with parents

 Communication with parents can help understand how a learner feels in a new
environment, has been raised from childhood, what tradition influenced his view
of the world, etc.

Source: https://blog.noplag.com/challenges-of-multicultural-education/

Learner – Centered Teaching

 Designs of the classrooms are not appropriate design for the learner-centered
teaching methods
 Some teachers are in a rush to implement the approach without a thorough
understanding of the principles and a careful plan of teaching.
 It may be the case that while many teachers are personally committed to
serving learners’ needs, the structure of their organization and policies may
not accommodate or, in some cases, hinder the desire to be more learners-
 Teachers must try to manage all learners’ activities at once, which can be
challenging when learners are working on different stages of the identical
 Because the teacher does not deliver instructions to all learners at once, some
learners may miss vital facts
 Some learners choose to work alone; thus group work can become challenging
Sources: http://www.languageinindia.com/nov2017/annielearnercentredclassfinal.pdf

Multi–Grade Classes

 Needs further planning of learning materials for the curriculum.

 Needs a more thorough analysis of learners' developmental features at all age
levels participating in the class, approaches, and strategies that are successful
and feasible within a multi-grade class.
 More investment in the organization of the classroom as a learning
 More meticulous and systematic record-keeping to keep track of student
progress, curriculum development and implementation is required.

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/Pilmathe2001/the-challenges-of-multigrade-teaching

ICT Integration

 Concerns on the availability of technology infrastructure

 Lack of technical support
 Lack of teacher collaboration and pedagogical support
 insufficient time to learn new technologies or integrate ICT during a class
 Lack of funds for operations and maintenance
 unavailability of ICT resources or materials in school in which ICT trainers
were found difficulty to realize the knowledge and skills gained in trainings

Source: http://www.ijern.com/journal/2018/September-2018/13.pdf

Multiple Intelligences
 challenges in the implementation of multiple intelligence in the curriculum
 assessments of students and problems along with the instructions which are
tailored for diverse learning
 preparation of individualized or differentiated instructions

Source: https://www.educatorone.com/blog/Challenges-of-Implementing-Multiple-

Children with Special Needs

 Lack of teacher’s training in handling children with special needs

 Lack of competence
 Lack of concrete materials
 Assessment and evidence of student growth
 Collaborating with general education teachers
 Variability of students’ needs
 Lack of experience in an inclusion setting
 Lack of experience dealing with severe and profound disabilities
 Individualized lesson plans
 Dealing with parents of “typically developing” students
 Dealing with multiple disabilities


Do this: Write a single summary sentence that answers the what, why and how about
the topic “Challenges in Teaching”.
In teaching, there are always barriers such that the challenges in Multicultural
classrooms, Learner-Centered Teaching, Multi-Grade Classes, ICT Integration, Multiple
Intelligence and Children with Special Needs. Those challenges give opportunities to
teachers to think and gather some information in which it can explore more on how to
overcome it. The reason why those challenges are indicated is to inform everyone the
most common problems that occur in classroom especially to the students or the
learners to be able to adjust and accept what is lacking.

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Direction: Write a short article about how the information on challenges in

teaching applies to your major field/specialization?

In today’s education, there are many changes in the way of teaching,

materials to be used, methods and strategies. And it is the duty and the
responsibilities of the teacher to facilitate and guide the learners. Teaching has
increasingly become more difficult with time especially when students are in
alarming rate. It is because there are many things and situations that need to be
These are the following information at the distinctive classroom
challenges that the teachers are confronting within the classroom and I will
explained how these applies to my field, specializing Mathematics Education.
First, the Multicultural classroom- when mathematics will be teach to students
from different place with different language and culture, it will leads to
misunderstanding and the learning will be in a slow process because of many
factors to be consider though history can be applicable to everyone. Second,
Learner-Centered Teaching- the teacher must be prepared for materials to be
used and must be detailed because students can miss vital facts when it is not
elaborated and explained thoroughly especially when the topic is very hard.
Third, the Multi-Grade Classes- the lesson or topic in Mathematics should have a
detailed lesson planning and must consider that the type of approaches to be
used must be effective to multi-grade class to meet the expected outcomes.
Fourth, the ICT Integration- students must be knowledgeable or literate in using
technology in order to respond actively and also to the teacher because it will
just consume the time or will hinder for following the guides in the middle of
discussions which is not good in the fields. Fifth, Multiple Intelligence- it is a big
challenge for students and teachers because it will challenge their way of
thinking on how to avoid on relating to other subject other than Mathematics.
And last, Children with Special Needs- it will makes me research on how to deal
and relating my subject in order to have competence and knowledgeable for
them collaborate in my activities in Mathematics.

Overall, the information in challenges of teaching helps me explained on

how to deal with it, especially on how to apply it in my specialization because it
can be my guide on facilitating my learners in the near future.

B. Today I learned that ……

There are many challenges in teaching not just the daily challenges that
the teachers faced in the classroom but as a whole problems that serves as
barriers in teaching. Through knowing the description of it, as a future teacher it
helps me on how to apply it in my field.

CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you enjoy lesson 2!
You may now proceed to lesson 3.

3 UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Education
At the end of the lesson the students can:

1. Describe UNESCO’s four pillars of education as a guiding principles of

learner’s holistic development


Every nation aims to achieve the goals of quality education. Its target goes
beyond producing graduates that are just equipped with the necessary skills needed to
be employed but also concerns with the holistic development of the students needed to
become an active builder of the society.
In this lesson, you will learn the four pillars of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and their applicability in the teaching-
learning process.

Picture Prompt

Direction: Identify and describe the pictures below. Explain your description
about the pictures

The picture shows on how people receives one’s

interest, likes which can lead in accepting the beliefs
where everyone can easily adjust and adopt the system
of individual.
The picture shows about exploring and browsing with
regards to the happening to the world and having the
awareness and understanding to the world issues.

The picture shows the kid is reading where she can learn
and discover something that might help her understand
the world as well as can gain knowledge that will
The picture
enhance hershows
skills. the girl is doing something done by her
hand in which she can transfer her knowledge by practicing
not just to learn in watching videos or listening to
someone’s lecture.
Let us Analyze

Guide Questions:

4. Based on your answer above, what do you think is the concept being
shown in the pictures?
Answer: As I have described the pictures above, I think the concept that
being shown in the pictures is the four pillars of education in which
Learning by doing, learning to live together, learning to be and learning
to know are present. The concept of applying what education has
contributed to individuals that develop them to fulfil their roles in

5. How are the pictures related to your role as a teacher?

Answer: The pictures are related to my role as a teacher in a way of
believing that teacher must combine all of it. All of it is the basis of a
good education. Teacher must give them the tools they need to
recognize the world around them, exercise their memory, attention and
thought. If they have knowledge they learn to do, they materialize what
they have in their minds; each one according to their level and
capabilities. They learn to make judgments about right and wrong so
they can think critically. Also teacher should guide them through the
discovery of who they are, and what do they want in life, teachers must
provide all the possible experiences so they can reach to those answers.
If they know who they are, accept and love themselves they will accept,
tolerate and love others. They will the importance of a person’s essence;
that goes beyond social class, color, education and culture.

6. As a future teacher, what are you going to do to equip students with

learning opportunities guided by the concepts you mentioned?
Answer: Since the concepts that I mention is about the four pillars of
education, as a future teacher to equip the students with learning I
may, first I will let the students read the said topic I have given and let
them analyse to explore which will make them discover something new
that makes them critically think. Second, I will let them do the activities
in actual or relates them to real life situations. Having experiments are
also applicable in which they can transfer their knowledge as well their
skills by doing such. Third, I will assign them an activity like a role play
about their selves for I know it will boost their self-esteem. And lastly, I
will encourage my students to write about their selves and let them
speak in front in order for everyone to be aware and to have knowledge
of individual’s interests and habits.

Abstraction: Let Us Build on!

UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Education

UNESCO's four pillars of education are the guiding principles of education
systems worldwide to ensure quality education for everyone. Those principles
underscore a holistic and a higher level of skills to strive to self - actualization to better
serve our diverse and ever-changing world. These four pillars of education are learning
to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be.

Learning to Know

Development of the Head: Knowledge

 to learn and to discover
 To develop one’s concentration and memory skills.
 to understand the world around them
 to think critically
 to understand sustainability concepts and issues

Learning to Do
Development of the Hand: Skills and Actions
 Very much related to “learning by doing” of John Dewey
 Students should be “doing” rather than “listening.”
 Putting knowledge and learning into practice
 Transformation of skills learned in school into personal competencies or
interpersonal skills throughout life.
 Development of not only of occupational knowledge but also skills and
talents, social behavior, personal initiative, and a willingness to work
 Ability to communicate effectively with others

Learning to Live Together

Development of Values: Attitudes

 Appreciation of the human race's diversity
 Respect for other people and their beliefs, cultures, and value systems
 A total shift from self-centeredness
 Empathy and mutual social involvement in caring and sharing
 The willingness to understand others and to resolve conflicts through
 Competency in working towards common objectives

Learning to Be

Development of the Heart: Awareness and Understanding

 Development of the mind, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic sense,
personal responsibility, and spiritual values
 Development of the qualities of imagination and creativity
 Total fulfillment of man, in all the richness of his personality
 Learning to be human
 Development of personal commitment and responsibility

Do this: Write a short advice letter to yourself on how to successfully provide

learning experiences to students guided by the Four Pillars of Learning.
Advice letter to myself:

It is not easy to learn in just a bit period of time instead it will need
more experiences to fully grasp such topic. To successfully provide learning
experiences to students guided by the Four Pillars of Learning is to make their
learning of brings to their daily lifestyle, wherever they are, whoever they met,
and whenever they encounter different situations. It will surely remain forever to
their minds and heart if they value their learning. Because even if the world is
changing it doesn’t mean that you have to change the philosophy of education
instead you have to be an educator who thinks of the understanding of the
students. Therefore, you have to introduce the four pillars of education that
serves as a lighthouse or principle that can’t be moved and change by anyone
because it plays a vital role to daily experiences.

Application: Let’s Apply

A. Direction: Fill in the table below using the criteria provided.

Pillar of Learning Skills Required Strategies to develop

the skills
Learning to Know Listening, reading with Have concentration in order
comprehension, data to develop the skills to be
gathering, note taking, able to have evidences in
observing and assessing, acquiring these skills that
processing and selecting helps produce ideas and
information. decisions.

Learning to do Decision making skill, good Must have the personal

problem-solving, innovative competence.
and collaborative skills.
Learning to Live Critical thinking, self- To develop these skill,
together control, cooperation, individuals should be well-
handling emotions and mannered and practice in
relationship building. communicating everyone.

Learning to be Flexible, artistic, aesthetic, Needs to be rich in

intellectually skilled, and personalities and to be
spiritually skilled. responsible.

B. Today I learned that

The UNESCO’s four pillar of education will make me as an effective

educator if I will apply it as guiding principles of learner’s holistic development. It
is the key for achieving everyone’s goal which is the quality education, especially
when learners acquired the needed skills of every pillar in order to be an active
builder to the society.

Wow, CONGRATULATIONS for completing the first module!
Good Job.

Module Summary
This module includes lessons that encourage you to explore the different roles
of a teacher as an architect of our future generations. The various attributes of a good
teacher as a facilitator of learning have been explored. In addition, the difficulties that
teachers face in promoting student learning have also been discussed. Finally, the
guiding principles of learners’ holistic development of UNESCO’s four pillars of education
were revisited. Hopefully, the facts presented will all the more ignite your passion to be
a part of molding the future generation holistically.

 Bilbao, Purita P.; Corpuz, Brenda B., Llagas, Avelina T. &Salandanan, Gloria.
2018. The Teaching profession.
 Hattie, J. (2003). Teachers Make a Difference, What is the research evidence?.
 International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2013 Page |
37 International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
www.ijier.net Vol. 1-03, 2013
 Majid, R. A., Ali, M. M., & Alias, A. (2014). Teacher Character Strengths and
Talent Development. International Education Studies, 7(13), 175-183.
 Olaniran, Sunday. (2016). Revisiting UNESCO Four Pillars of Education and its
Implications for the 21st Century Teaching and Learning.
 Walker, R. J. (2008). Twelve characteristics of an effective teacher: A
longitudinal, qualitative, quasi-research study of in-service and pre-service
teachers' opinions. educational HORIZONS, 61-68.
 https://www.slideshare.net/tinmay/the-teacher-as-a-person-in-the-society
 https://www.slideshare.net/madeehaminhas/teacher-as-a-role-model
 https://www.slideshare.net/nooremah/teacher-as-role-model
 https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1071186.pdf
 http://soeagra.com/ijert/ijertjune2015/7a.pdf
 https://sg.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/37688/9/09_chapter%205.pf
 https://blog.noplag.com/challenges-of-multicultural-education/
 https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1247962.pdf
 http://www.languageinindia.com/nov2017/annielearnercentredclassfinal.pdf
 https://www.slideshare.net/Pilmathe2001/the-challenges-of-multigrade-teaching
 https://www.slideshare.net/deepali2009/planning-and-implementing-guidance-
 https://www.slideshare.net/deepali2009/planning-and-implementing-guidance-
 https://www.educatorone.com/blog/Challenges-of-Implementing-Multiple-
 https://degree.astate.edu/articles/k-12-education/common-challenges-in-
 https://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2012/02/01/the-top-10-challenges-of-
 https://wehavekids.com/education/Top-Challenges-Teacher-Face-in-Special-
 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a501/1ccbe91d98674ab95c635fb098733ea9403
 http://iflex.innotech.org/GURO21/module1/l1_20.html
 https://www.academia.edu/19090829/FOUR_PILLARS_OF_EDUCATION

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