Sentence Correction Handout: Ref: SCHO1002201

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(Nouns & Articles)
Ref: SCHO1002201

Directions for questions 1 to 30: Read the following sentences and identify grammatical errors, if any.

1. The army have besieged the city and are poised to 16. That machines have brought us more leisure is
launch an all-out attack at daybreak. Robert’s, the authors view.

2. The issue remained unresolved as the committee

17. The novel’s first part is full of dense prose and
was divided on several points.
delicately nuanced details.

3. Even when we run the risk of losing our lives,

18. I usually add two teaspoonsful of sugar to my cup of
courage make us defend what is right and oppose
what is wrong.

4. I visited the local air force base on Saturday and saw 19. The Prime Minister of Mauritius speech, at the summit
as many as twenty fighter aircrafts takeoff and land. of non-aligned countries was well-appreciated by all
the delegates.
5. In my youth, 4 dozens apples cost just 50 rupees
but now they cost five times more. 20. Prince Charles wife, Camilla, is well-known in
social circles.
6. The media provides information which are relevant
to the citizens of the country. 21. Many experts opine that Sachin Tendulkar is
Bradman of the modern age.
7. There are no machineries to resolve such disputes
and this has, in no small measure, contributed to the
22. Vertigo occurs when there is a mismatch in an
present situation.
information sent to the brain.
8. This binoculars was gifted to me by my uncle on my
birthday last year. 23. Isabella, heroine of the novel, sets sail for India,
along with her husband Joseph.
9. Rickets are a disease that generally occur due to
a deficiency of vitamin D. 24. West Indies islands, in Central America, are home to
a wide variety of flora and fauna.
10. All his meagre savings was exhausted to meet his
medical expenses when he underwent a heart 25. The team could not win the match because it was
surgery recently. split into two groups.

11. When Catherine decided to adopt a child, her mother, 26. The faculty at the university are well-qualified.
who was in her early seventies, gave her an advice.
27. The school band is at the studio, recording a new
12. The king, along with the ministers, are expected to album for the upcoming event.
grace the occasion.
28. There are six scores boxes to be checked and
13. We resumed our work after a ten minutes break.
29. The proceeds of the charity show was distributed
14. John Harrison is one of the celebrated novelists among the needy.
who was nominated for the Pulitzer award.
30. The whereabouts of the fugitive is still unknown,
15. Raju’s and Ravi’s workshop that is just round the although the police believe that they are very close
corner, services motorbikes of all types. to apprehending him.

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Directions for questions 1 to 10: Read the following sentences and identify grammatical errors if any. Select the letter
corresponding to the erroneous part as your answer.

1. For goodness sake, / please avoid playing the music 6. My brother Sam, / who is a research scholar / at
(A) (B) (A) (B)
system / so loudly at this time / of the night. University of California, in the United States / is
(C) (D) (C)
expected to submit his thesis very soon.
2. Keats and Shelley’s poems / deify nature / in all its (D)
(A) (B) (C)
forms / and manifestations. 7. John goes to the church / every Sunday / and the
(D) (A) (B)
church he goes to / is near the British Council Library.
3. The management is looking / for someone with a (C) (D)
(A) (B)
8. John Sullivan did not discover Nilgiris, / but he was
good knowledge of French / and with ten year’s /
(A) (B)
the first to see / its potential / as a sanatorium.
experience in teaching.
(C) (D)
9. Although his means is more / than adequate / he is
4. Martin Luther King, / who led Gandhian Revolution / (A) ` (B)
(A) (B) not content / with his lot.
against racial discrimination, / achieved notable (C) (D)
(C) (D)
success. 10. Two of her sister-in-laws / are married to foreign
(A) (B)
nationals / who are well settled / in their chosen
5. Raju’s statement / betrays his lack of understanding (C) (D)
(A) (B) professions.
/ of economics / of the situation.
(C) (D)

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