Optimization of MIG Welding Parameters

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.


Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

Optimization of MIG Welding Parameters

for Improving Strength of Welded Joints
M.Tech (AMS) Student, Dept. of Mechanical Assistant professor, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, Sai Ganapathi Engg. College, Engineering, Sai Ganapathi Engg. College,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract: The problem that has faced the manufacturer is the control of the process input parameters to
obtain a good welded joint with the required weld quality. Traditionally, it has been necessary to study
the weld input parameters for welded product to obtain a welded joint with the required quality. To do
so, requires a time-consuming trial and error development method. Then welds are examined whether
they meet the requirement or not. Finally, the weld parameters can be chosen to produce a welded joint
that closely meets the joint qualities. Also, what is not achieved or often considered is an optimized
welding parameters combination, since welds can often be formed with very different parameters. In
other words, there is often a more ideal welding input parameters combination, which can be used. In this
thesis, the influence of welding parameters like welding current, welding voltage, welding speed on
ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of AISI 1050 mild steel material during welding. A plan of experiments
based on Taguchi technique has been used. An Orthogonal array, signal to noise (S/N) ratio and analysis
of variance (ANOVA) are employed to study the welding characteristics of material & optimize the
welding parameters. The result computed is in form of contribution from each parameter, through which
optimal parameters are identified for maximum tensile strength. From this study, it is observed that
welding current and welding speed are major parameters which influence on the tensile strength of
welded joint.
Key words: MIG Welding; Speed; Taguchi Method; Mini Tab; Tensile Test;
I. INTRODUCTION than others. Steel can be a great choice because of
its strength, affordability and weld ability. As a
Welding is, at its core, simply a way of bonding
rule, the stronger the steel, the harder it is to weld.
two pieces of metal. While there are other ways to
Accordingly, several steel alloys were developed
join metal (riveting, brazing and soldering, for
with welding in mind. Of course, almost any metal
instance), welding has become the method of
can be welded, including cast iron,
choice for its strength, efficiency and versatility.
bronze, aluminium and even titanium, although the
There are tons of different welding methods, and latter requires a highly protected atmosphere
more are being invented all the time. Some because the metal is so reactive.
methods use heat to essentially melt two pieces of
Whatever you're welding, remember: safety first. If
metal together, often adding a "filler metal" into the
you've ever seen welding in person, you can testify
joint to act as a binding agent. Other methods rely
to the blinding brightness the process creates.
on pressure to bind metal together, and still others
Looking directly at a weld site without protection
use a combination of both heat and pressure.
can produce what's known as arc eye, a painful
Unlike soldering and brazing, where the metal
inflammation of the cornea that feels like getting
pieces being joined remain unaltered, the process
sand in your eye. No wonder that a good welder's
of welding always changes the work pieces.
mask is a prerequisite for any welding outfit.
The most basic welding rigs, for occasional use in a
home workshop, can be had for under $100.
Typically, these rigs are set up for shielded metal
arc welding(SMAW), or stick welding. Many
units only have an on/off switch in the way of
controls, making them simple to operate. Torch
welding rigs are small and easy to work with,
which is part of why they're commonly used. These Fig1. welding process
torches use oxyacetylene for the flame, along with THE PROCESS OF WELDING
a filler rod. But some rigs (like those used in laser-
beam welding) are so expensive and complicated Mo-st welding done today falls into one of two
that they are only used in industrial applications. categories: arc welding- and torch welding.

As for materials, some are much easier to weld Arc welding use-s an electrical arc to melt the

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.
Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

work materials as well as filler material (sometimes welding voltage, current, wire speed and gas flow
called the welding rod) for welding joints. Arc rate were studied. The experiments were conducted
welding involves attaching a grounding wire to the based on a four-factor, three-level, face centred
welding material or other metal surface. Another composite design matrix. The empirical
wire known as an electrode lead is placed on the relationship can be used to predict the yield
material to be welded. Once that lead is pulled strength of inert gas metal arc welded AISI 1040
away from the material, an electric arc is generated. medium carbon steel. Response Surface
It's a little like the sparks you see when pulling Methodology (RSM) was applied to optimizing the
jumper cables off a car battery. The arc then melts MIG welding process parameters to attain the
the work pieces along with the filler material that maximum yield strength of the joint.
helps to join the pieces.
Feeding the filler into the welding joint takes
Objective of the work
steady hands and an eye for detail. As the rod
melts, the welder must continuously feed the filler In this thesis, materials AISI 1050 Mild Steel are
into the joint using small, steady, back-and-forth welded by varying process parameters welding
motions. These motions are what gives welds their speed, welding current and welding voltage. Effect
distinctive appearance. Going too fast or slow, or of process current on the tensile strength of weld
holding the arc too close or far away from the joint will be analysed.
material can create poor welds.
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW or stick
In this thesis, experiments are made to understand
welding), gas metal arc welding (more
the effect of MIG welding parameters welding
commonly known as metal inert gas, or MIG,
speed, welding current and welding voltage on
welding) and gas tungsten arc welding
output parameters such as hardness of welding,
(frequently called tungsten inert gas, or TIG,
tensile strength of welding.
welding) all exemplify arc welding.
MIG welding experimental images
These three common methods each offer unique
advantages and drawbacks. Stick welding, for
instance, is inexpensive and easy to learn. It's also
slower and less versatile than some other methods.
Oppositely, TIG welding is difficult to learn and
requires an elaborate welding rig. TIG welding
produces high-quality welds, however, and can
weld materials that other methods can't.
Torch welding represents another popular welding
method. This process typically uses an MIG welding machine
oxyacetylene torch to melt the working material
and welding rod. The welder controls the torch and
rod simultaneously, giving him or her a lot of
control over the weld. While torch welding has
become less common industrially, it's still
frequently used for maintenance and repair work,
as well as in sculptures (more on that later).
Work pieces (AISI 1050 STEEL)
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), sometimes
referred to by its subtypes Metal Inert Gas (MIG)
welding or Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding, is a
semi-automatic or automatic 0020 Arc welding
process in which a continuous and consumable
wire electrode and a shielding gas are fed through a
welding gun. A constant voltage, direct current
power source is most commonly used with
GMAW, but constant current systems, as well as
alternating current, can be used. In this research
work an attempt was made to develop a response
surface model to predict tensile strength of inert
gas metal arc welded AISI 1040 medium carbon
steel joints. The process parameters such as Dumbbell shape work pieces for tensile test

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.
Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

180 300 24 410

180 400 26 451.197
230 200 22 403
230 300 24 440.581
230 400 26 372
280 200 22 375.287
280 300 24 369
280 400 26 378
Work pieces’ setup

Welding process
For the experiment, welding parameters selected
are shown in table.
The welding current and electrodes considered are
WELDING 180 230 280
WELDING 200 300 400
SPEED (m. m/s)
WELDING 22 24 26
CURRENT SPEED (m. VOLTAGE • Taguchi defines Quality Level of a
(AMP) m/s) (V) product as the Total Loss incurred by
society due to failure of a product to
180 200 22
perform as desired when it deviates from
180 300 24
the delivered target performance levels.
180 400 26
230 200 22 • This includes costs associated with poor
230 300 24 performance, operating costs (which
230 400 26 changes as a product ages) and any added
280 200 22 expenses due to harmful side effects of the
280 300 24 product in use.
280 400 26 Taguchi Methods
● Help companies to perform the Quality
G SPEED VOLTAG TENSILE ● Quality problems are due to Noises in the
CURREN product or process system
(m. m/s) E (V) STRENGT
H (MPa) ● Noise is any undesirable effect that
180 200 22 375 increases variability

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.
Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

● Conduct extensive Problem Analyses 230 200 22

230 300 24
● Employ Inter-Disciplinary Teams
230 400 26
● Perform Designed Experimental Analyses 280 200 22
● Evaluate Experiments using ANOVA and 280 300 24
Signal-to noise techniques 280 400 26
TURNING PROCESS The following are the observations made by
running the experiments. The ultimate tensile
In order to identify the process parameters affecting strength observed.
the selected machine quality characteristics of
turning, the following process parameters are UTS (MPa)
selected for the present work: cutting speed (A), 375
feed rate (B) and depth of cut (C). the selection of 410
parameters of interest and their ranges is based on 451.917
literature review and some preliminary experiments 403
conducted. 440.581
Selection of Orthogonal Array
The process parameters and their values are given 369
in table. It was also decided to study the two – 378
factor interaction effects of process parameters on
the selected characteristics while turning. These
interactions were considered between cutting speed OPTIMIZATION OF ULTIMATE TENSILE
and feed rate (AXB), feed rate and depth of cut STRENGTH USING MINITAB SOFTWARE
(BXC), cutting speed and depth of cut (AXC). Design of Orthogonal Array
PROCESS LE LEVEL LEVEL First Taguchi Orthogonal Array is designed in
PARAMETERS VEL1 2 3 Minitab17 to calculate S/N ratio and Means which
WELDING 180 230 280 steps is given below:
WELDING 200 300 400
SPEED (m. m/s)
WELDING 22 24 26
Using randomization technique, specimen was
turned and cutting forces were measured with the
three – dimensional dynamometer. The
experimental data for the cutting forces have been
reported in Tables. Feed and radial forces being
‘lower the better’ type of machining quality OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS
characteristics, the S/N ratio for this type of
response was and is given below:

Where y1,y2,…..,yn are the responses of the

machining characteristics for each parameter at
different levels.
(AMP) m/s) (V)
180 200 22
180 300 24
180 400 26

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.
Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

Taguchi method stresses the importance of
studying the response variation using the signal–
to–noise (S/N) ratio, resulting in minimization of
quality characteristic variation due to
Analyse Taguchi Design – Select Responses uncontrollable parameter. The cutting force is
considered as the quality characteristic with the
concept of "the larger-the-better". The S/N ratio for
the larger-the-better is:
S/N = -10 *log(Σ(Y2)/n))
Where n is the number of measurements in a
trial/row, in this case, n=1 and y is the measured
value in a run/row. The S/N ratio values are
Terms calculated by taking into consideration above Eqn.
with the help of software Minitab 17.
The force values measured from the experiments
and their corresponding S/N ratio values are listed
in Table

The experiment designed by Taguchi method
fulfils the desired objective. Fuzzy interference
system has been used to find out the ultimate
tensile strength. The all possible values of have
been calculated by using MINITAB 17.0 software.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) helps to find out
the significance level of each parameter. The
optimum value was predicted using MINITAB-17
The welding parameters are Welding current,
welding voltage and welding speed for MIG
welding of work piece AISI1050 steel. In this
work, the optimal parameters of welding speed are
200m.m/s, 300 m.m/s & 400 m.m/s, welding
S/N ratio plot current are 180, 230 &280 amps, and welding
voltage are 22, 24 &26 volts. Experimental work is
conducted by considering the above parameters.
Ultimate tensile strength validated experimentally.
The experimental results confirmed the validity of
the used Taguchi method for enhancing the
welding performance and optimizing the welding
parameters in MIG welding at welding speed 400
m.m/s, welding voltage 26 volts and welding
current 180 amps
[1]. Optimization of mig welding process
parameters to predict maximum yield
strength in aisi 1040 ajit hooda1*, ashwani
Means plot dhingra2 and satpal sharma2
[2]. A Review on Optimization of MIG Welding

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Sindiri Mahesh* et al.
Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April – May 2017, 6453-6458.

Parameters using Taguchi’s DOE Method

Satyaduttsinh P. Chavda1, Jayesh V.Desai2
, Tushar M.Patel3
[3]. Optimization of the process parameters for
mig welding of aisi 304 and is 1079 using
fuzzy logic method prasenjit mondal1,
dipankar bose2
[4]. Optimization of MIG welding Process
Parameter using Taguchi Techniques Kapil
B. Pipavat1 , Dr. Divyang Pandya2 , Mr.
Vivek Patel3
[5]. Optimization of MIG Welding Parameters
for Hardness of Aluminium Alloys Using
Taguchi Method Vineeta Kanwal1 , R S
[6]. Parameters Optimization for Tensile
Strength & Hardness of MIG Welding Joint
of HSS & Mild Steel by Using Taguchi
Technique Er. Rahul Malik1 , Er. Surjeet
Gahlot2 , Dr. S.K. Jarial3
[7]. A Review on Parametric Optimization of
MIG Welding Parameters by using Various
Optimization Techniques 1Pranesh B.
Bamankar Asst. Professor Arvind Gavali
College of Engg. Satara 2Amol Chavan
Student Arvind Gavali College of Engg.
Satara Tushar Phadtare Student Arvind
Gavali College of Engg. Satara
Sindiri Mahesh, M.Tech (AMS)
Student, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, Sai Ganapathi Engg.
College, visakpatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Mr. Velamala Appalaraju,

Assistant professor, Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering, Sai
Ganapathi Engg. College,
visakpatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

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