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Load Shedding: - A SICAM Application

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Load shedding

– a SICAM application


Load shedding for industry grids is Human Machine Interface (HMI) of be shed, the balance of the active
an integrated solution the automation system. power is calculated periodically for
Load shedding maintains the stability each contingency. The calculation
of electrical grids, especially in critical Main functions determines which feeders will be shed
situations such as a sudden loss of in case of a critical event based on
Fast power-based load shedding
generated power. the available power, spinning reserve,
and actual topology. If a critical event
The load shedding function establishes During critical events, low-priority
happens, fast load shedding will react
and monitors the balance of generated consumer power must be shed very
within 30 ms*. FPLS automatically
and consumed loads by shedding fast to restore the balance of gene-
recognizes multiple islands of the
consumer feeders with low priority. rated and consumed power.
grid and operates separately for each
Automatic load shedding is the only
To determine how much power must island.
way to prevent deep drops of system
frequency or frequency collapse
following a large disturbance.
Load shedding uses a distributed
system architecture based on the
IEC 61850 standard. The central load
shedding controller at the plant level
is based on a single or redundant
SICAM RTU. At the bay level, the
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
are based on SIPROTEC devices for
protection and control.
Operator access is provided by the

* under defined conditions

Plant operation Control center

Bay level: SIPROTEC IEC 61850 GOOSE

Protection and Control

Trigger #2=1

IF Trigger #2=1 IF Trigger #2=1

➔ No reaction ➔ Trip!
Trigger Reaction Trigger Reaction
#1 1 #1 0
#2 0 #2 1
#3 1 #3 0

Dynamic power-based load shedding Range of operation Benefits

(DPLS) Load shedding is configured using • Fully integrated into the substation
When the grid is operated in island distributed IEDs that communicate via automation system, only central
mode, the load balance is calculated the IEC 61850 protocol. Very fast controller is needed
periodically. If the spinning reserve GOOSE messages ensure a short • Power-based load shedding only
falls below an operator-defined reaction time. Up to 150 loads can be trips minimum number of feeders
threshold, consumed power is shed shed based on the assignment of 50
• Very fast response time for power-
starting with low priority loads until priority levels. Feeders with the same
based load shedding
sufficient spinning reserve is regained. priority are treated as a group and
DPLS occurs separately for each recog- shed together. • Grid topology, for example for
nized island grid. DPLS is an optional multiple islands, is calculated auto-
Up to 30 contingencies can be defined matically
function, similar to load inhibition that
as critical events that trigger load
monitors large consumers like MV • Based on the IEC 61850 standard to
shedding. The response time of FPLS is
motors whose equipment is currently ensure communication beween all
typically at 30 ms* maximum. This
not operating. If the typical power included automation devices. This
figure measures the time from
consumed by these loads is larger than significantly reduces parallel wiring,
recognition of a contingency to the
the current reserve, the loads are increases system availability and
activation of the trip signal for the
prevented from becoming energized. provides a future-proof solution
affected loads.
• Very high availability: redundant
Frequency-based load shedding controllers (option) and indepen-
System requirements
(FBLS) dent FBLS as a backup ensure
• A load shedding controller based on
FBLS provides a backup shedding system availability.
SICAM AK3 (CP-2019) or A8000
function. It works independently of
(CP-8050, with limitations) with
power-based load shedding and uses a
Ethernet connection to all IEDs via
distributed architecture. One frequen-
IEC 61850
cy relay per busbar section supervises
the frequency for up to four thres- • IEDs with IEC 61850 interface in-
Published by
holds.When a threshold is reached, cluding GOOSE function and capabil-
Siemens AG 2018
fast shedding of predefined feeders is ity of fast functional plan charts Energy Management
initiated automatically. Every stage of • An operator HMI based on SICAM Freyeslebenstraße 1
the frequency relays includes a time SCC or Spectrum Power 5 for moni- 91058 Erlangen,
delay to prevent unwanted shedding. toring and tuning of LS Germany
In addition, the rate of change (df/dt)
Subject to changes and errors. The informa
can be monitored for faster reaction. tion given in this document only contains
general descriptions and/or performance
features which may not always specifically
reflect those described, or which may undergo
modification in the course of further develop-
ment of the products.
The requested performance features are
binding only when they are expressly agreed
upon in the concluded contract.

Article No. EMDG-T90065-00-76GB | Dispo 06200 | PU 184/002962 05.18 PDF

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