Cafeteria and Catering Mgt. Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on HIgher Education Region V

Calzada, Oas, Albay, Province of Bicol

First Semester
School Year 2021-2022

I. Course Code FSM 7

III. Course Credit 5 units
IV. Duration (Total No. of Hours for the Semester) 162 hours
V. Frequency (No. of Days and Hours per Week) 3 days and 9 hours per Week

VI. Course Description

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and work attitudes of Food and Service Managers in accordance to the needs of industry. It
covers competencies on Cafeteria and Catering Management. It is designed to introduce students to a commercial kitchen environment. A major
emphasis is placed on employability skills such as punctuality, time management, teamwork, responsibility and working to a deadline.

VII. Institutional Outcomes

Every Oas Community College Students should:
1. Demonstrate critical thinking and integrated skills to solve problems and support lifelong learning.
2. Exhibit ideas of empowered productive, morally upright and globally competitive professionals in the field of history
3. Communicate effectively and appropriately orally and writing various purposes.
4. Create knowledge and innovations to promote academic excellence, high sense of moral values and social responsibility.

VIII. CHED Program Outcomes Common to all Teacher Education Programs

Every Oas Community College Teacher Education Program student should:
1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and political context.
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery mode appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources for diverse types of learners.
5. Apply skill in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices.
6. Develop a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and reporting leaning processes and outcomes.
7. Practice professional and ethical standards sensitive to local and global realities.
8. Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field opportunities.

IX. OCC Program Outcomes

Every Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTED) student should:
1. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessors Qualifications Framework (PTTQF).
2. Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education.
3. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education.
4. Demonstrate higher level of literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking skills needed for higher learning.
5. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning process and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students.
6. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
7. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, material development, educational
assessment, and teaching approaches).
8. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter
and other factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.

X. Course Learning Outcomes

Students may undertake the following instructional strategies as individuals, with partners or in a small group. Students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate safety, sanitation and personal hygiene.
2. Use commercial kitchen tools and equipment in safe manner.
3. Describe the organization and operation of a food service.
4. Use appropriate commercial, food-service terminology.
5. Demonstrate skills necessary to prepare foods in a hot-food station, cold-food station and baking station.
6. Demonstrate techniques required in preparation of different foods.
7. Apply principles of portion and quality control.
8. Serve food and beverages in a professional manner.
XI. Course Outline

Time Intended Learning BTIs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested BTIs
Allotment Outcomes CLOs Activities Assessment CLOs
Week 1 a. Define basic Introduction/Definition and History Buzz Session – As a starter Small group
concepts necessary of Cafeteria and Catering activity, group discussion on presentation
to understanding the Service/Management the meaning of the basic of output.
course concepts and share their Short quiz
b. Discuss the history Basic Concepts to be defined: expectations on what the
of cafeteria and subject will all about.
a. Cafeteria
catering Brief introductory lecture on
b. Catering
management. the definitions essential terms
needed for the course and the
c. Food service history of Cafeteria
d. Fast food
e. Menu
Week 2 a. Identify tools and I. Food Knowledge Active learning and Oral
equipment used in A. Kitchen Tools and facilitated discussion on the participation
cafeteria and 10.2 Equipment different uses of kitchen tools 10.2
catering services. B. Definition of Cooking and equipment.
b. Familiarize the Terms Interactive learning and
different cooking reactions.
Week 3 a. Enumerate and II. Food Services Small groups sharing and Presentation
and Week describe the A. Development of Food Service reactions of output 10.3,4
4 different 10.3, B. New Trends in Food Service Facilitated discussion using Written quiz
classification of Food 4 C. Classification of Food Service graphic organizers.
Service D. Seven Rules in Service
Week 5 to 1. Enumerate and III. How to Get Started in A
Week 6 explain the sanitary 10.1 Catering Business
practices during A. Food Sanitation and Hygiene Video clip presentation Presentation 10.1
preparation, B. Types of Hazards on Food Group sharing of outputs
production and C. Catering Personnel Role Playing on Customer Summative
serving. D. Customer Goodwill and Food Goodwill and food service quizzes
2. Identify the types of Service Ethics ethics.
hazards on food
3. Familiarize the
functions and
responsibilities of a
catering personnel.
4. List down the types
of cafeteria and give
its functions
Week 7 1. Enumerate the IV. Menu and Menu Planning Active learning and facilitated Presentation
and Week factors to be 1. Factors to be Considered in discussions of group
8 considered in 10.5 Planning a Menu Small group discussions and output 10.5
planning a menu. 2. Types of Menu sharing Oral quiz
2. List down the dishes 3. Menu Pattern Sample menu pattern making
from the types of
3. Plan meals within
the food cost
Week 9 1. Define recipe V. Recipe Quantification Group sharing to discuss the Oral
and Week quantification, recipe 1. Ingredient Cost topic given by the PST on participation
10 costing and food Calculation recipe quantification and the quiz and
costing. 2. Recipe Costing and computation written 10.6,
2. Identify the pre- 10.6, Food Costing summative 7
requisites to recipe 7 3. Recipe Conversion quiz
quantification. Factor
3. Compute for the
recipe conversion
Week 11 1. Define a catering VI. Contracting for Catering Interactive learning and Assessment of
and Week contract 10.7 Functions reactions and group activities output by 10.7
12 2. Enumerate the using rubric
1. Catering Contracts,
particulars that are The PTS will require to Using rubric
Conditions and Deposits
included in catering prepare a sample catering assessment for
2. Catering Proposal
agreement. contract, agreement and prepared
3. Catering/Function Agreement
3. Construct a sample proposal. sample
4. Catering Package
catering proposal Compute the given catering catering
Computation package contract,
agreement and
Week 13 1. Define Filipino buffet VI. Preparation of Filipino Interactive learning and Presentation
and 14 2. Develop skills on Buffet reactions and group activities of output and
how to prepare and 1. Appetizers Using multimedia by the use of
serve quality and 10.6 2. Soups presentation on the different rubric 10.6,
affordable foods &8 3. Main dishes dishes/menu. assessment 8
suited to Filipino 4. Desserts PST required to make
buffet. menus/dishes for Filipino
Week 15 1. Define oriental VII. Preparation of Oriental Interactive learning and Using rubric
buffet. Buffet reactions and group activities assessment for
2. Create and prepare 1. Appetizers Using multimedia group
an attractive and 10.6, 2. Soups presentation on the different presentation 10.6,
diverse menu for 8 3. Salads dishes/menu. and 8
oriental buffet. 4. Main dishes PST required to make dishes/menus
5. Noodles and Rice menus/dishes for oriental
Week 16 1. Define international VIII. International Buffet Group sharing and Using rubric
buffet 1. Appetizers discussions on the given assessment for
2. Develop skills on 2. Soups dishes/menu s for group
how to create, 10.6, 3. Salads presentation
prepare and serve an 8 4. Main dishes international buffet and 10.6,
attractive menu for PST required to make dishes/menus 8
international buffet. menus/dishes for
international buffet.
Week 17 1. Create, prepare and IX. Laboratory Activities on PST required to prepare a Assessment of
and 18 serve attractive and the Preparation of the project plan and recipes for finished
affordable Different Menus/Dishes each dishes/menus of the output by
dishes/menus for 10.6, (Application of different buffet. using rubric 10.6,
the different buffet. 7, &8 Procedures) 7&8
1. Filipino Buffet
2. Oriental Buffet
3. International Buffet

One week ( or an equivalent of three hours) Allotted for the mid term and final exams

XII. List of References

 Catering Management, 3rd Edition -> download>cater…
 HRIM 406 Catering and Banquet Management > Downl PDF
 Banquets and Outdoor Catering IHM Notes – >Docs PDF
 Catering Management by Wily 4th Edition (
 Catering and Food Service Management – NCERT ->lehe104

XIII. Suggested Readings

 The Impact of Food Service Attributes on Customer Satisfaction in a Rural University campus Emvironment…Hindawi
( >ijfs)
 Hospitality Management: A Guide To Key Reference Works by Tim Bottorff (>cgi)
 Hotel, Restaurant and Hospitality Management –
 Banquet Functions and Catering Procedures I Bong…>banquet

XIV. Course Requirement/s

1. Oral and Written Reports (Modules)
2. Attendance and Participation in Class Discussions (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
3. Short Quizzes and Summative Tests (Online)
4. Midterm and Final Examinations (Online)
5. Research/Position Paper
XV. Grading System

A. Synchronous Assessment – 35%

1. Reporting/Laboratoy
2. Virtual Conference
3. Attendance
B. Asynchronous Assessment – 35%
1. Modular Submission
2. Reports/Laboratory
3. Module Content, Timeliness, Novelty and Authenticity
C. Major Examinations -30%
Midterm Examination
Final Examination

XVI. References
 Cafeteria and Catering Management by Karllo Cruz
 A Practical Guide: Food Service and Catering Management: The Maya Kitchen
 OBE, Modules K-12 Based
 Internet

Prepared by: Recommending Approval Approved:

Instructor BTTE/BTVTED Prog. Chair College Administrator

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