Pacto - Week 3 Ed 16 - Individual Seatwork

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Name: Queennie Love S. Pacto

Subject: Field Study 1
Course and Year: BSED Major in Science 4
Date: September 04, 2021
1) Read/Watch the materials provided for the assigned topics per week.
2) To accomplish the Individual Seatwork, download this file and encode your answers for the two
questions below.
3) Upload this file on your Google drive so that it will be converted into a Google Docs. OR you may use
this template as your guide when you create your own Google Docs.
4) Using the Excel file provided, copy the Google Docs link of your output, and paste it under the correct
5) Submission of the link will be on the Saturday of the same week.
6) Respect the output of your classmate by not opening it.
Does Not Meet
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations
Components (Good) (Satisfactory) (Fair)
4 points 3 points 2 points
1 point
Key concepts All topics were Almost all topics Only some topics were Only one topic was
learned covered. Provided at were covered. covered. Missed to covered. Provided one
least one key Missed to provide at provide at least one key idea/concept.
idea/concept per topic least one key key idea/concept for
assigned. idea/concept for the the 3 topics assigned.
2 topics assigned.

Explanation of The explanations are The explanations The explanations are The explanations are
the Importance clear and well- are generally clear generally clear and unclear; Points are
of the Lessons organized; Points are and organized; organized; Major incomplete.
Learned complete, Minimal points are points are missing.
appropriate, and missing.
Promptness of On or before the Late submission
Submission deadline

Question 1: What are the key concepts/ideas that you have learned from the materials given?
(Please provide your own thoughts and ideas. Avoid directly copying and pasting the definitions from the materials.)


Deductive and Inductive Methods of Teaching

Concept 1: Deductive and Inductive Methods of Teaching can be both beneficial for students if used correctly.
In this topic, I have learned the differences between deductive and inductive methods of teaching.
Personally, if I were to choose between the two, I would choose inductive teaching for it is for me the “more
friendly” method of teaching between the two. As a pre-service teacher, I personally experienced the benefits
of using an inductive method in class. Way back when I was still a freshman, Dr Chatty Pagara would let us do
discrepant events in our science class. She would let us search on YouTube some amazing experiments that
would trigger our curiosity and let us present it in class. At first, I was just surprised by how amazing the
experiments are but later on I realized how important it is in getting the attention of your students and making
them ask the questions “why” and “how” but instead of answering these questions, the teacher should be the
one asking her class about it and for me, that was one of the most effective ways of teaching the students the
lessons in Science. For me, that was a great example of an inductive teaching approach that I will definitely
apply to my class, soon.

On the other hand, I also have learned how more controlled the students are when the teacher uses a
deductive approach in teaching. Since it starts with the rules and followed by examples, it really could make
the lesson boring and will not address the different learning styles of the students. Personally, I find this
teaching method not anymore applicable to the current trend in education since we are all aware that
teachers are not lecturers but facilitators which will guide and facilitate the class in order to achieve the
objectives of the lessons. However, I also believe that when inductive and deductive teaching methods are
combined together, it will also open a meaningful teaching-learning process, if and only if, the context of the
students are already checked by the teacher and the teaching approaches that will be used are also beneficial
to the students.

Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)

Concept 2: Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) aims to produce graduates who are equipped and
competent enough to face the real world.

In this topic, I have learned that Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) focuses on the
students’ development through careful planning and preparation of the necessary objectives for the
programme and the course that the students will take. These objectives are based on the Knowledge levels for
assessment of Outcomes based on Bloom's Taxonomy which aims to develop students according to the
parameters set by this taxonomy -- from Knowledge to Evaluation. I also have learned that Outcomes-based
Teaching and Learning mainly focuses on the objectives that are essential for the improvements of the
students while learning and even after they graduate which mainly focuses on what the students can do that is
then used as the basis for organizing the curriculum, the instructions to be used and the assessments that will
be given to them. Since, one of OBTL’s principles is high expectations, I guess it is also a challenge to the
teacher to provide great teaching performance to the class in order to help the students achieve this principle.
Overall, Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning opens great opportunities for students to hone their
knowledge and skills that will equip them with the necessary skills in order to face the challenges of the real
world the moment they graduate.

Questioning and Responding Techniques

Concept 3: Asking and answering questions should not be considered only as an “option” to be done during
the teaching-learning process but is a necessity to know if you and your students are on the same page.
In this topic, I have realized that to ask questions and to receive questions is a right that our students
and us as teachers should enjoy, it is not a privilege. Through reading the excerpt given, I myself was
enlightened by this fact because I thought asking questions should only be done when the students are only
confused and you just want to test your students if they really are listening to the discussion. Personally, I am
the type of student who would never raise my hand even when I am confused with the discussion because I
have this habit of only searching it online. This is because I experienced getting embarrassed in front of my
classmates the moment I asked that specific question to our science teacher. I was aware that she hates
biology, especially the topic on reproductive systems because she would always share it in class. Since the
exams week was fast approaching so I tried to ask her a question, unfortunately, she only responded with “I
already told you that I am not an expert in this topic because I am single and I haven’t experienced it yet. Sit
down!” That moment, I really just wanted to go out of the classroom and cry elsewhere, but I just let it pass.
Maybe, that was one of the reasons why I am now more hesitant to ask questions to my teachers and instead
of asking my teacher, I would ask my classmates.

This is why I was really struck by tip number 9 on how to manage student responses to the questions
given. It says, “don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know the answer”, I kept on thinking maybe if my
teacher responded positively I would never develop this kind of feeling -- of being hesitant to ask questions.
However, going to the positive side, I was very struck by tip 9 on how to respond to students’ questions. It
says, “look beyond the answer, to the thought process”. If I am the student of a teacher who’s applying this in
class, I would never really hesitate to ask questions. Overall, this topic taught me the idea that as a teacher, it
is really important to prepare ourselves beforehand and know the content of our lessons well for us to create
a meaningful teaching-learning experience.

look beyond the answer, to the thought process

Question 2: How can these key concepts/ideas help you become a better teacher in the future?


To be honest, the concepts that I have listed above made me feel challenged yet motivated at the
same time to hone my knowledge, talent and skills more as a pre-service teacher in order to provide quality
teaching and learning process to my students in the near future. The topic on deductive and inductive
teaching methods, for sure, will remind me of assessing first the context of my students before I create or plan
for the flow of our discussion and on how to handle the class to still be interested with the topics despite the
stereotype that science is hard. I believe that if a teacher really knows how to anchor the discussions and
assessments on the level of the students lesser problems will be encountered. Moreover, the topic on
Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) will help me to become sensitive on what really are the real
needs of my students based on their levels of development. I also am excited to assess the organization of the
curriculum and collaborate with the other stakeholders, especially my colleagues to really provide the
necessary tasks, assessments and topics that are really necessary to help our students develop the skills they
need to develop while learning and even after they graduate. Lastly, the topic on Questioning and Responding
Techniques made me realize that as early as now, I should already train myself to ask questions, especially if I
know that it would benefit me and my other classmates because it will sound ironic if I, as a pre-service
teacher would study the tips given but I am not able to apply it. Overall, these topics, I believe, will help me
grow as a teacher and be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and talents that I could share with my
future students.

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