Ucdscience Grad Courses

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Biotechnology, Biomedical, Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sciences

Energy, Natural Resources, Climate & Environment
Mathematics, Actuarial Science & Finance
Physics & Nanotechnology
Computer Science

Biotechnology, Biomedical, Energy, Natural Mathematics, Actuarial

Pharmaceutical & Resources, Climate Science & Finance
Chemical Sciences & Environment

Biotechnology (MSc) 12 Applied Environmental Actuarial Science (MSc) 26

Science (MSc) 22
Biotechnology & Actuarial Science
Business (MSc) 13 Global Change: Ecosystem (Graduate Diploma) 27
Science & Policy (MSc) 23
Biotherapeutics (MSc) 14 Data Analytics (MSc/Professional
Environmental Sustainability 24 Diploma) (Online) 28
Biotherapeutics & (MSc/Grad Cert/Grad Diploma)
Business (MSc) 15 (Negotiated Learning) Data & Computational
(Online) Science (MSc) 29
Plant Biology &
Biotechnology (MSc) 16 Subsurface Characterisation & Financial Mathematics (MSc) 30
Geomodelling (MSc) 25
Biological & Mathematical Science (MSc) 31
Biomolecular Science
(Negotiated Learning) (MSc) 17 Mathematical Science
(Higher Diploma) 32
Regulatory Affairs & Toxicology
(MSc/Professional Diploma/Cert) 18 Mathematical Studies
(Higher Diploma) 33
Chemistry (MSc)
(Negotiated Learning) 19 Statistics (MSc) 34

Synthetic Chemistry for the Statistics (MA) 35

Pharmaceutical & Fine
Chemicals Industry (MSc) 21 Statistics
(Higher Diploma) 36

Physics & Computer Science Applying to a UCD
Nanotechnology Graduate Course 4

Jargon Buster 5
Physics (MSc) 37 Computer Science (MSc)
(Negotiated Learning) (Conversion) 44 Internships and
Professional Experience
Nanotechnology (MSc) 38 Computer Science (MSc)
(Negotiated Learning) 45 at a Glance 6
NanoBio Science (MSc) 39
Cognitive Science (MSc) 46 The Business of Science
Space Science &
Technology (MSc) 40 Forensic Computing & Cybercrime
and IT in Ireland 9
Investigation (MSc) 47
Medical Physics Meet Our Graduates 10
(MSc/Graduate Diploma) 41

Computational Physics (MSc) 42

Applied Mathematics &

Theoretical Physics (MSc) 43

This booklet (Version 1 Entry 2022) is intended to assist

prospective UCD students and the information is given in good
faith. It is not, however, an official publication of the university
and does not bind the university in any way. The information
provided in this booklet is correct at the time of going to press
but degree programmes are subject to continuing development
and the university reserves the right to make changes at any
time, before or after a student’s admission.

Applying to a
UCD Graduate Course

How do I apply? UCD’s Graduate Taught courses can be applied for online
at www.ucd.ie/apply. Courses open for application on
1 October each year and generally remain open for
applications until all places are filled. A summary of the
process is on the UCD Graduate Admissions website at

When are offers UCD has a rolling admissions policy for graduate taught
courses, with decisions issued as soon as possible after a
of places made? complete application is received. An application is incomplete
until you provide all required items on the checklist (including
the application fee, if applicable). Generally, courses will
remain open to applications until all places are filled.

Are there any Student excellence and achievement are recognised in UCD,

scholarships through a variety of scholarships and awards. Applicants

should visit the UCD Graduate Admissions website at
available? www.ucd.ie/graduateadmissions/feesfundingscholarships/
for information.

Where can I Information is available from the following:

find information n The Fees & Grants website at www.ucd.ie/students/fees has
answers to many frequently asked questions.
on fees and n The UCD Residences website at www.ucd.ie/residences has

accommodation? information and advice about the accommodation process.

You can contact us in the following ways:

How do I get n All applicants are welcome to email the academic or staff
member associated with each course. Contact information
in contact for each course is at the end of the course pages.
for more n International applicants can email
[email protected] to speak
information? to UCD Global staff for advice on general admissions
queries, fees, visas, accommodation and course

Academic Terms Information on Classes
MSc Module
Master of Science A self-contained unit of teaching and learning, which is
usually studied within one trimester. Modules are usually
5 credits. A standard 5-credit UCD module represents
Graduate Taught Courses 100-125 hours of student effort including time spent in
Graduate taught courses, such as Graduate Certificates, class, studying and assessment.
Graduate Diplomas or taught MA or MSc courses are usually
taken by students who hold an undergraduate degree. The Practicals
majority of the course will involve taking taught modules. Practicals (or laboratory) classes involve carrying out
selected experiments, examining scientific material and
getting hands-on experience of practical subjects.
Research Degrees They generally take place in the afternoons and typically
A research degree such as a Masters by Research or PhD are of two-to-three hours’ duration.
involves the sustained and in-depth study of a specific
subject, which is then written up as a thesis for examination.
Research degrees involve students carrying out their own Tutorials
research and academic study under the one-to-one Tutorials generally take place in a classroom with a
supervision of an academic supervisor. Masters by Research smaller group size than lectures. They provide an
are typically 1-2 years in duration whereas a PhD is 4 years. opportunity to explore and apply the concepts, skills and
competencies in a manner that is not usually possible in
larger classroom environments.
Negotiated Learning (NL)
Courses using the negotiated learning (NL) format allow Credit
students a high degree of flexibility in terms of module This is a standard way of representing the amount of
choices allowing “customisation” of the degree. Students student effort, the achievement of learning outcomes
meet with an academic to discuss their background and and educational activity associated with a module. UCD
goals to create their academic plan which is customised utilises the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
to the individual student needs and their prior learning The ECTS was developed to facilitate educational mobility
experiences. for students and inter-institutional cooperation amongst
higher education institutions within the European Union.

The academic year is divided into trimesters –
Autumn, Spring and Summer.

Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Medical Devices,
Clinical Trials & Chemical Industry

Examples of Internships/Professional Experience


• MSc Biotechnology*
• MSc Biotechnology & Business The internships listed are examples of past placements and are a guide only.
• MSc Biotherapeutics Placements are secured through a competitive process and are not guaranteed.
• MSc Biotherapeutics & Business
MSc Biotechnology* MSc Regulatory Affairs and Toxicology*
• MSc Chemistry (NL)**
• MSc Synthetic Chemistry for the Alexion Novartis Pfizer
Bristol Myres Squibb
Pharmaceutical & Fine Chemicals Industry AstraZeneca Health Products Regulatory Authority Alexion
• MSc Regulatory Affairs & Toxicology* BD Perigord Life Science Solutions Deenamic
• MSc Biological & Biomolecular Science (NL)** MSD
Pfizer Food Safety Authority of Ireland Aspen Pharma
• MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology Biosensia Medical Bureau of Road Safety Life Scientific
• MSc Medical Physics Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Alltech Forensic Science Ireland

Energy, Natural Resources, Climate & Environment

• MSc Applied Environmental Science* Examples of Internships/Professional Experience


• MSc Environmental Sustainability (Online)

The internships listed are examples of past placements and are a guide only.
• MSc Global Change: Ecosystem Science & Policy*
Placements are secured through a competitive process and are not guaranteed.
• MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology
• MSc Subsurface Characterisation and Geomodelling MSc Applied Environmental Science Global Change: Ecosystem Science & Policy

RPS Group
Dublin City Council
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Golder Asscoiates
Dublin Urban Rivers Life Project

Semiconductor, Nanotechnology,
Meteorology & Space Industry

Examples of Internships/Professional Experience


The internships listed are examples of past placements and are a guide only.
Placements are secured through a competitive process and are not guaranteed.
MSc Space Science & Technology

Computing, Risk, Finance & Analytics

• Examples of Internships/Professional Experience


The internships listed are examples of past placements and are a guide only.

Placements are secured through a competitive process and are not guaranteed.
• *
MSc Computer Science (NL) MSc Actuarial Science

Further Education & Research


My Internship Experience

Msc Regulatory Affairs & Toxicology MSc Biotechnology

Stephanie Earl Kara O’Connor

I was afforded the opportunity to work as a Toxicology and Regulatory Affairs The course provided me with the opportunity to work as a Bulk Drug
Consultant and Researcher in the European Parliament Environment, Substance Technical Services intern with Alexion Pharmaceuticals. The
technical and cultural experience I gained during the 6-month internship
Public Health & Food Safety Committee. This experience proved to be an
was indispensable in shaping my career path and being successfully rehired
invaluable one as it played a large part in my success in getting employed shortly
after completing my course.
after completing the course.

MSc Applied Environmental Science MSc Global Change: Ecosystem Science & Policy

Betsy Townsend Yana Bersunukayeva

The MSc coursework paired with my six-week placement at Dublin City Council I undertook an internship as an Environmental Scientist with RPS, an engineering
prepared me for a career in the environmental sector, and gave me proficiency in consultancy firm. The internship provided me with a working knowledge of carrying
the collection, processing, analyses, and interpretation of environmental data. out Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and introduced me to an
The well-rounded curriculum, hands-on field work, and supportive professors at environmental consulting environment. The position enabled me to secure a position
UCD ensured I was well equipped for the competitive job market. as a Graduate Environmental Scientist upon completion of the Master’s degree.

MSc Space Science & Technology MSc Space Science & Technology

Meadhbh Griffin Rabin Stephen Francis

During my internship in the Flight Software Systems section at ESTEC I My internship at Innalabs Ltd., a world-leading inertial sensors manufacturer,
designed and tested control software for CHIMERA, a payload of RADCUBE, was an amazing learning opportunity that offered me a valuable industrial
a Hungarian CubeSat launched in July 2021. I developed software to detect experience, complementing the knowledge gained in classrooms. Following my
radiation-induced memory upsets and to test communication between two internship, I've been hired by Innalabs as a software engineer to continue to work
ultra-wideband radio modules. Following my internship, I was accepted into on its lineup of exciting space projects with ESA and many other customers.
ESA's Young Graduate Trainee programme, returning to the Flight Software
Systems section.

MSc Actuarial Science MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning)

Shannon McDonnell Yash Karle

Interning at the Central Bank of Ireland was a perfect internship. By working at the The experience at Oliver Wyman Labs has been extremely satisfying thanks to my mentors
regulatory agency, I had the unique opportunity to see a wide variety of actuarial who are experts in their field. The team that I am a part of has a mix of people from different
work and, as a result, gain a very broad range of practical actuarial experience. countries, cultures and varied technical backgrounds and years of experience. I am currently
Through my internship with the Central Bank, I have gained the preparation to be working on designing and developing intelligent crew dashboards for some of Europe’s
successful in my future career as an actuary. leading airline companies. This experience is the perfect platform to apply what I learnt in
the classroom and see how the end project will have an impact in the aviation industry.

The Business of Science
and IT in Ireland
Ireland is home to many of the world’s top companies and businesses.

5 of the top 10
Companies on Forbes’ list
of The World’s Most Innovative
Companies have Irish operations
according to IDA Ireland

than 250
Global financial institutions have established
operations in Ireland, located in Dublin’s
Top Global financial institutions

International Financial Services Centre

9 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical companies
are located in Ireland.
security software
companies are

10 located in Ireland

The Top Ten

“Born on the Internet” companies are based in Ireland

Ireland is home to operations by some of the world’s leading

pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical devices companies making
some of the world’s blockbuster medicines.

Meet Our
A diverse range of careers are available to UCD Science
and Computer Science graduates. Depending on your
chosen course, you will learn practical skills which can
be transferred to industry and research ranging from
biotechnology, conservation, natural resources and wildlife
to business, space science, technology, financial services
and insurance.

MSc Biotechnology MSc Global Change:

& Business Ecosystem Science &

As I wanted to work in regulatory Having completed my undergraduate

management and approval of drugs, the MSc degree in Environmental Science I gained an
Biotechnology & Business course was crucial invaluable practical approach to the subject.
for my future success in the pharmaceutical However, I wanted to gain knowledge in
and biotechnology industry. During the the policy aspect of environment. This
Summer Trimester, we had the opportunity course was an ideal solution to fill in my
to work with a real biotechnology start-up knowledge gap in environmental policy
and essentially create a business plan for and law while also providing me with an
a molecule, drug or medical device that opportunity to study abroad in Giessen,
they were working to bring to market. We Germany. Additionally, as part of the course,
presented the business plan to real investors I chose to undertake my 2-month internship
to see if they would be willing to invest as an environmental scientist with RPS, an
hypothetically had this been a real-world engineering consultancy firm. The internship
scenario. I’m currently working as a Clinical provided me with a working knowledge
Research Coordinator in paediatric clinical of carrying out Environmental Impact
trials across Children’s Health Ireland at Assessment Reports (EIARs) and introduced
Crumlin and Temple Street Hospital. I me to an environmental consulting
work as part of a multidisciplinary team of environment. The internship position
researchers, consultants and investigators enabled me to secure a position of Graduate
on both clinical trials and investigator led Environmental Scientist upon completion of
research studies in cystic fibrosis. the course.
Courtney Greene Yana Bersunukayeva

MSc Computer Science
MSc Actuarial Science (Negotiated Learning)

This course gave me the opportunity to acquire The experience at Oliver Wyman Labs has been
exemptions from the professional examinations of extremely satisfying thanks to my mentors who
the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, which are are experts in their field. The team that I am a part
mandatory to become a fully qualified actuary. The of has a mix of people from different countries,
research placement portion of the year for me was cultures and varied technical backgrounds and
extremely beneficial with regards to my career as an years of experience. I am currently working
actuary. It gave me an insight into the typical day on designing and developing intelligent crew
of an actuary working in the life insurance sector. I dash-boards for some of Europe’s leading airline
would highly recommend the UCD MSc in Actuarial companies. This experience is the perfect platform
Science to those in search of a challenging yet to apply what I learnt in the classroom and see
rewarding year and looking for the perfect launching how the end project will have an impact in the
pad to their career as an actuary. aviation industry.
Troy Tyson Yash Karle

MSc Space Science & MSc Computer Science

Technology (Conversion)

After a placement on the build of Ireland first radio I have always had an interest in computers and
telescope “I-LOFAR”, I wanted to continue my career problem solving but with an undergraduate degree
in the area of space. The core modules that I most in Primary teaching, I had very little knowledge or
enjoyed were Satellite Subsystems, Space Sector experience in the world of technology. I chose the
Professional Skills, and the Space Sector Internship. conversion course in UCD for two main reasons: the
These modules have helped a lot working in the course didn’t focus on one specific area of Computer
space industry. For the Space Sector Internship Science but covered a wide range of topics, and
module, I completed a placement with Réaltra it required no prior understanding of any of these
Space Systems Engineering. This is where I wrote topics and promised to start from the basics. This
my master’s thesis on “The Reliability Model of the was important to me as it allowed me to gain
European Space Agency (ESA) PLATO (PLAnetary experience in many areas such as programming,
Transits and Oscillations of stars) mission PLIU software engineering, and data analytics. I gained so
(Payload Interface Unit) test breadboard.” The much experience and confidence from completing
technical writing skills was the biggest benefit from this course. In the space of 16 busy months, you are
the course. Besides carrying out experiments and taken from the basics to being industry ready. The
design of new products, writing highly technical content is organised so each module builds on the
documents is a really important part of working in last and come the Research Practicum in the Summer
the space industry. I currently work for InnaLabs ltd Trimester, you are ready to tackle a real-world
as a Space Reliability Engineer working on multiple engineering problem with all the knowledge you have
space products for customers such as ESA, Airbus, accumulated during the course. Upon graduating, I
Thales, and OHB. joined the software engineering graduate programme
with Accenture and am now working as a software
Hannah Currivan
engineer with one of their clients.
Niamh Crowley

B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: X439

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Biotechnology
(1 Year Full Time)
Biotechnology encompasses all aspects of the industrial application of living organisms and/or biological
techniques. Ireland has an enviable biotechnology sector and is home to 9 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical
companies. The MSc Biotechnology is taught by leading academics in the UCD School of Biomolecular
and Biomedical Science. It focuses on broadening your knowledge and understanding of the current
technologies and processes in the biotechnology industry, including approaches being applied to
further advance the discovery and design of new and highly innovative biotech and pharmaceutical
products. It also provides modules on food and environmental biotechnology, as well as
industrially relevant expertise in bioprocess technology, regulatory affairs and clinical trials. In
the Summer Trimester you will either complete an internship in a relevant biotechnology
company or conduct a research project in the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules individual research project or internship
Entry Requirements
You will gain experimental and theoretical knowledge in the following topics:

n Biological Imaging n Regulatory Affairs n Candidates are expected to have an upper second class honours
grade, or international equivalent, in a biology or chemistry primary
n Multicellular Systems n Drug Development and Clinical Trials
degree with a significant laboratory component. This includes
n Pharmacology and Drug n Bioprocessing Laboratory Technology
a BSc in Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics,
Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Physiology, Medicinal Chemistry or
n Medical Device Technology Assessment an equivalent qualification. Graduates with equivalent qualifications
n Biomedical Diagnostics Your work will be assessed using a variety of in related areas of science and technology or with proven relevant
n Recombinant DNA Technology methods including coursework, group and industrial experience will be considered for places.
n Microbial and Animal Cell Culture individual reports, written and online exams, n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Food Biotechnology and presentations. demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Environmental Biotechnology band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the UCD
Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Craig Jakes, Research Assistant at NIBRT
This advanced graduate degree in Biotechnology has been developed in consultation with
employers and therefore is recognised and valued by them. A key feature is the opportunity
(National Institute for Bioprocessing
to carry out a project in industry which will allow graduates to develop connections with Research and Training)
prospective employers, thereby enhancing chances of employment on graduation. You will also For my summer research project I was offered the opportunity
have the opportunity to become part of a network of alumni in the field of Biotechnology. to conduct research in the Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Prospective employers include: Abbott; Allergan; Amgen; Baxter Healthcare; Beckman Coulter; (FSAI). My research looked into zoonosis trends in Ireland,
Biotrin International Ltd.; Boston Scientific; Elan Corporation; Eli Lilly and Co.; Celltech; which all EU countries are required to monitor. After finishing
GlaxoSmithKline; Icon Clinical Research; Johnson & Johnson Ltd.; Kerry Group Plc.; Merck Sharp my research project, I secured employment as a regulatory
& Dohme; Quintiles; Sandoz; Serology Ltd. affairs officer with a scientific company.

EU ENQUIRIES Professor Cormac Murphy : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-biotechnology www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 X439

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: X447

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Biotechnology & Business

(1 Year Full Time)
Biotechnology encompasses all aspects of the industrial application of living organisms and/or biological
techniques. Ireland has an enviable biotechnology sector and is home to 9 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical
companies. The MSc Biotechnology & Business is an exciting programme designed for non-business
graduates who want to become managers or entrepreneurs in complex business environments in
technology and science-based fields.

The MSc Biotechnology & Business provides you with a solid grounding in the science underpinning
biotechnology coupled with a comprehensive business education. The programme is the result
of a close collaboration between the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science
and the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, which is Ireland’s leading business
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 70 credits 20 credits

taught masters taught modules group business plan research project

You will spend 50% of your time studying biotechnology and 50% of your time studying business.
Entry Requirements
You may choose optional biotechnology modules to ensure that you specialise in your area of n This programme is intended for applicants with a BSc in a
interest. Depending on your chosen subjects you will also gain experimental and theoretical biology- or chemistry-related discipline. An upper second
knowledge in the following topics: class honours or international equivalent is required.
n Graduates with equivalent qualifications in related areas of
n Drug Discovery n Marketing Management
science and technology or with proven relevant industrial
n Medical Device Technology n Corporate Finance
experience will be considered for places.
n Biomedical Diagnostics n Entrepreneurship n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Regulatory Affairs n Business Plan Development demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Bioprocessing n Business Strategy band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Biotechnology Case Study n Organisational Behaviour TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Jennifer McKeever,
This advanced graduate degree in Biotechnology and Business has been developed in consultation
with employers and therefore will be recognised and valued by them. A key feature is the opportunity
Senior Analyst at Seroba Life Sciences
to carry out a business development plan which will allow graduates to develop connections with During the MSc in Biotechnology & Business, I broadened
prospective employers. my knowledge in key modules including medical devices,
Prospective employers include: Abbott; Allergan; Alpha Technologies; Amgen; Avonmore Foods; diagnostics and regulatory affairs, while also developing core
Baxter Healthcare; Beckman Coulter; Biotrin International Ltd.; Boston Scientific; Elan Corporation; business skills in finance, marketing and management. The
Eli Lilly and Co.; Celltech; GlaxoSmithKline; Icon Clinical Research; ImmunoGen Inc.; Janssen highlight was developing a business plan for a UCD Nova
Pharmaceutical Ltd.; Johnson & Johnson Ltd.; Kerry Group Plc.; Medtronic; Merck Sharp & Dohme; start-up company. I am currently working as an Investment
Olympus Diagnostica; Quintiles; Quest International; Sandoz.; Seroba Kernel; Serology Ltd. Analyst in a life sciences venture capital firm.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Antonio Garzon-Vico : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-biotechnology-and-business www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 X447 UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F102

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Biotherapeutics
(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc in Biotherapeutics educates students on the practical uses of molecular advances in the discovery of
protein and other biomolecular drug candidates and their development into biotherapeutics. It will provide
you with a comprehensive understanding of the development of biotherapeutics, beginning with pre-clinical
modelling and target identification together with antibody engineering, biochemical and biophysical
characterisation, and development issues for bioprocessing.
Systems biology of biotechnological processes and approaches to the analysis of proteomics-based
discovery data will be covered in detail together with mathematical modelling, bioinformatics
analysis and data integration strategies. Regulatory issues and innovation and commercialisation
strategies will also be covered. A practical 6-month drug discovery laboratory project will
form a significant component of the experience of how drug candidates are identified and
brought through the development pipeline.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 45 credits 45 credits

taught masters taught modules project

The structure of the programme is as follows:

Entry Requirements
Autumn Trimester Spring and Summer Trimesters n This programme is intended for applicants who have an
n Biotherapeutic Discovery and n Biotherapeutic Discovery and upper second class honours degree, or the international
equivalent, in a biological or chemical science.
Development I Development II
n This includes a BSc in Biotechnology, Biochemistry,
n Professional Career Development n Systems Biology in Drug Development
Microbiology, Genetics, Neuroscience, Physiology,
n Recombinant DNA Technology n Professional Career Development Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry or an equivalent
n Business of Biotechnology and Science n Bioprocessing Laboratory qualification.
n Biomedical Diagnostics n Emerging Issues in Biotechnology n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Pharmacology and Drug Development n Regulatory Affairs demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Microbial and Animal Cell Products
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Project – Biotherapeutic Development
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
n High Content Screening Microscopy IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

This advanced graduate degree in Biotherapeutics has been developed in consultation with
Associate Professor David O’Connell,
the Biopharmaceutical industry and is recognised and valued by them. A key feature is Lecturer in Biochemistry & Pharmacology
the undertaking of a significant drug discovery and development laboratory project which My core research focus is on the activity of calcium-binding
is reviewed by industry partners. This engagement is designed to help graduates identify proteins involved in homeostatic mechanisms in the cell
opportunities in the industry at the earliest stage. using an integrated platform of proteomic technologies.
Prospective employers include: Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly and Co., Johnson & I have patented a novel affinity tag platform for improved
Johnson Ltd., Pfizer, Janssen Biologics, AstraZeneca, MSD, Bristol Myers Squibb, Abbott, Sanofi. protein immobilisation for purification, biophysical analysis
and detection in multiple biopharmaceutical applications.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor David O’Connell : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-biotherapeutics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F102
& CC H
& CC H

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F103

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Biotherapeutics & Business

(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc in Biotherapeutics and Business educates students on the practical uses of molecular advances in the
discovery of proteins and other biomolecular drug candidates and their development into biotherapeutics.
It will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the development of biotherapeutics,
beginning with pre-clinical modelling and target identification together with antibody engineering,
biochemical and biophysical characterisation, and development issues for bioprocessing.

Regulatory issues, and innovation and commercialisation strategies, will also be covered. You
will also receive a comprehensive business education. You will learn to identify and solve
business problems in local and international settings, enhance your communication and
leadership skills, and improve your ability for independent thinking and developing
Images © UCD Research
creative solutions.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules project modules

The structure of the programme is as follows:

Entry Requirements
Autumn Trimester n Pharmacology and Drug n Regulatory Affairs n This programme is intended for applicants who have an
n Professional Career Development n Microbial and Animal Cell upper second class honours degree, or the international
Development Products equivalent, in a biological or chemical science.
n Marketing Management Spring Trimester n High Content Screening n This includes a BSc in Biotechnology, Biochemistry,
n Corporate Accounting n Professional Career Microscopy Microbiology, Genetics, Neuroscience, Physiology,
and Finance Development n Business Strategy Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry or an equivalent
n Biotherapeutic Pipeline II n Organizational Behaviour qualification.
n Business of Biotechnology
n Systems Biology in Drug n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
and Science
Development Summer Trimester demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Biotherapeutic Pipeline I
n Bioprocessing Laboratory band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Recombinant DNA n Business Planning
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Technology n Emerging Issues in n Biotherapeutics Case Study
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
n Biomedical Diagnostics Biotechnology
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Associate Professor David O’Connell,
This advanced graduate degree in Biotherapeutics and Business has been developed in
consultation with employers and therefore will be recognised and valued by them. A key
Lecturer in Biochemistry & Pharmacology
feature is the opportunity to carry out a business development plan, which will allow My core research focus is on the activity of calcium-binding
graduates to develop connections with prospective employers, thereby enhancing chances proteins involved in homeostatic mechanisms in the cell using
of employment on graduation. an integrated platform of proteomic technologies. I have
Prospective employers include: Abbott; Allergan; Amgen; Baxter Healthcare; Eli Lilly and patented a novel affinity tag platform for improved protein
Co.; Dignity Sciences; GlaxoSmithKline; Icon Clinical Research; ImmunoGen Inc.; Janssen immobilisation for purification, biophysical analysis and
Pharmaceutical Ltd.; Johnson & Johnson Ltd.; Merck Sharp & Dohme; Quintiles; Quest detection in multiple biopharmaceutical applications.
International; Sandoz; Seroba Kernel.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor David O’Connell : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/biotherapeutics-business www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F103 UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F080

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology

(1 Year Full Time)
Rapid developments in our understanding of plants and their significance to our wellbeing has been achieved
through advances in a range of disciplines including genetics, genomics, cell biology, physiology, ecology and
studies on climate change. Graduates of this one-year MSc will be equipped with the knowledge and skills
in these recent advances to rise to the future challenges in academia, industry and policy development.
Innovation and entrepreneurship permeate the course as central themes and, in addition, a specific module
on entrepreneurship in plant biology is delivered. This MSc covers a wide diversity of both topics and
approaches, and is taught by a high-profile research-oriented group of academics.

Researchers from the UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science represent the single
largest grouping of plant scientists in Ireland, with research interests ranging from genetics and
molecular biology of the cell to plant physiology and ecology.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules research project/minor thesis

Modules include:
Entry Requirements
n This programme is intended for applicants with a BSc in an
n Entrepreneurship in Plant Biology n Programmed Cell Death in Plants
appropriate life science discipline. An upper second class
n Current Developments in Plant Biology n Plant Phenotyping honours or international equivalent is required. However, in
n Plant Pathology and Biotechnology n Insect-Plant Interactions certain cases/circumstances, applicants with lower second
n Biological Imaging n Biological Invasions class honours will also be considered.
n Plant Development n Plants and Stress n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. Faculty Profile
Dr Rainer Melzer, UCD School of Biology
Career Opportunities and Environmental Science
Dr Melzer is mainly interested in flower and fruit
Graduates will have a distinct advantage when applying for PhD studentships or other development. He is working on a diversity of crops,
more advanced graduate training in the area of plant biology and biotechnology. This MSc including barley, wheat, and hemp. His team uses
is ideal for graduates interested in pursuing scientific careers in academia, agriculture and genomics, molecular genetics, and morphological
plant science-based or biotechnology industries. Graduates will have opportunities to methods to identify the genetic and environmental
pursue postgraduate education and research and work in areas such as plant biotechnology, mechanisms underlying flowering time control, flower
scientific journalism/publishing and for government agencies involved in governmental and development and evolution.
Dr Melzer is internationally well connected and is
non-governmental policy.
associate editor for the Journal of Experimental Botany
and secretary of the European Society for Evolutionary
Developmental Biology.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Rainer Melzer : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-plant-biology-biotech www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F080
B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F104

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Biological & Biomolecular Science

(Negotiated Learning) (1 Year Full Time)
The MSc in Biological and Biomolecular Science by Negotiated Learning will broaden your understanding of
biological and biomolecular science against a backdrop of learning core technical, methodological and
innovation skills relevant to industry and academia. Taught modules from several innovative specialisations
are available from the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science and the UCD School of Biology
and Environmental Science. The programme provides students with an exciting prospect of studying and
researching in the interdisciplinary fields of genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology,
microbiology and biodata analysis. Guidance from expert faculty is provided to tailor a programme
that will meet the anticipated requirements of the student’s objectives and career goals.

This MSc in Biological and Biomolecular Science is the first of its kind offered in Ireland by
Images © UCD Research
Negotiated Learning.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 30 credits 20 credits 40 credits

taught masters core laboratory skills core professional skills taught modules
Course divided into: The Specialisations Available:
Entry Requirements
Core Laboratory Research Skills (30 credits) Genetics and Cell Biology: investigates cancer
n This programme is intended for applicants who have
including techniques such as RT-PCR, western biology, the genetic basis of disease, ageing, cellular
at least an upper second class honours degree, or the
blotting and Advanced Fluorescence Imaging. signalling, cellular trafficking and transport, model
international equivalent, in a life science or chemical
organisms, etc.
Core Professional Taught Skills Modules (20 credits) science. Examples of an appropriate BSc subject include,
including career development, quantitative tools, Microbiology and Infection Biology: investigates but are not restricted to, Biotechnology, Biology,
science writing and communication skills and mechanisms of pathogenic micro-organisms, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Neuroscience,
data management. host response to infection, immunopathologies, Physiology, Pharmacology, Immunology, Pharmaceutical
host-pathogen interactions, development of Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry.
Optional Taught modules (40 credits)
diagnostics, applied microbiology, etc. n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
involves selecting one of the following specialisations demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
and selecting specific modules within these that Biochemistry and Synthetic Biology: investigates band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
meet the student’s learning objectives. metabolism and disease, protein-protein interactions, TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
cell signalling, protein structure and analysis, etc. Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Dr Joanna Kacprzyk, Lecturer in Cell
This programme will enable you to choose from a wide range of careers and areas of
postgraduate study. This multi-disciplinary course provides a solid grounding for careers
Biology & Genetics, UCD School of
in industry, health and research, such as Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Microbiology, Biology and Environmental Science
Process Control, Technical Transfer, Research and Development, and Regulatory Affairs, My research is focused on the mechanisms governing
Scientific Editor or Writer, Lab Technician or Analyst roles. cell fate decisions between programmed cell death and
An academic staff member will advise you on a specialisation and module choices based on survival pathways. Using both plant and mammalian cell
the opportunities you hope to unlock. culture systems I use fluorescence microscopy, enzymatic
assays and RT-PCR to characterise the cellular responses
to stress stimuli.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Gavin Stewart : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-biological-biomedical-science www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F104 UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F167

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Regulatory Affairs & Toxicology

(1 Year Full Time)
PD/CPD Toxicology
(Part Time and Full Time options available)
Toxicology is the study of how man-made and naturally occurring substances can have adverse effects
on humans, animals, plants, and the environment, and how these effects can be minimised or
avoided. Regulatory Affairs is a closely related field which focuses on applying toxicology for the
protection of public health in the areas of human medicines, medical devices, biotechnologies,
foods, agrichemicals and cosmetics. These courses explore the important role of toxicology
in modern society with particular focus on the pharmaceutical, food and chemical
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules Internship / Research Project
Entry Requirements
n Introduction to Regulatory Affairs n Experimental Tox and Risk Assessment
n Healthcare and Pharma Reg. Affairs n Medical and Forensic Toxicology n This programme is a graduate programme and applicants
n Business for Reg. Affairs Professionals n Food and Environmental Toxicology must possess a minimum of an upper second class honours
n Essential Pharmacology for Toxicologists n Reg Affairs / Toxicology Internship undergraduate degree or relevant experience in the area of
These modules are delivered by staff of international renown in toxicology and regulatory science. The
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
courses have been developed in close collaboration with the Irish Register of Toxicologists (IRT) and are
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
pre-approved for accreditation towards becoming a registered toxicologist. The core programme team
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
are European Registered Toxicologists (ERT). Across our modules guest lecturers, who are practicing
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
regulatory toxicologists and regulatory affairs specialists, contribute state-of-the-art seminars from a
Admissions website for further details.
range of sectors including pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, food safety, cosmetics
and environmental protection. All students are offered the opportunity to undertake an internship during
the programme. Study days and e-learning are utilised to maximise flexibility in how students manage
their study time.
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Dr Craig Slattery, UCD School of
This programme provides a comprehensive overview of toxicology, and current toxicological
Biomolecular and Biomedical Science
assessments, highlighting current issues in toxicology. Graduates will gain the required level
of professional ability to operate as independent toxicologists by developing a sophisticated I am a Lecturer in Toxicology & Regulatory Affairs in the
level of data interpretation, communication skills, excellence in problem solving, and ability UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences.
to critically evaluate and form judgements on complex toxicological problems. Previously, I worked as an assessor in Human Medicines
Currently practising toxicologists will also benefit from undertaking individual modules for at the Health Products Regulatory Authority. I am a
continuing professional development (CPD). Registered Toxicologist and I act as an external assessor
for national regulatory bodies, and an external advisor
for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Craig Slattery : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-toxicology-reg-affairs www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F167
B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F042

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Chemistry (Negotiated Learning)

(1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
MSc Chemistry (Negotiated Learning) is a flexible programme which offers a diverse array of modules in a
variety of Chemistry topics. The programme is suitable for you if you wish to sample different sides of the
discipline ranging from the mathematical, through the physical and materials disciplines to the biological
ends of the scientific spectrum. Initial academic advice ensures that your module choices can match
your career aspirations or areas of interest. If you wish to broaden your understanding of chemistry,
you could choose a range of modules across the discipline. If you are interested in progressing to a
PhD programme, or into particular industries, you may choose to concentrate on a specific area,
e.g., chemical biology, nanochemistry, medicinal, sustainable or materials chemistry.
The UCD School of Chemistry has vibrant research in areas such as catalysis and new
transformations, bionano interface, advanced spectroscopy, new materials for magnetic,
medicinal, and electronic applications, and carbohydrate chemistry.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules research project

Modules on offer cover all the major themes of chemistry including:

Entry Requirements
n Advanced Synthetic Organic and n Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry n This programme is intended for applicants with a Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry n Nanochemistry degree, or a degree with a significant component of
n Materials Chemistry n Biophysical Chemistry chemistry. An upper second class honours undergraduate
n Advanced Spectroscopy n Polymer Chemistry degree or international equivalent is required.
n Advanced Crystallography n Computational Chemistry n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Commercialisation of Laboratory Research n Research Project
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Biological, Medicinal and
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
During the summer trimester students are placed within the research groups of a member of staff IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
in the School to carry out a 30-credit three-month research project. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

The MSc Chemistry (Negotiated Learning) provides a basis for graduates to enter the Dr Xiangming Zhu, UCD School of Chemistry
chemical, pharmaceutical, bio-pharmaceutical and materials industries. Analytical services, This MSc Chemistry (Negotiated Learning) trains students to
environmental protection and primary and secondary school teaching present other possible a high level of knowledge and proficiency in a specialised area
opportunities. of chemistry such as medicinal chemistry, chemical biology,
Furthermore, through judicious choice of modules within one particular sub-discipline of pharmaceutical chemistry, energy and sustainable chemistry,
chemistry, the programme is an attractive route for some students into a PhD programme. biophysical chemistry or nanotechnology.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor James Sullivan : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-chemistry www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F042 UCD School of Chemistry, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
A diverse range of careers are available to UCD Science and
Computer Science graduates. Depending on your chosen course,
you will learn practical skills which can be transferred to industry
and research ranging from biotechnology, conservation, natural
resources and wildlife to business, space science, technology,
financial services and insurance.

B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S B I OT E C H N O LO G Y, B I O M E D I C A L , P H A R M A C E U T I C A L & C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E S

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F105

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Synthetic Chemistry for the

Pharmaceutical & Fine Chemicals Industry
(1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
This course is designed for Chemistry graduates who are interested in deepening their knowledge of synthetic
chemistry with a view to pursuing a career in either the fine chemical or pharmaceutical industries.
There is a strong demand for these synthetic chemistry skills. Ireland is home to operations by some
of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies making some of the world’s
blockbuster medicines. You can focus on areas such as the synthesis of organic compounds and
drug-like substances, techniques for structure determination, and methods for drug discovery. In
addition, you will complete a research project from topics in relevant areas, including catalysis,
carbohydrate chemistry and asymmetric synthesis. X-ray crystal structure of all cis hexaphenylcyclohexane,
isolated from the BIRCH reduction of hexaphenylbenzene.
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules research project

The structure of the programme is as follows:

Entry Requirements
Autumn Trimester Spring Trimester n T his programme is intended for applicants with a Chemistry
n Organic Synthesis n Organic Synthesis 2 degree, or a degree with a significant component of
n Metals in Biology n Modern Methods and Catalysis chemistry. An upper second class honours undergraduate
n Topics in Medicinal Chemistry n Chemistry Lab to Commercialisation degree or international equivalent is required.
n Spectroscopic Techniques n Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Professional Career Development n Advanced NMR and MS demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Advanced Organic Synthesis and Drug band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
Discovery TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.
Summer Trimester
n Research Project

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Associate Professor Paul Evans,
The MSc Synthetic Chemistry course provides a basis for graduates to enter the chemical,
pharmaceutical, bio-pharmaceutical and materials industries. Analytical services,
UCD School of Chemistry
environmental protection, and primary and secondary school teaching present other I am an organic chemist, contributing to teaching and also
possible opportunities. leading research in the UCD School of Chemistry. My main
This course is also a route for some students into a PhD programme. For example, the UCD research interest is in the area of developing new synthetic
School of Chemistry has vibrant research in areas such as catalysis, the synthesis of biologically methods to prepare biologically active small molecules.
active compounds and the development of new materials for magnetic and electronic applications, Targets include fatty acid metabolites and saturated
and it has strong links with pharmaceutical and fine chemical companies in Ireland and around N-heterocycles, and we have prepared both natural products
the world. and structural analogues.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Paul Evans NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

: [email protected] and [email protected] www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F105 www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-synthetic-chemistry UCD School of Chemistry, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: X062

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Applied Environmental Science

(1 Year Full Time)
The study of Applied Environmental Science is critical for establishing policies in environmental assessment,
evaluating potential change in environmental quality in response to various land use and other activities,
and in the development of management and conservation strategies, as well as contributing to policy
formulation. This course has a heavy emphasis on practical training in fieldwork, laboratory analyses,
information sourcing, data analysis, planning, reporting and communication.

You will work with an interdisciplinary team of experts covering the key aspects of Environmental
Science, encompassing marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems. This is the only Applied
Environmental Science course in Ireland to include a major input from civil engineering,
relating particularly to water quality, hydrology and waste treatment processes.
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 65 credits 5 credits 20 credits

taught masters taught modules placement/internship research project/task
Samples of modules include: n Remote Sensing
Entry Requirements
n Water Resources Engineering n Ecological Modelling
n This programme is intended for applicants with a primary
n Environmental Impact Assessment n Integrated Municipal Solid Waste
degree in science, engineering, geography, architecture
n Quantitative Tools for the Life Sciences Management or a related subject. An upper second class honours or
n Freshwater Resources Assessment n Water, Waste and Environmental Modelling international equivalent is required.
n Global Change Ecology n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Wildlife and Resources Management Research Project/Task (20 credits) demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Marine/Coastal Ecology This project includes time spent collecting data band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Soil Ecology in the field on a research topic towards the TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Environmental Geology production of journal ready articles, including Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
n Ecotoxicology and Air Quality Monitoring an internship for at least a 6-week period in the IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
n Vegetation Ecology environmental sector (including consultancies, UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.
n Geographic Information Systems (GIS) government agencies and industry) over the
Summer Trimester.
and Data Analyses
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
Graduate Profiles
Hannah Fearon, RPS Environmental, Ireland
Overall, the course was an eye-opening experience with
Career Opportunities a great mixture of lab sessions, field work and lectures.
The highlight of this course for me was definitely the
Our graduates are building successful varied careers in environmental resources assessment, opportunity to gain professional work experience and I
management and protection. A considerable number have been employed in environmental would encourage anyone interested in following a career in
consultancy and national and International government agencies, such as Inland Fisheries the Environmental sector to seriously consider this course.
Ireland and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Some graduates have also continued
their studies at PhD level in the areas of fisheries, biomass fuels, soil, water engineering and Betsy Townsend, Physical Scientist, US EPA
invertebrate ecology. The course gives due consideration to key legislative requirements and The MSc coursework paired with my 6-week placement
policy developments. at Dublin City Council prepared me for a career in the
environmental sector, and gave me proficiency in the collection,
processing, analyses, and interpretation of environmental data.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Jan-Robert Baars : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-environmental-science www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 X062

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F038

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Global Change: Ecosystem

Science & Policy
(Joint International Degree, 16 Months Full Time)
Global change refers to planetary-scale changes occurring in complex socio-ecological systems, which are
affected by climatic and non-climatic drivers (e.g., changes in human society). Understanding the intricate,
medium- to long-term changes in our land, air and water requires advanced scientific knowledge in
measurement, modelling and prediction. This should, in turn inform the science-policy interface. This
joint international MSc in Global Change is the response to these global change challenges and will
suit graduates wishing to develop a scientific career in ecosystem research as well as those aiming
to contribute to evidence-based environmental policy. Students will study at both UCD, Dublin
and Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen, Germany where you will be involved in active
research groups, contributing to their ongoing ecosystem and policy consultancy studies.

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW
This programme receives
significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply.
120 credits 70 credits 30 credits 20 credits Please note that the annual course
taught masters taught modules individual research project work placement fee covers the full 16-month period.

The first trimester is based at UCD, followed by a 6-week minimum internship in a company or
institution of your choice. The second taught trimester is based in JLU, Giessen, Germany. The last
trimester is devoted entirely to a research project (minor thesis) which can be undertaken in either
Entry Requirements
UCD, JLU or another host institution. For more information visit: www.MasterGlobalChange.org
n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
Samples of topics available include:
in an appropriate life sciences discipline, such as biology,
n Global Change: Ecology n Science and Policy n Policy Consulting agriculture or environmental science (including zoology,
n Global Change: Techniques n Environmental Law n Resource Economics ecology, biochemistry, geology and physics). A lower second
and Adaptation and Policy (Env. Impact and Environmental class honours or international equivalent is required.
n Biodiversity Informatics Assessment) Management n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
Graduates receive a joint international degree from two well-established universities, which demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
have combined their complementary and multidisciplinary research profiles and cutting- band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
edge expertise. The course includes a professional work placement (up to 10 weeks) in highly TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
recognised international institutions and a 4-month research project position. Admissions website for further details.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Lisa Reilly
Graduates may pursue roles as policy advisers, scientific analysts or researchers in government,
international organisations, NGOs, research institutes or consulting companies. There are One of the best aspects of this course was the variety of
also many opportunities for further studies. The skills you acquire, particularly through the modules, from policy to hands-on practical modules which
completion of the minor thesis, provide a strong foundation for PhD research. allowed me to find my own interests and build up my
Prospective employers include the Environmental Protection Agency, governmental skills. The professional work placement gave me first-hand
departments, European Commission; European Environment Agency and International exposure to working in the real world and set my CV apart
organisations (e.g. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; United Nations Environment from other graduates. I studied in both Ireland and Germany
Programme; International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Food and Agricultural and received funding to complete my thesis at the Centre for
Organisation). International Forestry in Indonesia.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Florence Renou-Wilson : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.MasterGlobalChange.org www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F038 UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F059

Ireland’s Global University

MSc/Grad Cert/Grad Dip

Environmental Sustainability
(Negotiated Learning) (Online)
Dwindling natural resources and environmental quality issues are challenging businesses to work within a
sustainability framework, while at the same time maximising employment provision and profitability.
Consequently, there are a growing number of green technology and related enterprises that require a skilled
and knowledgeable workforce. Equally, those within the regulation or policy environment must have the
knowledge base to address the complexities of the ‘sustainability’ challenge. This course is taken online
in your own time and you can choose to study for a 30-credit Graduate Certificate, a 60-credit
Graduate Diploma or a 90-credit MSc degree. The course focuses on delivery of the knowledge
and skills required to address sustainability challenges across a broad spectrum of activities such
as agriculture, industry, green technology and resource management. Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply
65 credits 75 credits
taught credits taught credits
90 credits
25 credits
15 credits
Entry Requirements
practicum research study project practicum desk study
n This programme is intended for applicants with a primary
60 credits 30 credits
degree in science, engineering, or a related discipline.
Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificate
A lower second class honours degree or international
The MSc Diploma and Certificate will provide you with the theoretical background, practical training equivalent is required. Applicants with substantial relevant
and ancillary workplace skills needed for a successful career in your chosen field. Modules include: work experience will also be considered.
n Sustainable Energy and n Air Pollution Fisheries n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
Environment n Environmental Geoscience n Wildlife Management/ demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Green Technology Project n Soil Resources Conservation band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Energy Systems and Climate n Peatlands and Global Change n Bioinvasions: Impact
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Technical Communications n Ecology and its Application to Management
n People Information and n Genetics for Environmental n Natural Heritage Admissions website for further details.
Communication Scientists Conservation
n Managing the Interface n Applied Ecotoxicology n Data Analysis and
between Science and Policy n Impact Assessment Interpretation
n Water Quality Assessment, Procedures n GIS for Environmental
Protection and Management n Environmental Legislation Investigations
n Water Resources Engineering and Regulation n Practicum (Research; lab/field)
1 and 2 n Management of Sustainable n Practicum (Desk Study) Graduate Profile
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
Susan Vickers
I found the course refreshing in terms of content, delivery
Career Opportunities and the online virtual classroom discussions which allowed
Successful completion of this course will provide you with the professional competitive advantage people on the course to communicate and share ideas.
to choose from careers in the application of green energy technology, environmental engineering, Working professionally full time, and with a young family, I
environmental monitoring and protection, resource and waste management, consultancy, found the online format superb as well as the flexibility that
research, heritage, conservation and education, either within regulatory bodies or in a wide this allowed me.
range of industries, both multinational organisations and small- and medium-sized enterprises.
The course also opens up opportunities to pursue further studies including up to PhD level.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Elke Eichelmann : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-environmental-sustainability www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F059

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F181

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Subsurface Characterisation

& Geomodelling
(1 Year Full Time)
This unique and forward-looking MSc is designed to provide you with a solid grounding in key modern
principles and methods required for a career in applied geoscience in our changing world. The course is
taught by experts from diverse geoscience disciplines, including the minerals and hydrocarbon sectors.
It focuses on generic aspects of data interpretation, analysis and computer modelling of the deeper
and shallow subsurface using real-world data and leading industry software (e.g., Petrel, Leapfrog,
ArcGIS). This sought-after and transferable expertise will provide you with the flexibility needed
for a geoscience career in an increasingly populous and resource-constrained world.

Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules applied research project
Entry Requirements
The programme combines classroom-based instruction, practical workstation experience,
team-based exercises and field visits. It also includes a three-month applied research n This programme is intended for applicants who have an
project. upper second class honours or international equivalent in
Earth Science or Geoscience.
Samples of modules include: n Geodata Manipulation
n Consideration will be given to applicants with similar
n Overview of Industrial Geology n Drilling and Well Logging
qualifications in cognate areas (e.g. Geophysics/Physical
n 3D Mapping and Modelling n Geofluids and Geomechanics
Geography), and to those with significant and relevant
n Stratigraphic Prediction n Quaternary Geology
work experience but who do not meet this criterion.
n ‘Hard rock’ Characterisation n Remote Sensing
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Applied Structural Geology n Fractured Rock Characterisation
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Geophysical Methods n Team-Based Modelling Exercises
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent. Visit the
n Geostatistics n Field Skills
UCD Admissions website for further details.
n Geomodelling

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Associate Professor Tom Manzocchi,
The course is industry facing and designed to equip you for a career in a broad range of UCD School of Earth Sciences
industries and research organisations requiring digital subsurface characterisation and Understanding and predicting the movement of geological
modelling. Application areas include mineral resources, the energy sector including oil and fluids in the shallow crust requires consideration of
gas, geothermal, groundwater, carbon sequestration and storage, geotechnical services, 3D geological structure over microscopic to kilometre
national geological surveys and waste management. You will also receive training in the scale-ranges. My research focuses on developing methods
range of soft skills (e.g. reporting, programming) required by industry. for representing geological structure in fluid flow models.
Usually there are only very limited observational constraints
about the subsurface, so the challenge is to include realistic
uncertainty in the geomodel, whilst also representing the
key features that influence the flow process of interest.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Tom Manzocchi : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/earthsciences/study/mscsubsurface www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F181 UCD School of Earth Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F034

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Actuarial Science

(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc Actuarial Science is designed for students from quantitative disciplines who wish to train as an
actuary upon completion of the programme. The MSc can help fast track your career as an actuary by
supporting you through the initial examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), UK and is
fully accredited by the IFoA, UK.

The programme provides a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, economics and finance for
future actuarial studies. You will also have the opportunity to undertake a dissertation in a topical
area of actuarial science under the supervision of a member of the UCD School of Mathematics
and Statistics. The programme is suitable for students with no prior exemptions and for
students who wish to add to any exemptions they already have.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60/70 credits 20/30 credits

taught masters taught modules research project
Entry Requirements
The MSc in Actuarial Science covers the Core Principles subjects (CS1, CS2, CM1, CM2, CB1, CB2)
and Core Practicals subject CP1 of the examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
in a quantitative area such as mathematics, statistics,
The Core Principles subjects are:
computer science, engineering or economics and/or
n Actuarial Statistics (CS1)
finance. An upper second class honours or international
n Risk Modelling and Survival Analysis (CS2) equivalent is required.
n Actuarial Mathematics (CM1) n We will, however, consider applications from
n Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving (CM2) prospective students who do not meet these entry
n Business Finance (CB1) requirements provided they can demonstrate
n Business Economics (CB2) an ability and commitment to study actuarial science.
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
Depending on your subject choices in trimesters 1 and 2 you may also undertake advanced modules
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
in finance at the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. Module topics may include band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
regulation, corporate governance, ethics in finance, asset valuation, and financial management. TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
There will be opportunities for some students to complete their thesis as a paid research placement Admissions website for further details.
with an actuarial company.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
Graduate Profile
Troy Tyson,
Career Opportunities Trainee actuary in New Ireland Assurance
This course gave me the opportunity to acquire exemptions
As a graduate you can look forward to a career ranging from the traditional areas of insurance from the professional examinations of the Institute and
and pension consultancy to the rapidly expanding areas of investment and risk management. Faculty of Actuaries, which are mandatory to become a
fully qualified actuary. The research placement portion
Throughout your actuarial career you can rely on the support and guidance of the actuarial
of the year for me was extremely beneficial with regards
profession, and upon qualification you can expect a rewarding career that will continue to
to my career as an actuary. It gave me an insight into the
offer opportunities for further development.
typical day of an actuary working in the insurance sector.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-actuarial-science www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F034
S C I E N C E& &
S C I E N C E& &

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F036

Ireland’s Global University

Graduate Diploma Actuarial Science

(9 Months Full Time)
The Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science is designed for students from quantitative disciplines who
ultimately wish to train as an actuary upon completion of the programme. The Graduate Diploma can help
fast track your career as an actuary by supporting you through the initial examinations of the Institute
and Faculty of Actuaries, UK.

The programme provides a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, economics and finance for
future actuarial studies. The programme is suitable for students with no prior exemptions and
for students who wish to add to any exemptions they already have.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

60 credits 60 credits
graduate diploma taught modules

There is no option to complete the Graduate Diploma on a part-time basis. Depending on

Entry Requirements
your subject choices in the Autumn and Spring Trimesters, you may also undertake advanced n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
modules in finance at the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. in a quantitative area such as mathematics, statistics,
The Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science covers the Core Principles subjects (CS1, CS2, CM1, computer science, engineering or economics and/or
CM2, CB1, CB2) of the examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. finance. An upper second class honours or international
The Core Principles subjects are: equivalent is required.
n Actuarial Statistics (CS1) n We will, however, consider applications from
n Risk Modelling and Survival Analysis (CS2) prospective students who do not meet these entry
n Actuarial Mathematics (CM1) requirements provided they can demonstrate
an ability and commitment to study actuarial science.
n Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving (CM2)
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Business Finance (CB1)
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Business Economics (CB2)
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Modules and
subjecttoto change
change and
and areare
notnot guaranteed
guaranteed by UCD.
by UCD. Admissions website for further details.

Career Opportunities
Upon successfully completing the Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science you can look forward Graduate Profile
to a career ranging from the traditional areas of insurance and pension consultancy to the
rapidly expanding areas of investment and risk management. Successful graduates can expect Alex Clarke, Actuarial Trainee,
early responsibility in their chosen career and the opportunity to work in a variety of challenging Lloyds of London
roles. Throughout your actuarial career you can rely on the support and guidance of the Actuarial
The quality of the education was excellent, arising from
Profession and upon qualification you can expect a rewarding career that will continue to offer the level of experience and dedication of the lecturers.
opportunities for further development. Within three weeks of completing my final exam I
had four job offers and chose what I felt was the most
interesting area for me.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/gdip-actuarial-science www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F036 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin F084/F057
Ireland’s Global University

MSc/Professional Diploma Data Analytics

(3 Years/9 Months Part Time) (Online)
This online course will help you analyse and understand the large data sets that are regularly being created
via the huge growth in freely available online information. There is an increasing demand for graduates
with these valuable skills in a wide range of industries, and currently a shortage of qualified graduates.
There are no lectures to attend as the courses are delivered completely online.

Students will be given videos, online demonstrations, and interactive games to enhance their
learning, with regular feedback and interaction with course tutors. This provides flexibility to
students who can learn wherever they like at a pace that suits them. Students will attend a
UCD exam centre at the end of each trimester for exams.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 20 credits
taught masters (online) – all taught modules professional diploma (online) – all taught modules

The first year of both programmes is designed to introduce you to statistical and mathematical
Entry Requirements
concepts in Data Analytics and Data Mining, and to start you on statistical programming with data. n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
The second year of the MSc is split between understanding the theory behind statistical models for data in a numerate subject. An upper second class honours or
via predictive analytics, and dealing with data sets at scale using multivariate techniques. The final year international equivalent is required.
of the MSc covers some advanced statistical modelling methods. A provisional list of topics is as follows: n Those without this requirement, but with equivalent
Statistics modules: Computing modules: experience in industry, will also be considered on a case-
n Monte Carlo by-case basis, or can apply for the Professional Certificate
n Machine Learning and AI
in Mathematics for Data Analytics and Statistics which
n Predictive Analytics nR
leads directly into the Data Analytics programme.
n Multivariate Analysis nC
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Time Series Analysis n Python
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Stochastic models n SAS band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Bayesian Analysis TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Network Analysis Admissions website for further details.
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Fergal Kelly, Data Analyst in the Central
Data Analysts are in strong demand from industry; those who are successful in completing
Bank of Ireland
the course are highly employable in fields as diverse as pharmaceuticals, finance and
insurance, as well as cloud computing. Some examples of prospective employers include: I wanted to re-skill so that I could move to a different
role and the content and online aspect of the masters
n  ICT companies (e.g., Google, eBay, Facebook, Amazon, Paddy Power)
was perfect for me. I wouldn’t have been able to commit
n The pharmaceutical industry (e.g., Janssen, Merck, GSK)
to going into a university on set nights for 3 years. I also
n The financial services industry (e.g., Bank of Ireland, AXA, EY, Accenture, Deloitte) would like to commend all the lecturers and tutors who
always responded on time to questions. I’ve been able
to make a contribution to my new team pretty much
straight away.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-data-analytics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. 2022 F084/F057
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T306

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Data & Computational Science

(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc Data & Computational Science is designed for students from highly quantitative disciplines who wish
to work in data analytics or computational science. Computational Science is at the crossroads between
modern applied mathematics and statistics, and our programme recognises this fact by combining aspects
of both in a unique set of tailored modules including scientific computing, mathematical modelling,
and data analytics.

The programme will equip you to solve complex scientific problems and analyse large data sets using
a range of theoretical tools, from deterministic mathematical modelling to Bayesian analysis. The
intensive programming modules will allow you develop a range of sought-after skills in practical
programming and data analytics, including applications in high performance computing.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

60 taught credits 30 credit

Research Stream Autumn/Spring trimester research project Summer trimester
Entry Requirements
90 taught credits
Taught Stream Autumn/Spring/Summer trimester n This programme is intended for applicants who have
The structure of the programme includes the following: an upper second class honours degree or higher, or the
Core Modules in Computational Core Modules in Statistics and Optional Modules Include: international equivalent, in a highly quantitative subject
such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Engineering.
Science and Mathematics Data Analytics n Scientific Computing
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Data Programming with n Predictive Analytics n High-performance
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
Python n Advanced Predictive Computing
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Data Programming with R Analytics n Numerical Algorithms TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Mathematica for Research n Statistical Machine Learning n Advanced Computational Admissions website for further details.
n Applied Matrix Theory n Machine Learning and AI Science
n Transferable Skills n Bayesian Analysis n Probability and Statistics
n Time Series Analysis
n Monte Carlo Inference
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Cian O’Callaghan, Paddy Power
The unique combination of modules and skills offered by this programme will equip graduates
I would thoroughly recommend the MSc Data &
to work in a range of specific sectors in data analytics, data science, quantitative modelling
Computational Science to students interested in
in finance, and computational science and engineering. Recent past graduates from this
pursuing a career/further studies in data science. The
programme and other similar past programmes in the School, work in firms including ICT
lecturers and tutors are both extremely knowledgeable
companies (e.g. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, BAE Systems), the financial services industry and approachable. The course strikes a balance between
(e.g. AIB, AXA, Citi, Deloitte, Geneva Trading, KBC, Permanent TSB, Murex), and other data- understanding the theory behind computational and
intensive businesses (e.g. Accenture, AXA, Paddy Power, SAP, ESB, LexisNexis). machine learning algorithms and applying this theory to
real-world problems.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-data-computational www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T306 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T341

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Financial Mathematics

(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc Financial Mathematics is designed for students who wish to gain a competitive advantage in the
financial sector by acquiring the background demanded by upper-level quantitative roles. The programme
will provide high-level instruction in the mathematical theory underlying finance and associated
computational and statistical methods.

It features an inter-disciplinary suite of traditional and online modules that address contemporary
topics in financial mathematics. It concludes with a summer work placement opportunity
that enables students to apply their newfound theoretical knowledge and digital skills, and
develop key professional and transversal skills.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules summer work placement or dissertation
Entry Requirements
In the Autumn and Spring Trimesters, you will take a mixture of face-to-face and online modules
(indicative module list below). In the Summer Trimester, you will have the opportunity to take up n This programme is intended for applicants with a
a summer work placement with a Dublin-based financial firm, or a dissertation supervised by a degree in Financial Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied
member of faculty. Upon completion of the programme, you will be able to understand, critique Mathematics or Statistics. An upper second class honours
and judge the suitability of a number of advanced financial mathematical models, manipulate, or international equivalent is required.
analyse and discern the reliability of financial data sets, and be acquainted with industry practice. n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
Core modules Optional modules include n Measure Theory and band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Stochastic Calculus n Computational Finance Integration TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Advanced Financial Models n Statistical Machine Learning n PDEs in Financial Maths Admissions website for further details.

n Counterparty Credit Risk n Time Series Analysis - n Big Data Programming

n Financial Risk Measurement Actuarial Applications n Scientific Programming
and Management n Data Programming with Concepts
Python n Behavioural Economics
n Data Programming with R n Energy Economics and Faculty Profile
n Categorical Data Analysis Policy
Assistant Professor Adamaria Perrotta,
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics
I have a PhD in Mathematics and I taught
Career Opportunities Mathematical Analysis with real-world applications for
6 years, which deepened my interest in Applied
Graduates with training in Financial Mathematics can cover upper-level quantitative roles in Mathematics. After that I moved to the financial
industry, working for 5 years as a business analyst in the
several sub-sectors such as:
Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management Department
n Quantitative analysis in financial firms and hedge funds of an advisory firm. Since 2016 I have been a lecturer
n Risk modelling in banking and insurance in Financial Mathematics and Computational Finance.
n Computational modelling in fintech My research interests are related to financial
n Research and academia mathematical modelling and computational finance.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-financial-mathematics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 T341
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T017

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Mathematical Science

(1 Year Full Time)
This programme is designed for mathematics and applied mathematics graduates with a passion for their
subject and a desire to upskill to a level required to embark on a career in research. It is a versatile
programme, giving you the opportunity to choose from a range of modules and projects from the
different disciplines of Mathematics, Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics.

On successful completion of the programme you will have the knowledge, experience and
confidence to pursue a PhD in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, or a related
discipline, attained an advanced and modern mathematical training, developed excellent
presentation skills and have acquired a much sought after qualification that can be applied
to a wide variety of careers.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules project work and dissertation
Entry Requirements
Below is a representative list of modules offered in previous years. Modules offered change from
year to year. n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
n Numerical Algorithms n Fractal Geometry n Stochastic Models (usually a 4-year degree) in Statistics, Mathematics,
Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics or Theoretical
n Advanced Fluid Mechanics n Graduate Analysis n Time Series
Physics, in a programme for which the course requirements
n Introduction to C n Modular Forms n Mathematical Statistics
are of comparable content and standard to that of the
Programming n Mathematical Theory n Bayesian Analysis
corresponding four-year UCD BSc degree. An upper second
n Parallel Algorithm Design of PDEs n Applied Statistical class honours, or international equivalent is required.
and Analysis n Cryptography and Modelling n Applicants who have been awarded an upper second class
n Numerical Methods Elliptic Curves n Statistical Data Mining honours or higher in the Higher Diploma in Mathematical
of PDEs n Topics in Combinatorics Science are eligible for the programme.
n Mathematica for Research n Actuarial Statistics n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Case Studies in Simulation n Survival Models demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
Science n Monte Carlo Inference band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the

Career Opportunities UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Some of the careers chosen by our graduates include working

as researchers in mathematics (both in academia and industry),
Faculty Profile
actuarial consultants, risk analysts, meteorologists, IT Professor Frederic Dias, UCD School of Mathematics
consultants, and second- and third-level teaching. Prospective and Statistics
employers include Aquamarine Power, Alcatel-Lucent, Bureau
We study the formation of extreme waves on the surface of the ocean. These waves
Veritas, Campbell Scientific, Google, IBM, IFSC, Intel, Lloyds,
can be damaging and are a threat to navigation and possibly to wave energy converters
Marine Institute, Met Éireann, Microsoft, Nokia, Norkom,
in the future when they are operational. Better forecasting of extreme waves is a key
Numerica Corporation, OpenHydro, Paddy Power, Phillips, RIM,
focus for my research. This area of research requires knowledge in statistics, fluid
Simula Research and the Tyndall Institute.
mechanics, wave motion, partial differential equations and numerical modelling.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-mathematical-science www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T017 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T011

Ireland’s Global University

Higher Diploma Mathematical Science

(1 Year Full Time)
This Higher Diploma in Mathematical Science offers the opportunity for graduates with a degree in a subject
other than mathematics to achieve a more advanced mathematical training. Taking the Higher Diploma
in Mathematical Science will allow you to complete the core components of a BSc Honours Degree in
Mathematics or Mathematical Science. This course would equip you with the necessary background
to pursue an MSc degree in Mathematics or Mathematical Sciences.

The UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics is a dynamic, multidisciplinary school spanning
the disciplines of Mathematics, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Statistics and
Actuarial Science. The School engages in research of international renown and teaches
students across all disciplines.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

60 credits
higher diploma – all taught modules

Students in the Mathematical stream choose modules from a selection of Mathematics courses.
Entry Requirements
Students in the Mathematical Sciences stream select modules within both the subjects of Mathematics n The mathematics stream of this programme is especially intended
and Applied and Computational Mathematics. Below is a representative list of modules available to you. for applicants with a degree in mathematical studies, economics
Modules offered change from year to year and include: and finance, a three-year honours degree in mathematics or a
n Mathematical Analysis n Group Theory n Dynamical Systems cognate discipline with a high mathematical content. An upper
n Calculus of Several Variables n Intro to Coding Theory n Foundations of Fluid second class honours or the international equivalent is required.
n The applied and computational mathematics stream of this
n Graphs and Networks n Metric Spaces Mechanics
programme is especially intended for science and engineering
n Linear Algebra 2 n Galois Theory n Foundations of Quantum
graduates who have scored highly in their mathematics, applied
n Functions of One Complex n Measure Theory and Mechanics
mathematics or mathematical physics courses. An upper
Variable Integration n Electrodynamics and Gauge
second class honours or the international equivalent is required.
n Number Theory n Intro to Topology Theory n Other graduates who believe that their mathematical training
n Groups, Rings and Fields n Advanced Mathematical n Potential Theory and provides sufficient background to cope with the programme
n Set Theory Methods Electrostatics may apply for entry to the Programme Coordinator.
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as

Career Opportunities TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.

Some of the careers chosen by our graduates include working as researchers in mathematics (both
in academia and industry), actuarial consultants, risk analysts, meteorologists, IT consultants,
Graduate Profile
and second- and third-level teaching. Prospective employers include Aquamarine Power, Alcatel- Dr Alison Sneyd
Lucent, Bureau Veritas, Campbell Scientific, Google, IBM, IFSC, Intel, Lloyds, Marine Institute, Met After completing a degree in Mathematical Studies
Éireann, Microsoft, Nokia, Norkom, Numerica Corporation, OpenHydro, Paddy Power, Phillips, at UCD, I decided to do the HDip in Mathematical
RIM, Simula Research and the Tyndall Institute. Science because it gave me the qualification I needed to
pursue a PhD in mathematics. The HDip increased my
understanding of a wide variety of topics in mathematics
and was very beneficial to my future studies.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/hdip-mathematical-science www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 T011
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T172

Ireland’s Global University

Higher Diploma Mathematical Studies

(1 Year Full Time)
This programme is for you if you have a passion for mathematics, for problem solving and for deep
understanding of the structures which underlie much of everyday experience. The programme may be of
particular benefit to teachers or potential teachers, who would like to include mathematics among the
subjects that they are eligible to teach at Leaving Certificate level. If you have already been exposed
to a limited amount of University-level mathematics and would like to find a path into teaching or
more advanced studies in the subject, then this programme provides the necessary bridge. After
completing the Higher Diploma Mathematical Studies you will achieve a level of competence
equivalent to that of a Mathematics major in a three-year honours degree.

The programme covers the mathematics necessary to qualify the student to teach mathematics
to Leaving Certificate level when combined with a Professional Master of Education (PME).

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

60 credits
higher diploma – all taught modules

Sample topics include:

Entry Requirements
n Calculus of Several Variables n Graphs and Networks n This programme is intended for applicants with an

n Mathematics Pedagogy n Financial Mathematics undergraduate degree with at least 10 credits of university

n Algebraic Structures n Analysis level mathematics, including a course in calculus and a

n Linear Algebra n Geometry course in linear algebra, both aimed at Mathematics or

n History of Mathematics n Differential Equations Science students.

n Introduction to Coding and/or n Statistics and Data Analysis n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
Cryptography demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Cathal Dempsey, Risk Analyst
The programme covers the mathematics necessary to qualify the student to teach
mathematics to Leaving Certificate level when combined with a Professional Master of Having completed a BComm, choosing to then
Education (PME). With further study in mathematics or a related discipline a wide range of the study Mathematics was initially daunting and very
challenging, but thankfully the design of the course and
following careers become available: Financial engineer/quantitative analyst, Meteorologist,
in particular the support from lecturers was excellent.
Computer animation, Graduate entry into banking/accountancy, Systems biologist, Internet
The approachability of lecturers and their genuine desire
security, software, Statistician. Prospective employers include Bell Labs, Campbell Scientific,
to see you improve and learn was a huge help. I found
Google, IBM, Intel, IFSC, Met Éireann, Microsoft, Nokia, Norkom, Phillips, RIM and the
the course to be so interesting and enjoyable that I
Tyndall Institute. decided to continue and study the UCD Higher Diploma
in Mathematical Science.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/hdip-mathematical-studies www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T172 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T020

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Statistics
(1 Year Full Time)
On completion of the MSc Statistics, you will be able to demonstrate in-depth understanding of statistical
concepts, apply basic statistical reasoning, techniques and models in the analysis of real data and employ
technical computing skills. This programme is aimed at students who have an undergraduate degree in
Statistics or a degree in a discipline related to Statistics and with numerate skills.

Compulsory modules are intended to ensure that all students have appropriate basic statistical
skills, knowledge and experience, while optional modules provide depth and exposure to the
diverse range of statistical applications and methods. This latter aspect provides you with the
opportunity to specialise in specific areas. The major project provides you with the chance to
work extensively on either theoretical or practical problems.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 65 credits 25 credits

taught masters taught modules research project/dissertation
Entry Requirements
Modules offered change from year to year and the list includes:
n This programme is intended for applicants who hold a
n Mathematical Statistics n Data Programming with R
degree in Statistics or a cognate subject area. An upper
n Monte Carlo Inference n Bayesian Analysis
second class honours or international equivalent is required.
n Actuarial Statistics n Uncertainty Quantification n Those who have been awarded an upper second class
n Survival models n Machine Learning honours or higher in the Higher Diploma in Statistics are
n Data Mining n Stochastic Models eligible for the programme.
n Time Series n Data Programming with Python n Alternatively students may qualify for enrolment for the
n Multivariate Analysis n Predictive Analytics I four trimester MA in Statistics which brings them to the
n Statistical Network Analysis same level as the MSc in Statistics.
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities
Graduate Profile
Career opportunities exist in a variety of industries including pharmaceutical companies,
banking, finance, government departments, risk management and the IT sector. Some
Valda Murphy, Project Lead, Novartis
past students embarked on a career in academia by proceeding to study for a PhD. Graduates
I am glad that I decided to take the MSc in Statistics in UCD. It
are currently working for companies such as Google, Western Union, AIB, Norbrook, had a strong theoretical foundation and gave me an education
Ernst & Young, O2, and SPSS. Demand for graduates continues to be strong both in Ireland in how to apply statistics. My research project inspired me to
and abroad. go into the area of medical statistics after graduation. The
course served as a launch pad for my career in pharmaceutical
statistics where I now work as a project lead, overseeing the
quantitative aspects of several drugs in development.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-statistics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 T020
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F043

Ireland’s Global University

MA Statistics
(16 Months Full Time)
The MA in Statistics will bring students to the same level as the 1-year MSc degree in Statistics. Currently,
students without sufficient statistical background knowledge can attain master’s level proficiency by first
completing the Higher Diploma in Statistics followed by the MSc in Statistics, which takes two years.
The MA in Statistics provides an alternative pathway in 16 months and there is no comparable programme
in Ireland or the UK. The MA Statistics is an EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) labelled
programme, which means that some students may choose to take modules and a project on official
statistics, and potentially receive the EMOS certification of their degree.
On successful completion of the programme you will be able to demonstrate in-depth
understanding of statistical concepts, apply basic statistical reasoning, techniques and models
in the analysis of real data, employ technical computing skills, learn from experiences gained
in different contexts, and apply knowledge across discipline boundaries to solve problems.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

120 credits 95 credits 25 credits

taught masters taught modules dissertation or data analytics project

The MA in Statistics is of 16 months’ duration (four trimesters) and will bring students to the
Entry Requirements
same level as the MSc degree in Statistics. n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
Modules offered change from year to year and the list includes: in mathematics, economics, finance, certain engineering
degrees or similar quantitative disciplines where statistics
n Predictive Analytics 1 n Actuarial Statistics
has formed some component of the degree. An upper
n Data Mining n Survival Models second class honours or international equivalent is required.
n Time Series n Stochastic Models n Applicants who do not meet these requirements but can
n Multivariate Analysis n Bayesian Analysis demonstrate an interest and ability in statistics may be
n Mathematical Statistics n Data Programming with R considered.
n Monte Carlo Inference n Alternatively students may qualify for enrolment to the
Higher Diploma Statistics from which they can gain entry
to the one-year MSc in Statistics.
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.

Career Opportunities
Faculty Profile
Career prospects on completion of the MA in Statistics are equivalent to those of the MSc in
Statistics and graduates pursue careers in the pharmaceutical industry, banking, finance and
Dr Michelle Carey, UCD School of
Mathematics and Statistics
risk management. There is increased demand for statisticians from the IT sector (e.g., Google,
Intel, data mining companies). In addition, many government departments employ statisticians. The ever-increasing rise of automated measurements
Former MSc and MA students are currently working for such firms as Google, Western Union, AIB, allows us an unprecedented view of the world around
Norbrook, Ernst & Young, O2 and SPSS. Other graduates embarked on careers in academia by us. Traditional statistical methodology is challenged
by this more complex and high-dimensional data. My
proceeding to study for a PhD.
research advances statistical and numerical methods
for the analysis of high-dimensional functional data in
climatology, finance and medicine.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/ma-statistics www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F043 UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E M AT H E M AT I C S , A C T U A R I A L S C I E N C E & F I N A N C E

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T013

Ireland’s Global University

Higher Diploma Statistics

(9 months Full Time)
This programme is aimed at graduates whose level of statistical or mathematical training is high and have
demonstrated numerical ability, but below that of a BSc Degree in Statistics. Students who are awarded a
distinction or upper second-class honours in the Higher Diploma in Statistics are qualified to enter the
MSc Statistics.

On successful completion of the programme, you will reach in one year a level of statistical knowledge
equivalent to that of BSc Honours graduates. You will be able to apply basic statistical reasoning,
techniques and models in the analysis of real data, understand the context in which statistical
work is done, select appropriate statistical models for different applications, interpret results,
and demonstrate programming skills, report writing skills and presentation skills.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

60 credits
higher diploma – all taught modules

Modules available include:

Entry Requirements
n Probability Theory n Stochastic Models n Time Series n Applicants must have a minimum of an upper second

n Inferential Statistics n Data Mining n Categorical Data Analysis class honours degree in a numerical discipline or a cognate

n Monte Carlo Inference n Predictive Analytics n Multivariate Analysis subject area.

n Bayesian Analysis n Actuarial Statistics n Data Programming with R n Applicants who do not meet these requirements but can
demonstrate an interest and ability in statistics may be
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

James McBride, Director of the Irish Social
Many students pursue careers in the pharmaceutical industry, banking, finance and risk
Science Data Archive from 2000-2012
management. There is an increase in demand for statisticians from the IT sector. Many
government departments employ statisticians including the Central Statistics Office. Many The material covered in the core lecture courses was
students embarked on the MSc Statistics, based on achieving a second-class honours grade. underpinned by an excellent tutorial system, which
further enhanced my understanding of the topics. I cannot
Prospective employers include Vodafone, Google, Intel, Irish Life, Paddy Power, the ESRI, SPSS,
recommend this course highly enough for anyone wishing
Bank of Ireland, Quintiles, Accenture, Tesco, eBay and Aviva.
to strengthen their statistical skills, whether to pursue a
career in academic research or in the broader job market.

EU ENQUIRIES Programme Administrator : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/higher-diploma-statistics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 T013


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F012

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Physics
(Negotiated Learning) (1 Year Full Time)
Physics provides us with a model of the universe, on an incredible range of scales, from inside the nucleus of
the atom towards the edge of the observable universe. Advances in Physics underpin many technological
developments, for example our knowledge of electron transport in semiconductors has led us to the point
where computer processors and memory are almost ubiquitous.

This UCD MSc in Physics offers a negotiated learning (NL) model for students with a Physical
Science or Engineering background that allows you to customise your learning path and to tailor
what you learn to your own specific needs and career aspirations. It can prepare you either for
further research in a PhD programme, or employment directly after graduation.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 30 – 60 credits 30 – 60 credits

taught masters taught modules project

Modules in the programme include:

Entry Requirements
n Ultrafast Soft X-ray Photonics n Bio-inspired Technologies n Entrance to this programme requires a degree in physics,
chemistry, engineering, material sciences or a related
n Physics Tutoring and Demonstrating n The Space Environment
discipline with a significant physics content. An upper
n Applied Quantum Mechanics n Quantum Condensed Matter
second class honours or international equivalent is
n Applied Optics n Advanced Statistical Mechanics
required. In special circumstances, students with a strong
n Nano-optics and Biophotonics n Nanomechanics physics background and a lower second class honours
n Nanomaterials degree may be accepted.
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Oisín Maguire, PhD Student in Plasma
This relatively new programme offers the possibility for graduates to go on to PhD programmes.
The MSc will prepare you for employment in the semiconductor industry as a process engineer,
Spectroscopy, UCD School of Physics
the financial sector as a modelling and data expert, or as an engineer in the space sector. I chose to study the MSc Physics (Negotiated Learning)
Prospective employers include Intel Ireland, Airbus, Analog Devices, Met Éireann, and companies due to its flexibility and engaging topics: from nano-
in the Irish Financial Services Centre. mechanics and nano-optics to plasma physics. A wide
variety of prospective research projects will fit practically
every student, regardless of their specific background and
research interests. Overall, this MSc gave me the insight I
needed to progress my career and the knowledge that is
required to have a successful career.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Brian Vohnsen : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-physics-negotiated-learning www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F012 UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F122

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Nanotechnology
(1 Year Full Time)
Nanotechnology is an emerging sector, which covers many areas of both academic science and device
design and innovation. Manipulating matter at the nanoscale has already led to new technology in many
areas such as electronics, displays, sensors, and green technology. The design, fabrication and control
of devices with nanoscale (billionth of a metre) dimensions, is an engine of innovation in almost
every sector.

This course is suitable for graduates who wish to apply their degree expertise in the nanoscale
science and related sectors. This specialisation is for students excited by the prospect of
studying and researching in an interdisciplinary area, where physics, chemistry and “Pentium 4 Underside Demonstrating PGA Socket” by Liam McSherry
engineering all come together. - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

45 credits 60 credits
taught modules taught modules
90 credits
taught masters
or Entry Requirements
45 credits 30 credits
research project research project n Entrance to this programme requires a degree in physics,
chemistry, engineering, material sciences or a related
Modules will be decided upon agreement with the Programme Director. discipline with a significant physics content. An upper
You will gain experimental, theoretical and computational training in the following topics: second class honours or international equivalent is
required. In special circumstances, students with a strong
n Nano-Optics n Theoretical and Computational Simulation physics background and lower second class honours
n Physics of Nano-Materials n Bio-inspired Technologies degree may be accepted.
n Ultrafast Soft X-ray Photonics n Innovation n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Nano-Mechanics demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Atomic Force Microscopy band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Associate Professor James Rice, UCD
The programme prepares you for industry or further PhD research. Career opportunities
include the semiconductor industry, telecommunications, diagnostic imaging, green
School of Physics
technologies and sensor applications, both in Ireland and internationally. It is also a stepping- The research projects in Dr Rice’s group at UCD are in
stone to PhD research in the areas of photonics, nanotechnology and computational physics the area of experimental nanoscience. His main scientific
and nanoscience. Prospective employers include Abbott, Allergan, Andor, Asylum Research, contributions are related to understanding optical
Becton Dickinson, Boston Scientific, Carl-Zeiss Meditec, Covidien Imaging, Eblana Photonics, processes in nanoscale materials, concentrating on
semiconducting and metallic nanostructured materials.
Intel, Intune Networks, Park Systems, Pharma-Bio Serv, Philips, and SensL.
He contributed to the development of novel nanomaterial
designs that possess plasmonic properties and the use of
biomaterials as functional conducting nanomaterials.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor James Rice : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-nanotechnology www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F122


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T149

Ireland’s Global University

MSc NanoBio Science

(1 Year Full Time)
This MSc programme unites the technological with the biological aspects of nanotechnology in a unique way,
equipping graduates with a truly interdisciplinary perspective of the field. Manipulating matter at the nanoscale
is already leading to new and improved imaging and display technologies, biomedical sensors, and solar
cells for environmentally friendly energy production. The design, fabrication and control of devices with
nanoscale (billionth of a metre) dimensions is an engine of innovation in almost every sector.

The MSc in NanoBio Science at the UCD School of Physics is for students excited by the prospect
of studying and researching in this emerging interdisciplinary area, where physics, chemistry,
engineering and life sciences all come together.

Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 45 credits 45 credits

taught masters taught modules research project

You will gain experimental and theoretical knowledge in the following topics:
Entry Requirements
n Nano-Optics and Bio-Photonics n Biophysics at the Nanoscale n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Material Science or
n Physics of Nanomaterials n Bio-inspired Technologies
a related discipline. An upper second class honours or
n Ultrafast Soft X-ray Photonics n Bio-Fluid Mechanics
international equivalent is required.
n Nano-Mechanics n Innovation
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Atomic Force Microscopy demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Computational Biophysics band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

The programme prepares you for industry or further research. Career opportunities include
JiaJun Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
the pharmaceutical industry, telecommunications, diagnostic imaging, green technologies Shanghai
and sensor applications, both in Ireland and internationally. It is also a stepping stone to PhD I chose to study the MSc in NanoBio Science because
research in the areas of nanoscience, biophotonics and nanotechnology. of its huge potential. The subjects in this course cover
areas from physics to biology and the cutting-edge
experiments and research will benefit you in your future
Prospective employers include Abbott, Alcon, Allergan, Bausch & Lomb, Becton Dickinson,
career. The international aspect definitely brings new
Boston Scientific, Eblana Photonics, Intel, Pfizer, Pharma-Bio Serv, Philips, and SensL.
ideas and gives you a chance to get to know people in
your area of study from around the world.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Dominic Zerulla : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-nanobio-science www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T149 UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F060

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Space Science & Technology

(1 Year Full Time)
This programme is ideal for graduates of Physics, Engineering and closely related disciplines, who want to
transfer their expertise to the fast-growing global space sector. Ireland is a member of the European Space
Agency (ESA) and dozens of Irish companies and researchers are involved in major international space
missions. UCD is building Ireland’s first satellite, EIRSAT-1.

Course highlights include a hands-on CubeSat lab, payload development and satellite systems
engineering of a high-altitude balloon experiment and participation in an international mission
design team project. A 3-month internship provides relevant training for industry or research
and can lead to employment. Students have completed internships at the European
Astronaut Centre (EAC), ESA, NASA-Ames, Cosine, ENBIO, InnaLabs, Skytek, Eblana 3D render of the EIRSAT-1 satellite, credit
D. Murphy and J. Thompson
Photonics and Réaltra.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules internship

Topics available include:

Entry Requirements
Core modules: Optional Modules includes: n An upper second class honours degree or the international
n The Space Environment and Spacecraft n Planetary Geomorphology equivalent in any area of Physics or Engineering is required.
n Applications of Space Science n Remote Sensing Entrants should have an analytical background, and a basic
level of programming skills.
n Space Sector Professional Skills n Stellar Astrophysics
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Space Detector Laboratory n Galaxies and Observational Cosmology
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Satellite Subsystems Laboratory n Data Science in Python
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Space Mission Design Field Trip
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Space Sector Internship Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Meadhbh Griffin
The programme is space industry focused, while also preparing graduates to pursue careers in
The practical aspect of the Masters aided in my
related sectors, and in research. Satellite operator, test engineer, mission specialist, payload
professional development, refining my experience of
scientist and systems engineer are all roles that are in demand globally. Earth observation and computer engineering gained in my undergraduate
environmental monitoring (especially to meet sustainable development goals), navigation, to better suit the specific challenges of flight control
telecommunications and meteorology are application areas that rely heavily on graduates software. I learned principles of software development,
with satellite expertise. project coordination and time management which I was
The MSc can act as a stepping-stone to PhD research in areas such as atmospheric physics, able to rely on during my internship at ESTEC, where I
space physics, aeronautics, propulsion and astrophysics, and to traineeships at European Space developed control software for CHIMERA, a payload of
Agency establishments. RADCUBE, to be launched on Vega flight VV19.

EU ENQUIRIES Professor Lorraine Hanlon : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-space-science-technology www.ucd.ie/spacescience/ www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F060


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T342

Ireland’s Global University

MSc/Grad Diploma Medical Physics

(1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
(Professional Certificate options available)
Medical Physics is the branch of physics that applies the concepts and principles of physics to the diagnosis
and treatment of human disease. The MSc in Medical Physics is designed for students who wish to
pursue a career in Medical Physics, either in a clinical environment or in research.

The programme provides a strong foundation in diagnostic imaging physics, nuclear

medicine, radiation oncology physics and radiation protection, as well as the essential
anatomy and physiology knowledge required to understand a patient’s anatomical structure
and physiological processes.
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules project work and dissertation

The taught modules offered as part of the MSc/Graduate Diploma programme include
Entry Requirements
the following: n Entrance to this programme requires a degree in physics
n Radiological Physics or a related discipline with a significant physics content.
n Diagnostic Imaging Physics An upper second class honours or international equivalent
n Detectors and Dosimetry is required.
n Radiation Oncology Physics n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Radiobiology and Ethics demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Radiation Protection and Safety band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Anatomy and Physiology TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Cross-sectional Imaging Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
n Statistics IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.
n Data Science

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Faculty Profile

Dr Seán Cournane
The programme provides an accepted route to enter a career in Medical Physics. It is also
a stepping-stone to PhD research in areas such as diagnostic imaging, radiation oncology Dr Seán Cournane is Director of the Centre for Physics
in Health and Medicine (CPHM) and a clinical medical
physics, nuclear medicine, radiation protection and radiobiology.
physicist at St Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH). He
specialises in Diagnostic Imaging physics, with particular
Prospective employers include Medical Physics Departments in hospitals and clinics across
interests in nuclear medicine, ultrasound imaging and
Ireland and abroad, medical device manufacturers and regulatory bodies.
therapy, novel Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers
and radionuclide therapy.

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Seán Cournane : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/medical-physics www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T342 UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F120

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Computational Physics

(1 Year Full Time)
Computational Physics is a basic specialisation that offers broad opportunities for future employment in
research, development, data analytics and informatics-related industry sectors. The MSc Computational
Physics is developed in close connection with the more applied NanoBio and NanoTechnology
specialties, offering you both a solid training in computational methods and a direct access to
laboratory-based research projects.

The programme is aimed at students with a strong background in Physics or related Natural
Sciences, who wish to learn how to convert a mathematical model of a physical system into
accurate and robust computer programmes that can capture quantitatively its behaviour.

Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

45 credits 60 credits
taught modules taught modules
90 credits
taught masters
or Entry Requirements
45 credits 30 credits
research project research project n This programme is intended for applicants who have a strong
background in physics, chemistry, engineering, material
Modules will be decided upon agreement with the Programme Director. Indicative modules sciences or a related discipline with a significant physics
available include: content. An upper second class honours or international
equivalent is required. In special circumstances, students
n Applied Quantum Mechanics n Advanced Statistical Physics with a strong physics background and lower second class
n Computational Biophysics and Nanoscale n Numerical Weather Prediction honours may be accepted.
Simulations n Numerical Algorithms n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Nanofluidics and Biosimulation n Stochastic Models demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Bio-inspired Technologies n Time Series Analysis band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Career Opportunities
Faculty Profile
The programme prepares you for a career in industry or for further PhD research. Career
Associate Professor Nicolae-Viorel
opportunities are broad, including the bio-pharmaceutical, telecommunications, data
Buchete, UCD School of Physics & UCD
mining and analysis, IT consulting and green technologies industry sectors, both in Ireland
Institute for Discovery
and internationally. It is also a stepping stone to PhD research in the areas of theoretical and
computational physics, biological and medical physics, nanotechnology and nanoscience. Ongoing research projects in his group at UCD are
Recent and prospective employers include Deloitte, Murex Inc., Intel, Pfizer, Merck, Philips, concerned with statistical mechanics and conformational
Tullow Oil, the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London, and the National Institutes dynamics of biomolecular systems, protein folding,
amyloid aggregation, structural aspects of systems biology
of Health, USA.
and bioinformatics, and with multiscale modelling of
biomolecules and complex fluids.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Nicolae Buchete : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-computational-physics www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 F120


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: F124

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics

(1 Year Full Time)
The MSc Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics offers broad opportunities for future employment
in research, development, predictive modelling and risk assessment, and informatics related industry
sectors. At UCD, this MSc programme is developed in close connection with the Simulation Science
and Computational Physics specialties, offering students both a robust training in computational
methods on top of the solid theoretical and mathematical foundation.

The programme is aimed at students with a strong background in Physics, Mathematics or

a related Natural Science, who wish to learn state of-the-art mathematical models and
methods, applied to quantitative analysis of a broad range of physical phenomena.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

45 credits 60 credits
taught modules taught modules
90 credits
taught masters
or Entry Requirements
45 credits 30 credits
research project research project n This programme is intended for applicants who have a
strong background in physics, chemistry, engineering,
Modules will be decided upon agreement with the Programme Director. Indicative modules material sciences or a related discipline with a significant
available include: physics content. An upper second class honours
or international equivalent is required. In special
n General Relativity and Cosmology n Numerical Algorithms circumstances, students with a strong physics background
n Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter n Dynamical Systems and lower second class honours may be accepted.
n Theoretical Astrophysics n Electrodynamics and Gauge Theory n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Advanced Statistical Physics n Relativistic Quantum Mechanics demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Quantum Field Theory n Environmental Fluids band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n High Energy Particle Physics n Differential Geometry TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details. Applicants with an
n General Relativity and Black Holes
IELTS score of at least 5.5 may apply for admission to the
Modules and
and topics
topics shown
shown are
are subject
subject to
to change
change and
and are
are not
not guaranteed
guaranteed by
by UCD.
UCD. UCD Pre-Masters Pathway programme.

Faculty Profiles
Career Opportunities Associate Professor Vladimir Lobaskin
Associate Professor Lobaskin’s main scientific contributions
The programme prepares you for a career in industry or for further PhD research. Career are related to structure and interactions in charged
opportunities are broad, including the financial, predictive modelling and risk assessment, colloidal dispersions, colloidal dynamics, mechanics of
telecommunications, data mining and analysis, IT consulting and green technologies industry biomolecules, and flocking of active particles.
sectors, both in Ireland and internationally. It is also a stepping stone to PhD research in the
Professor Adrian Ottewill
areas of theoretical and computational physics, nanotechnology and nanoscience. Recent and
prospective employers include Deloitte, Murex Inc., Intel, Pfizer, Merck, Philips, Tullow Oil, the Professor Adrian Ottewill’s research interests are in general
University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London, and the National Institutes of Health, USA. relativity (gravitational entropy, detection of gravitational
radiation) and quantum field theory in curved space-time
(Hawking evaporation of black holes, quantum mechanical
origin of structure in the universe).

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Vladimir Lobaskin : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-appliedmaths-theoreticalphysics www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 F124 UCD School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T195

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Computer Science (Conversion)

(16 Months Full Time)
UCD offers a skills conversion graduate programme for individuals who hold a primary degree in another
discipline (e.g., Arts, Commerce, Engineering), and would like to enter an IT-related career. This programme
provides a thorough foundation in modern Computer Science in a practically oriented learning environment.
On completion of the programme you will be able to:
n Demonstrate an integrated knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles of Computer Science.
n Demonstrate competence and specialist knowledge in areas such as Programming, Data Science,
Software Engineering, Web Application Development, Database Design, Cloud & Distributed
Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science.
n Undertake independent innovative research and development projects.
n Work with confidence both autonomously and as part of a team on projects related to real-
world computer science applications.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

120 credits 60 credits 30 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules research practicum taught modules

This programme has been specifically designed for graduate students of disciplines other than Computer
Entry Requirements
Science. No prior knowledge of programming is assumed. During the first year, students take modules n This programme is intended for applicants who do not have
with learning outcomes aimed at providing fundamental skills required by modern technology companies. a Computer Science or ICT background. An upper second
A research practicum allows students to apply the skills learned in the taught modules in a more significant class honours degree, or the international equivalent, in
project and to see where these skills can play a role in industry. In the final trimester, students choose 30 another discipline is required for entry.
credits of taught modules from the MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning) programme. n Computer Science is a mathematical subject involving
logical understanding and reasoning and therefore
Year 1 (Autumn Trimester) Year 1 (Spring Trimester) Year 1 (Summer Trimester)
applicants must be able to demonstrate a good knowledge
n Python Programming n Java Programming n Research Practicum
of mathematics.
n Object Oriented n Data Structures
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
Programming and Algorithms Year 2 (Autumn Trimester) demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Computational Thinking n Data Analytics Choose* modules in areas such as: band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Relational Databases and n Software Engineering n Data Science TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Information Systems n Computer Architecture n Software Engineering Admissions website for further details.
n Operating Systems n Networks and Internet n Artificial Intelligence and
n Web Application Systems Cognitive Science

*Note that there may be some limitations on choice due to pre-requisites and timetabling.
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
Graduate Profile
Jack Halpin, Software Engineer,
SN Systems Ltd.
Career Opportunities I wanted to get into web and mobile development but
only had a handful of programming experience from my
Some of the roles graduates have worked in include: Software Engineer, IT Project Analyst, degree. From doing the MSc, I’ve learned a lot about
Data Scientist, Python Developer, Web Applications Developer, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, the underlying theory of Computer Science as well as
Technical Analyst and Technical Consultant. Companies that have employed graduates include becoming proficient across a number of technologies that
IBM, Dell, Accenture, SAP, Workday, Ericsson, Deloitte Ireland, First Derivatives, Bearing Point, are relevant to today’s industry. I’d highly recommend
Tableau Software, AIB, Web Summit and Zalando SE. the course to anyone thinking of pursuing a career in IT
or software development.

EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-computer-science-conversion www.ucd.ie/global
UCD School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. V1 2022 T195


University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T150

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Computer Science

(Negotiated Learning) (1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
The MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning) is a uniquely flexible and innovative programme. It offers a
negotiated learning model for students with an ICT background that allows you to customise your learning
path and to tailor what you learn to your own specific needs and career aspirations. Module choices
include several programming languages, cloud computing, bioinformatics, data mining, machine
learning and information visualisation.

Once you are accepted onto the programme we will guide you through a student needs
assessment to establish your prior experience, personal knowledge gaps and your career plans.
You have the option to select modules with a very specific thematic focus or you may select
modules from one of the pre-defined themes covered by the programme.
Images © UCD Research

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules internship/project/dissertation

While the programme offers some modules that are taught online, these options are limited,
Entry Requirements
and it is not normally possible to complete this degree without substantial regular attendance n This programme is intended for applicants with a strong
at day-time lectures and practicals on campus in UCD. Computer Science or ICT background.
Samples of themes include: n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science n Distributed Computing band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
n Computer Engineering n Mathematics and Statistics TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
n Data Manipulation and Visualisation n Software Engineering Admissions website for further details.
n Prediction and Learning with Data n Advanced Software Engineering
n Data Science Programming n Forensics and Security

Currently there are approximately 100 module options offered in conjunction with other UCD
Schools and Units including Business, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, Psychology, Law and
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

Previous graduates are in demand and among their recent career destinations are employers
Ahmed Yawer, Equifax Technology
Google, SAP, Intel, PayPal, Deloitte, Microsoft, Symantec, HMH, Vilicom, Murex, NYSE The programme was a huge step forward in my career.
Technologies, Realex Payments, Version 1, Salesforce, Pfizer, Ericsson, and Intune Networks. After the completion of the programme, I secured a full-
Recent graduates have secured roles in areas including: hardware design, software engineering time job as a programmer at Equifax Technology. The
& QA, data programming & analysis, commercialisation of technology, teaching & training, MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning) course
senior management & CEO roles, security & forensics consultancy, and bioinformatics R&D. gave me the freedom to pick the modules I wanted to
study, so I was able to study what I loved and what I

EU ENQUIRIES Travis Grotewold : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-computer-science-negotiated-learning www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T150 UCD School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin COURSE CODE: T023

Ireland’s Global University

MSc Cognitive Science

(1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
The MSc Cognitive Science suits those interested in issues relating to the rich questions about the human
mind from philosophical, psychological, and computational perspectives. Advanced computational skills
are not a prerequisite. The course is designed as a suitable preparation for those wishing to progress to
research, e.g. at PhD level.

You will have the opportunity to be familiar with the problems associated with minds, brains,
and behaviour and the theoretical approaches to them, know the principal 20th Century
philosophical approaches to mind, brain and body, understand the principal issues, models,
and concepts used in cognitive psychology, and develop an interdisciplinary perspective
that links and integrates insights from multiple specialised domains.

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 60 credits 30 credits

taught masters taught modules research project

Modules can change from year to year but typical modules include:
Entry Requirements
n Graduate Introduction to Cognitive Science n Cognitive Modelling n This programme is intended for applicants with a degree
in computer science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics,
n Philosophy of Mind n Readings in Visual and Social Cognition
neuroscience or a cognate discipline. An upper second class
n Cognitive Psychology n The Cultural Mind
honours or the international equivalent is required.
n Foundations of Cognitive Neuropsychology n Embodied and Enactive Approaches to
n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Connectionism and Dynamical Systems Cognitive Science demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Admissions website for further details.

Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.

Career Opportunities Graduate Profile

This is not a vocational course. Over one year we cover a very broad range of material, thus
Eileen Wahl, Graduate
greatly increasing the breadth of academic exposure of our students. Historically, about half of the I felt that I really grew as a scientist by being able to critique
students go on to do PhD studies, and many others look for work in research. This course will not other people’s papers and to think about those issues
make a psychologist out of a non-psychologist, or an IT specialist out of someone who is not an when I am doing my own science work. I would certainly
IT specialist upon entry. It will enable students to tackle research issues they might not have been recommend this programme to international students as
you get to meet people from all different countries.
able for before, and to do PhDs in areas that would not have been possible before. Many students
pursue this course because of a passionate interest in our scientific understanding of what it is to be
human. Please note that a cognitive science degree is not part of an accredited programme towards
a clinical degree, and it has minimal neuroscientific content.

EU ENQUIRIES Associate Professor Fred Cummins : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

Professor Maria Baghramian, UCD School of Philosophy : [email protected] www.ucd.ie/global
www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-cognitive-science V1 2022 T023
UCD School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

University College Dublin T146
Ireland’s Global University

MSc Forensic Computing & Cybercrime

(Distance Learning) (1 Year Full Time/2 Years Part Time)
This is a programme for law enforcement. It aims to provide high quality forensic computing and cybercrime
investigation training and formal education. It is also designed to deliver cutting-edge, up-to-date cybercrime
investigation techniques, strategies and tactics that allow students to understand and tackle emerging trends in
cybercrime. Over the past 10 years we have brought in specialists from around the world to review and advise
on the content considering the needs of digital forensic investigators and computer crime specialists. The
UCD School of Computer Science (CS) and UCD Centre for Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Investigation
(CCI) are working closely with law enforcement agencies and industry practitioners in seeking
solutions to technologies-related crime. CS and CCI staff also collaborate with the scientists from
European Cybercrime Training and Educational Group at Europol (ECTEG).

This programme receives

Course Content and Structure APPLY NOW

significant interest so please apply
early online at www.ucd.ie/apply

90 credits 90 credits or 80 credits taught modules or 60 credits taught modules

taught masters taught modules 10 credit case study 30 credit research project
Lectures are pre-recorded and provided online via a virtual online learning environment,
Entry Requirements
allowing you to participate from your home or office and attend UCD only for examinations n All applicants must be current employees of a law
each year in Dublin, the Netherlands or the USA. enforcement organisation (LE) working in an investigative
role. You do not have to be a sworn officer. LE includes any
Core Modules. Optional modules include: n VoIP and Wireless
organisation that has responsibility for the enforcement of
MSc candidates are n Financial Investigation Investigations
national or local legislation.
encouraged to take the Techniques – Following the n OSINT Collection and
n Applicants with a primary degree in Computer Science are
following modules in their Money Analysis
preferred. However, applicants working in the field of digital
first year: n Programming for n Online Child Abuse forensic investigations in law enforcement for more than
n Computer Forensics Investigators Investigations 2 years and who have successfully completed advanced
n Network Investigations n Malware Investigations n Advanced Computer Forensics training, will be considered at the discretion of the course
n Mobile Device Investigations n Data and Database Forensics directors on a case-by-case basis.
n Live Data Forensics n Advanced Malware Analysis n Applicants whose first language is not English must also
n Linux for Investigators n Case Study demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no
n Advanced Scripting n Research Project band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent, such as
TOEFL (iBT) score of 90 or PTE score of 63. Visit the UCD
Modules and topics shown are subject to change and are not guaranteed by UCD.
Admissions website for further details.

Graduate Profile
Career Opportunities Michael Lenasolon, Investigations Officer,
Kenya Revenue Authority
For law enforcement officers, having this qualification has the additional advantage of adding
Studying in UCD has been a lifetime experience for
credibility to their testimony as expert witnesses. Career development possibilities in this field
me. The skills in law enforcement and digital forensic
are excellent. Graduates include senior staff at Europol and INTERPOL, members of national
that I have acquired and enhanced, will go a long
and regional police forces and police training colleges, government ministries and agencies with
way in improving my professional skills. The course
Law Enforcement (LE) powers, defence forces, specialist cybercrime agencies, revenue, customs has been hands-on and I am confident that I am well
and border protection. placed for most challenges in the future that touch on
Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics Investigation and

EU ENQUIRIES Dr Nhien-An Le-Khac, : [email protected] NON-EU ENQUIRIES : [email protected]

www.ucd.ie/courses/msc-forensic-computing-cybercrime www.ucd.ie/global
V1 2022 T146 UCD School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.
UCD Science

Mr Gary Dunne
+353 17 16 2637
[email protected]

Dr Orla Donoghue
+353 17 16 2311
[email protected]


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