Write A Shell Script To Create A File in

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Write a shell script to create a file in $USER

/class/batch directory. Follow the
(i) Input a page profile to yourself, copy it into
other existing file;
Solution:- #vim assignment4.1.sh
echo”create a file in /user/class/batch in
mkdir –p user/class/b1
echo “Display present working DIR”
cd user/class/b1
echo “Enter a file name”
read file1
echo “Enter contains in $file1”
cat > $file1
echo “Enter existing file name”
read file2
echo “Display copy of contains $file1 to $file2”
cp $file1 $file2
cat $file2
(ii) Start printing file at certain line
Solution:- #vim assignment4.2.sh
echo”create a file in /user/class/batch in
mkdir –p user/class/b1
echo “Display present working DIR”
cd user/class/b1
(iii) echo “Enter a file name”
read file1
echo “Enter contains in $file1”
cat > $file1
echo “Start Printing at 5 line “
tail +5 $file1

(iii) Print all the difference between two file, copy

the two files at
$USER/CSC/2007 directory.
Solution:- #vim assignmentno4.3.sh
echo “enter first file name”
read file1
echo “enter second file name”
read file2
echo “enter third file name”
read file3
echo “Enter contains to $file1”
cat > $ file1
echo “Enter contains to $file2”
cat > $ file2
echo “Display difference between $file1 and $file2
copy to $file3”
diff –a $file1 $file2 > $file3
cat $file3

iv )Print lines matching certain word pattern.

Solution :-
#mkdir IT
#cd IT
#vim assignmentno4.4.sh
echo “create a file “
read file1
echo “inputs contains in file $file1”
cat > $file1
echo “Enter word we findout “
read f
grep –ni $f $file1
Assignment No:-5

5.Write shell script for-

(i) Showing the count of users logged in,
sol-> echo “ Show all users login”
echo “ count all login name”
who |wc -l
(ii)Printing Column list of files in your home
sol -> echo “ Printing 3-colomn in a Home
ls – l | cut -17-24,39 - 42,56 -

(iv) Listing your job with below normal priority

Sol-> echo “list of normal priority “
ps – al
echo – al | cut – c26-29, 70 -

(v) Continue running your job after logging

# nohup command-with-options
note:- Nohup stands for no
hang up

Assignment No:-6
6. Write a shell script to change data format. Show
the time taken in execution of
this script.
echo “ Enter file name “
read fname
echo “ Input contains in $fname”
cat > fname
echo “Display create file than current time “
ls –l $fname
echo “ Modification $fname”
vi $ fname
echo “ show access time “
ls –ult $fname
echo “ show modification time “
ls –clt $ fname

Assignment No:-7
7. Write a shell script to print files names in a
directory showing date of creation
& serial number of the file.
echo “sort login name by time”
echo “show login name”
echo “show only name and time “
who | gwk ‘{print $1,$5}’
echo “show sort by time “
who |gawk ‘{ print $5,$1}’
Show only name and time
root 12:48
show sort by time
12:48 root
Assignment No:-8
8. Write a shell script to count lines, words and
characters in its input (do not use
read –p “create file name “
echo “input the contains of file “
cat > $ fname
echo “ Display all record “
cat $fname
echo “ show file line , word ,char”
gawk ‘{ nc+=length ($0)+1nw +=NF}
END ‘{print “ line =” NF , “\n word =”nw, “\n char
=”nc}’ $fname
Create and enter file name
Display all records

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