Frictionless Spacecraft Simulator With Unrestricted Three Axis Movement For Nanosats

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Frictionless Spacecraft Simulator With

Unrestricted Three-Axis Movement For Nanosats
Jorge Prado-Molina, Humberto Hernández-Arias, Domingo Vera-Mendoza, Juan A. Reyes-González, Jorge Prado-Morales

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to obtain full three-axis movement in a frictionless spacecraft simulator. This simulation system is
intended to test attitude determination and control stabilization subsystems for 3U Cubesats, however, it is not constrained to this group of
Nanosatellites, scalability to 1U or 2U is readily available. The spacecraft simulator consists of a cup, supplied with air pressure, and a hollow sphere
floating in the air cushion generated between these two components. This air cushion provides an almost frictionless environment. The Cubesat is
attached inside the sphere, allowing it to have a non-restricted movement of 360 arc degrees, in the three-orthonormal axis around its center of mass.
The sphere is in fact made of two pieces to allow access to the spacecraft. In this scheme the spacecraft simulator it is not instrumented with attitude
and rate sensors to send its orientation by telemetry to the Earth station, as usual. In this case the own attitude instrumentation of the nanosatellite under
test is employed to comply with this task. Design and functioning tests of this approach for attitude determination and control system assessment for
nanosats are introduced, and for demonstrative purposes LQR and PID attitude control algorithm were implemented on board a 3U Cubesat, in order to
test the entire simulator.

Index Terms: Spacecraft simulator, full three-axis movement, 3U Cubesat, attitude control system, air-bearing, frictionless environment emulation.

1 INTRODUCTION A classic approach to generate these last two conditions is a

EVERY equipment that is intended to work into the space spherical air-bearing, consisting of a cup, and a semi-sphere
must be exhaustively tested on-Earth. Even with this floating in the air cushion generated between these two
procedure, mission success cannot be assured once in orbit, pieces. Figure 1 shows an air bearing attached to a platform in
due to extreme environmental conditions. Usually, different which all the components of the ADCS can be located, for
apparatus are required to test the performance of the experimentation purposes.
subsystems that conforms a spacecraft, depending on the
given mission and its characteristics. Also the launching
system dictates some restrictions like avoiding the same
natural frequency of the rocket, and establishing the minimum
loads the spacecraft must withstand during lit-off. In case of
attitude determination and control subsystems (ADCS), in
general, they are exposed to functional tests on frictionless
equipment such as the one introduced in this document. In the
particular case of Cubesat systems, and due to its limited
dimensions i.e. 10x10x30 cm , the whole satellite can be
placed inside the simulator to perform the tests, being this one
Fig. 1. Basic concept of a platform floating into an air-bearing
of the main advantages of the system developed and
which provides three-axis movement in an almost frictionless
introduced here. Although reproducing all the characteristics of
the space environment on Earth is not possible, usage of
different equipment allows to simulate some space
environment conditions like: microgravity, vacuum, Usually, satellites are not located into the spacecraft simulator;
temperature variations, ionized radiation, the Earth‘s magnetic only the ADCS with the inertial characteristics of the
spacecraft under test reproduced, usually by ballast masses.
field, and the frictionless condition. From the dynamical
However, Cubesats are so small, that they can be located
system‘s point of view, frictionless condition is one of the most
inside the spacecraft simulator. Once all the components of
important characteristics employed for validation and testing of
ADCS. Then, the required basic characteristics for spacecraft the attitude determination and control system are placed into
simulators are: to serve as a testbed for ADCS, to provide a the Cubesat structure (adding batteries, and bidirectional
power supply, a wireless communication system, and to have wireless communication); performance tests can be carried-
three-axis movement in an almost frictionless environment. out. A monitoring system that plays the role of Earth station is
employed to send commands to the ADCS, and to receive
_____________________________________ telemetry data. This monitoring system will be described in the
wireless monitoring interface, section. In this way, all the
 Jorge Prado-Molina is the Head of the Geospatial Analysis programmed algorithms loaded into the on-board computer
Laboratory, at the Geography Institute of the National can be tested in the controlled environment of the laboratory.
Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, (52) 55 56230222 Attitude and other sensitive variables are transmitted to the
ext. 45475. E-mail: [email protected] Earth station, which receives, stores, and displays real-time
 Humberto Hernandez-Arias is currently pursuing Eng. doctor telemetry; this allows reviewing the current behavior of
degree in electrical engineering, Juan A. Reyes-González and nanosatellite‘s ADCS. Post processing data analysis is
Jorge Prado- Morales are currently pursuing masters degree in
employed for validation of attitude control algorithms, sensors,
electrical engineering at the National Autonomous University of
and actuators. Many spacecraft simulators have been
Mexico, Mexico
developed in the past; most of them follow the structure
 Domingo Vera-Mendoza, is PHD and retired Professor of the
showed on figure 1 with some variations, like those with
Popular Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico
double tables with a central sphere. In the next paragraphs we

give some examples of them including those related in some novel characteristic in this kind of simulators [16]. As the
way to the system introduced here. Fullmer et al. [1], exposed actuators are employed to move not only the Cubesat, but
the development of a small satellites attitude control simulator, also the sphere, calculations of the whole assembly were
which uses attitude sensors, an OBC, and gas thrusters as performed and showed in this paper.
actuators. Agrawal et al. [2] developed a simulator to test flight
software for the ADCS, using a hardware-in-the-Loop scheme. TABLE 1
In his PHD dissertation, Schwartz [3] introduced an air-bearing NOMENCLATURE
based simulator to experimentally test a mission involving in–
flight formation of spacecrafts, and different data filtering ADCS Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem
techniques. Kim & Agrawal [4] introduced a simulator with an OBC On-Board Computer
automatic balancing system, using a set of three shifting RT Real Time
masses and a scheme of adaptive control. Authors also HIL Hardware In The Loop
included a method to estimate the center of mass position CoM Center of Mass
based on a recursive least square algorithm. This simulator CAD Computer Aided Design
was projected to test the subsystems of the Bifocal Relay PLA Polylactide
Mirror Spacecraft (BRMS). Another simulator based into the SBC Single Board Computer
air-bearing concept, was reported in [5], this facility has 5 GPIO General Purpose Input Output
degrees of freedom with two air-bearings, one to allow DOF Degrees of Freedom
horizontal movement while the other enables three-axis m Mass of the ring of the reaction wheel
rotation. This simulator served to test an attitude algorithm m Mass of the disk of the reaction wheel
using a control identification method. In [6] a low-cost m Mass of the cylinder of the reaction wheel
simulator was introduced for testing Chasqui–I, a Cubesat of Density of the aluminum
the National University of Engineering, of Peru. This simulator Thickness of the ring of the reaction wheel
corresponds to a real–time (RT) hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
Thickness of the disk of the reaction wheel
equipment intended to test and validate ADCS. Hadi &
Thickness of the cylinder of the reaction wheel
Sasongko [7] introduced the development of an inertial
r External radius of the wheel
platform to evaluate the dynamic response of a reaction wheel
r Internal radius of the ring of the reaction wheel
actuated Cubesat. In the master thesis of Quadrino [8], a 1
r Radius of the cylinder of the reaction wheel
DOF air bearing simulator inside a Helmholtz cage as
Diameter of the cross-section of the magnetorquers
magnetic simulator is presented; this facility was developed to
test the ADCS of the MicroMAS 3U Cubesat. In [9], authors N Number of turns
introduced a concept for a Cubesat simulator that uses a set R Electrical resistance
of air-bearings that allows a full three–axis rotational V Voltage
movement through the use of a robotic wrist, which rotates I Current
into a hollow sphere. An air-bearing table was introduced by P Power
Kwan et al. [10], this simulator is adequate to test nano Moment of inertia of the wheel
satellites, where they check a closed-loop control algorithm for Moment of inertia of the ring, disk and cylinder
the Yaw angle, as the table has restricted movement up to m Magnetic dipole
±60° in the Pitch and Roll angles; this simulator also includes Permeability of magnetorquer‘s core
an automatic balancing system to reduce gravitational external Number of turns of the coil
torques. Another Cubesat simulator was presented in [11], as A Transversal area of the coil
a didactic tool for the students of Space Systems Engineering n̂ Unit vector, normal to the coil transversal area
at the USAF; this simulator also includes a Helmholtz cage to B Geomagnetic field vector
generate a magnetic field to test the magnetorquers and the Magnetic torque
magnetometer integrated in the ADCS. Chesi & Romano [12] Inertia tensor of the simulator
proposed a HIL simulator; they introduced the CubeTAS, a Angular rate of the satellite
semispherical air bearing simulator for a 1U Cubesat, intended ̇ Angular acceleration of the satellite
to test different components of the ADCS, including a mass q Attitude quaternion q
balancing scheme to adjust the CoM of the simulator. Culton Q Air-bearing incoming air flow
et al. [13], introduced the design and development of a
P Air pressure
spherical rotor that allows unrestricted 360° movement in
Air viscosity
three-axis, with a reconfigurable inertial model through moving
B Circular groove width
masses, which can simulate several spacecraft inertias. Air-
bearing based spacecraft simulators provide an almost
frictionless media, wherein sensors, actuators, and algorithms 2 HARDWARE SCHEME DESIGN
can be tested in almost the same dynamic conditions than This simulator can be divided into three major conjunctions;
those encountered in the orbital environment [14]. In this one related to the spherical air-bearing assembly (sphere and
paper is introduced the development of a spacecraft simulator cup), the second is composed by the Cubesat mechanical
to test nanosatellites, exemplified here by a 3U Cubesat, structure and the ADCS subsystem, and the third part is the
based onto the air-bearing design concept. The principal monitoring system (Earth station).
contribution of this work is that the entire Cubesat can be
placed into a sphere, which freely rotates, allowing a 360º
movement in the 3-axis of the spacecraft [15], being this a


2.1 Spherical Air-bearing Assembly One of the principal advantages of using multi-hole spherical
The basic concept behind this development is showed in air-bearings is that the center of gravity of the system will be
figure 2. The whole nanosatellite is located inside the placed considerably below the center of curvature of the
spacecraft simulator in an almost frictionless environment with bearing, which provides greater stability to the sphere-cup set.
unlimited 3 DOF movements. The sphere is floating over a Calculations presented here are aimed to locate the capillary
cup, which provides air pressure to generate an air cushion. tubes in such a way that the flow through the center of the cup
The mechanical design of the cup is showed on Figure 3. is equalized with that escaping at the periphery of the sphere,
achieving a more stable system. The first step on the design is
to determine the distance from the center of the cup to the
place where the capillary holes will be located. The airflow
through a slot, in this case the one created between the
sphere and the cup, is given by equation (1), [17].

Q (1)
12 ℓ

Where; ∆P  Pressure gradient, in kg/cm2, b2r Circular

groove width (perimeter), in cm, h h  Height of the slot, in
m, ℓ dr the differential length, in cm,  Air viscosity, in Kg-
Fig. 2. Spacecraft simulator concept. The whole Cubesat s/cm2 Note that Q1 and Q2 has the same value in both routes
structure is located inside the sphere, which is floating over (Fig 4), that is, following the periphery of the sphere and
the air cushion generated between the same sphere, and the towards the center of the cup, meanwhile h is a geometric
cup. constant. The capillary holes are placed at a distance R‘ from
the center of the cup; then both air flows are considered
radially symmetric. To accomplish the requirement that both
flows are equal, in order to maintain system‘s stability, then:

∆Pb h ∆Pb h
Q Q (2)
12 ℓ 12 ℓ

In equation (2), b ⁄ℓ b ⁄ℓ , but also: b 2πr and

ℓ dr , this yields to:

2πr 2πr dr dr
; (3)
dr dr r r
Integrating equation (3) between the intervals from capillary
holes towards the two exit holes, and taking into account that
the radius of the center of the cup measures ¼ inch.

dr dr
Fig 3. Cup design dimensions. External effective diameter is ∫ ∫ (4)
9.9 cm. r ⁄ r

High precision machining and manufacturing is mandatory due The integrals in (4) are solved as:
to the tight restriction imposed by the few mils on the air
cushion thickness. In spherical multi-hole air-bearings, like the ln r | ln r | ⁄ (5)
one presented here, pressurized air generates the air cushion
through small sized, equally spaced holes [17], as seen in which leads to:
figure 4.
R (6)

Then, R , is the distance from the center of the cup, where

capillaries must be drilled, so that both flows (Q1 and Q2) are
the same. Note that the expression applies for any sphere

Pressure distributions determination

In case of the flow circulating from capillaries to the periphery
of the cup, pressure decreases as the radius increases; then
Fig 4. Multi-hole air-bearing illustration and pressure from equation (1), we have:
distribution profile. Pressurized air stored on an inner chamber
is ejected by 6 small holes to generate the air cushion.

12Q dr Substituting this expression in equation (17), we have:

dp − (7)
2πP R
Integrating the above expression we obtain: W [∫ r ln ( ) dr + ∫ r ln(4r)dr ] (19)
R r
ln (R ) ⁄

p −k ln(r) + c (8)
where: W [∫ r ln(R)dr − ∫ r ln(r)dr + ∫ r ln(4)dr
6Q ln ( ) ⁄
k (9) R
+ ∫ r ln(r)dr ] (20)
Integration constant c , is determined applying the limits: r ⁄
R, which implies that p 0, and thus:
Integrating, evaluating in the limits, and substituting values,
6Q expression (21) is obtained:
c ln(R) k ln(R) (10)
W 2.7P (21)
then eq. (8) can be rewritten as:
Thus, an expression which relates maximum load with input
R pressure was obtained.
p k ln ( ) (11)
Computing friction coefficient
When flow goes from capillaries to the central output hole, a Friction coefficient of the air cushion generated between the
similar analysis can be made demonstrating that: sphere and the cup was calculated by dividing the force
necessary to generate a rotation until a given speed is
p −k ln(r) + c (12) obtained, with a normal load on it. The force can be calculated
by the following equation:
To find c integration limits are applied, again in this case: v̅
F A (22)
r p 0. With which: h
1 Where, A= contact area of the projection of the sphere in the
c −k ln (13)
4 cup, 𝑣̅ Average linear velocity of several points when the
then: sphere is spinning, 𝜇 viscosity coefficient, 𝑕 Thickness of
p k ln(4r) (14) the air film
Calculus of the maximum load air-bearing can sustain. TABLE 2
To carry-out the calculation of the maximum load that it is AIR BEARING DESIGN PARAMETERS
possible to sustain with this device, let's first make a flat
projection of the spherical surface of the cup, that is: Parameter Value
A 𝐴 78.55 𝑐𝑚
A 2πr dr (15) 𝑣̅ 𝑚
22.61108 × 10 * + @60 r𝑝𝑚
𝜇 2.6 × 10 𝑟𝑒𝑦𝑛 @70°𝐹
To calculate load, the following expression is used: dW p dA,
𝑕 0.00254 𝑐𝑚
Substituting the values of table 2 on Eq. (22) we have that
W ∫ p (2πr)dr + ∫ p (2πr)dr (16) 𝐹 1.78 × 10 𝑁. Then, with the value of the normal force,
⁄ 𝑊 (5.8 𝑘𝑔) ∙ 𝒈 , then we have:

Where pressures, p y p , are given by equations (11) and 𝐹

𝑓 3.03 × 10
(14), respectively, which combined with equation (16), leads 𝑛
This shows that if the external drag of the platform with
6Q R 6Q surrounding air is omitted, sphere and cup reasonably
W 2π ∫ ln ( ) r dr + 2π ∫ ln(4r) rdr (17) approaches a frictionless medium.
πh r ⁄ πh

2.2 Cubesat Mechanical Structure and ADCS Subsystem

Then, an expression for Q in function of the incoming flow In figure 4 it is shown a more explicit representation of the
pressure, P , is required. From eq. (11) and taking into account spacecraft simulator. The sphere is able to host a nanosatellite
that p P , when r R , then eq. (18) is obtained: structure, which complies with the 3U Cubesat standard [18].
P πh
Q (18)
6 ln (R )


Fig. 5. Spacecraft simulator, where main components are

showed: the two pieces of the sphere, the Cubesat structure
including the ADCS, and the Cup. Fig. 7. CAD model of the sphere. Outside diameter is 37 cm.

Figure 7 shows a photograph of the two separated pieces of

The design and development of the cup was performed
considering that the sphere could rotate freely on the top of
the cup, without loosing equilibrium. The 3D model and its
dimensions were showed on figure 3. This piece was
manufactured on brass by a numeric control machine; finished
cup is showed on figure 6. A flange is necessary to conduct air
pressure from the compressor to the inner chamber of the cup.
This flange is showed on the right side of fig. 6. There are two
O-rings, which are necessary to maintain the air inside the
above-mentioned chamber.

Fig. 8. 3D printed components of the sphere; one of the main

parts of the spacecraft simulator. It host’s the 3U Cubesat

Through a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) processed in

Solidworks© (figure 9), it was confirmed that the 3D printed
sphere could withstand a rotating movement with the nanosat
Fig. 6. Cup machined in brass (left) with its flange (right). inside, with minimum deformations. This was particularly
important because of the tight tolerance between the sphere
The sphere, constructed by two pieces, completes the and the cup; air cushion thickness is 0.00254 cm
spherical air-bearing system. A 3D printing process was made as depicted on table 2. Finite Element Analysis was performed
from the CAD model showed on Figure 7. The dimensions of considering the maximum weight of the standard Cubesat 3U,
the sphere took into account the 3U Cubesat standard, to this is 4.2 kilograms [18]. The sphere‘s material is Polylactide
allow the structure of the satellite to be accommodated and (PLA), a thermoplastic classified as a polyester [19]. It has the
firmly attached inside. The system can rotate in an unrestricted highest heat capacity and the lowest thermal conductivity
movement of 360 arc degrees in the three orthogonal axis relative to other polyester plastics, suitable for additive
around its center of mass. manufacturing. As showed on figure 9, the analysis indicates
that the maximum deformation will be 0.00761 mm, which is
negligible for this application.


Fig. 11. Scheme for the ADCS hardware integrated into the
spacecraft simulator. Sensors considered are: a 3-axis
magnetometer and gyroscopes. Actuators: Reaction wheels
and magnetorquers. An OBC: where all the algorithms were
Fig. 9. Finite Element Analysis of the 3D printed sphere; this
Onboard Computer
structure can withstand the movement of a 4.2 kg mass of the
In this device signals from attitude sensors are received and
3U Cubesat, with negligible deformations.
processed by the attitude control algorithm, calculating control
torques and the corresponding driving signals to activate
4 ATTITUDE DETERMINATION AND CONTROL SUBSYSTEM actuators. The on-board computer was programmed to
(ADCS) supervise the status of the nanosat and consequently
As the ADCS is a part of the spacecraft simulator, it is simulator operation, sending the information via wireless
described in the next paragraphs. This description is to communication to the monitoring system, which was
exemplify the usage of the spacecraft simulator as a testbed developed over a LabVIEW© application. A Raspberry PI 2
for: algorithms, sensors, actuators, and the monitoring system. Model B single board computer was selected [21]. It can be
programmed directly in C, Python, and Java languages, and
4.1 On-Orbit Perturbations. supports a Linux Raspbian operating system. It should be
The first step in ADCS analysis and design is to determine the noted that, although different options were analyzed, it was
magnitude of the perturbation torques the nanosatellite will found that the RPI was qualified for space flight, being in
encounter in orbit. This will provide adequate dimensions for operation in the project Astro PI [22], carried out by the UK
the actuators [20]. Air drag, Solar wind, and gravity were Space Agency within the International Space Station, since
calculated, and they are showed on figure 10. Basic 2014.
information as: orbit parameters, mass, dimensions, surface
materials, and the shape of the spacecraft, are necessary to Sensors
carry-out these calculations.
A magnetometer is employed to measure the Earth's magnetic
field. It is working together with a mathematical model. Attitude
and geographical position of the nanosatellite can be obtained
using these two components. This sensor must operate in the
range from 1 [μ Gauss] to 1 [Gauss] [23]. In the analysis of
previous Cubesat missions reviewed in this work, and in
concordance with [24], it was observed that most of them are
of the magneto-resistive type. They are manufactured with
MEMs technology with reduced size, cost, and mass. In this
work we employed the EZ-COMPASS-4 [25].

Fig. 10. Disturbance torques calculations. ADCS algorithms require rate measurements to solve the
equations of motion. These signals can be obtained from
different sources, as calculating the time derivative of position
4.2 Attitude Determination Control System Scheme
sensors like Sun or Earth, etc. However, direct measurements
As above mentioned, this system is an integral part of the
from gyroscopes are preferred, avoiding errors when obtaining
simulator, because sensors and actuators inside de 3U
these data from non-rate sensors. In this project the Inertial
Cubesat complies with attitude determination and control
Measurement Unit (IMU) MPU9150 was employed [26]. A
stabilization tasks for this testbed. Figure 11 shows the
complimentary filter scheme was implemented, compensating
proposed ADCS scheme. This subsystem includes a
the inherent gyro drift [27], using the above mentioned
magnetometer and an IMU as attitude sensors, reaction
wheels and magnetorquers as actuators, and an onboard


Power Interfaces
Although the on-board computer provides the signals to
activate the actuators, power interfaces are required to
generate adequate control torques. A module to control DC
motors was employed [28], it has four channels with capacity
of 1.2 A @ 12 V. The OBC can control several modules at the
same time, independently.

Inertial Wheels
The use of inertial wheels as actuators in small satellites
provides stabilization capacity and fine pointing handling large Fig. 13. The reaction wheel was machined in bronze.
control torques. However, in satellites of 10 kg or less, this has Aluminum is also an option.
only been possible in recent years [24]. To obtain the
dimensions of the wheel, the ring-disk design was considered In Table 3, the design values were set according to the
(see figure 12). This approach [14], divides the wheel into a aforementioned restrictions also the corresponding inertia of
ring and a disk, and a cylinder for calculation of the moment of the wheel for this configuration is included.
inertia. This is given by equation (23):
𝐼 𝐼 +𝐼 +𝐼 𝑚 (𝑟 + 𝑟 ) + 𝑚 𝑟 + 𝑚 𝑟 (23)
2 2 2
Parameter Value
Where 𝐼 is the moment of inertia of the wheel, 𝐼 is the Ring thickness 𝛿 11 mm
moment of inertia of the ring, 𝐼 is the moment of inertia of the Disk thickness 𝛿 3 mm
disk, 𝑚 is the mass of the ring, 𝑚 the mass of the disk, 𝑟 is Cylinder thickness 𝛿 6 mm
Disk external radius 𝑟 20 mm
the outer radius of the disk (and the ring), and 𝑟 is the inner Ring internal radius 𝑟 12 mm
radius of the ring, 𝑚 corresponds to the mass of the cylinder Cylinder radius 𝑟 4 mm
supporting the motor shaft, and 𝑟 is the cylinder radius. Material / density Bronze, 8890 𝐾𝑔⁄𝑚
Mass 115 g
Inertia of the wheel 2.1392 × 10 𝐾𝑔 ∙ 𝑚

Attitude control systems with magnetorquers are effectively
used to carry-out initial detumbling, pointing, and attitude
stabilization maneuvers. They are relatively simple, low
weight, and with no moving parts or consumables [24]. For the
purposes of attitude stabilization, this actuator produces a
magnetic dipole moment that interacts with the Earth's
magnetic field, generating a torque normal to the plane of the
cross-section of the coil. The direction of the magnetic moment
is determined according to the rule of the right hand based on
the polarity with which current is circulating through the coil
[20]. The dipole or magnetic moment produced by each coil is
described by equation 27 [20]:
Fig. 12. Drawing for the design of the reaction wheel.
̂ ( )
The mass of each piece was calculated with equations (24 to
26): In the above equation, is the core permeability, N is the
𝑚 𝜌𝛿 𝜋(𝑟 − 𝑟 ) (24) number of turns, I is the current flowing thru the coil, and A is
𝑚 𝛿 𝜋𝑟 (25) the transversal area, meanwhile ̂ is the unit vector in the
𝑚 𝜌𝛿 𝜋𝑟 (26) normal direction to the transversal area. The torque generated
by the interaction between the magnetic moment of the coils
In the above equations 𝜌 is the density of the material, 𝛿 is and the geomagnetic field vector B, is described by the
the thickness of the ring, 𝛿 is the thickness of the disk, 𝛿 is equation 28 [20]:
the thickness of the support cylinder. Wheels were designed
specifically to work with the simulator, so not only the satellite
structure was considered, but also the mass and inertia of the × ; [ ] ( )
sphere, see fig. 13.

As can be seen in Eq. (28), the magnitude of the torque

produced by these actuators depends on the strength of the
Earth's magnetic field, for purpose of design, is considered to

be between 0.3 [gauss] at the equator, and 0.7 [gauss] at the Once the final assembly was completed, the nanosatellite was
poles [23], so we employed an intermediate value, i.e : located inside the spacecraft simulator for testing purposes as
. 𝒈 . × . Torque required to can be observed on figure 16. Tests were performed using a
counteract external disturbance torques should be at least one specifically developed monitoring system which plays the roll
order of magnitude grater than the maximum calculated, so we of Earth station, employing a bidirectional communication link
need to have a control torque | | . × ∙ . with the spacecraft (Fig. 17).
With the above, an estimate of the dipole moment required by
each coil can be calculated, resolving eq. (28) for m, this is:

. ∙
Torques generated by the coils must be suitable for initial
braking, as well as for attitude stabilization maneuvers,
according to the magnitude of disturbance torques computed
and showed in figure 10 actuators were designed, and
manufactured in our laboratory with the parameters shown in
table 4.
Long 𝝓 N R V I P Mass 𝜇
6 1.3 2000 30 5 167 0.833 75 [g] 1000
[cm] [cm] 𝛺 [V] [mA] [W] Fig. 16. Once all the components of the ADCS were
integrated, the Cubesat was located inside the spacecraft
With these parameters, and using equation (27), each coil simulator for testing purposes.
produces a magnetic moment of: 44.24 A· m2. This is a higher
value of the magnetic dipole needed to stabilize the Wireless monitoring interface
nanosatellite, and is mainly generated by the core‘s magnetic This interface was developed to send commands to the
permeability. This torque allows to move the extra mass of the spacecraft, and to receive data from attitude sensors. A radio
3D printed sphere but also meets the requirements to carry- module transmits data from these sensors to a PC where a
out on-orbit attitude control. With this characteristics LabVIEW® application was developed for the reception,
magnetorquers produce a nominal torque of: . × storage, and display of the parameters generated by these
∙ . On figure 14, the first laboratory prototype of the attitude devices. Figure 17 shows main page of this interface.
arrangement for the magnetic coils with its power circuitry in
the same board, can be observed.

Fig. 14. Magnetorquers arrangement together with the power

Fig. 17. Front panel of the LabVIEW® monitoring interface
Integration. displaying attitude angles, magnetometer, and gyroscope
Finally, hardware was accommodated inside a structure that data, and a 3D representation of current attitude.
complies with the dimensions established by the 3U Cubesat
standard, as can be observed in figure 15. Monitoring panel shows several graphs of data logging from
simulator‘s onboard sensors including magnetometer,
gyroscope, and heading values. Also, it is shown a real time
graphic representation of the simulator‘s attitude, by means of
a 3D CAD model. Orthonormal axis, are indicated in this figure
for better reference. LabVIEW® application stores received
data into a formatted .xls file, in order to allow post processing,
and analysis of the ADCS components i.e. sensors, actuators,
and algorithms; and also including simulator‘s performance
(see figure 18). Every variable is stored four times per second.
Fig. 15. Final assembly of the ADCS into a 3U Cubesat

Fig. 18. An Excel® data file is generated with the parameters

received from the on-board sensors.

Mathematical model of the simulator, required to develop
attitude control algorithms, was constructed based onto
equations of motion considering its dynamics and kinematics
[29][30]. For the dynamics part, simulator was considered as a
rigid body, and equations were obtained from the Newton-
Euler formulation [20][29][30], which states that angular
momentum changes directly with the sum of all applied
torques. Then Eq. (29) describes simulators‘ dynamics:

𝐼 𝜔̇ + 𝜔 × 𝐼 𝜔 ∑ 𝜏 (29)
Where, 𝐼 , is the inertia tensor of the sphere plus the Cubesat
located inside, 𝜔 , is the angular rate, 𝜔̇ , is the angular
acceleration, and 𝜏 is the sum of all the torques applied onto
the simulator, where main disturbance torque is gravity.
Fig. 19. Flowchart of the attitude determination and control
Satellite‘s attitude can be described through the kinematics,
which is obtained integrating the angular rate equation of the
simulator. Equation (30) corresponds to the kinematics of the
system expressed in quaternion components:

̇ 1 −
q̇ * + [ ] (30)
̇ 2 ×
+ S( )

Where q̇ is the time derivative of the attitude quaternion

q , with , being the scalar part, and
( ), the vector part of the quaternion. And:

0 −
S( ) [ 0 − ] (31)
− 0

corresponds to the skew symmetric operator.

Fig. 20. Block diagram of the Attitude and Control Algorithm,
6 MATLAB SIMULATIONS OF THE ADCS implemented in Matlab–Simulink.
With the Equations of Motion (EoM), considering a 3U
Cubesat and the space environment disturbance torques, an Simulations consisted on programming a LQR controller to
LQR algorithm was developed in Matlab–Simulink©, with the perform attitude control maneuvers [31]. Two approaches
purpose to carry-out a series of simulations to test the were implemented; one using reaction wheels, and other,
performance of the designed ADCS. Figure 19 depicts the considering the magnetorquers as actuators. Figure 21 shows
flowchart of the attitude control algorithm, meanwhile figure 20 the graphics of two examples of tests performed with each of
show the block diagram of Simulink© implementation. the actuators employed in this work.


a) Reorientation maneuver using reaction wheels.

Fig. 22. Sphere’s inertia tensor determination using a 3D

SolidWorks© model.


Once ADCS algorithms were simulated, they were
implemented and integrated into the above mentioned
Cubesat 3U structure. Physical tests were performed to
assure that ADCS will have a good on-orbit performance.
Attitude information was obtained from magnetometer and
b) Reorientation maneuver using magnetorquers as actuators. gyroscope sensors; the algorithm was set to maintain the
attitude angles between the range of ±2°, using reaction
Fig. 21. Attitude and Control Algorithms tests performed in wheels. For deviations greater than ±20°, the algorithm
Matlab–Simulink. generates a command for a constant angular impulse until
reducing attitude error. It must be mentioned that this
In these experiments, graphs indicate very distinct behavior on algorithm controls only one axis at a time. Additionally, a PID
satellite‘s dynamics. In the case of the reaction wheels‘ Control algorithm was programmed in the on-board computer
algorithm, it is observed a fast and soft response, as well as a [33], using Python language. Some tests were carried-out to
significant actuation margin departing from a big difference observe the behavior of the pair conformed by the sphere and
from zero attitude angles. In contrast, using magnetorquers, the 3U structure, with the results showed in figures 23 to 25.
response is slower and presents oscillations; however, energy Graphs illustrate that attitude departing from different values
employed for stabilization is reduced. In fact, LQR algorithm were taken to an stabilized position i.e. 0,0,0 using this PID
has the advantage of using lower energy compared with other control algorithm.


Through the tools provided by SolidWorks©, mass and inertial
properties of the assembly: sphere and Cubesat structure,
were determined (see Fig. 22), and compared against data
obtained by the trifilar pendulum [32]. Inertia tensor in
gr ∙ cm and the center of mass (CoM) were found:

538035.88 −7.54 −3.40

[ −7.54 527052.17 −4.74 ]
−3.40 −4.74 537168.38

The center of mass:

CoM −0.80 cm
CoM 1.38 cm
CoM 0.78 cm Fig. 23. Test results of the PID control algorithm carried-out on
the simulator’s roll-axis.


supports different programming languages, giving flexibility in

software development, although employing an OBC with an
operating system is expensive in terms of energy
consumption. A monitoring system, who plays the role of an
Earth station, was specifically developed for this application,
so data from sensors inside the Cubesat under test and other
sensitive parameters are streamed four times per second. This
information is displayed in real-time, and stored in a database
for latter analysis. The basic characteristics for spacecraft
simulators employed to test ADCS: to serve as a testbed to
analyze different attitude algorithms and combinations of
sensors and actuators, to have three-axis movement, to
provide an almost frictionless environment, a power supply,
and wireless communication; were fulfilled in the equipment
introduced here. Nonetheless, it has the advantage to have a
non restricted 360 arc deg. movement in three-axis, and that
the entire nanosatellite can be placed inside the simulator.
Fig. 24. Test results of the PID control algorithm carried-out on
the simulator’s pitch-axis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Authors wish to thank Balanzá-Ramagnoli J., for the
SolidWorks© design, and finite elements analysis. This work
was supported by the CONACYT-AEM Fund, through the
grant: AEM-2014-01-247812.

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